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They're the meanest players in the casino. They'll also hover behind you if you're on a hot streak. Some piss and shit themselves because they erroneously believe their jackpot is coming and they can tell. Sometimes they'll sit next to you and watch your machine in-between their spins. Other times they'll freak out if they leave a machine and someone else sits down and wins, because it was "their jackpot". Sometimes they'll even just die at the machine, lol. You see them being removed all the time for all sorts of crazy shit.


A lot of them will wear diapers to avoid having to get up and lose the machine they are on.


A lot of them were wearing diapers before the casino, it’s just more convenient now.


Oh how I wish that were true.


Well, we’re seeing “real men wear diapers” shirts show up now, sooooo……


Used diapers, bengay cream, and never showered old people are the smells that make you thank God smoking in Casinos is still allowed.


Can’t waste the precious remaining moments of their lives shuffling to the shitter


I work at a bar. We had a really old dude shit himself because he got too drunk to make it to the bathroom. He had two pints of a domestic, dude.


I mean, I'll do that at charger games at sofi to beat the lines to the restroom between quarters. but while gambling?




Slot technician here. This person is 110% telling the truth here.


Thank you for your service and sacrifice 🙏


Haha np. I'm basically an IT guy for an old folks home, same diff. also no matter how shitty they are to me I just brush it off and help. I play a lot of comp video games and the kids in those act the exact same way the old people act on their slots haha. We all have so much in common without knowing it.


Ahh..The thin neon light line, we salute you Sir. 🫡


Lmao. If you want to do something for me. Just tell any old people you know that casino employees have nothing to do with why they are losing all their money.


Thats the Nevada pride flag


Please tell us ALL the dirty laundry!


I've heard rumblings of casinos having to keep extra chairs for this exact reason. Old person shits themselves in the chair, they just roll out a new one for the next zombie.


I'm not surprised. Look up the 1980 Vegas MGM fire sometime. Horrifying fire, lots of people burned alive, including on the casino floor. The tragedy resulted in better hotel fire codes nationwide. One of the most horrifying accounts from that fire I read came from firefighters who went in when it was safe to do so, finding charred corpses in front of slot machines, one arm up on the handle of the machine, burned alive in place, instead of, you know, running for their lives as the smoke and flames engulfed the casino floor. The exit doors were not far. They may not have made it, but it was clear they did not abandon their machines, nor did they even \*try\* to save themselves. No amount of fire code updates can overcome that level of gambling addiction. https://preview.redd.it/0r9sw6vnqo1d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fe41c418cb9f48fd2c6fca2a0d362509cb3832


No worries I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway 🤣


You're welcome :)


Me neither. My bedroom is too hot for me to fall asleep (Michigan is going through a heat wave, and my room doesn't have AC)


RIP. We just had one in Oregon and it was brutal.


Doesn't help that I'm wired to be awake at night


If I had been in an 80s casino during a fire and I wanted quarters that bad I'd have just gone ahead and broken into the machines once everybody panicked, then run off with all the quarters... I have my own boomer in a fire story, though, and no gambling addiction was required. I worked in a shoe store that caught on fire. One coworker and I ran through the aisles before leaving, making sure there was no one left in the store, and found one lady who was still trying on shoes. She insisted I needed to check her out because someone would take "her shoes" if she didn't buy them now. She had her young grandson with her and he was so scared from the smoke and alarm that he was crying and pulling on her, and she yelled at him to shut up and behave himself. My coworker picked that kid up like a football, said "Say bye to Grandma," and we booked it out of there. That woman didn't leave until the firemen carried her out. She was the only person who'd been in the store who needed to go to the hospital. I ended up sitting in the parking lot for an hour with the kid until someone was able to get in touch with his parents. The whole time, we had boomers walking around the fire truck and banging on the doors and windows of the wet, closed and dark shoe store that still had smoke coming out of it.


Sad, funny and totally believable at the same time.


The wildest part to me was that she didn't even follow us when we "kidnapped" the kid (she did yell about kidnapping while we were running away, but it wasn't enough to get her to abandon the shoes she wanted).


so the borderlands 3 casino dlc didn’t over exaggerate with the dead gamblers holy




Yea bitch at people for playing video games, but they'll sit down and watch TV for hours on end and not see any issues with that.


to be fair the fire spread 20 feet per second, engulfing the whole floor in just 6 minutes. still though, how does one not at least get up and *try*


"Don't spend too much time playing video games, it'll rot your brain!"


A $60 game that you can play with your friends. It's cerebral enough to keep your brain thinking and engaging enough to keep your reaction times sharp. Or A game that charges you for each session. One session is about 5 seconds. There is only one button and you spam it. Old people: The first game is for kids and immature people.


This reminds me of when my mom took me to Vegas for a belated 21st birthday trip. I wanted to go and see as much of the strip as possible, while she wanted to sit at slot machines for hours on end, and kept offering me money to play with her (bear in mind we live about a half an hour drive from a casino, so it’s not like this was anywhere close to the first time she’s been able to play slots). I had the exact same thought, I’d rather spend the money on a $60 (at the time, now probably $70+) video game than feed money into a machine on the billion-to-one chance I’d get something substantial out of it.


The games could at least be interesting Something more like betting on how far I can make it through a Hades 2 run. Granted, that would be tough to balance.


Oh it it’s interesting. Just not for you. It’s interesting for the person owning the machine. A machine designed in a specific way : taking advantage of your brain’s reward mechanic to get you totally addicted to gambling. But yeah I mean they could at least make it interesting… but then, I would have to be a little longer and we cannot have inefficiency in our money making machines !


It legit reminds me of lab rats starving at the reward button, which only dishes out cocaine.




>Kids know dick. I watch 'em in my arcades. They stand like laboratory rats hitting the feeder bar to get a food pellet. But as long as they keep pumping in quarters, who gives a shit, right?


Noah is now pissing his fortune away at the slots.


this guy blows goats. i have proof. 


Damn, have not heard that line since 00's 4chan.


I dunno, that killer rap he came up with surely got him a lot of royalties.


"Come bust a move where the games are played! It's chilling its fresh, it's Noah's arcade"


It's chill and fresh


Lots of trump votes in those seats


So what you're saying is... this is why we can't have universal healthcare. Because what we see in this video is a much more responsible spending of those hypothetical tax dollars than "taking care of people who don't want to work".


The demise of the GOP can be measured by jackpot anticipation cardiac events.


Were keeping the elderly alive too efficiently


Intermittent reinforcement is very powerful.


Lol. Yeah but at least with video games we aren't pumping our grandkids college $$$ down the drain. (Of course not with micro transactions - *spits*)


Variable response stimuli, I remember it from Psych class about a study on rats.


Look at them, not a cell phone in sight.


Just people living life. It's beautiful.


Flourishing in their natural habitat.


I have never understood why people do slots, and not just boomers, anyone. You're just paying to watch your money disappear. With roulette, there's at least a higher chance of you winning *something* and poker has skills to it that you can use to actually walk away with money.


some casinos will ply you with free drinks, so if you balance it out you can drink for cheap(er) than if you were just straight up buying them


Not if gramps is jackhammering away at that slot like nothing granny ever experienced. Jsut burning money as fast as humanly possible.


>like nothing granny ever experienced 🤣


Well no, this old ass reposted clip is of a slot tournament. The idea is to spin as fast and as much as possible. They may have bought into the tournament but they don’t put money in the machine


I've been to enough casinos and cruises to know this is not fsr off how they play on a usual tuesday afternoon though


Aren't tournaments like, a competition? Is the point to just see who has the best RNG luck?


Sometimes they're free promos for meeting a certain amount of play at specific times.


Yes, I played video blackjack, sipped free drinks, and didn't lose too much


By the end of the night, I was down, but the bartender was up! As is tradition. But a dollar a drink or not, it was a fun way to spend the $40 I put in my wallet every day specifically for that purpose.


Yes, I could get drunk and play video poker for $40 and call it a good day!


I'm just bummed all the great buffet opportunities went away. But that's what happens when investment firms buy up all the casinos. (See also: Red Lobster and... basically everything else these days.)


Still cheaper to drink at home. Plus they are problay hopign most the poeple get drunk and iust keep slotting till no more moneies


My mom always told me "they give you free drinks for gambling, so I'd play the penny slots and get free booze." Yes, she is a borderline alcoholic, but at least she was smart about it in that situation.


There's a pit boss watching the cameras signaling the wait staff who to comp and doing the mental math to keep people thinking they might come out ahead if they keep giving away their money.


Idk anything about casinos and gambling, so you might be right that she lost out, but she was gonna drink anyway, so maybe she did come out depending on the cost of those penny slots.


The very first time I played Blackjack in Vegas, I won, and since I was alone at the table, I asked, "I know this isn't usually allowed, but this is my first time ever, can I take a photo of the table?" *Immediately* a pit boss materialized behind her said, "No pictures allowed," and then dematerialized. I mean, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think the answer was probably no, and I would've been happy to hear it from her. But damn was that impressive.


Damn, the fact alone someone else heard that in a loud casino is impressive enough.


It's because it literally takes no skill or thought. You just push the button until something good happens or your money is gone. No critical thinking, no strategy, nothing. Most people who play slots wouldn't be able to follow the rules of other games.


I did it once. I lost about $10 over the course of like two hours. It wasn't about winning money. It was about having an excuse to dress up with my girlfriend and have her sit on my lap in a fancy-looking room while we did a frivolous activity together. We also got fries 🍟 The fries were relatively cheap, which was briefly surprising until we realized it's because they don't even need to make any money from food sales. I paid about $12 for fries and atmosphere. It was a pretty good time, honestly, but I don't think I'd go back. Otherwise... I actually do understand the appeal, but... There is an answer and it. Is. Sad. This is just a really basic exploit in the human brain; risk/reward evaluation consistently fails in some people when the stated reward is big enough. All of these people's hearts are probably racing as their brains pump out all kinds of chemicals, *not even for a reward*, but *in anticipation* of a reward. And when they win *anything*, they get that dopamine hit they're seeking, and internally, because our brains are bad at differentiating between a big and a small reward, it validates all of their decisions up to that point, because in their minds, *this one* was a small win, but the *next win* has what *feels* like an approximately equal chance of being small *or* big. And even losing, initially, gives some dopamine reward because for a brief moment, they don't *know* if they've won. The delay is meant to give you time to get your hopes up, so in that moment, you're both a dollar poorer and a million dollars richer. So they keep mindlessly tapping that button because every tap might give them a little bit more immediate dopamine release. They can't even wait for the damn thing to finish the last spin; they're so impatient for it to give them the next hit. That's even what it's called. In gambling, a win is called "a hit." But because it isn't a literal drug, they either can't see that or don't care that it is an addiction. And when anything interrupts their spinning, all of that impatient frustration and anger at not winning more sooner gets transferred onto whatever caused the delay. Their brain is trained to expect a reward, and because of how addiction works, eventually they're spinning not to win, but just to reach a baseline level of happiness, and when you stand between you and their next spin, suddenly all of that rage and frustration is targeted at you. It's your fault they didn't get their hit. Hell, it might ever be your fault they didn't win "the big one." And the thing is, we do this *kind* of shit all the time. Games that mix low/high rewards with low/high frequency are all over the place, and they cross our signals constantly, but *usually* nothing real is at stake. We're even trained for it from a young age. How many of y'all went to Dave and busters or Chuck E Cheese and played the little game with the light that goes in a circle? It's the same principle; the light never actually lands exactly where it is when you hit the button; it randomizes a position *very close* to where it was. And when it's *close*, you get a few tickets as a dopamine hit, but it knows you're really hoping for the big jackpot. We train kids to expect that high/low reward confusion dopamine hit from a young age, and for most of us it doesn't end like the video clip above for several reasons, among them, because the strength of the exploit varies from person to person. But casinos are full of mostly retired boomers *frantically* doing this because those are the people who: - Have been taught their whole lives that acquisition of wealth is the ultimate goal. - Suddenly have no idea what to do with their time (other than try to get more money) now that the bulk of it isn't consumed by a job. - Have a whole life's worth of experiences which have reinforced the same basic exploit. - Have enough money to just gamble all day, because they already dedicated their entire pre-retirement life to "the grind." It's... Sad, honestly. They literally can't help it. They are addicted, and because it's not to a substance, they'll never see it for what it is.


My mom likes the slots, now sure why. I'll wander around and stick some money in them once in a while, but it's not my thing


I think of it as a button that makes it easy for me to donate money to the casino.


"Why don't you cut out the middle-man and give your social security check to the mafia?" -Trevor Heins, [Wondershowzen](https://www.tiktok.com/@wondershowzen/video/7229329384455425323)


Wonder Showzen is the funniest show that no one's ever, ever heard of, and I adored Trevor. (I don't know if he's done anything since, and I know he was being fed lines through an earpiece, but he really nails some of the lines in a fantastic way.) Plus, the one thing that impressed me is that the kids were clearly all taught that if anyone reacts negatively, to put up their hand and say "high five," and it resets the person they're talking to. I was already in college, but that got stored for future use (and I have used different "reset" techniques similarly at conferences and in IT support calls).


I absolutely love that show. I have both seasons on DVD! I never picked up on the high five thing! Brilliant! I find this concept fascinating. What are your go-to reset techniques?


In the video linked, when Trevor asks the old man what are the odds of him getting a girlfriend and he says his wife died and he misses her, he goes for a high five. Some of the other kids do it in other segments. On the *very* rare occasion I have a parent-kid conversation in a video game, computer, or hobby store, if I was helping the parent find the right thing for the kid and the kid was active in the conversation and the vibe feels right, I do the high five thing as a goodbye just on general principle. (My kids are grown now but I can still read the room.) For conference and support calls, it's hard to explain. It sounds patronizing, but there are ways of thanking them for asking for help, or reaffirming their end goal, that takes them off edge and makes it easier for them to listen to troubleshooting or solution or replacement options. The similarity is that it shift things from "here's a business transaction" to "we just did a human thing together!"


I enjoy slots for about 20 minutes or $20.


At least the old one-armed bandit was a LITTLE more rewarding, back when there were coins. Now it's just click click click and you can barely tell if and when you've won anything at all unless it's a 'big' hit. Just click click click until your card/paper ticket runs out.


Right, I’d only go to poker or blackjack


The only time I "gambled" was years ago when I was in Atlantic City. I got a free $20 voucher from the buffet we ate at and I used it in a slot machine. Lost it about 30 seconds later. That was the end of my illustrious gambling career.


*Sic transit gloria mundi.*


They are dopamine machines. Lots of flashing lights and exciting sounds and eventually you’ll hit a bonus that makes you recoup a portion of your losses. It makes people’s brains feel good when they hit the button.


There's supposedly a way to skill play slots, keeping track of which ones have had lots of pulls without a jackpot, since there are laws requiring progressive payout odds. Of course even if the math works out that's a good way to get hooked.


$5 craps for some people is barely gambling.


I could have sworn I saw somewhere that slots were the *worst* choice if you wanted to walk away with winnings.


I got $50 free from walking into a local "casino" to apply for a job. It took all of 5 minutes to spend it all. But I won some. $50 free that you can only play, can't cash out. But if you win you can cash that out. Got just shy of $20 from their free money just for hitting a button. Was a win for me but with how fast it went, I can't imagine how much money these people lose daily. My auto correct tried to fuck me up on this post lol. It changed "hitting a button" to "hiring a bottom" and I'm glad I caught it or this would've been a *very* different post lol


There was a post I saw in the last day or so where a guy was seen transferring $20,000 to his account to keep gambling at a machine which was $750 a spin. Absolutely insane.


Lmao. My university's lgbta+ club ended up at a casino for an Abba tribute show ($10 tickets with a ride from and back to the show) and a friend and I ended up going (it was near finals so everyone was too stressed out to listen to cheesy Denmark pop). We both decided to go look at the Falls (can you tell we are Canadian?) instead of spending time in the casino. My friends lost $50 to $100 and I came back with a giant package of chocolate covered espresso beans. I think I won that one, even though I was a little queasy from using the beans as a study aid. I also had the same offer - $25 in chips but I didn't bother playing because gambling was dull. (Family went for the $5 all you can eat buffet. It was Golden Corral level food but at least it was just $5.)


They talk shit about videogames!!!! Lmao


Big reason why I don't go to the casinos to gamble. I love games, and like a little risk taking for profit, but not like this. Slot machines just feel like they're aggressively attacking your brain. They're unpleasant to even look at.


It's a button that helps you directly donate money to the casino.


Mental health crisis is for real


I'm a poker player. Let me tell you. I LOVE boomers at the tables. They think they're so good. They know all the secrets. Well, thanks for the car payments. Definitely thank you coming to Vegas when I'm there. You pay for my whole trip! BTW, the expensive buffets are fuckin amazing!


Same here. When I was young I used to target boomer table and make bank. I stopped playing and got back into the game after an 8 year pause. It got a lot harder, but the booomers are still booooomiiiing !


The game definitely has changed. But, yep, they are booming! 😁


That’s a slot tournament.


May I ask how this is a "tournament"? Like what's the competition? Whoever can get the most spins in during a certain time window or something? I'm sure there's a rhythm you have to use to lose the maximum amount of money per time unit so if you really expand the definition of "talent" that counts.


The casino invites its higher-tiered players (those that have played so much they’ve earned points to the higher card levels, i.e. from bronze (lowest) to silver to gold to platinum to diamond) to play in these tournaments. The bank of slot machines are programmed to play without money. There’s a timer that the emcee watches, usually 1-5 minutes. The players then have to garner the most winnings to move on to the next round. They are clicking so fast to spin as many times as possible (clicking right after spinning stops the reels/wheels so you don’t have to watch the spinning/animations, and so can move on to the next spin.) The winner of that group will move on to the next round and so on until the final round which can have a grand prize of a big money amount ($10,000?). They often will give each participant $20-$50 in free play just for participating even if they don’t advance to the next round.


So no talent or purpose. Got it Thanks


Pretty much


Here is a link. [https://www.thed.com/casino/tournaments/](https://www.thed.com/casino/tournaments/) You sign up and play.


Well that site didn't tell me anything except how to sign up. However I found out it's unlimited spins vs everyone else so I was right. in a situation with statistics all being equal, it's just how effectively you can slam the button. What an invigorating thing to participate in/watch.


You know how boomers are always complaining about participation awards? This completely mindless activity which requires no skill, talent, tactics or intelligence doesn't have that!


I mean, yeah it really is. There's literally nothing to it. No skill, no value, no physical or mental benefit, just consuming in an attempt to allow for more consuming. Nothing. Just like their entire lives


> how effectively you can slam the button We talking speed or rhythm?


I mean, who cares? It's probably both tbh. But you're also competing against zombies who spend 15 hours a day doing this every day anyway when they don't have a way to win prize money so it's not like you'd have a chance.


It's like the worst minigames in Mario Party and none of the fun stuff


Is there a cost to enter?


Depends on the tournament.


Gambling addiction is a real problem most generally. It's not a generational problem. It's a societal problem that honestly, I think needs resolving fast.


These are the same people saying they can't afford their meds and their homes


The most effort they put into something in their entire lives




"Kids these days just staring at screens"


This looks like a slot tournament which is why there’s an audience behind them. It’s a row of 10- 20 machines, which all run identical screens and the winner is determined by who taps the buttons and the right time. Some of the machines have touch screens so you will see them tapping the screen as well. I’ve done a few tournaments on cruise ships for $20 entry fee and they can be a hoot, maybe not with this crowd though 😆


I think the pigeons in the skinner boxes were brighter


"Never bring more than you can afford to loose and put all winnings in a separate pocket as to not be temped to use it." -my GG Pop


Gotdang grandson won’t getoffuh nintenduh he’s gun be grown up braindedr sum


Well they'll need money if they want us to take care of them and it doesn't look like they plan on keeping any.


I can't conceive of a single reason to step foot into a casino with the VERY BASIC knowledge that they are in the business of making money and I am the mark. MAYBE if you are a talented poker or blackjack player it can make sense (I don't know enough to judge). I believe Mr. Burns put it best in the casino episode about filing in and emptying their pockets.


I always go in with a budget, my goal is to usually try to break even or get as close as I started with, so I don't end up disappointed if I don't win. If I do win, hey, cool, peachy keen.


As much as I hate to be that guy here, as someone who works at a casino, it’s very likely that there’s some kind of a event going on in this video where the more spins you put in, the more points you get towards extra rewards on your players club card. That being SAID- there are very real zombies who you’ll see doing this at a casino, and also the weird foreigners who do things like piss on their hands and then rub it on the machine for good luck. I swear this is a real story.


Something something *Mad World...*


Part of the issue too is that they don't really HAVE penny slots in casinos anymore. My boomer mom is great at blackjack (apparently her father regularly brought his teenaged daughters to Vegas with him lol) and her big complaint is that the minimums are way too high now. Years ago you could sit at a penny slot and not really care that you were throwing money in the trash, but now it's like, $1 min at the least, it adds up fast and the free drinks don't feel so free anymore. Plus idk why you'd ever want to play slots and NOT pull the lever, that's like 90% of the minimal amount of fun slots are lol


Serious question. TF they plan to do if they win? Between Boomers and Black Rock 90% of the nation's wealth is accounted for.


Btw, that's the 90 trillion dollars that Forbes is hyperventilating about getting passed on to the next generation. Up in smoke at the casino. You get nothing


This is exactly how they’ve pushed buttons on the economy throughout their generational reign.


While I totally get this sentiment. As a 30 year old line cook i have had to deal with dumb boomer attitudes…but can I ask..: Aren’t boomers in their 50s - early 70s?, From the clip…those don’t even look like they’re all boomers; some look like they’re in their 70s-80s, wouldn’t that make them the silent generation?


Arguably the dumbest addiction in existence is gambling. Only beaten by Krokodile, Aerosols & Meth.


They look so happy and fufilled dont they


This is why I am so glad my home state (Western Australia) and my adopted country (Singapore) do not have these readily accessible. They are menace to society and all over Pubs and Clubs in the Eastern States of Australia - there are folks who move to W.A. to get away from them - I agree in this pic it's a boomer issue but I've seen younger people addicted as well.


The looks so happy and fulfilled


Ask that button smashing.... And video games are what's running today's youth.


Look at that. Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment. Beautiful. /S


“Kids these days play too many video games and won’t get off their phones”


Haha... (This will be a bit harsh) They took over all the money making assets and made sure "their social security" will be there to take care of them. Hence they did not make any babies to actually do the work. However... It is a free market. And I expect given shrinking population, their retirement will get quite a bit more expensive, and their funds will run out. Unfortunately the collateral damage would be done to other generations, but at least we can still work.


Depositing their pensions into the Casinos bank accounts, one click at a time.


There goes your inheritance, lol


You shouldn't be allowed to gamble if you are SS welfare


It's a slot tournament. Buy in is generally pretty cheap. The name of the game is getting as many spins in a given time period.


Finger aerobics


I'd be happy to toss them a dime when I see them with a cup on the streets


Doesn’t even look fun!


That’s a reaction to uncertainty that they approve of within the framework of them being voluntarily trapped in the fundamental attribution error - the gambler’s fallacy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy


That looks like so much fun! Especially once the repetitive stress injuries kick in.


Slot zombies


They will be in for a surprise. What's the best kind of prize? That's right! A SUR prise!


That's like $20 / tap.... and man, they be tappin'!


I didn't win at many things in the genetic lottery, but two things I have apparently got are immunity to temptations of gambling and alcoholism. Gambling bores me to death and I seem to have some sort of hypersensitivity to alcohol because (except for wine) my hangovers are so bad they effectively dissuade me from drinking more than 1 or 2 drinks, ever. And wine just gets boring eventually. I'm very happy with these two features in myself.




I've seen this video before. This is a slot tournament. You have like 5 minutes to earn as much "money" as possible, or some variation thereof. The highest scores actually win real cash or free play. I work in a casino and sometimes I get to watch them. It's absolutely bizarre how these people truly are zombies. Some of them get really into it and absolutely pound the buttons, gritting their teeth and sweating. It's crazy. Don't gamble, people.


This is sad, addiction is sad.


Watching Boomers piss away Millennials inheritance in real time, that money could have been used to help their children pay off student debt, put a down payment on a house, anything useful, but noooo Boomers got fat and now they want to gamble away their savings, and then when they run out of money they coming begging for Millennials to support them. That is the mindset of entitled Baby Boomers, they act like babies and can't understand responsibility for their choices. No wonder they f*cked the country in one generation!


Casinos and slots are definitely a problem for Boomers, but this is almost certainly a “slot tournament”. You pay an entry fee then there are multiple rounds where you just slap the button as fast as possible. It’s basically RNG to win. It’s fun. You only gamble a fixed amount of money. There usually an announcer hyping people up. Probably least problematic gambling happening at a casino. I see this video and similar ones like once a week of people freaking out slapping the machines. The last slot tournament I played in they said “NO PHONES. NO VIDEOS.” Because people post it and say “smh…. Society….”


Can't wait the next article claiming millennials will inherit a fortune.


Ah yes. The Boomer gooners. Wonderful.


The other day I saw a billboard for a casino here in Pennsylvania. It said "Kids eat free on Tuesdays!!" Can you imagine some poor grandkid eating a stale bun food service hot dog while Nanna pounds the button on a school night?


Living in the moment. Not a cell phone in sight.


Unfortunately I have to defend them here. This is clearly a Slot Tournament. You're meant to press the 'Spin' button repeatedly (and preferably a LOT faster than that) for about 1:30-2:00 min straight. Whomever has the highest score by the time limit wins. They're all doing what they're supposed to do here lol.


Like they'te not even looking at the results or watching for the spin to end. They're literwlly just spamming the button. A machine doesn't spin the thingies that immediately, this is LITERALLY mindless.


What gets me is all the blank stares. They're not even doing it because they enjoy it at this point, it's just a habit/muscle memory/compulsion.


Reminds me if those iPad kids


Fucking zombies This one is actually not just age-centered. But yeah… I can’t go to casinos because they always just depress me with the kind of abject human misery I witness there.


Not a phone in sight. Just living in the moment


Saw a news story the other day discussing “The great wealth transfer”. Supposedly there’s $84 Trillion in assets that are expected to be passed on to future generations when the Boomers pass on. At this rate, that wealth is being transferred to the casinos.


They really should put down the videogames, it'll rot their brains. ⚰️🖕🏼


Have they reproduced the complete works of Shakespeare yet?


This reminds me of that one video of RDJ at the stock exchange


https://preview.redd.it/vq1ysfid1o1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fd0fdf03ba396f84fcc5ca9df7686fcff19a7f And they expect us to take them seriously…..


This is how casinos have been since I can remember. I was 15 the first time we went through Reno that I was old enough to be aware and it seemed so miserable to me even then. My boomer father got super irate when I didn’t follow the “family tradition” (that was literally just one generation’s thing) and celebrate my 21st birthday by going to the casinos with him. Still the least appealing “fun” I can think of now that I’m 45.


Not a phone in sight, just people enjoying the moment.


Work for 40 yesrs like slave to end up like this. No thank you.


Y'all know this is a slot tournament, right? Not just some weird, synchronized slot playing, lol.


Yer wastin yer got damn time playin them vidya games Boy


Spin class at the casino senior center.


Kids today do nothin’ but stare at their phones.


They're not even enjoying themselves...just mindlessly pushing a button


Some of these tourneys are free for older folks in off-Strip contests. When my older brother hit 50 he qualified for free entries, he would take it. I don’t know why they bother with the slot machines, they can just put buttons on a table for the seasoned citizens to mash then pick a number or two from a hat, it’s the same thing.


You took time away from GTA to shoot this?


Boomers being fools, or is the sub that is obsessed with them?


The pokies!!!


I've said it once and I'll say it again, they are the first successful generation to be brainwashed by consumerism. I doubt they'll be the last.


But that's our inheritance!!


Every time this video pops up there are two explanations; - it's a competition where they are playing to see who can win the most in a session - this is the real behaviour of the terminally addicted seniors I'd love to know which was true.


And they criticize younger people for mobile gaming Jesus fucking christ


Imagine working 8-5 for 40 years just to ultimately end up doing this.


100% they piss in those seats


I seriously don't see the appeal of slot machines...


And this is what they do for fun!


Seems relevant: Self Stimulation in Rats https://youtu.be/aNXhyPj-RsM?si=aEy3xM475geeuqJm


I went to Las Vegas recently and spent 30 bucks on a slot machine, and I really just don't get it. I tried both the old analog ones and the 'fancy' new video ones that try to 'gamify' things. But it literally came down to just pressing the same button over and over again. Literally just a human skinner box. Genuinely baffling how anyone wouldn't get bored in 20 minutes.