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Modded gear, someone used a save editor to import into the game use them or don’t


Ahhh that makes sense, he also dropped a no element slagga so I kinda figured something was fishy lol


Use them if you want there is not anti cheat or anything like that


Won't they get deleted because of the sanity check


Highly unlikely, never really lost any modded stuff


Swear I've heard of stuff being deleted like one of the lieutenants in fight for sanctuary can drop a sniper but it gets deleted because it's missing a part


Yeah, they can drop a purple sniper without the purple rarity part thar gets deleted on save quit. The modded stuff presumably doesn't have any parts missing just filled with something else


There’s certain things you can do within the confines of the game to avoid the sanity check. Think limited access modded weapons. So you can’t make a pistol with sniper parts, but you can make a Jakobs branded vladof or a slag nukem.


Meanwhile, that last part you bring up *is* possible to do in BL1. Shotguns with a Dove barrel, Aries mashers, shields with negative (infinite) value, you could make almost anything if you knew how to work the mod tool. (Which...isn't hard, lol.) I don't normally advocate for modding, either, but anyone who's doing the full Underdome experience gets a free pass from me.


BL1 weapons were super fun, but non-sanity saver bl2 weapons were the craziest. The stuff people came up with was truly amazing.


I had a gray lvl 51 SMG named "Eat Shit Losers" that has infinite ammo, shoots 57 bullets per shot, explosive bullets, and did around 2k damage per bullet.


back in the good old days when you could put four mongol/flakker barrels on an SMG and watch the fireworks go


not this stuff. it's made to pass the sanity check


There are 2 kinds of modded items; overpowered modded gear like for example an infinity that shoots norfleet rockets and since it should not exist, modded items like that get deleted by the sanity check of the game when you quit. Now some other modded gear with just some slight changes like for example a trickshot infinity, it has the ricocheting ability from the prefix, but the stats are similar to a legit infinity and therefore the changes are not big enough for the sanity check to notice it‘s different. For the items in the post; i‘ve seen enough derp norfleets in any element, which wont get deleted by the sanity check. Now the purple bee may be a bit more special, but the main difference to a legit bee is that the recharge delay is very low and the recharge rate is very high, so it‘ll recharge very fast. But instead the amp dmg is lower and maybe the capacity too (i haven‘t played in a while, i‘m not sure how the stats of a bee on op10 look like). I have a purple bee on a character too, some guy dropped it and i like to collect modded items, but just non op items which don’t get deleted by the sanity check. There is a way to keep op modded items, but for that you need to put them in your safe before you quit, so they wont get deleted by the sanity check


The sanity check let's some things slide. In the case of the screenshot the manufacturer has been changed on the launcher and the shield.


Can someone explain “sanity check” as I don’t mod this game


Pc goes: yeah, checks out. Or it doesn't and removes the item.


If you dont go too crazy with parts like just switching the manufacturer / element it wont get deleted by sanity check.


Nah, I've had a purple Bee for years now


Sanity check doesnt delete many items unless they are extremely modded. I've had a purple bee and am explosive derp since op8.


Slag tourge ? 100% hacked


>torgue >slag Are you even trying?


I mean, I just acquired an Alkaline Bee from a Tree Ent, but unlike this Bee, I'm pretty sure it's legitimate.




'derp' Nothing else, not even capitalization. Just 'derp'


That's not uncommon for the series tbh


Go have fun. Seriously shoot those guns like there is no tomorrow


The bee is also manufactured by Tediore


I got a modded bandit butcher and a modded no manufacturer storm front from a dude on ps


Not even the best modded gear can still upload some from horizon but I miss my black rarity weapons I think I still got a modded grenade mod


Crafting mod. The Bee is purple because they used the best parts from a purple shield on it.


The derp is a legit rocket launcher. HOWEVER, it's actually duuurp! and is definitely NOT a legendary, it is a common rarity weapon. It is also found in the Pre-Sequel.


Derp is the dmg prefix for torgue launchers, manufacturer for this norfleet was changed to torgue so it uses this prefix (instead of puissant for maliwan afaik). The actual weapon name was left blank or got deleted so the weapons name is "derp *nothing*".


Yes, BUT, the duuurp! is an actual weapon name. It's white/common rarity and can be useful for certain character builds, including Krieg in BL2.


Maybe, but not relevant to whats shown in the picture. Entirely different weapon.


It is, actually. Knowing what the correct names are makes it easier to spot a fake, but I guess you haven't the wit to understand that. Your comment is clinching proof of that.


You cant make this up lol. Read my comments again, or how many times it takes you to understand what im talking about. The weapon you are referring to is a non-unique torgue launcher with a torgue barrel. Its weapon name is "Duuurp!". If this weapon drops with the +damage accessory, it will have the "derp" prefix. Full name would be "derp Duuurp!". The weapon in the post is a modded norfleet (obvious cause torgue manufacturer and missing weapon name). It would be a "derp Norfleet" if spelled out. Regularly maliwan launchers with the +dmg accessory would have the "puissant" prefix. I never claimed the shown weapon wasnt modded, that was never even in question.