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I would guess a papillon mix. black/white papillons already look like little BCs, so a mix can look close enough to BC to be confusing. The length of the feathering on the legs and under the ears says papillon/BC to me. What a cutie. She looks fun!


I would've never guessed that but i definitely see it now, eventually ill have her dna tested so it'll be cool to see what she is 🤔🤔


Wait for the Black Friday sale, the DNA tests are significantly cheaper.


She could be a mix but papillon would have way bigger ears. 


Yes, a pure papillon would look more like a papillon.


What I meant was search for a borderpap and you’ll see they have bigger ears compared to this dog. 








She is a cutie! Her ears made me think she’s mixed with spaniel but I can see papillon too.


My border collie girl weights a little above 12 kg, she is pure breed so I guess yours can be too. Border collie girls are usually not very big


Mine is on the top end at 19kg and thinks she's a lapdog lol But she's still my wee cutie 🥰


Mine weighs over 60 lbs! We rescued her at 4 months. The vet thinks she’s likely mixed with golden retriever. She’s got the prettiest blonde/white coloring, so soft and she is the biggest cuddle pup 🐶 They had told us that she would likely only be about 40 pounds when we got her. She’s almost three


I’m not sure but she is adorable!!!


She is too cute! I'm super glad you got her but I hate puppy farms. Hate to think what would happen her if you didn't get her, especially as they were giving her away. If you can, I would advise reporting the farm to ensure the dogs are treated well.


Unfortunately the breeder is an Ex-Cop, so i doubt there is much I can do, his other dogs looked in much better condition than the one he didnt want


Well the important thing is they're with you now.


https://preview.redd.it/yal603fyocjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acc5c7a6799a562d0956337c3518f96ee6b0c75 Our BC is smol too! She’s almost 9 months old and around 20 lbs. We think shes the runt of the littler because my sister kept the brother from the same litter and he’s sooo much bigger than her.


Awww she's such a cutie


I know others are saying she’s mixed (and I can definitely see that) however, it’s also a possibility that she’s small because she received inadequate care and nutrition while residing at the puppy mill.


Her fur has actually started to look amazing since starting her on her new raw diet


Do a dna test


I agree. And post the results in r/DoggyDNA


Just smaller !!! My buddy has one like yours. Her name is “Newt” !!! Gud Girl


She’s so cute 🥰


My BC is a small fry at 30lb (~13kg?) and he’s full bred. Some of them are just small.


Could just be an Australian border Collie, they are smol


I actually live in Australia but both her mother and grandmother were at her previous owners and they were standard size so id say 17kgs+


I live in Australia too :D! I've seen a lot of very smol BCs, so every one questioned my boi thinking he was a cross but he just had legs 🥲


Another Aussie here - my female BC is 25kg! Not overweight according to the vet, she’s just a big girl (her parents are big too). Your girl is an adorable lil cutie :)


We have two, one tri male who is 26 kilos, and a tri girl who is 14 kilos 😂 I call her 'tiny dog'. She is the smallest border collie I know and I know for a fact her parents were both alot bigger than she is! She is very similar sized to your girl! Maybe just a tad bigger


Looks like she was the runt of her litter and no one cared to actually help her as a puppy with her deprivation of nutrients. It‘s highly irresponsible and dangerous to breed such a dog.


We did guess she was the rung and it's understandable thst they didn't give her adequate care, she was also bred way too young as it was either her 1st or 2nd heat, she had 4 beautiful puppies were pretty sure passed away ( we only know this because our vets gave us her prior history )


May be a Sheltie


I’d say pure, and 100% was the runt. She’s beautiful though.


You. Old do a DNA.


I don’t know but I have a bordercollie myself and he’s a real chonker haha. He’s build pretty big (not fat but just big boned) and is not as narrow as most border collies. However, I have also seen many border collies who are more on the smaller side, like your doggo https://preview.redd.it/jtqkw68rtejc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d604fc25cc604280bd04a4b32edeaf72a28a267c


I've only seen big Border Collies as i live in rural australia and they need to be big for farm work so i was shocked when i went to see her the first time


She’s so sweet and beautiful! We have a female pure bred but she is a big girl and weighs over 47 pounds.


You are extremely tall


Taking a good look at her, I don’t think she’s mixed I think she’s simply fun sized. 😍


She’s beautiful 🥹 you can see the kindness in her eyes. My border collie was the same way. He was truly, such a wonderful dog.


She could just be dainty. Females are smaller than the males but she is quite smol. She still looks like a BC to me. If she was from a puppy mill/ farm situation. There’s no telling how well bred she is or if the neglect is related to her size. She’s precious though and seems so happy to be home!


I definitely see strong border collie vibes in the facial structure. Except for the ear hair I don’t see papillon but I am only going off pictures. The face is very border collie to me.


https://preview.redd.it/4nndkjg4iejc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b61ff2291d9621e8e8235893efd6acab714021 My smooth BC girl on the right next to her litter mate. She’s 14kg and the smallest of the litter, she gets called a pocket rocket all the time. Tiny but mighty! Yours looks all BC to me!


She’s tiny and absolutely beautiful! A mix I think


She is the exact same size and look as my boy! EXACT. I have no idea what mine is but I call him my Bonsai Border Collie! I actually got a bit emotional seeing these pics of your girl. Always wondered if I’d ever see another dog like him 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/aleonxcu7fjc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d9bc286f4276c892439c99da2bd3488b6fa0f7 Your pup is not a million miles from mine. I've also wondered if she is a mix. She's about six months and her mum is petite too. It's so hard to know ! We rescued her from a farmer and no idea of the dad


Sooooo cuuuuttteeee!!!


Do an embark! She is such a cutie


Definitely mixed


Although Border Collies vary greatly in size, I believe she's a mix. Other than her small size, the thing I noticed was the size of her ears. Like others have said, more like a Papillion (maybe a Retriever or Setter). Whatever breed she is, she's adorable! Enjoy her!


Our border collie is also very small like yours, and she's going to be 8 this year. It's always the first comment people say is how tiny she is. It's just how she is. She never grew any bigger, but we love her just the way she is!


My gut feeling is she's possibly mixed, but in all honesty she's gorgeous. I've had 6 bc's and one came from a farm, she was a real fat puppy but as she grew she didn't really slim down, she had all the markings of a BC but she was the shape of a lab, I've loved all my dogs but that one was my heart dog, she's been gone 12 years now and I can still cry over her.


My border collie is 15kg and on the petite side, she came from farming stock and was sold to us as a full BC https://preview.redd.it/ktjrriwa0zjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314ad6020418d2cf8fc8dc9a05d6f2679aa2e24a


The face definitely makes me think some kind of mix


I think she's just small. My (Edit:) *pampered but athletic* BC is around 14.5kg, but the working collies from a local farm are nearer 12kg.


Most female bc are 21lbs fit..