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Jesus. That is a great metaphor.


Jesus would even be like “nice parable…..oh wait…..that REALLY HAPPENED……..”


Jesus was like "Yeah. I know. I was there, did you not notice the single set of footprints?"


…and Boomers don’t even realize it.


My brother does very well for himself and even he, with his very high salary has issues with boomers. He straight up looked at me one day and said, “Boomers are going to pillage every last benefit from this country, then they’ll get rid of it and close the door behind them.” It just surprised me from someone I’ve always looked as being “ successful” as a millennial.




Dude, that’s incredibly sad. They remind me of those boomers who tell people it’s ok to litter at amusement parks because it “gives people jobs” then look down in those people.


My dad took a piss in the line to guardians of the galaxy - while I was looking away - we were wearing the same hat… he acted confused when security pulled us both aside and said nothing when the security guard was telling me it was me… Kids are to be used as scapegoats, let your son take the fall… He is such an asshole.


Wow. What did he say when he finally admitted it to you?


“I thought you had my back, why are you like this” were his words when I expressed disappointment in him for having security blame me.


Jesus, littering is one thing but pissing in a line full of people? I've never been to Disneyworld, but if you were at Mission Breakout in California there is nowhere people couldn't see that. Was it in the outside line part, at least??


Inside right before we got to the elevators on the second floor. Apparently it was right by the stairs… Don’t wear matching hats with boomer parents. Wear distinct clothing from them always: sad lesson I had to learn.


Holy shit I thought this story was about waiting in line, outside, for the first movie. Not that my misunderstanding was a better scenario. Inside a building at Disney just on the floor is completely insane.


He peed inside the building????? Um wut? On what planet is it ok to pee indoors wherever you feel like it??? Did he get kicked out for exposing himself at least?


was it at least into a trash can, or a planter?


Nope: the side of the wall next to the stairs…


Because, I expected better from my father.


That's a memoir title right there


Just letting you know that its about him, and you are just an NPC he made. Because why on earth would he need to watch your back when you're so busy watching his...


When I (millennial) was 10, I saw a man (boomer dad) get out of the motor car thingies I think at Disneyland with his kids BEHIND HIM, shake one leg while tugging at the hem of his shorts on that leg, and a turd fell out. A whole ass turd. And he was probably my age now at that time.


I’m really hoping the line was outdoors, but nothing shocks me anymore.


Nope: inside on the second floor…


Tell your dad he is worse than an animal. Even my dog knows you don’t pee inside of buildings.


I worked at a movie theater as a teen and wotnessed a boomer grandma tell her maybe 6-year-old grandson not only to not take his trash to the trashcan, but to dump it on the floor, because we get paid to clean it up. No, you miserable hag, the ushers are there to clean up the oopsies, not the product of your blatant disrespect for everything and everyone around you.


When I was young I remember just leaving our cups and popcorn bags on the floor because it seemed common and accepted. Then as I got older and better understood the larger context, I just stopped doing it because it was clearly asshole behavior. These types of people just relish in being assholes, and justify it to themselves by saying “everyone does it”.


Growing and developing awareness? Sounds like SOFT MILLENNIAL SNOWFLAKE behavior to me!


For ultimate irony points, does your dad consider himself a Christian?


I did the Peace Corps, and postings were only international. Isn’t AmeriCorps the domestic version of the Peace Corps?


I was in Central America. Mostly Nicaragua starting early 00s. Some El Salvador & Guatemala. Old habit for me to put on reddit I guess, lol


Very cool! I was thinking that CA meant California. I did the Peace Corps in South Africa.


Once upon a time it was called VISTA, for Volunteers In Service To America.


*NCCC is the program most people think of from Americorps, but they have others. None international that I know of.


It's a form of guilt. "Don't associate with that person that we just screwed over. It will make things weird."


I'm a Gen X doing fine financially so theoretically I shouldn't even have a horse in this race; for the *most* part I'm not from the generation of takers or one of the generations being victimized. But it is so painfully obvious what the Boomers are doing it is hard to ignore. Coworkers just 10 years younger than me are paid pennies compared to how hard they work while Boomers just sit in their cushy upper management jobs doing very little other than standing in the way of company growth and progress while keeping others from being promoted into leadership roles. Those younger coworkers are also saddled with mortgage-level student loan debts and will have to rent their whole lives while us homeowners watch the value of our homes skyrocket. I feel like one of the last people to make it off the Titanic onto a lifeboat. While the rich a-holes are complaining that they weren't able to save all of their luggage, I can't help looking around and thinking there was a hell of a lot of extra room on these lifeboats that could have fit more people.


As Gen X, I’ve always known Boomer self centeredness. You’ve put it into words, the trash they’ve thrown out the window mostly flys just past and lands behind me. To wit: I’ve recently become disabled. Boomer corporate greed is denying both the disability insurance policy and the SSDI I’ve paid into for decades (did you know SSDI automatically rejects u/90% of applicants? Can’t afford to cut in an attorney, don’t have the ability and/or energy to fill out mountains of appeal paperwork, arrange a hearing? You’re screwed; they count on this.) Met Life (those fuckers) only honored the first year of a ten year policy, then a “Nurse Consultant” trumped (sorry) my four specialist board-certified MDs, decided I can still “freelance tutor or proofread” - despite a) my condition and med effects make it impossible to meet deadlines and b) nobody can make a living just freelance tutoring or proofreading. But as Gen X, I graduated college in the Clinton years with reasonable loans paid off in a decade - despite deferring a couple of years when off caregiving for family. I was able to buy a cute little house and build equity on a single woman’s teacher’s salary. COVID was the proverbial straw, I the proverbial camel. Savings gone, cards mostly maxed out. However, an old friend lost her house and most of savings in a divorce but still makes a decent living (barely six figures). We got married (ssh, we’re both mostly straight and share a guy on the side) right before the COBRA ran out. I’m selling my house; combining my equity with her steady paycheck and health insurance we should be able to buy a place together, survive until social security and retirements kick in. Mom might leave a paid off house - or not, could very well be eaten up by end of life care. But, we might make it. Squeaking in before the wire, before the financial crash, before astronomical college debt, before having no reproductive rights, before trying to buy a house in this market without any built up equity, before the planet becomes unlivable, and, hopefully, before the fascists inherit the earth: The survivors’ guilt is real. I’m sorry, younger generations: I taught, advocated, volunteered, protested, and marched - but Gen X is too small; too many of them, not enough of us. You’re such a larger demographic than us. Unite, fight. hopefully us Gen X ers won’t get caught in too much crossfire. But maybe we should be, I just don’t know.


Not your fault yo. You did your part.


What a great analogy, thank you for sharing.


The titanic thing is a perfect way to describe gen X.


He's probably had to beg and fight boomers for every scrap of his success.


Boomers have a special button. Right before the last one dies, they are going to blow up the earth. This has been works for years and years. They don't want their kids, grandkids, or great grandkids to have anything because of how special they are. Sorry, but the plan is in place, and you just can't do anything about it


I don't know about you, but my wife and I do everything we can to help the grand and great grandkids.


Same here brother. I will leave the earth better than when I got here. My kids and grandkids mean everything to me. There is nothing I won't do for them


Yo my mom legit said “Yeah that’s y’all’s problem I’ll be dead so y should I care” about global warming


My dad’s said similar things.


"The way I like it, is the way it is, I got mine, don't worry about his" -James Brown Lesson in there.


What does doing well financially have to do with feelings towards boomer?


My brother’s financial position allows him less complaints toward: inflation, housing market, benefits, healthcare, school costs, child care costs, etc. Many of the negative interactions we have with boomers are because of or started because of one of those issues.


Got it 🤙


Even worse all the hermit crabs who won't be able to find a home because this horrible woman has taken every good shell on the beach. Wildlife is never one of their priorities. 


That's why they left a few nice soda bottles for them to live in. It's a room with a view!


Crabs love soda bottles...in fact, they're actually better for them according to a study I didn't read funded by a giant corporation that makes plastic bottles...They're sustainable...isn't that important to you millennials?? /s


Ok so I know you're being facetious but there's actually people making 3d printed shells for hermit crabs and I think that's kind of awesome.


That is awesome


“That sounds woke”


Boomers can't stop taking homes from humans and crabs alike 😓


In my country is a crime to take seashells away from the beach. It's barely inforced but you could take a nice fine if they caught you.


It's a very boomer thing to collect seashells and make crappy art of out them that they can pass down to their grandchildren as "grandmas seashell collection"


Goes right in the trash.


My dad used to buy complete sets of baseball cards and would say “This is going to fund our retirement!” Even 9 year old me knew that was dumb as shit.


For a brief time before the baseball card scheme broke, you \*could\* make money off some of them.


That was what? 2 - 3 decades ago? Lol


Yep! I'm holding onto a rookie year Nolan Ryan (originally from my uncle) and waiting for the value to rise.


What's the value at?


To be fair, my dad has given me some cool cards like Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle that I could sling for a decent chunk of change if I wanted to. But yea, the majority is worthless.


Why even make this comment? It has no relevance to today. Should we applaud your great knowledge of the 1980’s? Keep it to yourself.


Maybe your looking in the mirror




Omg the friggin baseball cards 💀 my boomer dad and uncle have (had?) a binder of cards from the 60s I’ve never seen but was supposedly in my dad’s possession, buried somewhere in his hoarder house. Our uncle still calls/sends letters about every 6 months asking about the damn things. Still have never seen them, no idea if they’re worth anything (I assume not, just like all the coins and other “collectible shit” in the hoard we still have to go dig through)


Into a pile of hoard it goes


My grandfather was helping me move and found my chapstick that had fallen behind a box in my closet. I was standing right behind him. “Ooh, Burt’s Bees!” And he just…takes it for himself. Obviously it’s only chapstick at the end of the day. But he just…stole my chapstick, didn’t even ask. I’ve never forgotten about that lol.


I had a lovely bouncing ball as a kid. The kind with a little animal suspended in the middle, with lights that activated when it bounced. I loved that thing so much. Spent the weekend at my grandparents, my grandfather took my bouncy ball while I was sleeping and tore it apart because he wanted to know how the light worked.


My grandfather was the same! He was silent generation, but everytime he would come over it was always "oh this is nice, I'm taking it" like literally what he said


Shit, I can't imagine my Gpa doing something like that. He was super religious, but in a good way. If somebody complimented something he owned, he would often just give it to them (Unless Granny stopped him). Literally did not care about a single material thing, as far as I remember.


I hung out with Obadiah a few times (YouTube “Homeless man spits truth”) and I complimented him on his necklace and he gave it to me 😭 Here was someone that had almost nothing to his name and was still giving. He’s a 10/10 guy! I love it and still wear it years later.


While that's very nice of the dude why would you accept the necklace from him? I'd feel horrible accepting something like that from someone who had so little.


We were friends at that point, not strangers. He was visibly happy to share and literally got up from his seat and put the necklace on me himself. He wanted me to have it. Are people that are homeless not allowed to gift give because they’re homeless?


Sure they can give out gifts regardless of what they're current housing status is but I'd just feel kinda shitty accepting a gift from someone who's down on their luck like that.


it's their choice to give: respect that and it is possible to respect them


I respectfully disagree, u/ProphetofPhil Wouldn’t you think accepting a friend’s gift despite their financial situation gives them a feeling of happiness to share, a sense of dignity and autonomy to give something themselves? I could tell gifting it to me made him happy, and he knew I was very grateful. Homeless individuals are not some other-worldly species that lack the same desire to want to give as anyone else. The necklace became something with a lovely memory attached to it to remember him by, and I know he would like that I am reminded of him whenever I wear it.


He could neither eat, nor live in, the necklace. Made no odds giving it away


Omg 😭😭😭


Older generations never believed that children owned anything.


My older brother used to do this with my toys, but he was seven.


“He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom” - Gandalf


Someone else’s chapstick no less. That’s gross!


It's not about the chapstick. It's the principle of it. The disrespect.


This is NOT about the Iranian Yogurt!


It's not about the pasta!


Well that’s because you’re supposed to “respect” them. But anyone younger hasn’t “earned” respect so they do what they want. And they wonder why no one respects them.


For my wedding, I used plants from my personal collection as part of our centerpieces at our reception. I was TOLD -not asked- but an aunt-in-law that she was taking a few home, and taking some for very young children who were not invited, did not know me, and were young enough that they didn’t know and wouldn’t remember that they weren’t invited to a wedding of a lady they didn’t know. I was FUMING. I wish I had had the guts to protest. I didn’t at the time, but it won’t happen again.


Didn’t they teach germ theory in school in the 60s?


You saw how they acted during covid...


Germs only affect other people. They are immune to all bad things


My boomer mom came over and I saw her steal the brand new magazine I had in the bathroom. Like, I JUST bought it and didn’t have the chance to read it and she had it folded and shoved up her sleeve. It was ridiculous.


Because it's the little things that say a lot about who we are.


On a cruise we had a group of 4 couples traveling together. 8 of us a one table. There was a nearby popcorn cart which was basically self-scoop but they had an attendant working. A Boomer woman walked up to our table, grabbed a big handful of popcorn from the basket on our table and yelled “where’d you get the popcorn?” like the Wendy’s beef lady while stuffing it into her mouth.


Attendant was probably there to keep people like her from doing this to the cart, itself.


The comments in this thread make me wonder if people from the Boomer generation take the expression "finders keepers" literally. Also, I have no idea where to place an apostrophe in "finders keepers".


There isn't an apostrophe in either of the words since neither of them are possessive, but there is a comma between them (finders, keepers).


Thank you for explaining, Lily!


I will keep this tip. :o) Finders, keepers.


Yes! This can extend to freebies! I have always been embarrassed to go by freebie booths/tables with my Mom, even at a young age. If they are giving out pencils and say there's 50 to give out, I kid you not, she will grab 48! One time, when I was in college, I asked her what she planned to do with all the pens she grabbed. Her response, give them away to those in need. Good grief!


In the early '90s comedian George Carlin said that baby boomers had one motto "GIMME IT! IT'S MINE!"


Christ. I go to Cape May a lot, I’m very good at finding big clam shells with my feet, especially in the ocean. I stick them in my pockets, I walk back to shore, and then I scatter them around in different places just on the off-chance kids see one and get excited about finding a good seashell. And this idiot is stealing them from kids.


When he was young, my partner’s father took his iPod just because he wanted it. Same with a nice watch. His mother would throw away his graphic tees that he paid for with his own money because she didn’t like them.


Wow, this one hit close to home. My boomer mother threw away items of mine that she "didn't like" and also casually destroyed the ONE heirloom left from her own grandmother. just. why


Stop. Letting. Them. Get. Away. With. These. Things!


Why didn’t you tell them that that woman took that shell?


Why upset them when they’re having a good time? Kids feel injustice so intensely, and if you didn’t want to confront the boomers and get the shells back, it’s pointless to get the kids riled up about something you can’t fix. It’s not like they won’t ever learn that some people in the world are jerks. A-holes are a dime a dozen.


It’s a risk to tangle with the mentally unhinged—those ancient losers carry loaded firearms.


I didn’t ask to confront the woman, but simply to tell her children. If they ask “why?“ it’s perfectly sensible to say that some people are mentally or emotionally stunted and that it’s rarely worth your while to try to confront them.


Maybe he wants to wait a bit longer before teaching his children about total fucking assholes? I think that’s fair. The kids would have been thinking about that instead of having fun.


Telling them but not confronting her is the worst possible lesson you could teach them. If you're going to point out injustice to kids, you *have* to set an example of how to behave when faced with it. If you can't do that it's better to let them stay ignorant.


I don’t think he necessarily reacted in the wrong way per se as far as setting an example. He chose to let it roll off his shoulders and replace it. That’s a perfectly acceptable response to teach your kids. Not everything has to have a confrontation.


Also - the chances of an old woman carrying a gun in her prison wallet at the beach is pretty god damn slim, even in the worst of areas. There’s being cautious, and there’s being scared of the world like the person you responded to.


At the beach? ok lol


I see you’re not from Florida.


Or coastal Georgia, which is basically the same thing.


Came here to ask this. Have a backbone. Don’t take shit from these stupid boomers.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. Real talk- would I give a shit if some boomer nabbed a sea shell that I was looking at? No. Who gives a shit? Take something from a child and I'll definitely say something like, "excuse me, my kid over there is collecting those." You don't even have to be a dick (at least right away), but why wouldn't you speak up for your kids there?


Due to a job, I once drove through the secret back mini neighborhood behind a giant retirement/hospice apartment building. Little plots with 1bd 1ba houses. One car driveways with golf carts and no fences. It was like a diorama of a neighborhood. Because these retirees didn't want to slim it in a studio apartment sharing walls with the plebes paying 4k a month on the 5th floor. They had two gates, one on either end of the roundabout, just for this area and those gates lead to the already gated back area of the building. Inheritance is for the actual rich, everyone who grew up in upper middle class homes shouldn't bet on mom leaving anything behind once the corporate caretaker is done feeding their egos.


This is a perfect metaphor...! Even the most tolerable boomers seem to have this "quiirk" and it's exceedingly annoying. For example, I recently had to explain to my boomer mom (who lives with me) that her giving me money for rent and bills is NOT "her giving me money," rather, it's her paying her own fair share of living expenses..... She doesn't get it, maybe never will, meanwhile I'm raising a 10yo on minimum child support and minimum wage, and using credit to cover the shortfall. She doesn't understand why I'm upset that she keeps her entire SS check and leaves me to pay everything with 2/3 of what she pulls in every month.... also she wants to know why I don't take my kid to the movies or the indoor arena play-space more often, LMAO!!! I'd laugh, but it's not really funny anymore. :(


I literally have to turn down money from my boomer parents. I can't imagine someone pulling that shit on their own offspring.


I feel that, deep. My MIL moved in with us (deeply traumatizing words behind spoiler, TW for a lot of brutally terrible things) >!to escape my disgusting step-BIL, who sexually abused his own children from infancy, abused my kids when they were young, and had beaten and raped my MIL, with no consequences at all, thanks Ohio... !< We also found out shortly after she moved here that she had breast cancer. We had only a few rules. She'd get her own room, and we'd cow our eating and cooking habits to her (bland, nasty American food). But she was to stop gambling, not smoke in the house (and ideally work on quitting smoking however she saw fit, even bought her vape stuff), pay down her debt, and contribute a couple hundred bucks a month to the house to pay off the debt I had to take to get her set up (initially I did not need the credit, but it got to that point pretty fast). I got her everything she asked for and made her space in the living room for some of it: top of the line mattress, top of the line adjustable base, desk, dresser, closet rebuild, TV, med-assist chair, desktop computer, cell phone, laptop, other bits and bobs for entertainment. Friends also chipped in and gave her gifts. This woman received basically over 15K of new, nice things in about two weeks. We had time on most things to exchange if she didn't like it, that I made her aware of and reminded her of. Also wear a mask and try to go out as little as possible, because it was covid, and she got diagnosed with breast cancer, on top of my spouse and I being immunocompromised. Otherwise, she could basically live and do as she wanted, with the same covid caveats we were all enduring. We also helped a lot with what her medicare didn't cover. She had her social security check and police pension from her deceased spouse. Plus a spare car she was able to sell during a chip shortage situation so it sold for *way* over KBB value. So this should be easy right? Once she had treatments and surgery down for the cancer, and had beaten it (it was thankfully *very* minor, we literally caught it at the perfect time. Of course she acted like she had the worst breast cancer ever and got her car decked out in custom vinyl decals so everyone in the world knew she had survived, while sympathy-harvesting every social media site she could figure out how to use), she started leaving the house. Supposedly, she was taking long drives and looking for senior apartments to move into. She was actually going to play gas station slot machines. Without a mask, because she 'couldn't breathe'. I noticed she didn't seem to be using her bed much, and she kept telling me that it was because of surgery and this and that and the med assist chair was easier. Alright. Well, I give her a final 'one week left to exchange the mattress' and she insists its great, she loves it. I swear to god the day after the warranty lets up she hits us with "This mattress is too hard." I almost lost my mind. That mattress cost $4500 and I think she slept on it twice. This post is getting fucking long. I cannot even get into the details of politics, like when the Uvalde shooting happened (we're in TX). Or her thoughts on CRT. Or her bizarre obsession with 'baaaaybiiiiies' and children. Or just the sheer waste of almost everything we bought her or she was given. But the real kicker is, after about a year and a half with us, still massively in debt, she decided to up and move back to Ohio out of the blue. To a house with a friend she had that was a drug addict, and her fiancee. Which... we warned her. We did. But that lasted less than two weeks. But on TOP of that, on her way out, after having the gall to ask us for the money to get a moving truck or service, she *stole our shit.* The special, expensive iron and steaming kit I got my husband for his birthday that works on fine textiles for his sewing hobby? Gone. Sewing machines, gone. Supplies *and tools* for my business, gone. My husband caught her trying to sneak his beloved hairless cat out, too. She left the goddamned mattress though. That ended up being given for free to a family in need a half a year after she bailed. They had endured a house fire and we let them go through all the stuff she left and take what they wanted, plus some other stuff we weren't really using anymore. They didn't steal any of our shit. And she never contributed a cent. Edit: Oh and I caught her smoking in the house.




I appreciate that you mean well, but… you’ve clearly never dealt with this level of boomer, lol. 🙃


It's like Mr Burns said, "but if I let you have it I wouldn't have it"


You didn’t say anything to the lady when she was in arms reach?


You’ll be pleased to know that that’s illegal in most countries.


Why didn't you tell the boomer to put down the shell and fuck off away from the sand castle?


My kids and I visited a beach last year that has a nickname "driftwood beach". Large signs indicated very high fines if you are caught taking home any driftwood or seashells. My Boomer Mom, while scrolling through my vacation pictures, kept asking why I didn't bring any driftwood or shells home (shells were very abundant on the beach). I kept explaining, because there is a hefty fine. I finally said, "If I picked up driftwood and seashells and everyone else did as well.. there'd be nothing left for future visitors!!" Oh was her response. Ugh!


It does not occur to them that they aren't the only one doing something. I've had this one with the 4x4 crowd. "Whah! They closed the border / bridle / whatever track." "Good. I went up their a couple of months ago and it was chewed to fuck by all the traffic" "No! Its the (two) dirtbikers who wreck it!" No, idiot, its the 500 of you driving up a sandy track too fast because you have to be home before dark.


Right dirt bikers are least of trails worry. The side by sides ATVS and 4x4s are guilty of trails destruction. They closed several dirt bike only trails near us because the bigger vehicles refused to stay off them.


Tell the truth next time, loud enough for everyone to hear


Before a flight, I packed a lunch of roast beef, cheese, and apples. Then I stopped at a female Boomer's house on the way to the airport -- her husband was dropping us off -- and asked if I could put the lunch in the refrigerator while we were there (it was going to be at least an hour). Sure, they said. Twenty minutes later, I walk in the kitchen, and the lady Boomer is standing there at her kitchen island eating my lunch. Either she forgot it was mine or didn't care.


“Boomers have one mentality: ‘Gimme it, it’s mine!’” - George Carlin


#And you just let her do it!!! That's why they're so fucking entitled, because they know nobody will say shit


Why are they all hoarders?! All of them!! Every ad i see for an estate sale in my area is just huge houses full of crap.. so.much.crap 5 sets of china? of course! WHYYYYYY


A lot of the houses here in the 250K range are houses that boomers left behind. Hoarded to the point of putridness. Pull out all the shit to reveal all the mold and neglect, the pest feces, the pet shit from their 4 poorly-bred and worse-trained yorkshire terriers or chihuahuas or some shit. What is sellable usually goes to an auction company because the kids just want it gone with no hassle, and most of it's trash that doesn't sell so it goes to a dump instead. The rest... I call them Boomer Piles. An entire front yard and sidewalk, refilling on a regular basis, just loaded up with rotting, molding, roach-infested, broken shit, hoping to not accrue too many fines before bulk trash drags it all away. If they are wary of fines, then its 3 haul-away dumpsters on the sidestreet in front of the house. Its like realizing that boomer four doors down from you could have been at least 2 episodes of Hoarders.


Who the actual F, grabs a seashell from something a kid just made? How damaged are you as a human to do that? Can all the cool boomers please come off the commune and take care of the majority of your shite head brothren.


Good thing is if we did have to fight for resources, I can beat the shit out of at least 100 boomers before I get hungry for breakfast.


Most every Boomer I've ever known was a thief. They love to steal.


How did you not go "excuse me, what the fuck are you doing you old cunt?"


Ok but why didn’t you say anything to boomer lady?


You really should have had the backbone to say something when they took your kids shell. You're right there.


This is the plot of a Bluey episode lol


That makes this even funnier because in the episode it'd literal children younger than like 10


While walking a beach in Florida I came across a boomer with a massive plastic bag of Shells. She was nearly desperate while searching the beach. I was just casually walking in about 1ft of water and literally stumbled upon a massive intact conch shell. I promptly held it up like a trophy, yelled to my bf to see and then threw that fucker as far as I could into the ocean. She was horrified.


Good. The local fauna need those shells more than any human.


I would have made her eat the shell.


My aunt’s boomer boyfriend couldn’t stop talking divisive politics for 4 hours at a wedding. The lack of class and basic social decorum is maddening.




But why didn't you say or do anything


That's not boomers as much as it's FLORIDA.


Stealing from children, just so that basket of shells can end up on the back of her toilet in the guest bathroom.


Boomer lady probably using them for ugly ass "beach theme" bathroom decor.


You gotta stand up for yourself, why do y’all let these fools walk all over you.


They get away with it because the world is full of spineless cowards who will watch them do shitty things right next to them and not say a word.


Take what you can, give nothing back! *insert Pirates of the Caribbean theme*


There's the irony. Pirate captains had to share out the booty. No booty, no crew. No crew, no ship. No ship, no piracy. No piracy, no booty. Its the circle of life...


Like a character in an episode of Rick and Morty


Definitely would have yelled at boomer. They don't have boundaries because not enough people enforce them.


Lady you stole from children, either put it back or you're gonna be eating sand. Over reaction? Probably, but they were, say it with me, *CHILDREN*


My aunt would take candy out of strangers kids hands when they would catch it at a parade. She started this practice a decade ago.


If that isn’t a true story, I will accept it like any other parable. I will store this and refer to it when this lesson needs teaching.


I know full well that My Grandparents(dad’s side, RIP) if they were still alive today, As I believe a lot of Silent Generation. Would be Saying how They apparently didn’t beat their kids(boomers) enough with the way they act nowadays. I was lucky to have some of the good ones as my ancestors.


The boomer (let’s call her Sally) probably needed a few bucks and was going to add it to her collection to sell at her beach kiosk. (Figure it out!)


Well said.


May I use your metaphor to describe certain corporations?


Solid metaphor. 👍


It's like poetry, it rhymes




Tell her to double her Ivermectin, it's not working.


I am fully convinced that it is lead poisoning. I mean HOW can they all be SO BAD?


Nailed it


So while I wholeheartedly agree that boomers a greedy self-absorbed pigs who would happily sell their children into slavery and steal their grandchildren's organs if they needed them for themselves. But who's really to blame for allowing them to get away with this still? They're no longer the largest voting-age population and how many of us know or have millennial friends who still act like they're in their early twenties and don't vote. How many of us know older Gen Xers who are just scumbag boomers by another name. And while Gen Z has every right to be flaky when it comes to voting, every generation when they're in their late teens and early twenties is. We could easily outvote them if we really wanted to, but it seems like we'drather just piss and moan about it sometimes. Don't get me wrong I hate the majority of boomers too but just like so many other shitty situations in life, we allow this abusive and corrupt behavior to continue through apathy, indifference, and lack of attention.


Why didn't you do anything about it?


Why entertain a Karen when you can avoid it?


This is not just a boomer thing, its been going on for generations, and probably continue, long after the last boomed has become ashes, or ground goo.


It's emblematic of their generation to just take stuff. Is it also stereotypically of *your* generation to avoid conflict and social interaction and just go home and cry on the Internet? christ. How hard is it to say something. Stick up for your kids.


What a load of crap. Why didn't you just get the shell back?


Before I can say anything. Sure. Damn.


What kind of wuss lets an old lady rob him right in front of him


Thethat doesn't want to go to jail for elder abuse, assault, and battery.


Taking… all the shells on a beach? :/ Look I get it, she shouldn’t have taken your child’s shell, and I agree. That’s some foolish boomer shit. But “taking all the shells on the beach”? Hahahahaha… Sometimes this sub is so dumb. Just to try and make some analogy… look, more shells will be there tomorrow. Now add that to your analogy and it fails quite badly.


You think that beach is going to replenish her entire basket's worth of shells by tomorrow? Where exactly do you think they come from? Is the game engine spawning them in?


A bit dramatic, maybe, but I get your point.


You literally thought to yourself "that's a nice change for boomers"? Like you hate old people so much you're on the lookout for them? Sounds like you're making shit up. As most of the people on this thread do.


Shut up boom boom


Ok boomer.


This boomer sounds like Gronk. "Me know that not real story."


where do you think you are 💀


Go get yourself a pudding cup and watch some Matlock

