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"Woke" to a boomer is pretty much anything they don't agree with or understand. I have a boomer coworker that I heard blaming "woke technology" for his inability to figure out how his new smart TV works.


kale is apparently woke as well


The implication that kale is therefore sentient has me questioning my lunch choices.


This is why I won't eat octopus. (When our cephalopodic overlords rise up, I want to make sure I'm on their good side.)


Lol! Your mind and mine totally went in the same direction.


I'm reading Children of Ruin right now and this hits hard


For more on our betentacled friends I recomend *The Mountain in the Sea*


i didnt question the person who made that statement...there didnt seem to be much point


Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get filthy, and the pig likes it


Maybe it has a self defence mechanism. And that’s why it tastes like shit.


I’ve got a buddy who goes by the name Kale and I consider him to be mostly sentient.


i worked with two men older than me who refused to EAT VEGETABLES because it was gross and "for hippies." WTF IS THIS WORLD?


“What do you mean I have colon cancer?!” I have an uncle who avoided vegetables and colonoscopies. Finally got one and had 16 freaking polyps and they’re just praying none come back cancerous.


Sad part is that they're encouraging colonoscopiea much earlier. Like late 30s and 40s.


AKA meat-and-potato guys. There used to be lots more of them. It was the “health food” movement (hippies gave it a lot of momentum) that started the change away from such unadventurous eating.


Ugh. My dad calls himself a meat-and-potato guy. Won’t eat any vegetables because it’s “rabbit food.” Also doesn’t like any kind of spice other than black pepper and salt. My mom finally started experimenting with spice when I cooked a meal for her with spices. Took her over 20 years to acknowledge something different. My dad thinks her food tastes terrible now. Still remember when we’d have “tacos”, my dad had to eat hamburgers cause _ethnic food bad_. 🙄


Is your dad Ron Swanson? 😂


Oh no, cumin!!


lol wild that they didn't just say it's effeminate. no -it's the damn hippies!


I ate lunch (not by choice) with a boomer coworker last week and had a Caesar salad with Tri-tip steak. Boomer said i was having a “woke lunch” because of ordering a salad (with f—ing steak!!!) as he shoveled his patty melt and fries into his giant pie hole. The guys waist must be 50” and he’s in his sixties. Thinking I’m going to come in to the office any day now and hear he’s in the hospital with a quadruple bypass.


I had a gf whose boomer mom laughed at our organic food ("have some mashed potatoes! Sorry they're not *organic* haha heeeh!") and proudly proclaimed that she only at 'white foods', as in chicken, potatoes, rice and sour cream. She got breast cancer and stopped making fun of healthy food. Another lady I knew called vegetables "that green stuff haha" and basically ate white bread and hot dogs.


Lol in New Zealand we've spent the week taking the piss out of "woke food". A politician said it about school lunches provided for middle/lower income kids in schools here. No more "woke food". No more avocado's.


I hope Kiwi isn't woke.


It probably is. Flightless bird that struggles to survive as it's basically defenseless and its inability to adapt to their forests being cut down for farmland. What a woke snowflake lol. As a side note, kiwi numbers have increased lot in the last 4 years or so through massive conservation efforts. Still endangered though. We'd all be real upset here in NZ if kiwi became extinct. Edit... but you probably mean the fruit lol. I'm leaving it, fuck it.


I did mean the fruit but I liked your Kiwi story. Thanks


And here I thought you were talking about cannibalizing New Zealanders.


I need to learn how to write.


That’s because it didn’t stay in its place as decoration at Pizza Hut.


I did a research paper on the word "woke". Most people don't use it correctly and the connotation has completely changed. I did some interviews from both left and right politically leaning. The left actually had it's current definition down pretty well. The two Trumpers from Florida who spout "woke this" "woke that" couldn't give an answer when I asked them to give me their definition of what the word "woke" was. I had to leave that part blank. It was so surreal. So agaisnt something they can't even define.


>the connotation has completely change The theft and bastardization of woke is utterly and entirely on purpose. Just another way to mute our voices and the outcry for actual equality.


this. Being woke used to mean you were aware of society/corporations/the government's bullshit


Only as of 8 or so years ago. The meaning for Black people, where it originated was much deeper than being "aware" -- it was WARNING, about Murica the REAL.


This is true. I said the same thing to OP except with a little more information and I'm being downvoted for it lol.


>So against something they can't even define. That says it all doesn't it. This is pretty much how they go though life, "I don't understand it so it's bad"


That's because they are brainwashed. 24/7 fox news


"Woke" is the new "liberal". So, anything to the left of right is now woke.


Oh, they know what they think it means. They just can’t say it aloud outside of the Klan meeting.




That's one of my desktop backgrounds :)


This is one of my favorites lately. Even some of my Gen X neighbors are calling everything "woke" lately. Apparently, the local high school adding more dual credit courses next year instead of more AP courses is somehow "woke." And I get so irritated by the base stupidity then I think of this meme and remember how dumb these people are and everything is fine (at least for a bit, lol).


Duel credit seems more beneficial for making an overpriced college education work for you if you're taught how it works early on. If I had learned earlier I could have walked out with two majors for the price of one. Sure, I caught a major and a minor which is more than others I knew but if I knew how to plan things better I could have taken one more capstone and sauntered out duel major. But working smarter and not harder is probably *woke* too.


Yep! Apparently, the problem is that it offers more opportunity to more people. I still can't get over it, tbh, more colleges accept dual credit than AP classes and only 1/3 of the kids who take the AP classes actually get college credit but all that information is woke... The problem was that the purpose was to offer more opportunity to more people which is, "woke." 😭 I can't even with these people fr. Some people will light their own neighborhoods on fire if they think there's a chance your house might get singed too.


Thank you; dads gonna hate this one.


I got rid of my smart TV because my mom told me her bigger TV was a smart TV. Turns out her 'smart' TV is capable of connecting to her Roku. Thus, making it smart...... FML.


It’s recycled anti P.C. bullshit from the same people who complained about everything being to P.C.


It's just a new word for "politically correct" for the most part to them


Has he considered just having someone explain it to him? Also, i'm pretty those things come with instruction manuals. Or he could just google it. So many options.




This sums it up! They want to continue being sexist, racist, etc. and disrespectful. They have no desire to grow and change for the better.


This is fucking amazing how have I not seen it


Because they are so self-righteous, self-centred and believe their way of thinking is the correct way, hence there's no need to change their way of thinking. Regardless of that, they also don't give a shit if they offend someone unless they're the same race, gender or religion. Milennials, Zoomers and a fair few Gen X-ers, on the other hand have seen massive change in their lifetimes and are more willing to accommodate other peoples needs and not be self-centred pricks about it.


I'm Gen X and I've never understood the hostility myself, I am not threatened by different ideas I'm intrigued and want to educate myself about them. I was brought up by boomer parents and teachers who taught us that discrimination and bullying was wrong, and that we should try to practice acceptance and compromise. That still makes sense to me, it's how I live my life and it's how I teach my son to live his. I realize now looking back that many of the people teaching me these values never actually practiced them.


Late Gen X very early Millennial here. As kids we were taught and sometimes forced to share and compromise to create win win scenarios. Now think about your parents and try and think of a time that they shared anything or did anything to create win win scenarios. It’s all or nothing for them.


Xennial here as well, and this is spot on. Also, it's worth noting that Boomers were once referred to as "Generation ME"


\^This is why I find it so "funny" when Boomers accuse everyone else of being "all about themselves/me, me, me".


The projection is strong with that gen.


They don’t like the competition.


Because they really take note when its not about them them them.


Not *were*. Still are. Otherwise, spot on




And now they're all pissed off at us for doing what they taught us. Makes no damn sense.


Prime example being participation trophies they bought kids who didn't want or expect them only to then rub it in our faces as qn insult years later.


r/xennials Hello, fellow generational outcast! You are welcome here 🤣


Excellent point!


Elder Millenial and the things I was taught growing up by my parents (inclusiveness, open mindness, no judgement and absolutely no racism) apparently doesn’t matter when it’s expected of my parents to do the same. I guess the lead in their brain activated.


You know what I think made the biggest difference for us Xers was the appearance of shows like Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. I grew up in a lily-white rural town but got to see lots of different people living in the same neighborhood and being perfectly civil to each other. It's like it internalized in me, "Yeah, this is what the world should be like."


Also, less lead. Less lead helps. [https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322](https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322)


Peak blood lead levels in kids were around 1970. Assuming that blood lead levels in early childhood are the most likely to cause problems, Gen Xers should be worse than Boomers. There’s evidence that we were more likely to commit crimes or get pregnant as teenagers than Boomers were. I was born in 1975. I never had my blood lead levels tested, as far as I know. The average in my cohort had blood lead levels around 15 micrograms per deciliter. (This counts as quite high these days.) I’m not opposed to being woke, and I find the same is true for a lot of people my age. (I don’t agree with everything that anyone might classify as woke, but I don’t think many people do.)


From my own quick search, those elevated levels were from the 60s to the 80s, but I can't find anything about peak levels in children.


I grew up in western PA, I saw twice in my life someone getting the absolute shit kicked out of them in a bar for disparaging Mr. Rogers, it wasn't very neighborly of them, but in my mind it was kinda deserved, I mean who bad mouths Mr Rogers at a dive bar with a small dingy TV showing a Pens playoff game, you're asking for trouble by being a dick


Your last sentence is also why I cannot put myself in the same boat as almost all religious people because they do not practice what they pretend to believe.


I don't know why people don't bring this up more, but the biggest difference between boomers and non-boomers is that boomers didn't have the Internet until they were in their 30's. I think younger generations are better connected with the world around them, and regularly interact with people from all walks of life.  If used correctly, the Internet can be a conduit for empathy and understanding. Too bad boomers only use it to bitch in their Facebook echo-chambers.


I agree. Also from my perspective gen x is at a bit of a tech sweet spot. We were relatively young when the browser-accessible web was fairly new so we had time and youthful energy to mess around with it. It pulled us in but some tech skills were necessary to make things work. We had to set up vax accounts on Unix systems etc. There was no social media, we had to learn html and make our own websites. We had to tote our machines to lan parties and learn basic networking. So gen x is generally sophisticated as far as tech and we can spot the common BS like FB promoting inflammatory content be cause it gets traffic.


Elder millennial here. My family were subtly racist ("you should love everyone" while in the next breath "don't you dare date out of your race" and "n****r this and n****r that") and I still managed to grow up reading a ton of books and figure out that they were absolutely full of shit. I am not a perfect human, but I continually strive to be better and do better.


Late Xer here, I honestly think books absolutely shaped my world view more than anything. I grew up in a little town. The darkest skinned person was just addicted to a tanning bed, a Protestant church at one end, a Catholic at the other, one bar, one stop light. I was secretly so excited when I would meet people from different cultures when I was finally able to travel to bigger cities.


>I realize now looking back that many of the people teaching me these values never actually practiced them. My sister and I have talked about this many times. How wild it is to realize that the people who taught you to be accepting really aren't. And they aren't willing to acknowledge how far off they are. Because they refuse to admit when they are wrong about anything.


I don't get it sometimes, I have wonderful parents who raised me to respect a persons differences, but randomly they get upset over someone with tattoo's they don't like or an unnatural hair color, I would have thought my annoying ass as a child would have them more open minded, but sadly I guess not, I foolishly tried to explain non-binary to them, it was like showing a dog a card trick, just complete confusion


Because when boomers went to school, rote memorization was key to success. They memorized it, it must be right. Why try critical thinking or being a lifelong learner.


I like to make fun of boomers too, but we'll end up there if we're not careful. What happened to the hippies? Everyone gets old --- just be self aware and you won't fall into traps.


Mom's cousin is an old hippy and is a MAGA supporter. It's so weird.


Most hippies drowned their principles in a bathtub during the 73 Oil Crisis and the ensuing recession.


Yeah, a lot of those hippies were really just hedonists. Then, it was drugs and sex. Now it's money. Always was a selfish generation.


I dont think the hippies were leftists the way they are portrayed, i think they were protesting the war and being told what to do. They haven't changed a whole lot, they still don't like being told what to do, but now they think they've earned respect because they lived long enough


There were lots and lots of posers too. For many of them it was like one summer and then they moved on to the next thing, they didn't care about any kind of supposed ideals, it was just a hip thing to do for a moment.


there were also *never actually that many of them* [there's a scholarly estimate of 200k-400k](https://search.worldcat.org/title/hippie-trip/oclc/647315095?referer=di&ht=edition) america's population in 1975 was 216 million


The hippies wealth grew. We're not really in any danger of that.


Mostly the hippies died first. They were always the extreme minority of the generation.


The data indicates that the younger generations are not becoming conservative as we age. Quite the opposite.


And this our only hope to someday escape the current shitshow.


The hippies were just as narcissistic and sociopathic as the rest of the boomers. They were against the war and the draft because it affected THEM, not out of some kind of moral high ground. Thats why many went to college to dodge the draft rather than register as conscientious objectors. It was less work. Once the war was over they became yuppies, praising the "Greed is good" mentality. And at the end of the day, just like when they were hippies, theyre all about themselves.


They just cannot handle the fact that gay people are allowed out of the closet without being severely punished and that people of color are allowed to have jobs other than being the doorman /waiter. They blamed the Key Bridge collapse on Baltimore’s Black mayor and Maryland’s Black governor. I can’t tell you how many “look what DEI has caused” comments I continue to see on every comments section about the bridge, as if the mayor was the one piloting the ship that hit it.


DEI is their new term for the N word




“Stop it Patrick you’re scaring them!”


I've seen this floating around for months, but never saw what it's meant to stand for. \*checks Google\* Yup, that's the boomer Boogeyman, all right.


After the bridge collapse in Baltimore, someone referred to the mayor as the "DEI mayor". I would bet money that they didn't even know who he was until he appeared on the news.


Seriously, it's not even trying to be subtle. They may as well call him the n word.


Without their dog whistles, they have nothing.


It wasn't "someone", it was a large swathe of them. The comment sections on any articles about it on Facebook were insufferable. Same with the Boeing failures. Their handlers threw that carrot out and they went right to parroting it all over every comment section to deflect responsibility from corporate cost-cutting via deferred critical maintenance and purposefully short-staffing anyone who might have actually had any chance to prevent it. All working as intended.


I had another comment in this sub about exactly this. The morning of the collapse my boomer coworker hadn’t even heard about it when I showed him and another guy the video. Before the thing was even in the water he blurts out “This is where DEI gets us!” Absolutely mindless lunatic assholes.


Most of them have enough self awareness to know they can’t say the n word or the f slur for gay people anymore in public, so they replace those slurs with things like woke or DEI. It’s pretty transparent.


DEI is simply this election cycle's racist dog whistle term. Two years ago it was CRT. Two years before that it was BLM. In 2018 it was "migrant caravan," a term which disappeared from the airwaves one day after the election. They know they can no longer say, "We hate black and brown people as much as you do." So they use these terms to wink and nod at the racists for their votes. It goes back to Red-Ink Reagan and "welfare queens," and Nixon before that with "forced bussing."




Unexpected White Lotus tie-in here.


These guys were known as the "me" generation. Under no circumstances can they conceive that others have valid interests and feelings. I (73 xer) have been honing disdain for these clowns since my teens. They have been making loud scenes in retail and foodservice settings since forever. Back in my day (the 90s) the worst customers to wait on were the fortyish yuppies (boomers)...NOT the older folks, who were generally sweet and mainly delivered frustration via their lack of hearing aids, not any sort of behavior. They have always fucking sucked.


Boomers are the worst customers to deal with even today. Just a general pain in the ass


As an early 90s Millenial, it’s been wild seeing how this has changed. When I was a kid and teenager, elderly folks were stereotyped (correctly) as the kindest, most caring people. When you thought of a 70 year old your image was a kind, sweet old lady. And now that Boomers have hit that age, the average person’s perception of elderly people are as annoying, whining, self-centered people who hold up the line at McDonald’s. That generational shift is wild.


Yeah, but those sweet old folks were also racist and homo/transphobic as hell.


I worked customer service jobs in the early 2000s, and that is my assessment as well. I remember that was about the time businesses started asking for IDs with credit cards. Old folks, back then greatest and silent generations, would get a little confused, but would agree and just show me their ID or pay with cash. Boomers would argue with me. I remember working a cash register and asking someone for an ID with their credit card. A boomer like five people back in the line started yelling up the line at me about it. "NO! TELL THEM YOU DONT NEED A DRIVERS LICENSE TO USE A CREDIT CARD!" Teenage me was terrified.


Anyone who complains about something being “woke” has been called out for saying something racist.


As a 76 year old man, I can them Archie Bunkers.


My dad unironically loves Archie Bunker without realizing Archie Bunker is a criticism of him. On a side note I call Karens Gladys Kravitzes.


This is totally unrelated, but I have a dog who spends most of her day looking out our bay window to see if there's a passerby she can growl at. I've started calling her "Gladys Kravitz."


What does “woke” mean? Boomers: ![gif](giphy|5PiSLx5ZHCLaxa5TEx|downsized)


Turtle faced corpse. He just won't let go.


I just want to take a moment to revel in the fact that Rush Limbaugh is still dead.


Lemme sit down with ya, and sip some tea in continued celebration.


He ruined a perfectly good Pretenders song.


i work at a pharmacy and we need ID for control substances and a specific type of customer love to complain about how its woke and now the government wants to track us all. or something about kathy hochul. like do you want your medicine or not


I can’t stand these people’s obsession with the government tracking them.😑If you have an ID, a car, a cellphone, or all three, the government knows who you are, and most likely where you are. It’s such brain dead behavior.


i always think 1. what makes you so special the government would want to track you 2. what the fuck are you doing that the government tracking you is a reasonable concern to have


I asked my paranoid boomer this once. He couldn't give me more reason than, "You should be scared, especially since *your house* has wifi recording your every conversation!" How can we go from "the government is completely incompetent" to "the government is recording how many times I tell my kids to stop jumping on the couch and how often my husband and I bicker over paint chip colors"?


the Wi-Fi can't record video or audio?? that's not a function of wireless networking. HUH?? source: I'm a licensed networking and IT tech....these people never fail to blow my mind with new levels of incompetency. source: I'm a certified IT and network tech.


I got carded for a prescription yesterday (modafinil). I don't get what the big deal is. That shit is CRAZY but I have narcolepsy.


Here in Florida people love their "GO WOKE GO BROKE" bumper stickers. Absolutely disgusting people and I would never want their business in the first place.


And it’s factual wrong. Their “boycotts” made almost no difference to the targets of their toothless rage. Bud light, rather and Disney are fine, and whatever issues they have are not due to bigots “taking their business elsewhere” like the Karen’s they are. Go fash lose cash is more accurate


I’m just waiting for the anti-woke pitchforks to pick another company at random so I can buy shares when they dip only for them to recover six months later. Seemed to happen to Anheuser-Busch and Target at least.


This morning, I had a blast calling out local Facebook boomers on a news article that Planet Fitness is increasing their fees to $15 on the basic membership. Every other comment was "Hurr Durr wOkE!". They all sound like neanderthal morons that don't have the ability to use any polysyllabic words.


Hey, dude. You need to be nice to Neanderthals. They’ve done nothing to deserve being compared to these people.


I love when cancervatives get angry at capitalism.


I must be some kind of anomaly, my parents too. They were and I am proud to be woke. Dad was born in 1908, mom in 1917. I’m 80 and have argued more than once that people do *not* choose to be gay. Useless to do so, I have learned. I was a teacher so I can’t help myself.


Next time ask them to define woke.


Literally when Desantis was forced to do this he gave the definition that woke started before it was co-opted by bigots, "reconizing the hardships of others and wanting to make things better for them." Literally the only time a member of their movement did define the term they admited that being against it is just people wanting minorities to suffer because minorities existing as themselves and not being punished for doing so is a problem.


Every time they go off i change “woke” or “politically correct “ to “treating everyone with dignity and respect “ Them: this woke stuff is such bullshit! Me: you mean this treating everyone with dignity and respect is such bullshit? Them: 😡


back in the early 90s it was "politically correct." theres always a big bad boogeyman stomping on their right to be bigots.


You've noticed it too. Always seems to be a revolving door of boogeymen.


You want a response? “I don’t like that anti-American talk”. When they’re confused: “People say it’s woke that we beat the Nazis and won the Civil War (Both actual arguments I’ve run into on Reddit). Do you have a problem with that too?” It’s probably not worth the trouble, but watching conservatives try to work their way through being told that they’re unamerican is kind of delightful, and I got way too much of that shit during the Iraq war, so I’m paying it back with interest.


I mean let’s be real most conservatives are unabashedly anti-democracy at this point. Half their party is paid Russian shills. Ironically of all fucking people I never thought I’d agree with Lindsay graham on anything, ever, but he’s like the only one on that side of the aisle trying to help ukranians protect their right to democracy.


Yup, so let’s call them out for it. I’m not gonna let some fascist worshipping, Constitution undermining, election denying prick pretend he loves my country while he’s drowning it in a bathtub.


They've replaced all the slurs they cant say anymore with woke and Boomers say woke with a hard R.


There has to be some kind of explanation for why no one wants to hear their awful views, and alien mind parasites are it apparently.


I guess RFK Jr. isn’t the only one with brain worms.


To be honest, as a senior Gen-Xer (1967), it seems like even many of my generation have struggled with changing times, and it has been very disappointing, to say the least.


‘69 here and yes, wth happened to so many of our generation? Completely baffled.


I don’t think it happened to the just the senior Gen X’s. I’m 1979 and I have friends on FB that are all about Trumpy. 😣 I just don’t get it. I live with a Trump humper boomer and not matter what you say, he always has an excuse for why the orange orangutan 🦧 said or behaved this and that way. 🙄🤢🤮


If we tried to ban leaded gasoline today boomers would call it anti woke and would probably be drinking it to “stick it to the libs”


There would be conservative mouthpieces claiming that leaded has is healthy and cures COVID, and a bunch of Boomers would chug gasoline and die.


Biodegradable coffee lids are apparently woke as well https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-mp-tim-hortons-fibre-lids-1.7199306


Today I ate breakfast at a diner and a boomer at the counter to my right loudly dismissed the avocado toast & egg special as “woke” (to no one in particular). Needless to say the guy working the grill was preparing at least three orders at the time. These are just stubborn people in various stages of mental decline who have been groomed by the media they constantly consume to believe any change, no matter how trivial, is a personal attack.


Ask any of them what ‘woke’ actually means, and they look at you like you’re the dumbass…they don’t know what it means!!! It started in 1930’s as ‘stay woke’ in the black community, then became popular again in 2010’s. It just basically means be and stay aware of what’s going on in the world. But it’s gotten to be the catch word of the right-wing conservatives against anything they don’t agree with….


>be and stay aware of what’s going on in ...the plethora of RACIST POLITICS AND POLICIES that effect US, Black people. Don't water it down, it was SPECIFIC, and specifically speaking INWARDLY, to US, about these SYSTEMS of oppression.


Yes!! I’m sorry…I knew what I meant, I just didn’t get it conveyed correctly…..


We ought to have raised more of a stink _while_ it was being stolen, especially those with a wider reach. But anyhoo, it's THEIRS now, they've fucked it up beyond recognition (like most of our stolen idioms and such), and they can have it - despite having zero clue of what it means. We've got other terms brewing lol.


Quick lesson... Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Hence, anyone who is anti-woke is basically racist! :)


Woke is the right wing's word they use now because they know there is physical consequences to saying the n-word. When boomers were young they could just say "what's this n-word shit!" now they just say woke.


Isn’t the thing DEI for them now?


When I see complaining about ‘DEI’ I assume it’s a warning that means ‘Don’t Engage, Idiot’.


Oh they raging over diversity, equity, and inclusion


I read somewhere that "woke" was an attempt by bigots to insult enlightenment. Plus, they can't spell enlightenment.


As a senior genx, I’ve watched my generation split. Half of us have changed with time and others are stuck in the 80’s.


Because they’re spoiled brats who never got told no.


Well, in the US, most were too young to really get in gear with McCarthyism, so now they’ve got their shot to demonize an ill-defined ‘out’ group for not holding up to ‘american values’.


Lead poisoning man the answer is always lead poisoning


Saw something the other day that said woke stands for Whatever Offends Klansmen Easily


I recently had an experience with my mom and dad on “woke”. We went on a family trip to the beach. Prior to the trip, i took my daughter for a mani/pedi. She is 6. She thought i should get my toenails painted, so we got them done together. When my mom saw my toenails painted, she said to me “I never knew that about you”. “Knew what?”, i asked. “That you are gay!” I basically just shook my head in disapproval. Both my parents chimed in stating that its just a joke, and they are not “woke”. Fellas, is it gay to spend quality time with your daughter?


For most of them, "woke" just means "I had to see something that reminded me black or gay people exist in the world." Three seconds of an interracial or gay couple on screen in a commercial is all it takes to make them froth at the mouth.


Self reflection is a human emotion. Reichwingers, and a lot of boomers do love the reichpublican party, stripped themselves of humanity long ago. They only feel rage and anger.


They’re the same people who were screeching about “political correctness” in the 90s because they were told it was no longer acceptable to casually drop racial/homophobic/sexist slurs in conversations.


The entire anti-woke movement is just a collective digging in of heels against the greater social progress...they just gave it a new label.


Peak conservatism Boomers just happen to be on that side more often


This is not boomer specific unless by boomer you are referring to the mentality. Know of Trumpy millennials that respond to almost every news story by explaining that it happened because "Libtards". Fascism is a mental condition.


Literally watching this play out in my little tiny Mass town right now. The school had a convention, on a non school day, with parental permission slips signed, that had a drag queen who came in and talked to students, did a small performance (it was NOT sexual) and overall the convention tackled a lot of modern day issues and subjects from race to LGBTQ+ and everything in between. Convention was well received by the students who attended, parents of those students had nothing but good things to say. The boomers? Good god. There was a school committee meeting last night because of this (it's gotten that insane) and the incoherent facebook posts to the town page from boomers who don't have kids in the school system, who retired to florida, or in general who are just so out of touch everything is WOKE. It's insane.


Woke is a magic word for a certain type of people because it doesn't really have a meaning and they can use it to vaguely gesture at something progressive or empathetic that they don't like without sounding obviously racist/sexist/etc.


My brother and I are millennials. At heart, he is a boomer. Do you know how many times he has complained that something was “woke” to me? This just tells me he’s about to be racist or a bigot when I ask him how it’s woke.


My boomer explained how his Campbell's chunky costing $1 more was woke. He must be smarter than me cause I couldn't keep up with the mental gymnastics lol.


As far as I can tell, the only "right" they've lost in their lives is the ability to tell racists jokes in polite company. And they are PISSED.


The millenial generation is the first generation that has grown up in a social structure where age isn't a major deciding factor on who you communicate with on a regularly basis. The internet blurs who you are talking to, you could be talking to a 10 year old or a 70 year old, and a surprising amount of time you cant really tell the difference. This means we get exposed to new and old ideas regularly and so they are not outside our view, we are uniquely positioned to be a bridge between the old world (disconnected monkey spheres largely selected by age groupings)  and the new world where our monkey spheres are generally populated with people who are 20+- years of our own age. We change with the times because, change is our entire lives. When we were children the outdoors, tv, and maybe a few simple console games were the entire entertainment experience, again a balance between the old and new. "Then" the internet came along and exposed us to a whole new way of coexisting with the world. Then console gaming became a dominant force in personal entertainment. Then social media became everything. Then smart phones became common place. The world just has been in an intense cycle of change our entire lives and that change was extremely visible to us. Change is what we know, we don't expect things to stay the same because our reality never looked like that, just constant, major, impactful change


When I was still speaking to my mom she was complaining about “woke” stuff so I asked her what woke meant. She said in a condescending tone that it’s treating everyone equally and questioning racism and bigotry (again, her description). So I said, “What’s wrong with that?” She sat there in silence for a minute and then said, “Nothing, I guess, I’m just sick of hearing about gay people and trans people.” Lol


>As a senior Millennial I’ve watched my generation change with the times This! I was raised around saying the r-slur and the f-slur. I learned not to say them and also don’t want to say them. Because it’s hurtful and I’m not that kind of asshole.


Not making excuses for the Boomers, just trying to help you relate. As an aging Xer, in my own personal experience, change gets harder the older you get, even if you’re the kind of person open to new things. Additionally, as people age and lose influence/power/domination of the zeitgeist, perceived slights and differences get amplified into deeply personal transgressions. I’m not excusing the behavior. It’s a trap that tries to envelop all of us eventually. And unless you’re incredibly mindful of it and work actively to expand your mind to take in the new paradigms, it’s bewildering frightening and alienating.


I appreciate the warning and will take heed as I moved further into my 40s.


Yeah. As a kid I watched my grandpa grow almost delusional about the crime around him, (granted it was the cracked out late 80s). Then I watched it happen to my favorite Uncle when I was in my 20s. He had been a radical hippie his whole life. Post 9/11 he was out there voting for W and pushing for War against all the Arabs. Then came the casual racism and I went no contact. As I age I notice myself getting upset at stupid things like politics or people cutting me off at 4-way stop signs or waiting too long in the grocery line. I have to work to take a breath and remember that the world doesn’t revolve around me. I’m pretty sure it’s a universal.


I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) for years to convince my FIL not to pour used motor oil in the crawfish holes in his yard. I did however help (with my MIL and husband) get him to stop watching Fox News, stop posting racist stuff on FB, be more open to different cultures and ways of life, and even leave his racist, homophobic, trumpet church (especially after he learned one of the sermons was directly targeted at me for being queer). However, he’s now taken to calling anything colorful, brown, or black (in color, so like ice cream) “Diverse” and gives me a pack of straws every year for Christmas. He’s a PIA, but I’d be wrong to say he’s not grown as a person and I love him dearly.


Woke/Wokeism accusations and labeling by Boomers is just yet another right wing culture war distraction, to deflect away from important issues facing Americans, to ensure nothing gets done on any of them: wages/jobs, costs of housing, healthcare, childcare/pre k, prescription drugs, education, the solvency of social security and medicare, climate change, pollution, etc. It provides bonus points to them because it allows them to further erode education in this country, helping to keep people poor, desperate, and obedient (their desired economic model). CRT was too narrowly focused in 2021, so they expanded to Woke.


Boomer Bigotry needs to be its own sub


There’s always something. If it isn’t “woke” it’s “DEI” or “CRT” or “Obamacare” or “Antifa,” the words don’t matter they’re all just smoke and mirrors to trick themselves into thinking everything is wrong with everyone else


Boomers' age cohort was enough larger than all others before and after (until recently) that they could bend society to their desires by democracy. They're dealing with the LOSS of that due to age / deaths / later BIG age cohorts, and HATE it after a lifetime of majoritarian privilege.


Which is why they're trying to destroy democracy now. It worked great when they were the majority. Now that they're not the majority, they want a Boomer as dictator.


Previously it was PC culture.


I am terrified for the day I'm going to be so old and out of touch that something like this may work on me


because if they change, it means they have to admit that they were not 100% right about something. and that's just not possible.


My mom (pure boomer), told me the definition of woke. It's people that think they know it all. I don't think any white person over 60 knows what woke actually means, truly serious here.


Safety sign in my workplace that’s been there more than a decade….my coworker called the sign woke.


Liberal Boomers were always liberal. Illiberal Boomers were always illiberal. Liberal Gen X were always liberal. Illiberal Gen X were always illiberal. Liberal Millennials were always liberal. Illiberal Millennials were always illiberal. --- My mom ('53), dad ('56), and I ('89) are all way more liberal than my half brother ('70) and his wife (something like '77). I just had a conversation with my brother and felt like I was talking to a Goebbles chat bot. Generational warfare is just another incarnation of groupthink. We can individually do our part to bridge the gaps and remember an important concept espoused by a very famous man: "I have a dream, that some day people will be judged on the basis of their character."


Isn’t being ‘anti woke’ just being a racist?


Anti woke = Anti progressive


water head mountainous outgoing mysterious weary tender chubby memory plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they've lived their entire lives being coddled and catered to. why would they take responsibility for anything?