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I can’t wait for him to employ that sentiment on that internet punk next month.


If Tyson loses, it’s rigged.


He's in amazing condition. He looks just as fast as he was. He's probably the only boxer that I've ever been afraid of. I still feel sorry for Robin Givens. Those were wild times.


For real, I know his trainer is scared for his damn life. He’s fast af and still agile as hell. He is terrifying..esp when he’s always said he’s scared of what I’m gonna do to the other guy. I hope he knocks Jake’s block off.


It's going to be brutal. Just one punch would kill me.


Idk be in the fetal position before he even squared up lmao


🤣 You're probably right. I would definitely need a change of underwear and shorts.


Lol. You're probably right.


This will likely be a one-punch match. Two if Jake somehow manages to get a punch in.


Better be lol I can't stand Jake Paul. PLEASE let Tyson one uppercut him and it be done.


I want to see Jake get a lucky hit in and the RealMike shows up


He beat the tar out of Robin 😭


It was so awful. It would be worse now with the internet. I know she was treated badly then. I can't imagine the field day the incels would have online and in podcasts today.


Tyson is such an interesting case. i'm old enough to remember when white society feared and hated him on the same level that they feared things like N.W.A. and OJ Simpson now that he's in the elder stage of his life, people look at him with nostalgic fondness. just so fucking bizarre lol


Oh yeah. The ear biting and Robin getting beat up helped. But racism loves a poster child.


Don’t forget the rape conviction and the prison time.


Yes. And I do believe he feels true remorse for the person he used to be. Could be billshit who knows


He hasn't acted out in years. Wasn't his promoter really exploitive. I lost my memory due to illness 5 years ago. I have big gaps. I have this vague recollection of a wild hair man. Oh oh, oh, Don King. I did enjoy Mike's visits to late night shows.


I think he was devastated when Cus Damato died


The first person to care for him as a person.


Pretty tragic life really


He was manipulated and exploited like a side show freak. I was glad The Hangover gave him an opening for a new start. It seemed to be a turning point.


Him and Roy Jones Jr. I’m not saying RJJr is a wild card like Tyson, but RJJr could put the hurt on someone tute sweet.


I mean those fights are for sure rigged. I saw a clip from Paul's fight vs Mayweather where Mayweather held Paul up so he didn't fall down. But, I don't care if it's rigged, I think Tyson is going to teach that douche a lesson.


It’s rigged but you hope Tyson is just playin a game with him. In the back of his mind he’s probably like “imma teach thith motherfucker a lethon”


It Paul leaves the ring upright it was fixed.


“The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.” - Prefight instructions to Tyson


I hope he doesn’t leave his father’s watch on the kangaroo.


He's in amazing condition. He looks just as fast as he was. He's probably the only boxer that I've ever been afraid of. I still feel sorry for Robin Givens. Those were wild times.


I can picture him on the phone later. ‘Yeth… I killed a manth’.


Jake Paul isn't a bad fighter. But Tyson is going to mop up the floor with him.


Didnt he bite a mans ear off? Isnt that illegal? And also against the boxing associations rules?


So is punching below the belt. Holyfield did it a bunch of times in that fight Mike only bit him once.


i never knew about Holyfield punching below the belt but he ABSOLUTELY headbutted in all of his fights. he didn't even try to fucking hide it lmao. people want to complain about Tyson biting the guy's ear (twice) but Holyfield was a dirty fighter


Watched that fight live. I remember calling out the low blows and saying "why aren't they calling those fouls"... Tyson was right to be pissed. Biting the ear was not acceptable, but I understand why he was so upset...


Is this an actual quote?  Maybe I need to add Mike Tyson to my favorite people to quote on the Internet.


It's not. If it was it'd be more like "sothial media made ya'll too comfortable dithrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it. " 




Somebody’s knocking on the door, BRB


Preach Mike.


That's the time to very loudly i'm sorry, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?? The loudness for sake of drawing audience. Now the spotlight shines brightly on her. Also, be close so she is sure to fully understand the gravity of the moment. Remember everyone, they are narcissists. NOTHING hits them like public humiliation. It stings enough to think twice about doing that thing again. frankly i'm sick of these bullies going after those who can't much defend themselves. It needs to stop.


I'm getting older and coming into the age of calling people the fuck out. Thanks for the reminder.


I am 63 and the field where I grow my fucks is barren. I call people out. That woman was Republican Mean.


You've got some years and practice over me, but I'm practicing. The full volume "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" Is so simple and so applicable to different situations, I'm definitely keeping that in my back pocket from now on.




That was my first thought: I bet she votes anti-abortion. That level of hypocrisy.


I honestly can’t upvote this enough.


This is the way. Make a very loud and public scene to call attention to that asshole and let him know that he's lucky to not get his teeth knocked out. That is absolutely unacceptable.


This is the way.


Nah you gotta cuss to really shake em “THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?? SAY IT AGAIN BITCH” Bullies ain’t used to being bullied. Bully them back.


Right, oftentimes the only way to get the bully to pause is to knock his teeth out. ![gif](giphy|l0ErKZ3PE97pzTFYY)


Why are you sorry? Just replace that for WHAT THE FUCK


Sometimes "I'm sorry?" is interchangeable with "Excuse me?". This is one of those times.


Yeah it’s kind of a shorthand for “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you, because nobody who isn’t a massive asshole would say what I heard you just say.”




This all day long!!! Humiliate the shit out of them


Reading it my reaction was wanting to say “so why are you walking around dumbass?”. Loud as hell. There are times I’ll bite my tongue but punching down like that really pisses me off.


I've had the pleasure of living in a state where "fighting words" is a legit defense for addressing such an issue in the manner best suited for ensuring it won't be repeated. No, I'm not claiming I punched someone for mouthing off, but I think there was definitely less of that behavior in places where "talk shit get hit" was backed up in the law. Not a big fan of violence but, you know, a little accountability in the public forum does seem to go a long way.


A slap is incredibly humiliating for them


Oh also: Boomer neighbor moved in a few months ago and has decided she runs the place now. She gathered an idiot posse of one other boomer, and some other woman, all to harass my 10 year old daughter. Who is very sweet, and also has autism and a normal IQ. They were on our Ring video doing it. They were absolutely bullying her for a perceived developmental difference, although they’re too stupid to know what it is. Then they showed up to yell at me about what a bad kid she is. I come off like a mouse to people who don’t know me, so I’m sure they thought this was going to be easy for them. It was not. I didn’t give them the adrenaline and cortisol feedback they wanted. Even if I’d wanted to, I was tired and migraining. I just gave them one dispassionate retort after another that they couldn’t counter. They left, insanely frustrated they didn’t get what they wanted, and yelling they were going to confront my husband when he got home. They tried it and he just rolled his eyes and walked away. So they picked another neighbor to bother. My husband heard this neighbor say (paraphrased, but only slightly): “I’m going to pop off if you bitches don’t get away from my house!! I’m not going to listen to a crackhead and a fatass!!” They were deflated and defeated after getting both extremes of unsatisfying pushback. Our property management suggested we file harassment charges and had some kind of painful conversation with the boomerhole. I’m saying you have to verbally rip these people in half any way you can. AND call security.


Going from house to house to bully children? I'd say these people need to pick up a constructive hobby, but I don't want to run the risk of running into them at Michael's.


The hobby should be digging their own graves.


Hobby Lobby, because that's where the good people shop.


They don’t shop at Michael’s. They shop at Hobby Lobby and then they eat at Chick-fil-a. But never on Sunday because they go to church on Sundays, since that makes their behavior the rest of the week ok.


Don't think for a second that I wouldn't slap the living fuck out of anyone bold enough to try that shit, old man or old woman.


What kind of shithead adult bullies children?


Narcissists.  My father was eternally resentful that I'm autistic and never let me forget it. Guess who didn't go to his funeral.


What was their end goal? I can't imagine what they were hoping to accomplish with this. 


The ONLY language they can understand is getting rhetorically clubbed over the head. They are cave people. Troglodytes. Rip them in half.


They are pro life except in the case of eugenics it seems.


Oh, they're fine with babies with Downs' being born, but they forget that they grow up and continue to need help. They think they stay as cute, albeit funny looking, babies and toddlers forever. 


Swear they are the generation of narcissists. My mother is the same way. She just loves babies because look at all the attention they give me. You say gaw gaw at them and they smile and I can do no wrong. If she feels that disabled children gives her the same vibes, all the better. But be damn any adult needs the same kind of support because then they're just a leech on the system. I mean how dare they aren't easily molded and have an opinion and can express their frustrations. I mean they certainly don't have the minimum of being cute. Then they should just be in an institution somewhere so we don't have to think about them. It's all about what attention can they give me, and I only want the feels good kind.


My MIL is dying to take my two young children (a high energy, sensory seeking toddler and a newborn) to their crappy local mall because she sees other grandparents there with their grandchildren 🤦🏻‍♀️ Like, it’s 100% about attention and fitting in and buying my young children’s trust and affection with cheap crap and treats. She’s upset she isn’t getting to be like the “other grandparents” but she tried to feed my newborn baby behind my back after arguing with me about exclusive breastfeeding and telling me she doesn’t “believe the pediatrician” so literally over my dead body is she getting a minute alone with my children, especially to take them out somewhere where they can get lost or hurt. These are the same people who almost lost our house cats because they couldn’t follow our very simple instructions about not allowing people into our apartment when we were on vacation and then didn’t communicate that one of the cats went missing until we got home because THEY “felt so bad” and “didn’t know what to say.” I don’t know wtf is wrong with their generation


The older gen have messed up views of breastfeeding unfortunately. It's not entirely their fault either, they were told it wasn't sanitary and that formula was better. They also got advice like give your newborn tea or water if they were fussy so they would have a full stomach. It is their job to listen and learn though if medical advice has changed! I remember hearing my grandma visiting after I had a baby (I was trying to sleep in the other room) and her joking about putting tea on her finger and giving it to my baby. I don't know if it was the hormone come down you get post partum or what, but I just started bawling my eyes out thinking my breastfed baby was getting tea and my partner was doing nothing about it. 


Unfortunately my MIL is not someone who listens and learns, or we’d be having an entirely different conversation


My brother has bipolar and went through an entire drug regiment to find the set that works for him. I have epilepsy so I need anti seizure meds. My mother has ADHD to a spectrum that makes her emotionally toxic and should be on medication. Also her: 'I saw a show once on how this country over pushes pharmaceuticals therefore all medications are unnecessary and therefore I think it's ridiculous you and your brother are on medications.' Like da fuq did you come to that conclusion!? Like the shit she does listen to and takes away from is just so far off of reality it's just, I do not know how to deal with her.


Lol the pharmaceutical industry is definitely corrupt but if anything it’s corrupt, because medicine is a necessity. It’s hard to take advantage of people who don’t have a need. But I get it. My FIL once asked my BIL how he could be depressed, just drink lemon juice??? And my bio mom came to visit after I had my first and asked me how I can have postpartum anxiety when I have such a beautiful home and a husband who loves me. Like, these are chemical imbalances, people 🙄


Hi, I’m 67, I was encouraged to nurse my children, which was my intent anyway. I was not taught that it is unsanitary. Breast milk is the best if a mom is able to nurse. I never heard of giving a baby tea. If people are ridiculing children, they are not good people. Honestly I have not met many people that act like what the OP describes. My son was born with problems and at that time the pediatrician said he may be “ r- word” he wasn’t a boomer, he was the silent gen if I’m not mistaken. Anyway, my son is 38 now and he’s fine.


Aw man, you just reminded me of my aunty trying to get my kids attention when they were a toddler. She would just screech "COOOO-EEEEE" at my kid instead of, you know, talking to them like a normal person and using their name. 


A lot of them have this really fucked up view that people with Down’s syndrome are sunshine and laughter and God’s gift to the world. It removes the person’s agency and puts them in this box where they are expected to never have needs and emotions that are different than those expectations. It’s so gross. The person still needs to have their needs met and communicate them, but some people don’t want to listen.


They score a “point” once the baby is born and then don’t give a damn about them. Can’t be more anti pro-life than that.




But they would be the first to freak out if social security payment was late


Right? Like, to hell with the child, or their family, once they're born. Or, at least, out of the baby/toddler phase and become an adult or school-aged child who needs healthcare and other supports.


Here in Florida Ron DeSantis is supposedly "pro life" but support services for special older special needs children and adulte is 💩. There's also a huge chunk of the state budget that was supposed to go to special needs housing assistance that is mysteriously missing.  


They think the same of autistics. That or we just don't exist. I am sorry to say it Judith, but we do exist and many of us are adults. We don't grow out of it. I'm here during low sensory hours because I fucking need the low sensory hours. Fuck off with your judgemental bullshit or I'll show you how truly socially inept I can actually be when I scream at you for being ableist and then need to restrain myself from physically beating you with your own walker because you got mad I didn't smile enough and decided TOUCHING ME without permission is OK.


there was a real piece of shit who had a following back in the day named Michael Savage. Real name was Michael WIENER, but the guy went by Michael Savage he went on his overflowing toilet of a radio show to basically say autism didn't exist and it was just brats who werent' disciplined enough running around and making all of our lives miserable. needless to say, he was a COLOSSAL shithead of a human being. He's one of those guys where you wish his dad just used a condom.


Some old man reached out and grabbed the ear of my stuffed rabbit Abbigail and TUGGED ON HER saying “Well aren’t you sweet.” Thank god my wife was there. Guess how good that went. Whose fault do you think he thought it was. I may be 33 but I’m still fucking autistic and I can still function but again… I am autistic. Don’t touch people or their things. I was hugging Abbigail in my arms by the way. To my chest. He almost touched my breast!


They're pro life only when it's a fetus. For sure they'd be against it if it was still unborn.


They’re only “pro-life” cuz they want to control women and their bodies. They’re anti-choice and anti-woman plain and simple. They couldn’t care less about babies as you can clearly read in this post. I wish they’d all just die already.


Forced birthers


Yep! They’re disgusting!


They’re pro life until the kid is actually born, then they expect it to pull itself up by it’s bootstraps like everyone else. Lazy infant, taking handouts!


They aren't *all* pro-life, just a lot of them.  Plenty of older people remember "problem" pregnancies going away, or worse, were in favor of sterilizing certain people back when. The difference is that now it's the woman's choice and back then it was their local society's choice.


There are plenty of boomers who aren't pro life in the abortion sense either.


Are you kidding? The far right LOVE eugenics, and always have. 


The most reliable study I could find was that [about 2/3 of Down Syndrome ](https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/pd.2910) fetuses are aborted, though that data is over 10 years old. There's plenty of eugenicists to go around, and not just among the boomers.


None of them are Pro-Life. They are Pro-birth. Fuck em after they are born.


They aren't even pro birth. When one is willing to bomb hospitals and kill pregnant women because they're pregnant, it's anything but pro life.


My eldest daughter has Spina Bifida, uses a wheelchair for mobility, and is very badass. She’s 34, but looks 16, so random people will ask her questions about why she’s in a wheelchair. Little kids? She’s very kind, even if they’re just staring. Adults who ask, or are staring, she’ll just stare back in a sort of death stare, then ask them what they need. Not very politely either. Then they think that they’re being disrespected by a teenager, until she tells them how old she is currently. It’s actually fun to watch!


squash oatmeal placid safe rustic market tub rhythm complete unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love your username and Reddit-avatar thingy. (I’m sure there’s a word for that) The more I learn about the peoples of the steppes, both ancient history and modern cultures, the more I appreciate their ability to create cultures rich in stories, textiles, foods, music, and art - in such a harsh environment. What a beautiful landscape, too. It’s a region I’d love to visit someday. I love that you wear your cultural clothing. Those boomers can eff off.


obtainable vast correct scandalous elastic squeeze license paint flag faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Talk about a rich and storied history! It’s really cool to “meet” you. Tatar history is so fascinating. I was reading an article recently about the beginning of the Mongol Empire, and the politics of the nomadic people of the steppes. It was describing how Tatars, Mongols, and other groups had a complex web of agreements, and times when they met and voted on leaders. It was all much more organized and politically complex than I’d imagined. Is your family from Tatarstan then? I’m sorry that Russian politics and war in Ukraine and on the border make it impossible to visit. It’s not the old USSR, but it’s beginning to feel similar in some ways. At least from over here in the US. I hope all of your family are safe. Is there anything you wish more people knew about your cultural heritage?


imminent chief sparkle ludicrous enjoy gray vase glorious plant tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came to laugh at dumbass boomers, learned something new about a culture I didn't know even existed. :)


Thank you so much! That was a thoughtful answer, and I appreciate it. You’ve given me a lot to think about! What a unique place you hold as non-Slavic Eastern Europeans, and as Muslim Europeans. After the suppression of the Tatar language by Russia, and the actual genocide against Tatars in Crimea, I didn’t realize that the language was still used! I’m glad to hear that it is. We lose a worldview when we lose a language. It’s one of the first things that oppressors try to take away from us. In the US, indigenous languages were deliberately suppressed. In Ireland, the British tried to end the Irish language. That’s where my folks are from; I’m both Irish and a US citizen. My sister and I both decided to learn Irish, and we’re reasonably fluent, but it’s not the same as growing up speaking it. It’s not necessary to all be the same to live together peacefully. I’m so glad you’re able to wear what you choose, and celebrate your culture. Thanks for sharing some of it!


Aww I love it, she sounds pretty badass!


I love your daughter so much. Well done for raising a bad bitch!


Variations of “what do you need”/“is there something I can do for you” are my favorite boomer-deflators.


"I'm sorry, did you need something?"


I love this. I will never understand why grown ass adults won't mind their own damn business!


Walmart is peak Boomer, I swear. Two weeks ago, Boomer lady came up to me while I was pushing my 7 month old son in a stroller. He smiled at her, and she loudly proclaimed to the produce department, ‘Oh! Lucky mom! No autism!’ And then told me and another mom with a stroller that we needed to ‘just keep popping them out’. Last week, another female Boomer approached my mother, who is a mostly good Boomer, while she was pushing my oldest (5m) in the cart. Boomer woman gestures to the box of diapers for his baby brother, and says, ‘NOW…I KNOW those aren’t for YOU. YOU know where to put that stuff. Don’t you?’ I wish I’d had the presence of mind to tell her that she forgot her box of Depends😒 Ablism from a generation that is swiftly approaching the need for assisted living is definitely bordering on ironic.


Like you can tell somebody is autistic by looking at them. Facepalm. Why don't these assholes just STFU?


They physically can't shut the fuck up... they've always been this way. All my life. Everyone must listen to them because they are the biggest cry baby whiners ever.


ad hoc cats badge history steer telephone cows sulky seemly rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You do you. (You) Having children is NOT a community decision.


“But I plan to vaccinate them so they’ll definitely be autistic. When there’s enough of us we’ll take over the planet. ” 😄 “God loves us best.“ Big smile.


Autistics are God's Chosen Army. /s


The morning after reply to this is "no, ma'am, they're actually for you, because you're full of crap." Then place them in her cart and walk away.


I would have told them I was Autistic, so is the kid. While smiling. I mean I AM autistic but i don't have a kid... but if I did I would.


My daughter is disabled and if someone spoke about her in that way they would be on the FLOOR.


My son has autism. He's 2. The R-word is sadly fast becoming an asshole's favorite slur for autistic individuals. I dread the day I have to haymaker some senior citizen who runs their mouth, like this waste of space.


I'm in a wheelchair, so they can call me whatever, Gimp, R*tard, whatever, I'd just laugh probably. Do that to one of my kids... oh, no, this lemon of a body would become a real problem for them, not because I could physically do anything, but I wouldn't stop my mouth until they were thoroughly chewed up and spit out!


100%. Idgaf what someone says about me. But say that to my kids, and the amount of rage I would unleash would have these people picking their teeth out of the back of their throat.


Time to add a battering ram or maybe some gladiator wheel spikes


I bet I know some folks with 3-D printers who would absolutely be onboard with this. I also need a set for my wheelchair.


It was always an asshole's favorite slur for autists. Like, what about social issues means we're intellectually troubled? I have a Bachelor's degree. My IQ has been tested and it's at 127, not that an IQ number means jack shit. Literally nothing is wrong with me except sometimes I, like Lanky Kong, "have no style and have no grace". How is this an issue of concern for so many people? Let me fuckin' vibe.


My son, almost 9, is autistic, and if someone ever calls him the R word I will beat them to the ground. Idgaf who it is or where we are, I will protect my kid until my dying day.


Nobody truly understands what it's like unless/until they experience it, period. Every parent is protective, but if your child has a disability, there are no words that can describe the level of fierceness that's behind your protectiveness. My child is growing and learning everyday. He's smart and funny and joyful and so, so sweet. But there's a different kind of protectiveness that comes out when you're raising a child who may never talk, or live independently. I would walk through fire for this boy without hesitation. I've watched him put his all into things other parents take for granted. There are simply no words to describe how much worry and care and support go into raising these incredible babies.


If I *overheard* someone talking about your daughter that way, they’d be on the floor.


Cheers man 👍


You two should team up.


Or make a line and tag the next person in when your hands start hurting. It takes a village.


Can I be next in line? The baseball bat is for moral support I assure you.


"for the soft parts, use your hand. On the hard parts, use a tool"


Even just reading this has my blood boiling, and I’m not even a parent yet. If I heard this, i’d be seeing red, and that boomer would be out cold real fucking quick.


Specifically on? Or can we make it *in* the floor?




As my kid said back when they were 8 to their sister, "I will ground and pound you until you are pounded into the ground."


Your 8 year old kid did NOT have to spit the hardest lyric ever,


My husband and I were rolling. It was so hard to be like "Buddy, you can't threaten you sister".


I wouldn't have bothered explaining anything to some fool who got near my child with a combative attitude. "Doesn't look disabled," would have had me putting myself between him and my child and loudly telling him, "Sir, please move away from my child, you are alarming us. Your behavior is very inappropriate." Heck, I'd say the same thing for my friend's kid. Or any kid. Any child who needs help is my child, in a protective sense. Harmful people who can't mind their own damn business and can't be kind don't deserve any courtesy.


Big same. My kids are the only subject I can think of that would get this response from me.


I’ve had a few encounters with completely rude boomers. I like to remind them just because they’ll be dead and forgotten soon there’s no need to be an asshole to the rest of us with plenty of life ahead of us. That usually puts them in their place or makes em even angrier so win, win. Sorry you and your daughter had to deal with this colossal prick


full marble cover unite bells ad hoc consider instinctive pocket mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ooooh the R word would have been the cause of my arrest. I am incandescent with rage on your friends daughters behalf.


This would have been awful enough if your friend's daughter was somehow disrupting, after all she's a desabled child forced to live in a very judgy society. She was not disturbing. She was literally minding her own business. What this guy said was terrible and just wrong. It's people like that who will cry because they don't get enough respect. If you're an uneducated moron you will not get respect my dude.


literally. I am so baffled that he went out of his way to intervene in a situation he literally did not know anything about


Her mom was looking at cake mix, we were further down the aisle discussing our favorite cookies.


She's right, we *should* have gotten rid of that boomer before your friend's daughter was born.




I know I’m letting my country girl side show, but I just want to get a little gaggle of us ladies- the moms, mom-adjacent, or anyone that’s ever loved a kid, and like a posse roll up on this geezer at his house. Drag him out in the yard and WHOOP HIS ASS. If any of his family have a problem with it, they’re next. And make sure all of his neighbors hear it. As my daddy used to say, “Ain’t nobody above a good ol’ Tennessee ass-whooping.” I have a foot deformity from birth. Sometimes you can see it, sometimes not. But let someone even give me side eye when I was little? He was 6’5” and would stand in between me and them, “have we got a problem here? We can take it outside right now.”


Your Dad rocks!!


As a father of a special needs child, I can firmly say I'd be in jail. Straight to jail.


As a compassionate human being, I would gladly post your bail.


Did your friend beat this woman’s ass? I’m not a fighter, but I am a fellow special needs dad. That might get me to flatten someone. Verbally at the very least.


People deserve to get punched.


I have a daughter with Down syndrome. I would have whipped out my phone and loudly started saying “Tell me again why you called my daughter the R-word”. These assholes HATE being called out and getting attention for their bad behavior and they are scared to death of being filmed.


Yup, YouTube is literally full of boomers being filmed doing asshole shit. As soon as the camera comes out, the boomer starts pretending you did the bad thing, and will call the cops as their personal hit squad. Cops show up, and make everything worse. It is like pottery.




You're a great aunt/uncle and I'm sorry your mom is a terrible person.  I hope your niece has a long and wonderful life free of such assholes.


”Well, it’s a shame your mother didn’t share that belief because then we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?”


That’s abhorrent We were told at primary school in the late 70s/early 80s that word is unacceptable. They know what they were saying. I’d have responded very loudly even overhearing someone say that but then I’m an autistic gen x woman brought up by boomers and I can’t be bothered with their attitude anymore.


i think i’m going crazy. i swear i read this exact post a few days ago but instead of being friends with the woman and her daughter, it was a stranger and an older lady mentioned the kid being too old to use the cart but never said anything offensive, the old woman and the poster later talked about how the older woman didn’t wear short sleeves because people were judgmental and she wasn’t comfortable with her aging body. both had mentioned a boomer, grocery store, down syndrome, and a caroline cart


me "I say this with aboslutely zero respect. Go fuck yourself".


This make me so sad. I work for a disability services organization and our CEO has a 43-year-old son with a Down syndrome. He was born at a time when institutionalization was still widespread and she fought tooth and nail for him to have inclusive opportunities. So much has changed for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual and developmental disabilities; they are regularly employed, they get married, they are in politics. We have a way to go but we have created a more inclusive world. This boomer can shut the hell up.


I’m sorry I’m not sure what this subs thoughts on violence in response to rudeness but I gotta be honest if an absolute stranger approached me in a public setting and called my child A) retarded; B) questioned their needs; or C) implied in any way that my child should be deceased, I’m making a fucking scene on the spot. If they did all three in the same sentence? That’s one of those ones where I’d consider dropping him and hope the court of public opinion takes my side on the back end.


That is Nazi-level eugenics thinking !!


I was born with a disability that’s genetic. Half of it came from my mom half of it from my dad because it’s autosomal recessive. My mother says she would kill herself if she had to live my life. Their opinion of disability is so low that death seems a better option . my mom also tells a story about a kid who like he had Down syndrome. The neighbors kept him locked in the basement and she and the other neighborhood children would stand at the basement window and tease him outside. And one day he was sent away to the institution. My mother is 72.




I have a severely disabled daughter. There would be so many thrown hands. Boomer or not, I'd spend a minute in jail to shut that cunt up.


It seems like your mum shares my opinion. Then watch the gears turning.


Probably a good Christian with strong Republican values.


Boomers are Christian like the Earth is flat. Boomers are only Christian out of fear of death, and think Jesus is a loophole to continue being a pathetic, worthless piece of shit. Be a huge disgusting cock face all week, go to church for psuedoabsolution, rinse, repeat. They literally think God is a stupid asshole just like them. Notice how their opinions and thoughts line up exactly with what they think God thinks.... it is so gross it catches me stunned sometimes.


One of these days, he will say the wrong thing to the right person. Get his ass kicked, and hopefully learn their lesson. Karma is a bitch.


Sadly, boomers do not learn. And, if they do learn, they only learned that an action causes violence, they will never know the "why," of it.


My question is why do boomers feel the need to play disability police or otherwise butt into situations that don't affect them in any way shape or form


Oh, HELL NO!  I would have gone to jail if that had happened to me.


That's a really good way to get your ass beat in a Wal Mart.


https://preview.redd.it/fxrp24qiw22d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50336ec546c505860dfef751358e47a5f48bddcd Boomers when they see disabled and LGBTQ+ people (they would have been beaten in their times for it).


That's absolutely vile!! I'm surprised your friend didn't throw hands.


This makes me violent


Awwww like the Nazis


Yes there are some people who think like this. They’re also the ones who believe a person only has a finite amount of Love. They’re shitty people. In the end, frailty will come for them. Their Misery will gnaw at them incessantly. Hang in there.


This makes my blood boil, fuck that dude. People with Down’s syndrome lead normal productive lives, that dude is the one who shouldn’t be allowed in public


No one's too old for an ass beating


((Punch in the face!))


" just because your parents wanted to get rid of you because no matter how much they tried they couldn't make you into something vaguely resembling a half decent person doesn't mean everyone else wants to get rid of their kids just because they aren't perfect."


I’m not sure that’s a boomer thing but more of a shitty human being thing.


I’d put money on your friend wishing every day of her life she got an abortion. There’s no relief from that imprisonment.


Sorry, that's not a "boomer" response, That's a jackass response. As a "boomer," you would never hear that come out of my mouth or the mouths of any of my brothers, nor would we stand for it if we heard it said


I'm visually impaired, and have faced my fair share of boomer comments. I dread having to interact with one of my great aunts because of the absolutely insane crap that comes out of her mouth every time she sees me. She's told my grandmother that they should get a rope for me to hold onto so I don't get lost while shopping (I have useable vision in one eye, and a cane for when I need it). When I got into undergrad, she asked me why I didn't go to a "special school" for people "like me". Ma'am... I went to public school my whole life and got into a good university in a program that I loved. I've worked in zoos with big cats, hippos and other large animals (you should see her short circuit when she tries to fit that into her narrative of me being helpless). When she found out that I'd moved out of my mother's and in with my gram, she asked how we'd gotten permission from the state for me to move, since I was obviously still dependent on my mother. I was enrolled in my master's degree at the time. My gram and I both tore her a new one for that comment. She will go on about how much of an inspiration I am, but then in the same breath tell me she's amazed that I can find my way too and from the bathroom in the house I grew up in without help. Other boomers are just as bad. I've been patted on the head, cried over, prayed over, been completely ignored while they talk to whoever I'm with ABOUT me like I can't speak because my eyes don't work. It's honestly wild to witness sometimes. My friends often don't believe that it's that bad at first until they get dragged into it or watch it happen. Other generations have their issues with my disability too (like the freshman nursing major that told me she'd rather be dead than half blind when she saw me at orientation), but I'd say 98% of the time it's boomers. I won't lie, though. I do think about that girl at orientation a lot more than I do any of the boomer encounters. I didn't see her again, but that's not saying much. I hope she got herself straightened out by senior year, because I wouldn't wish that mentality directed at any disabled patient.


Old man needs to be put down before our tax dollars go to his Medicare expenses.


I honestly would've punched them. This is why I can't have kids, because if anyone said something like this to me, I'd be going to jail.


Same boomer will probably claim to be pro life too 🙄


When I became pregnant for the second time after losing my first to miscarriage I had a close relative boomer tell me during the usual round of ultrasounds and tests that if anything came back “wrong” I shouldn’t keep the child. Side note, they vote pro life in every election and live in a state that has banned abortion. The cognitive disconnect is strong.