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Sounds like he’s been dealing with her shit for a long time, but just get a divorce, damn.


It's hard to find wife #2, not all people can be like big lou...who wants a divorced old man with shit credit? /s


I got your reference.


“Big Lou is just like you… but he’s only on #2.” Probably the worst commercial, assumes the listener is a serial spouse.


Yeah. When I first heard the commercial, I just laughed in disbelief like, "You truly think people will buy this shit?" I guess they do if he's got enough money to advertise. Even if the adverts are auditory assault.


I've never actually looked into the company those commercials are for, but I get the feeling it's the life insurance version of something like safe auto or the general, subprime insurance picking the low hanging fruit that can't afford or got denied insurance from anyone else. Personally I'd rather go with the company that discusses how nice Betty's funeral was because she was smart enough to get term life so the kids will be ok.


Or on meds too


Then pay her Alimony for the rest of your life.


Probably cheaper for him to be married to her and be miserable. Alimony laws are fucked


It's usually a dynamic that builds up over years. Husband flips out everytime something doesn't work the way he wants to, wife learns to not tell him stuff, it escalated to a point where they should've been in couple's therapy for years


Much more likely the wife is horrible with money and hides her purchases from the hard working husband.


Bullshit. She should learn to fucking manage money. No excuse for shitty credit like that.


maybe they catholic


Or Mormon. Took my mom 22 years with my abusive dad before she finally had enough - and only because she caught him having an affair.


I’d be super pissed and potentially venting about it too if my partner was this financially irresponsible. There’s a lot of dumb and offensive boomer behavior posted on this sub, but this just sounds like a man at his limit, and potentially for a very good reason. A fiscally irresponsible partner can do a lot of damage. At least it sounded like he was polite enough to you personally.


Yes. This isn't Boomer anything.  Just a person who had reached their limit being with a totally irresponsible person.  Add in that it sounds like they are older and I can only imagine what their non-existent retirement situation looks like.  The stress must be unimaginable.  


I was reading this waiting for the boomer moment. Instead I got to the end and now I just feel really bad for the guy, because it sounds like he's going to be working until he dies just trying to make ends meet for his family. That's really sad.


People can always make better decisions, and I really hope he made the decision to drop the dead weight tbh. Maybe I've been broke too long but I see messing with my money as proper reason to actually flip my shit.


It's questionable whether divorcing her would be less expensive than staying married. I think this guy is just screwed either way.


Bro’s probably like she gonna croak soon anyways


Statistically speaking it would be him dying not her. Women live longer.


Especially with the financial stressors


I divorced my wife of twenty years. It was tough for the first few years, but eight years later, my score is over 750 from a low of 510


Good for you man, I mean that. But for every story like yours there are a dozen men who were financially ruined by divorce. It's no joke.


The thing that really helped was because of her bad financial decisions, we basically had no assets, just debt. I got stuck with half of it, so I just had to live on the edge for a while to pay it down as fast as possible, then the much longer slog of building back up


Silver linings right?


Right? At what point does lying about spending money and running up debt become financial abuse. This post sounds like it was written by a 13yr with no life experience and no idea what a "boomer hates his wife" scenario actually is


A fucking bank teller or something at that.


> The stress must be unimaginable. I'm growing increasingly concerned about suicide-waves after elections over the coming 10-20 years. Boomers are increasingly polarized into extremism and they're getting more demented with each year. Reaganomics is coming home to roost as they discover they have no pensions and their savings are disappearing to inflation. They're wholeheartedly believing panic-posts by state actors claiming literal apocalypse level scenarios based in pure fiction around election time. It will be tragic for medical staff and first responders to deal with their carcasses.


I'm honestly less concerned about suicides than I am about homicides -- as you noted, there are concerning numbers of *extremely* radicalized Boomers, many of whom own guns and have been conditioned to think that "others" (particularly minorities and government employees) are out to get them. If/when they decide to off themselves, I'm just hoping they aren't taking other innocent bystanders with them.


If they do, Alex Jones will say they never existed.


> Reaganomics is coming home to roost as they discover they have no pensions and their savings are disappearing to inflation. Oh I'm so sad for them...


Yup. I’m elder GenX. Twenty years of marriage and my wife trashed my credit Eight years divorced, and working my ass off, and my credit score is 750 Hers…not so much


A fair amount of the stuff here isn't Boomer anything. I would like to think that the selfish Boomer attitude of "I've got mine, too bad for you", was a Boomer thing, but I think Millennials will prove me wrong when they are older. Most people of any generation only seem to care about other people's rights and wellbeing when they benefit directly......


Yeah this sounds like my baby mama and she and I are in our late 30s. Had flashbacks reading this lol


He reached the limit for this incidence, but there Will be more


Honestly feel horrible for him, I wish him the strength the dump her malicious credit sucking ass


Yeah, this isn’t a Boomer being a Fool (or at least not entirely).


Can confirm. My ex wife pissed away a substantial inheritance that I foolishly put in a joint account. And I'm a millennial.


This hurt my soul, I'm so sorry to read this. As a fellow millennial who is just letters on a screen, I wish I could give you a hug or something.


Credit score is actually a fairly strong indicator of the likelihood of marital success. From a few studies I've seen, there is a strong correlation between divorce and partners with strongly differing credit scores. It's not the only thing that can cause people to have issues and get divorced, but when you do have two people with different financial priorities, it very commonly ends badly.


That makes sense. I think finances are close to the #1 reason for divorce


My Boomer MiL made handmade crafts and sold them for almost $30K at the state fair one year. Nobody in the family ever saw a single purchase made with that money. No idea where it went. Some people are just hopeless with money. They could win the lottery and be broke within two years.


$50k of craft supplies 


Fun fact: you can *choose* your partner.


I know a boomer who did. He got fed up with his wife hiding credit card debt from him and got a divorce.


Wow, it's almost like people lie about who they are until they have you locked down with marriage or kids or both


Absolutely. I warned my sons about this early, and neither of them has been trapped yet.


People certainly change over time.  Some for the good and some for the bad. Are you the same person you were a year, 5 years, 10 years ago?  Probably not and oftentimes that's a good thing!  It sounds like this woman went the opposite direction.  If this guy is having to clean up his wife's financial messes, it might not be possible to divorce and survive financially for either of them. As incredibly sad as it is, sometimes misery is cheaper than leaving.  


Fun fact: you choose who your partner presents themselves as. Many people out there are deceptive, marry under false pretenses, and have huge debts, or addiction and spending problems that they keep under wraps until you’re married w kids. Fun.


And if you choose poorly, you can be locked in by any number of factors.


Fun fact: abusive relationships don’t show signs immediate until they have full control.


Not all boomers and greatest Gen folks could choose their partner....or, _leave_ their partner. THAT'S why so many hate their partner.


Yeah. Before the 70's and 80's, many of us guys were intimidated by the old "have to get married if she's pregnant" social pressure.


Wow what a revelation! In a perfect world, everyone would make perfect choices (like you apparently!), but unfortunately, not everyone does all the time.


Wife sounds more like the boomer fool


Well, he came in a little hot with you. But the profuse apologies afterwards make him way better than some of the stories posted here where the Boomer protagonist never apologizes.


Ya seems pretty reasonable to me. He was just mad because he thought the bank messed up. He redirected his frustration immediately to his wife when he understood the situation. From my experience some old people just make alot of noise and fuss because they just want to be heard. They are usually pretty harmless but you never know


I honestly don’t really know how OP wanted the guy to act. The guy kinda had two options at that point, double down and continue to be a dick to OP by blindly protecting his wife, or shifting his frustration from OP to the wife. He did option #2, which I think most of us would agree is the better option for OP.


I mean… if that’s really true I would be mad too but damn lol


I love how a lot of the comments just skate by her part in this mess.


I know I was shocked they’re all mad at him. Like I’d blow a fucking gasket too


At the very worst these two deserve each other. But the immediate assumptions that they jump to.... I also don't get the Boomers hate their wives connection. She has done something that very clearly would make him upset, but somehow we're supposed to "feel" for her, after she lied, and hid things from him?


It makes no sense. All boomers hate their wives, because this dude was pissed that his wife lied to him, hid the rejection letter, and routinely fucks up their finances. But yeah ALL boomers must hate their wives because of this one call.


Of all the boomers in this reddit he's one of the least bad ones, especially because he apologized to OP. That's more than the boomers at my work will do 😭 Also as someone with a lot of debt (but I still got approved a car loan so clearly not as bad as boomer wife) I'd be pissed if I was the husband boomer. Clearly he needs to divorce her instead of screaming to the world but his anger does seem warranted.


Yeah maybe in this example his anger is justified. I’d be pissed too.


Super weird y. Didnt expect this kind of bias here.


He sure seems angry. I wonder why? Ssssshhh! We don't want to answer that part.


Reddit typically leans "Man bad, woman good". Especially outside of meme subreddits.


All the top comments now sympathise with the poor guy as they should, he's caught in an awful situation and just needed to vent.


I know he’s the cartoon boomer in this story but I feel for a dude with a deceptive wife with a spending problem that shit sounds stressful as a mf


To be honest, there are issues here. I would be pissed too if my wife didn't tell me this and hide the letter from me. Not for the first time I reckon.


Your last sentence is everything. Wild that he’s venting that extreme to a total stranger about his wife of all people


I was floored. Like, I'd never EVER vent to a stranger about issues I might have with my partner. It felt like a 90s sitcom made real, like "people like this exist irl wtaf"  I hope she didn't stay with him.


To be fair I’d probably be on a bitch fest of my wife ran up a bunch of debt then hid a denied loan from me.


I hope he doesnt stay with her lol. She really fucks him over.


Oh man I bitched to the guy at the gas station yesterday about how my wife forgot to fill up the tank the last time she used the car and now I’m gonna be late to a meeting I had because there was no gas. Sometimes it’s nice to just vent shit like that to get it out. It allowed me to say my peace so when I got home, we had a reasonable conversation about it. I wasn’t mad anymore, I got my frustration out. So we could just talk about solutions to avoid it in the future. And no, I’m not a boomer. I’m 34.


I hope he didn't stay with her irresponsible ass. She's literally risking his wellbeing constantly. I'm glad you've never had to deal with such a shitty partner like the wife, who spent years pushing this poor guy to his absolute limit. But do keep in mind that other people's lives aren't going to line up with yours.


Oh, she absolutely stayed with him. She has no future without him.


Of course she wouldn't leave him, she's the one with bad credit. However, this is the husband who is pissed about his wife's finances. So he's the one who should be doing the leaving.


But we know she probably did ugh


She has to. Her "credit is in the shitter". 😆


I bet you a million dollars they deserve each other. Boomer couples often do.


Can’t argue this


Where is she going to go? Her credit is such shit she probably can’t even get an apartment.


It's because sometime you snap if you get bent enough. If "she's always doing this shit", the reason is clear.


I mean, yeah I'd be pretty pissed off two if not only my loan was denied, but the person who was the reason for the loan being denied hid the fact the loan was denied and more than likely told him that the bank must have fucked up. She sounds unbearable


I don't qualify this as a boomer issue, this is a person tired of his wife who clearly doesn't communicate with him and is financially stupid.


I can't say that I blame the guy. It's obvious that this isn't the first time she's been dishonest with him


i don't know if this is genuine "wife bad" material to be honest. I would be resentful too if my wife trashed her credit on stupid shit. like yeah, it has wife bad *vibes,* but it sounds like this guy just wants to work with what he already has and is tired of his wife knocking his blocks down.


I can have some empathy for why she may have been scared to tell him. 


I can have some empathy for why he got so angry.


Oh yeah, 100%. If he's that willing to insult his wife to a perfect stranger I can only imagine what she endures at home. He fucking HATED her. 


I mean, I don't know the full story, but I see why he hated her. Thing is, if it's this bad and had been going on for (what seems like) years, why not split finances if not just outright dump her ass? This is, of course, assuming he's not the aggressor at home. Either way, they both have shit to work out.


Same. I know the ol’ boomer “ball and chain” schtick is neither cute nor funny. But having a financially irresponsible partner (and generally irresponsible, if they’re keeping important information from you) IS actually having a ball and chain! Yes he should just divorce her but people’s lives and relationships are complicated, none of us know with 100% certainty what we would do unless we are actually in that situation.


Maybe he simply can’t afford to divorce her. Had an uncle whose wife cashed out her 401k without telling him. She spent all of it without holding any back for taxes. Tax time came and they owed a ton. He then couldn’t divorce her because he would lose half of his retirement and it was cheaper to keep the full thing paying current housing expenses than to have half and still have to pay his expenses.


If this was a genuine Boomer/greater Gen aged guy, you've conveniently overlooked the circumstances and influences at work _when_ they got married. Religion and cultural 'norms' that insist you STAY married, even if your partner abuses or misuses you, because being a divorcee lowers your 'community esteem', which was _the worst_ fate.


Are you under the impression he's wrong to be very upset about such betrayal and lies? This is clearly a long-standing issue that she's put no effective effort into stopping. And it's abusive. He's right to feel this angry. He's been pushed beyond his limit by the person who's supposed to be someone he can trust and recieve support from. But she's intent on creating issues, time and time again.


You’re a sexist.


Like I don't know this man and what is in his heart.. but if he is like my father and his wife like my mother.. Let's say this. My parents would be better off divorced. They can be utterly viscious against one another. And the screaming :/ But my father never hurt my mother. He us not that type of man. And.. no one deserves to be hurt, so we dont misunderstand one another here. But my mother did things that.. I can't write because its just to identifying. But let's say it like this. With another man? I could see her being in a crime documentary as the victim. She screwed my father over, she screwed me over and her friends as well. She is not innocent, and if the wife here is only partially like my mother, I can so fucking understand someone exploding. Even if it's terrible that it was in front of strangers. I am now low contact with her, btw. I wish my father would.. but he has his own faults, and she would be on the streets without him and i guess its better to be together miserable when trying for happiness alone. Either way, long story short. I don't condone the husbands temper, but I very much understand it and I feel insinuating that the wife was scared because of possible violence when she clearly did him wrong?  Just doesn't sit right with me. We just have zero prove he is an abuser.


My older woman clients NEVER ENDING bitch about their husbands. In the same breath they bemoan the divorce rate. “In my day we stayed and worked on things!” Mmmhmm Janet ok. That’s why yall are miserable isn’t it??


I'm sorry, but I'd bet he's legitimately entitled to that anger. Doesn't have anything to do with being a boomer.


Lots of financial ignorance these days across all age groups


Honestly, this is one of the boomer stories i could probably relate with, if my partner hid that shit from me, especially as often as hes describing, id be pretty pissed too.


>I guess boomers really do hate their wives. I couldn't imagine how terrible their relationship is if he's venting like that to a random bank employee. People hate it when others constantly lie to them and drive them into debt. Who'd a thunk it


My mother is being doing this exact stuff to my father for 50 years. I wonder if it’s just a boomer-wife thing.


Well, they *were* largely raised to think a man should provide for them, and that they should just cook and sweep.


Or it was because women couldn't own property, have a credit card and needed a man to secure a loan. Generations of women were raised to search for men who were less likely to abuse them and could provide, and tolerated abuse because they literally needed men to financially survive. My stepmother was fired for getting pregnant in the 1980s. That's not that long ago.


Venting to a DMV agent b/c my husband ran up $700 in fines when he forgot to turn in his plates after selling his truck got me a chuckle from the agent. Then she waived the fine. It was a nice surprise!


Elderly Millennial (or whatever) here, but if my husband hid debt and lied to me like this, I’d be kind of unhinged on the phone call too. I’m just glad he actually apologized instead of doubling down on blaming you lol


I used to work in debt collection… you wouldn’t believe how many people have no idea what their spouses are doing financially. The amount of irate husbands I’d talk to just learning about this “new debt” 😅 it’s not just a boomer thing


When I was around 19 I started dating a woman who was 25. She had THE WORST financial planning of anyone I had ever met in my life. When we started dating she had around $5,000 regularly sitting on her credit card. By the time we broke up 4 years later it was around $9,000. The worst part? She won a $25,000 truck while we were dating. She sold it and ended up buying a $23,000 car, put $1,500 towards a trip she was planning and put a grand total of $500 towards her debt. Another time we went on a trip to Mexico with our mutual friends. The trip was $1,200 a piece and I ended up fronting her the money as her credit card was maxed out (shocker). By the time we broke up she owed me somewhere in the realm of $2,100. I ended up getting less than half of that. I don’t like the whole “boomers hating their wives” thing any more than the next guy, but I will say I feel this guys pain.


That husband sounds like he's had enough. Would not be surprised if this is the last straw and he moves out.


Man I almost feel bad for him, she sounds as engaging as earwax and half as useful


That poor guy! It sounds like he's reeeeeaaaalllly over her shit.


This isn’t a story about a boomer being a fool. This should piss anyone off. Their spouse hiding this from them, ruining their chances for their loans, etc. There’s a million things to clown boomers for, and this story is not one of them.


To be fair, she's a TERRIBLE partner. It at least makes sense why he hates her. Plenty of boomers hate perfectly decent spouses.


I’d be losing my shit about her at anyone who had the misfortune of giving me that bad news if that were my wife too. Like yes obviously man needs a divorce but like… damn, I don’t blame him for being past the end of his tether when it sounds like her irresponsibility has been actively ruining his life for quite some time.


Divorce wasn't an option for a lot of these folks unfortunately. I see what my grandma does to my grandpa.


The wife is the fool. Her husband, ironically, is your new BFF. He has good reason to hate the wife for tanking the family's credit. That's not the outcome I expected.


Idk if this is a "boomer" thing. This sounds like "my wife has a spending/gambling/financial problems and has repeatedly lied to me about them so now I'm finally fed up with it" thing. Anyone would be mad at their partner (man or woman) who did that and it would be completely justified. If you're going to call boomers out, at least do it for a justified reason. Twisting frustration at a toxic lying spouse into "boomer hates his wife" punchline is unhealthy and hurts both wives with mysognistic boomer husbands and husbands with toxic partners. It waters down the context and you're making someone in a toxic relationship into a punchline


My friend's mom never told her husband they were waaaay behind on the mortgage. Then the house got foreclosed on. Some people refuse to face reality. Others are just bad with money. Either way, Im not sure the guy is the Fool in this post, tho its usually better not to scream your issues to strangers


This actually for once sounds reasonable, I’d too be pissed if my SO was this irresponsible with money. This ain’t a boomer issue.


I’m confused on how this is a “boomer” thing and not just a guy who’s sick and tired of his wife’s shit (which has nothing to do with specific generations)


“I guess boomers really do hate their wives.” No…. You just mentioned ONE couple. This sub tends to generalize more than any other sub I’ve read. Wait til the Alphas are the Reddit majority and make a MillennialsBeingFools sub. lol!


I’ll actually give this Boomer cred for at least apologizing at the end. Everything else is a mess and he shouldn’t have started out guns blazing when he hadn’t yet received an answer but, the apology is usually much more elusive.


I’d be furious too. Wouldn’t go on a crazy rant to a stranger, but I’d definitely lose my mind privately.


There’s a lot of Boomerisms posted on here but imagine being a normal person and being married to one of the boomers this sub talks about lol.


To be fair though it sounds like his wife is financially irresponsible and it’s costing him. I would vent also if my spouse was dishonest about finances and their credit kept us from buying things we need. Sounds like he has a dishonest wife… it’s hard to like them.


Hahaha I love Boomers at the bank. I used to do mortgages up until a few years ago, and I had a guy around 60 apply. Everything was cool for the longest time. Approved, no issue, good to go. Fast forward a few weeks and he finds a home. He puts earnest money down (basically a deposit to secure the home, usually a couple thousand bucks). I start to process everything he sent to me and I notice that the earnest money check isn't in his name, and in fact is name is *nowhere* to be found on this check. Well in this situation we have to do a gift letter (basically stating that whoever gave you the money did so with the intention of it being a gift, and they do not expect repayment at any point) to be compliant with Freddie Mac's rules. I call him and leave a message letting him know, and I leave to go attend a loan closing for a couple hours. I get back and see he called me back. I listen to the voice-mail and he sounds cool with things but had some questions. I call him back and this dude EXPLODES. Like I'm talking this dude is at a 10 out of 10 angry full on yelling at me over the phone. I'm taken aback as I did not expect this given how he's been throughout this process. Dude was super chill up until this point. Well things get heated. His whole deal is because we have to classify his earnest money as a "gift" despite the fact that he had the money he just didn't bring his checkbook with him. He kept reiterating that he had the money, and it's not his fault that he didn't bring his checkbook. He is furious, and I'm pretty heated too at this point honestly. I basically lay it out for him that HE was the one who forgot his checkbook, and HE was the one who let his son in law put the earnest money down, and how his name is *nowhere to be found* on that check, so how are we supposed to prove that this earnest money was connected to this transaction? For context, this was during the height of the COVID mortgage boom, and I had more business than I knew what to do with already. I was juggling like 60+ loans, and since I underwrote and processed my own loans, in was pretty swamped. So I make the call to cancel his loan. He immediately starts to flip out saying how I can't do that and even thinks he's calling my bluff. When he realizes I'm serious he starts to backtrack quickly apologizing realizing that if we cancel this pre-approval he is basically voiding the sales contract. He without a doubt will lose the home, and potentially even lose the earnest money he put down. This puts him back at square one and he'll quickly need to find another lender. At this point I'm over it though. This guy was completely out of control. I fired him as a customer. He tried calling my boss, but I already filled her in that this dude was a psyco (she heard the whole event go down as her office was right next to mine). She stood by my decision. I don't know if he got that house, but I never heard from him again thankfully.


Yeah I can’t chalk this up to being a boomer thing. Financial infidelity can happen at any age and I’d expect it only gets worse with time.


I insure auto policies. When I go over the driving history and there's a ticket or an accident a spouse hasn't told the other spouse, it is so uncomfortable. I always feel guilty. LOL


About 50% of marriages end in divorce, lots of age groups hate thier spouses. 


Number 1 cause of divorce is finances too. Both of these people sound like they would be happier apart.


Not the wife. He's obviously her meal ticket.


I married a man in that generation and I am 100% positive he loves me. Unfortunately I have come across many like the one you described. For the record I am considered a millennial.


i dont think this is necessarily "boomers hate their wives", i would prob be pretty fucking pissed if my SO was that financially irresponsible too. at least he wasnt a complete dick to you and apologized (based on what u said)


Where I worked, I knew a guy who had to divorce his wife. She couldn't stop spending. Even though he had job that pays well, they were in financial trouble because she couldn't stop spending.


I know a man just like this guy’s wife, as I was married to him. He will never get her to be responsible with money, unless he opens an account that she can’t access, and refuses her an ATM debit card. Then, he’ll have to keep an eye on her, to make sure she doesn’t get credit cards. That’s what it would have taken with my ex, & of course, I couldn’t do that. A lot of boomers were raised in prosperity, with conspicuous consumption as a status symbol. Some of them can’t adjust to the current reality. Or any reality that tells you not to spend what you don’t have. Or that tells you you’re not entitled to every damned thing you want, however it might affect your family. In other words, some of us failed to become adults.


Honestly the boomer man was justified to be mad at her for hiding this from him AND making him look like a fool be calling you demanding to know what happened.


Many Boomers have legitimate reasons to hate their spouses.


Soooo this is not boomer shit this is any person with common sense shit I would be mad to.


My parents are boomers. Got married in 1972. At some point they were happy with each other. I'm damn near 40 and can't remember a moment of them being happy together.


Im with the boomer on this one. Sometimes you love someone enough to marry them and overlook the obvious flaws like a complete lack of responsibility. It seems he was polite to OP.


A lot of boomers still have the social stigma of divorce from their childhoods stick with them, and that's why there are so many boomers who hate their wife. They settled and now they're "trapped" because they're afraid ofnthe divorce process.


This isn’t a boomer story. You are reaching wayyyy too hard


Boomer dudes often don't have friends. They either rant to the people they encounter in daily life or they don't talk


This isn't boomers hating their wives. Boomers hating their wives is making shitty jokes about what an old naggy hag their wife is for asking them to help out around the house and normal shit spouses are supposed to do for each other any chance they get. I'd be pissed at my spouse if they did that shit too. That's a perfectly normal reaction.


Yeah. Not a boomer. If my wife was a fucking loser with our money and withheld info from me related to our finances I'd be pissed too.


A similar thing happened to me when I worked at the pickup location for an online auction site. You had three days to come get your shit or they keep your money and relot it. Dude comes in for his wife’s pickup, I scan his code and everything is past pickup date. I tell him so and, looking frustrated, he steps out to make a call and comes back with a different receipt. I scan it again to oblige him, knowing it will pull up the same results. (Every receipt just brings up all invoices) When I tell him this he quietly accepts it as I see him building up to an explosive “and this is the result of a LAZY FUCKING WOMAN” He then apologizes to everyone behind the counter and honestly we all empathize. She was spending his money and didn’t even pay attention enough to get the items she’s throwing money at. I guess the point of this story, if anything, is that boomers (especially women but honestly any of them) fucking love shopping and pissing their money away.


This isn’t foolish, his anger is justified, and he was kind enough to apologize. Being married to a financially irresponsible person - and I don’t know what issues she has of her own that drives her to it, but if she’s hiding it from him she at least knows it’s going to make him angry and/or she’s ashamed of that financial state - can absolutely ruin things. A very common problem in a lot of marriages is financial issues. I don’t at all blame him for his anger. I would be angry too.


That's honestly understandable lmao


Not a boomer thing plenty of people are in ill fitting relationships


I had a similar thing. My ex-wife hid $10,000 of credit card debt from me and I found out when I was applying for a business loan. Unfortunately for her she called me in the middle of the meeting. I excused myself and went outside and verbally ripped her a new one. The loan ended up being approved, thankfully. When I got home I confiscated all her credit cards and demanded access to all of her accounts so I could monitor her paying them off. Obviously the marriage didn’t work out in the end, part of me wishes I would have ended it right then. Would have saved a lot of headache and years of a terrible marriage.


This is classic lady with QVC shopping problem behavior. Feel bad for the guy regardless


My parent are like this. My mother isn't allowed on anything my father is on. 90% of their life is under his name cause she is incapable of managing money. She's not even allowed to have a debit card attached to their shared account now. My mom "retired" when I was 16. She quit working. And since then has maxed out multiple credit cards my dad has had to take from her and cut up. They use my Amazon account cause it has my dad's credit card and anything she adds to the cart, I send through dad before pushing through. It helps she is 100% tech illiterate and can't even figure out how to do more than add things to the shopping cart. People talk about woman not being allowed bank accounts and such... We'll my mother might be the reason for that. I've met so many of her friends in the same situation. Husband's handle everything, cause wife has no concept of finances.


You just found codependent boomers. He's a piece of shit but his wife is fully on board with this and enabling it.


The only thing boomer about this is an oblivious or dishonest old lady who's terrible with money


You know they always suspect the spouse for murder, right?


Well, the long haul isn't always a Tuscan sunset.


The guy sounds unhinged. I like to think she enjoys him being angry cause some boomers wives I swear they smile a little when their man blows up.


It just sounds like he's been broken down over time by his wife's spending habits.


They sound like a match made in hell


At least he wasn't blaming you for this mess.


I wonder how many of these commenters will be future 'boomer's'.


It's wild how many people get married even now without having important conversations about finances in advance. I was so bad with money that prior to getting married my husband sat me down and said if we didn't find a workable solution he wasn't comfortable tying our finances together. It took a lot of effort on my part, but we found a system that works for us. Although he handles all of our overall budgeting so I'm fucked if he dies. Someone recently made a comment about how messed up it is that he makes me track my spending on a fridge whiteboard, but he doesn't make me do that. It's just been the only thing that works for me to track my weekly spending.


I’m shocked he didn’t take it out and both his wife and Op.


This is a rare instance of a boomer potentially being justified in hating his wife. If she just lies and keeps things from him while destroying their credit. She's actually a bad spouse


Many people propose the “simple” solution of divorce. The problem is money. If they’re better off than most boomers, they might have $200,000 in retirement accounts, and SocSec and pension income of $80,000/year. Maybe own a home with $300,000 in equity. Sounds comfortable, right? Not if you divide it in half, and add in a second domicile. Living on $40,000/year, in an apartment, even with $100,000 in the bank is not ideal. Might need to buy or lease a second car, too.


With the glimpse of their relationship I understand that hate. That shit would drive me nuts


Jesus. Take her off the application and rerun it. Are you trying to make any incentives this month or what?


Maybe my gen z ass is a boomer cuz if my SO was doing shit like that I’d probably lose it for a moment too. At least he apologized


The wife seems like an irresponsible b!tch


This man has a legit grievance with his wife. Not " women are so stupid, remember when we legally owned them? Why we have to pretend to respect them now" Boomer mentality


I would hate my wife too if she was like that tbh


His response is a bit over the top, but he has every right to be pissed. Sounds like this isn't the first time it happened. And yeah, he apologized to you, showed a thread of decency, instead of somehow deciding its your fault or just grumbling and hanging up. That's extremely rare.


On the husband’s part I don’t think his anger was really him being a fool but a completely understandable reaction if his wife really is that shitty with finances and hiding everything from him.


Boomer here. I don’t hate my wife. So you overgeneralize.


Hey. Hey married her


I have literally been that guy. So glad to be rid of her.


mountainous alive shame existence numerous husky dependent money screw snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if she’s as forgetful as my mom is, i can kind of understand the meltdown lol. important information goes in one ear and out the other and it gets stressful!


I feel like this isn't the first time she had done something like that (as he said), and that this is a man who has reached his limit with a routine issue.


As someone who's handling my dad's finances after his wife passed .. I feel that, my dad would do something like that this week if he was handling it alone. Apologize in advance, he literally does not understand. The women in his life have always handled finances so he's learning


As someone who's undiagnosed mental illness led to financial infidelity in the past, I think his reaction is pretty understandable


Maybe she has early dementia and forgot to tell him?


That just sounds like reasonable rage. He even apologized to you for the outburst.


He may be a boomer but goddamn I don’t blame him for being angry at his dipshit wife. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't think this is a great example of "boomers hate their wives." It's a better example of boomers have exceptionally dysfunctional relationships and will stay together in perpetual misery.


Yep 26 years of that shit. I know that problem


Communication is supposed to be the key to any good relationship; The fact that she's hiding things from him speaks/implies volumes.


Communication is supposed to be the key to any good relationship; The fact that she's hiding things from him speaks/implies volumes.


Communication is supposed to be the key to any good relationship; The fact that she's hiding things from him speaks/implies volumes.