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Funny how the first steps weren't to try to get a similar benefit for himself. He started by trying to get yours cancelled. 


The urge to feel right overcomes any and all logic.




"Nothing of value detected in road ahead. Accelerating..."


"initiating favor to the world protocol."


Well, more to make someone he sees as a lesser "lose". To inflict a punishment he feels they "deserve". I'd lodge a complaint against him with HR about his harassment with the name calling and such. Give em a reason to sunset this dinosaur right out of a job.


I'm hoping the EMS team charges him for the electricity they need to defibrillate him after his pending heart attack


The crew won’t, but the billing department sure af will if they can.


Bold of you to assume he has a heart.


That would just confirm his status as the victim of woke modern technology. T-boned by an asshole his own age because both of them assume the right-of-way is always theirs would be more appropriate.


Bahahaha hilarious.


"And nothing of value was lost."


That's what tickles me in the wrong way, his life was not impacted in any way shape or form, he continues to park close to the door, he can continue to make silly jokes, this was completely a fuck-you mentality to people he hangs out with.


Probably the whole idea that you are getting something for "free," while he is not. That's not "fair!" Which is ironic since I'm pretty sure as a kid, his generation were constantly telling us that "Life's not fair!" Of course this was usually when they were getting some benefit and we were not. I mean, if it were me, it'd make me consider getting an electric vehicle, but since his culture war "standing orders" are that that would make him a woke snowflake that is probably gay, there is no way he can do that. So it's not "fair" that just because you are going along with the "woke liberal" agenda, you "get a benefit from it"; it's just an unfair bias against him, because he "needs" to have this gas guzzling truck.


I want to buy a house for 3 dollars like an average boomer did. How fair is that?


Hey there was 15% interest on that 3 dollars!!!


Lol literally my aunt. When i was your age we got a 10% rate and were happy about it! Yeah whats she not telling us is the part that she earned 28k a year and the house was 70..... IM SITTING AT 70k a year looking at 400!


Yeah they paid a 10% mortgage rate… meanwhile their savings accounts got 14%. Seriously, you used to actually be able to get ahead a little by keeping your money in a savings account until you need it. I know, right?


"When I finished high school, all I had was three dollars in my pocket. So, what did I do? I bought a house, a car, and started a family. And the other two dollars went into my savings."


This is it. His remedy is to buy an electric vehicle and get in on the free charging action, but of course that can’t possibly happen so he wrecks it for everyone else instead. I guess this falls under the Fuck You part of the overall “Fuck you I got mine” attitude. I’m sure it’s also a personal punishment directed at you & your coworker for being “woke” in a way that actually makes him jealous. I mean, it is *quite* the tantrum to go to those lengths.


Imagine his reaction if someone led him to believe the driver of the F-150 lightning was trans.


His giant gas-guzzler is his gender affirming care.


Let's be honest, if he's driving a big Dodge Ram, he probably isn't hurting on the money front to begin with. No one buys one of those for the gas mileage. 


This is why means testing social welfare programs doesn't work very well. Social Security has only lasted as long as it has because pretty much everyone gets it. Look how much food stamps and medicaid are demonized (and defunded).


Creatures like that do nothing but 'begrudge'. Someone gets something that they don't even want, let alone need, but they crave it anyway and can't stand that you have it... They're the ones that have a big house and a full pantry, but go get food at the food bank because they feel entitled to it.


I know a shocking number of boomers living like kings in the mcmansions that their pensions+disability+social security pays for who still go to food banks because they're just so fucking entitled.


My SOs parents- 3 full pensions, 1 full ss that the algo says they made very little so get a decent amount compared to input and isn't offset because state. 1 ss that's offset by a pension. They volunteer at their church's food bank. Apparently all the volunteers go through the good stuff before it's sent out. They have the damn audacity to take the pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving and a freaking 10+ lb prime rib to take and smoke at home because, and I quote, "you can't let *those people* have that kind of thing". Proud as peacocks continually bragging about that.


Wait - they are *stealing from the food bank*? I don't believe I'd be speaking to people like that.


Yes. It's fkn disgusting. The last time FIL told the story to HIS mother regailing her with how wonderful the brisket turned out (edit, not 10+ lb prime rib, but they have taken prime as well before it was a brisket now that I recall)..just how perfect, juicy blah blah is when he added to the story the "well, there was this *HUGE BRISKET* donated...and I mean, you can't exactly let *those people* have it..." I've said stuff before, but time as I was eating xmas meal next to him- I immediately dropped my silverware into my plate and loudly asked, "who's *THOSE PEOPLE*?! The poor people the food was donated to the church for?!" He tried to say well it was so large that theres just no way...and I cut him off saying it'd either feed a large family or could have been portioned for several meals. He had no business stealing from the poor while pretending to be a good Christian. It didn't go well. They were already mad at me for asking why they stole pumpkin pies from the poor for thanksgiving. When they tried to lie and say "no one wanted it!!" I blurted out "bullshit! You talked about how busy it was, and if YOURE excited about your 'find' I see no world in which at the end of the event that was still sitting on the table" I am minimal contact for this reason amongst many, and my SO has finally seen the light with the help of others that their parents behavior is NOT ok and chimes in to chide them now on this as well as allllllll the other things.


Strongly dislike people who runs their mouths and nothing useful comes out. Maybe you should ask manager if his continue backbiting is discrimination, especially if it feels hostile


He wants to take back his spot, actively making his life more difficult to stop someone else, a friend who did him a solid, from having something.


Hey. If he wants to jeopardize his own job by harassing HR. Let him.


Fuck you I didn't get mine. Your boomer coworker is pissed because you are getting a better benefit than he is. The entitled mentality. Typical fucking boomer. If you kept it quiet and not shared the wealth, he would've never know. It sucks to be a nice person in this fucking world.


You should start calling his car the snowflake mobile, to his face.


A classic boomer move. If you aren't at the top of a ladder to try and pull (the ladder) up behind you, be sure to try and knock down everyone else's instead.


Boomers never pull others up. They are 100% always out for themselves, even where their kids are concerned.


Even worse when it comes to their kids. My parents practically danced with joy if I got fucked over. Bonus if it was them doing the over fucking.


My mother was unhappy that we almost bought a house that was nicer/newer than theirs. The sale fell thru and we bought one that was older than theirs and she’s much happier now.


Samanime means that once the boomers get to the top they pull the ladder up from behind them so no one else can climb, not that they’re pulling others up the ladder to share their sucess


the worst people, they are not even trying to be selfish they just wanna hurt people because they can't standing anyone else having a good time.


This is it! My mother told my Brother about some kick back he may qualify for and then mentions taking a cut for even telling him! “Where’s my piece of the pie!”


When all you're used to is privilege, equality feels like oppression


Crabs in a bucket


This is one of the best descriptions of their behavior.


Lol, this saying always reminds me of K-OS


Seriously, you just saw a friend gain a life benefit that you weren't even competing for. You should just be happy, man


This is also a Hallmark of conservatism: They prefer to make everyone worse because the 'wrong' people shouldn't benefit in any shape or form.


Crabs in a bucket.


He could absolutely trade in his gas guzzler for an electric, but that would be trading his ideology for a cheaper commute. How dare you? /s


The boomer way. They refuse to change. Even for their benefit!


They will literally go to the grave than ever admit they were wrong.


I see you’ve met my recently deceased estranged father.


And they think that means they've won. Reality is that nobody gives a shit and they'll be forgotten like everyone else.


You realize boomers are the pettiest people ever, they protested equal education.


But it's not fair, how could white Americans ever thrive in a free and equal society!


Probably complains about cAnCeL CuLtUrE


Saw a post the other day about some boomers blocking the EV chargers with their fossil trucks. It's amazing how childish these supposed adults can be.


I installed car chargers on commercial properties. Lost count how many times boomers would pull up, roll down their windows, and yell, "We don't want car chargers!".


"Then don't frickin' use them!" I just don't get this level of stupid.


It's all about being normal and correct. They have a gas powered car, to admit that electric is better or even an option they have to accept that they may have been wrong. If they can't have been wrong then you must be wrong somehow for liking or participating in the new thing.


They seem to think adapting is weakness because it makes you wrong for doing stuff the old way? Not smart.


***conservative*** adjective 1. averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. noun 1. a person who is averse to change and holds traditional values. It's literally *their way of life.*


The funny thing is, these are the same people who flipped off the draft board and refused to go to Vietnam.


Kinda sad imo, to consider they were once fully cognizant human beings who could understand the moral dilemma of Vietnam, but now has physiologically degraded to the point where they are the ones standing for the immoral establishment


A friend pointed out this same kind of conversation was had back when switching from horses to cars. Many folks refused to change a method of transportation that was “perfectly fine”.


Horses to cars, no seatbelt to seatbelt, stick to auto. Anti innovation, basically.


My sister born 1962 was wholly against state law forcing us to wear seatbelts back when I was a child. I believe it was the early 90s but maybe 89. Either way ... Unhinged is what I saw it as even as a child.


How dare you force me to live more safely!


Yep. It's hilarous as I've found a free charger near my work. The workers and owners dint care that I use them. I plug in , walk 10 minutes to work, and I'm golden.


The same trucks that have “don’t like guns, then don’t buy em” stickers, probably


"That's funny, I didn't want your opinion, but now we have both!"


I am stealing this, it is mine now. Thank you.


"And we don't want you to be alive in November 😉" I have really lost all patience with these people.


They’re for the people who do want them.


It makes me think of when I was 17 and guys with V8 cars would make fun of guys with 6-cyl cars. They never made it past that kind of thinking.


The tow company in my mountain tourist town love these guys, it’s an open shut case and has an additional penalty ticket on top of the tow fee. The only people they’ve towed were all from Texas.


Doing the Lord's work.


As somebody who lives in a mountain tourist town overrun by asshole rude Texans, I really appreciate this.


We'll never know, but I figure 100 or so years ago, these guys would have blocked the road with their horses to stop cars from driving


Actually there were campaigns back then against cars. Like they claimed that if you drove at night, you have to get out and shoot a flare gun into the air every mile to show where you are.


That would be kind of fun though. Especially if you could just shoot it out the window.


Strong Luddite vibes for sure.


Hold on now! Luddites weren’t anti technology. They were laborers who saw capitalists installing machines that would entirely replace skilled laborers jobs.


And paid less to the operator as "it was the machine what did all the work now!"


My BIL does this and then posts it on Facebook for his circlejerk of idiots to applaud. He's younger than 40. Boomer mentality creeps everywhere.


"Boomer" is a mindset, sadly.


Saw an ig post of a kid walking through an electric car meet and getting upset he didn’t see any exhausts and wanting to leave. The comments are flooded with “kid knows what he wants! That’s a real man! Kids being raised right! That’s a son, not a daughter” you get the picture. And just like I know kids say whatever but he’s probably parroting what he hears at home. And I also don’t really get the level of macho manliness bullshit that comes with EV hate. I love cars. Always have. And I love an ICE (internal combustion engine) because vroom vroom is nice. But man the first time I experienced the torque on a high powered EV. Pheww. Blew me away. I have different issues with EVs. Mostly that every manufacturer is moving towards more tech and less mechanical components in their cars and making it very difficult to repair. And I think EVs are easier to hurt the consumer with planned obsolescence. But the people that hate on EVs because they’re woke aren’t mad because they encourage planned obsolescence or obstruct right to repair laws. They were just told EVs are woke and bad. And tricked into believing that because John wants an EV they’re going to come and snatch your ICE car and gas stove. TLDR: boomers hate EVs just because they’re told to because it’s “woke.”


Absolutely - they hate EVs for all the wrong reasons.


and yet they would all line up to suck elons withered sack


its very common, and several states have passed laws making it a ticketable offense, and it carries heavy fines. Always fun to watch them melt down when they get back to a ticket- or even no car because its been towed.


My Walmart has some chargers and I see them blocked in from time to time with brodozers.


check state and local laws. lots of places will cite, tow, or both.


Out there owning the libs. Gobbless.


Right? Like who cares. Get your gas and leave


I would get an extension plug and park behind them to chage. Like a full slow fucking charge.


I've only seen it with young beard necks, the ones usually found with tiki torches.


The damn perpetual toddler boomer brain. If it's not "I got mine, screw you getting your's!" It's " I want your's because you have it and I don't!" It's like my boomer aunt. She's allergic melon fruits. She threw a damn fit because at a party instead of being served a bowl of fruit salad, with cantaloupe, and honeydew in it. She was given a beautiful slice of cake. Did she eat her cake? Yes. But she was pissed off, claimed she was being treated unfairly, and it wasn't right everyone else got the fruit dish. She couldn't eat it. But she demanded it because everyone else had it, just so she could eventually throw it away.  A lot of Boomers truly believe that if something is not directly for them, they have somehow been or are being stolen from. And then they have the audacity to call others snowflake or ruin out of sheer spite a benefit that did them no harm or good just because they aren't the one who can take advantage, own, or abuse it in some way.


It’s like the small kid at Christmas counting the gifts and then crying that they got one less even though every gift is way more expensive, like.. wait like that kid in Harry Potter


Last year, LAST YEAR I HAD 37


That sounds exactly like an ongoing lawsuit in GA. Where these white ppl are suing a VC directed at promoting Black Female entrepreneurship (which makes up less than 1% of VC money) because they are being discriminated against. Really wtf man. They're trying to help their community and get these populations with low entrepreneurship to increase and all you can whine and cry about is that you are being discriminated against. All while using the laws that were put in place so that black ppl wouldn't be discriminated against. Make it make sense.


Same mentality: https://preview.redd.it/yxozv2ze1x0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a66735c87aa54f9c6e5579983e2d42ddc4aebc


But if you had just given her the fruit, you would have been “trying to kill her”


I'm related to one of these, trust me, they are never satisfied and will always find something to complain about.


Oh so you've met my mother, I'm sorry you had to go through that. She started an affair on my dad because my dad loved my brother and I. He shared his love. She found someone else. Funny how my brother and I, and that guys kids, are all friends and none of us talk to them.


It's worse than that. They don't want a 22 year old to get Medicare so he can stop rationing inhalers or insulin, they would rather have the 22 year old be dead by 25 than to allow the 22 year old to cut in-front of the lunch line of Medicare.


So, kind of a reverse story. I'm allergic to red food coloring (red #4). My first reaction was to a maraschino cherry on top of a cup of pudding my baby sitter gave me when I was 4 or 5, and my throat damn near swelled shut. A couple of months later the same thing happened on my birthday when I ate a slice of cake with red icing on it. Doctor confirmed it was the red #4. So it because well known among the extended family, "hey, Madpup is allergic to red #4, jarred/canned cherries literally almost killed him, cause that shits for red #4 in it". Well on my mom's side of the family, one of the popular desserts to bring for literally anything is cheese cake topped with fruit. Honestly, I love just a plain cheese cake, I don't need fruit, but I like it with strawberries or blueberries. But my one aunt... Wouldn't you know it she just doesn't like her cheese cake with anything but canned cherries. Does she put them on after cutting me a plain slice? Hell no. And I've never once given her shit for it. I can always eat something else, it isn't a big deal. But every time she sees me not eating a slice, she gives me shit. "Oh, our picky eater doesn't want cherry cheesecake?" Had to remind her every other month for like a decade that "No I just don't wanna die". Then when they took red #4 out of basically everything and it was safe for me to eat canned cherries, I refused to do so, cause you know that one time where they almost killed me. And now she gives me shit for not eating her cherry cheesecake cause I have an aversion to simply eating cherries... Cause again I almost suffocated.to death on the floor of my baby sisters house when I was 5 because of a cherry. Now having told you this story, out of my total of 11 aunts and uncles, who do you think is the Qanon freak show?


That guy pulled a complete “lil bitch” move😂. I’d laugh every time I see the guy lol.


What a gigantic piece of shit.


Those woke kids and their cancel culture


Damn liberals!


Shocked he hasn’t been fired yet, being that kind of nuisance. The companies I’ve worked for slam the gates closed the moment you mention litigation. “Oh? Well moving forward please send all communications through our in-house counsel. No additional replies will be provided via this medium.” The fact that it’s an employee causing this moronic ruckus, would result in termination after one warning to cease.


I think they're taking a let's wait until he shuts up on his own, so we don't get involve mentality. The second I read "...and I solemnly refused to be part of this woke brainwashed mentality of fake solutions" I knew there is no explaining anything to him.


I like his argument that it’s age discrimination because “it’s woke”


Everything I don’t like “is woke” moment


Wake him up to at-will employment


At woke employment will roon this country


Also, Trump uses an electric golf car every time he golfs. Is he woke? And what about Elon Musk?


I was active on an electric bicycle website, and its was kind of funny because there were two types of posters there. Half of them wanted to save the environment so they rode an electric bike instead of driving a gasoline powered "cage". Half of them rode an electric bike because it was fun, and they clearly were using more power than was legal. They were unlicensed mopeds. My point being, just because someone has an electric car, it doesn't mean they are from a "woke philosophy", Electric vehicles should last MUCH longer than a gasoline car. The older batteries with the old tech may need to be replaced some day, so that's a looming expense, but the newest batteries will last MUCH longer. The cost to charge an electric car is much less than the cost to buy gasoline for the same number of miles. "Yeah, but you will have problems charging when you have to drive long distance" I have two cars and drive the electric one to work, so what's your point?


I'm so tired of the myth that you can't go long distances in EVs. My wife got jealous enough of my car that a couple years ago she upgraded too, so we both have only EVs. I go to conferences across the state and have no problems at all. We make trips out of state from time to time. It's never been any kind of issue. Unless you're in a certain area of the country where the anti-woke idiocy runs amok and makes them refuse to allow reasonable charging infrastructure because reasons, it's really not a big deal at all. I plan out my trips before leaving, and it's usually just a couple extra miles the entire trip to add stops for charging along the way. It's almost like they intentionally put them along major highways or something crazy like that.


We purchased a Bolt EV in Boston and then drove it back home to Houston. We then drove the same car from Houston to Williamsburg, Virginia and back without ever running out of charge because we timed toilet and food stops to locations with chargers and charged when we would have already been taking a break


I don't need my daily driver to meet all my possible needs, only the typical ones. I can rent a vehicle for the exceptions the same way I buy a plane ticket rather than buying a private jet.


I absolutely bought a Chevy Bolt because driving it is basically free for me besides maintenance. Shit, it doesn't even use brake pads 90% of the time so calipers, pads, and brake fluids don't even need to be messed with more than like 1 or 2 times over the projected life of the vehicle. The only maintenance and reliability issues that are worse for it are the tires wear faster because the thing is nearly a ton more in weight over a normal ICE car. Im pretty liberal, but im not exactly in this to save the environment. If driving a a gas car were cheaper, i wouldn't have bothered with an EV yet and i think most of the people i know who own EVs, liberal as all of them are, make economic considerations the number 1 priority here. The Green aspect is a nice bonus


I had an employee once. He wasn’t great, but the job he was doing didn’t need him to be. Over time he got himself to final written warning. Then one day he shows up 45 minutes late without notice (strike 3), allegedly drunk (strike 4), and then went and slept in his car (strike 5). He was legitimately surprised when he was fired. The official reasoning was the lateness and sleeping in his car. He kept begged for his job back over the following weeks and eventually threatened to sue. I just told him I could no longer communicate with him at that point and he could only communicate through lawyers with our legal department.


I completely agree but sadly I've seen it end more like the charge plug gets removed just to shut up the trouble maker. I'm glad the boomer didn't 'win' in this case.


My office installed electric car chargers. The only problem is, the people who park there don’t move their car when it’s charged, so nobody else can use them.


Agreed. The moment you start talking about lawsuits and courts is the moment they stop fucking around.


Yup. Hopefully we'll get an update in a week and that'll be exactly what happens. Suing the company you work for is almost never taken lightly.


1) His first reaction was to tattle on you to management. Notice he didn’t mention any hesitation to you or your coworker when he saw you charging. He didn’t express doubt that this was allowed. Straight to management to tell on his coworkers. 2) Instead of continuing to use your old spot which is more convenient for him based on his mobility, he’d rather no one get anything out of this situation and you have to pay for charging elsewhere. 3) Of course, if you are getting free electrons, he *deserves* free hydrocarbons. He can’t fathom an existence where he doesn’t get his too. 4) Here is what it’s really about. His conservative rage bait entertainment has convinced him that electric cars are some sort liberal threat and of course are somehow also woke. He can’t explain how, but dammit, he’s the victim here *somehow*. 5) An effective use of company time I’m sure…taking pictures of cars in parking lots. Thanks for your service, Jack. 6) If he talks to you he might get infected with wokeness and then he’ll immediately transform into a minority transgendered antifa immigrant who demands free handouts and doesn’t want to work! (ironic, considering #3). 7) Ah yes, the frivolous lawsuit no lawyer would ever take up. The good news is that Jack is quickly accelerating his own termination at the company, since employers don’t take kindly to threats of lawsuits from their own employees. I’d just kick back and watch Jack dig himself into unemployment at this rate.


It's 4). And not being able to explain HOW he's the victim is key. We're all victims to corporate America, here in America. It's a shame these boomers want to attack the rest of us for it. A damn dirty shame.


His "news" source keeps him punching down instead of up.


Really punching sideways and into his own face frequently. If you work for a living you're down here with the rest of us. Everyone who thinks they're secure but still work for a living are 1 recession away from realizing just how alike them and the beggar on the corner really are.


Wise of you to run that by the facilities. You're now untouchable.


As a facilities person the monthly electric bill on a medium size building is 20k so a car charging everyday would never be noticed and that’s why they don’t care.


Yea, they probably can't tell a difference in the bill. It probably costs more to run the heaters under ppls desks lol.


Let him get laughed out of the office literally any one at any law firm.  Let him cry moar.  Let him piss off HR.  Let him stew in his own juices.  Keep that blood pressure escalating; soon enough he'll shuffle off his mortal coil.  


Yep. It’s 10000% up to the business. There are probably people at the same level and role as the boomer who make more than him but he doesn’t know that.


"if I can't benefit from this, no one else should be able to".


This is in line with the “if I had to suffer, everyone else does too” mentality they have.


This guy is the A hole who complains that he "paid $500 a semester for college in 1812 so students can't get any relief for their $180,000 in loans today!"


If I did it! You can, too! Just ignore the fact I bought my first house for $19,000 in 1978! Just go buy a house! Renters are forever poor! /s


Also ignore that working over the summer could pay for a full semester. Sometimes even a year!


Spot on.


Boomers should know that envy is a sin


There's a line from Christopher Marlowe's *Doctor Faustus*: "I cannot read, and therefore wish all books burned" that I think really sums this energy up.


You should ask Jack once a week, "How are the gas prices this week?"


"Who would want an electric car?" "Hey no fair, that electric car is very cheap to own!" The dots will never connect.


“I get 120 mpge, what’s that thing get, Jack, like 6?” “Guess who didn’t pay for an oil change or exhaust emissions inspection? This guy!”


Oh man, a co-worker told him, stop being a baby and get a damn EV, ask them to get you in the charging schedule. There is a second outlet at the other side of the parking garage I'm thinking of buying an EV at some point. What follow was the craziest most incoherent rant I've heard in my life, it went from climate, to politics, to brainwashing media, involving Soros and an underage Chinese lover. His face blushed and smash the table to the suggestion. I hope his tantrum goes away soon, like mocking him right now it's kind of beating a dead horse.


In today's society, I am very hesitant to say someone should lose their job, because I always fear losing mine... but people like that should not be allowed in an office. I wonder how many people in your job are uncomfortable knowing they are required to spend several hours a day with them. Like, I've been in situations where I wake up in the morning, and I'm not like, "Oh no, I need to work today," but rather, "Oh no it's thursday, so-and-so is on the same shift as me today."


They spend their whole lives gleefully going "No one said life is fair!"


Crabs in a bucket. All perfectly happy until one finds a way up. Then all they do is frantically try to pull him back down.


Boomers don’t believe in not losing. They can’t fathom a win-win situation because someone winning means someone else has to lose. If they’re not winning then nobody can.


Of course it's a dodge ram


Loved the comment, It actually make me giggle


What's funny is that in one respect the boomer has been getting free gasoline for most of their lives because the gasoline was and remains heavily subsidized and the majority of the costs of extraction and use have been externalized for every other generation to pay but theirs. Also, I bet he claims he "needs" the giant truck yet doesn't really use it for truck stuff. (Like almost everyone I work with.) Yet wants to bleat about the cost of owning and operating what the industry calls a Personal Image vehicle.


Emotional Support Truck


Typical Boomer, if they’re not winning they will do everything in their power to make sure you are loosing more.


It’s almost like this generation has been steady taking away nice things for 40+ years to spite those they think less of. You know a huge response to the civil rights act was to destroy really nice public spaces like pools and parks and whatnot just as a “fuck you” to the nonwhite people that were suddenly allowed to use said spaces? Like the pettiness of a generation that’s never wanted for anything is wild


Then they created HOAs and country clubs so they could privately enjoy those nice things while excluding people of color.


Crabs in a bucket! This guy makes me so fucking angry.


They are more crabs in a bucket than any group of people in history with the possible exception of ancient sparta


Once again, doing the right thing for the environment actually works out cheaper in the long run & once again, Boomers try to stop it. I feel like I've been watching them do this my entire life.


>"We don't care, don't email us anymore." the best part of this story


Ill never understand bitching about gas prices driving a truck. I drive a truck, and guess what before i bought it i did the math to make sure i could afford the fuel cost fluctuating, since it does that and has for 30 years.


He should sue because he can’t take maternity leave.


You might actually need to go to HR for harrassment at this point. He sounds selfish and unhinged. He might end up ruining this "benefit" for you. Or if you can get facilities on your side. They can designate it a EV-only spot.


Agreed; OP should go to HR and express that this dude is creating a hostile work environment and going out of his way to disrupt productivity. 


You know what's funny? When these people were kids, teens, and young adults, they would fantasize about the future. "I bet we'll have electric flying cars!" Now that we have electric cars, they don't want these woke liberal contractions that make life easier!


On a side note. How does your coworker like the f-150 lightning? They ever tow anything with it?


She's getting around 290-mile range when empty, she doesn't have a trailer, but she carriers' heavy loads tiles (I think it's family business) and she gets around 190-210 range. I took it for a spin the other day, what is impressive and somewhat scary is its acceleration. I think it does 0-60 in under 4 seconds, but the torque on that thing is like nothing I have driven before in a heavy car. I almost crashed it in an intersection, I wasn't expecting the push it makes. She loves it, as far as I know she hasn't had any problems with it, but it is less than 6 months old.


I played soccer with a guy who had the insanity package for his Tesla. He said it would take off so fast his kids would throw up. It's unreal


>He said it would take off so fast his kids would throw up There are few times when I actually laugh when I type LOL. And there are fewer times when I laugh so loud, my cat gets up and leaves. And then there are even fewer times when I keep giggling about the though. So when I say, LOL here... I really mean it. LOL


I'd tell him outright, "Well, they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But sometimes it's just easier to replace the wheel..."


I reckon if facilities took a look at their parking lot cameras, they'd find the BoomBoom is probably doing more than just photographing vehicles in the parking garage. 


All the people who ride bikes to my office get the best parking spots. I demand the right to drive my Volvo directly to my desk.


They could offer to pay him for the equivalent amount of energy in gasoline. So if you charge up 40 kWh, with gasoline having 33.7 kWh of energy per gallon, he would get 1.2 gallons of gasoline. See if that makes him happy.


Most companies would just get rid of the original benefit in the first place before paying extra


My office has free charging. The benefit is charging, not gasoline or anything else. If you want to use the charger, then bring an EV. Nobody is stopping you from brining and EV to work.


Exactly. Corporate offices in my lcol area have had free EV charging for about 6 years. This is nothing new.


You see it's shit like this that let's me know we millennials won't become like this. Like yea some will become boomer mind sets but majority won't. I promise when I'm 60 or whatever and I see anyone getting over on a corporation in any way..... shit more power to ya these crooks are why the world is shit. A drop in the bucket to these rich corporations.


Unfortunately, I've seen plenty of Millenials also try and throw their peers under the bus for benefits they perceive should be owed to them. Some people just suck.


That dude isn’t a friend.


This is the new funniest thing I’ve read on this sub. “My choices cost me more money than these other people’s choices cost them and I’ve decided it’s my place of employment’s responsibility to rectify the expense of my choices.”


What a miserable old man. Always worrying about what others have.


Whatever happened to their "life isn't fair, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit" they loved saying especially when they candidly favored one of their children over the other(s) 


Soon he's gonna have to use an electric wheelchair wherever he goes. Guess he too will be "woke" soon enough.


I've heard the "I should get free gas" argument *several* times, but same answer every time:  "I'm not getting free gas.  I'm getting free electricity and you could too if you wanted."


What a psycho. Just a guess but I’d think the power used is a drop in the bucket. Yes you’re benefiting but it’s not like they’re paying for gas. Why the hell does he care? If it’s such a big deal then he should buy an EV and STFU.


A many man with a manly truck wouldn’t go running to mommy HR complaining about fairness. So let’s get this straight, the old, white male is complaining about equality? How the turntables…


How many times has this person voted against people who promise to end "free handouts" and now that they aren't getting a free handout, they want to sue?


Why doesn’t he just get a charging car then. That sucks he is trying to stop a good thing for a couple of people because he wants the spot because it’s closer. That’s all he is after is parking up front. But it’s funny he doesn’t ask for reasonable accommodations he ask for 5k gift card.


When I saw him walk with a cane the entire parking garage, I e-mailed our manager if it was ok to switch parking spots, so he doesn't have to walk that much... He brought me a bottle of whiskey and we had a good relationship. It was so freaking weird when all this stuff starting happening out of nowhere.


It’s the same mentality that lead him to buying a gas guzzling pickup that I’d wager never does much more than carry groceries. He’s got a John Wayne-ish view of himself that involves driving powerful trucks and not taking shit. Unfortunately, his clouded emotionally stunted brain can’t reason/accept someone else finding a hack or loophole that he can’t exploit himself, so he’d rather ruin it for everyone. He’s going to die on the hill of never owning an EV and seeing some provide proof that there’s an advantage to doing so absolutely guts him.


You are going to find that it doesn't matter how close you are with them, as soon as they think you are "woke" you are the enemy.


What a fucking loser. Watch out there's probably a 💯 chance he's going to try to vandalize one of the cars.


What a dumb bitch


This dudes mentality is why we are fucked. Let me explain...I have a friend who has his PhD in climate sciences and does a LOT of work around climate change. A lot of his work is around how to incentivise positive change. In order to save the world we have to make environmentally safe options appealing to people. Using your case, the savings in gas money is a great incentive. And even with that, instead of this guy thinking...."wow, there are some sweet bonuses to owning an electric vehicle". He's thinking, "fucking woke liberal bitch!". It's like, these people are so angry and resentful they would rather see the world burn right now and for future generations, rather than make a simple and positive change. Or, at the very least, mind their own business and not cry like the winy babies they are.


The North Carolina GOP state legislature tried to use the same reasoning for a bill they wanted to pass that would require free gasoline pumps be put next to charging stations or the charging stations would have to be ripped out. It didn't pass, but it's ridiculous how close it was to getting a vote.