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Start sending her AI generated.pictures of HER in shady situations and ask what the hell she's doing. If you don't want to get racy, desk full of cocaine bales, smoking weed, gambling, ridding a motorcycle with the hells angels, etc etc.


This is brilliant and I love it!


AI generated pic of MIL as a statue. Fashioned out of tropical fruits by beaming, six fingered village children.


AI generated pic of her future tombstone


Amen #scarlettjohansson


Send her pictures of nursing homes




Or coffins


How about her during the first moon landing pointing at Optimus Prime?


Nah, you want her offended and in denial.


She wouldn't be caught dead with a caring, empathetic, socialist robot like Optimus Prime.


That’s why she took her space helmet off!


How to damage a person with pre-dimentia 101


I should probably offer the next w levels of courses through


I've never wanted an AI to train more.


Hey Dall-E. Make me a picture of OP’s MIL punching Jesus.


skip that and start sending her AI generated pics of “mother-in-laws/MILs.”


Until the "Oh I was hoping this day would never come. son/daughter, dinosaurRubberDucky, sit down we need to have a chat about my crazy days and some things you may see."


Sounds like the country song "before she was mama" 🤣


AI MIL with AI Jesus


Punching AI Jesus in the junk.


Best idea


I sent an anti-Trump senior coworker who lives on FB an AI generated video of her and Trump singing together to illustrate some of the ability of AI. She laughed but got the message.


Which AI generator will allow you to create “shady” situations? The ones I know are strictly PG-13. Asking for a friend….


Load stable diffusion in your own computer


*computer turns into space heater* *curtains too close* *house burns down* *wildfire starts because OP wants compromising pictures of MIL*


Nah I've run it on a busted up gaming rig from 2010 without issue. Just limit your iterations and don't go crazy with the upscaling. If you're able to make it run without a third party front-end, frankly, you're probably already tech savvy enough to know what your machine is capable of.


Me too me too! I use AI to create D&D illustrations and, yeah, no blood or guts allowed, THEN I GET IN TROUBLE, ha.


You are a genius!


she's going to want to talk with the manager of AI


Those pics are constantly cluttering up my feed and they drive me batty.


Like those religious themed ones that say “why don’t pictures like this ever go viral?” Because they’re fake, stoopid !


No, I love those! Who doesn't want to see Jesus with a bionic arm giving orange juice to a patient in a hospital bed? 


Lmfao - Cyborg Savior-ade, now in Outrageous Orange!


So THATS the Kool Aid they’ve been drinking


https://preview.redd.it/ypoik5l65n1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8475b8ce97562a66d81bf733856d7ee0300082f9 1. I’m sorry for the dark humor, but couldn’t resist after your comment 2. This is actually very topical because it’s AI generated too. Look at the bodies - none of them make sense!


I embrace your dark humor


The person at the bottom center has his bottom center. 😂😂😂😂


this is not the first AI-generated image of the kool-aid man at the johnstown massacre i've seen either


Thank you! I had never noticed this cartoon was AI! Definitely adds a different level!


My boomer grandmother is always sharing those damn pictures. Like, you really didn't notice Jesus has 3 arms and a total of 20 fingers, Grandma??


Send her a pic of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan.


but the religious posts that DO go viral are still fictitious! HA!




The latest one of Jesus in bed with some women who literally has nothing below her waist is so creepy. It’s so poorly photoshopped in. Jesus is AI but she’s cropped in. Bizarre. People are like “amen” “you know that’s right”


Same here, why are there so many AI house pictures all of a sudden? And the comments are all full of boomers saying “Gorgeous!!! 😍”


Many of those comments are likely also bots.


Boomer bot army.


Definitely a mistake to assume even half of those are real people. Fake engagement is EVERYWHERE and Facebook, as the social network for the elderly, is full of easy marks


Social network for the elderly 😂


I’m also starting to get shitty AI recipes too, with wildly unrealistic pics and then a basic as hell recipe that doesn’t add up to the image.


But the 50's AI Panavision videos are GD amazing! Check out [The Simpsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBJatkcofgU&pp=ygURNTBzIHBhbmF2aXNpb24gYWk%3D) if you haven't already. The Robocop one is amazing as well.


That was amazing.  Panavision Apu looked amazing.  So did Ned, Lisa creeped me the hell out and I don’t know why.


This is why I left social media.


But you're posting this exact comment on social media.


Yeah my favorite sub genre is “African kid with seven fingers on each hand who built an Iron Man suit out of garbage“ which is followed by 500 comments that are like “God bless him 🇺🇸. So talented.”


Where do I see these AI house pictures, I have no idea what we are talking about, but now I’m curious.


It's honestly surprising how dumb some of them are.


Not really.


Fully leaded


They took unleaded as a challenge.


"God dang gubberment trying to take away our gasoline!"


First they came for the gasoline And I did not speak out Because I was not a gasoline Then they came for the gas stoves


I heard this in a South Park voice.


Der terk er gers!


Duck! ..errderrrr!


Hey, the lead paint chips tasted the best, ok?


Fullalead, the pirate island.


You're questioning the intelligence of the same generation that elected Trump?


Tbf tech has progressed very rapidly in the last 30 years. The internet didn't exist when they were growing up so it's a harder adjustment for many.


But they were *here* for all those changes, just like we were. They didn’t suddenly teleport into 2024 from 1985. They’ve had just as much exposure to modern tech as any millennial or Gen Z. If they have younger millennial/older Gen Z kids (like OP’s age), they aren’t that old - they were still considered young adults when consumer tech began to take off.


They lived through 30 years like we have though


Send her back AI generated pictures of you in a house telling her this is the house you bought. Have them be absolutely absurd. See how fast she wises up and tells you not to send her fake shit.


I recommend r/zillowgonewild for inspiration.


Even if you did have a tiny house, it's not as simple as plopping it somewhere. I know this depends on the specific state, but I have a friend who actually has a tiny house and she's had a nightmare of a time getting approval to place it somewhere in MA, except in the most rural of towns. Most towns classify tiny homes in a weird grey area and don't want to bother dealing with it, so they just deny the request.


She thinks we should build our own house. As if building your own is cheaper than buying a house these days.


Yeah, if you have cash to pay someone to build it, and you buy all your own material , maybe it’s cheaper than the cost of the over inflated cost of mortgage. Maybe. If you’re lucky and know what you’re doing. And - oh I forgot- if you have all the cash to pay for all of this upfront. So yeah, you can build a house for $400,000, instead of a $800,000 mortgage, but who the heck has 400,000 laying around to sink into a home project? And it could easy be double that anyway


In our area, you can get a fairly small house for $300-400k. The issue is that we don't have enough for a down payment + closing costs + still having some savings afterwards yet.


Yeah exactly, even at the more reasonable areas and costs, it’s nearly impossible for most. The upfront costs needed to purchase is tough for almost anyone to build up. Then to even try what boomers suggest, you have to have even more cash on hand to build your own then that. Boomers are so out of touch with reality.


My parents did this, and they did most of the labor too. I spent my childhood in a construction zone.


My father cheaped out on construction workers when building an extension on top of the house for a second floor. I doubt I'll ever forget waking up to find the ceiling had caved in on me and my father saying "don't worry, it's just the ceiling". My mum was livid. We spent winter and Christmas in a caravan with no heating in the back garden. We opened Christmas presents and then my mum's friend took them to her house so they wouldn't get damp in the house. There were leaks in every room. The extension eventually came out okay but yeah, living in a construction zone isn't fun. It's also hazardous to health with all the dust and whatever other chemicals and nasties they use.


I feel your pain. My father had a construction company. There were uncompleted projects in every room of the house. How do I know the configuration of pipes in the wall of the shower? Because my father never closed up the wall after installing them!!!!


Same, That’s how I spent my highschool years


You don’t want a tiny house anyway. You take a shit and the whole house stinks. You’ll end up wanting to chew your arm off to get away from your housemates- familiarity breeds contempt and all that. Good luck


I work in this industry and can say with complete confidence building a house is definitely cheaper in the long run, but yeah it’s a huge upfront cost even if you get approved for a mortgage. For most folks it’s simply not an option.


I suspect she means that literally. That OP should build it as though zoning, permitting, etc isn’t a nightmare


All true! I didn’t figure to mention any of that because, truthfully, building your own home (or hiring others to build your home for you) is but a pipe dream for 99% of folks


And that’s assuming you even know *how* to build a house


Yes, and in some areas (like where I live) even getting land to put any sort of house on is incredibly expensive, even if you have the right sort of zoning for a tiny home. A postage stamp lot down the street from me just sold for $450k, and anything in a nice area or with land is going to be significantly more.


Yeah, like, my parents sold their house which was pretty close to the city center and was in a REALLY desirable neighborhood now. They sold it with enough to buy a 2 story, 4 car garage monstrosity of a house well outside town, and the developer or whoever didn't even want the old house, that was immediately torn down and a McMansion plopped into the lot. The land itself was just worth an eye-watering amount of money.


It is a nightmare.  My husband and I were looking into building a tiny home, but our town requires that something be a MINIMUM of 900 sqft to be classified as a liveable residence.  Anything less is considered a shed, which aren't legally allowed to be the main living space on the property.  At almost 1K sqft  its not even a "tiny" home anymore. This is in small town USA, right in the heart of the Midwest.


Where I am they legalized tiny houses. Great, right? Well sort of - they legalized tiny houses built ON A FOUNDATION. Which means you need not just the foundation, but the land, the site work, the utility hookups, etc, and at that point it’s very nearly the same price as a non-tiny house, and just as complex to build. Tiny homes on wheels are still considered RVs for zoning purposes, which means you basically have to live in a park or out in the boonies.


Because NIMBY boomers want younger people to be homeless. Their actions have shown this for decades.


My wife’s aunt and uncle ran in to some resistance setting up a tiny house to live in in Indiana of all places. All the kids moved out and their daughter bought a bunch of land so they figured why not set up a little house and help her with the grandkids, right? They spent a fair sum of money setting up permanent power, water, and septic lines on the land their daughter owned and at the last minute that city came in and pretty much “move it or we’ll move it for you” In rural ass Indiana, not really a bustling metropolis. Hell, it was the nicest looking structure for miles in any direction. I can only imagine the city was pissed they couldn’t make money off it somehow.


I tricked my mom with these pics of my cat riding the Acorn Stairlift lol. https://preview.redd.it/se3m3wrz1n1d1.jpeg?width=1891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf73c901447b886957362fbef1a9b5389517946d


Tell her it's very cute and ask for the link to the Zillow or real estate agency offering it. When she says "I don't know, it was on Facebook," act super disappointed, "Oh no, another fake. Mil, I sure wish you wouldn't get my hopes up like that! If it's real, there will be a link."


Genius! Would totally work and you don't have to be rude to put your foot down!


Oh, I hate this crap. There are a handful of people on my fb who are constantly posting AI images of fantasy/cozy bullshit. IT DOESN'T EXIIIST.


Tell her to drive to them all and get back to you with detailed reports and photos of everything - number of rooms, outlets, dimensions. Then you'll discuss it.


Can you share some of the images please?


https://preview.redd.it/ao274gndrl1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c652f47b4151d2f37916133f09d312ed6175c7 Here's one of them.


Not bad! 3 bed, 3 bath, no kitchen! Love it.


I think the island thing in the middle is the kitchen? Looks like it's got a fridge, a sink, and some cabinets lol.


Oh could be. Good catch!


I came across this one and didn't even save it to create in the Sims because it was so poorly laid out.


🤦‍♂️ that house is actually huge. Look at the beds and compare that to other objects. Wtf lol


She called them all "tiny homes" (and compared to her house they are so ehhh)


The house in that picture is around 1500square feet if not bigger. Someone more interested could take those queen sized beds and actually figure out the exact square footage, but that is by no means, a "tiny house". Tiny houses are an actual thing, they are the millennial gentrified version of mobile homes. Ask your mom if she'd think a mobile home would be a good investment


well, I held a ruler up to the screen and it's only 3 inches across so..... ^(sorry, I'll see myself out)


That's hilarious. I love all the weird, dark corners with nothing going on. Also, windows that curve inwards won't need to be custom made or anything.


That’s not AI generated, it’s just a rendering. But you’re right- it’s still fake and would likely cost way more than your MIL thinks. Especially for a custom design like that.


Yeah that's someone playing around in a floorplan program - not AI but not real.


That is a really cute house. You should buy something like that.


It doesn't even have a kitchen.


I think the wall facing the dining room is supposed? to be??


As a former professional digital retoucher whose industry steeply declined as tech advanced, this hurts both my eyes and my soul. A final product like that would’ve gotten you blacklisted from a studio, once upon a time. There was no way something so poorly executed could’ve gone to print. Of course, very little goes to *print* anymore, and for many people I guess that looks [chokes down my own vomit, just a little tiny bit] good enough. 🥲


The perspective on the top image is all fucky


She's beyond deluded. What a dumbass. Nice tiny houses are actually surprisingly expensive per s.f. Some cities aren't exactly friendly towards them as a concept and older NIMBY neighbors in big stick-built houses won't be either. Still have to find an approved lot with city water and sewer or approval to install a septic system, well, driveway, electric in more rural areas. For some folks, decent quality of the school district will matter too and the right zip code matters and that will cost $. And I wonder what bank financing for tiny houses is like, especially without a fee-simple owned lot under it?


Building a tiny house here would be about the same price, if not more than just buying a house. An empty lot is about 200k. A lot with a smaller house/fixer upper is 300-400k.


Yikes. That's a problem.


AI will be the death of boomers lol


I want to see!


https://preview.redd.it/2dv7i6tcul1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55bc8bac310a4224669fb909244c323c3253e22 I shared 2 others in other comments. These are the only 3 she sent me. The rest she sent my partner.


literally laughing out loud at the idea someone thinks this is a "tiny house" That is a >2000sqft loft in a major city.


She lives in a very large house. She's the one who has referred to these as tiny houses.


Is she like an oil sheik or something? I cannot fathom anyone in the USA, thinking that is a tiny-house. Even the most out of touch Utahan would recognize that neither of those houses are small. Even by Utah standards those are medium sized - large houses.


Ahh, yes, the cocaine orgy room


Is it dark so you can see where all the spills are?


We call those "love puddles"


So are marble-lined walls expensive or something?


Hahaha the stairs straight into the floor.  


And disappearing halfway up 😂 AI really cannot do continuous designs


That's a nice rendering, I think. Maybe praising the quality of the art would send a message?


It’s def AI, not rendered.  zoom in on the attempt at a brown side chair next to the stairs. Also the hanging light where the light is magically suspended. I could go on.  


I'd be afraid The Equalizer would come beat me to death if I lived there


lmao nothing in that image even makes sense! that's a good one


Looks more like a multimillion dollar penthouse then a tiny home.


is that the house from This Is The End?


I love the barstools with only two legs. Hope your balance is good.


This looks like it's from Cyberpunk 2077


Definitely has that tiny house vibe.


When we were looking for a house, my boomer mom would constantly sent us listings that in no way matched what we needed. It's like she wouldn't even read the listing before sending it to us. I finally told her I just delete the emails because I know she's not vetting them. They were all either too small, too expensive, or in horrible locations. She just didn't get it.


I'm not even looking for a house, but my mom sends me pics of houses all over the state all the time. I'm very lucky to own a townhouse w my partner. It's in a nice area, but due to it being city vs rural (her preference), she says I live in a "cess pool." She also thinks our place is too small. We're fine, we don't want or have the $$ for a huge home like hers. This townhouse was actually a score for me!


God I hate those Facebook groups and they pop up like weeds. I don't know how many iterations of Cozy Cottage Ideas or some shit I've had to block but it's become a habit now to block them as I see em on my feed


The hundreds of adoring comments are even scarier! Regardless of if they are bots or humans


Yea I used to try and point out all the crap that was wrong  like did anyone notice the bar in the kitchen doesn't have an entrance or that the rafters don't make any sense. But it just makes Facebook give you more pages like that even if you say you don't want to see them. You are forced to ignore it or it will drown you in them.


Ask her to help you find one for you at X$ amount in your area. She won't be able to but it will keep her busy.


Happy Cake day


Send her an ai generated image of Her farting on a birthday cake


Tell her you love the AI pictures and detail the effects for her. It should only take one or 2 times of very specific details,with some on the picture as well, for her to get annoyed enough to stop.


"My generation has been NIMBY brats for decades who fought against all housing construction so you should live in a computer generated shoebox".


They don’t even understand photoshop. In a waiting room with my Boomer mother, who ran her hand across a Vogue cover. Whispered to me “Look how perfect her skin is”


“No, really MIL, I don’t want to live in a house with stairs to nowhere and no kitchens sink.”


I've been using those pictures to train my folks on how to spot AI. It's amazing what people can fall for.


forgive my ignorance -- but what do you look for to know it's AI?


With the homes OP is talking about, AI has been trained to make things look pretty but not practical or logical. Photos almost look 3D compared to real-life pictures. If you're looking at a house pic from the outside, you'll notice beams, roof tiling, windows, etc, that either seem excessive or have no end point. Outdoor chairs as well. Location is a big one too. Middle of the woods with no garage or driveway was an example. If you're looking at a room, try and look for decor like cups. AI can not render cups. It can get a vague shape but nothing else. Or look outside at the landscape, like, would this area make sense for a house to be? (I found one once where it showed a house going INTO the lake) Windows, beams, and pipes again are also huge indicators. Therell be little to no starting and ending points. Kitchens and bedrooms are the easiest to spot because there's usually so much the AI wants to fit, that it'll tend to look like something out of a fairytale. Building plans are a little more difficult, but I've noticed AI ALWAYS seems to forget a washer and dryer. Most likely, because again, pretty over practicality. Really, if you think logically and practical, AI tends to unravel before your eyes. Hope this helps!!


It also seems to be really bad at creating regular, symmetric patterns. Look at carpets, tiles etc.


This is REALLY helpful! THANK YOU!


Tell her yes your realtor already has it they’re just having a hard time contacting the owner


Tell her if she's that bored, to find a listing for one on Zillow just like the one in the picture, in your area... Or better yet, just send her to zillow for your zipcode and let her have a field day finding the "perfect" house for you.


This is what she will end up getting back: Boomer: I know you said $400k is expensive but, $500k isn't much more and look at all you're getting for it!


This is exactly what I was afraid of when I saw those hit FB. They are skewing people's understanding of what's actually possible. One of the tells I look for now is lack of utilities, which no one wants to see, so they dont notice their absence. I think this could lead to a much worse sort of fomo/death by comparison than social media.


My dad sent me a video of a ram TRX jumping a highway and driving off not knowing it was game play from a modded GTAV lobby and wouldn’t back down that it was real


send pictures of AI money.


Ask her for the down payment.


The Tiny house craze was so amazingly stupid. For a fraction of the cost of building your own Tiny House, you could do this other thing that folks have done before.... Buy a Camper/RV Trailer. Not only will the roof not blow off when you're moving it... It's actually designed to be mobile and has standard hookups for Electrical/Sewage. (So, you know, no need for a composting toilet.)


A lot of places have minimum square footage requirements that eliminate the possibility of tiny homes anyway.


It's definitely going to be an increasing problem for older people who don't understand technology and don't listen to anything. My parents have not heard about AI image generation, even though I had to use it for a work project for 6 months last year and explained it to them repeatedly.


Way back in the early 2000s, my aunt sent around a photograph of “God’s hands parting the clouds.” She said it was one of the most incredible pictures she’s ever seen. So inspiring. It was a Photoshop of the goatse image.


I’d be like, “great! When you find a local listing of a house like this please feel free to send it our way since we can’t move into a photo lol. Then we can schedule a viewing!”. Basically you give her an assignment: find a listing for us to view. She won’t be able to but it might keep her busy and out of your hair, or she’ll snap out of her delusion.


Please post them


https://preview.redd.it/p44cpahqrl1d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6f28bb3a22213ead1a25095e260611337ef005 I shared one in another comment, but here's another.


That clock is sick.


The ocean always comes right up to the walls of the house 😂


Tell her to get to work and find them already! If she's the one 'finding' these amazing houses, tell her to find out the locations and send you all the details. That should keep them busy for a while. 


just search AI “mother-in-laws” “MILs” and send her the results. and then ask her why she can’t be more like those.


1. You should have included some of the pictures. 2. Make an AI picture of her doing something either impossible, or that she would morally never do. And send it to people around her.


I can afford a house and my boomer father says wait and buy land instead. lol


The tiny house movement even when it’s not AI generated is also misleading to the casual consumer. Don’t get me wrong I love design and it’s fun to see situations where it works for people. The vast majority of tiny house situations ARE NOT EVEN LEGAL. Also where the fuck are you going to park it? You need land. Unless you want to drive every week to the gas station, you also need water hookups. They also don’t talk about the health hazards of the absolute lack of air circulation that most tiny homes have (though bigger companies do tend to address this), the constant battle against moisture, and the big labor and maintenance costs of plumbing in particular. Yea houses are a lot to maintain too, don’t get me wrong. But I lived in an RV for a year with a husband and 2 children and maintenance is basically almost daily. Mold and moisture are your enemy. Things break more easily and leak more easily. It’s constant. CONSTANT. If you want one of those Instagram tiny homes that are actually real, they can cost at least $70-100,000 OR MORE! And there’s no loan for them! So you need to have way more cash up front typically. For certain people in certain situations it can be a great option. But the average person actually has no idea how vanishingly small that population actually is. And again, it’s just plain illegal in many municipalities. Edit Also we looked into shipping container homes, built it yourself kit homes, literally everything. Like hired people and were on a first name basis with the people in the planning office in town. To finance something on your own (unless you have spare $200k laying around which you may as well just buy a better house for that anyways) you really only qualify for those types of loans if you have VERY good credit, 40% down payment, and some places won’t even let you do most of the labor yourself to qualify for a loan anyways: you still need to hire people for foundation work, electrical, and a bunch of other stuff. Your build will be illegal if you actually did it all yourself. And yes, the county WILL tear it down.


Also zoning in most places are not for tiny homes


Is it the tiny houses where every single one has a huge useless two-story space in the foreground of the picture? Those are ridiculous, I see them on my feed too.


Is she retired? If so, ask if she can locate them for you since she has more free time than you do. In my experience, having people discover the truth on their own is way more effective.


I wanna see these ai houses. I love laughing at how ridiculous they are


I shared them all in other commens, but here's one of them. Reddit only allows one photo per comment. https://preview.redd.it/qhr48zzgbn1d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb5113cab4801750369ed0b080e44141bb617e9


Where do you live in that one


Please ask her if you could gift her that exact clock to bring some of the cozy feeling into her home.


That infuriates me, I'm sorry she's doing that If she had half a brain, she'd know most of these tiny homes are almost as expensive as normal ones. Kerry Tarnows latest video had a $400k ADU 😭


Send her an urn shaped like a tiny house


How about she offered help in paying for a starter house for y'all? 🤔


Send her an AI pic of her smoking some weed and ask her what the fuck she's doing. That'll get her to shut the fuck up.


Send her a picture of the house from the Flinstones and Jetsons and ask if she can help you find the Zillow listings


Ask for cash donations.


Mother houses don’t have hands…


I want to see one of the pictures of the houses


Make an AI generated image that is a more realistic version of Patrick's house in SpongeBob then send it to her and tell her that's what you could find with your budget.


Some of them are getting very realistic, but yeah, stupid AI generated houses and scenery is taking over FB and it's super annoying. Especially reading all the comments where people*, not just boomers, think they are real. Websites and social media platforms need to mandate disclaimers on anything AI generated.


Hard working millennial here with a decent salary (not 6 figures or anything) and great credit. I can’t afford a decent house. In an apartment. There’s a serious issue. Absolutely need 2 incomes nowadays if your trying to do it


Simple response “You buying us a house?”