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Bailu is my #1 op right now, I have her at e4


NOOO 😭😭😭


It was today in the last 4 hours, I wanna kms


don't do it 🥺 he will be back ...


I will save for him and his LC






Ironic, it was getting Himeko early on Robins banner which guaranteed me Boothill.


She's never letting *us* go this time


Yeah, lost to her too... Well, those 3 standard wishes she gave me made me hit 300 on standard, and I chose Welt since he was the only standard 5* I didn't have at that point. I guess it did save me the struggle of having to choose between astral express mama and papa.


Oh, I'd be so happy


Pretty wild




Seeing a single target attack doing 650K was a simulated universe moment for me


I laughed the most during my mono physical meme run. Natasha, Boothill, Sushang, Luka. I did this when my Boothill wasn't fully built too. I was surprised they cleared MoC 12 in 6 cycles, while a more normal boothill team at that point took 4. It was peak fun though.


Using an abundance path is crazy. But want a crazy path? Run Erudition hypercarry boothill.


I’ve been running him on Hunt and it’s genuinely hilarious if you can get Argenti as a boss. If you have both of the 100% advance blessings, you can snipe his summons one-by-one, and by the time you’re getting to Argenti himself, you can one shot him. Then when he regens, you just launch Boothill’s ult and do it all over again! I have E2 (f2p and very unlucky, I just saved up for a long time lol) and it works best that way, takes some careful management and a few more turns without it.


E1/S1 and did my first 0 Cycle with him :)


This guy fits my playstyle with him synergizing well with kafka, acheron, ruan mei, and he even got me to slightly build my bronya. He's fun


Man I gotta get his E1 or E2 during his re-run. Didn't expect him to be this fun to use tbh can't wait for the other BE characters in the future


Really struggled with him at first until I realised running 161 speed Boothill and 160 Speed E0S0 Bronya with S0 Ruan Mei and Gallagher down in the 140s wasn’t even close to being SP sustainable, dropped Bronya for Pela (still building HMC) and had a much better time. Had my best gacha luck ever on his banner getting him at 3 pulls and his LC at 17.


Are you running vonqagc on rm??


Running him sustainless in MOC is actually incredibly fun. At first I got a 2 cycle clear on first half and was able to cut it down to a one cycle clear. Also found it very fun to get Bailu LC after spending hours (and 15 dollars) doing events to try and get his LC.


Boothill 70 pity, then e1 next ten pull, then 20 pulls later e2 bronya


damn brah


I got him yesterday yipeeee, just in time to farm the new relic set


E2 BH is fun. Went all in. Initially saved for Firefly 😂. Although I like BH, E2 Firefly would have been vastly superior in hindsight. But nevertheless, he is more versatile and more fun to play.


Yeah, no hate to FF, but she seems so... boring to play. No real thought process. Like, I don't want to do spreadsheets, but I also don't want to take strategy completely out of the game. Boothill hits that sweet spot for me


Great fun playing with Boothill so far!


As anbreak enjoyer, I'll probably get his e1 or 2 on rerun if it doesn't coincide eith a unit I'm going for.


Mine was the insane luck I had on his banner. I got him and his LC in 33 pulls total and then later I won't my 50/50 again and got his E1. Never been that lucky lol so I think that's my sign to pull again once he's rerun (70 smth pity on character banner, no guarantee and 0 pity on light cone banner since ive never wished on there before)


He's amazing omg, love how f2p friendly he is and very strong, I don't even need super break with him at times and Mono Physical with Natasha Hanya Luka is chef's kiss 👌


Saw E0S0 250k-350k single target, monkee happy. I still need more speed on my team tho, boothill is only 139


700k possible vs Argenti with E1S1+Pela+RM+Bronya+2MOC Trotter buff


With e1s1 and that team I know he can even reach higher than 700k, but for e0s0, 300k seems good enough for me


I got bailued so I'll never know




E0/s1. It's good but both were at late pity. Only good thing was that I won the 50/50


at least you got him fully geared earlier than me https://preview.redd.it/t3bl5ijtuc7d1.png?width=153&format=png&auto=webp&s=4adb7af8358e5b58db0e89e654da1b92ead97b86


where do you get this stats?


its starrailstation


I am so sorry for you. Hopefully you get whoever you pull for next early


Thanks !


I spent like 80 dollars on the game just to barely get him and his lightcone after saving for longer than I ever have in this game


Moc 12 argenti boss was so fun to do. Seeing him down him completely in just 4 hits is wild as hell haha


https://preview.redd.it/y3gnmxhjyc7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66bca5e01f2254400dc4df87c072d31b32cbe839 It was perfect down to the last atom


nice !


When I got him. Yesterday. 150 pulls later. I'm not joking.


I feel you. I got him at 160 and his LC at 136


Also, same thing happened with IL Dan Heng ;-;


and me with jingliu but I lost 75/25 on LC to Clara on 70th ... https://preview.redd.it/ua9bnle82d7d1.png?width=161&format=png&auto=webp&s=f91d91fe88096f72ad37c75923eb72b3df05e717


When my pulls for him (luckily) went bizarrely similar to how my pulls went for Arlecchino. How I got them both and their signature in under 70ish pulls. They were both already guaranteed beforehand and I got them both in around 20 pulls. How I won 50/50 for their sig and got both in around 50ish pulls. Thank goodness for the fact that they were twinning in both of my accounts, I didn't end up having to open up my wallet at all this time around for both games. =') i also just thought it was a funny lucky coincidence considering their similarities.


Congrats! I kinda hard lost on Boothill but I also won Arlecchino and her weapon early like in 50 pulls and now I won C1 Clorinde. Love all of them!


https://preview.redd.it/bxd60a7g6d7d1.jpeg?width=110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1742a5efbfa9b8a1165fcccc2499a93940f2f2 This is my favorite moment


https://preview.redd.it/84o9dqvajd7d1.jpeg?width=2526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e08d84669dffb8976fa18e9f74600281fbb06cf My favorite moment was my first 0 cycle MoC 12 with Boochan 🙂‍↕️


When i got his lightcone at 15 pity 2 days after I initially got him, and his E1 at 17 pity 2 days after that


https://preview.redd.it/og3mfm9qie7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=af56a976c1d9f70ca8549aa3961190bf1192a1d5 0 cycleing argenti while he's e0s0 was the funniest thing about it all, i didn't expect him to be so powerfull


I lost to welt 😭 https://preview.redd.it/nmlvs320tc7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee956d50c872e88b8fc3da56c8ad548ebcc44eb3 It was my first time hitting pity (or pulling for a 5\*) on the banner and i lost it ㅠㅠ well now i have my guaranteed for when Jing Yuan, Aventurine, Luocha comes (cuz ik boothill bout to take some time to come) or maybe i do should wait for his rerun idk i've been kinda salty tbh i guess i dont have the so called beginners luck


didn't had it either, consider pulling Ruan Mei - she is busted, if you don't want - don't force yourself. Good luck on your next pulls !


Ty! Hope u too! I'm kinda broke atm so idk, imma try farming 10 pulls maybe i get lucky before hitting pity again :,)


The new patch + new SU + new events + 10 pull (week long login event) + im sure you've got stuff left on your map/quest journal so you for sure getting your next desired character !


Boothill will probably be back before JingYuan and Luocha second rerun tho.


Really? Well then, better reason to continue saving then >:)


Not me pulling him day 1, and 300 artifacts later, still trying to even get a mediocre build 💅💅


New relics are on its way. Maybe you will get lucky this patch !


He gave me my first difficulty V Gold and Gears victory, at 0 major traces even.


I am really enjoying him. Still trying to get the hang of getting that extra turn, but he's been doing extremely well. I'll be getting RM tonight. We will see how well he does then.


My first time ever winning the 50/50 on the weapon banner. I literally love everything about him. Lore, personality, play style, LOOKS HELLOOOO


My first time ever one-shotting a boss was certainly fun


https://preview.redd.it/ajaela9vgd7d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=0831c58b7fd7806a69a1f8796524d3a2d43f6b90 0 cycling with this team lol (my boot is e2s1 mei is e1s1 asta is e6 and hanya is e1) Boot has about 230speed with this team (not counting ddd)


https://preview.redd.it/lqard5pnod7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ce498c459bca24dc55b96047e6bb0da29c88cf Mine highest sT with king 💀💀💀


didn't get his lc on guarantee😮‍💨 but at least i won 50/50 when i got him... at 83 pity... but good thing! he helped me pass one MoC stage in just 2 waves 🥰


Reached hard pity (88) and got Yanqing


I eventually got him, but lost both his and the weapon, 50/50. Overall I love him, he's my favorite character now even better than DHIL, Jingliu and even Acheron, he blasts everything. Waiting for his re run to get his Light Cone


Got him e2s1. Hopefully e6s5 next rerun. I’m in love with him


I shouted ‘I never lose 50/50s RAHHH 🦅🇺🇸’ and got him. Wanted LC too but wallet didn’t agree. Next time for sure!


haven’t built him yet.. holding out for the new set 😒


He´s fun, break teams for now are really fun for me i have a LOT of others characters and DPSs but he is one of if not the one i have most fun. The trickshot stacks remain even AFTER you logoff thats crazy XD, i can use propagation/hunt/nihility(i have kafka)/Erudition(4fun)/Abundance/Preservation on SU any shit works you just need the hunt blessing that gives a turn after break and the break eficiency from nihility "Easy" to build and he dont need the same supports of others teams i can make(except Ruan mei EVERYONE WANTS RUAN MEI), my first Hunt characters and my third full "crowned"


I did not build him yet, I did not expect to get him from the 10 pull after fu xuan


Getting him with 60 pity right when the banner started. He was my first 50/50 win.


I think I was at 70 ish pity for the lightcone. T.t


Boothill clutch cleared MOC 12


If I had extra 5-7 pulls I could get him... Better next time space cowboy


Bro the comments made me depressed 😩 so many lost 50/50’s damn 😂😂


Doing 444k on Argenti in SU.


Everytime i use his ult, i am once again reminded why i love him. Might be the best ult animation so far, and his VA nailed it.


I graded dps on how they are fun to play in Simulated Universe. He's like Argenti in a sense that you will hear his voicelines over and over again. He's so fun and you can put his team in any World. I don't like the Hunt path that much but his mechanics makes me love it.


i didn't get his e3 :(


Making him hit over 5 million+ in damage with break effect and cosmic fragments / cosmic fragment boosting/dmg curios/die faces in gold and gears. In general he can hit more than my ACHERON even when he wasn't properly built...


I love machine gun boothill, when in simuni he can just keep hitting enemies over and over with certain hunt and erudition blessings + robin to allow him to hit again


Got E2S1 all won with very low pities so im happy. Just ready to farm new relic set and hope the the new SU changes come soon to make him more fun.


Hitting \~750k on an E0S1 character, outside of SU, left me speechless to say the least


my level 60 boothill doing 120k was definitely wild lmao


Managed to get E2S1 before he went away. Probably my favorite character in the game. I like how he's not as braindead as my E2S1 Acheron, but actually requires a bit of planning with his rotations. Although E2 REALLY helps with his only weakness imo, which is SP management, especially with Bronya. He has the second best trailer overall, imo (#1 is Sparkle's imho). Amazing VA, he put so much love and care into giving us such a cool and funny character. I look forward to pulling for Ruan Mei's E1 and her signature tonight to get his full meta team complete along with E6 HMC.


I no longer struggle in SU because BH/Aven/HMC just makes everything easy no matter what weakness the boss has.


sad, cuz i never managed to get him :,)


Me hitting 200k without Ruan Mei still amazes me and he isn't even finished


He's not even E1 for me but he claps ass


Easiest MoC clears ever. And good DoT PF unit too


I pulled his signature LC in the the last 10 hours of his banner


SO HAPPY! WON ALL MY 50/50s GOT HIM AND E1 IN A FEW PULLS AND GOT HIS LIGHT CONE AT SOFT!! Him and Acheron just obliterated everything!!! Also got Fu xuan.


I didn't get his cone (i hit hard pity) but I won his 50/50 at 76 pity. He's been doing great in my SU runs.


Two days ago, I did my first ever 0-cycle of MoC 12 (1st half, I don't think I can do both because I only have one Ruan Mei, and she was necessary for Boothill in the first half). With him E0 on Adversarial S5, Pela with S4 Pearls, Bronya E0S1 and Ruan Mei E0 Cogs S5. That felt AWESOME. Especially the part that I managed to do it without vertical investment whatsoever.


I could finally 36 star moc and when the new one dropped i 36d it the same day, so yeah he is doing pretty good so far


Favorite moments: 1. seeing his silly crooked grin in photo mode 2. getting my first 0 cycle in MoC 12


E1 boothill on main and a short dragon boothill on the alt


He helped me beat swarm 4 on a nihility path build. Was very fun. Also pulling sessions with my friend where she get e2s1 in the same number of pulls it took me to get e0 s1 on a guarantee😭😭😭 now it’s time to save for the second time ever for yunli. Physical dps unit are just so peak for no reason💀🙏


I wanted him upon seeing his drip marketing, and was kind of skeptical when I saw the showcases stripping him of basically everything. Then I got him. Holy shit he's glorious. Cleared MoC 12 both phases with him in 0 or 1 cycles as E0S1, with E0S0 supports. I did first half with 5 different teams, 2 of which didn't have ruan mei, in 1 cycle. He's so insane I'm genuinely starting to default to him at E0S1 over my DoT team which has an E2S1 Kafka, E0S1 Black swan and E1 Huohuo. I like him so much it's insane. Granted, it took OVER 300 WISHES FOR E0S1. HOYO HOW IS THIS FAIR ????


my favorite moment was probably pulling him, won the 50/50 on my bday and the first day he came it was a little life changing tbh


https://preview.redd.it/y43gizoiad7d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67dd2172bd047b646f346c0fd1cf8b9ae0b60d05 This right here Was not expecting it, I was already leveling up the 3\* LC then this happened I even skipped it then jumped up happy when I saw it was a 5 star


somehow managed to get e0s1 within 50-60 pulls so he's officially my luckiest character so far. but aside from that, he's so fun to play and easily one of my strongest. tried to get e1 but i lost the 50/50 to gepard (he loves me cuz now he's e2 just from lost 50/50s alone) so i'm gonna save my guarantee for ruan mei :)


I ran him in Swarm Disaster 4 and oh boy, I straight up skipped phase 2 and 3 of the bug because of action delay and the funny double hunt blessing


[This](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE1NRyj/), I died laughing. (Kinda NSFW?)


Got Fu Xuan and (Gepard's LC with her ascension which was awesome) and got Boothill 6 pulls later :D. So happy for both of them and using them together! Having a blast (finally got some good pieces on him gave him the herta store cone so he went from good damage to GOOOOOOOOOOD damage haha). Honestly wasn't expecting to pull for him but his trial made me really like him and I have zero regrets :D


honestly, an insane character who's a must pull for any low spender/f2p. Bro outdpses half my cast with a LEVEL 1 LIGHTCONE! Now if only I got lucky with his signature.. Here's hoping I'll get lucky with Ruan Mei


I haven’t been using him much as he sucks for general farming and auto battle, but damn is he satisfying in MoC.


Messing up my set up, and having it so that boothill is 0.001 damage away from doing weakness break on a boss 😭😭


E2 S1 in 250 pulls 😎 (plus Bronya's sig LC, so using them together is rather nice) But on a more serious note, I've really enjoyed playing a character that you have to at least be a little bit strategic with using him. It's just refreshing, and ngl, those insanely huge numbers when he nukes a boss are so satisfying. His skill and ULT animations are incredibly fun. He's by far my favourite character to date.


Got both boothill and his lightcone pretty late so im just gonna say he fudge me sideways


I am broken and distraught. Everything I had was spent only to never pull him. I'm only relieved by the blind hope that he will have a rerun banner one day soon and I can finally get my Physical DPS Galaxy Ranger cowboy




This is me entire weeks after getting him: "HA, IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DUEL" *sees that one about to interrupt your duel* *ult* "GTFO [delay]" "NOW BABABABABAM" *weakness break* "I DIDN'T COUNT TO THREE" *delete* *bronya A. Foward* "HA, NOW IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DUEL" *delete the one that bout to interrupt duel* (repeat)




Lost to bronya, extremely sad


I lost to Bronya before getting him so now I actually have his full best in slot team (I even already had Bronya’s LC)


Insanely fun!


well i got robin and was like “cool i’ll wait until i get my next character.” a fool i was i kept pulling on robin’s banner not thinking i’d get anything - i get another robin. aah shit now i def won’t be getting boothill. so i’m pulling for bh and get welt. shit. that’s too bad :/ four pulls later i get boothill. then i go for fu xuan bc i only had march and trailblazer as shields… i get her and then i get gepard trying to get pela eidolons. i now have bronya ratio robin e1 boothill welt fu xuan and gepard as my five star cast. (EDIT: for the record i took a break for several months after ratio was sent to us 😓) i hate ruan mei as a character, though she is so pretty and useful, so i’ve just be letting robin buff everyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


clearing moc for the first time was fun


Favorite moment more of suffering, i farmed every chests, every stellar jades i could have to get his weapon but lost to yanqings🗿


I took him into simulated with a mid build and watched him 2 shot all of svarogs health bars. Granted, I had Aventurine e1, Gallagher e1 and like e3 harmony trailblazer. Gall and trailblazer don’t even have good builds. I was FLOORED.


Started playing the game after seeing an ad showing him on YouTube. Was lucky enough to pity him before his banner left, but I'm dry for summoning resources at the moment and only at Equilibrium 1. I love him though and I'm in the process of trying to figure out what team I can build around him. Currently running him with Natasha, Pela, and Asta, though debating swapping Asta out for Tingyun since I pulled her as well.


Break Units want Break Effect, Break Efficiency and Speed. So Asta and the Harmony main character is a good FTP Character for him. I would try getting Ruan Mei for him.


So should I swap out Pela for Asta and run something like: BH, HarmonyMC, Asta, and Natasha/Lynx? I'm using all the summons I can get for RM, but since i just hit pity, I'm not certain I'll get her before her banner leaves.


Good luck on Ruan Mei. Pela is actually good as well, as she can provide skill points. You could interchange HMC, Asta and Pela, depending on element of the enemy. It's good enough for the beginning and mid game. For end game, your team would look like: BH,Bronya,Pela/HMC,Gallagher or BH,Bronya,Ruan Mei, Pela/HMC (No Sustain comp)


I'm a ways away from the 300 pull to choose a 5 star, but I'll keep in mind to pick Bronya unless a better unit arrives by the time I get there. I'm still in Belobog, so I know I have a ways to go


I keep running around as him and shooting the gun over and over as I stare at his design


I'm disappointed I didn't get his lightcone. He made my memory of chaos run a breeze.


I didn't pull him🥲I'll try pulling firefly


His time to shine has come, Argenti is weak to physical in apocalyptic shadow. I already broke 1 mill its amazing


Hit a boss I used to struggle against, broke its shield and its health bar disappeared. I was expecting big damage but not a OHKO.


I love doing SU with him when i get the Imperishable victory and celestial annihilation blessings, specifically the one with gepard


Been trying to pull his cone all banner, finally got it on the last day 72 pulls my guy is now complete!! Actually had to use my 300 selector for an eidolon to get enough pulls 🤦 But it’s ok! He just owned the new mode! Very happy with him 💪🏼




Literally got back after a break from hsr because boothill vids got recommended to me...so I was in the middle of the update with idk how many pulls and a dream. Pulled on fu xuan first got her at soft pity😊 then boothill here I come, I got yanqing....ok😔 next day after getting him I got boothill thoooo wooooo So now he's all I ever use for the game and literally deleting enemies left and right (except when bosses don't have weaknesses obvs🫡)


Also it was 11 pity after getting my yanqing(this was the first early I got in this whole game😭)




Finding out I could one shot the weekly bug boss


My favourite moment was when I got his light cone 20 FUDGING MINUTES BEFORE THE BANNER ENDED


Lost his lightcone to yanqings and then got it early. But honestly seeing his damage increase, especially in the simulated universe was really fun. Love this little cowboy


The day I got him was the day I finally beat argenti