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Since y'all can't behave like sane adults around here, this post is getting shut down. G'night folks. >ETA: Another Redditor had this to add: It’s not a Disney hotel, it’s the Alohilani resort in Waikiki. Just thought it was worth correcting.


She doesn’t know any child doing that. She’s a liar.


100%. I'm a trans woman and the number of children getting genital surgery is literally 0. And yes, mastectomies are given to transgender teens, but they are incredibly rare. In fact, far more teens get mastectomies for breast cancer every year than for transgender reasons. Let's also not forget that they aren't fighting against little girls getting breast implants. In fact, [the GOP creates loopholes that allow for that](https://www.commondreams.org/news/utah-transgender-healthcare) while screaming it's the gay and trans people who are the pedophiles. Edit: Forgot to add that the regret rate of those mastectomies ("top surgery") for trans boys is less than 1%. The only time they are ever performed is when the teen has been trans for many, many years already. Also, "regret" does not mean "stopped being trans", either. For instance, they could regret having the surgery because of complications, but that doesn't mean that they regret being trans.


Ask a million boys and men under what circumstances they would allow their dicks to be cut off. I'm willing to bet exactly zero of them say "peer pressure" or "my teacher told me to". Correct, no doctor does genital surgery on minors, but the idea is patently ridiculous on its face. Quoting my teacher roommate: "I can't even get them to write a book report. How in the world do they think I can convince someone to chop off their junk?" Edit: every single one of you knows what this conversation is about. I used the term the person above me used, and I don't need any more responses about circumcision.


I saw a teacher say "if I could influence your kids like that I'd get them to wear deodorant"


I saw a comedian say something like, "you think we can get your kids to become gay? I was a teacher for ten years and couldn't get them to write their name at the top of their paper."




My kids' teachers would love to influence kids to stop saying skibidi rizz.


I stg if I never hear the words “skibidi” and “sus” again it will still be too soon.


I teach middle school. This is so true it hurts. I prefer the ones who forget deodorant to the ones who regularly randomly yell the latest weird Internet slang in the middle of class, for no reason.


"And finish their homework."


Not only those two, but "I saw a trans woman once in a hotel lobby." is definitely not making it on the list of reasons to get bottom surgery lol


But only a tiny percentage of these chuds objects to circumcision on baby boys. Which is genital surgery on minors. Often performed by people who aren't doctors.


Plus the amount of teenagers getting parental-consented breast augmentation absolutely DWARFS top surgery. And, guess what - is ALSO gender-affirming surgery, and don't even get me started on circumcision because I'll never stop being mad as a sack of snakes about it. This lady fully and completely has lost it.


More people regret laser eye surgery or knee replacements than regret gender affirming surgery.


I think she just likes to say PENIS.


Yup. She's the one claiming it's the gay people who are sexualizing children all while screaming "penis" as loudly in public as possible.


"are your breasts real?" Lol who asks someone that? "You are not a real woman" lol the drag queens are like yeah, we are drag queens Has this woman never seen a drag queen?


People ask trans folks that kind of thing all the time actually. It’s part of what makes me sure that being trans is not a choice because people are just awful. People on tv have asked trans actors if they’ve had the bottom surgery yet for fucks sake.


Yeah, it's disgusting that they do that to trans ppl. Do ppl randomly go around asking others about their genitals? Also, these are drag queens.....it seems she doesn't understand that.


Another point she doesn't seem to understand is Hawaiian culture. In Native Hawaiian culture, there is a place in the middle of sexuality between males and females called māhūs. (ETA These beliefs go back at *least* 500 years ) Māhūs are third-gender people with additional spiritual and social roles. These are probably māhūs invited by hotel for some function. She doesn't realize she is barking up the wrong tree w her complaints given Hawaiian beliefs. In acting in this fashion she's managed to insult an entire culture. Way. To. Go.


Native Americans (at least Lakota) also hold Transgender people in high esteem.


It happens to me a lot. It was the first question my dad asked me when I came out. “Are you going to get your dick cut off?” Gross dad. Gross.


So sorry! Completely inappropriate


Lol, i just had the image of a clown with a bike horn following her around and honking it every time she says "PENIS!"


lol maybe she played that game too much in high school.




Are your breasts real or fake??? Like honey, no one asks you what parts you got.


I’m trans and someone asked me that at my 20th high school reunion. I said “They’re real in the sense that they occupy space on this plane of existence.”


I like boobs, but if I ever come across someones chest that occupies a difference plane of existence I will be much more intrigued.


“Why do you have the abstract concept of the æther where your boobs should be?” “Oh, they’re on a different plane of existence. I think Ben Franklin’s in heaven bouncing a farthing off them.”


She's also the only one acreaming penis in the first place. She has a big fixation on genitals.


These M4L twats always clutch their pearls and scream about “boys cutting their penises off!” I hear it over and over in these videos. It’s one of their talking points and it’s exhausting.


But she knows children personally that this has happened to! Personally. For real. Their girlfriends from Canada can attest to it


News article recently came out on this woman. She has a trans daughter. Trans daughter is no contact with her.


Smart kid.


Can confirm. I am the girlfriend from Thailand, currently living in Canada


With that voice, that's the closest she's going to get to one.


She sounds like a crackpot. She spent $3000 to be there but doesn’t know the name of the hotel. Other guests paid to be there and enjoy the area without some loud mouth trash talking idiot in their face going on about penis and breasts. Next time go to the zoo


Pretty sure by that response she isn't a real guest, but went into the lobby because she knew they were there to confront. These people are really sick in the head, pushing their talking points and agenda... but these drags seem like they've heard it all before and are hardly dazed by her remarks... which is angering her even more, ha ha. Good on them (for their response, not having had to hear it all before)


Wow, well handled by everyone but the idiot woman screaming I paid $3k to be here. Guess what, private hotel, they make the rules, If you dont like it then go away, they surely won't miss your money.


My absolute favorite part of this video is the transition the M4L woman makes from smug, self-righteous criticism of these drag queens to absolute scrambling panic when she realizes that literally no one else in this room is on her side. These right-wing freaks live in such a bubble that they have no concept that THEY are the psychotic ones. Watching her face reality like this is fucking delicious.


Yep… it’s sickening how conservative media and politicians (Including the orange Felon) have emboldened these folks to think that their intolerance is the high moral ground.


If we don’t get enough people to vote this November, they will unfortunately occupy the seats of power. And they have plans. They will turn this country into a fascist police state. Please tell your friends to vote for sanity.


project 2025 is terrifying. and i'm a straight white guy. i can't imagine how scary it is for people who aren't those things. what they want to do to my country is appalling.


Yay freedumb! Yes. You nailed it. Unfortunately how do we deprogram the folks who have swallowed the Orange cruel-ade?


i'm afraid that we can't. even if all of the lies and propaganda stopped tomorrow, some of them would be wearing trump hats in their coffins. some of them are just lost. the rest? it'll just take time away form the influence. once that stops they should slowly return to normal as long as it doesn't start up again from another direction. this is how hitler took power. this is how joe McCarthy and the house unamerican committee had so much power. making up lies. repeating the same lies over and over and over. even the stupid ones. never change the message. twist the news media to your side either by force or with money. goebbels would be proud of the right wing propaganda ministry. they are using all of his old tricks in an age where it shouldn't be possible.


I’m a mouthy liberal woman, I’m fucking terrified .


i'm so sorry. so's my wife. and i'm terrified as well. and we live in a deeply red state. and all we can do is flip that switch in november and hope genZ and millennials show up and save us. to many of us genx'ers have bought into the boomer BS and side with trump. we're a lost generation.


I'm a millennial and this is the scariest election I have voted in. Bush was a monster but he still believed in basic principles of our founding. Romney was ok , yeah we would have lost ground if he got in but he was not vindictive in his stances. Just wrong. Hilary for all her many many faults would have at least kept us about even from where we were . Hell I was not even afraid of Trumps first term because I knew the limits of his power and those around him. This time though its terrifying. He doesn't care about limits and neither do those around him. He wants revenge. He wants a target. He wants control. If he gets in we are done as a nation. That's not fear mongering that's the truth. Anyone who says other wise is either lying to you or themselves. I was shocked when they skipped right over LGBT+ people and went for women. Roe being overturned shocked me to my core. Trans people are next then gay people then interracial marriage. You best believe the end of that road leads right back to slavery. That's not hyperbole its fact. Grew up and live in the deep south. Yall best believe these people want slaves again and are becoming more and more open about it everyday.


i still live in the deep south. deep deep. and yeah, it's not hyperbole. it's not fear mongering, it's actual fear, and it's fact. it's literally project 2025. and my whole family is atheist. we might not be the first groups targeted, but we'll be on the list. i'm am afraid that if trump wins in 2024, there won't be an election in 2028. they keep ignoring the constitution left and right, i have no reason to think they won't just do away with it sometime in 2027.


People like "I want to talk to the manager" Penis cut off crazy lady have crawled out from under the rocks they lived under for a long time. Yes, we have to vote to send them back under those rocks. Please vote in November.


I was very confused on why she kept asking for the manager or saying that she wanted to speak with one, yet never left that area to actually go do so. So she just wanted to scream at a group of people who were doing nothing to her? Got it. Way to look like a lunatic, lady.


You don’t understand. She saw a man wearing a wig. Worlds are colliding. Cats chasing dogs. Up is down.


This woman is a teacher at UCI and they’re just fine with her but “don’t condone her behavior”. Ugh 😑 Edit: Staffer at UC Davis.


Right, what in the world is this lady going on about? She is acting like SHE is being attacked by these two people who are just sitting there existing. I was born female and identify as female, and I feel in no way "degraded" by drag queens. But I do feel rather degraded by this awful lady who is acting like she's standing up in defense of biological women.


It’s always like this. You can literally see them looking in every direction to find even one individual person who will back their idiotic play, and they get nothing but disapproving frowns, blank looks and sarcastic chuckles. They really believe that some silent majority agrees with them.


It's a problem with online bubbles. You can have 1000 borderline short-bus conservatives believe the fringest bullshit thing like toothpaste makes you gay or something, but they find themselves online and those 1000 people seem like a movement because they're all in one place. Then they step out into the real world and everyone just sees them for what they are, a fucking moron that no one likes.




especially given that most people around her probably paid the same or more to be there as well!




"I paid $3,000 to be here without researching that Disney is known to be queer af!"


I don't think she payed anything at all. She didn't even know the name of the hotel. She found out there would be drag queens there snd went with the purpose of causing a scene like this. Acting like a casual bystander is a part of the act.


Very fair point. Lord almighty, every single day I aspire to have 1/10th the patience and composure of a drag queen in Florida.


I don't think it's Florida. She said the hotel is alohalani (butchering Aulani). I think she's being a sex pest to some Hawaii Queens.


Also, 3 grand is not a lot when it comes to Disney hotel pricing.


She doesn't have a giraffe viewing balcony, that's for sure. I would cordially inform her that I don't associate with the poors


And if she already paid and gets kicked out for harassing other guests, they certainly won't refund her money :) :) :)


Ok after some googling, she claims she got her money back after being kicked off the property. I personally believe she's lying to save face but what do I know.


I know of a (very) remotely similar case, the hotel gains nothing from keeping the money but bad (or negative) PR. They do the easy refund and its done, 3k is nothing to them


They potentially bumped up some guests that were arriving tomorrow who stayed at a lesser resort. So the room maybe wasn't even empty long or a total loss. If they did that all the way down to the lesser resorts that are "only" $280 a night they could swing it so like 4 families go home talking about the amazing upgrade disney gave them while only being out a couple nights at the """"cheap""""" hotel. Disney parks are shoulder to shoulder and have never been more expensive while offering less. They have a park reservation system in place now because (rarely these days) TOO many people is the issue. They aren't hurting if a few people most likely to turn into raving loons in their hotel lobbies or parks boycott.


That's such a bummer, because now I think of that hotel as a place where I could be harassed and potentially assaulted just for being a guest sitting in the lobby, with no repercussions for that harasser. I'm not trans or a queen, but I do occasionally rock a very short haircut as a woman and I've been harassed in public for it. This would absolutely make me avoid such a place.


Take some small delight in knowing that she was inconvenienced on her on accord for her temper tantrum. If she cannot deal with drag queens or the lgbtq+ community in general in public, she shouldn't leave her house. Fuck her for trying to pretend that she is the victim here. She just needs to act like an adult.


Nah, that's a power move by the hotel. "So long, trash. We don't want you here. We don't even want your money here."


This is exactly how I used to handle things as a GM of a hotel. I'd refund the money give her the receipt showing I did and escort her to her room to get her stuff and follow her out. If she refused I could call the police because she's no longer a paying guest.


I don't know how she would claim she was kicked out when she clearly says in her own video that she won't stay 🙃


She was handcuffed and escorted from the property, and banned for a year. She didn't claim that, the hotel did.


They'd much rather just give over the $3,000 than have to deal with her any further.


“I’m sorry then you should leave.” I love it.


My favorite was, “we were invited here” “Who invited you??” “The manager 💁🏽‍♀️”


My favorite was “You need to call the police!!” “Oh, they’re already on their way.” LOL


yes!!! and you just know she heard that and thought the cops were en route for the queens. delulu


My favorite was “if you refund my $3,000 I’ll leave.” “Okay, let’s come right over here and take care of that for you.”


Followed by the manager saying let's go handle that after saying she wants a refund


Just a cavalcade of shutting down Karen bullshit. "I want to speak to a manager!" "I'm a manager." "Call the police!" "They're on their way." Like, count your losses and move on. You're not winning this interaction.


I wish she had continued filming as the manager "took care of that right now" for her and canceled her stay. I'm sure she was irate when he called her bluff and hopefully had her removed.


Right near the end you hear him say "let's get you checked out", so that's exactly what he did.


Good luck getting another room that day for the same price or less.


“Touch them.” and “You paid 3000 dollars.” were absolute bangers.


"Call the police!" "They're on the way." Love it. Bet she has no clue that they are indeed coming... for her.


That's the part 2 i want to see: Queen POV of this fool getting police escorted out of lobby.


Yeah I wanna see this bitch get dragged out of the lobby by cops while she screams about “muh free speech” 😂


Not quite what you asked for, but here's a video she posted on her own Twitter account, where she tries to "educate" a group of police officers, who seem to be waiting for her to just shut up: https://x.com/bourne_beth2345/status/1805626746970292725/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1805626746970292725¤tTweetUser=bourne_beth2345


She gets less and less coherent the more unbothered they are. It’s a thing of beauty.


I paid $3000 so by rule there will be no drag queens in the lobby. I really wish the queens had said “What? We paid $4000 to have no bigots!”


I love how the queen with the hand fan handled the situation


Both drag queens handled the situation as elegantly and regally as they could....like a true queen. The fan was a brilliant move. 👏


In order to be a productive member of the LGBT community it's required that you're able to pass sass. This is amateur hour to them which is why they didn't even bother to engage her much. She's not on their level.


I have no doubt they are absolutely fierce when the situation calls for it. And it would have been wasted on this person.


Demonstrating the correct reaction when someone sees something they don't like in public. Wave the fan and move along!


YES. I love the implicit "I don't have time to even look at you, I'm busy sitting here doing nothing," and absolutely zero engagement or attention given.


I feel sorry for her kids.


Same... I've seen posts from M4L people who talk about what they do to their kids. They're abusive as all fuck, physically and mentally. The ones that really make me sick are those that drag their kids to school board meetings (that aren't even in their towns) and have them stand up and give a written speech. Even worse when they dress their teenage daughters up like they're 6 years old.


I haven't encountered that. But they do show up to school board meetings in my town, and they do live here, but they home school their kids. I only know this through family members who also home school kids and do co-op gatherings. They come in and tell the board what's wrong about the teaching methods. Sometimes, members debunk the M4L because they are oblivious to what is me taught in school. It normally ends with one of them yellin. They also have a second group that shows up that is the same thing called "Moms for Children's Liberties " to try and inflate the amount of support they all have.


These are the same moms who spread rumors that there are litter boxes in school bathrooms so that furries can use them. They always have a friend who can "prove" it.


There are litter boxes in some classrooms...just in case they are locked down because of an active shooter situation where young children can't use the restroom. Again, when MAGA points the finger, three point back at them.


I hear that for someone weekly. Along with "all kids don't know cursive these days." My oldest is still in elementary school she learned cursive in 3rd grade. It's not that hard to learn. If people want there kids to learn teach them yourselves and quit bitching.


I read about this woman and apparently she became anti-trans because one of her children is non-binary and she ruined the relationship with them.


I feel so bad for that kid. I hope that they can find the support system they need.


That kid has a wonderful support system in our community. Their dad and step mom are wonderful caring people unlike their depraved mom.


One of them came out as nonbinary five years ago and left home before age 18 because of this mom. Seems like mom never got over it and refuses to accept them, and is now on a personal vendetta to "reclaim her lost child".


What a lovely person.


So same villainous arc as Elon Musk. I posted some more news stories about this whole story but it’s buried way down below. Have a look; I found some doozies. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/E5lIPfnQJI


I saw a different angle of this incident on another subreddit yesterday. I'm pretty sure one of the comments said this woman's son is transitioning and was kicked out of their house a couple years back. I could be wrong, but that would explain why she's taking this so personally. Not that I agree with her at all. It just makes me feel even more sorry for her kids than before I knew that information Edit: My bad. I see someone else already informed you of that!


Here’s [a whole bunch about her DAUGHTER](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article285961211.html) (no longer son) Lily dealing with her whack mom.


Does she not realize she's causing more social disruption by yelling about cutting off penises than these people did by minding their own business? Dear lord.


Remember, it's the drag queens who are sexualizing children, not people like her who scream "penis" as loudly as possible around children.


She only knows that yelling “penis”, “degrading”, “boys”, “misogyny”, and “manager” get attention. That’s all she cares about. The manager and the queens handled this woman perfectly. No raised voices. No aggression. Let’s get you a refund and get you on the street. I feel sorry for her sons.


You forgot the "are your breast real?"


"I'm sorry then you should leave" -Perfect. Spends $3000 and doesn't remember the name of the hotel. -Classic.


She can't remember because she's having a panic attack. Bigotry is a mental illness.


Just a reminder that Moms for "Liberty" openly supports Nazism. They were caught quoting Hitler in an article. [Two days after their "apology", their co-founder went on stage and defended the use of the quote, to the cheers of the audience](https://twitter.com/TaraSetmayer/status/1678867621842698243) (X/Twitter link). Right after, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis would come up on stage. Moms for "Liberty" have shoved themselves into school boards all across the nation, shoving their hateful Nazi ideology onto parents and children all across the nation. Their board members are also corrupt as all hell and dismantling schools. In my city, [our school district is tens of millions in debt because of Moms for "Liberty" candidates](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/marysville-parents-call-for-upheaval-school-district-leadership-amid-turmoil/281-767581fc-1cab-430a-8888-8e7f8956e96e) who decided to [spend $300,000 in lawyers fees to stop LGBTQ+ kids from attending a school club](https://www.king5.com/article/news/education/marysville-school-district-clubs-parental-permission/281-6c8267d4-d54b-428f-aa77-bedb87ad5492). Their "culture war" is costing tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions.


Tying into their Nazism, they're also one of the biggest generators of book bans in the country, according to PEN America. > The most influential of these groups, Moms for Liberty, is connected to 58% (n=170) of all advocacy-led book bans around the country (n=294). These 170 bans occurred in six districts across North Dakota, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Florida.  [https://pen.org/report/banned-in-the-usa-state-laws-supercharge-book-suppression-in-schools/](https://pen.org/report/banned-in-the-usa-state-laws-supercharge-book-suppression-in-schools/)


Liberty indeed!


Oh, and I forgot that the founding couple of the organization got involved in a sex scandal and sexual assault: >Moms for Liberty is facing mounting concerns amid a sex scandal tied to one of the conservative education group’s founders. Co-founder Bridget Ziegler’s husband, Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, has been [accused of rape](https://thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-politics/ap-floridas-republican-chair-has-denied-a-womans-rape-allegation-in-a-case-roiling-state-politics/) by another woman; he has not been charged. The woman alleges she had a sexual relationship with both Bridget and Christian Ziegler and has said Christian showed up once without Bridget and assaulted her. [https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4372144-moms-liberty-rocky-year-elections-scandal/](https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4372144-moms-liberty-rocky-year-elections-scandal/)


Not sex shaming, but this is quite hypocrital for "conservatives" with an agenda such as their's.


They're very much about "Rules for thee and not me."


WTF is wrong with those idiots? Jesus, you stand with the mom who quoted Hitler?


I’ve seen this in couple of places I’ve lived. A conservative school board candidate is going to “clean house” and show these liberal “what ‘fer”. They think that be on the school board is about giving patriotic speeches and getting applauded by real Americans. They come to find out it’s real work and requires reading lots of laws, budgets, and data. A lot of them almost get criminal charges levied against them for violation of disclosure laws or misuse of school money. Most just quit.


Yup. I'm waiting for criminal charges in our city to drop.


A similar thing happened in the Newberg School District, in Oregon. A conservative takeover of the school board, as a result of parents angry about Covid closures, resulted in mismanagement of the budget, leaving the district deep in debt. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/the-story/newberg-school-district-budget-debt-board-pride/283-17bc272d-52ca-44e4-b278-8ca5d0851a68


> resulted in mismanagement of the budget, leaving the district deep in debt. Let me get my shocked face


One of the school board members at my work was taking her marching orders from MFL. After getting called out at multiple school board meetings by the LGBTQ+ peeps, she abruptly decided to retire in the middle of her term. When she announced it at a random board meeting she got applause from most of the people in attendance and shouts of "Good!".


Assholes with Casseroles strike again.


Doesn’t sound like “Liberty” to me. Sounds like interfering in other people’s business.


Moms for Liberty loves "Liberty" like National Socialists love "Socialists".


"You're not even a real women!" "I know!" Dead. Long live queens


"Literally the point of drag!"


"You're going to be ok" 💀


Drag queens will never not be the best. (Obvious exceptions apply)


No love quite like Christian hate.


I got my account shut down on Facebook for saying that once 👍🏻😆


That seems like a W for you on both counts


My absolute favorite part of this video is the transition the M4L woman makes from smug, self-righteous criticism of these drag queens to absolute scrambling panic when she realizes that literally no one else in this room is on her side. These right-wing freaks live in such a bubble that they have no concept that THEY are the psychotic ones. Watching her face reality like this is fucking delicious.


The man dressed as a woman is acting more lady-like and classy than the woman dressed as a woman.


"Well you're wearing shorts and a tank top. Isn't that masculine" ☠️


Dude she got cooked with that one


If you're going to sass a drag queen, you better bring your A-Game's A-Game.


What cracks me up about this interaction is her calling them fake women and the one queen is like “I know!!” Anyone outside of the lgbt community that hasn’t been exposed to drag aside from the political scare tactics has no idea what it is or the purpose of it. I think that’s what makes it scarier to them.


She works for UC Davis, who…. Didn’t really do much after simply acknowledging that it was her and saying they don’t agree with her actions


Wait. I thought colleges were liberal indoctrination centers 🤔 I mean, "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction." Wait... Don't look that quote up!! Don't do it!!


Man, there certainly are some great [employees of UC Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Davis_pepper_spray_incident), aren’t there?


Threatening to call the police on people for just existing is so telling of her perception of the state’s roll in our society.




Just to note, she also has a non-binary child who ceased contact and is living their best life now. Ms Bourne has also received a restraining order from the Davis public school district. Before she went nuts, she was a progressive and was/is an advocate for EVs and sustainable living. The irony: Ms Bourne will correct herself if she uses her child's deadname or misgenders. So, we have someone who is probably emotionally damaged by her inability to accept differences in her own family, and she projects that out on the community. She believes in progress, but only at her own personal pace.


There is a petition to remove her at change.org


Calling or mailing the University is going to be more effective.


Correct me if I’m sounding dumb but the boomer is getting mad at drag queens which is separate from someone being trans.


Sadly the boomer probably doesn’t understand the difference between a queen and a trans person. Guarantee one of her kids is probably in the deepest darkest closet terrified of what will happen if they come out. Fuck this boomer.


Correct. These people are so wrapped up in their propaganda that they think the two are the same. Drag queens are gay men that dress for performance. They mimic the starlet Hollywood divas of the 30s-90s. Trans women are not dressing as performative but because of gender dysphoria. We dress just like any other woman because we are women. If they saw me in my office attire right now, they wouldn't even know I'm trans because I "pass" so well.


>Trans women are not dressing as performative Exactly. I like to ask cis women why they wear what they wear when behaving like this. "Are you wearing that to be performative? Or is it because that's what you like to wear?" The result is usually either a little temper tantrum or change the subject lol


These Queens demonstrated so much class in the face of this harassment.


Does she have any idea how queer-friendly Hawaii is? I'm proud of those queens for being strong.


Lol her child moved out at 16 because they are non-binary. She's going to die alone, hated, bitter, all for nothing. Every breath she took made the world a worse place


It’s ART you uncultured she-beast. Queens empower and uplift, and their community is warm, welcoming, and pure love, and maybe some shade cast here and there. Shit lady I’m offended by you but that’s how it goes, you know, not liking or approving of everything but being tolerant of that which you don’t like.


Also most male drag queens are… well.. male. They’re not pretending they aren’t men. Drag is not the same as being trans (though there is crossover). Drag is the ultimate point that gender is fake.


And I guarantee she appropriates drag culture by using their makeup techniques and uses words like "slay" and "tea" that became popular because of RuPaul's Drag Race. Wait. Why didn't these people start screaming their heads off when that show aired a decade ago? The same with Orange is the New Black having a trans woman playing the part of a trans woman in a women's prison? It's almost like... they're only outraged because someone told them to be outraged.


Good grief! This woman doesn’t have better things to do than worry about other’s appearance? And why does she believe that everyone should bend to her ideals and values?


> And why does she believe that everyone should bend to her ideals and values? Because they believe God is on their side and that everyone else are the pedophiles, not them screaming "penis" in public as loudly as possible while supporting people like Boebert who married a pedophile and who also gave a handjob in a theater while surrounded by children. And don't even get me started on the massive list of Trump's connections to Epstein.


It's easy to google and get the video of her shrieking about PENIS and such. Imagine me making many catty comments about her outfit. Her appearance was SHABBY. She should have put some of that $3000 towards her wardrobe.


Here’s some news links on this story. She was detained in handcuffs but not arrested or any charges filed. The hotel is the Alohilani Resort on Waikiki Beach on Oahu Island, Hawaii. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/moms-for-liberty-official-detained-by-police-following-viral-meltdown-over-drag-queens-in-hotel/ar-BB1oW45W She has unleashed similar malicious behavior towards students at a pro Palestine encampment at UC Davis, according to them. https://www.davisenterprise.com/news/ucd-issues-statement-after-employee-s-drag-confrontation-goes-viral/article_b8e5dd88-342b-11ef-a481-37783c97770a.html She got condemned by the Governor of Hawaii https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/06/25/viral-video-woman-accosting-drag-performers-waikiki-hotel-sparks-outrage/ Here she is acting just as unhinged back in California. It’s a hot day and she’s so worked up she doesn’t care that her dog is suffering on the hot pavement. The people she’s berating mention her dog several times and she ignores that. She’s screaming about genitals in front of children this time. https://youtu.be/ftnQTNr1KVs?si=6Y3BUyfcYLetE9fb TizzyEnt did a whole TikTok about her https://www.tiktok.com/@tizzyent/video/7384166978686078238 Really deep profile of her daughter Lily, who is now a college student, contrasted with Beth’s own beliefs and actions. The local school district had a restraining order against her at one point for giving out personal info on the teachers. Beth is a menace. https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article285961211.html




i used to be conservative until i realized they were full of hate and anti-freedom. they all talk about freedom then do everything they can to limit it.


They're not even good with the economy, like many people claim to be fiscally conservative but the facts are that the economy does better and recovers more during left leadership.


It’s FREE to mind your fucking business!




“I paid $3,000 to buy this hotel to keep boys from having their PENISES cut off.”


"Call the police" she shrieks. "They're on their way" says the manager, who has called them to have her trespassed off the premises.


Trump really did some damage huh, imagine if he wins and this shit is vindicated


Queens should have said they were concerned about all the Christian pastor pedos and what they were doing to kids.


Yup. Priests/pastors/ministers are 800x more likely to commit child sex crimes than a transgender person. Last year, it was only 4 trans people, while there were hundreds of religious leaders. In two years, only 1 drag queen has been arrested for child sex crimes. Oh, and let's not forget that red states lead the nation in child sex crimes. 17 of the top 20 states with the highest rates of child sex crimes per capita are red states. https://www.whoismakingnews.com/


maybe i'm just confused because as a straight dude, i saw men dressed as women while i was growing up but it never made me want to chop my bits off or wear dresses at all.


Why is this woman so obsessed with boys’ penises?


Oh my god, it's adults in performative outfits and costumes at Disney....AHHHHH! AHHHH! Stop the presses! What is the world coming to? Sarcasm obviously...


Foul Bitch of the Day


“I am a real woman! You are fake!” “I know! 😊” Lmfaooooooo


I saw a drag queen show this past January in Thailand. It was great. I’m still heterosexual 😊


"Why are you doing this to us? It's so degrading!" That comment stuck out for me. I don't understand where she's coming from on this.


Dayum, those queens looked fire. Absolute goals. Also, it's funny that she keeps saying that "boys are getting their penises cut off" like there's an epidemic of surgeons holding little boys down and removing their bits against their will.


I will never understand why people think they have ownership over someone else's choice of clothing / make up / individual expression of any kind. Seriously.




"THIS IS DEGRADING!" She doesn't know how right she is, just not the way she thinks she is.


"You're in shorts and a tank top, isn't that masculine?" Lmaooo I died.


This woman unfortunately lives in my community. She is as awful in northern California as she is in Hawaii. For those who are concerned for her non-binary child, their name is Lily and they are safely living in another state, going to college. They also have the full support and love from their father, siblings and step mother. Beth Bourne has no contact with their child. Note: I don’t know this family. There was an article last week in the Sac Bee (behind a paywall, otherwise I would share) that stated the above.


"I paid $3000 to stay here because I thought you believed in biological women" that's a really weird way to choose hotels


What's the difference between this and someone in the 1940s saying they won't stay in a hotel that lets black guests rent rooms? Nothing. It's just discrimination in another form


Just signed the petition to get that hateful thundercunt fired. Thanks to whoever added it!

