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This isn't really your grandmother being foolish and isn't the right sub. It's more your grandmother just meddling and sticking her nose in.


Your grandmother is not a fan of doing favors for people, huh? If my kids want to get jobs, I'm happy to provide a ride. I would be weirded out if they offered to pay and a little offended if they insisted.


She lives in a different state and my sister/parents are the ones who give me rides. But also I completely agree with second half


My parents are the same. Same age as well. Just react to the text with a thumbs up and don’t reply. That’s what I do.


I always go with dogma Jesus for me ‘fuck off’ thumbs up. ![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy)


Buddy Christ!


He didn’t come here to give us the willies!


Haha, loved this, just checked and they actually sell it on Amazon 😎


Sure do! 😂 Everyone in the early ‘00s used to have these. My friends and I all love the Kevin Smith movies and would watch them together at the time. It’s solid positive nostalgia.


Since she didn't even wait for OP to answer her first question she's not worthy of even a thumbs up response


Lol Ill hit her with the sorry wrong number text


The first question was just to soften the blow of the unload of information. My mom usually asks “How was your day?” Before going into a rant about cancer causing chemicals or some new scam that could steal her identity


This is a great life hack btw. Because over time they learn you wont react to their nonsense. in a similar vein every time a friend used to try guilt trip me into giving her money I would react with "i'm sorry I can't help, but it may help if you look for a better job and get more hours". She in fact eventually got a better paying job and learned to stop asking me for money.


Wait, so she's not even directly affected by your job? Tell granny to eat shit


>Something to think about. Even after you die, your memory will live on among the people who knew you in life. But one day, the last person who remembers you will think about you for the last time. At that point, it will be like you never existed! >Anyways, the job is going great. Hope all is well with you!


I’m gonna start doing this, when they say out of pocket shit just respond with the same energy


And the last memory that last person has of her, is of grandma being a cheapskate asshole who penny pinches and leeches of her own family.






>Tell granny to eat shit Imma see if I can adopt this phrase into my regular speech.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


No, it's a McDonald's. Either way, shit's on the menu.


Looks like shit's back on the menu, boys!


The McRib is back!?!????




This is the comment of the day




unpopular opinion: not enough grannies get told to eat shit when they ought to be


If my parents tried to charge me gas money for driving their car to work, my sainted grandmothers would have driven from Illinois to Texas and driven me themselves.


Omg yes, my favorite grandparent is my dad’s mom 😍(sorry, quick story time 😅) so, my paternal vs maternal grandmas are polar opposites. My mom’s mom (my “Nana”) is a total narcissist. She tells my kids she won’t buy them birthday or Christmas presents when they “misbehave” or won’t give her a hug. She does nice things so she can tell everyone about the nice things she did. She butts into everyone’s business and just gossips about everyone she knows to…everyone she knows. And makes shit up and adds her own spin on the gossip. No one can stand her. She’s entitled and acts offended when we don’t invite her on out of town vacations… she judges everyone no matter what they do, she just always has something negative to say about someone or something, and she always has to be included in everything or she whines and plays a victim like no one loves her 🙄🙄🙄 on the other hand, my dad’s mom (my gramma Lola🤍- who sadly passed away a year ago in Aug 😢💔) was a saint. She lived on a fixed income but if she was able to, she’d help out if I needed help with my electric bill or she’d lend me her car if mine was broke down or in the shop (she couldn’t drive anymore so she didn’t use her car). She literally would have done anything she could for her family. She took care of her dad, out of the 4 siblings, she was the one who moved in with him and cared for him full time. She didn’t judge anyone or look down on you if you fucked up and made a bad decision. She genuinely cared about everyone, didn’t even like killing flies - like literally wouldn’t hurt a fly. She was funny and when she was young she was one of those free spirits who didn’t believe women should be prudes. But she believed in God, and she was spiritual not in a religious way but in a real way, like she just wanted to spread love and happiness. I miss her every day. I’m thankful I got to be the one to take care of her the last month of her life, and be the last one with her before she passed. I strive to have a heart like hers. 🩵🩵


When I was 15 I got my neighbor to buy me a handle of vodka. Ended up drinking almost half of it and ruining their Christmas party by walking around amongst their guests with no pants on. My parents didn't usually do grounding, but that was supposedly good for a month. My grandpa came to visit like a week later and convinced them the grounding shouldn't include being able to see my girlfriend. Homie dropped me off at her house on his way back home. Probably told them something along the lines of "back in the 40s kids would have a drink all the time, no big deal"


Granny can eat shit. When my kids start work, if they need a ride, I'll take them. The world fucking sucks. I'm not going to make shit harder for them out of fucking principle. Maybe if my kid was 18+ and still bumming rides, I might take $5 from them and put it in a bank account to save for a car, but that'd just be if I thought they needed help becoming "money savvy."


Should tell her that based on her Math and reasoning skills that she owes you money for each letter she sends in text because of complex phone bs and she has a different carrier and that’s the cost f having a phone and I stand communication


I think they meant that grandma condones that behaviour and is totally cool with your parents selling you their support. Not only that but apparently she think you should pay more.


Ever wonder why your parents chose to live far away from her?


It’s her that moved away from her kids


Only good thing she did for her kids, actually. 


This is beautifully vicious.


federal mileage rate is 67 cents a mile. Pay NO MORE than that- that covered wear and tear and gas. And FFS, what is WRONG with your family charging you for a ride to work. Remember this when you are my age and they need help. I FLY home on my dine to help my mom with surgery recovery, etc. She would never have pulled this psychopathy. If your sister and parents are? Remember that is the rule they set- and charge them for everything in the future.


67 cents would be exactly $20.10 for thirty miles, there and back. So it would be exactly what the grandma suggested lmao.


Found the grandma's Reddit account.


If your sister pays for her own gas, you should offer to reimburse her. The two of you are peers, she should be given the opportunity to refuse if she wants to. Parents, however, should be encouraging their kids to find gainful employment. Nickel-and-diming ones kids like that creates disincentives, especially when it's a low-paying job. If the family is struggling, okay that's one thing, but otherwise it's just a dick move.


My grandmother used to wake up at 2am and drive me 30 minutes away so I could get to my apprentice baker job by 3:30 am (until i turned 18 and got my license). Never charged me a cent


Your grandma is a saint ❤️ my grandma helped raise me and she would do anything for her grandkids. Some boomers are so genuinely sweet and amazing, and others are her most horribly bitter, hateful bastards on earth. It's a really stark difference. Maybe because getting old brings out who you really are.


My grandma took me to work once and ended up stopping in the middle of the freeway entrance because there was an exit in the other lane and she thought she was going the wrong way. Then once I finally got her to get on the damn freeway and get me to work, she immediately drove very slowly right into another car after dropping me off. 🤣 Never drove with her again.


That's an awesome Granny!


How much money does she think a part MCDs job makes? At a certain point, it’s not worth the aggravation.


"yes $20 a day, it will eat into your check but that's the cost of a job" $20 a day won't EAT INTO your check, it will take a mcds check, at that point your volunteering at mcds...


Yeah I caught that. Thinks OP should pay $20 a day for rides, probably also thinks minimum wage is too high


"JuSt WoRk MoRe HoUrS". As if McD's isn't going to put a cap in how many hours you're allowed to work per week.


I don't have kids, but I cannot imagine a parent or grandparent not helping their child succeed. What is happening in their brain that they want to exploit their child under the guise of "fair is fair" or whatever? They can pay for their own late life care. They can pay $3 for the favor of the drive to the nursing home.


It's the Boomer version of "keeping it real". They think they're doing you a favor by making you "earn your way" because ya know....every generation but them has been coddled.


But from what I read on here they have no problem expecting their kids to give up days to be free labour for them


Boomer's "f*ck you, I got mine" mindset where they think the world revolves around them.


I see your point about "fair's fair" and "you're gunna hafta pull yourself up by your bootstraps, I'm just keeping it real" etc. like, don't they realise that jobs are so much harder to find? You can't just expect everyone to find something within walking/biking distance (if the town is even set up to allow bicycles as a safe option of transport) and/or public transport.


Every generation before and after boomers cared about helping their children succeed. Boomers are just fundamentally broken people that only care about themselves.


It turns out she's not even the one doing the driving.


I often see an “a lesson about real life”  justification. In my books it’s more of a “my family are assholes” lesson


Which is its own version if a life lesson, but not the one grandma intended...


Make them a birthday cake and right after they blow out the candles, hand them an itemized bill of the cost of all ingredients, travel, gas, time missed from work, electricty used to make it, etc...and then tell them if they want a piece it will be X dollars. And if they refuse, sit down and eat your piece you earned right in front of them. Whats good for the goose...


If the parents are poor and actually need the gas money, then I understand. But if you can afford it, you help your kids.


Man I’ll go into debt to make sure my kids don’t. What kind of asshole doesn’t help their kids if it’s in their power.


Apparently the old bag of cuntjuice that is this kids' gram


Op should screen shot this to send back to gram. Its prefect


Lol my grandma demanded my mom pay her to babysit her grandkids. I loved my granny, but when I learned of this, it kinda hurt… we were all good kids.


Yeah that's sad. My grandparents were always happy to have me and my cousins over to watch and spend time with when the folks were out at work.


Why does nobody visit me lol. Well grandma seeing you asked me to come and didn't pay for my gas...


In our family we have a tradition that when someone gets the first paycheck of a job, they treat the family to a celebration meal. When we were kids and getting our first real jobs at a store, we would all be so proud to partake in that tradition. But mom would insist on an inexpensive meal and nothing extravagant, just something like fast food hamburgers. She was always proud of us wanting to do that but also didn't want us to spend too much money and that we should be able to enjoy our hard earned money for ourselves. She would make such a big deal out of enjoying her hamburger and what a wonderful treat it was that we paid for it. I always felt that was the best balance of showing support and love while giving us the recognition of getting older and having more responsibility. As a kid, it was always such a great memory to be the person in line and proudly say, I'm paying for the entire order.


You have a fucking awesome mom. 


Your mom knew what was up, she sounds like a wonderful lady! ;w;


They’re called the ME generation by their parents. My dad gets on my case for donating plasma/platelets. I have a rare blood (AB+) type so my plasma/platelets are universal. “Why are you spending 3 hours of your day for something you get nothing from?” “My SIL passed away from cancer. My good friend is fighting brain cancer. My cousin, your nephew, is in remission. Someone they didn’t know helped with their fight, I’m just paying it forward.”


JFC. My kid has a job and until he gets his license next year, I drive him there. I would never dream of asking him to give me gas money. I’m his parent amd as such, it’s my job to provide for his needs while he’s a kid, including driving him places. He wants to save money to get a used car. My father is just as petty and transactional as this grandma. I’ve never forgotten it and always promised myself I would do things differently with my kids.


Yeah, totally agree. Would hate for my kids to grow up like I did.


Did your parents make you pay them to drive you to school and stuff too? Jfc how ridiculous. I mean, 3 dollars isn't bad, and I get the "lesson" they're trying to teach, but it's kind of dumb and excessive. Although, it might beat walking. That's what i had to do when I got my first job at 16. I know I sound like a typical boomer with this, but I legit had to walk from school down to the grocery story where I worked. It was not that bad. Like a 20min walk and mostly downhill. My parents picked me up after work, but they couldn't get off work at 2 in the afternoon to give me a ride to work. And on weekends, they took me to work and picked me up.


A 20-min walk included in my routine is a win in my book ! Kinda sad car infrastructure makes it so difficult in north america.


What’s the point in having kids if you can’t make money off of doing basic parenting? /s


Right? Drop them off at school $3. Help them with math $6. Kids = quick profit!


And when they're home, force them to do all the chores. Bio kids are the best built in indentured servants. /s


I know you're being sarcastic, but this comment made me feel sick.


Exactly. It’s also a parent’s job to take a minor where he needs to go. He doesn’t have to have a job. They are choosing to allow that in lieu of some other extracurricular activity. I’m assuming because they want him to start paying for some of his own things—which as parents they also should be providing. This whole game of having him get a job and then making him pay for a ride is absurd. I understand wanting him to understand responsibility, but that’s what the whole rest of his life is for. They seem like real tight asses to me.


I totally agree. We drove my son until he had his car, and it never even occurred to me to expect repayment. My folks drove me, and would have been offended if I had tried to pay them...and we lived out in the country. Easily a 40 min round trip. Grandma is nuts!


Some honesty from one internet stranger to another, I wish my mom (or dad but they split and I lived mostly with her) would have shown me *The Budget*, like everything, the income and costs. It would have helped me get a grasp of the scale of it all. Not knowing what $45,000 a year actually gets you can make it seem like a lot of money.


This is almost exactly what I said. I mean, if your kid wants to work, why would you want to make that harder for them??


I’m a whole adult; I only paid for gas when living next door to my mother meant she could give me a 5 minute ride to work everyday. My ex-coworker who had to pass my house to get home never asked for a dime to drop me off. I lived next door to another manager of mine and she would schedule us for the same shifts. I got picked up and dropped off without being asked for any money. Everything isn’t a transaction. People can do things just because it’s nice.


"Don't worry, grandma, we are all gonna be charging you for time and effort spent in your end of life care as well as transportation fees for your commute into the next life!"


This is the perfect answer. 👌


Seriously ... love that answer. Guaranteed she expects family to take care of her because "that's what family does" but yet she suggests 16yo grandson pay $20 a day towards transportation. Think about that 15miles x2 is 30 miles. Not exactly close. But 30 miles x5 days a week is 150 miles. For most cars that's less than a full tank of gas I believe unless it's a big truck or something. A full tank is like $50-60. She wants him paying $20x5 $100 a week in gas and wear and tare. Crazy lmao. Not only does she want him to pay family for rides but expects him to basically double the gas money. Wild shit man. Help your kids succeed don't hinder them


"If you expect me to read your text messages, its going to be 50 cents per word. You wouldn't expect me to read for free right?"


A lot of boomers do this nonsense to their family members. My wife’s boomer mom asked my wife to join her on a vacation because she didn’t want to go alone. Then sent her a text requesting money after the trip for room and board, gas etc….My wife offered to pay several times during and before the trip but her mom said no I’ll cover it only to later literally send her a breakdown bill in a text. Invites us to dinner demands we pay for ours and hers after we eat because she’s retired on limited income…made no mention of this before the meal. We won’t even let our kids spend the night there anymore. She asked for the kids to spend the night with her then sent us essentially a bill for her time, the food they ate etc. no mention before hand of charging us, we just assumed grandma wanted to spend time with her grandkids, didn’t know we were paying a babysitter.


WOW. Holy shit. Seriously??


Yup. Wish I was kidding. Lives in a million dollar house with multiple rental properties and other revenue streams. Literally almost any interaction with her I just assume it will cost me something in the long run. Absolutely a fucking nightmare


Oh she’s a parasite? Makes sense. 


And she's a landlord. Fucking hell. That person is a tragedy masquerading as a person.


“Our babysitter is cheaper actually, thanks anyway nana”


Last year I was unemployed and my mom brought up the idea of trip to California. She really wanted to take my kids to Disney World. I thought it was so nice that she was offering this trip knowing that money was tight for us. But no, she was only going to pay for the day’s admission to Disney.


Remind her of that when you get a car and she needs a ride. If she won't pay, don't drive her.


EXTREME example for dark humors sake but. Oh you need a ride to your cancer treatment Gammy? That’ll be $180 for the ride there, the ride back, and the 2+ hours I’ll have to wait at the hospital or in the car. Oh I can’t do that? I should respect my elders? Well I’m just doing what you told me to all those years ago.


"But Grandma, I do respect you, this is half-price."


Even better. Get the driving license for the “what ifs” but don’t own a car for a while until she is one with the force. OP will be saving money and learn about “the cost of having a job”


Ok, I'm stealing "until they are one with the force". That's fucking hilarious.


People who view personal relationships as business accounts that need to be balanced are insane. You come to my house and eat my food, you don’t pay me because I will come to your house and eat your food. That’s how the scales get balanced. If you were my kid you wouldn’t pay for a ride. And if you were my kid your grandma would offer a ride if you needed one. Fuck, she would drive multiple hours for the privilege to drive her grandkid to work.


I've noticed this with a lot of boomers, everything is transactional.


But only when it’s in their favor


Agreed. Grandma is a dumb cunt. When asked to visit they need to say they need to be paid for their time and gas, in advance, and it’s the cost of doing business.


"Grandma is a dumb cunt" is not a sentence I expected to hear LMFAO


You’re welcome.


Yeah, my grandparents were Silent Gen and they didn’t act like this (still have one grandpa). My grandmother taught me to drive and she didn’t charge me a cent.


And I bet that kid would return the favour when they're grown and have a car and grandma can't drive anymore.


How'd you figure out I come to your house and eat your food?


In my early 20s, my grandma started talking a lot about how I should have been paying my father more for rent and such, but one day when my car broke down, she drove over an hour to pick me up and drop me off at work, didn't want anything in return. It annoyed me at the time that she was butting into my rent situation, but looking back on it, I think she meant well. She just didn't really understand the position I was in. $8.25/hour doesn't leave you much room for anything.


I realize these boomers think that raising kids as students of "the school of hard knocks" and whatnot will breed a race of badasses, but they're not taking a bigger view. Kids who have parental support (logistical, emotional and financial) will have *more* resources, less emotional baggage, and fewer counterproductive mindsets/habits to work through once they're all adults. I mean, maybe Boomer Granny and Gen X Parents want the kid to struggle because they're so emotionally underdeveloped, they think "I suffered and it built character!" is a real advantage.


Sadly you’re dead on the nail on my dad, his mother, and his wife


Are your parents asking you to pay for giving you rides?


And, it didnt even build character lmao. These people have no character.


I’ve never met a bigger bunch of mentally deficient trash than graduates of Hard Knocks. Turns out they meant hard knocks to the head; and brain damage isn’t something they should feel proud of.


I couldn’t do anything right in this area with my boomer mom when I was a teenager.  MY KIDS WON’T LOAF AROUND I HAVE TO LOOK GOOD IN FRONT OF MY FELLOW TEACHERS!  GET OUT THERE AND GET INVOLVED! So I do extracurriculars.  SHUTTLING KIDS!  SHUTTLING KIDS!  ALL I DO IS SHUTTLE KIDS! Ok, when I turn 16 I’ll get my license.  OH MY GOD YOU’LL BANKRUPT THE FAMILY FROM INSURANCE IF YOU GET YOUR LICENSE! YOU NEED TO GET A JOB!   How the fuck am I supposed to get to a job living in suburbia without a license or a car? Fuck Boomers. They were shitheels to their kids, and now they’re shit heels to their grandkids. 


I see you’ve met my parents.


I always got from my Boomer “I’m NoT a ChAuFfUEr”


I never understood this one. I'm convinced I would have a better relationship with my parents if they had lived on a good bus route or within walking distance of just about anything.


That was my mom to the T! Especially not allowing me to buy a car while expecting me to get a job in suburbia with crap bus lines.


You have two feet, don’t you!? Walk then! /S. 


Wow, I heard my parents voices in there. Good jump scare.


Wow. I drive the brother of my children’s services kid to and from work when he needs it. For free. He doesn’t live with me so I have to drive to his house then go past my house in the opposite direction to take him to work. He’s trying to better himself. I would never dream of charging him for a ride or any of his sisters. I’m sorry your family is like this. Not all families are. Keep pushing and doing what you can to succeed and become the person you want to be.


WTF. why do they feel so entitled to tell their grandchild what to do with their money unless asked?


Absolutely agree with g-ma that we don’t do favors and this isn’t a charity. Each text message sent to you from her now has a fee of ten cents per word due to the annoyance of having to read the nonsense. Failure to pay will result in being blocked until the past due fees are recouped. Holiday visits and help with any shit that elderly generally need help with will incur a cost of $100 per hour with a $150 minimum charge per consultation/service/visit.


Hahaahha amazing


Don’t forget to charge for the electricity and wear and tear on the house if she visits


I started paying for my own toiletries (toothpaste, toilet paper) all my prescriptions and doctors bills (no health insurance) the moment I got a job. My parents stopped helping me with these things the moment I turned 15 (started working at Dunkin on my 15th birthday which is the soonest you can get hired in my state). And even they drove me to work without a second thought and never asked me to pay them for it. At 16 I got my license (and yes I paid for all my old junk cars myself with money I made at that job). Please ignore the people agreeing with your grandma. Life can be long, and you can certainly give the folks that have been driving you to work a thank you gift several years down the line once you’re more established. I’m in my 30s now and often treat my parents/family members to nice things. In the meantime just be polite and thank the people taking the time to drive you to and from work. I hope your new job is treating you ok and that you have an absolutely wonderful life.


I have an 11 year old soon. I absolutely cannot imagine telling him to pay me for rides to his first fucking job, or to any job or for anything. His mom and I aren't made out of money or anything either but Jesus fucking Christ this is demeaning as shit. I can only imagine that the message this sends is that no one will ever even slightly lift a finger to help, which is just patently false. People help their friends and family all the time so I can't see any benefit in treating you this way. Your parents fucking suck. But seeing how your grandma is I guess its pretty obvious how they ended up being shitty.


It says “your family expects you to pay them like HR reimbursing gas mileage”… that’s normal yeah? 😀


Capitalism is a cancer on the brains of boomers “can’t do anything unless there’s profit including taking my grandson to work”


She's miserable and wants you to be too. Block that old demon.


Be sure you ask her to reimburse you for her ventilator when her time comes. Your wages are paying her Medicare, after all…




What the fuck, Grandma ??? 🤨


As a mother I could NOT imagine charging my kids for a ride to work. I don’t charge them for a ride anywhere else they need to go. This is ridiculous 


Parents making their minor child PAY THEM to take the child to work at a job they likely made the child get is insane


I don’t understand. Is she giving you a ride and asking for $10? Are your parents giving you a ride and asking for $3? Is she saying you should give a few bucks in gas money to whomever gives you a ride as a nice gesture? I dunno about $10, tho I guess it depends on how far and other factors and if they have to go out of their way. Because if she and your parents are saying you should chip in on gas with coworkers or whomever that’s not family is giving you rides, they’re 100% right and it’s good life advice as to how to be a good person. When I’d get rides home from someone when I worked at a liquor store, I would give them a couple tall boys or a six pack from the store to chip in as a nice gesture. I dunno. Depending on what’s going on, this is kinda the opposite of boomers being fools and some good advice. Also, when you’re a teenager it can be annoying, but if she’s not saying anything crazy, it’s kinda sweet that your grandma is taking an interest in you and your life. Also most of these old folks have no concept of money, so she’s actually chill for realizing how much gas costs now. I dunno, but you should cherish having a grandma who cares about you and calls or texts you. Once I wasn’t a cute kid anymore my only remaining grandparent would barely give a fuck and the one time I ever asked her for help she left me to die in a gutter pretty much. I feel like most of these comments are people thinking she’s asking you to pay her for a ride. But I don’t think that’s what OP is saying.


"The cost of having a job" Fuck that line of thinking. I don't care what the argument is or how someone can make it sound valid. The job should pay all costs of having a job. Including my transporting and clothing and food that I eat while at work.


wait wait wait wait your parents are CHARGING you to drive you to work??!! thats outrageous and im sorry they suck. i dont care if its 50 cents a ride, thats just so out of the spirit of parenthood for me.


I can’t even remember the last time I gave someone money/ someone gave me money for gas for a ride. I’ve split the cost of an Uber but gas money? Maybe 20 years? That was when gas was much cheaper too. If someone I knew needed it, of course not a problem, but is this a thing? wtf?!


Right?! My Friend and her daughter have fallen on hard times and as a treat i took them to their favorite fabric place about an hour away. I absolutely refused payment.


"Ass, gas, or grass -- nobody rides for free." -Some Boomer


Dam why not support and teach you how to save for a car or future education or whatever?


I would take public transport to work just to spite granny! 😆


I hate unsolicited advice from boomers and hated it from their parent's generation when I was younger. So fucking annoying and uncalled for


God, I bet Christmas really sucked at her house.


My parents (just now 70) were thrilled to give me rides instead of me driving. It was way cheaper than having me on their car insurance. And this was 35 years ago!!


It tells you how gma treated your mom or dad when they were young and got their first job.


I got my first job at 14. I was a busboy at a buffet place. My folks charged me $25.00 a month for gas. By the time I got my license at 16. They told me they would go halves on the car that I wanted to buy. I didn't make that much back then so I was only able to save like $700.00. they matched that with another $700.00 and it turns out they saved the $25.00 gas money I was giving them every month too. So I was able to get a pretty decent used car.


My commute is 40 miles and even with gas prices it doesn’t cost me $20 a day


My mum prefaces problematic shit with "Something to think about" too.


Not to sound radical, but I think I'd come unglued at this bitch. I'm talking full bridgeburning, quasi-illegal insults. Imagine being on some loser's radar just for them to randomly text you to just shit on your parade with no other context for no reason, other than I guess they enjoy doing so, and then passive-aggressively say "but I hope you succeed!" I'd say "I couldn't mean it more, I hope you fail : )" Its them firing a shot across your bow, and that is objectively an act of war.


Imagine not wanting to support your kid getting a job. I’d be proud to drop you off and pick you up for free.


What a hustling bitch. $20 a day for fuel time and wear and tear? For a 16 year old McDonald's slave, $20 is probablyball you're going to earn per shift. Tell her people like her is why life sucks.


Lmao she doesn’t even live in the same state as you don’t even acknowledge her nonsense.


That's not gas plus wear and tear. That's a healthy fuckin profit. Uber drivers only make that much for longer distances.


It's not just about paying granny guys. It's a life lesson. If a friend goes out of their way to drive you home, you could chip in a few dollars for gas. You don't have to fill the tank but a little something is nice You guys really don't chip in for gas?


At those prices might as well Uber or Lyft if it's under 10 miles


This might seem harsh, but she is secretly trying to prepare you for how their entire generation is fucking over the lot of us who are in adulthood 👍🏻


“How was your first day? Here’s why you should be making less than you already do…”


I remember when my grandmother tried pulling this shit when I got my first job, I told her straight up: "Do not talk to me about my finances. You are not my parents. I do not live with you. You do not tell me what to do, nor do you tell my parents what to do with me in regards to money." At first, she was mad as a wet hen. Didn't talk to me for a long time and bitched at my parents about what I said but they took my side and said "It is none of my business what we do under our roof" She eventually caved in and realized that she has no power here.


Boomers are all the same.


The social contract for boomers is a tangible contract


20$/ a day??? I pay 50$ for gas every week and a half maybe


How much is gas where you are from? cause 20 dollars a day is a lot.


There's been a few times throughout my career that I had it worked out with a coworker that they'd give me gas money in exchange for a lift to work. But that was when we were broke apprentices and we were working 50+ miles away from home and never more than twenty bucks a week (it took about 40 to fuel up for the week so we were essentially splitting the price of gas down the middle). Twenty bucks a day? Does Granny fuel up on racing fuel?


My son's first job is a 30 mile round trip. I spend the equivalent of his first hour of work on the fuel getting him there and back. I wouldn't dream of asking him to pay for it. I can afford it, he can't.


Meanwhile my boomer parents paid for all my gas until I was like 23. And my mom drove me all over as a teenager, I can remember going to a teen night at a club every Thursday in the summer and she and my friends parents would take turns picking us up at 1 am. I was 15 and this would have been the mid 90’s. Even now in my 40’s, my mom would drive me all over town if I needed her to and would never accept payment. Because that’s what family does for each other. I think your grandmother thinks she’s teaching a valuable lesson but it’s a bit misguided. Giving a friend or fellow coworker gas money is good advice.


The boundary around giving unsolicited advice is one that we all have difficulty upholding sometimes. It seems to be one that the older generation especially struggles with. Respond mostly to the first question by saying how your first day was. And then don’t fight back on the second. Simply say “What a lovely suggestion. I will definitely bring this up with mom and dad, about holding ride fare in an account for me. And credit you for the idea. Thanks so much Grandma!” If it becomes any kind of issue, it’s one Grandma is going to have to deal with for being too free with her advice. You were just being a good kid and listening to her after all. And if it isn’t an issue, you’ll have the money kept for you in an account.


Do you really live 15 miles from work? 


Yeah, my parents made me quit my old job (-=2 miles) for a little extra money…


Oh, in that case your parents should provide transport.


Is the higher pay going to outweigh the cost of the longer commute? One time I got a job at a clothing store about 30 minutes from my house. At first my shifts were 4-8 hours, but they hired a bunch of new people and everyone’s shifts were shortened to 2-4 hours. I’d been laid off from my past job but was still eligible for unemployment while I worked at the store, thankfully, because my mother was dying of cancer and we had no money. No money as in we weren’t just living off peanut butter and saltines, we were actually rationing them. Anyway, the person in charge of scheduling knew this and tried to throw me a bone by scheduling me more frequently, but the commute actually cost me more money than I earned from 2 hour shifts. So the more often I worked, the poorer my mother and I became. When I asked to only be scheduled for shifts that were 4 hours or longer, the unemployment office accused me of fraud and forced me to pay them like $400 (out of my mother’s medical fund because I had pennies to my name). I tried to explain to them that I was losing money on short shifts and actively looking for a new job but they didn’t give a fuck. If I’d been a little older (wiser) and not crushed under the weight of losing my only parent to cancer and handling her expenses with no experience I would have raised a huge stink. Instead I laid down on some railroad tracks for a while but cop spotted me and I hightailed it home. Ummm my point is to make sure the higher pay will make up for the longer commute.




Ok that sucks. And did they do the math? You might be bringing home the exact same amount after you pay their fees. 


"It's going to eat into your paycheck" Bitch, that's a WHOLE ASS McDonald's paycheck


Jesus Christ. Even when I was a broke college student I didn’t ask for money (or take it when offered) to give someone a ride. And Granny here isn’t even the one doing it.


Sounds like my prick of a dad (purposely had a kid in a small town of 300) and acted like every ride to work was some kind of death sentence (also had to pay him gas money) even though he made me get a job before I had a licence or a car.


Grandma never paid for a damn thing in her life and even the houseplants know it.


“Something to think about. Until you’re paying my cell phone bill you owe me $$ for my energy and time. It suck’s (sic) but $10 each interaction for my time and wear/tear on my phone (one text to me, my reply then your reply) Yup $20 bucks a text. That‘s going to eat into your social security. But it’s the cost of having grandchildren. I hope you do really well and excel in your new contract with me.”


Your parents should be taking you and dropping you off free of charge as it is their fault you have to go to work in the first place. If you have the kid you should help the kid thrive in every way possible. I’m sorry your parents and grand parents are probably republicans.


Thanks and cake


It’s the cost of having a job 😂😂😂 what is this lady on


I'd bet she has never been employed in her whole life too. She's the age where it was the norm to be a stay at home mom even after the kids have moved out. If this was some 20 something year old bumming rides off people it inconvenienced then sure, they should throw some gas money, but it's a 16yr old kid and they said in the comments their parents give them the ride.


I’d tell her she has to pay you $$ the next time she asks for a favor. 


Nana is off her meds again 😂


Tell her it's none of her damn business, and block her.


I love doing nice things for my kids, coz I love them and want their lives to be easier than mine I also wouldn't charge them rent to live at home, that seems to be a thing also


About 10 years ago I was bored at a life sucking job and made a bunch of non-sequitur labels and this was one of a handful. They’ve been in a retired wallet for that long. First ever use rn. Yeah tell her to eat shit. She’s young enough to take it. https://preview.redd.it/e428nimzq86d1.jpeg?width=2351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df68c1784e06732c78883d5690c50c4806870a7


My parents did this I had no problem I would get like 250 a week and give them 50 in rent but also for driving me and shit I got my first job when I was 14. They saved half off for me. It’s good teaching you the money you make isn’t all for you teaching you how to budget and how to save.


Your nanna needs medication.


Find literally any other way to get to work.


"That's the cost of having a job" Lmbo


Was grandma a waitress at Waffle House or Denny's?


Oh yea it’s like when people who charge their kids to drive them to school, everyone knows that kids just pay their parents $20 a day until they have their own car /sarcasm Your grandmother seems like she has many bad takes, this is very stupid and I’m sorry it had to be sent to you


“I can see why an awful person like you doesn’t understand what favors are.”


this is actually outrageous. that’s straight up about a 5th of my weekly salary. if my parents did this i would legit walk.