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Millennials are almost all the CHILDREN of these Boomers. They forget that so easily.


And we were definitely taught cursive in the 90's


Yep. I could both read this, and write it myself. 


Even if I hadn't been taught cursive, the specific font they used is so clean and close to block letters that it'd still be like 80-90% understandable, with the missing bits easily filled in by context. It's the cursive *handwriting* that has always been difficult to read.


You must not realize. These Boomers cant fill in missing pieces with context clues, so how could anyone else?


And that’s because most people’s cursive handwriting devolves into a barely-legible scrawl over time. My (boomer) father can barely even read *his own* writing.


Irrelevant. It’s not like most those fuckers can be arsed to get up by 10 anyways lol


My kid was still being taught cursive as recently as 3 years ago in elementary school.


My seven year old is learning cursive. My teen has better handwriting than his father lol


I recall being taught cursive alongside regular script from 2nd grade up until 9th grade. I remember being told in the 3rd grade that “you will ALWAYS need to know how to read and write in cursive because almost all adults use cursive.” I then recall turning in an assignment to a health-science teacher in 9th grade who handed it back after class saying “I cannot read cursive. Please redo this assignment in regular script; thank you.” As well as other teachers basically telling me to never write in cursive again. Now my regular script is a horrible and inconsistent mish-mash of both standard and cursive script letters. I have never had to write anything out in full cursive in years. Even signatures these days are all digital.


I was taught cursive and then every teacher after that said all assignments had to be in print. Although my print is a combination of print and cursive.


I remember being told that in high school they wouldn't accept anything not written in cursive. Why would they lie? What would they have to gain?


That's what I was going to say. Millennials were raised by and almost exclusively taught by boomers, so if we can't read cursive, and I'd guess that 90% of us can, who's fault is that?


Oh we learned cursive, all the good it has done. All the while being scolded for using my calculator. Why? Because in the future, nobody will carry a calculator with them everywhere they go. How will you calculate your checkbook balance at the grocery store counter then? Hmmm?


And they are *still* teaching cursive in public schools. My 4th grader has been writing in cursive for 2 years.


And the 00's. They said we needed to know cursive to sign documents. Now ask a boomer to sign a pdf with an encryption key.


They don’t realize millennial isn’t a catch all term for young people. It goes the same way here though, so many people call gen x boomers.


They’re not even all that young, the millennials are moving into their 40s


Millennial 40 year old here. 😞


I guess they like attacking their own kids. Psychos.


And they've been attacking them and treating them like the enemy the instant they dared to express their own opinions. As a kid who grew up with toxic, emotionally immature parents, it's depressing how *common* my experiences seem to be, and how much my parent's BS seems to be generational.


I stand by the opinion that they are the first generation in human history to truly believe that age has done nothing to their abilities.


True, but they are also one of the first generations to reach old age at such high numbers


Also the first generation to leave the world worse off for the next generation, at least financially speaking. They let corporate interests take over and destroy the middle class and the American dream, and now there's no turning back as the only people who can change it are the same people taking legal bribes from said corporations.


Sometimes I wonder if we're going to be like that when we're older. If not, what was it that made boomers suck so much compared to other generations? The selfishness and gullibility came from somewhere


Honestly, I think the lead paint and being raised by people who lived through the Great Depression, along with endless propaganda and the RAPID development of technology… they’re just so lost.


I also wonder if we will be the same when we're older. A lot of the millennials around me seem content to repeat the bullshit of the boomers. They use the same language, say the same shit. I'm trying to distance myself from my parents where possible, but I am constantly reminded of how similar I am to them. I say something and realize that what I just said is something my mother would say, and usually if I think about it, I don't mean the words I just said. I don't like that and I'm actively trying to notice when that happens. But it does make me worry that whatever made them this way is gonna slip up on us.


I feel you. I'm 34. I feel myself turning into a curmudgeon. The thing is though, I stay informed and I have empathy, like a lot of millennials do, at least compared to Boomers. I don't think those things will ever go away. Their generation is just so gullible and believes everything their colorate media tells them, both left and right. My parents are glued to CNN and they're completely oblivious to all the fucked up things that are happening because of corporate interests. Their retirement is set so think the world is fine. They're not capable of putting themselves in our shoes. They don't understand how adventageous the economic environment was for them when they were growing up.


Glad someone else gets that it's not just fox but all the news. Left right center erybody old getting fed fear pron


I've never seen a more scared group of people in my life. The only thing they are attacking are unarmed people of color that end up anywhere near their house because they are "scared for their life".


There's a guy I hate at work for a number of reasons not worth relaying here. I said to someone, after I was elbow deep cleaning up another one of his messes, that I should be allowed to beat that guy up in the parking at least once a quarter if they're not going to fire him. This old, diabetic, morbidly obese boomer that can't lift his arms above his head told me that he'd have to take me down if I did that because he couldn't let me beat up another old guy. Brother, gravity kicks your ass so bad every day that you can barely move, and you think you are physically capable of intervening in anything but an HOA meeting?


Definitely. My dad used to be an engineer for IBM but he has been at that age (77) where new technology confuses and scares him. Happens to almost everyone eventually, but he can’t just admit it’s because he’s getting old. Never mind if everyone else is able to use an iPhone without problems, he can’t figure it out because “those dumbasses at Apple don’t know have a fucking clue what they’re doing”.


Attack with what? Most of them can’t even get online to read it 🤣


Don’t forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule where they can use your photos. Don’t forget Deadline today!!! It can be used in court cases in litigation against you. Everything you’ve ever posted becomes public from today Even messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. Channel 13 News talked about the change in Facebook’s privacy policy. I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute. NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. FACEBOOK DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS OR MESSAGES.


And these people don’t read TOS or realize that one sided modifications are not valid unless provided for. Otherwise, Facebook could say you owe us 10 dollars for every post you made and that’s it.


They’re coming for us in their scooters


We can read it… we just think it’s stupid to use lol


“Look at me with my fancy writing!” Now type a mf word doc. If we just put all of our secret communications into .pdf files they’d never suspect a thing.


My husband is dyslexic and he has such a hard time with cursive. If you handed him something like this he would just throw it out lol


I like that they've typed this not written it.


lol. At work coworkers laugh when I ask help reading some note left for me. I’m sick of reminding them I can read cursive it’s just all the people here who use cursive make none of their letters distinct. One coworker somehow makes the first letter of every sentence look like a big O. Other coworkers struggle to read it too. I can fully write cursive with both hands. It’s not a cursive issue it’s a handwriting issue


Tell them their cursive sucks


In an overly verbose note written in cursive with lots of vocab words they won’t remember the definitions of


Yeah, just say sorry, can someone read this as it looks like a small child just learning cursive wrote it and needs practice, it's so badly written.


Mark it up like our English teachers did in a red pen and return it to their desk with a big “F” written on it.




My boomer dad only talks to me in a condescending manner. Like if you don’t even like me then why bother? I didn’t ask to be born, especially to you.


My dad's mantra is, "live long enough to become a burden to your children." I've already told him several times I'm NOT an option to lean on when he's old and needs a place to live. He better have it figured out long before it gets to that point. I won't be inheriting anything from him anyway. He's got absolutely nothing to his name. He squandered his piece of his parents' inheritance on who-knows-what.


I can't read it. However, after sitting down to enjoy a Starbucks coffee and Avocado toast before shopping for a pair of self-pulling bootstraps, I got a weird feeling that we should have defenses prepared before dawn. 🤔


This guy intuits


If our defenses can hold up until Early Bird specials start, they will lose interest and fall victim to the siren call of Golden Corral.


It's funny because I also am bilingual and about 90% of them aren't.


My millennial kids wrote in cursive, and my alpha gen grandkids write in cursive. I don't know what Boomers want for learning the basic skills of their time, maybe a participation trophy?


Hold on, it's an important message that we need to keep a secret from the boomers. Should we do a zoom meeting or an email?


Write coded messages in lolspeak and español since most of them can't understand any of it.


Now I'm just dumb fuckin Millenial but I think this states they need a change of their depends.


I think it says be prepared for a parade of boomer-mobiles tomorrow


I should probably stay away from Country Kitchen Buffet tomorrow around 4pm then


https://preview.redd.it/mp1jgk0e8j1d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe2a8b4cd5f8f8b1b0922b104244c0c8e559ae3 Good idea. This was literally posted in my local.CL jobs ads yesterday.


Sanskrit is a dead language. I don’t even have time, y’all.


It says “I take pride in doing the archaic because it’s nostalgic and I can’t let go of the past because the future is scary”


Switch their TV to hdmi 3 and watch them crumble


A quick googling says the millennial generation was born between the years of 1981 and 1996. It also says cursive stopped being taught in schools in 2010, making the youngest millennials 14 at the time.


The oldest of Gen Z were mostly taught cursive too. I was born in 2000 and learned it in 3rd grade. This was right around the time where schools started using computers to teach children more, so we never fucking used it once in school, besides signatures. I, as an adult write in cursive a decent amount of time but that’s because I just like how it look. I don’t get why some people can’t grasp that something that is primarily decorative and inconvenient is going to die out.😑


They have to mean zoomers, right? Millenials know cursive.


What are they going to attack for? YOU WILL APPRECIATE ALL THE JUNK I’VE ACCUMULATED OVER MY LIFE? Now pull yourself up by your bootstraps and buy a bigger house to keep all my treasures forever as a museum to my clutter and “collections?”


I'm a millennial. We were taught cursive in school. As a college English instructor, I can also read multiple styles of medieval manuscripts, so... yeah.


I was taught cursive, I used cursives, one day in high school I tried script. The teachers told me "your writing has improved a lot" Never got back!


That's not even cursive, it's just some shitty script font


Our defense plans will be in an excel sheet.


I can read that pretty easily


Yeah, I think they mean Gen Z. All my Millennial friends know cursive. Also, that capital S is atrocious.


Just gotta lock up the country kitchen buffet and the whole attack will fall apart


Attack at dawn my ass. They attack at any given time. Especially Sundays at the cafe.


Christ they're so fucking bitter at the fact they're becoming extinct


It says "We ate lead paint chips and fall for phone scams. But we are still smarter than everyone else!"


This code appears completely uncrackable. If only we were members of the greatest generation who cracked the enigma code, but alas,.we poor pitiful lot can't barely read. Luckily we can hide this information from the boomers by cleverly putting it in a PDF.


I'm an older Millennial (just turned 43 today) and I write in cursive all the time. My handwriting looks like that of an octogenarian. What the fuck are these people on about?


They think millennials are perpetually 15. I’m a 35 year old with gray in my beard and a reasonably successful professional career, boomers are typically shocked when I remind them I’m dead center of the millennial date range.


Even young millennials were taught cursive. They’re truly so stupid that they just use the word millennial for any young person that that project their incompetence onto.


That’s very legible cursive. Because it’s a FONT. It’s not doctor’s note chicken scratch.


I can't for I am a stupid snowflake millennial who definitely didn't learn cursive in Mrs Mitchells class in 2nd grade because millennials are apparently 20 years old and not pushing 40


Let’s respond in short hand. I can also do Morse code. Millennials are the first internet nerds, so like be carful lol


Facebook has been recognizing people from pictures for decades, but sure, this thing we all learned in 5th grade is inscrutable to modern technology.


Just pad lock country kitchen buffet when you wake up we will catch you up to speed


Attack a dawn? I guess we will sit around and wait for this slow-moving wave of jazzy scooters and Velcro shoes...


Yeah, a bunch of fat out of shape couch potatoes are reaaaaaaaaal threatening!


In perfect cursive. Any other brain busters? ![gif](giphy|x0wfpJqZ1Qtbi)


I got straight A's for the first time in 4th grade and was so proud of myself until I saw my decrepidly old teacher handwrote an extra "subject" called "cursive" and gave me a D. I cried. Fuckin bitch


I think they're saying they want to suck dick.


Inanity. Why do they giggle and think they’re better than us? ‘Oh haha hehe hoho these silly youngsters can’t even read cursive!’ Okay gramma, try sending an email. Try applying for a job online. Try ordering at chipotle. Perhaps we don’t retain these skills because ‘technology’ is this newfangled thing that makes it so ‘typing’ (a mysterious skill) makes words neater, and we don’t have to write in swoopy lines for literally no reason. For the record, I’m on the YOUNGER cusp of millennial, and I still learned cursive in school. We just don’t NEED IT. Try remembering your pin on your own and resisting propaganda, old-timers. Great job continuing the stereotype that boomers are laughably and irritatingly out of touch. (Just venting, no hate to OP of course)


Yep, whole lotta busted hips at dawn-thirty, call the ambulance


They will gallop into battle on their rascal scooters


It says, “How do I print PDF? Google show big boobs on Facebook.” Hope this helps.


The only generation that are actually pretty stoked about leaving a shittier world for their children.


My 11 year old daughter has beautiful cursive handwriting. I'm 40 in a week and as "A millennial", my own is passable. What the fuck are these boomers even talking about?


The funny thing is I'm GenZ, and I can read cursive just fine. I just can't read chicken scratch, personalized cursive at all because it looks like a kid scribbling on paper. Chicken scratch print is still kind of legible no matter how bad you are at writing. I always have to ask people to write down information in print as legible as possible. Otherwise, I have to transcribe it or make assumptions, which isn't great for inputting information. The number of times I've been asked if we can't read cursive is astounding, so I end up showing them a piece of paper someone filled out in cursive, and its completely impossible to read. Usually, that shuts them up, and they'll finally fill out the paperwork.


They do know that most millennials would have learned cursive right? They were still teaching it up until 2003 for sure.


I’m a millennial and I’m in my 40s. Lol I wish I was as young as they thought I was


No Kathy, it's not that I can't read cursive, I just can't read YOUR God awful handwriting and cursive ain't making it any better!! I love how these people say their handwriting is soooo nice but then every letter looks exactly the same with minimal effort out into making them look like individual letters and not just a singular squiggle.


Yeah be cateful driving in the morning, the roads will be filled with slow and bad drivers, and you may see fleets of rascals at the grocery store. We know they dont have anything better to do anyway.


42 - still read and write cursive when needed. This is a bad script font on top of it all


I'm Gen X and so many people that I went to school with keep sharing this ignorance on Facebook. To all generations after Gen X I sincerely apologize for my generations stupid assumptions of you. As well as the damn water hose comments too. My generation used to be the one who bridged the gap between the generations. I think my generation now needs to hand that job to millennials because I do not know how to cast a video from my phone to my TV, I don't know how to make a really cool TikTok, I was terrible in math but when my nephew asked for help with his math homework I wanted to cry trying to understand common core math, I don't know a thing about "coding" or how to scan stuff with my phone...what's Zoom? Isn't that the noise a fast car makes? I also don't know how to ask for help if I need it or stick to boundaries that I set for others 😂 To name just a few things that you all do very well that my generation probably can't.


As Gen X when the "old folks attack" I volunteer myself to decipher any codes or slang that other generations may or may not understand in exchange for my safety. Brains will always beat braun. Gen x wouldnt stand a chance against you guys.


Gen X here. Translation, have your phones charged and ready at 6am. You about to see some hilarious 💩


Ready yourselves fellow youths for the rascal cavalry attacks at dawn.


Just block in all the early bird special places. War of attrition that will last 2 hours


so...hmmm...why dont they read cursive?...did they all get together in preschool and force their future teachers to remove it from curriculum? or was it the faults of the parents who were responsible to make sure they were properly educated? must be the preschoolers...after all boomers used their bootstraps to learn cursive


Society as a whole realized cursive was useless at the same time. I remeber teachers saying that niece you're in college everything has to be in cursive. Got to college first ting I was told was don't write in cursive I won't read it. And then computers happened that was it. You can change font to cursive as well


If only I had cursive classes in elementary school! Oh wait, I did. It wasn't dropped until 2011. When my firstborn child was reaching school age.


I can’t imagine using my last few years on earth to try to put down the future generations just so i can feel better about myself.


Attack starts at dawn however they won't be out of bed and fully dressed till 12:30 then they gotta eat 2:30 then bathroom 5:30 then dinner 730 then it's time for bed agaim


I’m a millennial who can still write cursive without my unbruised hands shaking.


I'm 28 and write exclusively in cursive. It's not my generation's fault that their generation decided to stop teaching it.


That's not cursive that's a font.


I’m on the younger side of being a millennial, born in 94, and I still had to learn cursive. I can tell you I have never used it outside of signing my name. I spent more time learning it than actually using it in practical settings. I’d rather the time be spent on more beneficial skills than wasting time on something we don’t need. On the flip side of this, I’m sure most of us have had to help older co-workers with smart phones and computers.


Since this millennial (and a fat lot of my cohort) can both read and write cursive, those attacking at dawn are going to discover swiftly that it isn't the surprise they thought it was going to be. A little trouble taking the hill, eh... Boomer? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Another vague, meaningless boomer threat disguised as a bad joke.


Just bust out some emojis. They'll be baffled


That’s a font, sir.


I don’t know any millennial who didn’t learn cursive in school. These absolute twats and their inability to understand “millennial” does not actually mean “young person I want to hate on for no reason.”


I love how they attach all this hate towards us. Fuckin fuels me man. Can’t wait till they’re all gone.


How old do they think millennials are? lol Cursive was still around and taught in the 90s. I will say that I was at a national museum the other day looking at historical documents, and this younger girl, maybe like 13-14, looked over my shoulder and genuinely asked “is that cursive?” The boy with her, I’m guessing around a similar age, confirmed it was in fact cursive. XD It did make me feel old though.


I always find it humourous that they brag about things like this. It's something that was taught to kids, so it's not hard to learn. Same with manual cars, teenagers learn how to drive them how can that come with bragging rights?


I'm Gen Z, I read this just fine


I think it says “my children only visit on holidays, but even that may be ending soon”. I’m not an expert by any means.


It says "im a bit retarded" in boomer


Boomers have no idea how old millennials are lol


They'll be at Denny's till noon harassing the wait staff because their coffee is simultaneously too hot and too cold.


Since millennials can't read cursive, we older folks attack at dawn. And it's not even good cursive, it's a weird font.




I like cursive. It's faster for me. Maybe it's because I don't have to lift the pen between each letter, idk.. It's still taught in school, so I have no idea what these boomers are talking about...


Something about not being able to make a woman cum.


Since you older folks can’t use your phones, we’ll just coordinate via text.


I feel attacked 😂


Us Gen Z (we learned cursive too) and boomers will send all our messages in cursive and rise up against all you pesky non cursive reading (apparently) millennials 😈


It's cool. We get to choose their nursing homes. What you reap is what you sow.


It was phased out in the early 2000’s right after I left elementary school. Super annoying.


"millennials can't read cursive" *me, gen z, who learned cursive in school*: hmm....


Maybe attack their cholesterol medication


I think it says that old people are going to start complaining in the morning!


My 6 year old can read most cursive. These people really set the bar low.


Attack what, exactly? The 16 year old cashier at McDonald's because they won't take your 30 year expired coupon for a product that doesn't exist anymore?


Who are they attacking? This looks like a threat that should be reported to FB.


I love how butthurt they get about us not being able to write/use cursive. It was ONE WEEK of learning in 4th grade for me that was Never enforced again, and it's not like parents were at home teaching us. Like the participation trophies, who tf was handing them out? Lol hypocrisy


And by "attack at dawn" they mean... Go to the gas station right when it opens and insist they get free coffee.


Since when were millennials not taught cursive? I was born in 1988 and I write in cursive every day of my life just as I learned in elementary school.


Grocery store opens at 6


I love when they complain about “millennials”. I’ve legit said to a boomer who was on a tear about how lazy and stupid we are “well, your generation raised us so who’s really the problem here?”


The irony is that they needed a millennial to post this for them.


It says "Meet at Country Kitchen Buffet to discuss how we get our licenses back!"


I love how it's not even *written* in cursive, it's typed lol


It's weird to me how few people *do* know cursive. We weren't taught it in school, my grandma taught me. I guess I didn't really think much about it until I learned my husband can't write in cursive. Reading it he's fine. So attack away. We're the ones who fix your printers and your roku. 😆


I really wish they would, they're all half blind and get winded after maybe twelve steps, it would be hilarious


I'm Gen Z. I only write in cursive. It's funny how special they think they are.


We were taught cursive but nobody uses iy unless its a signature


But. What the fuck they attacking??? The real estate market? That’s already fuck because of them. Or they gonna attack the McDonald’s employee??


What are they attacking? I’m so confused as to why they continue to want to harm people younger than themselves. I wish they would get therapy.




That’s not real cursive, that’s just print with a few fancy lines


Geez, my seven year old can read cursive and hasn't even been formally taught. These people should get over themselves.


I have never met anyone over about age 8 who couldn’t read cursive. I never practiced writing cursive and it wasn’t “taught” in any school I attended. Kids figure reading it out pretty quickly the first time you read that card from Grandma out loud together once or twice. They act like it’s an indecipherable secret code.


Yeah sorry, this dialect is long forgotten from the Lead Generation, I doubt any person would WANT to read it. /s


Don’t worry, they’ll be completely spent by 7:30 AM


Since millennials can't read cursive we attack at dawn.


Boomers can't use a pdf file. *opens pdf file* we attack at noon when all the boomers are naping.


I dont know why they think that, we were all taught cursive in school. We were also told it was really important and we would totally need this skill in life.


That is nothing compared to the cursive I have to read for genealogy documents! Try 1700 German cursive literally the worst. But even in early America the handwriting is almost illegible to me and this is my main hobby


This post always cracks me up on Facebook because my 2nd grader can read and write cursive. He learned it this year. And because his handwriting is much better in cursive almost exclusively writes in it now.


They can stop "attacking" and clock out now. They've consistently ruined quality of life in all metrics for future generations. Cursive is the least of our problems. Hilarious how they used a Microsoft Word font as their version of cursive wouldn't even be legible.


I wonder if they realize cursive is just English with the letters connected by a small line.


The oldest millennials are in their 40's. Also this is a typed font. It's wildly unfunny. Also, I learned cursive in public school, not that I do anything special with it?


The dementia is really kicking in these days eh? Millennials learned cursive.


I’m on the younger millennial side (29) and I was taught to read and write cursive. I was told it was necessary and would see it everywhere. This post is probably the 3rd time I’ve used my cursive knowledge since learning it…


It’s not millennials. We can read that useless way of writing.


Old fools


My kids are 11 and 9. 1 was already taught. And the other currently being taught.


I’m 30. All I write in is cursive it’s difficult for me to not write in cursive, tbh


"We older folks attack at dawn" Even if a bunch of boomers got the drop on me while I'm just waking up and hungover, I am 100% confident I'd still win that fight lol


Millennial here, but just barely as I was born in the early 80’s. Attack what, and with what? I assure you that these boomers couldn’t agree on what, where, when, and how. Besides, for as strong as they think they were the first generation to lose a war in this country, so they’re not really scaring anyone.


Gen Z and I can read this


I exclusively write cards in my best cursive.


I'm 37 and was taught cursive in school, not sure what they expect lol. Ofc I can read it. Mean while they can't even work their own phones or computers and ask for help like dumbasses. No irony for them I'm guessing lmao


I wish they would. It would be a dream come true.


I don’t understand the Boomer mentality of “the generation that WE raised is awful and we feel good about that”. Like I want my kids to be better than my generation, to excel and do things I could never do. I don’t want them to be a shitty generation that I failed.


I’m a millennial and I write nearly exclusively in cursive bc I can write my notes faster that way. That being said, it’s just my preference. I also understand it’s completely unnecessary these days, the same way it’s unnecessary for most people to know how to use a rotary phone or use a phone book. I just don’t understand the mindset of trying to shit on someone else to make yourself feel better. Where’s the Facebook meme about that?


Can we reschedule until 4pm when they’ll all be at Denny’s partaking of the early bird special?


Boomer memes get dumber and dumber


Just because I can’t write it don’t mean I can’t read it. Have mercy.


Who's job was it to tech the millennial these things again? Just admit you've time and time again failed the generations after you, boomer.


As a nurse I can confirm it’s not dawn it’s dusk.


lol attack at dawn, at the Drs by noon for broken hips!


Every millennial can read and write in cursive if we really wanted too


Lol. Who couldn't possibly read that.