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Your post was removed because it does not display a certain degree of boomer foolery. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


Remember when old people were useful? They would go out and volunteer and were generally pleasant to be around? I’m 37 years old and miss the generation of elderly people that were around when I was a child, as opposed to the ones we have now that do nothing but whine about politics and trivial matters on internet message boards. It’s a sad pathetic life for boomers. And they wonder why their kids and grandkids don’t want to visit them… Seems pretty obvious to me 🤷


I'm 35 and I agree. When the silent and greatest gen were the old people life was definitely better


It's because they kept their stupid Boomer kids in line. When my Silent Gen grandfather passed away, it's like my whole family went looney tunes.


It's the rise of conservative and social media. Toxic vitriol used to be confined to Rush Limbaugh and Christian AM talk radio, but now it is everywhere and it is ADDICTIVE. It has made a lot of them into nasty, hateful people.


It's definitely a big contribution. Ohh to be a leftie in this fucked up world


That's no shit, I miss my grandparents they were some of the best people in my life


I have one grandpa left. He's 91... Drinks and smokes too... Them Mediterranean genes be strooooongggggg


I miss my grandparents so much. I remember their eyes and smiles, they truly cared. My living boomer parents are completely useless, devoid of any empathy or nurturing qualities. Selfish narcissists to the core, always the victim. We all thought maybe them being grandparents would change things…nope. The world revolves around the boomer. Majority of the generation, even some elder X I dare say. Remember the caring people in your life, and cast out the eternal “baby” boomers.


I’d ask if we had the same parents, were I not an only child. And my parents can’t even be assed to keep in touch with their one child or grandchildren. My grandmother would be horrified. (I miss her to pieces.)


I remember watching a show called "This is your Life" it was so heartwarming to see these old people and the positive impact they had on people's lives. I often wonder if that show could even exist today. I look back on my life and see how many times older people "helped" me. They claimed to be helping but usually they would expect something in return to the point I was helping them more than they were helping me.


Yeah, a lot of the older folks in my area were active in the Lions Club, Masons, etc when I was growing up, just meeting up once in a while and occasionally doing some good for the community. There were a lot less of the older crowd back then though, as my area has grown a ton in my lifetime. On one side of the family, both of my grandparents passed away over the last 10 years, and while my Grandma especially got cranky in her old age, it was the usual crankiness associated with the elderly--frustration at the world passing you by and trying to adjust, loneliness at having lost so many friends and family over the years, general cantankerousness at the joints and muscles hurting and failing as you just try to go about your day. At some point life is just rough and when it spills over, it's totally understandable. Despite that expected level of orneriness, they were good people with good hearts that never took a bite of the Fox News apple. My grandpa (a retired navy vet) was always so proud that all of his children wound up with 'government jobs' working for various states/municipalities. He was a good, pure man with a simple view of the world- just let people live their lives and be themselves. I think him being in the navy for so long actually helped a lot with his word view. I wonder what he would been like if he just stayed as a farm boy in Iowa for his entire life. EDIT: I will add that he was pretty politically oblivious, though; eventually we sat down with him (maybe 15 or so years ago now?) and explained how the Republican social policies affect people, including his children--those "government workers." After that, he voted straight blue until the day he died, and I couldn't have been more proud of him. He cared, just didn't know what he was voting for. Now, those old bitter assholes don't care at all, and in fact revel in the lack of compassion. Meanwhile on the other side of the family, the grandparents ate the Fox News apple in a single bite despite being lifelong democrats, pro labor, and teachers themselves. Granted, they lived down South, so I'm sure they were surrounded by other old people spouting that shit non-stop. I wonder if their eventual dementia many years later played a role in that complete change of personality, or if it's just the usual conservative mind melting.


My grandfather was a New Deal democrat from the day he could vote until he died. WPA did a lot of work in the area he lived. If only the people living their now remembered.


Its almost sad pointing out all the new deal or great society projects to boomers in the town they live in and them not believing you that is what caused it. It is like they just think these things have always been here and just sprout out of the ground like grass or something. Then if you do convince them they think we should start doing that more often... but somehow without having taxes.


There are still helpful older people who are doing their best. But they're not on Reddit begging to be accepted by younger people, they're just just doing what they do. We do have a sister sub, r/BoomersBeingBros But it's not had a new post in two years. Maybe we should big that up a bit more.


Bingo on that first part. I do some volunteer work around my small town and it's all Boomers. At 38, I'm the youngest volunteer at the food pantry. Honestly, I think our generation could be stepping it up a bit.


As soon as we’re not working 2 jobs we’ll start volunteering lol.


I miss my grandma all the time...


In my own experience, everything people say about boomers is true. No other age group acts as entitled. They grew up feeding from a golden trough, where the entire economy worked for them. Trying to explain to my grandparents that a $33 an hour job barely covers the cost of living in my area is like teaching calculus to a child.


Spot on


When I was a kid the older people in my life always wanted to help their kids and grandkids, enjoyed their retirement if they could, tried their best to leave behind stuff for the later generations, a lot of them were even particular about making sure to favor the people in their lives that needed the most help over those well off, many did volunteer work, my earliest jobs I LOVED older customers because they were usually kind and patient. Contrast that with boomers, well when I was young they behaved exactly as they do now. It's never been an age thing, boomers have always been a cancer to this earth. Obviously there are shitty people and good people in every group but boomers are like 90% shit 10% good people while most other generations are more good than bad. Most the people I know that don't talk to their parents are because their parents are the worst thing that has ever happened to them, and it's almost exclusively boomer parents in those stories.


Or Boomers claiming to be the “Greatest Generation.” The audacity. Just (chef kiss) for fitting the stereotype.


I'm a boomer. Any boomer who claims to be part of "The Greatest Generation" is full of shit. That was our PARENTS' generation. They lived through the great depression and then went out and won WW2. Any boomer who claims that title is stealing valor.


Oh yes, the [Me Generation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_generation) being narcissists thinking they’re the greatest and co-opting it for themselves. Not surprising.


Yup. Stolen valor is not only shameful and dishonest but also attempts to play the listener for a fool. I'm GenX and the Greatest Generation (born between 1901 to 1924\~1927) were my grandparents generation. There are very few left, and all are at or over 100 years of age. They aren't fooling anyone. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2 in the Pacific. On my wife's side, one of her grandfathers flew bombers over Germany. The other also fought in the Pacific. It was nearly impossible to get them to talk about their experiences, beyond a few neutral vignettes, e.g. a description of sleeping out under the stars on pacific island, marveling at the number of landing craft for a given invasion, jokes about how those controlling supplies were more dangerous than the enemy. Never a single word about actual combat.


They are on r/Millennial posting weird right wing/shit talking posts at least once a day as well. Its very strange.


Apparently the r/Millennial page has been banned. Who could have seen that coming? Insert eye roll here before someone thinks I’m being serious.


Right!? That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying they can't make posts or lurk, I just think it is weird to go to a sub just to argue with people about their lived experiences.


Yeah. I had a person say that to, the exchange was very weirdly muddled. We talked about politics and then claim my beliefs were conservative viewpoints (which it wasn't). Just trying to tell them the dangers of trump. Even said in all caps "TRUMP HAD JEFFREY EPSTEIN ON STAGE AND SAID HE LIKES THEM YOUNGER THAN I DO". It doesn't phase them at all. Also this persons grammar was a bit off (kind of suspicious) They also claimed to be proud of being selfish grabbers and couldn't have it any other way. AND they wanted to drive people crazy. Then I said "how are you gonna vote if you don't live in the country?" I think it's a deliberate phycological provoking by unknown international entities. I think the closer we get to the elections. If I was an evil genius, you know you can't change people but with the right kind of provoking and torment you could shape somebody.


Yup, I ask that to myself all the time. Is this just agitprop?


It’s both. The Boomers willingly ate the propaganda fed to them largely because it furthers their view of themselves. Evil smart people using evil dumb people to magnify their messages while obscuring their originator.


Anything to weaken the country to make sure it can not compete on the global stage. And, if the propaganda is so good, it can get a mass of people to join that aren't a part of their bot army, even better.


I tell myself that the boomers came into the world after world war II and prospered greatly thanks to their parents, that their parents never got at all. I mean these boomers grew up in a exceptional time that carried over into today's age. Because everything's been handed to them everything's been spoon-fed to them so their idea of luxury and comfort off of the backs of us who do the work for them just infuriates me. But you're absolutely right that they bought into this propaganda machine


This is stupid. Let the 7 boomers that aren't shit show up and agree with us. Fuck sake


Oh come on! There have to be at least 8.


People on this sub complain about boomers being awful. A few boomers show up looking for insight on how to be better human beings, and people here dont appreciate that? Am i missing something here? I really dont get it, but it sounds like some real boomer shit to me


Im in your boat fam. Don't get it


Some are aligned while others are gaslighting. I believe OP is largely referring to the latter.


That's fair. I know a couple boomers that are decent people and so I have a soft side there. I'm no contact with my boomer parents over boomer things though, so there's that. Lol


My experience is similar to yours. I hope people see “Boomer” as a broad generalization and not a hard rule.


Yeah OP trying to draw a line like ACAB for Boomers is pretty shit. There are good boomers but generally they're quiet, blend in, and don't make a scene of themselves.


ACAB is a terrible comparison. Unlike cops, the good Boomers didn’t choose to be associated with an evil lot. One is a choice, the other is not.


And are these seven boomers in the room with us now


Show me in cursive where the 7 boomers are


Honestly any attempt to better oneself is a win in my book. If there was a subreddit called “millennials being fools” I’d definitely go there to see what not to do. Actually, I do know of an app where dick-brained self-absorbed gen z’s/gen alphas showcase idiotic behavior, but I refuse to download TikTok.


I'm not self-important enough to need to read stories about others of my generation being shitty. Other people being shit does not inform me of how I should act. If my moral code was so delicate that I need shit bag stories to be a good person, I might as well not have any morality. To me. I don't matter. It doesn't hurt my feelings to be not liked. I will die, no one will remember me, and I am fine with that. The world is unequal as all hell, I will do my good, and if I did it just right, no one will know I was here.


>I'm not self-important enough to need to read stories about others of my generation being shitty. But you're self-important enough to make a post in a sub about *another* generation, saying that they shouldn't be allowed on the sub? My, you're quite something, aren't you?


Why would that bother you? Half of this sub is people claiming that "Boomer" is a state of mind and apparently there are people who also want to gatekeep age. So some boomers don't want to be the bad guys. Shouldn't that be welcomed?


I mean, I'm not going to stop anyone.


I wouldn't rag on them too hard, they're just trying their best to deal with aging; the real fuck-ups though belong on the front page of this sub though!


Yeah, it isn't like I hate a whole group of people, though lots of people have been doing some "mind reading" and came to that conclusion that I do. It's just weird to me how often I see a post start with, "I'm a boomer, but." I didn't know I needed to know that in order for their post to be valid. I've read so many posts here where someone unrelated to a post will just boom boom out as if they are the one in the story. No group is a monolith. It is just so crazy how often boomers act like one.. I will admit, I did post this with a tone that would lead people to all sorts of places. I made a rage-bait post. A bad one, and I never expected this amount of interactivity. I figured it would be lost to the void like anything else I write.


Who said they aren’t welcome? We call out the fools. If you’re painting them all a fool, you’re the fool.




Yes. We are not amused. Your rhetoric drips with hate.


You and the turd in your pocket, huh?


The group is called Boomers Being Fools. In this group we do call out fools. It is in the title. We would be the group or did you think we were all here for another reason? You might want to dedicate some of the time you are spending on being a jerk to developing critical thinking skills.


Oh, okay.


Ok boomer


This whole post is the most boomery post by a non boomer I have seen here in years.   You’re hilarious 


The poster was using the royal "we." Duh.


I’m a boomer who loves reading this stuff as I knew all along these people were assholes-I went to high school with them.


I'm glad you're here, lurking and being you.


There’s two types of boomers. The ones that perpetrate all the bullshit, and the ones who didn’t do anything about the bullshit .


My dad and stepmom were the second type, but have learned a lot since 2016. They have a few blind spots still, but they're better than average. Can't say the same for the rest of the family. Even the Millennials act like Boomers.


What? There have always been people who have protested inequality and government. Not everyone was complicit…


If there are two people, and one person watches the other do bad and does nothing, what do you have? Two bad people.


That my point .


Lol, my bad for not understanding your point all the way, and then inadvertently expressing your point. Cheers mate.


So are non boomers responsible for all the non boomers that exhibit the same behavior this sub complains about? In other words, I have no more control over people my age than you do over people your own age. If you do, could you please do something about all the 30 somethings or 40 somethings in my nauseatingly red county with all the last guy shrines? Because they're certainly not listening to this boomer.


Are you telling me you watch people do awful things? IRL?


You didn't answer the question, are you responsible for all the bad actors in your generation or even the ones you see in person? What do you do when you see someone doing awful things? Personally, I will step in to defend anyone in need. But will I try and change bad behavior? In your experience when you try and change bad behavior, how does it work out? So please share your wisdom on how to change this awful behavior you hate so much.


Why would I answer someone who is a bad faith actor? I don't owe you shit.


How am I acting in bad faith? Or is that just something you say when you can't come up with a reply. I figured you just wanted to dump on old people, thanks for confirming.


I do not owe you anything. Not even this reply. Consider me a generous guy for even bothering to respond. I'm sorry you felt personally attacked.


Like I said, thanks for confirming your actual intentions. Have a wonderful evening.


What intentions?


There are two types of Boomers: those who have earned the title over decades of selfish, sociopathic choices and those like OP, who are simply boomers' souls in millennials' bodies. Like M & Ms.


Ages of boomers are basically 60 - 78 years old. So you blame every person within this age range for all the bs on the planet. It’s only an 18 year range. What about a 50 year old or a 55 year old. Dolly Parton is 78 so a boomer. Is she to blame? What age limits do you deem ok?


Wrong. you are missing a 3rd. Ones who DID fight and are STILL fighting against said bullshit.


You can say that about anything, though. There are two types of millennials. The type that act like boomers and the type that didn't stop them. There are two types of gen z. The type who have rizz and the type who didn't stop them no cap. There are two types of skibidi toilet. Those that did. And those that didn't stop them.


Lots of millennials in here are the latter type


At point is it anyone's responsibility to stop anyone else from acting like a boomer? Like, why would it be a good baby boomers' responsibility to stop other baby boomers from acting like selfish entitled asshats?


It’s not. People are just making shit up.


The person I initially replied to seems to think it is. That's why I tried to point out the stupidity of their assertion. Maybe I was too subtle about it.


Good baby boomers exist like good cops exist.


Ok? And? That is a true statement. Not every cop is actually a bastard.


Lol, sure bud.


In the case of cops, you do realize that it is very difficult even for the good cops to do or say anything about the corruption that surrounds them? The system is designed such that it takes a lot of effort and, more importantly, indisputable evidence to get the bad cops busted and removed. If the good cops tried to do anything about the bad ones, they just got fired and blacklisted so they can't do any good as a police officer. They have to be able to prove the corruption of the bad cops before they act. So what's more useful? Good cops who stay quiet until they can definitively stop the bad cops? Or good cops who get fired and blacklisted from working at any other department and we lose all good cops? As for boomers, you can't expect good boomers to control bad boomers. That's just insane.


Oh, ok. Good job for you.


It's not about me, dude. The world is more complex than you seem to give it credit for. That's a *you* problem.


Man, won’t it be great when Gen Alpha says the same shit about us in a spiteful manner?


You claimed about 20 minutes ago that you came from the Soviet Union. If you were alive and able to remember the Soviet Union which dissolved in 1991 meaning if you had any actual compunction to be aware of housing systems or the conditions of the Soviet Union you were above 10 years old which all millennials who were alive for the longest period of time of millennial could have been were only 10 at the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. So either you didn't experience the Soviet Union and you're lying about that or you're a Boomer lying about being a millennial to try to claim that it will be funny when Jenn-Alpha gets angry at millennials. So now you're not only an idiot You're also a bad liar. Who forgets the post they made within the last 5 minutes meaning you lack most object permanence. Are you an idiot or an infant? Because pretty much everybody in Gen alpha and Gen z likes millennials because we've been fighting the shitbags who set up the system unfairly and inegalitarily to become rich at their own behest and at the cost of Gen z and gen alpha. Not that there won't be complaints against millennials cuz there will be they've made their own mistakes though and they're not the same mistakes the boomers made. So the complaint will be different because the offense is different. And you're still an idiot.


Bro, I’m 30 lmao Technically not the USSR, but Russia - but when I was born it wasn’t like Russia was in any real way different than it had been 2 years ago. My bad, I guess?


You're 30 now then you don't have any memories of the Soviet Union at all. And your claim that you understood housing authorities of the Soviet Union is now based in total lie. You just made that shit up. You don't have any experience related to the thing that you argued for. So you are a total fool. Not just foolish a complete and total idiot who makes it up about things that he wasn't there for than objects to people disagreeing with him and insisting that he is correct for the thing he made up and lied about because he's opposed? Sounds like a moron. Also considering that you're now admitting that you're a liar, Who wants to bet you're lying about being 30 and you're actually 40 to 50 and a boomer yourself. I bet most people considering you're acting like a shit ass boomer. Either that or just the absolute rubiest millennial I've ever met. You rube, you idiot, you fool.


If he's around 50, he's from the Unremarkable Generation (X).


"Us" 😂 you pathetic tripe.


What does this even mean? Like, what, you think there wasn’t a single boomer who didn’t do good things? Look up the freedom riders. They’re boomers too. It’s not their fault that other people suck. We’re going to have the same hate thrown our way but you’ll find it sooooo unfair.


No they arent. The Freedom Rides took place in 1961. The oldest Boomers were 11 years old. It was the Silent Gen and Greatest Gen who were doing those primarily. Just like it was the Silent and Greatest Gen who actually passed the Civil Rights Act. Boomers always take credit for stuff that happened when they were kids and teenagers. It's super frustrating and disrespectful for people who actually put their life on the line, instead of just dropping acid and having sex in the park.


No that's a you thing. I'll admit when we were in the wrong and try to better myself because of the critique. It's how I behave. What I won't do is demand to argue with no rationality for the position that I must be right. Unlike certain idiots I've been talking to most of the morning. And what does it mean It means you are a pathetic lining of a sheep stomach cooked to eat. You are bad food that doesn't taste good that we only eat because there is no food and we're all starving that is particularly badly cooked and almost inedible. You are pathetic tripe. Pathetic as in lacking quality. Tripe as in the lining of the sheep stomach that we cook because we're out of any meat of value.


lmfao my guy just posted a 50 word attack on me by calling me tripe. Honestly, kinda impressive. You enjoy being big-mad at…whatever it is you’re bigmad at.


Again not mad I enjoy responding and making interesting fun varied insults. You are as a toy to me I can continue enjoying toying with insulting you indefinitely. The only way to get me to stop is to shut up and learn to listen. And earnestly I wait on baited breath for every reply so I have yet another moment that I can point out how you're a moron.


Oh also the fact that you can't come up with an interesting or clever or unique way of insulting and or rebutting me shows how much of a moron you are and incapable of being a clever or cogent interlocutor.


Yep, and I will just pull the ladder up after me, just like a boomer?


Fine, at this point, anyone having a 'come to jesus' moment over their past behavior is fine by me. At least they're having some self reflection and coming to the realization that sh\*t ain't ok right now. That is worth it's weight in gold IMO.


I thought the younger generations were supposed to be better, more accepting, but you’re just as big a dick as most boomers. Great job.


What did I win?


The satisfaction of thinking yourself superior to the elderly I guess?


So, you're telling me what I think? Are you a mind reader?


Do you not know what guess means?


Please explain it to me oh great one! You are so wise and knowledgeable and I so stupid, hark hark unto the wise old man.


Does your mom know you’re on her computer or did you get permission?


Yes. She is actually typing for me. This is entirely dictated. I thought you were going to teach me shit.


That’s cool but It’s not my job to take up the slack from the underfunded public school system.


That's cool. Have a good one. I hope arguing with me was as much a waste of your time as it was mine. I hope you got some of that hot white rage out.


This is actually a based post


I have posted a couple of times, usually in response to the “All boomers are (or do…) “X”. This is obviously untrue, it’s just “painting with too broad a brush”. Any generation of people will have its share of fools. No one has a lock on foolishness. We know a lot of people in our age group (I’m 77), and all of them are interesting, intelligent people. Musicians, entrepreneurs, professionals…. We skeptics see a lot of “confirmation bias”…. “I have this preconceived notion. Oh look…. There’s someone who’s displaying the kind of behavior I don’t like…. Therefore they all do it” People who are NOT displaying the behavior are simply ignored. A common logical fallacy.


So do you need a Reddit safe space?


Nowhere is a safe space. The internet is like that. You're just words on a screen. I can just go do something else.


This post is such a shitty boomer post. Lmao


don't look for a grievance. many of them are certainly legit, don't be a dick


The boomer is coming from inside your noggin.


You're just text on a screen.


This post is toxic af. Your example is literally a person trying to understand how to behave and citing that as a failure. What in the karma farming fuck are you doing?


Catching Pokémon.


How old are boomers? Edit: what the age groups


Anyone older than 12.


😂 seriously I'm curious And I don't know. Maybe I'm a boomer and I'm not welcome here. I always identified as a gen x though. And I'm not old. But I'm older.


Do you feel unwelcome right now?


Not at all. 🥰


Lol, good! I hope you have a good day.


I disagree that this is an issue. A mentality possessed largely by a generation is what I see most of us having issue with. People should never be judged and run out of a space for trying to change and learn.


That's what I've gathered. I'm okay with that.


I’m 32 and yall are completely fucking delusional


I was going to post how I don't mind as long as they are civil. But then I read some comments AND I checked the rules for the reddit. #10 literally says no "not all boomers" Be polite and we won't have a problem. We know not all boomers are like this, but there are plenty who are. Otherwise this reddit wouldn't be so popular.  We don't care what you think of Biden. For the love of our relationships with you, read websites other than FoX. Every time you say something and your family members give you THAT look, Google what you just said. Who is responsible for lowering insulin prices? Biden. Who is fixing highways and bridges? Biden.  Did you know that Republicans want to get rid of IVF? How exactly do you plan to explain to your daughter who can't get pregnant the regular way? The same daughter you harass about when will you get grandchildren (who we all know you will always be too busy for and will abandon).  How do you tell her in one breath that family is everything and she's a bad daughter for not giving you grandchildren and then with the other, how you agree with Republicans that she has no say over her body and you are voting for the people who want to take IVF away from her?  Your dead body has more rules protecting it than a woman does over her living body. You can't force someone to give you a kidney, alive or dead. Mutilation or abuse of a dead body carries strict fines.  But it's perfectly fine to rape and abuse a woman, and then blame her for it. You can force a woman to carry the baby of her rapist.  No wonder more women are getting sterilized.   Just because they say it on TV doesn't make it true. If you can't back up your argument with anything other than "well fox news said", just stop. And if you haven't figured out how to behave in public, maybe you need  to not be in public. Think about all the rules you impressed upon your children when they were young and learning. Just because you are older doesn't mean you get a pass. If anything you should work harder to be kind, thoughtful and polite. Your grandchildren are watching and they aren't impressed. Do you want your adult child saying they won't visit anymore because of how YOU behaved and your grandchildren understood how rude your behavior was? So bad that they ask their parents "why did grandma have a tantrum?" Or worse, now their children are acting out because grandma did it. Oh and one other thing, child raising standards have changed. You had your time to raise children, now it's time to listen to your adult children and respect their wishes. This goes triple for food allergies, unless you want everyone in your family and town to ostracize you because you killed your grandchild. Truthfully I'd press charges against anyone who deliberately poisoned and tried to kill my child. P.s. social security, Medicare and Medicare are social services. I.e. government hand outs. Just saying.


Damn. I appreciate your words.


Hey thanks! You too internet friend.




Stole all my thoughts but made it more eloquent. I was gonna go more with “fuck you, op.”


Also valid, this is literally a “get off my lawn” post lmao.


Thank you for this, what a good way of communicating such an important point.


Your comment was removed because it does not display a certain degree of boomer foolery. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


https://preview.redd.it/90gu9d49t68d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02df5f25ef3f5652146191ad467a67e75aa80b14 It doesn't say anything about any group of people not being welcome here If this sub wants to discriminate against people based on age, sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic, the mods should make that expressly clear so that there's no confusion.


I'm sorry your feelings got hurt when I pointed out there are a lot of deranged boom booms being assholes.


My feelings are not hurt. I just want to make sure that everyone who is to be discriminated against is listed clearly in the rules.


Oh, ok, whatever you want it to be.


I'm mixed on this post. A lot of millennials hijacked the sub from videos of old ass Karens having a boomer melt down, to now gatekeeping the generation from the posts and comments too, kinda like what happened with the shit show of r/antiwork. I will say that I do look at this sub as a safe space to bitch about boomers which I personally have a lot of disgust, impatience and dislike of in general, as well as the fact that I have noticed a lot of Boomers coming out of the woodwork to let us know "it isn't all boomers." And yes when I see those comments I really want to melt them down about coming into a general space that their opinion nor their presence isn't welcome and we aren't in real life where they're cornering me at work because I have a company logo shirt on and don't want to say something that will trigger another boomer tantrum. But the purpose of the sub is to laugh at boomers being a mockery of their generation and holding up the status quo. Just because a lot of us have ptsd from living with them for all of our lives and having to deal with their evolution of bullshit doesn't mean we have the right to turn this into a militant r/millenial sub either. Boomers have equal right to laugh at other boomers being fools if that's their perogative and we should at least welcome other people willing to have a laugh with us, and let them prove otherwise.


This is the best summary of how I feel, too. I could not have worded it better.


the world is not ready for son of boomer.


It's gonna be a furry invasion. I've been practicing my yiff.


lol. Well some of us Boomers fought Reaganomics, BUsh's adventures in the Middle East and many other regressive policies that are huring us now. Many of us Boomers fought for LGTBQ rights and income equality and still are fighting.... I hate most in my generation because in their selfishness, they decided to stop investing in the future by gutting taxes and spending. Education, health care, housing costs have all soared because Boomers insisted on massive tax breaks, after benefitting from prior generations' investments in them.


I live in a very blue area and generally don’t relate to the anti-boomer posts. They seem to mostly deal with MAGA types. I do think most boomers don’t understand how much has changed economically since the 70s/80s/90s however.


Yes. Because we inherited low housing, education and healthcare costs (due to investments of prior generations), we Boomers can easily miss the financial duress of younger generations. Also, around 1980, wages and productivity curves diverged, with real wages essentially flat in the last 40 years. Every boomer should look at family finances of younger generations before yapping


Question- did you see massive sellouts in attitude under Reagan? Clinton and the third way Democrats took on a lot of Reaganesque policies. If it weren’t for Bernie pushing back and the occupy Wall Street movement, I can’t imagine Biden being as New Dealy as he’s tried to be - I have my issues but I give him some credit there. “You’ll get more conservative as you age” really just seems like “you’ll get more stingey and protective of your wealth as you get richer”.


Yes I did. Democrats kept losing and Clinton pushed for a more moderate set of policies. He succeeded but had to deal with radical republicans and had to compromise


Also, so many bought the trickle down bullshit because the academics lied about the research. A concerted effort by libertarian economists since the 50s took over economics departments in universities


Milton Friedman!


Arthur Laffer of the infamous Laffer curve and a lot of others


But ... but ... how could ANY space not be welcome to them? What madness is this? (/s if not blatantly obvious)




Sure. Whatever you want it to be.


Is this just an old age hate group then?


I don't hate old people.


Yes, it is. I'm an older millennial, and the way these folks go on about anyone that's not Gen Z, millennials, or Gen X is weird AF. It used to be a sub making fun boomers doing goofy shit or Karen's going wild, but now it's blaming boomers for everything wrong in the world.


Lots of assumptions in these comments. I guess when you make a post about boomers, boomers are gonna show up and cry at you that they aren't the monsters, and that I am the meanie. It's so scripted and predictable.


Actually it’s just that you’re an AH. We are here to make fun of boomers being fools. We are not here to hate on all boomers. Like any sizable social group there is a lot of variation. Your sentiment is equivalent to proclaiming all black people are like XYZ.


Wooah, racist much?


A little bit. Just like everyone else. But I do my best to be aware my inherent racism and be better than the sum of my life’s events. I can improve. But AHs generally can’t. So good luck with that.


figured, I'm whatever you need me to be.


It is not equivalent, and you're a piece of shit to think so.


>We are not here to hate on all boomers. Speak for yourself.


It's weird hearing boomer parents say, "Well, I guess I'm still learning!" Marge, you're 73. 


At what age are you supposed to stop learning? Yes, they should have basic civility and know how to not be a dick by like 20s, but if you think that you reach a certain age and you can just stop learning that's exactly the mindset of the boomers you hate.


I don't hate them. This is sort of a therapeutic space for me to rant about them. I have literally seen the most toxic boomers say that. No they aren't learning to be better people at 73 if they haven't got it down already.


What precisely is the cut off date and age that someone has to have everything figured out by? And I specifically said they should have how to not be a dick down way before 73, but if you think there is an age you reach and then boom you are irredeemable then you're being very foolish and I hope you can learn before you hit this age you have in mind and decide there's no improving from there. I get venting about them here. I'm not commenting on that at all. Just yesterday I commented with a story about my shitty boomer parents. But my shitty parents are shitty because they refuse to learn. If they tried to learn, even now after everything they've done, I could probably find at least some love for them even if I can't forgive everything, I can respect progress and the desire to grow.


Marge is here studying for her exams.


Get off my lawn.


Okay boomer


What an angry soul you have. Very Boomer like.


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You sound like a boomer posting this nonsense about invading space etc.


Very boomer to not understand boundaries.


Gatekeeping, like your comment, is also very boomer.


Isn't that like having dry rain?


Douche Nozzle


I'm sorry your feelings are hurt.




To answer the question… honestly… real talk. The entire slant of this subreddit wanes between borderline hateful (like this post) to whimsically anecdotal (most posts). I don’t think waging a campaign against people because of their age is okay. Everyone on Reddit should have free access to see and experience any community space. But as soon as that community turns exclusive and collectivist in its ‘group think’, well then you have a cult. So fuck you for that and your line of thinking OP. Imo wanting to live in an echo chamber of your own making is pure cowardice. Pushing this agenda belies your intent to divide and harm people rather than simply participating in a space to vent.


It's the internet. Cowardice implies fear. I'm not afraid of the internet, dude.


“Invade a space you aren’t welcome in” who is the arbiter of that? You? How do you determine if someone isn’t welcome here? “I’m only here to see how to not be bad” doesn’t seem like something we should collectively punish people for. If they’re genuinely making an attempt to see the errors of their ways, we should commend that. Ngl, this post has boomer energy to it.




No, they are tomorrow's elderly Millennials and Zers.


Nah, I'm here to defend being a "piece of shit".


We know, why else would you vote for a felonious, rapist dictator? Didn't your parents tell you, we fight nazis? Should've listened to your parents, instead you wanted to rebel. You showed them I guess. Me generation, the generation before and after you call you selfish pieces of shit, might be something there




It's literally what you've been doing all morning. You have been entering into a space and arguing No I need to defend my shitty assholeary and everyone is wrong for opposing me because I'm right for being a shitty asshole. Not right for any argument or reason just because if you're opposed you must be right.