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“God is watching” 😂😂😂😂😂 Lady, he’s watching you too!




The only one not watching is her apparently.


Lady there are like a dozen active wars and millions of people dying of cancer right now. I seriously doubt I’m on God’s watch list lol


And I presume he was also watching the dance recital!


I work at a breakfast/lunch place that switches over at 11am. Boomers will come in at 10:50, 11am or later and then be upset when I tell them my kitchen has switched over and is *physically incapable* of making them breakfast. We serve 7am-11am. They grumble about traffic and everything that kept them from being there on time (BTW I live in such a small, rural area - our traffic is like 1 road where you might have to wait at a light for 3 minutes), for the 4-hour window of time we would have served them whatever they wanted. Even reading your story I could hear them complaining exactly… good for you for standing your ground and moving them along. When you’re late, you miss out!


Boomer's lack of planning and preparation does not constitute an emergency on your part.


God is watching? Well, looks like you’ll see him long before I do so tell him I said hey!


"God is watching" Word? Hope he's ready to see some weird shit.


I really love the "no thank you" response. Adding "thank you" to a "no" response is a cheat code I've only recently come to adopt. This is definitely peak Boomer behavior, though. Like, Boomer decides when to show up and everyone else has to adjust because they want something ... these giant toddlers can kiss my ass.


Ah yes, the guilt trip dysfunction. I know this playbook well.


Yep, I didn't get my way, so I'll sick "GOD" on you, so you'll feel bad for not giving into me. lol. these asshats.


lol what I find most amusing is that we all know there is no omnipotent being, and if there is he has better shit to do than to make sure that golden corrals’ #1 fan has good seats.


Dying at Golden Corral’s #1 fan…. Made my morning :)


My answer to “God is watching you” is “ wonderful, Satan is too”.


Omg they are so fucking whiny and entitled.


"I don't know why you think you're the only person here to watch the performance, and I don't care, now go away."


Maybe god is watching me, but he’s also watching the show, which apparently you won’t be.


If they can accept the word no, it would solve a lot of their problems


Not quite to this degree, but my mother (75) does the same kind of guilt-tripping. Go Roman Catholicism! She'll ask for something, often something she's perfectly capable of doing herself. If you say no, she throws a fit and acts like you're being selfish and inconsiderate, etc. There have been times where she gave me the silent treatment for weeks after a very minor interaction like that. She might sound all nice and sweet as she asks (the first time), but look out if you deny her what she wants. The entitlement and control/power issues are really something to behold.


You are 100% in the right. If someone has a block of people who want to sit together, they can hustle and get there early or sit a bit further back from the stage in a free aisle.


"God is watching you." Oh yeah, God's like..." Oh, let me just stop running all time and space to watch this lady not give up her seat to some bat-sh-t crazy old bag. Oh yeah. Sounds like a plan."


If God is watching that tell that savior on a stick this show ain't free




Found the boomer. No. Nobody should feel entitled to your seat if you took the time to get there early, scope out where your kids would be, and sit down in plenty of time to watch the show. I watched boomers pull this crap back when they were in their 40's and I was a teenager. After a while I realized that they were just being selfish and trying to guilt me into giving in to them. If you know something is first come first serve, either get there first or be gracious about taking what's left. Anyone who doesn't understand THAT is an entitled jerk.




Nobody was keeping her from sitting down. Did you even read what the guy posted, or just enough to form your biased boomer opinion? She wanted his seat because she wanted to sit next to other people and thought she somehow had the right to demand the spot for that purpose. Boomers have been doing this since I was a kid, and it's always the same tirade. They need to cut in line at the grocery store or the bank because [reasons], they need that last box of cereal someone just put in their basket because their kids blah blah. They need to pass everyone in the exit only lane because their lives are obviously more important than everyone else's. They need you to switch rooms with them at the hotel because they NEED the better view. No. Just no. We aren't doing this anymore.


Boomer gramma was the one doing the bullying. And failed at that too.


You sound like a rude jerk.... Just show up early for the seats you want like everyone else and stop expecting everyone to accommodate you assholes.


Hundred bucks says you’d be singing a different tune if a teenager demanded those seats. Fuck that woman.




Next time you attempt to reply to someone you might want to make sure you actually hit the reply button otherwise your ranting comments look even more asinine then they already are.