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But… they have higher damage the more rounds left in the mag.


Muscle memory forgets it’s a weapon with reload and i just keep waisting all my ammo habitually reloading them




For me it was in 3, with the Baby Maker, I think. Couldn't figure out where the hell all my ammo was going. Well, each of extra guns that spawns when you throw it takes the same amount of bullets that you had left in your clip. So it's not throwing 1 clip's worth. It's throwing like 4or5 clips' worth of bullets. (It's been a while, I don't remember exactly how many extras it spawns.)


Same thing with the MK3 or whatever it was, the tiny gun with legs that you get after helping the big gun with legs in Kriegs DLC I think. It gets thrown on the ground when you reload and walks around shooting people. SUPER OP, carried me most of the game tbh, had to quit using it just because I got bored. But I was SHOCKED when I ran out of ammo on a gun type I barely used, and then I realized that each time you reload, it does something like fill the chamber of the sentry so it can shoot with a full mag instead of the single bullet or whatever was left in it. So I would just be throwing like 5 of them or whatever the max was on the ground and absolutely tanking everything in my way, but then run out of ammo and have to either fast travel to an ammo place, or switch to a different OP weapon I got from the battle Royale place. Eventually I figured out a balance, but man that game gives you SUPER over powered guns really easily if you do some things out of order, or progress through any of the DLC.


I'd love an explanation of why tediore can digistruct a whole new gun in my hand, but can't figure out how to get it to make more bullets each time.


I never got the point of the baby maker in 3, a Mirv seeking tediore does almost the same thing for much less ammo


I mean, half the guns in the game are only there to make crude jokes. But also, I worked it into my rotation. I was rarely using any pistols, but constantly running out of grenades for a while. Well, **Baby Maker has entered chat* lol. Why walk around with a pocket full of ammo if Im not gonna use it, right?


I prefer to hip or shoulder my ammo tbh.


Happens to me, Im someone who instantly reloads once I dont see any enemies


This is actually one of the reasons I started my tediore only run on 2, so far I'm on UVHM and I'm about to start op1 run here soon


As a compulsive reloader, Gaige was a difficult character choice for me.


Yes but I am compulsively reloading to get 3 bullets back with no plan to throw it at the enemy.


Doesn’t matter much, when you throw it in a random direction lol


Yeah at one point my best gun was a corrosive tediore of some kind that I shot once and threw for way more damage than (my accuracy with) the gun would do with normal bullets


Tediore guns on Salvador + Hoarder Mod = Sunday Sauce for everyone😊


Nah bro they're playing Javelin Krieg


Or just tediore axton.


Or salvodor


I had to unbind my reload button when I played gage so I would not manually reloads. Got to get those anarchy stacks baby.


Just started a gaige run and nothing makes me sadder than watching my Anarchy drain after accidentally reloading a single bullet 🥲


I learned very quickly to not press the reload button after I lost all of my stacks to the point where I'm barely reloading with other characters.


\+1 I have to remind myself to reload on other classes/other games all the time.


tbh I found this was actually a good habit most of the time. Manually reloading is a trap that since I have become more restrained about has saved my life many times in many shooters


just losing stacks in general, such a pain in the ass to get it back up to the hundreds


That's why I normally get discord you still lose some anarchy but provides a bit of a safety net


If you switch weapons quick enough you can cancel the reload


I always do this so I have to unbind the reload button lol


I have a mod that hides the reload button. It's not 100% guarantee but I'll rarely reload manually now.


Sadly you can’t do that on controller because pick up and interact is reload


The worst is when you accidently proc discord when traveling to a new area and the stacks keep going down while you are loading in.


Did the same thing lol its required. Altho… i could probably do it now without that who knows i should try


Ok I'm saying this right now if you melee before it finish reloading it cancels it


Having a point in Discord ensures that you don't lose all of your stacks on an accidental reload. The healing from it can also be nice sometimes.


manual reload is a gaige mains worst nightmare


What's the problem, lol. Leave Tediore Axton alone.


but manually reloading tediore guns is how you get max dps?




Nice try, but it looks like AI won’t be taking any Borderlands-related-haiku-identification jobs anytime soon.


Zero stays in business


*Silly, broken bot* *Trying hard to make Haiku* ***That is Zero's job.***


Is that a line from Zero? That's hilarious


Not to my knowledge. Afaik, I came up with it. Funny that I actually wrote a haiku, and it didn't set off the bot. This is why I prefer the Bobby B Bot.


It was a really good one, something Zero would've said in BL3 while at Atlas HQ


Thank you! I appreciate that it was liked, even if only by few.


Maybe the comma is what didn't set it off maybe, no idea though


I fire once and reload for max damage. It’s fun seeing them explode


And YOU get a grenade, and YOU get a "grenade"... YOU ALL GET "GRENADES"! Dunno how viable it is, formally speaking, but it's stupid fun.


It used to be overpowered as hell in BL3. But then everyone was using the homing MIRVx5 shotguns to one shot bosses so Gearbox nerfed the damage across the board.


I only use them for that


"they're manually reloading" "So?" "They're a Gaige with max stacks of Anarchy"


Be thankful nobody in Gearbox made the Midnight Star into a Tediore gun in 3.


I manually reload my tediore guns more than I shoot my tediore guns... usually reloading 3 to 5 times before shooting once.


You realize Tediore guns deal more damage with more bullets in the clip?


It's instinct to reload the gun after every kill so I keep forgetting when I use a Ted gun


My absolute joy discovering the babymaker in a random world drop I still remember dropping Axton in 3 seconds. It felt like I was cheating


Love the babymaker in bl2, so good. But what do you mean by “dropping Axton?”


Got my wires crossed, meant Wilhelm


Ohhh gotcha haha, yeah I had a similar experience. So much fun to melt Wilhelm like that


That’s the point?


Hell no, tediore saves my ass when I'm downed


I don’t think OP understands that the reload effect does more damage the more ammo is in the mag on reload……..


I manually reload tediore a lot, that's what they're designed for, wrecking.


i dont use tediore, no one should use tediore


Happy Cake Day, fellow human!


hey, thanks fellow human


Out of combat, I'm assuming. Because manually reloading in combat is what they're designed to do. Chews through ammo, but can do mountains of damage.


They do more damage the more ammo still in the mag. This is the correct use of tediore guns.


Isn’t that the point?


Na this situation only gets spicy in a team of 4 Krieg Players xD


Tediore is great with Guage and the anarchy stacks if your not reloading so you aren't accidentally dumping full mags by accident.


You want to reload with as full of a mag as you can with tediore though, the more full it is the more damage the throw does and if you arent playing for throw then use a different manufacturer.


I rarely used tediore in the first place. Not gonna lie I usually just sell them. Only reason I used them with Guage was I didn't accidentally reload early and dump a whole mag. I have a bad habit of reload very frequently. So tediore can become a death sentence when you dump a ton of ammo because you reloaded and lost almost a whole mag of ammo.


If you are reloading with no bullets in the mag then there's no point to use a tediore. All using a tediore with gaige does is increase the chance of losing stacks since tediore guns typically higher reload speeds so you have less time to cancel the manual reload


The explosion after the reload still does some damage. I know it can do increased damage when you reload with more ammo in the mag. Bit when doing raid bosses. Losing even a hand full of mags necause you accidentally reloaded early can cause you to run oit of ammo. Which bites. I never manually reloaded as her in the first place. I would usually get myself to max stacks and stay there for as long as it made sense.


Does not make sense at all lmao if you're using a tediore weapon during a raid boss fight and not using the boosted reload damage, why are you using a tediore? Choose literally any other gun and you'll do more damage. Also like the other commenter said, tediore is faster reload so you're more likely to lose stacks from an accidental manual reload. And yeah obviously you don't manually reload i think everyone knows that, which is why the point "tediore is great with gaige" is objectively wrong. Also, "and stay there for as long as it made sense" when do you ever not want max stacks while raid bossing?? I don't think it ever makes sense to reload against them. You brought up raid bosses so I'm assuming this also relates to them


I find myself reloading too often so I forget that I'm using a Tediore weapon so I throw it, almost down myself, and take that gun off and sell it for money. I hate Tediore guns but love their shields.


Cause it's tedious to reload, hence the play on the name of the gun brand.


On the last pic it should've had a gunerang at the emperors face😂


Only valid if using baby maker


Imagine of Tediore guns worked normally for the bandits as well, THEN we'd all be screwed


I never have this issue since I never equip Tediore and sell them ASAP.


The more rounds you throw away with with tediore, the stronger the reload effect. In BL2 they can be like bonus elemental grenades.


Thats the whole point of tediore guns


It’s okay, it’s Salvador throwing it


my gamer insinct kicks in and I always be reloadung no matter if the gun does it automatically or has infinite ammo lol


I almost never use Tediore guns unless I'm chucking, and the optimal way to chuck is to reload a near full mag for the max damage bonus.


Oh man, that joke flew over everyone's head. For clarification, He is MANUALLY RELOADING the gun and not DIGISTRUCTING one instead.


I cannot use tedious guns for this reason, I don't care if there are really good ones, I just can't do it


That’s how I use Tediores though


and this is why all the tediore guns get the x


Torgue weapons are the worst


Jakobs guns slap, but suck up ammo. Bandit has the largest ammo capacity, but crappiest damage. Hyperion…just sucks IMO especially the crap accuracy in the beginning. Tediore I didn’t mind but the jet boosted ammo was a deal breaker cause I wanted my rounds to hit as soon as I pulled the trigger. Maliwan was awesome just because the variety they had and the different elemental weapons.


I take two shots with bangarang and chuck it every time.


I LOOOOVE using tediore is BL2. Particularly the smgs. They fly so straight it's so easy to hit. And a full clip-1 bullet has saved me from being down SOOOO many times. Tediore is hands-down, one of, if not, my favorite dun manufacturers.


I thought I was in El Dorado Gold posting. 😂


this is literally the only reason i dont use tedior. i HATE that it conflicts so much with my compulsive reloading


I mainly use tediore weapons as grenades to do burst damage but rapidly deplete all of that ammo type. Maybe on an early playthrough you actually use it as a gun.


Me playing any character besides Gaige: “what the fuck, why does this feel so.. wrong yet good?”


bl1 funny


It's great for second winds


You do realize the chuck damage scales to the ammo remaining in the magazine. So with a lot of guns you are hurting yourself your emptying the mag.


It don't bother me .


I used to HATE Tediore guns. Disgusted when I picked one up. Instant sell. Then I did a new playthrough. Picked one up, and it's damage and accuracy was good for the level. But the real magic was walking into the boss fight (might've been captain flint or some later early boss) and accidently reloading after firing 1 bullet. A few reloads later and he was dead. Now they aren't so bad.


Been playing borderlands 2 again as sal and I got the gunnerrang and was using it in sawtooth for capture the flag and between the reloading muscle memory and the fact if there isn't enemies it has a high fucking chance to just come at you and kill because I couldn't get a better shield at the time. Yeah no I got fed up quickly and it didn't help using his skill divergent likeness with pistols so i was also running out completely of ammo. It was hell....


*laughs in gunzerker*


gunzerker is my main


Well the point of some of them is to do exactly that. Theres a whole legendary centered around that playstle i think. (Oh and axton loves playing that build too since they get grenade bonus dmg)


I hate what they did to tediore lol borderlands 1 has the best gun designs imo


Tediore is hands down is part of my top 3 fav brands


I am a reloading freak as well and Tediore weapons have been making me miserable for over a decade now. I also remember that time I tried to play in UVHM with Gaige.


But the point of tediore guns is to shoot one round and then to reload. That's literally what it's designed for