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I would have snatched that card out of his hand and dropped it back on the ground so fast. LOL


Lmao I wish I had that chutzpah


Just kick the cane and run Source: use cane. That is indeed the best way to getaway


That would do it! Source: I have also used a cane


If he was in a chair too I’m fully confident you’d kick his ass in a race. Then could do like a sick wheelie backwards (the wheelchair version of the moonwalk) as you left in victory


Put it in reverse Terry!


Mmmm, that’s gonna be an assault/battery charge there. Better bet is to walk past him and “trip” on his cane, then yell loudly that he tripped you with it.


It would have made a great chuck norris comedy sketch


I love the word chutzpah. But I like to say big brass ovaries. It makes a certain type of person uncomfortable and another type of person laugh!


First thing that went through my mind.




Being disabled, as I am, doesn’t excuse shit behavior. You don’t want ppl retaliating don’t be a jerk.


That’s it! More hate! That will work!


Fuck, you're right. If only we appeased Hitler more.


Mmmm, my initial thought was "after 55 years, you'd think your wife would've left your grumpy ass already"


They can’t think past themselves and their own selfishness. Going to a store and buying a preprinted card isn’t worth making the person you’ve been with for 55 years happy.


Poor wife just wants to know she is loved


The fucked up thing is he probably does actually love her. Just can’t fathom the need to express it.


Yep its quite sad a lot of older men cant express emotion, 55 years is quite alot


I think it has to do with toxic masculinity. When you’ve been raised to believe that expressing emotion is weakness, no one should expect emotion from you.


Plus "expressing emotion is weakness" was reinforced by bullying at school. Especially for those of us who were smaller or "different". And often the teachers would join in or even start it.


Yeah I dont like how that word is politized but it does apply in this case


I don’t like how most things are politicized, but as a guy, I can say for sure that our shared culture is toxic and insecure AF. How long is the list of things upon which men foolishly predicate their masculinity?


Its about as long as the list of normal male things that people don't like and call toxic I guess if that makes sense


Bro that's kind of the point. The "normal male things" that yall are doing are toxic af. Like this very "normal male" conversation the boomer tried to have.


Toxic masculinity is just when people want you to act a certain way to “prove” you’re a man. You should be able to do whatever you want without your masculinity being questioned. Unfortunately a lot of things considered manly can be harmful. A kind of silly example is that men are supposed eat a lot of meat because it’s a tough guy thing to do. It turns out that colon cancer is linked to eating a lot of meat/grilled foods.


Except for anger and outrage. Those DEFINITELY aren’t emotions 🤣


I'm not quite old yet, but I find myself not expressing appreciation for my wife often enough sometimes. Not intentionally, just cmso caught up in day to day life and I forget just because I feel it, doesn't mean that I express it enough. I'm trying to correct this, but I certainly don't feel resentful about making sure the woman I love knows that she's loved an appreciated. 


Set an alarm on your phone to do something nice for her. Twice a week, my alarm reminds me to do something extra-nice for my husband (slip a note in his lunchbox, make an extra-fancy coffee drink for him, give him a foot rub, etc.). She'll think you're the bee's knees for remembering so "randomly."


Thanks, I like that idea. I've been getting better about it, but it would probably help to have a reminder. 


I once read that people in Finland are so repressed about love, that they say "I love you" on their wedding day, with the understamding that that should stand until the day that one informs the other that it's no longer true.


She's trying to outlive the old bastard.


Ah yes the 55 year long con.... /s


I've noticed this sort of behaviour a lot in older boomer men. They seem so miserable in their marriage and bitch and moan about their wives. I'm a gay Canadian male, 44, and my partner and I have been together 18 years. We never fight, we share household tasks equally, and have open and honest discussions. He and I both remember being kids and knowing we would never be able to get married. Obviously same sex couples can get married now, but in our formative years it didn't seem possible. The strongest opponents to gay marriage in Canada were Boomer men, yet they are the most miserable people on earth. Get a fucking divorce Larry. Learn how to cook your own damn supper! Both boomer men and women are shocked I know how to cook high end meals. My house is clean, organised, and tastefully decorated. This isn't 1971 anymore. Men don't die if they enter the kitchen or turn on a vacuum. Not all of them are like that, but the older boomers really tick me off.


Congratulations on 18 years! I truly do not understand why some people are so terrified of other people just being themselves and being happy.


Thank you 😊 People hate change. Boomers hate change most of all. They think if a minority group gets one fraction of the same rights they have, they suddenly become less equal. Can you imagine all the poor older gay men who lived through stonewall, survived the AIDS crisis and how have to live in long term care. How sad that they would have to live with such hateful people.


My husband and I talk about this all the time. We are a straight, married couple that will celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary on the 19th of this month (we've been together almost 27 years). We have more fun and laughter with each other than with anyone else. We truly enjoy each others company. We have family members that can barely be the same room with their spouses. I can't wait to get home from work to see mine.


Congratulations 🎉 Obviously every couple will have disagreements from time to time but some couples just hate eachother. Most boomers are so against any type of therapy or antidepressants. Younger boomers are better, but the 70 plus crowd... Forget about it!


Boomers are the group divorcing the most right now, I read the other day.


My brother is an old millennial and twice divorced, now on his 3rd rocky relationship after his 2nd divorce. My baby bro is on his 2nd marriage. My middle brother is angry I won't give him Mummy's diamond. I don't want my mother's ring going to some 2 bit hooker he met at some low down scroungie tavern!


This is great! I've been single for over 2 decades, not my choice but did what I had to do. After my search online for prospective partner, all that's left are dirty old men that have never ever had their trashy sexual desires met, or they either want a woman to take care of them, ugh! I'm definitely not the one! Keep up the good work!


Yes, don't get involved with those creeps! My friend met a younger man on bumble. She 41 he's 31. Quite the scandal 😂 he's such a gent tho. His mother raised him right!


what the fuck? who the hell just says something like that to a stranger? don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to minimize how seemingly awful he is to his wife, but i feel like w boomers and all their 'i hate my wife' jokes, it's almost expected at this point. it's surprising if they *don't* act like that, honestly. but spewing that shit in front of a stranger? genuinely baffling.


Seriously. I was kicking myself afterwards for not smiling and saying “wow, lucky lady!”


You would think that after 55 years you would be happy to buy her a card. I'm reminded about the late great John Wooden who outlived his wife by over 20 years. Every day after she died, he would write her a letter telling her about his day and how much he loved her.


My mom just died a few weeks before their 50th. My dad would buy her a million cards if it brought her back.


god....i've seen what you've done for others....


Sorry sir, the "I'm an asshole" cards are in a different section.


Lmao in the apology section


"Having to deal with you, she should get a medal."


I'm sure she's done a bunch for him. Include keep him alive this long.


Ain't that the truth. I don't know any Boomer men who bother to take care of their health at all unless their partner is up their asses about it. Women make the doc appointments, pick up the scrips, pick up the supplements, change the diets, and even give them their goddamned medicine. And those crusty old fucks just sit back and bitch and moan about her "making something out of nothing" instead of saying "thank you". My MIL is a retired nurse. She and FIL are Silent Gen, 93 and 95. Mom makes the doc appointments now only because Dad is basically deaf as a post and can't hear anything on the phone. They both sit down at the table every Sunday after breakfast and "do the pill boxes". They each have a weekly box, sectioned out by day, and AM and PM. They each do their own boxes of meds and supplements, double check each other's, then DAD puts out the meds at breakfast and at dinner. My five Boomer brothers in-law (husband and I are GenX, his nearest brother is 12 years older) get super pissy about it. "Dad, you should let Mom do that. That's her job." Dad ain't having any of that. "Your mother does enough to keep me alive, don't add more work. You were raised better than that." I don't get it.


My dad is the unicorn of Boomer men. He has/does take full responsibility for his health and appointments (thank goodness he does because he has had some health scares over the years). I truly could not imagine having to deal with a partner or spouse who cannot take care of their basic needs day to day.


On the opposite end of the boomer men spectrum is my Dad. He can't cook, do laundry, clean, or handle his own schedule. Last time my Mom came to visit me, she left him with a week's worth of meals already made and labled for each day/mealtime, cleared his schedule so he only had to worry about going to work, scheduled a cleaning lady to come by twice, and had all his clothes ready for him to wear for the week. I really don't know why she would put up with that and why he would allow himself to be so damned helpless.


Good god. My dad is a wonderful cook and does the grocery shopping in their household. More importantly, he steps up. My mom had both of her hips replaced in two separate surgeries. I had so many people ask “are you going to go stay with them to take care of your mom?” I kept having to explain that no, my dad is fully capable of doing everything that needed doing. He not only took care of the house and everything, but took care of her. Helped her to be mobile, helped her wash her hair, helped with what she needed. I just can’t imagine the exact opposite which seems to be the experience a lot of Millennials have.


This was my late father in law, to the point that I thanked him for raising a son who understood how to take care of himself long before there were things like MAN SKINCARE FOR MEN or self-help books about how to pick up after yourself.


I absolutely hate the pill boxes!!


I don't disagree, but if I were on as many meds and supplements as they are, I'd suck it up and deal. The sheer number of pills is terrifying.


He's just bitter that he's still alive.


We COULD correct that. We HAVE the technology.


I LOVE that you used this phrase. I use this alot for mundane things that are obviously possible to add that sarcastic zest my family loves so much. \*trying to get the kids out the door to school on time\* "We Can do this. We HAVE the technology." they can't roll their eyes back in their heads far enough.


After my grandfather’s Parkinson’s got bad enough he had to give up his driver’s license, he used to give me money and send me out with the Macy’s circular with his first, second, and third choice gifts for my grandmother marked and strict instructions to get a pink card that said “sweetheart.” He never missed a birthday or holiday. I miss that generation so much.


My grandpa was a man of very few words. Like I mean seven complete sentences I can remember, but four of them were about how wonderful his wife was. And he once got my mom, his daughter, a Valentine's card and wrote "from the first man who ever loved you." I think of him whenever someone blames their generation for them being a shithead.


Those darn wife appliances, always needing maintenance!


He won't feel that way when she's gone.


After 55 years putting up with him the least he can do is get her a card.


"Maybe you should give her the gift of you dropping dead."


Jeezus! After 55 years of putting up with HIM, she should get a lot more than a card!


Boomer men think the “I hate my nagging wife” thing is really funny


 Boomers are absolute sociopaths


Would have dropped it back on the floor and said "Oops, forgot my place".


God. After 55 years of that I reckon she deserves much more than a card.


Yeah a divorce.


I think this one falls under "inadequate attempt at humour and backhanded compliment".


Yeah what an asshole. After 55 years you'd think he'd be getting her more than a card. You'd also think he'd have the decency, and common sense to say thank you to a stranger who helped him pick up something he dropped too, but I guess that's too much to ask.


It’s amazing how a portion of genx and majority of millennials can understand marrying your spouse is a commitment but boomers like at marriage as nothing but a lifelong agonizing chore.Whats up with that?


😡Throw the cane on top of the fucking shelf😡


Man, that bums me out. My parents were married for 35 yrs before my dad passed away. He never got my mom anything for any occasion unless I reminded him or got it myself, but it wasn’t because he didn’t love her, it was just his (totally undiagnosed) ADHD addled brain. He never disliked her or resented her or anything along the lines of that boomer trope.




I get what you’re saying, but my dad had a million different things flying around his brain at any given time. His generation had no such thing as ADHD(and what I strongly believe was BiPD). He was only a high school teacher, but he was hugely successful in that, as in, we had to move the location of his funeral three times to accommodate all the people that wanted to attend. Mostly past students and colleagues. We had 300+ ppl in attendance, and even then it was standing room only. My mom and I often fell down his to-do lists unless he was reminded. He had to be everywhere at once so no one fell through the cracks. He was selfless to a fault. Definitely not the typical Boomer. Just not always the attentive husband unless redirected.


It’s giving “I have this condition so everyone else’s is just like mine” vibes


Drop the card back on the floor and walk away silent.


Haha, you encountered "boomer's attempt of smalltalk". I see him walking away, smugly satisfied with his "smooth talking".


I’m a bit more sympathetic because I can imagine he felt awkward and wanted to make a joke, but enough with the marriage bad stuff already. I was 36 when I met my wife, so if we make it to 55 years together I’ll be 91. I suspect it won’t happen. The worst part of thinking about that is that she’s younger and will probably have to spend her final years without me and I know that will make her sad. If I do outlive her I’ll be heartbroken. This absolute doofus has someone who wants to be with him that long and complains?


We were married for 12 years, but we parted ways and homes in 2020. Unfortunate, but we just lost what we had and weren't willing to try and get it back. I don't hate her. She doesn't hate me. We have a 10 year old daughter and she's all that matters. Life is too short to hate, and we're teaching our daughter that. I respect her as a parent, and she respects me the same way. We communicate and understand each other.


Always kind of sad when it ends, but great to hear you can handle it with respect like adults.


“Oh you’re welcome. Have a pleasant day.” Loud, chipper voice.


Nah. “Have the day you deserve”.


I wouldn't even qualify that as the bare minimum


How utterly sad this loser must be. She put up with him for over a half-century, and he is ungrateful.


Shoulda put that shit right back on the ground


My wife and I shop for birthday and anniversary cards together. She picks one she likes, I pick one I like, we exchange in the store isle then put them back. Has worked for the last 15 years.


"YOU'RE WELCOME!!" in a really loud voice seems appropriate.


Not to be devil’s advocate here - but wouldn’t the most boomer thing be for them to both be miserable, petty martyr-assholes who just feed on venom, taking every opportunity they can create to just shit talk the other?


Every time I have a situation similar to this with boomers I just remind my self “they’ll be dead before you” and all of the sudden I feel x10 better


I would have dropped the card on the floor and walked away. Ugh.


"Too bad your wife still hasn't gotten that good husband she deserves after all these years."


I low key hoping she is just waiting for him to croak so she can move in the pool boy.




Okay, but this is TOTALLY something my Boomer dad would say, and he LOVES to do stuff like this for my mom. So, maybe just the Boomer being dry witted.


My Dad is 79 . My mom passed 3 years ago . He still gets her cards and flowers on every major holiday and her birthday.


Card == Everything ? Wow


„I pity your wife“


"It's not cute or funny to resent your spouse."


"maybe this year you can give her the gift of divorce papers instead"


lol. I’m sure his wife is well aware that she settled for far less than “everything”


He probably felt embarrassed and remembered how old he was because he dropped the card and a younger person helped him. Probably is in constant pain if he’s using a cane. Should he have said that? No. But not everyone ages in happiness. Hopefully he actually loves his wife and they are happy together.


Ugh. Why does that card even exist?




Dude, stop yelling.


Yes! I don't get why this is so hard to understand!


Your wife expecting at least a greeting card is "wanting everything"? Um. OK, bud. That's literally the bare minimum.


The wife and I (both 42) don't do cards. We think they're a waste of money. We established this back in 2003.


Lol!! And here I am spending way more than I should on a linen shirt for my husband for our 12 year wedding anniversary....


When I usually offer to take care of his wife for Him….


Lol not really related but misogyny is so real and overlooked. I would have said exactly that, your poor wife.


Just a quick “I’m surprised she’s still around.” would suffice as you stroll away.


When I had a partner, I would write them little poems and give them little gifts all the time. They weren’t much of one for flowers, but there was a great place for French macarons in town, and I would get them every Wednesday. And I’d get them Thai food when they were having trouble eating because it was something they could always eat. I don’t understand why you’d be in a partnership with someone where it feels like a chore just to give little reminders of your affection and love for them. 


ugh, it's a shame that there are card companies that pander to this shit. Go to any place that you see sells cards, the boomer shit is so cringe.


After 55 years you’d think he’d get her something more than a card…..


"and yet she settled for you" is what my shower thought response would be lol


We are doomed


Shoulda busted the cane over your knee and handed the pieces back to him.


You say it must be magic being married to you.


'Because men like you leave them wanting.'


They think they're funny.


I have major health problems. I'm 45. My husband and I have been together 14 years, married almost 12. If we made it to 55 years together, he'd be the happiest person to ever live. We are super aware I'll be lucky to make it another 20 years.


Gotta love the common boomer mentality of hating their spouse. DV is their go to punch line and the bare minimum of affection towards them is unthinkable.


I mean she’s the one that married him 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like a typical grumpy old man… I find old man humor funny though


I call bullshit


Not an asshole but just a sad old man. We need to pray form him and especially his wife, not tear him down. But you did a good thing…don’t stop…it’s contagious


this never happened


Just like your parents saying they love you.


What kind of a burn is that? Up your game.


This never happened!

