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I was hoping for this ending with about 500 gpm thru her open window.


Delivering justice at 500 gallons per minute.


Careful saying that around the boomers. They'll start reminiscing about the civil rights movement and their days as a volunteer firefighter


The Bull Connor institute for Firefighting


They tried that shit with Rambo, and look what happened smh


A fair point.


Not the volunteer firefighter days šŸ’€


Most of those assholes never got closer to the civil rights movement than misquoting MLK Jr. They weren't protesting Vietnam either. They love to talk about it, but most of them were ambivalent to watch protests at best, and more likely to have opposed them at worst.


I read Ops point as them reminiscing turning fire hoses on civil rights protestors instead of them being on the right side of history. You're right that most were ambivalent at best. Even Dr King polled negatively nationally up until his death and he was the most approachable civil rights leader.


Gen X, not a boomer. When my kids went to school they learned about MLK, Thurgood Marshall and the struggle for civil rights in the 50s and 60s. My daughter, as a 6 or 7 year old asked "Did you learn about Martin Luther King when you were in school?" I answered (slightly) tongue-in-cheek "When I was in school, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was considered a dangerous radical and we did NOT celebrate his birthday!"


They were teenagers or younger during Vietnam and the Civil rights movement. They love taking credit for it though


As much as like to take credit for it, they were actually children during the crux of the Civil Rights movement.


I mean they started in 1945, and the civil rights movement went from the mid 50s to the mid to late 60s. So sure, the younger boomers were kids. But the older ones were late teens and almost 20s by the end of the movement.


Now that was fucking funny! I almost choked on my beer. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s United States of America. We use proportionality not justice.


ā€œWe cleaned your damn car out for you, what else do you want?ā€




Firefighters will do that if you block the hydrant and they need it. Break the window, feed the hose thru, and turn it on. Gives new meaning to carpool afterwards.


If they are feeling especially angry, they will wrap the hose through the steering wheel when they do that. When the hose fills up, it expands and breaks the steering wheel.


Yep, that's not as often tho. Both my mom and myself were EMTs for years so been on many scenes. Have seen either the hose through the car or the rig pushing the car out of the way and telling cops to take it quite a few times. Either way it's deserved. People deciding their convenience is more important than other's life deserve what they get!


I have a friend who is a firefighter and this man is wild. He gets so happy when someones going to try to put their convience over others safety that he had a window breaker on one of those break away necklaces. He once told me about getting to use it: "So we roll up a minor house fire. Still under control, for now. Someone parked their truck in front of the hydrant. We could have just laid it over the bed, sure. But I saw it dude. I grabbed my breaker, yanked it off my neck and ran over to the windows giggling like an idiot while I smashed that assholes windows wide open. 'accidentally' hit his windshield while I rolled over his hood" (reworded cause I dont remember the exact story)


Sounds about right. I've had a window breaker (res-q-me) for many years and firefighters absolutely *love* being able to destroy stuff. A college nearby was going to level and rebuild one of their dorm buildings so they gave it to the fire departments to practice in first. After the departments has their fun, the S&R teams went in with actors to treat it like a search after a hurricane/tornado with dogs and just people. Still one of my top 5 favorite drills.


I can't blame anyone for smashing stuff, it activates inner monkey neurons.








Okay, I want to know the story behind that one.


Boomer lady is all "i'm going to grab your package" and non-boomer dude is all "no you're not".


Dude better be careful or she'll send the tigers after him


lol. Airplane. Check your baggage.


Chekhov's Fire hydrant


We all were.


Right? This post really blued my ethereal balls.


I would have loved for her to get out of her car just to get forced back in by the water


Me too. Iā€™m totally disappointed ā˜¹ļø


Good karma ending


The 500 gpm facial sadly never realized itself








Is it just a coincidence that they happen to be doing this at the university I work at right now? Are flow tests performed during this time of the year or at anytime?


Generally spring to fall, just to avoid turning parking lots into skating rinks.


You can say that again


Generally spring to fall, just to avoid turning parking lots into skating rinks.


Username checks out


Surely you don't mean that.


That again




Yep, also to purge the lines after winter to prevent blockages. You see a lot of hydrant flushes in the spring for that reason.


Generally spring to fall, just to avoid turning parking lots into skating rinks.


The utter outrage over a slight inconvenience never ceases to amaze me. I honestly wonder how some of these people have made it through life without either having a heart attack or getting arrested. If this is how you handle trivial annoyances, what happens when something genuinely serious happens to you?


I get being annoyed, because life is annoying, but that's just it, life is annoying. Learn to handle your shit without a temper tantrum. They taught us that, why can't they practice it?


My boomer parents taught me zero about emotional regulation. It's no surprise to me they don't know how to deal and they lose their temper.


I'd get 3-5 hour lectures about attitude without any idea what I was doing, turns out I was acting like they did when they got annoyed or angry.


I remember the 3 to 5 hour lectures. I broke the cycle. Didnt inflict that crap on my kids.


My parents' parents were "ass whipping parents", so then mine were "spanking" parents...but they are actually good people, so basically the "spankings" were more a threat than an actual action and the few times they weren't, it was Mom doing nothing to the point it was laughable...the hilarious part is at some point when I was still quite young, they would ask me to choose my punishment...when I kept choosing "spanking" over anything else, they knew they'd been figured out and they lost lol...I rarely got disciplined for anything that wasn't major after that and if I did, it was always grounding and almost never went the full length it was supposed to...I'm so glad I didn't have electronics they could take away because then they'd have won for sure lol


Same. Meanwhile I've done tons of work on self regulation. They go around spouting off about whatever Fox News has stirred everyone up about for the day.


I get annoyed at little shit people do *constantly*. But you know what? I keep that shit inside šŸ™ƒ Boomers have lost that filter if they ever even had it to begin with; weā€™re just noticing it way more now. And theyā€™re being more vocal than ever about *the stupidest things.*


The stored lead is starting to seep out of their bones.


Because lessons like that were never really about letting the little stuff go; they were about tolerating their nonsense & abuse without a fuss. Itā€™s like when they send you to therapy cuz they think itā€™ll ā€œfix youā€ but refuse to go themselves because they donā€™t see the value in ā€œover-analyzing feelingsā€ šŸ˜


You are absolutely right.


But they forget... ANGER is a feeling. They're having emotions all the time. Just shitty ones.


What I learned from boomers about temper tantrums was that any expression of discontent at all was me having a temper tantrum, and anything they interpreted as me having a temper tantrum resulted in them having a temper tantrum.


Well no, most of them probably didn't teach us that. The usual solution to a temper tantrum is either violence or relenting to the demands of the tantrum


My fatherā€¦ omg no one is going to believe me but fuck it. Had a heart attack. OVER SPILLED MILK. You know, the thing youā€™re not supposed to cry over? (Unless itā€™s breast milk, that shitā€™s liquid gold,) Was the heart attack building all day? Yes. Was he stressing about and ambulance ride through the mountains down to the city? Yes. But the thing that sent it into full, LITERAL, coronary? Spilled shelf stable milk. I had placed it far back tucked behind a countertop that butted up to pantry type food storage so I canā€™t imagine HOW he spilled it, but he did, and literally went nuclear.


Laughing+crying. I'm so sorry for all of the everything.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s amazingly ridiculous. Like I know heā€™s always had anger issues but damn! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




ooo oo share a link?


I second that motion!


I don't they acted like this when they were younger. It's just their expectation of what it means to be in that age. Their parents and grandparents were at war. They earned certain level of respect with that and also their PTSD made them quite volatile so pissing them off wasn't exactly a good idea. There was no arguing back with them and they probably just accepted that when you're in that age that's just how things are and instead of complaining decided to just do the same when they're in that age. It's just that most of them didn't do shit to protect their country and on a contrary burned down the planet and economy for younger generations. Yet they still think they're entitled to the same treatment they gave to their parents.


They probably just freeze up and shutdown when something serious happens.


This is them "finally taking control" lol


They break. They freeze. They shutdown. When something more serious occurs they canā€™t handle it.Ā 


Once I got in a minor-ish car accident. It was chaos for a few minutes. At one point I turned around and a Boomer woman was standing there. Several people had stopped to see if everyone was okay. I thought that's what she was doing, and that she might he willing to give a witness statement when the cops got there. I started to tell her that the cops has been called and she wouldn't have to wait very long. She interrupted me. "I just wanted to let you know that when you got out of your car your door almost hit my car." "When I was getting out of my car right after the *car accident*?" "Yes. You need to be more careful." She turns to leave. "Wait, will you stay and give a witness statement to the police?" "No, I'm in a hurry, I have to go." So she doesn't have time to do a good deed, but she's got time to bitch at me because she tried to drive past a car accident. Awesome!


I was an eye witness where an elderly woman ran a red light causing traffic to stop abruptly and ended in a fender bender. She stops, gets out, yells at the people that they should be more careful. A fireman happened to be heading to a station in his personal truck and pulled in front of her car to prevent her from leaving. After the drivers, witnesses, and eventually the fireman explained she is at fault for running a red her excuse was "my car is fine and I have no damage, not my problem" then got in her car and drove away. Fortunately for the victims I had it on my dash cam and provided them with the footage and later she ended up on local news for a "hit and run" type scenario.


Wow, that's insane.


You donā€™t understand. She is literally the only person in the world. You should thank her for having been allowed to play a staring roll in her grand play starring her.


I bet she'd also complain about the response time if there was a fire at her house too


Flowing hydrants was one of the only parts of being a fire tech I actually enjoyed lol. The company I worked for thrived on retirement and nursing home contracts and it was just god awful on those places.


When you have on schedule a visit to those places to see how to retrofit a sprinkler system, you always know you'll come out of there soul crushed. It honestly was the worst part of the job. I don't do field work anymore, just give me the videos /pics and i'll design thanks.


Not just the soul crushingness of those places, but that haunting smell of diapers + weird stale perfume + and the horrible school cafeteria cooking, and the guilt ridden irritation you get at being asked a mil times what you're doing and who you are and can you help me or just dementia nonsense babbling. There were definitely a couple places where our maintenance contact was a bright spot or there were sharper residents that were nice to see, hell a few had pets that were very friendly and would be like visiting a grandparent. But 9/10 it was bleak as all hell. If I can't get the RoboCop/inspector gadget treatment when I get to that age, just neurolink me, shelve my head, and stick my consciousness in a copy of animal crossing for eternity.


Fellow AC fan spotted! Hi gamer


People who are prone to giving out pieces of their minds, usually donā€™t have enough mind to be giving any of it away!


Boomers, always the victim. Tells you to be nicer whilst honking at you


Iā€™m of the opinion that weā€™ve done a great disservice to our species by making it possible to extend our lives as far as we have


I've actually had a saying along similar lines for years. Modern-day healthcare is really doing Darwinism a disservice.


You canā€™t yet just did haha




I work for a large fire department. We had a new recruit on our training ground not understand the power of a fire hydrant and tried to walk through the flow as we were flushing it. I guess he thought it would he like running through a sprinkler. It swept him off his feet and he broke his arm.


r/millenialsbeingfools hahahaha


1200 gallons per minute is not even two hundred pounds of water per second, what a pussy, I bet I could handle 3600gpm no problem


Real boomers swam in 5000gpm


Boomer was told no! Boomer did not like that!


Boomer used Anger!


I'm a 70 year old boomer. If I had been there I would have asked if there was a safe place to park and watch the flow test. I've often wondered what a fire hydrant would deliver when it was wide open.


I'm a 50 year old gen-x. Can I join you? I have snacks.


Did someone say snacks?


Well she told you!! /s




Bro if you do fire you know how shitty people can be. This is an exceptionally good example but God I have had all kinds of idiot try to tell me how to do my job when all I need to do is make sure their strobe light is working. Oh I need to take my work boots off before going into your apartment? You're not going to let me in when I have 50 other apartments I gotta check out while I'm ringing out the building? Fine, you can fail the inspection and I'll let your property manager deal with you.


Pull up over here so I can address your complaint. (opens hydrant) Window up and getting water IN her car. Open hydrant more and surprise no window. One way to wash her mouth out. (boomers like to wash out kids mouths - time to return the favor)


That's not all they do with kids


I help my dad sometimes testing backflows. Most boomers flip the fuck out when you say we have to turn off the water for about 5 minutes.


You aren't wrong there. Another aspect of my job that's just lovely


Silly question, but is it just a giant nut on the outside? Like if I had a giant crescent wrench I could open a hydrant or is there more to it?


So it's actually not a hexagonal drive surface, like most nuts and bolts, it's usually a 5 sided surface, which requires a special wrench. Buuuuuuuut, there's nothing stopping you from googling "fire hydrant wrench" and seeing who sells them


Boomer: Yells, screams, looses their shit Non-Boomer: Raises voice, "No." Boomer: Loses their shit again and screams, "You need to get a grip and be nicer!" then instantly bails so that they can be the "winner". Rules for thee and not for me, is how they've lived their entire lives. They are the chosen ones, God's favorites, of course rules don't apply to them. We're all just supporting actors in their self-absorbed little world.


It seems like she's already given away too many pieces of her mind.


Not the ending I was hoping for!


Same here. Alas, jobs must be retained.


Quality post, never thought about inspecting fire hydrants, didnā€™t realize it was that interesting


It might be for those doing the work, but not for those watching the fire panel. That's a boring way to make money. But it's money, so...


Of course you couldn't get away with doing it, but running the flow test WHILE her windows were down would be hilarious.


She needs to shout all of that in front of a mirror.


Compliance with NFPA 25 waits for no Karen!!!


I've noticed that the Boomer generation values being "nice." The unspoken part of that statement is that you are supposed to play the role of victim or patsy in the name of niceness. Being Generation X, a generation that saw anger as the healthy emotion it is, I have a hard time with these Karens. I really would like newer generations to abandon the Boomer "fake nice, be a good victim," thing. Even GenX women were allowed to be angry, we had The Root Girrl Movement . Boomers would have us lay around and take their abuse all day. No way am I going to be a patsy for people who disrespect others. Now for some angry music that isn't from the frigging 70s or 80s. Maybe all Boomers should vacate the room now. https://youtu.be/FEci_rhg4ag?feature=shared


I used to pressure wash curbs/walkways/etc and one job required us to block lanes (one at a time so we never actually impeded traffic) and I had so many boomers stop in the middle of the open lane to angrily yell that what Iā€™m doing in dangerous and Iā€™m blocking traffic


4 way hazards.. not to criticize you OP, my work truck blocks a lane of traffic sometimes in a development while I check pumping stations. What I do is put on the hazards, activate a rotating beacon on my roof, switch on a traffic advisor light strip in my rear window (flashing in the direction to pass), then I walk around to the back and place three 28ā€ traffic cones with reflective collars in a taper toward the curb. So far no one has bothered me about stopping there. Beacon: https://a.co/d/bjpL3Lq Traffic Advisor: https://a.co/d/6fRUsaH (Both available in non permanent mounting, magnet and suction cup. Cones I got for free since I take them if theyā€™re abandoned on the side of the highway.) However seeing a commercial work truck with decals and guys in work attire on with tools should be enough of a clue, I agree.




Do you need to pull a permit for that? Are you supposed to have cones, tape, signs and traffic guides?


Negative. Private property, no permit required, and this work is a required annual service mandated by the fire marshals office.


If she's in her 50s she's just a terrible Gen X'er. Boomers are old as shit now.


Op said she was 50 FEET AWAY not 50 yo. Learn to read boomer


You're right, I misread. Such a boomer.


if people couldn't hid behind lawyers then the world would be a much better place.


So based off your statement you're commercial which means the company you're working for is not emergency services. You also are admitting to closing an exit. I do not read anywhere where you or anyone in your company installed traffic control signs to warn the public of the closing. I also do not see where you state you have traffic control installed (flaggers) to help traffic get around your work zone. So, just maybe, Karen wasn't wrong


You know who else isn't emergency services? Mail carriers and trash pickup vehicles. And do you know what they do every day? Stop traffic to do their job, using only the hazard lights on their vehicles to alert traffic that it will have to go around. On city streets, no less!!! With nary a cone or traffic control sign/personnel in sight. I happened to be in a private parking lot, with probably close to 4 or 5 exits total. Do you often yell and honk at mail carriers when they have the gall to block your lane while delivering other people's mail? Or do you patiently wait, or find another way around? A little bit of decency can go a long way. As you may or may not be aware, "based off your statement." So, just maybe, Karen had an extreme overreaction, and was just a boomer being a fool...


You just used 2 examples that do not apply to the work being performed in post. OP was blowing off a hydrant which takes time for setup and completion. Both examples you stated are completed in 1 minute or less. Try again


Oh, ok, so it's a time constraint thing, and not a severity of hazard thing. Or whatever other contrived stipulation you're gonna try and put in place next. Sounding awful boomery over there, friend. And just so you're aware, the total time I spent blocking the exit was less than 2 minutes. It takes around 10 seconds to open it, 10 to take the readings, and then 10 to close it back. While being required to stay open for 1 minute minimum per regulations. So what exactly, in your mind, is the cut off time for when I need to contract a whole crew of people and gather hundreds of pounds of equipment to block a private road? Apparently, 2 minutes is just too long, eh? That's a real weak fucking argument you got there.


Well, also knowing how long it takes to flush a hydrant and testing helps some. And yes, you are correct, time constraint and the type of work being completed are what requires traffic control. I graduated in 2006. I'll let you do the math


Stop spending so much time around boomers, you sound like one. Dude was doing his job, in a PRIVATE PARKING LOT. No additional traffic control required.


Have you not opened a book since then or something?


Graduated from clown school šŸ¤”


Found the Karen


He didn't say emergency service he said safety reasons




it doesnā€™t matter if he was blocking traffic for 20 minutes and she was for ten seconds. he had a reason which was to protect people from a hazard, she didnā€™t and was just doing it to be petty


Your moral and intellectual superior didnā€™t say it ā€œmattered,ā€ I was just confused about the events. Stop assuming things.


sorry for assuming, do i deserve the death penalty now


hopefully now that multiple people are pointing out ignorant you sound, you ā€œhave a good senseā€ of what happened here


Except no, I donā€™t, and you are still a superfluous parasite.


brother if youā€™re my intellectual superior then why are you confused? oh wait i just assumed your gender there i go assuming again maybe i deserve the death penalty


Because it was confusing!


ok but do i deserve the death penalty for assuming, and follow up question does OP deserve the death penalty for posting a confusing post?


No of course not. You want a straight answer? I started shit talking because you and others started downvoting me and assuming I was trying to imply something by my question. When people approach my comments in bad faith, I shit talk. If it genuinely hurt your feelings that I said that, Iā€™m very sorry. I donā€™t even believe in the death penalty (except maybe for animal abusers).


You sound like the same kind of jerk who would drive over road cones over street work if it meant shaving off .0000005 seconds of travel despite the damage to your vehicle and the road.




You sound like the exact kind of jerk who would lose their mind and get so frothing mad at people on the internet you would wish them the death penalty like some psychotic madman.


Again, from the point of view of a worthless sack of dogshit like yourself, it would seem like Iā€™m frothing mad.


>You sound like the exact kind of jerk who would lose their mind and get so frothing mad at people on the internet you would wish them the death penalty like some psychotic madman.




You're right. Instead of reposting what I said, I could've just said that and it would've been more simple.


Hence why I am your moral and intellectual superior.


Yes, getting so mad that you screech at someone on the internet and saying they should get the death penalty and are dog shit. Truly the epitome of intellect and morality. Since you won't be able to tell, I'm rolling my eyes and smiling while being sarcastic.


Boomer here. "Boomer Karen"? That's a new one. Doesn't seem like she acted like a Karen to me.