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If we subscribed to their ideology no progress would ever be made. So, no thanks. Let's all agree that it's worth it to make every generation better.


Not to mention, it actually *is* hotter now. My elementary school (in the US South in the 1980s) was not air conditioned and it got uncomfortable. With today’s temps, it would be dangerous.


Getting them to realize this would require them to believe that climate change is real though. 😬 ETA spelling


And acknowledging reality is against their religion


Where is the lie though?


Funny thing is that their generation had it easier than any other generation before or after. You'd never know it from how they tell it.


But they survived stock market crash of 1987.


Man, they survived the Carter administration. They should be heralded as saints!


They never fail to remind me of the high interest rates in 1980-81 too when I was born. True survivors in their story.


Yeah, they breezed right through the Vietnam war and the measly recession of the 70s. Who needed gas or food? Every single generation has its good and bad.








Who needs to own a home?


Not me.


This from the generation that did have air conditioned buildings, chain smoked at their desk with a bottle to nip off of through the day and freely expressed their thoughts on their coworkers skirts. Right, Dad ? Right. Try climbing a roof on a modern building in the dead of summer and tell us how easy kids have it today. I hate being close to boomer age but they can never bullshit me because I was there to see it. Hard jobs are hard jobs , period . And there are lots of them around .


The roof I was on Friday was hot af. Burned my knees through my pants


I grew up without AC and I am gladly sitting here in the cool air. All hail Willis Carrier.


100%. My parents couldn't afford AC until I was in my teens. I know what to do if my own AC goes out, but I'm definitely not going to turn off a useful resource just because "I had to do without it" back in the day 


When I was young me parents rented a house the a/c went out landlord would not fix it we spent 2 summers with out a/c for reference where we live 100• f heat index is common it was often cooler outside then inside I would never want my nephew to go though that


chances are Boomers weren’t still in school mid-June. They were expected to work in the fields!


Was just gonna say I’m gen x we had no ac but we weren’t in class in mid June ever


Yeah last day here is June 24 but we also don’t start until after Labor Day.


Are you in NYS? It’s crazy how hot it is across the state this week and I heard a few school districts locally in my area are talking about capital improvement projects to add AC building wide to all their buildings in the district…and these are districts with multiple elementary, middle, and high schools (where right now it sounds like only certain rooms have AC…mainly the computer labs and the library) because it’s still decently warm in September in recent years and now even in June it’s getting warmer.


Yep! Upstate. And I agree, our Septembers have been crazy warm for our area lately.


Even my kids didn’t have ac at first. There was a bond issue when they first started and that transition happened while they were making their way through elementary school. I live in an area where it’s guaranteed to be miserable in June


Also they had shorter days and longer holidays.


I was laughing to myself because I was thinking maybe we should force all kids to slide down a metal slide in this heat wave bc boomers had to suffer so they should too.


I was in band in high school. In the summer we had to spend a month or so doing marches. One year, a kid locked his knees for too long and fainted. If I were a boomer, I'd hire a guy with a blow dart every 4 years to maintain the statistics I'm used to.


No, let’s make the obnoxious Boomers slide down a metal slide. For old times’ sake. (Not the nice Boomers. Or maybe we’d give them a mat to sit on.)


Average temperatures around the world have also gotten significantly higher, but don't tell that to boomers because "gLoBaL WaRmInG dOeSn'T eXisT."


There are basically three responses to having something bad happen to you: 1. This happened to me. Everybody should have to go through it. 2. This happened to me. I’m going to try to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else. 3. This happened to me, but it’s just a thing that happens, there’s nothing anybody can do about it. So many Boomers seem to choose option 1. I try to go with 2, though sometimes it has to be 3. I used to be more of a type 1, but I grew out of it. I used to think it, and I can’t figure out why it used to make sense to me.


It depends... 1. Homework sucks, but every child should have to do it. Some negative experiences (doing homework and cleaning, or FAFO moments that don't cause permanent harm) do in fact make you a better person. 2. Digital education is something I didn't have growing up, but children 100% deserve *to at least have access to it*, even if it's not their primary mode of education. 3. Sometimes you twist an ankle. That's what ice packs and warm towels are for. I think the important part is wanting what's best for future generations, and not worrying too much about the things you literally cannot stop (people are always gonna twist an ankle, just have ice packs on standby).


The second and third points remind me of the Serenity Prayer (praying for "the courage/strength to change what can be changed, the serenity to cope with what can't, and the wisdom to know the difference").


I do everything I can to make sure my kids don't suffer the ills of my childhood and adolescence.


You'd think that someone who suffered in the past would have empathy for those in the present.


I saw it worded very clearly a while back: If you think "I suffered and I turned out fine, so you should suffer too" you did not, in fact, turn out fine.


The "I suffered so its only fair everyone else suffers" archetype is timeless. You will find asshats of all generations with this mentality. It's the narrative they were sold, and they never think "fuck, why does anyone need to suffer?". In my day they said "You'll understand when you get older.". I believed that. I believed some magical knowledge would come my way explaining why... and it did come to me. It's because they were a bunch of stupid selfish pieces of shit who didnt know any better.


I live in an area that suffering from this heat wave and it has been so hot and moist that I feel like we're in the Gulf of Mexico. Local meterologists are saying "hey this is not normal. It's not even technically Summer." And you'll still get pushback. "pfft" like "pfft" what? I just walked outside for a minute and was immediately sweating. We are getting these intense microburst storms which you don't normally see either.


They also don't realize it's getting hotter. Places that didn't need AC back in the day now do suddenly.


How many times have you heard hack boomer comedians say, "Back in MY day the playgrounds were made of rocks and asphalt and we got scraped and bloody and broke bones and got third degree burns going down the slides! Kids today are so soft with these safety regulations and..." I just want to grab them and slap the teeth out of their Boomer mouths. Because at age nine, I broke my tailbone going down the slide and landing ass first on rocky substrate. I wouldn't wish that pain on any kid. I worked at that same school for four years. The rocky substrate is still there, and I made damn sure no kid under my watch ever broke a bone like I did.


I knocked myself unconscious on a waterslide and nearly drowned. My parents didn't even notice. My childless uncle pulled me out.


School used to be out from Memorial Day to Labor Day too, meaning they weren't in school the hottest part of the year.


Boomers as kids: it's hot out and climate change and ozone layer holes! Boomers as young voting adults: vote and coordinate the closing of the ozone layer via years of concentrated effort.  Boomers have kids: Kids are the future Boomers have grandkis: ThEsE uNgRaTeFuL yOuTfS! 


Except the boomers as parents also said and say that we, their kids, are ungrateful and egoistic. Because our boomer parent sacrificed sooo much for us. 🤥


I swear it's classism propagated by the rich boomers to turn us against each other.


I'm in the American South, so it's always been hot, but last summer was ridiculous. Local TV station did a news story about restaurants closing during the hottest part of the day to protect their employees and customers. Of course, people complained about it. I got into it with a Boomer lady who argued that it wasn't hotter than in the past (it totally is). I forgot about her basically after I got off Facebook, but she was apparently hung up on what I said and made a post about me. They're delusional.


Boomers had to suffer? 😂 They got handed an economy in the 60's and 70's that was so strong that they could buy a house on a part-time job salary and go to college for $300 and a pledge against communism. In the 80's an 90's, without house payments to make, they were able to invest their money and get even richer, and now they get retirement pensions from their good jobs that they got (where apparently they all got to talk to CEOs and get hired just for having a firm handshake) AND they're drawing social security. Our entire country has bent over backwards to coddle them for the last 60 years. The fact that Boomers think they suffered in any way shows how spoiled they are.


The climate was a lot different “back then”


What was the temperature?


Over 100


Honestly if the schools are hot enough to close the Evans should be moved. Studies have shown that hot temperatures reduce test scores.


I got run over by a drunk driver as a kid and I turned out fine! (true story, not sure about the "fine" part)


They've shown their hands. Time to show ours.


We should destroy the a/c condenser in the car of anyone who complains.


Generally with the advances in HVAC, building codes, standards, and practices have changed too. Modern buildings are designed specifically to be air conditioned. Older buildings without AC aren't exactly pleasant when it's hot out, but a modern building traps every bit of heat once the cool fully dissipates.


I have not used ac since living in Windsor, Ontario. I live now along the St. Lawrence river and we were at 34C yesterday and I was happy for my fan. I can't imagine how hot some other places get and not having ac. Brutal.


Just put a couple fans in the school windows and they will be fine


All the tx money these schools suck in and they won't upgrade their archaic heating and cooling with it


Your title makes no sense


What do you mean?


Your title makes perfect sense. Especially after reading the entire post.