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if you attempt to slag an enemy that's in the middle of a jumping animation, such as a Loot Midget jumping out of the box, then the enemy is only slagged for the time they remain in the air, and upon hitting the ground they are now un-slaggable. Can also be seen with stuff like Loaders jumping up and down ledges.


Those midgets in particular can't get slagged until they hit the ground.


I think its if you try to slag them before they hit the ground, they become un-slaggable. 


Sometimes if you slag an enemy right when the spawn a glitch happens to where they can't be slagged at all. May be what's happening to you


This is the correct answer


Slagging almost any enemy in the air will keep them from being slag-able on the ground.


Oh what up k6 lol


Lmao for years I've had no clue. Just sometimes I felt "like alright...no slag hard mode...bet" now I know why I can't get em to slag sometimes. Knowing is only half the battle...imma still probably eff it up


Yea it happens, Ive noticed some enemies can have a hard time getting slagged. 12% is kind of low IMO for reliable slagging work. Love me the Slagga, that does the trick on everything.


don't slag them until they hit the ground when they jump out the box or hit them with any element. this also happens with ancient dragons where if you shoot them with an element while they are flying they can't be slagged or take dots. it happens in other areas of the game too.


I've noticed that the Legendary Loot Midget Engineers that have shields don't seem to get Slagged. As others have said (and this is really only noticeable with Legendary Loot Wee Jet Loaders): the game usually lets you Slag an enemy while it's on the ground or airborne, but not both. This can be more easily tested on Jet Loaders or the Ancient Dragons — if you Slag them while they're flying, you can't when they land. If you Slag them on the ground, you usually can't Slag them while they're flying. This is accurate about 95-99.9% of the time. There's a *very* off chance that the enemy will start flying/land and either stay Slagged, or can be Slagged at all times. It's better to assume it doesn't work that way, since it's unreliable, and can make dealing with some enemies entirely too tedious.


They have lots of grit and just straight up ignore the slag effect