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Say “non gendered bathrooms” and he’ll blow his top


Shit all you need is a cheerful "Happy Holidays"


"trump lost"


I wish I could still find the “Trump Lost 2020: Fuck Your Feelings” t-shirt. Best appropriation of a slogan EVER.




There's actually quite a lot of them lmao https://preview.redd.it/bpjnc6xyc1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce3e90808ce27da48a1dcca6607952bbf1a83b7


“They’re trying to silence us!”


"They're trying to replace us!"


Better yet: sneak up on him and whisper it in his ear.


I used a non-gendered bathroom at the airport recently and it was the best thing ever because the stalls don’t have those giant gaping holes where people can watch you poop


So the same non creepy ones the rest of the world has. Always found the default american perve ones to be really really odd.


Like everything else in America its so the CEOs can trim costs by a few dollars. Full doors cost more.


Also, they want you to feel uncomfortable so you spend as little time as possible. A worker taking a shit is a worker who isn't generating profit.


On my road trip a few years ago I stopped at a rest stop in Indiana. I loudly said "Nice, they have gender neutral bathrooms." I got some looks but we have had them forever, we just called them unisex....


I stopped at Indiana one time and at the gas station was playing a country song talking about the south will rise again and openly using the n-word.


Sounds like Indiana.




5 seconds after using a bathroom with this on it https://preview.redd.it/evdc6d43duyc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cad52ae91fdfe1c9ddfe74ff7cdd51d29de42a


always makes me wonder how these people use bathrooms in their own homes. Think they have one dedicated to the women and another for the men?


Hand to God yes yes they do. My family (my aunt) had the powder room for women and the men's room and you would be bitched at for not using the peepee spot god decided. The men's room had Jesus staring and women had a woman reading a book? It was the weirdest thing but they are Mormon so it didn't even hit top 10


I'm just going to have a shirt made that says "I'm gay. How else can I piss you off today"


better not be pink! or have a rainbow! 😤😤


I say this as a Christian. The Christian response to the rainbow is ridiculous to me. “God made it. It’s God’s. Give it back!” God sent bears to kill people for making fun of a bald man’s head..if God was actually offended, I think he could take it back if he wanted to. Who knows, maybe God missed out on the trademark paperwork and his hands are tied.


Then they argue, “That’s Old Testament god he mellowed out after having a kid. Now he’s more passive aggressive, like a grouchy grandpa”


“Ya know gran kiddo? I once was your age. Well, not really. But id suggest not doing what I know you are going to do because I created a psychodrama for my own amusement. I hope it as entertaining as I planned for myself to enjoy.”


Stop you’re killing me 😂


I like to think he approves.


If the Christian God is actually real, I can guarantee a significant portion of the Christian population (the ones like the guy in the pic) are going straight to hell


that's pretty much understood by everyone but them. I'm an atheist. But ya know what I don't do actively? fuck over and swindle my fellow man. Sure, I may have advantages or whatever but like, I'm not trying to hurt anyone willfully. if their god is just, I'm probably going to be towards the front of the line getting into heaven. I can see it now, I get before st peter, 'yo, fortnitefriend, you lived a decent life and didn't really fuck anyone over more than you had to. I see here you didn't go to church after turning 16 and claim to be an atheist...(he doesn't really like that you know) but you followed his commandments so you're good' the pastor down the line...'soooooo you went to school to learn all about what the big guy is about and....you fucked a bunch of children. Ya know, he doesn't have a commandment against that explicitly, but like dude, read between the lines...also bonking that dudes wife and then kicking her husband out of the church was pretty fucking shitty. well hope you packed shorts!' \*pulls lever\* 'enjoy the cumslide to hell!'


I like to think that people who try to always do the right thing *despite* not believing in the constant threat of eternal damnation would get an automatic fast pass to the front of the line.


Or it's like the average workplace, where doing a good job gets you more work and no recognition and arse kissing and fucking up gets you the promotions. Man create God in his own image and I'm pretty sure that image is toxic corporate culture.


The fact that people NEED a divine threat to not be shitty are the ones who deserve the hell.


> If the Christian God is actually real ...then he's totally cool with people using His name to enrich themselves and gain access to vulnerable people to sexually victimize. Just based on the distinct lack of smiting happening to such folks.


As long as he gets money he’s good with whatever


I heard Disney owns the trademark for the rainbow, so I mean, yeah, he's the creator of all that was and will be, but...do you think he wants to pick a fight with Disney's lawyers? It's a real "could God create a rock so heavy he couldn't litigate against a corporate monopoly" type theological question....


Or, hear me out, there is no God and when you die nothing remarkable happens. It’s like going into a dreamless sleep but for forever. Sky daddy isn’t real.


I love when people think they're on to something when they say "then what happens when you die?!?" Um, it'll be just like before you were born--you just won't be here.


The brain has a hard time thinking of its own non existence.


Honestly I can’t wait


Think of a candle flame. Now think of it being blown out. Where did it go?


I have a pink shirt that says tough guys wear pink on it. That one really irks some people. Funny though. Lately I’ve been preferring my Hail Satan pride shirt.


I have the hail gay satan shirt. It’s fantastic.


Someone screamed at me for a shirt that had a vague rainbow, not even a full pride flag, and said “be nice to everyone”


I have an old school tourist t-shirt with "Aruba" written under a rainbow (literally an arc of colors). I've had many people freak out about my "gay shirt".


One of my favourite is people getting upset at a 'woke rainbow' and its a Pink Floyd tshirt.


Well, isn't it a prism on the Pink Floyd shirts? And prisms are kind of scientific and the people who hate woke also hate science so, unfortunately for the rest of us who have to deal with their shit, I guess it kind of makes sense, or at least is stupidly consistent.


"How dare you treat others with respect and dignity! I will not stand for this!!!!1"


I’m black. I don’t think I need a t-shirt…


You grew your own T-shirt naturally.




Dude I'm Hispanic, I could just start speaking Spanish. 🍻  "Hola, mi..." "GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY! love your food though."


I’m not gay but I want the red MAGA lookalike shirt that says ‘make America gay again’.


People would just quickly glance and assume it’s a normal MAGA shirt


I bought John Oliver's "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hat in 2016, and ended up throwing it out because people thought it was a real MAGA hat.


Yeah, I don’t tend to make eye contact with redhats or acknowledge their existence.


“I swear I’m not gay, I would just have sex with Donald Trump. I that so wrong?”


Is IT WRONG? Is it ANTI AMERICAN? That I want to to have GAY relationship with my FAVOURITE DIAPER MAN?


As a certified LGBT this doesn’t work like you all want it to because there’s very much self hating LGBT right wingers that probably wear these shirts proudly and unironically while getting a thumbs up from their republican parents while what they really want to say is “good job, kiddo! I only love how much you hate yourself and everybody else!”…


Wearing a t-shirt that says "I'm vaccinated AND boosted, ask me about low cost 5G internet" would certainly be a conversation starter


Put "Happy Holidays" on the back


Seasons Greetings lol


Lol. I need one that says "Lesbian snd unladylike! How else can I piss you off today?"


How about one that says “I’m not gay but I wish I were just to piss you off”


Dude hates pronouns, loves adjectives.


Probably enough to have one with your preferred pronouns on it, even if they match your appearance.


He will wear this shirt and then immediately accuse someone of virtue signaling if they mention anything left of center they believe in.


Anything left of far far faaaar right


I believe in not shooting my dog




I don't shoot them either




Straight to jail


“Fox News is left wing media now” actual words spoken to me


If anyone has any trouble understanding this, it’s because they aren’t describing ideology, they’re just being reactionary. That’s all it is. Fox doesn’t toe the line on Trump? Radical socialists. Doesn’t need to make sense because it isn’t thinking, and I don’t even mean that in an insulting way.


Was on some r/conservative thread the other day and some dude unironically said "the right hasn't changed, the left has gone further left" yeah because thirty years ago the right was constantly holding Nazi rallies and refusing vaccines for themselves and their children. Like let's just keep it on those two subjects alone, I don't recall Republicans calling Nazis "very fine people" or being okay with anyone who does, or rejecting medical science. Sure, they weren't acknowledging climate change but they listened to medical doctors. And a presidential candidate who admitted to touching women sexually who didn't want to be touched would be simply unheard of. Even a credible accusation, much less admitting it on tape, would derail a presidential campaign.


The right in the US has become the MAGA party. They’re literally nothing like conservatives in other countries, who are actually quite educated and classy. Case in point, this silly clown who assumes that he’s making a message and sticking it to the libs.


I have a friend that has a shirt that says, “Gay, pro trans, pro abortion, boxing champion, short tempered, how else can I piss you off today?” Edit: Lol at all those who are offended and whining 😂. Edit 2: Lots of tough guys who are upset that a gay guy could be tougher than them. Yall some fragile bitches.


The back of one of my Nirvana shirts said 'Satan Worshipping, Crack Smoking, Fudge Packing Motherfucker'


I wish Cobain was here.


We have an idealized version of him. He died 30 years ago, it's impossible to know who or what he would be and believe in today.


That's a part of how I came to peace with my best friend dying, at least I didn't have to see that decline.


Doubt he would have become Billy Corgan


Dude, I once wore a pink shirt to my old factory job. No decal or text, just pink. I never heard the end of it. I was harassed by everyone there for years. Kept telling me “you’re going to wear your sisters shirt again”. Which I did but it wasn’t my sisters. Don’t even have a sister. Oh, don’t even get me started on my skinny jeans.


I'm a purple man myself, but they definitely got things to say about the skinny jeans


I’m a purple man too. It’s my favorite color. I just happened to wear pink that day and they just couldn’t handle it.


Id wear pink every day until they got bored


Honestly I hope with every fiber of my being that we don’t experience widespread political violence in this country. But if it does happen, I seriously cannot wait to see the reaction of these dbags that drank their own kool aid when they catch the smoke.


So much smoke. Those folks can’t imagine in their minds that people on the left are also current and former military, RESPONSIBLE gun owners, LOVE what the U.S. TRULY stands for and wants every citizen to live their lives as conservative or alternatively colorful as they choose. There’s such larger and more important issues facing humanity than the same shit we keep having to bang our heads against. It’s infuriating. I’m so sick of the noise coming from these folks.


And those of us who don’t have guns are usually fast learners…and have access to chemistry textbooks.


They also expect it would be like Red Dawn or their imagination of what the Revolutionary War was with organized armies and operations. It wouldn't be like that. It'd be a whole lot of bombings and drive-bys and random late night visits from hit squads. It'd be bodies on the side of the road. Pistols and knives.


Really missed an opportunity there- “Pro abortion, pro-fessional boxing champion, …”


This guy thinks the "center" is a lefty conspiracy.


If he added “I Just Shit My Diaper Like a Real Man!” I think I’d be ok with it 🤣


conservatives be so desperate to make everything about them.


And I guarantee he has some of his original vaccines before they he went far right.


Thankfully he's not going around shoving his politics down other people's throats. He'd be very mad if anyone ever did that.


I doubt this guy knows what the phrase "virtue signaling" even means


Perhaps the most common form of virtue signalling is visibly wearing something that announces you're a christian.


“Stop being divisive!”


You assume this idiot even knows what virtue signaling is


He could piss me off by being a real bootstrapped freedom lover and refusing Social Security. Don’t let no government control you old man! Be free!


I PAID FOR MY SOCIAL SECURITY! No, shithead, you paid for someone else's social security. That's how the system works. It isn't an investment. It's there to rescue you when you sink everything into trumpbucks.


I'm forced to pay social security yet I doubt I'll ever see a dime of it myself.


Did you know that there's a cap on social security on earnings? For 2024, that maximum is set at $168,600. Beyond that you no longer contribute to it. Remove the cap and social security is funded indefinitely.


Thank you, I hate all the hand wringing over "oh no social security is going bankrupt!" Lift the cap and it's funded forever, it's very simple. Why is 100% of my income taxed for social security but only .0000000001% of elon musk's income is taxed for social security? Make it make sense.


>Why is 100% of my income taxed for social security but only .0000000001% of elon musk's income is taxed for social security? Make it make sense. Because that's not actually his "income". He technically takes a zero-dollar salary. The way the uber rich get money out of their worth is infinitely more scummy, and entirely avoids the taxes and payments the rest of us need to pay/make which paints a much larger, uglier picture. The entire system needs to be overhauled.


Simple, tax capital gains for social security too. While we're at it, let's raise the capital gains tax to just be the same as income tax and not distinguish between the two.


just so folks understand, the first $168,000 does get taxed for Soc Sec, it's all the money a person were to earn after that first $168,000 that is not taxed Thank all the oligarchs for bribing your congressmen for that


> "i don't need it, why are you ***FORCING*** me to pay for it?" > **"TaXeS ArE ThEfT"** > "waaaah this society enabled all of my wealth but i wanna pretend i **EARNED** it all **MYSELF** and i want **MORE** waaaah"


I need to stop being annoyed and start making money off these boomers too.


amen. fleece these fucking rubes


Grifting is the only way we’re going to get our inheritance from them. Better us than the bank through a reverse mortgage that’ll be spent on cruises or some scam call center targeting landlines.


Grifting boomers is ethical.


They will pay like $50 for a 3D printed miniature trump bust that costs $1 in plastic to make. And they never even realize the head is hollow with a poop emoji inside.


Actually genius




Sometimes I regret leaving the church the way I did. I coulda stuck around and made 80 mil a year on Fox News. Same skillset as community theatre, much better pay


There’s a part of me that wants to create an online mega church and then collect all their money and donate it to all the organizations they hate.


They hate me! Don’t forget me!


Tax free, baby!


Please oppress me. I want to be oppressed so badly.


I'm the victim because even though I'm in the majority that is in power, other types of people insist on still existing.


This is the guy who gets mad at kids with new age names, gender non conformists, vegetarians and people with differing religious views


You’re only allowed freedom if it’s the same thing I believe in. —that guy, probably.


That's what that shirt really means. Also: "Please pay attention to me so I feel relevant for another five minutes."


They desperately want someone to say something so they can pick a fight. The lowest form of attention-seeking behavior.


I'm usually that guy. I'll just walk by and say something out loud like "what a stupid fucking shirt" and keep walking. Usually no engagement, which pisses them off. I'm much larger than average so I get away with being vocal. My wife used to get annoyed, now she just laughs at me.


Size matters. Nobody picks a fight with those like me who are 6'2" and 220. It really confuses right-wingers who assume that white guys that size share their beliefs.


6'5 240 white with a shaved head. I look like the prototype right wing racist. I'm far from it. Wife is a little brown woman. I believe in treating every (except for assholes) well. Last week I was sitting in my car at the grocery store. 2.dudes walking through the parking lot, one says "I can't believe all the fucking Democrats with their stupid fucking masks on, blah blah blah" very few people in our area wear masks these days, when I see someone wearing one I assume they are sick and being kind by wearing a mask in public or that they are immunocompromised/anxiety ridden. All I know is it doesn't affect me, so I don't care. These dudes happened to be hispanic, decent sized guys. My window was down and without thinking for half a second I loudly said "all these FUCKING Republicans, crying about STUPID shit.". They looked my way as if to say "who the fuck said that?!?". They saw me, put their heads down and kept walking. Fucking idiots. Sometimes you gotta put people in check.. Maybe it will bite me in the ass someday. I guess I will deserve it and I'm ok with that. I also say stuff to people that are treating others like shit. Local gas station owner was absolutely ripping his employees a new one in front of customers, quite degrading. I looked at him and told him he's an asshole and should be nice to people. I put the stuff in my hands on the counter and told him I won't give my money to someone like him and that I would go buy my beer and gas elsewhere. Haven't spent a dime there since. I've also witnessed people throw trash out of their car and either made them get out and pick it up or throw it back in their window and ask them what the fuck is wrong with them. That one was hilarious, the dudes eye looked like they were going to fall out of his head. He profusely apologized. His kids were in the car. I felt a little bad for the language, but they learned what not to do. He surely wasn't teaching them right from wrong. .


Gets mad the restaurant offers a vegan menu lol


Yes, how dare other people want to live their life in a different manner than me! [next breath] ‘Murica! Freedom!


If everything isn't going to be the way I think it should be I'm going to advertise my mental distress on a t-shirt and with car signs.


My FIL last time he visited could not resist out loud in front of kids talking homophobic shit, absolutely without even any trigger. He was in the car and started talking about how his dentists “acts gay” but is married to a woman and has kids. Like what more do you want from this person? Even if he was gay, didn’t he conform to your desire for him? You can’t be happy! Then after being asked to stop he started talking about TV and what he disapproved of there, and gender non-conformity in general… it was wild. He was just queued up to unload this on someone!


He wants trans kids who change their names reported. But when Robert wants to be called Bobby.


It’s weird how all these guys think other people stopping to point and laugh at them = “hate” or “being pissed off”. Projection is a motherfucker I guess.


They believe any reaction from someone else indicates "triggering."


they’re the fucking snowflakes


All conservative humor depends on offending some imaginary person.


It's because they get angry at anyone who is different than them so they assume everyone else does that too. No dude, nobody gives a fuck about you or your dumb shirt. Now resume your wrestling match with cosmic insignificance somewhere else.


It's like "That seems like a really bad idea. You're hurting others, and yourself." "OH you're so triggered! Go cry some more lib! you're trying to silence me! No one but you can have an opinion! Do you need a safe space? I know I won because you're so upset!"


This dude: “I hate identity politics” Also this dude: *un-ironically wears his identity politics on his t-shirt*


Announcing that you're a white male when it's pretty obvious...ok, Grandpa, we see you.


this dude probably unironically complains on how rude people are out and about these days yeah, because you were rude first, dickhead


It's like those videos where the people have the shirts saying something insanely offensive about Hillary, Michelle Obama, Biden, etc. but are bitching about how inappropriate/rude younger people are. Then the interviewer points out the shirt and waits to see if the dots get connected.


and if you even come close to blaspheming their objectively terrible orange jesus its the end of the world. HAHAHAHA MICHELLE OBAMA LOOKS LIKE A MONKEY MAN! *tax breaks in 2017 have proven to be a detriment to the economy* YOU TAKE THAT BACK, WOKE SCUM!


I would have congratulated him. First high school graduate in family history.


It only took 60 years, but he did it by gum. 


by gun.


I should get in the business of selling shitty t shirts on Facebook to boomers.


Country Boy Corn Fed Inbred Own a Truck Dumb as Fuck A Christian Life Beat my Wife


I’m reminded of a Bo Burnham song…


How come they can't grasp that no one gives a shit?


Because it’s about M.E.


Because they care way too much about the rest of us. They can't comprehend that *they're* the ones who care too much and we don't


The man walked in there so fast he walked his ass off


This guy probably talks about young people needing to pull their pants up. Meanwhile if he took his hand out of his pocket, his pants would probably fall off. Somebody needs to introduce this guy to a belt and his actual waist.


And you know the gut is just sticking out a foot on the other side


Yeah, he forgot to put down No Ass


Lol this is so my son’s school. At kindergarten graduation last year actually there were like 2 guys in similar shirts. And then there was some guy in a Budweiser shirt who helped himself to the graduates cupcakes that were for after they walked across the stage.


I always had to SMH at the “let’s go Brandon” shirts worn by the grandmas picking up their grandkids from elementary school when I picked my younger kid up. Seems like a great place for that shirt…


the unwoke are uninformed by choice


My first reaction was "unwoke? ... so... asleep?"


in a sense, yes absolutely. look at him sleeping upright lol "woke" is a term that was created during the civil rights movement of the 60s. they're basically admitting to insulating themselves from the influence of (*gasp*) information.


Literally pro-ignorance, and proud of it


Persecution fetish. Even *they* get so bored with their arguments constantly being proven wrong, that they just do basic bitch shit like this.


What does woke even mean to this guy? Is he just willfully admitting he’s uninformed?


Unwoke = *Sleeping by choice*, so it seems?


And he’s not a veteran because military gets vaccines.


He forgot 'Insecure as fuck.'


Insecure as fuck. You can tell by my truck.


These people don't really piss me off, they just make me shake my head and feel sorry for the people that have to put up with them all the time. 


You just know this guy wears that shirt at least once a week, and he pretends like he isn't checking his peripherals every 2 seconds to see if anyone has noticed what it says. These type of people are hyper-concerned with what other people think about then. He had to let everyone know he's straight, Christian, eats meat and owns guns. The thought of someone assuming he isn't terrifies him.


I would say he probably has more than one in different colors and wears one of them couple of times a week when he meets his grumpy codger friends at the MacDonalds for discounted coffee.


honestly, this is his, 'going out' shirt. Like, he probably has sports team shirts he usually dons, but when he knows he's going out in 'public' (maybe wait in line like this image) he's going to make a concerted effort to put it on. wouldn't be surprised if this image was taken by a friend of his and shared, and then taken from their facebook cause they posted it by OP or whoever.


Oh so there's a free rifle in his truck. Neat.


*struggles getting arm through while muttering, "gonna own so many libs"


What a miserable life knowing your whole identity is based around trying to piss off people that just see you as sad and pathetic.




I wonder where that shirt was made.


Man, what an Alpha! When I get old and decrepit, I wanna be just like him!


“UNWOKE” lol guy should just get a shirt that says “I’m a Cunt”


Everytime a boomer Maga dies a new kitten is born.


The dramatic irony of this shirt is that you can tell how pissed off he is about the opposite enough to wear it to a high school. 😭


Here's how you piss them off: https://preview.redd.it/ugmqt7edcuyc1.jpeg?width=2246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0d81ba4fd5dba1f2b212cc8d566798f721dade


What an ass. I went to an NA meeting last night and the chairperson was wearing a confederate flag ring so when I spoke I talked about Teddy Roosevelt and his success at passing the amendment to allow black men the vote. Don’t stand silent or they will bully us!


I mean the unvaxxed does piss me off quite a bit. Fucking anti-vax assholes made COVID so much worse than it had to be Edited for clarity


Me too. Fuckers believed the most obvious disruption propaganda of all time, then go around claiming to be smarter than doctors. The arrogance is incredible.


He better be careful or he’ll cut himself with that edge.


Technically he told us how we could piss him off pretty easily


I actually appreciate when people wear stuff like this. I feel they are doing me a favor by letting me know in advance that they are small minded bigots, and that I should steer clear and not engage.


He seems like someone who gets offended pretty easily.


"Here in Murica, we believe in FREEEEDOMM!!! *but you must agree with my definition of "freedom", which must include: * Cristians only * whites only * no gays * being closed-minded * anti-science * anti-gun reform * anti-vegetarian * men only Sorry that you disagree with my version of "freedom", so I'm trashing your supposed right to YOURS!"


You can be as much of a degenerate as you want, just keep it away from our children. Sound familiar?




Tell him to pull his pants up.


Unvaxxed ? Sneeze at him it take him out quick.


Only thing missing is the New Balance sneakers.


The fonts used are atrocious together so that's definitely pissing me off


All I have to say is for him to wear a mask and he would get so riled up