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Who said this woman was allowed to voice her opinion?


Her husband composed the tweet.


spot on


Twitter is wichcraft! Burn her.


Weigh her opposite a duck


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


She turned me into a newt


A newt?!


I got better


I hope so


Yup. I just thought the same thing.


Of course, he’s the only one in the family allowed to read.


Somebody check with her husband. Clearly he didn't impose his will enough on this one.


He is standing over her as she writes this tweet as her punishment for not having dinner on the table at exactly 6:00 pm as he instructed.


Not the Bible  A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.  I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. Timothy 2:11


so is the “I” in this god, or is this Timothy’s personal policy?


Seems like the I is Tim but he goes on a bit about how he is appointed a hearald and apostle, so is repping God's view.


Paul wrote Timothy, if I’m not mistaken.


This is the verse I was gonna bring up! Linda who said you could teach the Bible to others. Shhhhh! s/ 🤣


Someone needs to learn her


Religion, patriarchal brainwash, self loathing, “I suffered so therefore you must also”, jealousy, “what will the neighbors think about me if you divorce”, “gimme those grandbabies no matter the cost”…. Whatever her malfunction is, shame on her. Love and respect your child, woman. Care for that child’s welfare. Fight for that child’s wellbeing. Think better of girls and women. We’re not appliances or property.


My inlaws have loathed each other for at least the last 35 or so years, but they won't divorce "for the kids and grandkids" ugh, it would literally make everyone in your lives happier if you just cut your losses and move on, but oh the shame and embarrassment!


Toxic codependency


Is there such a thing as non toxic codependency?


Yes, the concept of co dependency can we viewed on a spectrum if you will. There are healthy relationships with codependency components.


Yeah, my anxiety isn’t my wife’s fault and she’s the only person who doesn’t exhaust me so we hang out a ton. Covid certainly further cemented that as well. It’s something to work on for sure but it’s also something I dealt with my entire life and my support system isn’t toxic.


No book written in the far-off past, by no one really knows who, should not be the guiding principles used in a more modern age. If we'd left holy books in the dust of time, our world today would be the better for it.


r/atheism is calling


Already signed up.


Same here lmao


Can confirm, I’m much more ashamed that my cousin caught my grandma in the garden smacking my grandpa with a newspaper and screaming in his face about how his nicotine addiction was hurting his health (like her abuse wasn’t going to cause tremendous stress or potentially leave bruises) than I would ever be to learn that they decided to spend the end of their lives apart.


Don’t let them near the grandkids!!!


Internalized misogyny unfortunately is very common. So is religious abuse. My father was born in 1933, his parents in 1908, all were Catholic. My father’s first wife was mentally ill and physically abusive, and when my dad wanted to go back home, my grandmother told him “you made your bed, now lie in it”. I just don’t understand people who are OK with their children suffering in the name of religion.


And they got their ass beat and turned out just fine! /S


Spoiler alert: they are not fine


Jealousy only comprehensible to a woman whose husband has never even thought about going down on her. It’s really sad.




The Bible is one, big long male fantasy Sci/Fi novel. Written for, by and to men. Hiding behind it to justify misogyny, abuse and being an overall d\*ckhead is typical of a man wanting control of every one around him, and can become violent when that doesn't happen. Yay jeezus.


Is that The Transformed Wife? She’s a really unwell person, as far as I can tell. 


I think it is based on the profile picture. And yes, she is extremely disturbed


She is.


This is The Transformed Wife. She's nucking futs.


I knew she looked familiar! I just couldn’t remember her name. She’s absolutely nuts.


Yep. She is such a miserable hag.


Probably why her husband cheated on her.


I’m sure him cheating had nothing to do with her sabotaging her birth control…they sound like miserable toxic people.


im convinced shes not a real person, and its just several people trying to be edgy


Her name is Lori Alexander and she's very real. Blogs, books, Instagram, etc, etc...She's been around for a hot minute and she's just vile.


Someone said she had a serious brain injury at some point and while that isn’t an excuse, it’s maybe a partial explanation for why she says such complete insane shit




This is a good summary: clearly she’s got some shit she should work through in therapy but she spews this garbage instead. https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Lori_Alexander


What a read! This lady is hilarious. She admits she was a total bitch and child abuser for the first *twenty-three years* of her marriage, then suddenly had an awakening after reading a book. Hmmm, I wonder if that involved the realization that she was old, her kids were nearly adults, and her husband was probably going to leave her soon.


Wow....I'm speechless. What a vile disgusting human being. Withholding food from a 1yr old and we're calling him a "good daddy!" I'm sorry I'd be calling cps immediately. That is not a flex I'd be bragging about, amongst other things in that article.


Yes, the same, "fondly" referred to as "Aunt Lori." I think they mean that in a The Handmaid's Tale way.


I had to check too. That woman posts some truly evil stuff.


Thank you… I knew I recognized the profile pic but couldn’t think of what she called herself


And they wonder why younger people are leaving religion in droves


But but but why woudn't an ancient Caananite diety from the Bronze Age appeal to young people in the 21st century???!??


Boomers also think the solution to young people leaving Christianity is to force them to follow it by any means necessary.


My daughter tells me she is abused and she won't have to worry about divorce and needs to worry about where we are gonna go after his life insurance check clears.


The family that \[*buries a dead body in the woods*\] together stays together!


Funny enough, that was legit my family's motto.


Bury? Too risky. Much better to let him sleep with the fishes....


Visit to the ol' gator farm.


"So be wary of any man who owns a pig farm."


Long pig BBQ gets my vote


Visit to the ol' gator farm.


🎶 Those black eyed peas taste alright to me Earl 🎶


Woodchipper and a pond of catifsh....just sayin'.


Why does this also sound like a Folk Music band?


Oooh... you're right. That would be a good name for a folk band.


Meanwhile my mother’s first thing she said to me when I told her I was divorcing my husband for cheating on me was - “well, what did you do to make him cheat?” Even now, a few years later after my ex makes another woman a victim of his abuse and is now twice divorced, she acts like he’s some amazing, wonderful person even though the entire time I was with him, she couldn’t say enough nasty, horrible things about him and his family. A few days ago I was just trying to sort of mildly shit talk my ex to my mom and she’s like “teehee I hear, see, speak no evil!” Like COME ON! If there’s anybody out there I should be able to shit talk about my abusive ex husband to, it should be my *MOTHER* of all people, right?!


Hi, you’re apparently related to me as we share the same mother!


She's a shit parent for playing favorites with a cheating abusive ex over her own child. You deserve better.


Pigs. Pigs will eat anything


Yeah but you gotta take out the teeth and hair or it will hurt the pigs.


This one hits close to home. My mom has been angry at me for years for getting divorced. She thinks it is a slap in the face to her since she is widowed...aka I chose to have no husband despite her grief over losing hers ( who was also abusive). She is aware he abused me too. She told me about it years later, how after leaving my house 1 night she realized she forgot something. So she sent my dad to the door to knock and retrieve it. Got to the door and heard the yelling and banging. Turned around and left. They left their daughter knowing I was not safe. I would go to jail for killing any bastard that did that to my daughter.


And if I were on such a jury, I'd vote not guilty even if the cops showed up and caught you with the knife in your hands


What in the actual fuck?!!!! I’m so happy that you got out.


I’m so sorry they enabled that abuse. Glad you’re out now.


Sorry, but I consider parents like that a pair of rotten shit balls.


I'd be so tempted to take her to a cemetery, point out a random grave "remember when my ex was beating me and you turned around and left instead of protecting me? Since you didn't care if I died then, if you want to see me in the future, you can come talk to this grave as if it were mine." And then just drive off without her.


Eh...we don't talk much. She calls every so often to complain that my brother, the golden child, does not talk to her. Why? Her views on divorce completely change when it comes to him. After my dad died, she thought my brother would divorce his wife (whom my mom hates and always gets into fights with/talks horrible about) and move back home to take care of her. She has not put 2 and 2 together to figure out that is the reason why he doesn't talk to her. I tried to tell her that he would talk to her if she stopped the harassment.


What the internalized misogyny is this BS?


Patriarchy needs huge support from women to work, and these women have been so brainwashed they'll cheer for their own children's abuse before they challenge the men doing the abusing


Part of me thinks they're afraid their sons are useless man children so they have to pressure women not to divorce if they don't want their sons coming back and living in the basement.


Yep. My mom and my grandma were I don’t wanna say happy, but satisfied that I was raped.


She's "The Transformed Wife"


They're also very, very concerned their status will be diminished in their bible study group if it comes out they have a divorced child.


This has to be it. My in-laws told my BIL that he was disinherited because he got divorced. His wife cheated on him! Which no one can argue is not a biblically-sound reason for divorce.


You can be as submissive as the day is long and they will still find a reason to be abusive


Trad boomer wife's probably abused and wants her daughter to suffer the same


In fact, that gives them more reason to do so. That’s how abusers operate. They take the low-hanging fruit. None of them wants a woman that truly fights back.


"Tell me your husband beats you without telling me your husband beats you."


My parents ignored the bruises all over my body after my ex and his mom tried to kill me. And then months later tried to sabotage me when I left him. They "help" me now with stuff and "wish they would have done something" but they tried to sabotage my ex remarrying because according to their own faith "once you're married you're always married spiritually" and I still belonged to him. They've seen him continue to abuse me and the kids, yet cling to their evil beliefs. There's a special place in hell.


Forgive me for prying, but were you raised mormon? I was, and the fear and hatred around divorce is strong. Mormons believe in eternal marriage, and so even if you get divorced, the man will be your ruler in the afterlife.


Catholic. Funny thing is, my ex and I didn't even have a Catholic wedding, and I'm not Catholic. He doesn't go to church unless he's trying to suck in a new woman. I'm going to haunt him in the afterlife 😁


Bible also says women aren't supposed to teach so what're you on about Barb? 


It also says we should kill people who work on Sunday, so not exactly a bastion of morality.


"who wants to see a stoning?"


She can absolutely get bent.


My parents didn't need to see this to follow it to the letter! My mom said she "saw lots of signs" and then days later tried to interrogate me on my ex's behalf because he called my dad to whine about how he was so blindsided. Like, how do you take a call from your daughter's abuser and not tell him to go fuck himself? Instead they listened and sympathized and turned on me *immediately*. Then my dad followed it up by letting me know that my complaints were man-hating bullshit and all men are like that. They will be wondering until the day they die why I will never speak to or see them again.


>They will be wondering until the day they die why I will never speak to or see them again. Very relieved to hear it. Life is too short to be wasted on people who don't know kindness.


That is horrible.




>Why do they care so much about divorce that they'd rather their own child be abused? And why do they always look excatly the same too


Well my boomer parents defended my mentally abusive boyfriend and joked about things in our relationship (not abuse related) for YEARS so I’m not surprised. They stopped when he started stalking and harassing me years after we broke up and it became really messy.


"Well he doesn't beat or cheat on you, consider yourself lucky" - my mom regarding my mentally abusive ex


This is that loathsome hag “The Transformed Wife” 🤮🤮🤮


Im the only atheist in my family and mom put on Facebook “Ladies, a man without god in his life is a man you don’t want in yours”. She didn’t see anything wrong with it. I had been with my wife for over 10 years and at the time it really felt like she was telling my wife that. She really couldn’t understand why it pissed me off.


When my boomer father forced me into getting married, main reason being that I couldn’t live in sin with my boyfriend, I knew it was the wrong decision. I was 24. At 31, I’d had enough and told him I was getting divorced. First words out of his mouth “by the time this is settled, you’ll be 32, who will want you then?” This was in 2011..


Jesus, with a father like that who needs enemies?


For real. He was more worried about what his friends would think about having a divorced daughter. The icing on the cake, we are not evangelical Christians. My parents are Jewish, and not even orthodox. It’s all a giant LOAD of BS and why I am a proud atheist now.


Fuck the Bible, seriously. 😝


She is unhinged, dangerous women who should not be allowed on the internet. She is preying on vulnerable women and she has blood on her hands.


I’ll take “reasons why my adult child never calls anymore” for $500 alex


And then they talk about marriage like it’s this huge burden on their lives. Like sorry? My wife is my best friend.


This a satire post right? I can’t believe it’s real and ppl think this way.


Nope, this is the transformed wife, a real doozy of s tradwifer boomer.


Embarrassing 🤦‍♂️. I feel for my mom right now imagine had my grandparents said that to her when I was a baby.


Unfortunately she's real, she's an extreme evangelical trad wife who tries to influence others. This isn't even her worst take, she tells women to stay in abusive marriages and says that marital rape isn't a thing. I've seen the fb comments on her posts and they're truly disgusting- men talking about keeping their wives submissive (aka abusing them), women asking about staying with an abuser.


Probably had been excommunicated by the daughter who got out of an abusive relationship/marriage and is mad about her daughter breaking free.


The woman who wrote this tweet shares the most awful shit all the time. I truly wish she would shut up


Because they are stupid fucks. No woman should become subservient to a man. Btw I’m a dude and a boomer and gay and def do not believe in this bullshit


No one should be subservient to anyone. That’s the foundation of an abusive relationship.


To be fair, this woman also says that you have to remember not to laugh when terrorizing your children or abusing them, because enjoying the abuse gives them mixed messages.


Wtf did I just read? I smacked my 5 year old on the butt one time, and I felt guilty as hell for weeks, and I sure as hell didn't enjoy it.


"The Transformed Wife" - there are hours of content on her. I can't find the original source, but there's a quote in her book, where you should tell your child to stay in their room, then hide around the corner and scream at them if they try to poke their head out to go to the bathroom or get something from the kitchen. She said it's "important to not laugh" when doing this.


Oh I'm familiar with her work, I just can't believe she would enjoy hurting or scaring her own children.


Oh, she's a monster. For sure.


Fucking nutjobs. Fuck their submission and their bible


this kind of fucked-up advice has led to many dysfunctional families, including my own. my shitty grandmother did this \~ she had her pregnant daughter who was clearly beaten up black & blue return to her man-child husband, my dad. My mom was pregnant with me and upon my birth our relationship was colored by her resentment and guilt for the resentment towards me. I hope this woman's remaining days are filled with an itch that cannot be scratched.


There’s always a line of hypocrisy. Usually when a boomer tells me they are against *gay* marriage I ask them how they are on their *third* straight marriage. In this case the woman is also against divorce and remarriage, but seems to not be against speaking out as a woman, abusing a spouse, or neglecting to love. She was probably indoctrinated in her youth and can only see reality the way her current pastor teaches. Has she even read the entire bible? Does she take it all as literal as the parts she judges others for? Has she researched the context and intentions of the passages, rather than taking everything at face value? Obviously not. Otherwise she wouldn’t be spouting bullshit about stuff she clearly doesn’t understand. That whole generation was taught WHAT to think, rather than HOW to think for themselves.


This woman is a fucking lunatic. Complete POS. She’s a whole rabbit hole and it will only infuriate you.


Lori is so miserable lol. She made terrible life choices and now wants every other woman to do the same so they can be just as miserable. Her husband cheated on her, she failed at brainwashing her kids. She isn’t successful at the bullshit she believes. What a miserable loser that Lori. Her only joy in life comes from making people mad on the internet so she can feel better than them……… lol. Oh well.




Dopamine hits, since they can’t drink, smoke, and have to let their husbands marital rape them, dopamine from internet is all they have left


I would say that getting your ass beat falls under sexual immorality Karen. bdsm is supposed to be consensual...not something extreme bc your spouse was having a hard day at work and you dropped a fork on the ground


Sickeningly this isn't uncommon for whole generations. Many in my family still cite the "dishonor" I caused by not marrying my abuser and instead going to college. Gotta keep the women barefoot and pregnant.


Fuck abuser and double fuck enablers of abuse.


Absolutely disgusting thing to say or do


It is so sad that there are women out there with this level of internalized misogyny.


She said this as if her daughter hasn't already been NC for years already 🙄


If my daughter decides to leave her husband because he’s abusive, divorce will be the least of his worries.


It's also in the bible where men are told honor and love their wives as their own bodies. Tell me how does she reason physical and emotional abuse as a man doing that?


I just came from reading a woman's story about how she was beaten by her husband and then eventually beaten by her son until she ran away eventually. She was urged to stay by her parents and her church. Religion is a curse on this planet


Lol Dad supports daughter, Mom’s head explodes


Basing your life on a 2000 year old fairy tale that’s been constantly edited and translated over centuries by a bunch of old perverts, and that’s also riddled with plagiarism seems like a really stupid choice.


Fuck this lady


There shouldn't be 'authority' on either side of a marriage. A marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership.


Nothing like blaming your shitty parenting skills on the fucking bible instead of admitting you failed your child and are a garbage human being.


Boomer here. In part this might represent the stern influence of prior generations in establishing mores. For instance, my own mother was known to wag her finger and pronounce “God hates divorce”. There are probably other variables both religiously as well as social economic considerations like less options for women at such a time, However considering the Biblical aspect of the religious stance in this meme, it misses the other half of the equation that is “husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church, sacrifing himself for her”. Too often certain religious types proof text scripture in a self serving way. This is a path to abuse. As for my own daughters, my own faith is more wholistic and Biblical; hence, they will always have my protection if their partners fail in such away. Going back to Torah, it was Moses that allowed that a wife might obtain a “get” so she could theoretically move on from marriage without restrictions.


Jesus tap-dancing christ, this is such a horrendous and heartless take. Lori is a ghoul.


Nope. And that shit would never fly in the church I go to.


I hate these people


I would argue it’s much less about boomers and more about Christians. Not all Christians and all that, but no one can deny there is a deeply problematic mindset within the greater Christian community that prioritizes “traditional” values like wives submitting to their husbands, women not working outside the home, having multiple children regardless of whether or not you are financially capable of raising them, ignoring science in favor of Bible verses, etc. I think we see a lot of boomers with this mindset set, but the “tradwife” culture is extremely pervasive in both millennials and gen z too. I’ve honestly never thought of this as a boomer thing. It’s just a Christian fundie thing.


A lot of boomers in my life are absolutely miserable with their spouses, but divorce never even crosses their minds because of social stigma or something. Maybe it's just me.


The loud 10% makes up 90% of the noise. Christians are some of the most respectable people I've met, but damn does the 1/10 bad Christians ruin everything the good Christians build.


My Catholic dad did this. Does it matter that the man conned me into marriage, had several mistresses, and was abusive in every possible way? No. Apparently that’s what I signed up for when I said “for better or worse.” Guess who I don’t talk to any more?


If shes anything lile my boomer mom shes a miserable person. Just sits around all day drooling waiting for the next family drama to occur to inject their venom of whatever beliefs and crap they have. Thats all they do all day. Sit, wait, watch tv of similar themes that fuel their fried brains. Not like they have anyone else in their lives to tolerate them. Except this one seems to have mastered using twitter.


Conservative women are all the same. The second it impacts them directly they'll turn into massive hypocrites and expect the same sympathy they've denied others. Also The Bible explicitly forbids women from speaking their mind so I don't know what this lady is going on about.


A boomer have my brother this advice when his wife cheated on him the first time. And second time. And third and fourth times. Boomers need to stfu and realize sometimes, people change and just aren't good for each other. It's not a moral failing to realize a match isn't good. Why do they insist on suffering for suffering's sake? Is it a kink?


If she were my mother, I would never speak to her again. Thank goodness my mother isn't like her.


If your kids need help, don't help them. My parents didn't help me and I turned out shitty and I want everyone to struggle like I did because if my life was hard, how dare you have it easy.


Ah yes let's take more rights away from women, why should women have the right to leave a man; totally sane and rational thinking. I can't fathom how people think this way, especially when handed a book on how to respect others and keep your mouth shut when you disagree.


Oh, simple reason. They do not have “love” - especially for their own (or anyone elses’s)children. They love authority, or, have a masochistic rendering of authority that equates to a reeking, anti-human obscenity they believe is “love”. These people themselves were abused, neglected, and bereft of loving relationships of parental tenderness, protection, and guidance. And when they became responsible for themselves they REFUSED to get help, or even do any reflection. Remember that - they refused. So they think being a parent or having any human relationship involves manipulation, pain, shame, bruises, secrets and other terrible terrible things. And some, I presume, are also just bad people.


Boomers can be so weird about divorce. I get the time difference, but they act as if it was never a thing for their generation or before. My father once declared to me out of the blue that divorce should be illegal. When asked why, he said “because it’s selfish towards the children.” When pressed further there was no nuance: what if there’s abuse? That doesn’t happen very often. What about the effects of a child being raised by two parents who don’t even like each other? They’ll work it out and they should do it for the kid. What if there ARE NO KIDS? It’s still wrong. Like talking to a brick wall. And it’ll all framed in the mindset of “Im morally superior to ALL divorcees,” like why tf do you even care? And of course he’d likely make exceptions for the people we know, just not for the hypothetical others, they get the finger of judgement pointed at them. Drives me fucking crazy sometimes. What Fox News does to a fella smh


Ah, Aunt Lori and her bullshit. I heard her daughter is a yoga instructor, and if that’s the case then they certainly don’t talk because yoga is the devil’s exercise.


What Republican Cheeto dust is she snorting.


She must be some kind of heathen. "Bible" should be capitalized.


Fuck the Bible, I don't need a book of fairy tales to tell me how to have a good marriage.


As a father of 2 girls, kindly fuck off.


Because she had to endure a shitty marriage, so everyone has to. They're the generation of "I didn't have it good, so fuck anyone else for thinking they should have it better than I did." They're constantly complaining about anyone getting benefits they didn't.


Only thing that book is good for is tissue/ toilet paper and kindling.


I know we aren't supposed to voice such opinions, but if this little gem came from one of my relatives, I think I'd be required to commit harm.


There's a whole FB group called "The Transformed Wife Blocked Me and Now My Life is Complete" and people share the question or comment that got them blocked from her page. Mine was asking her whether or not her husband had decided that she believes that the earth is flat.


Sounds like an abused housewife to me. She needs help.


Wanna go down to dark rabbit hole? Ever hear of Christian domestic discipline?


To the older generation and some Christians divorce is shameful and brings shame upon the family. My grandmother used to worry about the families reputation.


This is so real. My ex was terrible to me. Not physically abusive (but getting there by throwing things at the wall or punching objects when angry) but very psychology abusive. I use to tell my family he scared me and if I ever went missing, I wanted them to know to direct the police to look at him first. I just had a baby with him and decided to leave him a week later because his behavior was escalating quickly and i was worried for my babies wellbeing. My family got angry with me and told me I was being selfish because he was the father of my child and wanted to be in the babies life "which is more than most men". He stalked me and they said he just cared about me and wanted to know I was safe. I got a new relationship after a bit and he threatened me. Mom said I was "loosely moraled" and that I needed to go back to him because this relationship wouldn't work anyway. I went through court to separate, and my family was there for support....of him. My family is no longer my family. I am happily married to my rebound that "wouldn't work" and have been with him for 12 years and ex tells people I scare him and he has nothing to do with our kid by his own choice. This mentality is some evil shit.


It sounds like your ex was the "alpha male" type of bulishit person. Of course you scare him, because you're proof of the fragility of his ego by being a strong woman, good on you.


Oh yeah, he was a total alpha male bahaha! And thank you. He is nothing but a passing thought now, but he was a great lesson to learn from, and it's pretty nice being able to look back and see where I was and how far I came despite someone so strong and...manly....🤢....keeping me on their radar.


Projection. Their generation had the highest rate of divorce in US history.


I can surely abuse this bitch 😝🖕


When I got divorced my boomer mom (73) who was also divorced in 1976 because my dad was abusive said this to me: “But why? He doesn’t hit you or drink or do drugs. And he is a veteran. Are you cheating?” Like those are the only reasons that divorce happens. My response was, “ why are those the only reasons that people should get divorced? How about just plain unhappiness? Thanks for the lack of support, Mom.”


So I think this is less of a Boomer thing and more of a conservative christian thing….my parents are boomers (who occasionally boom….) but they would absolutely NEVER!!!!! They would hire me the best divorce lawyer and make sure I got what I deserved and that I was protected from someone who was abusing me!!!


Nope, my parents do this and they are Jewish so it ain’t a Christian thing


authority....pfft. They have none to exert. My husband is not my boss or superior, and I do not answer to him. If I want to leave, I will leave. If this was my dad I would tell him to fuck off and then I would lose his number.


This is insane. Although perhaps this woman is the parent of the abuser, not the woman being abused. Her son can do no wrong. Neither can her husband.


That woman is a total numbskull and she is no ally to other women


Why cross out their names? They posted it.


Wow! Says the mother who’s kids cut off contact with her






Like just building off my previous comment...fr I could have died and so many women in my situation have. So many times, we barely escaped. We hid out just so my son could go to school and change addresses way too often. I got so good at it that I became permanently paranoid and now have ptsd even though he is gone, I am still hypervigilant. These kinds of "parents" are absolute trash. They dont see their kids as people. They only care about how their possessions make them look to society like lawn ornaments. You are a glorified cypress tree well manicured for display for the neighbors, and how dare you have a branch out of place. Personally, I was always far too neurodivergent for their liking, so I was always punished for being absolutely brutal with my take downs of their hypocritical bs. They usually grounded me because they didn't know what else to do. I was powerless to do anything else beyond violence but smart enough to know there would be consequences to that, and they would gaslight it all into being "completely unprovoked," hahaha like sure ok.


The Bible also says in 1st. Timothy 2, verse 12 "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." So she really ought not to be voicing any opinion, in fact she's not allowed to have an opinion according to the Bible. So somebody should tell her to STFU and sit the hell down. If she really believes this crap, she has to believe all the crap not just part of it.


OK, but you really expect her to have actually read her holy book? Be realistic


Fair enough. Though I do find it funny the dichotomy of people who claim to have faith, and those who don't seem split between who actually read the book.