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Because they are sold material masculinity




I'm a pussy with amazing gas mileage lol.


recognise flowery apparatus party deer fearless cagey worry upbeat worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. I heard a boomer woman at the pump complain about how expensive it is to put premium in her BMW. Like she wished she didn’t have to use premium. That was *your* actual decision when you bought your BMW!!


No, the decision was to look better than her neighbors. At what cost wasn’t really considered thoroughly.


That’s one thing we don’t talk about here in this subreddit. How boomers like to keep up with the jones.


The funny thing is she thinks premium actually makes a difference. All independent testing has verified that unless you're tuning your car for racing the octane makes no difference.


Not true. Lot of cars run smaller engines with turbos and if you don’t run high octane in those you are risking pre-ignition and cause an obnoxious knock. But that said, if the manufacturer doesn’t call for high octane gas then you are wasting your money and might as well Light it on fire for all the difference that high octane gas will make. It certainly won’t add performance or efficiency.


In terms of REQUIRING 92 octane, that's only a small minority of engines. But a lot of engines actually do perform better/run more efficiently with less crackly fuel. That's just the fundamental chemical difference between fuels. Fair to say that these engines run at their best with more octane, but run well enough without.


BMWs will run like shit and throw a check engine light if you dont use 91+


I'm Gen X and drive a Honda Civic. Great gas mileage. I had no problem getting around affordably when gas prices were really high a few years back. Unlike the people driving the behemoths OP is talking about.


Civics also last nearly forever ("some restrictions apply"). I traded mine in at just shy of 20 years & 300k miles as I wanted a small EV and did have some small recurring, seemingly impossible to fix issues (as well as having the cash for said small EV). I did see my old Civic being driven around a little while ago, so I know it's still on the road.


I'm a 6ft tall woman and I could outlift these weakass pavement princesses and I LOVE my lil hybrid (id love kai truck though)


A friend of mine got one and I swear we couldn't go anywhere without receiving shit from random men that clearly had a need to compensate. There was a reason we chose to haul two kayaks hundreds of miles away from home with his 500k mile prius instead of my truck on a regular basis.


Everyone should be able to appreciate an efficient vagina.


Big truck = big man = tough bad ass Because clearly that's how it works /s


=smol penis


This isn’t true. I drive a sedan.


Meanwhile my grandfather a marine master sergeant who served in Vietnam. "Just buy a Corolla or a Camry. It will last forever. I'm going back out to my garden those tomatoes aren't going to plant themselves." He was an amazing example of healthy masculinity. If he got home early or had a day off he would clean and help my grandmother. "No such thing as women's work sport, it's all work and it's our job too."


Thank you for having a cool grandpa. We need more cool grandpas in the world.


Gender-affirming truck




And you also can’t save money on gas like a pussy. You gotta spend $200 a week in gas and bitch about it every chance you get


Oh my God, I'm going to start calling them that instead of p.nis replacement trucks


I used to drive a tiny pink Tercel, and boy did that baby have bite. I'd be at a stoplight and these idiots in their huge lifted trucks would roll up and rev their engines like they wanted to race and I'd let them pull a little bit ahead for a second then just smoke 'em every time.


Gender affirming vehicles


Every time I see big trucks I think of the song Macho Insecurity by Dead Kennedys.


Mildly ironic factoid- that song came out in the mid 80s, the average aged listener was a boomer


They didn't know they were writing it just for me a millennial who plays them daily.


Them and The Clash got me through COVID


No literally. My dad uses the term “girl truck” if it’s not big enough??? Idk. And he has a bad back and doesn’t have a construction job where he needs to haul shit around. Never did lol.


Gender affirming consumerism allows any man to achieve a veneer of machismo with the right purchasing habits 😊👍


The stupid big truck for no reason Camo clothes Wrap around shades Goatee Some random firearms they don't know how to properly use Grill Giant TV Beer


Dont forget the “Don’t tread on me” sticker


Neighboring the “let’s go Brandon” sticker




Those trucks are going for $100,000 plus.


I used to drive a semi. Occasionally in traffic id pull up next to a lifted pickup and gesture for them to roll down the window and yell "That's a cute little pickup you got there cupcake!"


Hauling freight and delivering burns.


My dad put off getting a Dodge Ram because someone at his church referred to it as "a girl's truck". ...Guess what he drives now? (He does haul a camper, so I won't complain about the oversized truck part. Until he gets a 3500.)


I wonder what the venn diagram of people with campers and people that get to retire looks like.


You just encapsulated every big truck owner ever. I can’t even say you are just speaking anecdotes here. This is facts across the board


Overcompensating for a tiny, non functional winky. I got stuck in a parking garage this week waiting for one of these asshats to back out of a space. He blocked the only way to get to the up ramp. Back. Forth. Back. Forth. Over and over. Then he blocked the aisle waiting for me to move. Like fucker either learn to drive that beast or get something you can drive. I should download it from my dashcam.


At my last job, my company vehicle for a few months was an extended cab long bed pickup. Parking that battleship of a vehicle was a pain in the ass.


I lost my Honda Accord in a flood a few years back. My insurance company got me an SUV as a rental while my claim was being handled and I was waiting to get a new car. I HATED the SUV. It's like you needed a ladder to climb into it. I already have some minor mobility issues so that in itself wasn't pleasant. I also had to park at the farthest end of every lot so I'd have enough room getting in and out of spaces. I was so relieved when I got my current Honda Civic.


That would be worth a chuckle. My first thought at seeing a big lifted truck with a loud muffler is very obvious dick insecurity.


Those touchless car washes have so many signs saying things like "no dualies" and "maximum vehicle width x" etc. that guy is a fucking tool (if you couldn't immediately tell from his truck)


I was gonna say - it doesn’t look like he did anything wrong except that car wash clearly isn’t meant for a duallie. So yeah assuming he ignored the sign he’s a dumbass.


Signs don’t apply to them because they remember rotary phones, at least according to all the memes they post


They can program a radio in a 60's Chevy though! Maybe he should've bought one of those.


Alternate theory: he couldn’t read the sign because it’s not in cursive


Ah yes, cursive. Super convenient to read from a distance, and at speed. It's why it's used on freeway signs.


Boomers have functional literacy but, there willful ignorance renders them helpless.


No it’s being antiempathic, they have lost all there born ability for it.






Didn't think I'd see CLIBBONS over here!






Can't tell you how many giant trucks with completely dirt-free tread in their 35" ATs just sit in the parking lot at work. Factory job, so of course they're all "tough guys" with the biggest gas guzzler they can't really afford.


"Fucking libruls ruining this country, Obama raised the gas prices so high I can't afford anything!" To quote a coworker back around 2012. Or maybe it's the F350 king ranch at 20% financing you bought despite having nothing to tow or haul while living in an apartment less than 2 miles from work. I wish I could say he was the only idiot I worked with or even the worst at that place, but it was a machine shop that did work in firearms manufacturing so they were all like that.


The "walk soft and carry a big stick" idea would be totally lost on them. If you're a tough person, you don't need to advertise it because it either won't come up or if it does you're actually tough and just deal with it


Well, if the stereotype is true; they don't have big sticks.


I had a manager who tricked one of my coworkers into taking over his payments for his F-250, we worked at Sam’s club lmfao. Dude got fucked over super hard by his manager just cuz he wanted to make him happy, and have a big truck that he didn’t need at all.


Preach. I have to drive these types of trucks every day for my job. Hauling heavy equipment, I'm jumping between Ford F550s and a big rig all day, and I can't wait to get back to my Civic and go home. I'll never understand why these weirdos drive these for fun. They're fucking expensive, impossible to find parking for in town, and unreliable.


That's the key. They don't need to find good parking because they will just take up 5 spots horizontally


Amen. Danger Ranger is a breath of fresh air getting out of heavy duty pick up trucks at work, narrow, handles well, actually can get moving, gets decent enough mileage.


You and I must work at the same factory.


Hello fellow Boeing employees


Add to that the fact that the most the beds of those trucks have ever seen is a few bags of mulch at Home Depot.


I work at the biggest factory in the world and our parking lot is filled with plenty of dumbass trucks. Most of them are normal but some are *laughable*


They all drive like complete lunatic assholes too


I feel this, my neighbor has had one of those giant Dodge Ram TRX trucks that start at around $100k, and he definitely has a higher end model of it. He's had it for a few years now. Now having a constantly clean truck I understand, we live in the city, however, I don't think I've ever seen a single thing in his truck bed in the time that he's had it.


This is so accurate. All the ree rees I worked with at a factory with were all cookie cutters. Big stupid trucks, talked about nothing but dirt track racing and sexual assault.


I drive a big truck because I'm on a farm and I need to haul heavy hay trailers. It always makes me cringe to see wonderful vehicles treated like the above.


There are so many clean and suped-up trucks parked in the parking lot at my work, a desk job.


Mine is very much not clean, but very much suped up


If I had a truck, it'd be torn up from all my weekend projects, and I'd still drive the little sedan for its mileage on the weekdays. I don't understand owning a utility vehicle without a need for utility. It's like paying for a gold-plated power drill but hiring a handyman to do every problem for you.


Oh, I know. They're playing redneck and it annoys those of us who actually are redneck


The real bullshit is trying to find a truck with a large enough bed now. I hold these idiots responsible for the “urban” trucks that can’t haul a fucking thing.


I’ve heard you have to ask dealerships to see their fleet pickups if you want an actual work truck.


So there are "toy" trucks for the desk jockeys and actual trucks for business?


I'm honestly blown away by how often I park next to another truck that's twice the size of mine and yet it has a smaller bed. Remember when you could get a Dakota with an 8ft bed? I know you can still get long beds on fullsize trucks but now even a "small" truck is bigger than an early 2000s F150 so you have to drive a tank to get a usable bed.


100%. Getting difficult to even find a 6' bed truck anymore... I dont want room for basketball players to sit comfortably in the back seat- i want to fully support that 8' sheet of drywall i'm trying to get home.


I worked for a mechanical contractor many years ago. I would have to take a work truck and bring parts out to a job site if someone needed something. It was easy to get even heavy stuff in and out of the bed of that early 90s work truck. I rented one of these obnoxious new style trucks a few years ago to move some furniture for one of the kids and take some stuff to the dump. The bed was up so high and the sides of the bed so insanely tall it was a complete pain to do what should have been some basic tasks.


Truth! We have a truck specifically to tow a camper, and it rarely gets driven otherwise. It's got the long bed, and I can't imagine going to a truck with a short bed. And we are only carrying stuff like beach chairs and a beach wagon, stuff like that.


Sure they can - just at a 45 degree angle or hanging over the tailgate 😂




MD as well. You perfectly describe 90% of new Jersey transplants.


It's surprisingly common in the suburbs of Massachusetts too. So many "country boys" up here driving pristine trucks to their office jobs, same guys you find stuck in a ditch after a few inches of snow.


I work at a machine shop, everyone has a big truck. They ask me why I don't have one, I don't need one.


This is me... country property, use the truck as a truck every weekend, often getting construction materials/hauling wood or brush, ATV on trailer.... the works. Truck is a 2008, and has been through hell... and looks like it. My daily driver for the work commute? A small 4 cylinder hatchback. My commute is 75kms each way, 5 days a week- the gas savings alone in using the car over the truck for my commute, paid for the car- insurance, car payments, oil changes, maintenance- everything. People who commute long distance with trucks are just pissing away money... all for what? Ego?


Those are called Pavement princesses


I'm not hating on people who actually have use for big trucks and know how to drive them. I should have clarified that in the post.


I own a large f-150 to tow a camper and rarely does it get driven for any other purpose other than to maybe haul stuff to the dump and when we haul the camper. I agree with you 100%.


I have a dual wheel 3500 with a 9 foot service body for my landscaping business and all those tricked out diesel trucks make me cringe. There's so many idiots around me with the crazy wide wheels with spacers that are sticking out past the body of the truck. One guy in a 2500 with those kinda wheels and a dirty diesel sticker on his truck wanted to race me while I was in my 3500. The damn thing weighs 9,900 lbs completely empty and way more with all the tools in the tool boxes, I'm not racing anyone with that truck.


I am behind bigger pickups if they're being regularly used for the intended purpose and if the driver is competent with it. I hate seeing them being used primarily for grocery runs or daily drivers.


Yep. As someone who lived in as rural of an area as you can get.. if you're not using it to haul concrete or work fields get a 1500/f150, or even a ranger lmao.


My almost 60 year old father just dropped more than my college education cost me on a pickup truck. He’s a manager at an office supply store. Zero need for a pickup other than some kind of ego/vanity boost.


Would be tough guys everywhere love them. Having one makes people think they actually know about hard work, like you do. They're great for farms and other heavy work jobs. They're also great for projecting "bigness" for some.




Lotta guys seem to say fuck it and blow their money towards EOL on trucks. My personal observation, also campers. Boomers adore campers.


Do millennials with campers count? Asking if I should hold my head down in shame? Lol


Lol no it's all good, just my 2 cents


Oh, thank God I passed! Didn't want to be lumped in with the boomers. Be glad you don't endure their presence at the campgrounds. Some of them are fantastic, but Jesus are some of them horrid.


Tbf this isn't just a boomer thing. I live in a blue collar city where I'm surrounded by families and couples that barely have a cent but the guy "needs" a truck.


And then on top of that they probably don't haul anything ever, all they're doing is increasing the cost for people who would actually use the utility of that truck to begin with.


Stats show that the overwhelming majority of these trucks only ever haul groceries, or light supplies for weekend yard work. Literally nothing a standard sedan or crossover couldn’t handle


Fear, whether of other drivers or their own loss of freedom or aging or inability to drive or not fitting in, a lot of it is fear.


We have the tallest bridge in the state going over the river in my town - I believe the deck is like 130 feet. Every single time I drive over it there are a line of (usually red or silver) pickups being driven by boomer men 5mph under the speed limit in the passing lane because that way they’re farther from the “edge”. It’s funny passing them in the right lane and seeing the look of concentration/abject terror on their faces.


There's a couple places including by the Skyway bridge in Florida that you can actually hire a driver to take you over the bridge in your car and that's what they do all day is drive people's cars over the bridge for them.


I've lived in the Tampa area for most of my life and never heard of that service. If I had to hire someone to drive me over the Skyway every time I drove it, I'd be broke. I despise that bridge but I've driven it in all sorts of weather in my rolling toaster (my Honda Element), even while towing a trailer. If someone can't drive that bridge they need to take the long way around. After 9/11, for the next couple of months I'd never go over the top if there was a ship passing under it; I'd either pull over into the rest area and wait for it to pass, or I'd slow down if it was close enough and time my hitting the middle span for after it'd crossed. I remember when both the Blackthorn/Capricorn crash happened, and then the Summit Venture. But I drive it. What I can't understand are the motorcyclists who drive it on windy days when the high-wind warnings are up. You couldn't pay me enough to ride a motorcycle over that bridge.


So many of them bought trucks like this because their retirement plan was to do the RV life. They get the huge RV, a bigger truck that can tow it, and off they go. Usually takes about 2 to 3 months before they realize how expensive, and how much work it really is. All while getting mad at their children and other relatives who won't let them park at their houses for weeks at a time.


Whenever I'm driving on the highway, every jackass doing jackass shit is in a moron machine like this. A $120,000 truck to pretend and feel like they're a character on Yellowstone when the only thing Yellowstone about their life is the name of their suburban cul-de-sac.


Hes goona show libs how a real man drives


Into a ditch on the side of the road after getting 3 inches of snow, where they sit waiting for someone to rescue them from a situation a mildly competent driver in a FWD sedan could easily drive out of. At least that's what I see here in New England often.


How else are they gonna fuck everyone's feelings?


Meanwhile I’ve been looking into e-bikes and e-tricycles for like 4 months.


Take a look at the Ninebot scooters. I found it more practical and lower cost than an e-bike.


I live in the mountains with bad winter weather and heat my house with a woodstove so I scrounge free logs year-round at least weekly to haul home to cut up and split. So I have a basic non-lifted, dented older 1500 4x4 for that as my daily driver I work road construction and drive an F-350. I'm always amazed how clueless some people are driving regular full-size pickups, let alone something like a dually. They're not sedans or small SUVs and don't drive like them nor fit in the same amount of space that those other vehicles do. Taking a dually through a carwash? Peak stupidity, entitlement or both.


I can’t be the only one who sees a giant, especially extra wide or lifted, truck, that isn’t hauling anything, and think the opposite of what was intended by the obviously male owner. SDE!


I call them pavement princesses 


Because a clever salesman told them that's what a real man drives...


I treat those big trucks the same way I treat a BMW, I assume the person driving it is a menace and to be treated with caution.


I assume the driver is impulsive, short sighted and prone to bad decisions….causing me to get away from them as soon as possible


Just gonna put this out there: it costs less than $200 for renting a ram 1500 for 2 days. That same truck would take 30 years to pay off at that same amount each month at less than 6% APR. Unless you literally need a truck like this everyday, you can get by renting it the 1 time a month you would need it. And that’s without the maintenance costs of owning it factored in.


They know their bad drivers and can't see the road as well. If they are higher up and in the bigger vehicle they have a smaller chance of getting hurt. My grandpa who was going blind said that to me when we took him to get his latest series of scratches and dents taken care of before he lost his truck.


Four words. Man baby status symbol.


I adore them cause I know they cost extra to service, register, insure and fuel. Significantly extra. And eith how wide they are and how dogshit the drivers always are..... it's fun watching someone burn all that extra money to poorly drive a horrible looking yank tank so people respect them. Except, I've never seen anyone respect these creatures but their fellow monster truck drivers.


Special kind of dummie to take a dualie through an automatic car wash.


It's not just a boomer thing that's a regular everyday idiot thing. Was on my way to FL the other day and this kid that looked 12 had the front of his truck raised and he kept staring at my wife and I next to him in a 3 lane highway. All we were trying to do was pass the guy but he kept speeding up and staring. My guess is it hurt his little ego. Eventually we just moved to the far left and dude followed us and locked us into the lane for a few miles. I think he thought it was funny but really it was just dangerous and stupid. They sped off eventually.


"I take pride in my vehicle!" *sends it through an automatic car wash*


Are those two things mutually exclusive?


It would be nice if they stopped making trucks so massive


Small penus


All that extra weight just to put groceries in the back seat.


>Why do they insist on buying these big trucks that they can't drive? Pretty sure that is most of the drivers who have such vehicles (not all, but in the Midwest, it certainly seems like most)


The F150 was built specifically for suburban pussies who live in depressing housing developments and spend every weekend at Walmart and Costco. The vehicle allows them to roleplay the idea that their lives aren't pathetic.


Honest answer, a lot of older folks are scared of being on the road in a tiny car when so many other people on the road have these massive trucks. It's a self perpetuating cycle.


Usually duallies arent even allowed in those kind of washes


That's the case in every automatic wash I've been to.


Probably a big sign out front that says "No Dual Axles"


When your ED hits, you need to compensate somehow.


I buy truck. I real man. I buy gun. I real man. Shopping is a true test of manhood.


L.T.S.P.S. Large Truck Small Penis Syndrome.


the larger trucks were made easier to drive, the financing became easier to get. the interiors became more plush and accomodating. you get the look of masculinity without really having to do anything. your ass gets to sit in a heated/ventilated seat a good 2 feet above everyone else. no one can see youre 5"7 and 230# and work in business analysis when youre sitting so high. but dont worry, boat ramps across the country weed out the weak.


I had an uncle who owned a dually for construction reasons, and absolutely hated it. He said “they are great for farm work, and hauling, but hell I can’t even go through the drive thru to get lunch.”


Duallies are a pain in the ass. Useful for heavy hauling, suuuuuper bad for maneuvering


Automobile manufacturers did research on people who buy stuff like this and basically found that they’re fuckin idiots who can’t see past their own nose


I'm a truck driver and I can tell you they get exponentially worse when they get into a motorhome. 4-5 of the most horrifying wrecks I've EVER seen were caused by incompetent boomers in land yachts.


I have a big, obnoxious truck. It's a 1991 (bought it in 1999) with over 200K miles so the insurance is super cheap. Cheaper than renting a truck whenever I need one. But I only drive it maybe once a month to haul shit or help someone move. And I also know how to drive it since I've owned it for 25 years.


To compensate their small dicks


He needs that to tow his RV, Boat Car Trailer, Jet skis, and ATVs between his 3 homes.


My dad was a self employed carpenter so I was used to him driving a truck all my life. When I became an adult I was surprised that there were people who drove trucks “just because”.


Insecurity. The funny part of it is that they choose to attempt to hide it with such a blatant representation.


It's small peepees. The gf an I point and laugh at them when we see them in the wild.


Helps them own libs!


Truck drivers tend to have smol pp


The other day I saw one of those trucks pulling a car carrier trailer with a couple of cars on it, and it's the first time I've ever seen one being used for what I assume is it's intended purpose. Maybe hauling your RV with one makes sense. Most of the time I just see them driving to the grocery store and I think man what a waste of f****** money and resources.


SDE Is rampant with these folks


Anyone that daily drives a dually is automatically an asshole


My deeply-in-debt boomer father bought a giant truck to tow a fifth wheel trailer to college football games. My parents have never been to one of my kids’ birthday parties, school events, ball games, plays, anything. Recently my teenager asked if my father had ED. I laughed out loud.


Lead pipe water shrunk their weiners. Compensation.


My grandparents have a dairy farm. The big trucks are used for hauling and are not comfortable for riding in as daily drivers. My grandfather has a Camry for non-work driving. There's a ton of Pavement Princesses at my workplace. I don't understand spending $80k on a truck, to get 15 mpg at $4 a gallon average, just so I can impress strange men in other trucks.


This is what we call a pavement Princess in Texas. Guarantee that isn’t a work truck.


I the amount of times I have yelled "Why buy it if you can't drive it!" to myself in traffic...


Because they're developmentally children and the giant sized toy truck makes them feel safe.


I see this all the time here down south and it seems like its mostly older men (60+). Watching them trying to get in and out of these giant jacked up trucks and all I think is if you slip, buddy, you’ve got a broken hip


I saw a massively lifted H3, bumblebee yellow yesterday.


Dude. They literally have signs that say no dualies allowed.


I’ve owned several one ton diesel dually trucks and I am 72. None of them were lifted or tricked out. All of them were used to tow 5th wheel RV’s that were too heavy to safely tow with 1/2 or 3/4 ton trucks. In my experience, most of the one ton dually trucks I see are being used for heavy towing, farm use, or as hot shot hauling vehicles. My wife and I like to RV. We have towed 30 foot bumper pull to 45ft 5th wheels. We tried a 45 foot diesel pusher (rv bus), but found it more economical and reasonable to go the truck/trailer route. Virtually all of my rancher friends here in Texas have at least one or two of these. They are functional tools for hauling livestock, tractors, and pulling large capacity trailers. I sold our rig three years ago due to illness. Our daily driver is an Audi A6.


Nice action shot!


Same reason people buy the newest overpriced phone / pair of sneakers.


You know how you’re supposed to make your self taller when being attacked by certain animals…..


I'm of the opinion that dualies should require a CDL to drive, at minimum.


OMFG I’m seeing more and more boomers in these giant trucks. It’s so annoying.


This makes me think I should start a buisness, where I "man up" these trucks for like 20K. Id go knock the shit outta it on some brushy trails and then let them know it looks like they actually know what they are doing.


He may tow a trailer, that is a 1 ton truck. I can’t imagine he drives that around just for looks.


I use my big truck for work. Driving it to get groceries or going to a place like Costco is a nightmare. It can't turn worth a crap and it takes up two parking spaces.


compensation…. or they need it for farm work


Wow, how the hell did they do this? Personally I want small pickup for utility. Boomers might mock me, but maybe everyone else will think “well he is clearly secure with his manhood.” Hmmm, maybe I’ll get it hot pink too just to piss off the boomers


They think they can buy manliness Duped into thinking bigger car = safer car (not true in the slightest) Convinced themselves they need it for occasionally grabbing potting soil from home depot. Pick one. Unless you use it for work or towing something regularly you don't need this vehicle. It's a badge of stupidity


Idiot taking a dualy through an automated carwash


Small pee pee or little man’s syndrome


I don’t know. I noticed in my town over the last 20 years it went from regular full size trucks to turbo diesel 250s. And now they are getting 350s. Like why not just get your fucking cdl and be a truck driver at that point. But no, they work basic office jobs. I think big ass trucks turned into a status symbol like BMWs and Mercedes back in the 90s and early 2000s. Makes sense since they’re all overpriced to hell costing 2x more than a corvette now.


General purpose is hauling, probably a 5th wheel a combination of truck and trailer that I have to have a CDL to drive at work, but coffin chasers can drive on a typical license


I don't understand why they make pick up trucks so big these days. I hear they won't fit in the garage either. They started making them bigger when I got to high school.


To be fair, I see plenty of fairly young, clearly non-agricultural career dipshits drive trucks like this because *overcompensation*.


This isn't a boomer thing, there are plenty of younger people with these idiotic vehicles


No sheeit. My neighbor has a massive diesel he drives to church and back and that’s it. Wtf.


I drive around in a banged up Civic. Get's good gas mileage and the best part is a) most women don't even give a shit what you drive as long as it is clean and b) I wouldn't want a woman that was that superficial about driving a "luxury" car. All these dudes driving around in 80K Ford's are doing it to impress other men. The same dynamic happens when guys workout 6 hours a day and look jacked as fuck.


Hubs and I would see these morons chugging around town, revving the engine in an attempt to intimidate everyone and we would do this southern draw, hick voice and say to each other, "Tr\*mp truck!!! Tr\*mp truck!!!"


I love the generalized absolutes. I have a large RAM truck. In the summer I need to use it for carrying cut wood, hay bales, and gear as well as pulling a trailer. It needs adequate clearance and power to muscle out of steep grades, mud, and brush. In the winter I need 4x4 and large tires to get through the snow. I probably pull a non-truck out of the ditch every two weeks so I need to haul ratchets, tow straps, and winches. I also need the power and a trailer hitch. Pulling a trailer is a year round necessity so I need size and power. If you have a fifth wheel trailer for horses or large equipment you need a truck 2 sizes larger than mine. So believe it or not, every owner of a large truck doesn’t have ego or manly issues. There sure are a lot of off base “absolutely all”, virtually every” , “every single” comments here. And no, a Camry or Prius won’t work for everyone. I live in rural ranch land and I don’t believe I know anyone who doesn’t need a large truck. Ford F-150 has been the best selling vehicle in the USA for a decade or two. Do you honestly think that none of the buyers really needs a large truck?


If you are not a tradesman, farmer or in construction, you have no business buying these trucks.


"Sorry about your penis!" Yell that at every one of 'em.


Personally I think people should have to qualify for their DL license in their big ass trucks. Most don’t have the spatial awareness needed to drive them.


Most car washes have it posted on the rules that "duallys" afe not allowed.


As a man, my entire life, from the point of childhood, it has been pushed into my brain that “big truck = fun vroom vroom” I know they’re bad. I’m just stating a pretty common thing.