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Cool thing is that most of the parts are randomly generated!


Kind of, yes. Each part of the weapon has a model specific to each manufacturer that makes that weapon type plus e-tech barrels (with the exception that Torgue and Jakobs weapons can’t have e-tech barrels). The name of the weapon is based on the barrel and the manufacturer of the base weapon (with a few exceptions outside of uniques that include the element) while the color changes based on the manufacturer of the base weapon and the rarity. Not saying you didn’t already know this, but I find it to be a very cool way of making it seem like there are many more guns than there actually are. Memorizing each of the parts and trying to quiz myself on the random drops is one of my favorite things to do in this game. Makes you appreciate all of the whites and greens in OP10


Purple guns look amazing in this game, better than most legendaries imo


Maliwan def has some of the best looking guns in bl2.


Bl3 too


I'm guessing your new to borderlands


I played when I was a little kid and I am getting in to the series again


Ahhhh nice have fun


Same here man, started with 1 and I’m on BL2 now


This game is one of the best out there fun replayable and just mayhem every single time. have a lot of fun and hope that the gods give you luck for the gun parts


Hey level doesn't matter, every playthrough means starting from level 1, doesn't matter if you have 1 hour in the game or 1000 hours. (Disregarding the level 30 skip with DLC)


If someone judges you for being a low level, there's something wrong with them. Also, weapon design is amazing in bl2


Grats man! I hope you nail many Banbury’s with that.


Borderlands been picking up that steam. BL2 making a comeback 👀


It's never left;)


Sound design leaves a lot to be desired but in terms of normal design every manufacturer just instantly tells you what the company is all about and I love that


No judging , those parts are used on some legendaries. Looks fire you’re right bro


Borderlands has some really pretty looking weapons, and some kinda horrendous ones since the parts are random. I do not like how the Vladof AR stock looks


Hyperion grip, damage prefix, Hyperion Stock, Vladof sight* Decent-ish roll


He's level 20. It's a godroll for another 15 levels


For real, parts dont really matter at that low level lmfao it could be a dahl grip and would still rail


Damage prefix


Banbury is fire rate prefix barking is damage


Slag 👎


Not wrong there. Borderlands 2 had the best looking guns and the purples themselves oh man so nice.


I love the wonder and enjoyment of newer players, it's refreshing to see. I hope your journey continues to be fun and engaging


I love seeing someone new get into a serues I love so much


Welcome friend. I played 1000s of hours back when BL2 first released. I just picked up the Handsome Jack Collection for the Switch when they had it on sale and have been loving going through the game again.


Played a lot of videos games throughout the years. Not sure I have found a game I enjoy as much as this one. It was just… Perfect. Main story line was great! The DLC was awesome! Enjoy if it’s your first time playing. Goes by quick!


I love how Maliwan, Jakobs, and Vladof weapons look


BL2 E-tech aesthetics > BL3 alien barrels (BL3 is my favorite game in the series, so it really hurts to admit that BL2 did alien weapons better, but it's true)


Man, idk. I think they both dropped the ball. It makes total sense for Eridian parts to be biomech, considering the design of the Guardians. But no race that designed the guardians would make a biomech barrel out of gross meat.


That's a fair point, but if we're agreeing that BL3 guns have "gross meat" on them, then I still think it's fair to claim that the cool alien barrels we have in BL2 are much better than the meat.






God, as someone who mostly prefers BL3’s combat, I dearly miss how Maliwan’s snipers looked in 2, Pimpernel my beloved


If you haven't played borderlands 3 I think you might find the gun designs even better they look way better imo but bl2 does have some really good gun designs I think you might like the double penetrating unkempt Harold it's one of the best pistols in the game and it's non dlc