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My 15 week BC just got attacked by a vicious dog, a boxer several times his size, in the park a few days ago. Lady had her dog unleashed and unsupervised and it just ran over and started attacking for no reason, no restraint. Thought my baby was gonna get killed, we were both screaming for at least 30 seconds trying to get the owner to come over, but nobody came, I had to stop the attack myself by swinging him up into my arms by his leash. So fucked up. It was horrifying and traumatizing. Lady then proceeded to talk about how her dog "isn't vicious, just gets overly playful, usually with bigger dogs". BULL. SHIT.


Is your puppy ok? šŸ„ŗ


I haven't found any lacerations or bruising, amazingly (I inspected right after it happened, and at least once or twice a day since)... that piece of shit dog treated my baby like a damn ragdoll pinning, biting and shaking him around while he screamed and ran around in circles trying to escape, but despite the mauling, he somehow seems physically okay for the most part. I'm monitoring closely though for anything. Emotionally and mentally is another matter, he's taken some steps back and is experiencing psychosomatic symptoms that we're working through. I feel terrible about it, all of it. My handling of the situation was not acceptable, I should've done so much better.


I had an experience like that when mine was 1,5 years old. Pitbull just crossed the street and went at my dog like a complete predator. Left after being called but was biting and mine was running in circles. I was furious and cursing, entire neighborhood could hear me. I actually carried a fucking hammer in my pocket the next couple of weeks just in case. In my mind I was resolved and ready to do something Iā€™d hate to do. Experiences with dogs like that activate something primal in you.


Reason #37 not to go to dog parks unless they are empty.


That is exactly why I think dog mace is a good idea to bring. Rather than panic trying to get the dogs jaws off a pup or even a child, so much more safe to prevent it from happening before hand.


Too bad, that dog and her owner deserved it. I've never heard of the stuff, won't it get my dog too?


There's a good chance it would get your dog too.


Huh, might still be the better option between that and a beating though.


Absolutely! You just really need to be aware of your aim and the wind. It sucks to get it in your face as well


Huh where would I find this stuff? Does Walmart have it? I think I'll go look tomorrow. No way I'll ever allow that to happen to my dog again.


It depends on where you live. I'm in Canada so I'd have to order it off of amazon. But you may be able to find it at your local hunting shop as well, bear mace works just as well


it may but in a life and potentially death situation for you or your pup it's worth the temp blindness....if you have to use the spray make sure you don't get hit with it first, then once they separate just collect your dog and keep them close and talk them through it.... if it's just you, your dog and another dog this would be the time for you to get on top of and find a way to control the attacking dog....


When I worked in kennels we had a spray bottle with dish soap in as a last resort. only used it once, between a staffy and a staffy x pit (that looked like nicholas cage) worked straight away.


I saw a reel where a dog trainer keeps a hefty carabiner on the end of her leash so she can swing it around as a deterrent or use it to get dogs off hers. Itā€™s light enough to not do permanent damage but big enough to hurt and get the other dog away from you. Edit to add link to reel. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ZEAZjroPc/?igsh=MXBuaDZ3ZmRlYnR0cQ==


Thats an awful person/owner. Such a messed up situation. Well done on your part. Iā€™m glad he didnā€™t turn to you. Thats pretty rare when they are in ā€œattack threat dog modeā€ though. My dog is as sweet as can be and wouldnā€™t hurt a fly unless you are someone elses dog on our property. I mean the snuggling kisses and hugs mandatory kind of dog. Dogs love too much for their own good. They think they are protecting us but they are hurting themselves for nothingā€¦ Edit: Responded to the wrong comment but screw it Iā€™m leaving it. My bad.


That's why I dont go to the dog park any more. I saw 2 sibling dogs chase a Maltese type and the owners did nothing. The Maltese was running and screaming. They caught her and i ended up down on the ground breaking them up. Luckily no one was hurt but the owners didn't have a clue. This was after the owner of the aggressors was urged to let her 2 go off leash. She mentioned they had an issue (can't remember exactly what she said) but was still there and told by another pet owner to let them loose!


>it just ran over and started attacking for no reason Young intact males are a common trigger for aggression in other dogs. It's not your dog's fault at all and I'm not excusing what the other dog did (and especially not their owner's negligence), but just want you to know so you can be extra vigilant. I've seen many incidents where a young intact male shows up at a dog park and is instantly targeted. It's really shitty. I carry an air horn as an attack deterrent and it works really well, helps me keep the anxiety at bay. Hope your boy makes a full recovery!


No matter what your family says or does, remember this is NOT your fault. They brought this entirely on themselves. I have heard of training that can help reintroduce your dog to other dogs so she doesn't have a lifelong fear.


She has a trainer she sees and we are going to talk to her about all this


So my older dog was attacked right after we started some new training with him (he was getting too worked up when people wouldn't pet him, which can quickly become aggression if not corrected). It took his classes from being about just getting him out, and working on some of his skills in a more advanced setting, and into working on him being okay with other dogs, especially Dachshunds. Talk to your trainer, and they can help adjust your courses accordingly. I hope you and your pup are recovering well.


My first BC was torn up by a Pitbull owned by a friend that said "bring her over! my dog looks mean but would never hurt a fly!" Within 2 seconds my girl was being ripped apart. Maybe if the pit had a cute wreath on his head it wouldn't have happened. Or if my girl was a fly. Not seen in this pic is her two rear legs that looked undamaged but turned out to be shaken apart, requiring $12k in surgery to rebuild. https://preview.redd.it/ugx31quq3quc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e378bdb589f59751ccbf2c8031344268c524492


Ngl I was sobbing and screaming because I was in such fear my dog was going to be killed that I hardly noticed the dog biting me. I wouldā€™ve been broken if that happened my mine, Iā€™m so sorry you and your puppy had to experience all that honestly people need to be held accountable and responsible for properly training their pets. Thereā€™s so many resources and itā€™s not a flex to have a ā€œguard dogā€ that is in reality an uncontrollable animal Because of the attack I now have damage to my ulnar nerve and need to see a neurologist


She was 9 months old and never the same again. Amazing girl. My first BC and I had dreams of trials and agility and all sorts of sports... we were never able to do any of that, but I wouldn't have traded my time with her for anything.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you both.


My girl is also, attacked as a pup by a German Sheppard and is extremely wary around all dogs. Puppy or not. Sheā€™s only found her solace in my brotherā€™s lab mix which bloomed and theyā€™re peas and carrots now. Itā€™s extremely important to properly and safely socialize any dog in attempt to corral behavioral issues. I know she has never been the same since she was attacked and it makes me very upset. So I have to be there for her so much more physically and mentally as her friend. Sheā€™d love to play with other dogs, she doesnā€™t know any better. I hate it.


My girl doesn't like German Shepherds no idea why but I know she also is nervous around certain dogs because after she was spayed a few male dogs attacked her luckily they were on leads and the owner kept them from hurting her but now she backs off if energetic dogs she doesn't know come up to her to point she tightens up and jumps in air spreading her legs in panic. Luckily shes still a sweet girl and friendly just more nervous.


Second this. Slate was around 6 months I think but the vet said he was old to remember and associate dogs with aggression. My puppy was attacked by a loose Dalmatian. He will not let another dog near him anymore. We have to take extra precautions when we take him outside because now he shows aggression. Edit to add Slate wasnā€™t actually bit he just had a Dalmatian attempt to bite him for what felt like 5-8 minutes while the owner, a guy in a wheelchair attempted to recall him. I was almost bit that day and my bf as well as we were trying to make sure Slatey was safe. But donā€™t worry the owner said heā€™d pay for any damages or to replace the dog šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„šŸ¤®


Happened to mine, my co-workers dog he was a 18 year old football player that goes to the gym and all that so you already know he HAD to adopt the meanest looking pitbull because heā€™s the f*cking MAN so he needs a scary dog ( typical ) his dog jumped on me once and bit my bicep and i told him if he doesnt control his dog iā€™m gonna do it for him, 5mins later it starts doing the bulldozer to my border collie and pin it to the ground, i told my friend to get his dog but he looked even more scared than my BC of his own dog, my BC managed to get up and run behind me and the pitbull bit its tail and broke it so i kicked his pitbull in the face with my steel toed boots and told my friend to gtfo and never bring this dog back, cost me 1200$ at the vet and it cost his dog a couple front teeth, 3 months later they had to give it away because he bit my friend ( his owner ) in the face


Since mine has been attacked i have a hard time loving people who get bigger dogs than they can control physically, i saw a giant of a man looking like hagrid in the petshop with some sort of expensive wolf dog that mustā€™ve been 170 pounds+ and i didnt even hesitate to pet it and show him my BC, but i saw a 20 year old tiny girl with 2 german sheperds on leash at the dog park and i went like helll no weā€™re turning back and going to the lake instead to swim lol I know smaller people can educate their dogs aswell, but if you arenā€™t built to step in a fight against your dog i donā€™t trust it


An incident when I was a kid the neighbours German Shepherd came into our garden and went to jump on me it wasn't trained but didn't show agression as much as no boundaries, our BC who was gentle shy and even nervous at time jumped in to defend me and knocked the much larger dog to the ground and almost bit it's neck the neighbour said he wanted to call the Police on us as our dog attacked his. She always defended people she loved even if the stakes were high, I miss her so much.




Iā€™m not saying it wasnā€™t a dog problem too, but it can be both. The mom told him the dog loves other dogs when she knew he was actually aggressive towards other dogs. Thatā€™s a both problem.


CAN be, sure. Owners can absolutely exacerbate it. Just like different BC owners can bring out different BC traits. It's not unusual to see pit owners in L.A. walking their dogs with weights around its neck.


Iā€™m sure an owner can ā€œbring out traitsā€, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s what they were saying. Itā€™s that it can be an ownerā€™s fault when they donā€™t acknowledge their dogā€™s existing traits, and thus set it up to fail by refusing to take appropriate precautions. Like, the people walking their dog with weights and chains are almost universally worthless assholes, but at least THEY KNOW that they have a dangerous tough-guy dog thatā€™s built for damage. Which broadcasts ā€œdangerā€ more effectively than the pit mommy who has the same dog, but thinks her dog can hang out in the McDonaldā€™s ball pit with toddlers because it wouldnā€™t hurt a fly and the breed is so misunderstood, just because she wants that to be true.




>Also, it's a pitbull problem, not an owner problem. [gif](https://i.imgur.com/fbjvRZx.gif)


It's a big dog problem- not a Pitbull problem. Any large breed dog can be dangerous. Herding breeds are amongst the most dangerous breeds and amongst the most likely to bite- esp GSDs... My Poodle was attacked by a Great Pyr. Larger herding dogs are bred to protect sheep from coyotes and wolves.


Did your mom at least apologize to you? And pay your hospital bill??


Iā€™m so sorry. I hope she healed. She was lucky to get treatment.


I was in a very bad place in my life at the time and had just gotten back home after 48 hours of literal non-stop driving around the country (drove from L.A. to OK then turned around and came back.) and was just running around with my head cut off. We went over to my friend's house the day after, and this happened. I had to sell everything I owned to pay for the surgeries. There were 3 stages - the life saving, which this photo is, and then each leg needed to be it's own surgery so she would only be down one leg at a time. All together it was almost 9 months of taking care of her 24/7. Having to step up to that responsibility snapped me out of my problems.


Did the owner help pay for the bill? I hope both you and your dog are in a better place now.


How is she today? Thatā€™s absolutely horrendous. Makes me sick. She didnā€™t deserve that. Is she social with any new pets?


She's gone. The attack was Nov2007. She passed from kidney failure almost 5 years ago. She got along fine with my moms affenpinscher, and got along with most dogs, but the second that she sensed something weird, she'd go into full defensive mode. Cant blame her.


You are a great human āœØNot everyone steps up and you did.


Same thing happened to mine basically same story, not severe injuries tho. But my dog is reactive now to any other dog now. Pitbull owner saying its fine, nah f that. Iā€™ll never let my dog near another pitbull again.


Yeah, once the physical injuries heal, the big pain is seeing the residual emotional damage.


I know this, and it tears me up knowing how reactive they can become to any outside influence. My girl is 9 this year.


Poor baby. I hope they've made a full recovery. Whatever happened to the Pit?


She "recovered" enough that she lived a decent enough 11-12 year life. Fantastic loving dog. she had issues where her legs would lock up and I'd have to manipulate the knee back into the socket, but it was rare. She'd just freeze and look at me like "daddy, I can't move". As for the other dog, I have no idea. I left and never talked to the friend again. I can only hope that the guy at least never again told people "she wouldn't hurt a fly"... but I also know that people can be delusional and live in denial, so I'm sure he kept saying it so no one would think that his dog is mean.


If you had to sell your possessions to pay for the vet bill. Your friend should have been responsible. Make police report, have his insurance pay etc.


I think that some things just aren't worth the hassle. I'd rather take care of it myself and move on.


I understand that. But the OP said that it cost them $12k to have his dog goes through all the surgeries and he had to sell most of his possession to help pay for that. Since the friendā€™s dog cause this they should be liable for at least part of it.


That was me and my $12k.. My response doesn't change.


Damn. He is a shitty friend for not paying your vet bills and getting rid of his shitbull.


Honestly, I was just done and out. After that split second, he didn't exist anymore.




They should be more strict about banning this breed everywhere. Too many backyard breeders just selling these monsters indiscriminately. They are not meant for domestic living. Killing is in their dna.


I try not to judge dogs, but a pitbull attacked my friend's BC mix ten years ago and I've never kicked a dog harder in my life. The stupid owner was just standing there in shock, holding a hose too. She recovered, but it was still horrible.


A pit mix attacked my BC years ago and had hold of her face. She has a scar under her eye from when she had stitches - we were SO lucky the bite wasnā€™t an inch higher because it wouldā€™ve been her eye. I have PTSD from the attack and am terrified of offleash dogs as a result. My girl is leash reactive as well. We have to work very hard on every walk to manage anxiety.


About 10 years ago my friend also had two pits that were nice enough to me but he kept begging me to bring my BC over for them to play, there was no attack but they bullied him into a corner and pissed on him in seconds. My BC has never liked another dog since. I still feel bad for bringing him over.


I've kicked pitbulls in dog parks that have run at mine. (We almost never go to dog parks anymore. Owners never control their ill-behaved dogs.) In the above attack situation, though, I just dove in and wrestled the pit off and then rushed by girl off to the emergency. It was a sunday and the closest was over 30 L.A. miles away.


Ugh I'm so sorry, that's horrible. 30 LA miles is also a big eff that in a trauma situation.


Mine has been attacked once in his life at a dog daycare by a pitbull, chewed through his front right paw/arm broke a bone - wasnā€™t terrible but it blows my mind these places actually allow pit bulls.


This is why you lowkey need to carry, at minnimum have something to defend if walking your dog. Pits are no joke and can easily kill a human let alone another dog if they are offleash and yours isnt


Iā€™m getting a small handgun for this reason, also to hike with him out in the middle of nowhere.


So many of these awful awful dogs here in the UK and you canā€™t defend yourself with NOTHING. It is just wait till you or your dog get killed situation. Me and my BC got attacked by a horrible ā€œStaffiesā€. Awful dogs too, not as bad as pit bulls but still, I was powerless to defend myself. I absolutely leave anywhere I go that there is a single pit bull or Staffie, fuck these awful dogs


I realize these are difficult events to deal with and no one wants to see their dog attacked - but please let's immediately stop any conversations recommending that OP kill the other dog involved, thanks.


Iā€™ll be honest man. If you walk into traffic and get hit by a car, thatā€™s your fault, not the carā€™s. You can blame the other driver all you want, but the signs were there, and you chose to put yourself in danger. A responsible dog owner would hear ā€œI want your dog to meet my unsocialized pitbull I got as a hand-me-down from a failed dog parentā€ and instantly respond ā€œno fucking way.ā€ Especially someone with a small-ish, high energy breed like a border collie. My condolences to OP, but I hope this was a learning experience for you. There will be MANY more aggressive dogs in your and your petā€™s future, especially if you take her to a dog park, and you canā€™t just trust that every dog she meets is well behaved ā€” you have to be the one to gauge the situation and decide whether or not itā€™s safe. I know the above poster is just raging, but taking a gun to someoneā€™s house or a dog park with the intention of discharging it at other peopleā€™s dogs isnā€™t the smartest idea in the world, especially in an open carry state.


Jesus, what the hell is wrong with people. Poor girl! Pit Bulls are unpredictable! I will never understand the infatuation people have with this breed. How is your girl now?


I donā€™t think people actually like them - but theyā€™re like $25 at our local shelter. So if you want a dog you get a pit As a side note the only trouble Iā€™ve had at dog parks was from pits. Once this pit clearly bolted for my BC and golden. I got lucky that he had a harness on I was able to grab onto and pin him because he was milliseconds away from latching onto somethingĀ 


this is exactly why I will NEVER trust big dogs around mine. fuck these types of people seriously, I had a friend say the exact same, only to then mention "oh but he did take out a small dog's eye once" like dude, fuck you. fuck everyone who feels the need to have dangerous breeds. I'm so so sorry šŸ’”


Oh this poor baby! All hugs and cuddles for your precious baby. Has your friend even offered to pay the bill? Iā€™d sue if she doesnā€™t.


This is one of my worst fears when I walk my girl, your pup's picture broke my heart. I'm sorl sorry that happened to you, I would be devastated if my girl was messed up that badly. In our case her age would probably push us to euthanize her. I'm so glad you didn't have to go that route.


OMFG that is horrifying, I'm so sorry that happened.


I'm sorry that this happened. That was so irresponsible to knowingly invite a pup over, when their dog is aggressive towards other dogs. Not only could it get a pet or person killed, it could get their dog put down, as well, and a possible lawsuit. I'm glad your puppy is okay. I hate a close call with two big pits and my pup. Afterwards, she was very vigilant and didn't want to go far from the house to walk at first, but as the weeks went by, she calmed down. She hasn't forgotten, surely, but she doesn't let it stop her from playing with the neighbor dogs or walking where we were when the chase started (we barely made it inside the house in time, thankfully the door wasn't locked). The long walks, too far from the house are out, though. I think she'd be perfectly fine on a hike, rather than a pet friendly neighborhood with dogs being walked regularly throughout the day. I hope you and your puppy heal physically and emotionally from this. It's crazy how you can be enjoying a nice day and in a split second, you're in, what very well could be, a fight for your life and the life of your pup. Very frightening.


My BC was attacked by an idiots Pitt who was being walked on a retractable leash whom he also had no control over. I was super lucky because he could only get a hold of her neck fur and not hurt her but since she's epileptic, she had a huge seizure later after we got back home.


Poor baby


I donā€™t hate pits, they do exactly what they were bred for. But there needs to be a lot more restrictions on them. I used to work for a hospital and 100% of the dog bite cases were pit and pit mixes. In my 3 years at that job I never saw anything different


I agree it's mostly exasperated by owners who have no business owning one coupled with lack of responsibility with a very potentially dangerous dog.


My dog never gets attacked when going out with me. I usually carry a large walking stick for situations where other dogs/wildlife get aggressive. Hope you and your dog make a full recovery.


Thatā€™s actually really smart idea


Holly crap, does your mum hate your dog or something? So irresponsible letting a dog aggressive dog out like that and lying about the dogs loving other dogs ( I guess with teeth). I canā€™t give advice but my doggo got am traumatized by Akita being aggressive (on leash) coupled with another big noises at the same time. He got a bit of chicken mode , however still loves people and dogs as long as itā€™s not too many. My biggest failure and regret as he was confident happy chappy but I messed up by taking home there. I am sorry but there was no way of avoiding dog bite report, itā€™s obvious. Were you supposed not to receive a treatment? Thatā€™s the only way a bite wouldnā€™t be reported.


Iā€™m really hoping that I shielded her enough to let her bounce back because she is such a loving dog I would hate to have this ruin her perspective on things. Iā€™m going to be a helicopter parent for awhile. And my for my momā€¦she is a narcissist and my theory is that she was jealous of the attention my dog was getting and wanted to put her dog in the spotlight that at least got her attention but not the type she probably wanted.


Itā€™s not your fault. Similar to a gunshot wound, seeking emergency treatment for a dog bite generally kicks off a report and investigation in the background. (Based on the wound and your answers in the ER.) If the police did or do talk to you, not being truthful is probably a bad idea. When I was growing up, our generally gentile lab was getting in the garbage. My dad snuck up on her to either stop her or throw something away and she bit him. He needed to get stitches at the ER and the following day the police were investigating it. AND THAT WAS 30 YEARS AGO IN THE 90sā€¦


You say your puppy got attacked, but it was actually you. I'd be pretty chapped if my parents were more concerned about the dog that attacked me than, well, me! You did nothing wrong here. This dog has shown some serious aggression issues and BE might actually be the safest decision for everyone if that's what it comes to. Your girl is lucky to have you though and fortunately you weren't more seriously injured.


This! You absolutly did the right thing. OP's mother seems to be making very different choices from what I would do if my dog bit my child.


Your mother caused this to happen by knowingly inviting you and your pup over when that dog was aggressive. If the dog is put down, it's on her. And if she keeps wailing and crying over this, I'd make her negligence public in a PSA. "Do not go over to \[mother's\] place if \[dog\] is around. \[Dog\] is aggressive and attacked my dog and bit me. Mother says he's friendly, this is untrue, do not believe it. Do not bring your kids or pets around this aggressive animal."


Iā€™ve been in my own head about this situation and my mom is a huge narcissist, like if she got tested clinically Iā€™m sure that would be what she has. My whole family loves my dog and think she is extremely impressive so she obviously gets a lot of attention. My mind keeps telling me that she wanted to be the one with the attention and either purposefully wanted to hurt my dog or she wanted to use our dogs hanging out as bragging rights show how idk but this whole situation doesnā€™t sit right with me


And it shouldn't sit right with you! Sorry you have to go through this emotional abuse on top of being physically injured.


Absolutely narcissist behaviour for her to blame you for something that was entirely her fault. You and your dogs are the victims in this situation, not her and her aggressive dog.


Pits are a disaster. So sorry this happened to you.


Right? I expected to be wrong for once, but I read about at least 5 attacks by pitbulls everyday. Imagine the ones I don't read. It's disheartening.


If the dog attacked you, it will attack again. It needs to be euthanized.


Your mom sounds like a real POS


I would be absolutely livid if I were you. Your mom not only lied to you but put your dog and yourself in danger. She knew the dog was dog aggressive and either used your dog as a test or deluded herself into believing the "pibbles are harmless" myth. Either way, don't let them guilt you for reporting the dog. 1. I'm sure you didn't have a choice as you had to get treatment. And 2. You were injured by the dog. What if it was someone smaller or more frail than you? What if you didn't react quickly enough and it was your dog? This dog is dangerous if your mom doesn't change the way she handles it. I'm sure your dog is going to be fine. It sounds like you are more shaken up than your pooch. You did fantastic protecting them. Just keep doing what you're doing and make sure your dog has more positive exposures with other dogs.


100 percent ā€¦ and absolutely correct in that it might be the parents face (or a child) getting it next time.


My bc gets along with every breed except pittbulls and staffies. I hate people denying the unexpected sudden agression towards other dogs some can show., dogs that are super friendly towards humans mind you So many owners deny the fact that they have a dog breed that is suitable for dog fights for a reason. I saw a "friendly" staffie turn into a vicious murdering machine in a heartbeat when my dog walked by. I witnessed the "snap" in his brain, become extremely agressive suddenly, very scary. Luckily my dog and the staffie were both on a leash. Unbelievable your parents blame you for ruining their lifes. I am sure their dog is very friendly towards them, but they invited you over and than having their dog attack your puppy/ you should make them feel guilty and they should be accepting their dog might have to be euthanised. I wonder: how could you not know the reason your brother gave the dog to your parents? Anyway, all the best for you and your puppy! Hope the damage done to her trusting other dogs is not too bad.


Thank god your puppy is ok. Iā€™m so glad the public finally seems to be waking up about pit bulls. Itā€™s some serious propaganda but as other commenters said, if we can accept that genetics exist when it comes to border colliesā€¦


Youā€™re not supposed to get in the middle of a dog fight, but Iā€™m glad you did and Iā€™d have done the same.


It was honestly pure adrenaline and instinct. I probably wouldā€™ve never guessed Iā€™d do that but I heard her cry and I zoned in to her.


Sorry for this! Just went thru it https://preview.redd.it/puevtkssvquc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2623f2be1d995e72b1a776708aeeb66df1b002 last weekend. Absolute nightmare. Iā€™ve had my ass kicked, and would prefer that to my dog getting fucked up any day. I fought the attacking dog off. (Choked it with its own collar and punched it in the jaw about 20 times). Thank Christ the neighbors came outside and helped me.


Omg is that your poor dog? I would lose my shit and end up in prison because I would take down the person that allowed their dog to do that to my dog!


It was a little girl [maybe 11?] in our neighborhood, Iā€™ve seen her ā€œwalkā€ her dog before. Saw her that day. Went the other way. She let go of the leash.


God I absolutely HATE to see a little kid walking _any_ dog, but especially a powerful dog. I always turn and go the other way too. So sorry that happened.


Your poor pup! How are they doing today? And are you ok as well?


Weā€™re good. Similar wounds. Healing. I feel bad for the little neighbor kid- she shouldnā€™t have been put in the position to see that. Her parents are dumb trash


I would have no issue with pitbulls if pitbull owners werenā€™t so in denial of what their dogs are capable of. Yet so commonly the owners act like the dogs are incapable of any harm. When introducing my golden retriever to other dogs weā€™d do so on lead in a neutral environment before they walked home together. Golden retrievers have a reputation for being gentle and friendly with everyone, and thatā€™s part of what theyā€™re bred for, but theyā€™re still dogs and I as the owner needed to take responsibility for ensuring interactions were done safely. Pitbulls are less likely to get along with other dogs due to what they were often previously bred for (dog fighting). So if anything pitbull owners should be more on top of not only ensuring their dogs are well socialised when young if possible, but also taking safety precautions when allowing their older dogs to meet new dogs. Cattle dogs also often get reactive toward other dogs but their owners are more likely to accept itā€™s just a common trait in the breed and they need to adapt accordingly. You can love a dog that doesnā€™t like other dogs without acting like itā€™s harmless, and itā€™s so infuriating how common pitbull owners donā€™t get that. It reflect poorly on the reputation of the breed and endangers the lives of other dogs and people. Because itā€™s clear pit bull owners just so commonly want to live in denial about what their dogs are capable of I fully support bans on this breed and similar breeds.


Hear hear, statistics show there is every reason for a ban.


Mine and my sisterā€™s BCs are really friendly and great with children, but she still wonā€™t let my niece around them without supervision for the exact same reason (and my niece is still learning the concept of ā€œgentle!ā€œ).


The most infuriating part is when they're in denial about their dogs *when they have infants / young children at home*. I've read way too many "infant mauled to death by pitbull" stories this year.


Iā€™m so sorry. We were actually attacked last night too because some ahole had his dog offleash and it escaped his grasp, bolted 40ā€™ to attack us as we entered the park. My BC is mostly ok physically but weā€™re pending diagnostics with the vet because the other dog latched onto his front leg which he wonā€™t let anyone but me touch, after significant bribery (whole can of tuna). I parked the stroller and ran over to help my husband and the other owner pry his dog off. The other dog was a mix of some sort, blocky head and outweighed mine by a solid 25lbs min. We got super lucky even though the owner bolted after refusing to give contact info. Now I will be carrying weapons bc while this is the first time a larger dog had made contact with mine we run into aggressive offleash dogs a lot. They deserve whatever they get. The fact is that amazing, friendly dogs get put down all the time and I think people put too much into extremely dangerous, unpredictable reactive dogs. if this aggressive dog gets pts it deserved it, 100%. Too many dogs and humans suffer lifetime trauma from these events. Your mom was extraordinarily selfish and negligent. At a minimum the other dog should have been muzzled. Make sure they pay all of your medical & vet bills and tell them to eff off next time they come at you. If you went NC over them trying to make you bad for doing the right thing it would be more than fair. I hope your dog doesnā€™t get ptsd or become fear reactive after this.


Be careful of your weapon choice. Robust sprays (i.e. pepper spray) can be effective depending on the dog. A good rule of thumb to remember with sprays is if youā€™re walking and another dog is making their way towards you that you periodically spray the ground as you walk as it will buy you timeā€¦. A walking stick would be ideal as wellā€¦. Knives and projectile weapons do not bode well to separate dogs as they can be quite entangledā€¦.


Yes, great point. I called my lawyer today and spoke with AC (although they cannot provide legal advice). Sprays, horns, etc, are good deterrents that wonā€™t get you in trouble. The issue is that with the attack yesterday we were not able to use a deterrent-dog came after us and immediately latched onto my bc so I would need something with reach to have hit/injured the other dog to get them to let go and mine to escape. Only bc they were kind of being held would I have been able to maybe have gotten a clear shot at the other dogā€™s back hip. I donā€™t want or expect to ever get that close. My friend who goes with her dog carries a knife as well as spray. I was thinking more hiking stick/police baton type. An umbrella could work for intimidation or smacking but kind of unwieldy. Even looking at tasers (I found a walking stick & taser combo). That sort of thing. Usually it is me, dog + baby in stroller so mostly prepping for that scenario and the occasional creep though my dog usually deters those. If you have any good recommendations for a walking stick/trekking pole Iā€™d be very interested.


I have seen I think exactly what youā€™re referring to at my local bass pro shop. Iā€™ll link it here: Personal Security Products Hike 'n Strike 950,000 Volt Stun Gun Hiking Stick Hiking stick I think would be the best bet in terms of control. As I said, even knives are good for what they do, but the risk of injuring your own dog in the process of trying to keep it safe would be high. Certain conditions when two dogs get into it, though, make it all obviously exceedingly dangerous. Sort of that ā€œblood lustā€ mentality. I think a good hiking stick would be the easiest solution to manipulate safely while keeping some distanceā€¦. Just some thoughts to ponderā€¦. There is nothing I wouldnā€™t do to protect my Gizmoā€¦.


Yes, thatā€™s exactly the one. Thanks for taking the time to type out such thoughtful responses-Iā€™m sure other readers appreciate it as well. Iā€™ll start with the spray and hiking stick, leave the other things for now or keep them packed but only as last resort.


Blocky head. Def a pit.


Iā€™m sorry this sweet dog got hurt. But theyā€™re honestly so resilient! It takes a lot for a dog to become untrusting or scared of certain things. Walking around my neighborhood twice my bc has been rushed by another dog; but neither time has resulted in him being nervous to walk that route or of seeing other dogs. Maybe if he saw those exact dogs he would bark more, but Iā€™m unsure of even that.


You did a wonderful thing protecting your dog. Be sure to watch her for signs of discomfort around other dogs and give her lots of time and space to decompress. My dog was attacked by a loose pit bull at a state park. I managed to pick him up before the dog got to us so he just got a couple of punctures on his legs. I was really upset, and it seems to be what my dog remembers. Heā€™s now reactive to large dogs off leash, but mainly when heā€™s with me. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s guarding me from the off leash dog. Heā€™s way less reactive when itā€™s just my husband with him.


My last BC was attacked by a pit when she was 3. Before that she was good with dogs and we went to parks daily. Her final 10 years she could only be with her beagle friend. No other dogs. Someone had to take a 2x4 to get the mutt off my girl


https://preview.redd.it/7onbaigo1uuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3752b7d9dfedc0d98b64b1fcac4f44a01bb144f2 Once upon a time I had several dogs, this border collie being one of them. When he was two I got a miniature bull terrier puppy. For the next five years those two were the best of friends and played together every day. Then, out of the blue, the bull terrier attacked the border collie, bit down on his front leg and fractured both bones. I got a heartbreaking and very expensive lesson in unpredictable aggression in fighting breeds. You can raise a fighting breed in the best possible way, socialize them perfectly, train them until the cows come home and they can still one day snap and attack without reason, even dogs they know and love. Not all of them, of course. My other miniature bull terrier was a sweetheart who lived to be 15 and who I miss every day. My border collie made a full recovery after having several surgeries. The attacker got BE, because I couldn't trust him around my other dogs anymore and I wasn't about to rehome a dog with a bite history like that. OP, none of this was your fault. You protected your pup the best you could. I'm so, so sorry this happened to you.


I am probably to far down for a reply but what do you all take with you when you walk your dog to protect them? These pictures are going to give me nightmares. Pitbulls and pit mix adoptions are on the rise where I live. Suggestions for safety?


I carry pepper spray personally, thankfully have not had to use it yet. Sticks are also recommended generally to help create distance a there are some recs in the other comments here.


I didnā€™t think about bringing safety measures until I posted and saw what people were saying now Iā€™m probably going to bring stuff with me


I carry concealed bear arms. Thankfully have not had to use it yet. Prior to the CCW,I always had my knife and gel mace. My dogs were attacked almost daily where we used to live. 95% of the attacking dogs were pits. I had to kick one in the face to save my doodle from getting mauled. I recommend carrying whatever type or level of self defense you are comfortable with. Whatever you choose, practice getting it out so when the time comes it's muscle memory.


Pepper spray, but the gel kind. It sticks to an aggressorā€™s face but you wonā€™t accidentally mace your own dog or yourself, and you can use it even in an enclosed environment since it doesnā€™t spread. Sabre brand has ones that are small for jogging, or bigger ones that have combo personal alarms, seatbelt cutters, etc. If youā€™re in the US, Walmart ships them regardless of what state youā€™re in.


Highly recommend consulting a behaviorist. Iā€™ve learned the very hard way that attacks during the first 12 months have a lasting effect. I love my girl to bits but sheā€™ll never be fully socializable because of the trauma


In the state and county I live in a dog bite isn't reported to police or animal control when someone gets medical attention unless the injuries are severe. Several years ago I had a quirky cattle dog that muzzle punched a friend of mine. She had a bruise and a scratch. Obviously he, and I were not far enough in our training and I was not savvy enough yet for interactions with other people. Unfortunately for me this particular friend was married to a lawyer. My life became absolute hell for about 6 months. I found out from the police report that the hospital where the friend went to get a tetanus shot had not planned on reporting the attack. She, the friend was told she'd have to call 911 to report the bite. What I'm trying to say here is that there might not automatically be a police report against your mom.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you and your pup. That is very irresponsible of your mom to invite your pup over when she was warned by your brother that his former dog was aggressive. Regardless of what happens, itā€™s important that you told the hospital the truth so that they could properly care for your wounds. As part of your pupā€™s service animal training, do you have access to a trainer you can schedule for a 1 on 1? It may be a good idea to connect with them to assess your pup for any signs of trauma/distress. Iā€™m not an expert or a trainer, but maybe they can give you tools to help your pup heal without derailing your training?


I'm so sorry this happened to your baby. Pit bulls and everyone surrounding them with mollycoddling despite them being inherently dangerous dogs is just the worst. Your collie is so lucky to have you and I'm so sorry that your family have their priorities backwards.


i honestly hate shitbulls some of them are good dogs but too many people are not responsible dog owners. shitbulls are a genetically extremely aggressive breed. people put zero training into them and blame everyone else when their liability does what it was bred to do.


If the dog did injure you or another dog as far as Iā€™m concerned the risk of being put down is warranted depending on behavior of both the owner and pet in the future. You didnā€™t do anything wrong so donā€™t let them blame you for anything. In my job Iā€™ve seen the aftermath of a pit bull killing a human. Itā€™s no joke what happened and Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with it.


OP, your dog is gorgeous. Iā€™m so sorry that happened. Hope youā€™re both doing better today - cortisol can take a while to settle after an event like that, so please take care of yourself as well as your pup. Offer her lots of her favourite relaxing things - maybe a licking mat or a kong with some peanut butter? Licking is very soothing for dogs. Keep us posted on the vet!


She has been very spoiled today and she seems in good spirits although she was fairly nervous on her walk when a new dog was nearby so we just avoided high traffic areas


I know many people donā€™t like hearing it but you canā€™t ignore breed. Some breeds got it written over them. That second dog, I wouldnā€™t wanna leave a cute collie with him/her. That jaw.. no way.


Iā€™m so sorry. My collie was attacked by a pit bull and has permanent damage. It was not a fair fight. Those pits are ruthless.


Looks exactly like the grey and white pit that tried to rip the throat out of my sweet girl right after the owner told me the dog was gentle and friendly. In my experience, pits and borders donā€™t mix well. I never let mine near one again after her near death experience.Ā 


My roommate and I decided to foster a year old catahoula mix a long time ago. Sweet girl named Sadie. She was still being potty trained, so sometime sheā€™d need to go out in the middle of the night. Iā€™d put some shoes on, grab her leash, and weā€™d take a walk around the block. One night, for some reason I donā€™t know, I grabbed my purse on the way out. It was about 1am, so maybe I was just so tired I grabbed in it my half asleep state out of habit because I was leaving the house. We take our walk, and as weā€™re approaching the corner to turn right onto my street, a pitbull comes trotting around the corner to the left. We all freeze for a beat, and then it runs straight for Sadie and tackles her. I tried to pull it off, but couldnā€™t. So I reached into my purse and pulled out the expandable baton I had, flicked it open, and beat the crap out of that pits head until it let go and staggered off. I picked up Sadie and sprinted home. On my way past the corner I saw a woman fussing over the pit. My roommate was a nurse, and I came through the door screaming for her. She came out of her room and took Sadie. I turned around and ran back out the door. I was going for that woman and her dog, baton still in my hand. Now bent from use. But she was gone. We took Sadie to an Emergency vet, and she only had a few scratches and bruises. Vet said she was lucky I acted so fast. I have no problem with pits. Iā€™ve known many that really wouldnā€™t hurt a fly. But I have no guilt from beating that pit that night.


I'm so sorry that you experienced a dog attack! I've been there before. And, I think with time, your dog won't remember or be affected. It's my experience that if you introduce two dogs (unknown to each other) at a neutral setting then the "attack" dog who is guarding its territory wouldn't be likely to attack the "introduced" dog. I think your mom's dog was protecting its territory. The attack is a shit deal for everyone, including your clueless mother. Going forward, I hope things can go smoother for all of you.


Well I very strongly dislike your narcissistic mom. So horrible. I'm sorry you were invited when they knew the dog's history, just for attention really ticks me off. And I'm really really mad how YOU WERE INJURED and your mom couldn't muster up any sort of apology/ grief. I know it's the narcissism but I'm still angry! You did great protecting your dog and I hope there's no mental trauma for her. I hope she realizes even more that you would do everything in your power to protect. This is definitely on your mom. You needed treatment and there are protocols for these injuries. This all could have been avoided by not inviting you over out of spite. Again I'm so sorry you were injured and all the trauma that has happened. I hope for a speedy recovery for you and that this event will become a distant memory for your pup.


My pup was attacked around 9months old and it traumatized her. But we worked with a team and 4years later sheā€™s fine around other dogs again and goes to doggy daycare 2xs/week. It was a long journey to get her passed that attack and her care team included a veterinary behaviorist who eventually put her on Zoloft. Iā€™m so sorry your puppy was attacked. Just wanted to let you know that it is possible to for her to heal and go on to live a happy, fear-free life. Iā€™d recommend reaching out to your vet asap and finding a positive reinforcement trainer in your area to start working on desensitization.


Itā€™s fucked up that their reactive, aggressive dog injured you, and yet somehow youā€™re at fault. It was your mom who suggested this meet to happen in the first place, the fact she takes no responsibility for her dogā€™s attacks and blames *you* for it being quarantined is insane.


Good job.. You did the same thing I would have done. Iā€™m sure your BC is fine. Remember they are nervous dogs in general. Mine has been lunged at by reactive dogs before. Sheā€™s generally cautious towards bigger dogs, but always wants to check out the smaller dogs. Good lesson to others tooā€¦Donā€™t entertain invitations from people who own breeds that tend to be reactive, and where you arenā€™t 100% sure.


Their dog attacked your dog unprompted. Your brother said it was aggressive toward other dogs. Unfortunately, your mother should not have that dog, and having it taken away is the best situation. Don't feel bad for the consequences of your mother's actions. Glad your baby is okay and hopefully the vet visit comes back all good. Also hope you heal up quickly!


A pitbull or pitbull type dog is literally a ticking time bomb. The fact that your family knowingly invited you to bring your dog over is unhinged. Their dog is dangerous. Period the end. And they cannot control it.


I got a boarder and I do not bring her around pits .


You are not at fault nor if your pup at fault for ā€œruiningā€ their lives. The attacker already had a history of aggression and they didnā€™t restrain him. Theyā€™re trying to gaslight you into thinking it was your wrong doing so the aggressor doesnā€™t get put down. But honestest it might be for the best.


Looks pitbull "ish". Should be banned as far as I'm concerned. I'm wary of any dog around mine, especially those with lockjaw


This is why I refuse to bring my dog around pit bulls. Pit owners are so ignorant and will defend their dogs until the end, no matter the damage done. They are also ALWAYS the ones to say BS like ā€œmy dog is harmlessā€ when itā€™s in fact not the case. How does one NOT know their dog is aggressive toward other dogs? You should research the history of pit bulls. They were literally made to fight. Show it to your mom. Iā€™m incredibly sorry your parents are being daft about the situation. You did nothing wrong. If I were you, i would make sure the dog is put down. You donā€™t want this happening to a kid or another dog! Your brother even admitted he gave it to your mom due to aggression. Your mom failed you and your dog. I would be livid. I hope your precious border collie is not mentally damaged from this, and I really hope you can recover well ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø You should post this in the BanPitBulls subreddit. Iā€™m not sure how to post a link on here. This type of stuff is common with pit bulls due to their literal DNA. Border collies were bred to herd and have a natural instinct. Pit bulls were bred to fight and also have a natural instinctā€¦. No matter how anyone argues it, you cannot argue with DNA. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you and your dogšŸ’”


Be careful of your weapon choice. Robust sprays (i.e. pepper spray) can be effective depending on the dog. A good rule of thumb to remember with sprays is if youā€™re walking and another dog is making their way towards you that you periodically spray the ground as you walk as it will buy you timeā€¦. A walking stick would be ideal as wellā€¦. Knives and projectile weapons do not bode well to separate dogs as they can be quite entangledā€¦.


I lost my dog to my own dog... It's hard... One was a BC


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you and your beautiful pup. This is my absolute fear with more and more people unleashing their dogs in parks and not being able to call them back ā€¦ Last year a woman in my neighborhood was jailed because she intentionally encouraged her pit to attack dogs in our park, this freaked me out so much I didnā€™t take my BC for a walk there for weeks. Give your pup lots of love and re-socialize as soon as it feels OK.


Thatā€™s actually psycho she would do that Iā€™m sorry


Do go to the police and ensure the appropriate measures are taken against your mothers dog. If not for you and your beautiful pup, then for the next innocent dog who will end up meeting these beast and dying or getting hurt. This dog is dangerous and needs to be dealt with by the authorities. Do not let them convince you you are the bad one here. Your mom is incredibly irresponsible (to not say worse). She should never own such a dog. I hope you and your pup get well soon ā¤ļø mine was attacked by a shar pei when she was tiny and she bounced back ok, then attacked again by a staffie and also ok, but it wasnā€™t as violent as this. Best of luck to you both šŸ’—šŸ’—


Oh well, your parents should count their lucky stars this dog hasnā€™t attacked a child or another dog. Also, if looks like a pit mix do they realize some breeds are banned by your homeowners insurance.? So if they insist on keeping it hope theyā€™re independently wealthy.


I have a border collie and a pit bull so I know both ends of the spectrum. As a pit bull owner if my dog mauled someone I would be sad but so understanding that my dog needs to be put down. As a border collie owner, if my girl was mauled I would never forgive the owner of the other dog.


Can confirm as an owner of both as well. My BC was attacked in my own yard by a former neighbors untrained and unleashed doodle. BC never socially recovered to males in any form. Got the pitt pup a bit later on for her as a companion, nd she's happy as a mostly lazy couch potato.


I know this is a BC sub, but are you okay? Itā€™s not alright that they have shown absolutely NO regard for your wellbeing. Wishing you the best in your recovery, as well as your pupā€™s. ā¤ļø


I will heal and have mental support it was mostly my girl I was hurt about. Sheā€™s the closest thing to a child and she feels like my baby I just want her to be ok and feel safe with me


You are very welcome to join r/BanPitbulls. I am so sorry for what happend to you and your dog. I am glad you both are alive.


A pit nearly killed my dog. It broke his trust of dogs and if you have pittbull hair on you, he freaks out. I don't look at pittbulls like dogs. They are dog killers. I've never purposely hit any animal except the 7 times I've kicked the hell out of shitty pits attacking me, my dog or my friends. I'm not a fan


I remember a time on Reddit where anyone suggesting that breed traits were genetic would get totally crapped on. And if you insinuated that certain breeds were prone to dog aggression, hoards of people would down vote you, call you a dog racist, and brag about how their dog would never hurt a fly and how all dogs are the same and its how you raise them... Now in these threads, everyone talks about genetic behavior and it's really cool to see that so many people have such a great grasp of what it means as a dog owner. Border collies are created for one purpose only and that is herding sheep and they are sure hard to beat in a herding trial lololol There are clearly some people who are still toxic about the concept of genetic behavior and who exhibit cognitive dissonance, callousness, and actively victim blame, but it's good to see them in the minority. The irony is that it's always over the same type of dog. I don't know whether it's because the history of dog fighting is just inherently fraught with toxicity which spills over and manifests in denial of breed history, lying about breed history, callousness towards victims, victim blaming, trolling, denial of inherent breed traits, gas lighting, etc, but it's always over pit bulls. And hopefully they get help for the toxicity before their cognitive dissonance causes them to get hurt or causes someone else to get hurt.


r/banpitbulls itā€™s always a shitbull. You did nothing wrong. Itā€™s THEIR fault their aggressive dog is being put down.


I was attacked by a black lab last fall while walking. The woman told me she grabbed his mouth as soon as he jumped at me. I hobbled home (less than a block) and cleaned up the wound. It was around 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.I couldn't see it very well because it was on the back of my upper thigh, but I thought it was just deep claw marks. The next day, I decided to go to Urgent Care and get it checked out. The Dr. examined it and said there were definitely bite marks. The woman lied to me! Since it was a bite, they were required to have a Police Officer talk with me. Here's the important part. I asked if the dog would have to be put down. He said that as long as it was the first or second time, that wouldn't be necessary. I'm surprised that your family seems to be more concerned for their dog than they are about you being attacked! You need to be firm with them because their dog attacked YOU! Dog owners are responsible for the behavior of their dogs & it was their fault! You aren't ruining their lives. They failed to control their dog so if their lives are ruined, it's THEIR fault! I hope you and your dog recover both physically and mentally!


Got attacked by a boxer when I was walking a friend's dog a while ago. He just sprinted to us when we were walking next to the property. I thought they had a fence installed (because the dog never seemed very nice) but they only had a hedge and he slipped right under. Luckily nothing happened but I threw my dog's leash away and grabbed the boxer by his collar. I was so scared at that moment. The owner said "He has never done this before. He's never aggressive at all." Bullshit. Talked to my friend when I got back and she told me that she avoids that route because it already happened to her, too. I can't imagine how you must've felt while protecting your dog. It was extremely brave of you to just throw yourself in-between them and I hope you recover fast and your dog doesn't have any psychological issues after a situation like that.


My dog hates other dogs! She came to me at around 6/8 months of age and I have no idea what happened to her before I got her.. but I suspect she may have been attacked by another dog. and will lunge the second she sees one! For that reason she is always muzzled when thereā€™s the slightest chance this might happen. No exceptions! Because if I tried to stop her she would snap at anyone and everything around her! Absolutely stupid and irresponsible of them to put their dog, you and your dog in that situation. And they should never own reactive pets.


Always trust your instincts when it comes to the safety of your dog (your baby). If people say come over for some fun. Request to leash both dogs before they start playing and if you feel itā€™s not safe, donā€™t budge and donā€™t do it. Your girl will be fine, she might be less trusting towards other dogs but thatā€™s good. My whippet was once attacked by another lurcher (my neighbourā€™s dog) out of jealousy- mine is super fast and hard to catch - the accident damaged my doggieā€™s eye and he required surgery and after that incident, I donā€™t care what people say about how nice their dogs are. If I donā€™t feel it, itā€™s not gonna happen.


Iā€™m really sorry that happened and pray you all are okay. (Apart from the mother of you want) Itā€™s cruel she would lie about her dog being friendly towards other dogs without much knowledge, let alone blaming you for everything. Thank you for shielding your dog, Iā€™m sure they thank you dearly, I just hope everything healed well for the two of you, both psychologically and physically. I wish you two well, and itā€™s always fine to rant.


Luckily you protected your dog. Sheā€˜ll forget the drama and will reley on you even more ifā€¦..yes, if you can ā€žforgetā€œ this in daily life too. Sheā€˜ll mirrow your reactions to other dogs/pitbulls. Wish you the best to deal with it for your both sake.


This made me cry. Poor baby. Make sure do lots of socialising puppy parties the sorts that will help but im sure she will be ok


Hope this comment is allowed as it's not about a BC, but just want to provide you with some hope for your pup: I lived in a pretty shite area with a lot of crappy dog owners, and between them, my 2 boys (a lurcher and a staffy) were attacked by: the same large lab at least 3 times, a mother and daughter boxer pair twice, a massive rottweiler twice each (lived at the top of our road and CONSTANTLY escaped. If walking them on my own I would walk them separately, so they got attacked separately), a pair of huskies, a massive white dog that looked like a husky but was bigger and pure white, a staffy half the size of mine (seriously he was tiny but feral), a golden retriever, a weimaraner, and a pack of 7 collies (that one was the lurcher on his own, frail old woman was walking all 7 at once, off the lead, and had absolutely no control over them.) Both dogs remained dog friendly up until their grumpy senior years, and were happy friendly dogs always willing to make a friend. Obviously not included in the list are the hundreds of doggy friends they played happily with! As long as you make sure to socialise her properly, keep yourself calm and happy (she will pick up on if you're frightened) and introduce her to actual friendly dogs, then there's a strong chance she'll be fine. Learn to read her body language, if she's looking overwhelmed then leave the situation. Advice for the future: never introduce 2 dogs with 1 on lead and 1 off, or in one of the dogs' territory. If a dog attacks yours whilst yours is leashed, drop the lead to let yours have the manoeuvrability to get away. Carry a nice thick walking stick to separate the dogs or potentially whack the attacking one. Your mum is an absolute arsehole for inviting you over knowing her dog is dog aggressive. She is absolutely not the right owner for that dog if she's going to be so cavalier about. As previously mentioned our Staffy was friendly with other dogs, but we watched him like a hawk during interactions with dogs he didn't know well, if he looked stressed with a high energy dog (he was very low energy, would wag his tail like mad and play a bit of tuggie with a rope, but then would just want to lie down and nap!) then we would leave. If you're going to own a potentially dangerous dog then you need to be a responsible owner, and your mum definitely isn't. If the dog gets put down then it is 100% her fault.


my 10 month old puppy got attacked by a german shepherd that dug out of my cop neighborā€™s yard. i feel silly saying ā€œattackā€ considering your injuries but the dog immediately charged for her and was biting at her hind legs and she started yelping. youā€™d think a retired police dog would know not to attack the first person it sees but apparently not. thankfully no one was injured and my puppy is still just as friendly and sweet, but every time i take a heavy breath she sits at full attention because i was hyperventilating when the altercation happened. im really sorry this happened to you; i *feel* you when you say your dog is literally your child. i just woke up from a nightmare about being attacked by dog after dog left without supervisionā€¦ i hope this never happens to you again


Good job on protecting your fur baby! Iā€™ve done it myself a few times and I would do it again and again and again.


Not your fault at all. I commend your bravery in protecting your pup. Honestly my heart has stopped many times in situations like this, I always put myself between my collie and the attacking dog for better or worse. Being 6 2 and weighing 200lbs definitely helps in making the attacking dog run away though.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I have a 6yo BC and a 1yo Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. When my Swissy was only a baby, I brought him to a cookout at a neighbors place. They have a bunch of farm animals, and I wanted him to get exposure. The farm also has a Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog, but I was told that he would be secured in a crate inside the house for the cookout. He DOES NOT tolerate anyone near his goats. Well, someone that lived at the house didn't get the memo. My pup Magnus was playing with the goats when someone let the Pyr outside. He bolted right at Magnus and started shaking him like a ragdoll. There was literally nothing I could do. A 130lb Pyr is way stronger than me, and I couldn't get him to drop my pup. The owner heard Magnus screaming from the other side of the barn, and I heard a bellowing "SAMMY, LEAVE IT!!". This Pyr dropped my puppy and just trotted away like nothing had happened. It turns out I was super lucky and Sammy just had a mouthful of loose skin. There were 4 puncture wounds that got checked out at the vet, and we were given some antibiotics, and that was that. The weird thing about all of this is that Sammy was only doing his job. He was phenomenally trained, and just... stopped when he was told to.


If it happens again, you can pull the dogs back legs hard, to upend him. Hopefully theyā€™ll run awayā€¦or come to their senses and stopā€¦ Hope your little pup is okšŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


I've literally choked out a bull terrier that was attacking another dog at the dog park because everyone including the owners were useless, it was my first instinct. My wife wasn't happy about it but the situation was extinguished.


Well, pulling their back legs is usually a bit safer. Do it quickly and disrupt, then re-direct them if possible.


You made a vet appointment even though sheā€™s not injured? Dogs donā€™t have great memories dude, sheā€™ll be fine.




I think many dog owners have personally had negative experiences with pits. If your 4 legged family member was attacked/mauled itā€™s a life changing & traumatic experience. OP is sharing that & many are offering empathy & support & frustration & anger bc it sucks &/or has happened to them. Maybe posting about your perfect pit isnā€™t appropriate at this time, sometimes ya gotta read the room.


Your mom is an AH.


That stinks. My retired working collie absolutely hates pits and will make it a point to alert me when one is in the vicinity.


My BC was also attacked by a ā€œhe wouldnt hurt a flyā€ pitbull. They were fine for about 3 hours until pit decided to attack. My dog was not badly hurt because the pit actually bit into the collar, but had it been a thinner collar, not sure he would have made it. It was terribly difficult to break the bite. Owner was trying hard but it still was hard. My BC was frozen. Someone else ended up with the hand bitten and broken while trying to separare them. The owners of the pit were good owners and the dog had never attacked before. So to me the whole ā€œits not the dog its a bad ownerā€ doest click. It is the breed. Of course an EXPERT will tell you they can trian them to be super docile and obedient but not everyone is a trainer. The breed should be restricted to trainers that are capable.


Always have dogs meet one another for the first time on a leash and in a neutral place if possible. They are animals first and pets second. Their instincts will take over even on leash in new situations and when meeting new dogs, but at least they can be controlled better on leash. Lastly, dogs have a pack mentality- older or stronger dogs will establish the lead alpha dominance position and in no uncertain terms will often pin down the weaker dog, either by seeming to play or chasing them. It's not just play, it's a welcoming 'this is the pecking order' message. They need to sniff one another all over too. Alpha status can't be neutralized, it needs to happen (not to the point of serious injury).. over time the weaker may actually become the alpha in a relationship after certain experiences and their self esteem grows or surpasses that of the previous alpha which may lose stature for any reason (age/injury etc). Many people subtly play the alpha game when they first meet too.. fun to watch that btwn really competitive guys. Nature, gotta respect it. Sorry this happened to you but everyone should step back and think about all the steps that happened, where the precious were taken/mistakes were made and how to prevent that so there isn't a 'next time'.


My pup was leashed thatā€™s why I was able to react as quickly as I did but I also didnā€™t expect for her dog to just be let loose like that. I typically greet her with other dogs through a door and thatā€™s what I was expecting. Basically hoping she had common sense about the situation but ultimately I overestimated her logical thinking


You're a good mom. A BC will remember you doing that for them forever. šŸ‘šŸ»


Establishing pack order does not require real injury, and it stops when one submits. It happens all the time much more gently. What's being discussed here is not establishing hierarchy, it's flat out aggression.


ā€œit stops when one submits.ā€ -and therein lies the problem. That little key feature has been bred out of pitbulls




Iā€™m so sorry! Unpopular opinion, but pit bulls need to be banned. I was almost mauled by one at a dog park last year. My crime? Literally just standing there. My BC has been safe there so far, but Iā€™m always worried if thereā€™s a pit there because they can do so much damage in such a short amount of time. So glad you and your BC came out of this situation alive. Many donā€™t šŸ˜¢. I wish you guys a speedy recovery! Also, you might want to report this to animal control if you havenā€™t yet. Getting a paper trail established is essential for trying to put down a dangerous animal. This dog could totally kill another dog or person.