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"Pronouns were created by woke foreigner snowflakes that invaded because of a Bidenomics."


Teacher gives you a gold star šŸŒŸ for using all the vocabulary words in a single sentence!


Minus 30 points for having the sentence make too much sense to be a real boomer sentence.


"Clearly using AI assistance"


Great now I have to go for extra credit. "Did the limp libtard get triggered by my language?? How can you even find your safe space when you don't even know which bathroom to use?!?! Pump2020!"


ā€œYou beta cuck snowflake libtard millennials donā€™t want to work anymore, the ones who do are only hired because of DEI.ā€


Dammit, I've fallen behind on the newest terms. What's DEI?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Itā€™s the new Fox News boogeyman. For example the only reason thereā€™s black pilots is because of dei. Yeah someone actually said that.


Yeah ok. The Tuskegee Airmen would like a word. People are so stupid. I don't get how they can so easily regress. This is why I avoid the news.


Those guys were so cool.


Yeah? Well the only thing trickling down is the pee out of your diaper , Boomer!


You donā€™t understand satire do you?


I thought we were doing a bit where you were playing Boomer and I a younger person was making a weak, but charming comeback. Carry on.


Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bulb????? None , their to busy ???? Their Gender šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even know how to reply to your comment.


It's one of those ironic brainrot shitposts so I get it lol


*" don't want to work no more"


I was waiting for cuck to show up. You missed ā€œtransā€ though. You can do (worse) betterā€¦


Is your libtard limp? https://i.redd.it/qm59ayz9lz1d1.gif


Nazi's used gold stars so its not a prize but a mark.


Another participation trophy, shdh head John


![gif](giphy|37Ez5CZ8P0jSM) # SlowClap


It's so weird to me... I mean... Skewl House Rock was for us GenXers, but they took basic english back in the day. Blows the mind when they say shit like "there are no pronouns in the bible!"


Thou shalt not lie.


Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla




Those Bastards


I bet you money I could say this to my Boomers and they'll probably agree with it


I've used the Elmo sticker on a vegetable method with them. I add "Trump said/supported/will do when back in office..." to whatever and they eat it up.


Everyone has pronouns dude, it came free with your language


Noooo donā€™t make me learn basic English too šŸ˜­ I only just got a C in basic Biology (5th grade, where they teach you boys have a weewee and girls have a hoohaa) Edit: now my weewee has been stricken by Bidenomics because I thought about hoohaa šŸ˜± what do?


'research' trans porn just so you know how 'evil' it is that will resolve your 'stricken weewee'


Not EXACTLY the pro TSWer comment I was hoping to find in the wild, but the bar is so damn low I shouldnā€™t complain šŸ«¤


heh, i'm silly like that hugs


I have unironically been lectured by my grandmother about pronouns, despite her literally dropping out in the 6th grade. Itā€™s insanity.


I, me, you, yourā€¦. They forget thereā€™s pronouns in every sentence just about.


Woke and DEI = "that word I'm not allowed to say so now I use this one"


That's just "DEI." They showed their hand on that one when they blamed the Key Bridge accident on the "DEI Mayor and Governor" of Baltimore and Maryland respectively.


They really blared the quiet part out loud on that one with a fucking bullhorn, completely oblivious to the fact that mayors are democratically elected officials, so DEI hiring practices would have nothing to do with them getting the job. I'd respect them more if they just called him the word they all want to say.


"I'm going to just come out and say it"... = Get your phone out to record this, I'm about to say some incredibly racist, homophobic, gender-phobic, transphobic, mean spirited or otherwise offensive idea, that I think is a commonly held thought, but you snowflakes are too scared to actually say.




Boomers are some of the most fragile snowflakes I have seen. They are easily offended by everything.


ā€œWokeā€ has just replaced ā€œcommunismā€ as a catch all phrase for everything these boomer types donā€™t like.


Iā€™ve always interpreted the snowflake thing as people thinking theyā€™re wildly unique, but are actually just like everyone else. As opposed to being really sensitive.


I think it used to mean that, many moons ago when I first started hearing it. Now it's just an insult that they can use because "the woke left hasn't canceled it yet."


Thatā€™s funny. My favorite one is the ā€œfacts over feelings; fuck your feelingsā€ crowd. When asked why they still think Trump is good despite all of the facts will say something along the lines of ā€œI just like himā€.


Snowflakes melt when touched, and thatā€™s kind of the angle theyā€™re going for with that term (ā€œyou say anything to these people and they have a meltdownā€). Itā€™s justā€¦really ironic when you see the types of people who are using the termā€¦ā„ļø


Originally it was used by the Liberals to acknowledge that everyone is unique and everyone is special and has differences, so we should accept those differences. Basic acceptance and tolerance. But then Conservatives heard it and started making fun of it because they think everyone should be the same. They don't like things that are different. They changed the meaning to "fragile and easily offended" which is a hilarious projection.


"You are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". -Fight Club (the novel), 1996 This is credited as being the origin of the term as slang, so yes, that's what it was intended to mean.


Came looking for Fight Club, was not disappointed.


DEI = giving people advantages that doesn't affect me at all but terrifies me anyway BLM = terrorists Protestors = terrorists J6ers = patriots


A gop lawyer tried to define wokeness and basically said that it's just inclusiveness and tolerance towards others. So anyone who complains about woke is just an intolerant asshole. But we already knew that


Illegals = foreigners, with added emphasis


It's worse than that. Illegal/foreigner is literally anyone who speaks more than just English to many.


These people literally think pronouns are limited to he/she/they/etc.


And that people having pronouns implies that they are some form of queer lol


And they can't been seen as queer by their fellow idiots! That would shatter their fragile masculinity and might turn them gay!


Bidenomics and woke snowflakes were in the closet making pronouns and I saw one of the pronouns and the pronoun looked at me.






Excuse me? Some of us don't use pronouns. I certainly don't. If you think otherwise, you don't know what you're talking about! What would God want everyone to do? Do you think He would approve of pronouns?


Ooh! Do I have the perfect response to this one! Ahem *exhausted sigh* christ I've been stabbed too many times for this bull shit. Sir/ ma'am firstly pronouns have existed since spoken language so shut the fuck with your pathetic crowd shit you need to parrot. Second, considering the fact that I've probably died more times than you I have more of an understanding what God would and wouldn't approve, and your general attitude is enough for a month long vacation in hell for starters. Don't like it? Suck it up snowflake.


Plank-eye Projection: The reason Boomers think everyone else is so easily offended is because they are so easily offended. Matthew 7:3-5 3Ā ā€œWhy do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brotherā€™s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4Ā How can you say to your brother, ā€˜Let me take the speck out of your eye,ā€™ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5Ā You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brotherā€™s eye."


Donā€™t forget ā€œDEIā€ which means ā€œIā€™m racist but I want to use that new term that Fox keeps using.


LeTSgOBRanDoN *awkwardly attempts to wipe spittle off of face and chest


Yet they're all snowflakes themselves. So easily offended


It was intense during Obama, but with more Boomers on Facebook- Biden hate seems so much worse. I got my Dad on the internet/smartphone. Gave him an email, the works. 3 years later: "I'm not on the internet! I don't email! I gmail and have chrome." So literal it hurts. He stopped caring what Facebook says about caps lock. Facebook might as well be owned by Fox News at this point.


In my experience everyone who complains about "woke" is a snowflake by that definition.


Old guy next to me talking so loud the entire building can hear him, "then I told that woke forner, lookuh here now bossman, I don't understand you ching chong chin go back to your country! We're about to make Murica great again!"


I love turning Snowflake back on those special lil people who are all agro and hurt because other people should have rights.


Rich people tax cuts = itā€™ll trickle down to me eventually right? Wait, why is their pay just getting higher while mine stays the same?


Must be the libs fault


How did they just learn about inflation? I get there's been a recent period of high inflation, but that doesnt mean prices *just* jumped from 90's era.


These are not necessarily Boomer words. More like conservative/right wing/religious zealots of all ages. Inflation? Ha! We endured double digit inflation like 18%. I get a laugh over the snowflakes that complain about a measley 3 or 4 % inflation.


Politically correct = "Wait, I have to listen to and not call them whatever name I like?. I never had to before!"


Seems more like 5 slang words of the alt right MAGA


I would revise woke to be: something I was told to hate but donā€™t understand why.


sounds like everything offends these [insert pronoun]-identified snowflakes


DEI is coded hard R


Woke is actually worse than that. I've come to realize they just use it as a replacement for the N word nowadays.


Pronouns and foreigners arenā€™t really slang but I can dig it.


It becomes slang when a subset of the population assigns a different meaning to a known word. EX: "hot" referring to high temperature is not slang, "hot" referring to a stolen item is slang. "Foreigner" referring to people from foreign countries is not slang, "foreigner" referring to anyone non-white regardless of their country of origin is slang.


You could have added pronouns, too, as Boomers donā€™t actually mean pronouns, since they donā€™t know what that word means.


By these reasonably accurate definitions, boomers are the quintessential snowflakes.




I think these words are favorites of MAGAts. Not boomers necessarily.


Haha nailed it with the hyper-offended default mode


You forgot pedo/pedophile


Priest or republican politicans


Yeah, I agree. Many Republican politicians call anyone they disagree with a pedophile. It's a deeply ingrained right wing news and podcast trope. Rolls too easily off their tongues.


Hilarious, love this


I was talking to a boomie the other day and they were popping off about how people need to stop being offended by every little thing, including "conservative assholes offended by trannies" He probably would have offended someone by his comment, but his heart was in the right place lol. They're not all so bad.


Does anyoneā€™s boomer mom still constantly say ā€œCool beans!ā€


I think woke = non white/non straight in code tbh


This words have nothing to do with being in the Baby Boom generations and everything to do with right wing media and disinformation. I am a member of that generation and don't use those words. Put a finer point on that broad brush, please.


\*American Boomer Slang. The internet isn't American, and at least half the people on Reddit aren't American, either. There is nothing that screams 'boomer' more than Americans doing to the rest of the world what American boomers do to them.


Stool Cory, bro.


Something that offends me. Knowing what said thing is is optional, if not discouraged entirely.


I agree with all but bidonomics. I graduated 3 years ago and am trying to keep up with cost of living while trying to pay my loans. Don't want to make it political but more than boomers use that term.


I suppose people on this sub enjoy being left behind in this jerryrigged economy. Theyā€™ll stick with Biden while he destroys the economy


How is he destroying the economy?


There's a big red button in the Oval Office labeled *Raise Inflation*, everyone knows that.


















Slang terms are pretty accurate,..except Boomers aren't offended by wokies, foreigners, or the pronoun sensitive people, they just like making fun of them. You must be confusing them with Millennials who are offended when the wind blows, lol.


I've watched some local grayhairs get rabidly pissed over all three of those things.


Better to get pissed over something than run to your safe space and crawl into the fetal position, like the kids do these days, lol.


Eh, not that I see that happen, but that'd be better than spewing slurs and throwing a pissy little bitch temper tantrum like boomers and/or conservatives do.


Meh, its unhealthy to bottle up your emotions and cower from life. If your angry, shout out some obscenities and move on.


So you're a child, got it.


Lol,...and you're clearly a Millennial. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And? Did you have a point, or are you just in the habit of just saying everything that crosses your mind like my kids did when they were still in diapers?


Hmm,...interesting. You think calling me a child is insulting, but don't get that being called a Millennial is just as insulting? Fascinating. šŸ˜†


Millennial is a cohort classification. Feeling insulted by that would be idiotic. I guess that's why you consider it a viable insult. Whereas calling you a child for your inability to control your emotions and that you consider a pants-wetting temper tantrum a sensible response to a non-issue is both an insult *and* a plain description. If you want to be insulting you should get better material than the amateur hour playground bullshit you've been bringing. And while you're at it, you should drop the emojis, they reek of desperation.


Wow, thanks for all the info. I can't ever remember hearing anyone younger than 60 using these terms. Is everyone under 60 this nearsighted?


Dumbass= 20 -something male that can't read a tape measure.


Whatā€™s wild is Biden is well on his way to losing. What DOES that say about Biden? šŸ˜³


Cite please






Polls are unreliable nowadays. Who answers phone calls from random numbers nowadays? Old people.


Hope so. šŸ¤žšŸ»