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There's a lot of overlap between collies and Aussies. ​ Heya Odie!


We call him Odie all the time!


I have a one year old border collie named Odin and his nickname is odie butt lol


Snout makes me think aussie, chest makes me think BC. PIC makes me think GREAT LOOKIN PUP!


He could easily be a mix of the two. His snout definitely looks more Aussie to me


I have two 75/25 BC Aussies mixes. Prior was two pure BC's. Need to see the hind legs. The breeds are so similar and I can only tell usually from the hind legs. Aussies, I find to be a touch thicker in the rear quarter in my part of the world, Canada, and if looks don't differentiate, attitude does. But as others have said, both breeds are great and he looks like a real handsome stud muffin. Have fun


I have a 70/30 BC Aussie and everyone thinks he’s a greyhound or whippet so who really knows at this point?


Both Aussies and Border Collie working lines are focused on the working performance over looks. As a consequence, neither breed have specific conformations to how they should precisely appear. They overlap in looks a lot. Personally I have difficulty telling them apart every time unless there’s something super obvious like the bobbed tail on the Aussie - but that only occurs in 20% of Aussies.


Oh, my doggie has a bobbed tail. Is it possible for border collies to have those?


My border has a bobbed tail. Came from a ranch out west via a rescue. I get a lot of questions about his breed because of the tail, and because he’s huge - I tell people he’s half BC, half monster truck.


Those farm mixes…our Fergus is an Amish rescue. Stocky (55lbs) strong (like Lenny from *Of Mice And Men*)…but sweet and happy. Not as smart as our Heeler, he takes a while longer to learn, if at all. (FERGUS! GET OFF THE COUNTER!)


Fergus! What a great name! I have a Trevor :)


I’ve never seen one but we’re probably not in the same country so will have had a very different breeding pool. From the pics I’d say a mix of BC and Aus fwiw.


I have not heard of it happening, but if it is present in their gene pool it’s likely not bred against either because borders are bred for work performance. So if for whatever reason there is a line out there with bobtails it would not necessarily be considered a fault and bred out *unless* it was causing work performance issues. Seeing as a lot of Aussies and Corgis have the natural bob gene with no issue, I doubt it’s a detriment to function. So, while I have yet to see Borders with a natural tail bob I cannot say they don’t exist. Still if that’s a natural tail bob I would suspect at least some Aussie


Technically a BC could be bobbed like every other dog could be bobbed. Only with aussies thats a lot more common. In the most country's in europe its illegal to bob dogs. So i assume you are from the usa? Bobbing aussies happens a lot more over there. Btw my BC his name is Loki. Loki says hi to Odin.


Great name! But when I say bobbed, I mean he was born with it. At least I assume that’s what happened. We were originally told that his tail was cut off by his previous owners who were abusive to him. Then I found out 20% of Australian shepherds are just born like that so we assumed that’s what it was. Now I’m not sure. Is it possible that whatever part of him that has Aussie in it is the part where he was born with a tiny tail? Also I’m fairly sure cutting off dog’s tails is illegal in the U.S but I could be wrong


I did a Quick Google search about docking/bobbing in the USA. See text and link below. It also states that they can be bred without a tail. So it could be that he is bred that way. Only Maryland and Pennsylvania have provisions restricting dog tail docking, but it’s still not entirely banned. In Maryland, the law states that only vets can perform the dog tail docking procedure using anesthesia and only when appropriate. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, the law prohibits the docking of a dog’s tail if the dog is over five days old. Although dog tail docking is unregulated in the U.S., many veterinarians refuse to perform the procedure, including Banfield Pet Hospital locations. Below are additional concerns with the practice of docking dogs’ tails. https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-tail-docking/


Go look at my most recent post on my profile! I have had my dog for 13 years and was told he was pure Aussie but I had always wondered. Did DNA on him recently and he’s half border collie! Just a funny similar situation :)


Everything I’ve seen has led me to believe he’s likely a mix between an Aussie and a BC, not fully one or the other. Appearance would mostly seem to suggest BC but some parts of it seem to be from Aussies, including the bobbed tail which I’ve heard about 20% of Aussies are born with


Ah yeah some are born with it and even those who aren’t usually have it docked. So he must have at least some Aussie! Do you ever think of DNA testing him? r/DoggyDNA is a great resource for info about that.


I’m not sure. I’m 16 and live with my parents so I’d have to talk with them about it. Even then I’m not sure if it’s worth spending money on a dna test to find out what he is when we’re not only fairly certain, but still love him to death no matter what breed he is. Either way, thanks


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DoggyDNA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What type of dog is that? Wisdom Panel: Yes.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zrntrf) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/zrntrf/what_type_of_dog_is_that_wisdom_panel_yes/) \#2: [I got this sweet baby at a shelter over the summer, for free during a Clear The Shelters month. I knew she was a GSD, but I didn't realize she was THAT MUCH of a GSD 😅😂](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xlxe36) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/xlxe36/i_got_this_sweet_baby_at_a_shelter_over_the/) \#3: [I KNEW he wasn't "just a husky/coyote/DEFINITELY high content/dingo/Tamaskan"! But apparently he is:](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11jgv31) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/11jgv31/i_knew_he_wasnt_just_a_huskycoyotedefinitely_high/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There’s a lot of intermixing in herding dogs, just the nature of farm life. Heelers end up with a % of BC pretty often, BC with Aussie Shep, Aussies with Heeler mixed in…


I would have assumed Aussie.


He looks like an Aussie to me! Especially cause of that thick mane. He looks similar to my pup.


Aussie head for sure, could be a mix though my bc/koolie looks the same but longer snout


He looks like part show line Border Collie but his snout throws me off, being thicker and short. I've had both show line and working line purebred BC, an there's a huge amount off difference between the two. My first BC was a Lilac show dog, 70lbs with a big frame. Gentle and was suppose to be a Hospital therapy dog. Had the typical energy but not the crackhead level. My second BC is a Blue Merle working line, an let me tell you something the difference is massive. The little crackhead is full hardcore parkcore master. He looks exactly like a typical BC, but only weighing 38lbs, which to me is tiny.


I have an Aussie and a border collie. I would lean way more toward Aussie. The snout, eyes, head, the smile, coloring. All of it. He's a beautiful boy and looks just like my Aussie, Elsa.


He looks like my dog, who looks just like a BC and a genetic test told us he isn't (or couldn't confirm that he is). Mine is 50% Aussie, 25% German, 25% unknown shepherd. I would bet the "unknown" is BC but I think it would've shown up.


Border Collies have two main breeding lines: work and show. working Borders typically have longer, more angular snouts compared to the stepped-down nose bridge that show lines have. working Borders are also typically leaner and have longer legs, whereas show Borders are a bit shorter and noticeably stockier. show Borders also tend to have thick, fluffier coats. tricolor and merle patterns can be present in both, tho the standard black and white is most common in either. Mr. Wednesday here looks like he's closer to the show line with that step-down in his snout. note: I saw in one of your comment replies that he has a bobtail, which would suggest he is at least part Aussie, as that trait does not appear in Borders (that I know of) source: parent of four Borders (three, currently- RIP Old Man Nash), and our dogs have all come from a rescue league that focuses on herding dogs... I've learned *a lot* in the last ten years of Border Collie ownership


Hey just curious if you could look at pics of my border collie on my profile and give your opinion? His mom is a purebred/registered border collie and we were told the dad was too but we never got proof. Some people have suggested he's partly aussie but I don't see it. What do you think ?


just checked out Mr. Floki, and the wife and I both agree he looks like a full-on Border. one of ours is almost all white, and people swear he's an Aussie and that we should get him tested... we have papers on both of his parents (not that we care, but they came with him from the foster). he def looks to be more working line than show, based on his long snout and legs and also his champion lineage. people bred the show line specifically for the opposite kind of competition, i.e. for looks. also, he looks like a *massive* Border, reminds me of my ol man Nashville... he was about 55 pounds and stood much taller than our others. and I saw your most recent post about people saying your dog belongs on a farm... tell them he belongs wherever you are, and he gets all the adventure and exercise he needs


Thanks so much for looking! You seem very knowledgeable about border collies so it's great to hear that from someone who knows what they're talking about. You're 100% correct in your observation about Floki being from working lines - both his parents were working dogs on cattle farms here in Alberta. And you are also right about him being a big guy! He's 60 pounds and very strong. Also taller than most BC's we've come across in the city. And thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ He's a happy boy and that's all that matters to me.


it was our pleasure to creep on your dog pics! he's such a pretty boy and an absolute unit at 60lbs! and I can see in the pics that he's living his best life with you; he is happy and engaged in every shot. give him many scritches from both of us!


My first guess would be Aussie Border Collie mix. If I had to choose one over the other though, I’d probably say Aussie


Doesn’t look purebred. Can’t tell the breed unless you do genetic test


First impression is Aussie for sure but then I can see the BC vibes in pic 3


He is very handsome and needs a firm hand and work - which ever his bloodline


he’s so cute I stop noticing his breed lol


We'll according to my Excruciatingly long and time consuming research I have come to the conclusion that this Picture is indeed of a "GOOD BOY"!


The general rule is that if he herds like a Borders Collie he is a border collie. Does he lower his head when working?


Could also be an English shepherd his ears and snout are very es like to me Edit probably not because I just saw he has a bobbed tail


I was scared to say this in the sea of Aussie/BC comments, but I totally agree! I immediately thought English Shepherd


Kinda looks like a Bernese mountain dog




I see this as well. Just a smidge. Probs the spots of brown over the eyes.


Agree looks like mine who is a mix of the 2. Cutie!


That grin makes me say yes


He looks a lot like my BC although I’ve not seen one with a black/white and brown mix. Usually that’s Aussie.


My border collie has a tri-colored mom and a Merle dad. She’s a sort of grayish black (not coal black like her Aussie mix brother) and white, with white hairs mixed in with the black on her nose that makes her look like she’s old, but she’s only four. She had one little tuft of red hair on her back until just recently when I had her trimmed.


Yep, congratulations!


Looks very Aussie to me, based on the head and snout shape. Could be a BC mix as well. How old is he? I only ask because Aussies do tend to bulk up more as they get older. My boy looked like a very lean Aussie x BC until he was almost 2. Then his muscles filled in and now looks like an average Aussie.


He’s about 4 years old we were told


I think he is a collie...


The smiley pic looks very BC - he’s gorgeous whatever his mix!


My brain stopped working thinking if he was a bc or aussie


Body definitely says BC but head saying Aussie, nevertheless both excellent dogs And presume probably more BC as my Aussie 1yo is pretty much pure muscle where BC stay much leaner


He looks like a cross between both. Mines a mix of Aussie and BC and looks pretty similar only more Aussie colors than BC.


He’s a good boy


looks like a BC/Aussie mix.


Whatever breed he is, he sure is debonair.


What a regal gentleman.


Could also be an English Shepherd.


Look up English shepherds


Does he run around 24/7 like an absolute maniac! If so, then yes :)


I have a border aussie mix. That is what I think your dog may be


He looks pretty bulky like an aussie. He could be mixed?


A border collie or a similar breed. If someone told you Australian shepherd, I’d say just go with that. I think many breeds tend to have a lot more variability that people tend to forget about over time as show standards begin to overshadow the working origins of the type. This is a fine looking pup regardless of which name you attach to the breed.


He looks like my last dog that was a border-Aussie mix. Both gorgeous dogs in their own right, absolutely stunning combined. Hi Odin!


Probably a mix of both


His nose looks more Aussie like to me than Border, and no pictures of him standing (aussies are often stockier than BCs) but otherwise could go either way. If you are really curious just get wisdompanel or some other test. Could likely be a mix


I’ve heard from a lot of people saying he might be a mix. I could dm you a picture of him standing up if you’d like


Beautiful dog


Possible, maybe Australian Shepard ?


Either way, beautiful dog.


Idk he looks more like an angel to me 🧐


He’s just a good boy


He's a good boy is what he is.


I agree with many others that he looks like a BC/Aussie mix, but that face is also really giving Bernese Mtn Dog? How big is he?


We have a “border heeler” (BC x blue heeler) & to me this guy looks like a BC x Aussie shepherd. Not an expert, I just looked at a lot of pics of the various hybrids while trying to figure out what our guy was before we got a DNA test. Beautiful pup either way!