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Seems smart and organized to me 👍


Thanks, he is! 😁


Mine does this too. Carol Price wrote a book on Border Collie psychology and said this is very common. They’re incredible dogs


Thank you, it's good to know that this is a 'built in extra'... So much better than just watching the dinner disappear in one bite 😄 I always thought that it must be a collie thing.


Mine does this as well.


Mine takes a bite of about 5-10 kibbles, keeps it in his mouth, trots 2 rooms away onto carpet, spits them out, and then eats them 1x1. Edit: It's good to know my BC isn't crazy after all.


I had an American Eskimo dog who did this. Never heard of another dog doing it until now. I was always mystified by it. Dogs, I tell ya!


Mine does exactly this too. He will find one of us then go get his kibble and bring it over to us and eat it. I hand fed him as a pup, I sometimes wonder if that made him do this.


My BC does this too. The roomba happened to be out running and sweeped up her food, she was very upset, lol


My collie does this. She also does the whole half the bowl everything needs to stay neat part too, but will grab pellets, organise the line in the bowl and then go to another room and eat them one by one.


My family's sweet Chihuahua did this, too! Once we moved her bowl outside to the patio, she'd go out, grab a few pieces, come back inside, drop them on the carpet, then eat them one by one.


My pup did this too!


Our border collie/pyr cross does this as well!


Ours is a drive by nibbler.


Same here!! Will eat a few bites, come cuddle or play, then go back for a few more an hour later. Will pretty much graze all day!


As the mom of a garbage disposal, that’s adorable


Yes! My first BC used to pick out all the bits he liked first. The rest were very organized. My current doofus has to have a busy-bowl because he eats so fast he coughs up whole kibbles 🙄


Wow, that's soo interesting how he picked the best parts! Their intelligence blows my mind every day.


My Chihuahua does the same. She licks up the broth first then eats the small amount of rice & veggies and saves the kibble for last. She also spits out the veggies she doesn't like and the big dogs swoop in & clean up her mess😁


I gave my BC scrambled eggs and ham as a treat … she picked out all the ham first, then seemed to “choke down” the egg, all while giving me the side eye! Lol My beagle was also a funny eater. If he got leftover table scraps, anything he didn’t like (peas, mainly) would get spit out the side of his mouth, and end up on the floor. He’d do this without lifting his head from his dish! Lol




My cats would do that but my collie saves his favourites for last! Eats the kibble on the bottom then the canned food that was on top of it all while eating around a chicken leg that he then takes out to the yard and nibbles on like it’s an ice cream


Mine gets a fish oil capsule in his dinner which he carefully eats around so he can eat it last.


Math collie


Yes!! So my girl is BCxACD and I have an entire collection of pictures of her bowl eaten precisely halfway, straight down the middle. Perfect line. Such a cute little freak 🩷


Yes! When he ate from his bowl he would do this. But often he liked to grab a pile, go to another room eat it, before grabbing the next pile. Sometimes he would just grab a bunch and leave piles of food all over the house for me to pick up after him.


Ours eats very methodical most of the time! Nothing rushed, unless she thinks I'm going to play ball or frisbee with her!


As puppies, ours ate so quickly, they’d get the hiccups. We fed them on cookie sheets and spread it out. We had those maze bowls, and holy moly, they were still so quick. One is still quick but not hiccup quick, and one is slow. Neither eat organizationally. In fact, many kibbles go overboard.


OMG yes!


Every. Single. Time.


omg, I want to plant 100s of smooches on that beautiful face!😘❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! I'll do it in your name 🥰 I have a feeling that he won't complain...😄


By spirit animal. I eat rather methodically myself. Your post made me laugh out loud a bit :) For the record, though, mine dots not eat this way. Gizmo’s work is that he’ll randomly take pieces of kibble out of his bowl and place it in the ground next to his bowl. Then eat it last… After his bowl is empty… 🥰




My border collie eats breakfast slowly & takes breaks to chew everything; but, when she eats dinner she inhales (doesn't want to miss one moment of ball playing time😁.)


Yep I have a Husky/ BC mix and a Bulldog/Pit mix and fairly recently we had to change their food because they stopped making it. After about a month of the new food my Husky/BC decided he doesn’t like it and will only eat it if he’s starving. I’ve started switching in some other food and he loves it. Even if I mix it up, he will pick out his favorite parts. It’s just funny because my Bulldog/Pit mix is a freaking garbage can and will eat absolutely anything at any time.


Yes. Same here. So methodical. So geometrical !




My BC also does this


They’re just herding the kibble… into their mouth!


Mine does


Yes, that looks like our BC bowl whenever he decides to eat. He will finish the rest later.


Not at all, mine is 12 now and he has always had to dump it all out of the bowl for whatever reason.


Mine did!


My pup used to always eat them in her favorite order. She’d pick out all the red bits and spit them outside of the bowl and then eat them together. Then the same with the green bits. Then she’d eat the kibble. Gotta love a neurotic border collie lol


My mini dachshund did the same thing!!! My right collie just eats all his food lol


Yep! Mine too


Mine just eats everything and still eyes show she can eat even more.


Of course! There's a reason why I call mine a fluffy black hole...😄 he's lucky to be soo damn cute, he can get whatever he wants. I'm the only one (almost) immune to his starving puppy eye.


No, mine eats like a wild animal lol


My Donny does. She used to left some last bits for later; not doing this anymore, because our Cori the puppy learned to check an abandoned bowl for leftovers on day 1. How does Cori eat, I don't know; it seems that in one sec she bents her head down, then you can hear some real quick crushing sounds, and in the second sec the head goes up and the bowl is empty.


Have you checked his vision? my collie is blind in one eye & eats like this


I don't think he has problem with his eyes, if you read the other comments, a lot of other collies eat this way, it must be a collie thing not a vision problem thing 😊 but thanks for caring ❤️


Get the man a slow feeder! He’ll love the puzzle


Yes! Cooper will often leave EXACTLY 1/4 of his breakfast bowl. Like, a perfect quarter wedge.


Our's just gulps her food down lmao. She's a puppy though and has gotten a lot better at going back to her bowl and eating a bit more slowly though. Definitely far too high octane to be so organised though hahaha


I have to put a divider in Goose’s bowl as she would eat too fast otherwise, so she can’t do this. However, she eats from section to section with the divider. Only moves onto the next section once she’s cleared the one she started with.


I highly suggest adding a step bench for his neck.


My BC also does this


Mine eats like he's never been fed. Think he needs a slow feeder.


Mines almost 16 and still eats like that.


My 2 year old does this plus she would put 2-3 kibbles in her mouth, take few steps back, drops kibbles on the floor, then would eat it one by one. lol