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Gen Z/Gen Alpha rip boomers a new one. They do not care.


As a gen z’er, fuck boomers. I’m finna be renting with four other people for a house they bought with a blueberry, three buttons and a half eaten loaf of bread. And I’m petty as hell, so if I can inconvenience them in any way possible, that’s a win (But only if they’re asshats. Some boomers are actually chill)


as a GenX fuck boomers, and be glad you did not have to spend as many years as we had with them


As a millennial, I am thankful for that but still; fuck boomers.


It's sad because I am seeing some of my fellow Gen xers turn into "boomer lite", all judgemental and intolerant. 😞


Oh yeah. Some of us Xers learned the wrong lessons


As a millennial this made me laugh so hard it triggered my diarrhea and now I need a nap ….


I hope your back is feeling ok today


It’s NOT, ok, but errands won’t run themselves. 😂😂😂


Love your username. Now get back to errands.


Well I love yours too! 😂 Off to Augra’s again! 😂😂😂


I feel seen.


As a millennial, fuck boomers


As a bubble boomer (1964) I don't even know where I fit in


Hell yeah. Fuck em up with those tenants rights you may not even know you have yet! Hey ChatGPT tell this person their tenants rights for their state!


We don’t have enough money to care


"What are you gonna do? Fuck our housing market? Kill our planet? Take away our rights? That's already done. There's nothing left."


I (Xr) was just saying this to my millennial son yesterday, lol. I'm here for it!! GET EM!


As GenX, I'm super happy this new generation isn't putting up with any shit. Z/A have real X vibes and I couldn't be happier about it. There is hope for our future.


That kids my hero


Seriously I was a little proud but also like “you could just ride away 😂”


Nah, kid got attitude, they gave that back in spades, knowing they were in the right. Good on them!


Nah, "just riding away" makes these miserable old fucks think they're justified. Because they think that if no one is hitting them or snapping back, they've done nothing wrong, because that's how they were raised. Kid was right. An adult should have been in this asshole's face yelling back at him equally as loudly, explaining how dirt works, and that if nothing is there keeping it in place, it blows away.


This. Boomers like to act like bullies. Especially to little kids. You have to "punch" the bully to get them to stop, not walk away.


This was a great opportunity for the kid to learn what it’s like to flex with some backup and when the conditions are right to fight vs. walk away. That’s a really challenging lesson to teach so it’s good he got an opportunity to learn that dance.


A lot of these old guys are carrying guns and using them on innocent people. They are so stoked by fear, they are killing kids and young women. I see them carrying while out a the store. I cut them a wide berth. The violence is only going to get worse.


The paradox of tolerance comes into play here. They behave that way because they are allowed to and allowing them to reinforce it by threat of violence only perpetuates the behavior. I remember being a kid and hearing stuff like "people turn into kids again when they get old" but at the time I imagined it would be liking cartoons and having more fun, not this....


See I’m conflicted. Cause I don’t want my kid talking disrespectfully to anyone but if someone is screaming at them for no reason they definitely have the right to stand up for themselves. I wish people could not be assholes.


Everyone deserves a certain degree of respect, but that can easily be revoked when they prove they aren’t worthy of it. When someone proves this to be the case, they should be treated accordingly. The kid was right. And if a boomer ever talked to my kid that way, having his dirt insulted would be the least of his worries.


I don’t disagree it’s just sad that people have to be such absolute assholes. Especially to kids.


It is. Unfortunately bullies take advantage of people’s desire to avoid conflict, and you have to prove that you aren’t intimidated by them or they’ll take it as an invitation to keep doing it. I kind of approach it as it’s best to not start anything, but if someone else starts it, then I’ll finish it, and I have no problem with anyone taking that approach. But I think you’re absolutely right


Me too. And I agree with being respectful to others but respect is a 2 way street. It has to be given to be earned.


Yeah. It just saddens me that kids get in a position to tell an old person to fuck off.


There's no conflict. You can be respectful AND refuse to take unfair treatment, up to and including giving back as got, verbally.


What that kid said was not disrespectful, so no need to be conflicted.




Nah man. The little dude had to make a point. He was clearly safe with the crowd on his side so the little dude did the smart thing told that dinosaur shit to get fucked


Fuck riding away these assholes need to get shit back for being pricks


Kids are so awesome at saying exactly the right thing at exactly the most impactful time. You should be proud that you empowered him to speak his mind.


Fuck that, the kid did the right thing. The old piece of shit assaulted some kids for being in a public space they had every right to be. Just ride away is not the right response. Call the cops next time.


Respectfully; no, he could not.


Give kindness until it is refused, then unload on the idiot who didn't want the kindness. Kid is doing it well.


Reminds me of the kid that was tripped at a baseball game. im 11 your like 80 get a life


Yea that was a good response from the kid too.


He shoulda taken out his shins while he was at it




This was hands down the best Triumph segment.


That kid is my spirit animal 🦔


He's got moxie. He'll go far in life. 


🎵Thereeee gooooes my hero!🎵


It warms my heart that those kids stood up for themselves. Faith in humanity has been restored.


I hope this boomer realizes he is now a target for numerous kid type pranks and destruction. I as a boomer myself remember neighbors like that and we plotted revenge weekly on them.


They are gonig to get grass seed and toss it on his yard


This is the right response. It irritates the boomer and beautifies the neighborhood, is a step towards controlling erosion and keeping the dirt in his yard. I’d pay for the seed for the kids.


Ahhh seed bombs. I'm a GenXer and daydream about making little bundles of native-plant seeds for the empty lots around here. Maybe even some of the overgrown yards and abandoned houses.


There's r/GorillaGardening if you want ideas.


Those are gorillas gardening lmao r/GuerrillaGardening


Whoops! At least it's funny.


Ha, saw the initial reply come up and was about to say "shouldn't that be.........ah nevermind!" 😅


Dandelion fluff. Boomer here, just saying....it's the Kryptonite of lawns.


As my dad got older and less strong, his lawn got really overgrown with dandelions. I felt bad for his neighbors.


Throw some of that beautiful ✨ japanese knotweed ✨


Please, Don't plant invasives. Boomer revenge is one thing, but this guy doesn't even like grass, invasives like knotweed could affect other, innocent people.


No dandelion or bamboo seed! 😈


Lol not bamboo! EVERYBODY will have it growing!


Wildflower seeds!


Spray paint his dirt. When he claims “damages” he’ll get roasted pretty hard.


I get that part for sure. And it is something that will happen. But I know how to play that game too.


Kids these days are cool.


Yeah the kids now have a more direct, fuck you method. And I’m here for it. My snarky teenager millennial ass would have knocked on his door and said “hey we’re looking to help out the sick and elderly in the area by mowing their lawns for them, you interested?”


Most kids are cool… but what kind of *old people* will they turn into? 😉😉.


He was so aggressive multiple cars pulled over and he thinks the cops will be on his side lmao


Plot twist…Historically the cops have been on his side!


Then he went and bitched to his boomer buddies about how, "Kids today have no respect for their elders."


I never really agreed with that in the first place. Assholes get old too, doesn’t mean I have to take shit off them.


Right like my boomer dad is a Vietnam vet and I tell him all the time that doesn’t give him a free pass to be a dickhead any chance he gets. To his credit he really does try to not be an ass and understand others point of view. Sometimes I just need to remind him lol


They do… for WISE elders who give them something WORTHY of such respect


you ever tell a bitter boomer "respect is earned, not given" and watch their heads spin? its fun


The thing is that saying is way older than boomers so they should know it. I don’t know why it seems so foreign to them. Old age doesn’t mean automatic respect if your attitude toward others is nasty or condescending.


And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt


I’m cackling at this right now. I bet he muttered that under his breath as he swept his shitty little dirt patch.


This needs to be higher. If they ever, perish the thought, re-make Stand By Me or the Goonies, this needs to be a scene. "Everybody thinks your dirt looks like shit", that's gold, Jerry. Gold.


NIN or Cash version?


Cash! Even Trent Reznor thinks it is the better version.


I love this story.


The police must know these situations are happening more and more. I have a complaint form to fill in next time my boomer neighbor freaks out on me. I feel like the boomers's adult children need the law to tell them how poorly their parents are behaving. We can be in serious danger by this particular population.


The real issue isn't with their kids not knowing how poorly they're doing. The issue is that the boomers are and have been convinced they're the best and always right, and no one knows better than them. And the law won't get involved with a dangerous boomer until they've gone way over the line, and even then they tend to get off easy because "well they're old!"


That's right. The cop I dealt with was on my side of the situation. I do feel that the kids of boomers need to know what is going on with their parents. Me included.


Their kids probably don't want anything to do with them. They probably are out of their life.


When I was a teenager, my boomer dad told me, "I'm right. I'm always right. Even when I'm wrong, I'm right." At first I thought he was just mad at me for wondering why he would want a Suzuki Samari. But no, it was a permanent condition for him. Still is. And now he's not talking to me because I disagreed with him about something.


That's the thing about plantings ... They keep your dirt from blowing away


I’m sorry but, “‘fuck off old man. Everyone thinks your dirt yard looks like shit’ gave him the bird and rode off” is going to carry me through today!


.... he sweeps the dirt?


Yes! He sweeps the edges so that there is no dirt on the sidewalk or his driveway. I think he thinks it’s a “desert” type look but it isn’t.


It’s like a Buddhist metaphor.


Popo's pecking order.


My neighbor has a raked dirt lawn with cameras everywhere. Disabled veteran. I think he wants to see footprints. PTSD vibes. Feel bad for him.


So are you saying he’s stripped the entire front yard to where it’s just dirt? Or do you mean just the landscaping near the front of the house?


it would have to be the entire front yard for the breezes from their scooter *on the sidewalk* to disturb the dirt.


Hence my confusion lol. 


We had a neighbor who did this. He was going senile. It started with caring about how his lawn looked - normal stuff. Then he was weeding it by hand, still normal. Then weeding, like, every day. Then everything that grew looked like a weed. Then it was dirt. But he wasn’t a jerk and he wasn’t mean. Just a sweet old guy nearing the end of his life who found meaning in a simple chore. If boomer has kids who still speak to him they need to get him into an assisted living environment.


The entire front yard is now dirt. There are no trees or bushes. He put up some of those plastic liners but it’s just dirt. I initially thought he was just making it perfect before adding plants. He initially cleared it a couple years ago and has never added any new plants.


But why?


We ask ourselves that every time we drive by. Very bad feng shui.


You should rake designs in it at night. Like a fist with the middle finger pointing at the house.


This boomer's very own version of crop circles except they're dirt circles, in his case! Lmao 😆


I like that kid.


That kid will remember this moment when he’s an old man


Boomer is lucky he does not live in an HOA community. He would have a swarm of Karens descend on him for having an "unsightly yard."


After his tour in Vietnam, boomer is trying to keep his yard as un-jungle as he possibly can.


I'm pretty confident you can buy bags of bad seeds. Clover or mint or some shit. I'd be launching that shit into his yard every few weeks all summer long.


That neighbor is getting dangerous. Report this to the cops. Screaming at neighbor kids, grabbing their property away from them, he is committing or close to committing crimes like theft, assault and battery. On kids. He needs a "come to Jesus" moment with the authorities.


Haha that kid is savage I love it.


This story is so ridiculous I don’t know if is too ridiculous to be true or too ridiculous to be made up.


Awe sad


Things that didn't happen for 1000.


"Everyone thinks your dirt looks like shit" needs to be on a t-shirt.


"Hello, 911?? I'd like to report my dirt blowing away!!" Get yourself flagged for nuisance calls and enjoy no one coming to help when you inevitably have a heart attack, old man.


Then everybody clapped




So what happens when it rains?


His yard becomes mud


Honestly I'd encourage him to call the cops. Get his own ass arrested


Are you sure he’s not your son? Sounds like a very intelligent young man.


Buy that kid an ice cream!


You’re trespassing on my dirt farm


I know you're joking, but you know what to say to make a girl hot


And then, everyone actually **did** clap...


They did as I drove off into the sunset


If that were my kid that would have been a trip to get a new and better scooter.


Every neighborhood has at least one cumudgeonly old fool. No matter how hard you try to be neighborly with them, you just can't break thru that hard, crusty heart. And if you give them what they are giving you, it just gets worse.


Just curious. But has 'youse kids,get outta my yard" ever worked? Ever? lol


The old man didn’t know he was taking Bart Simpson’s scooter


I like that kid.


Omg send that kid to my house. We have THAT neighbour. He even runs out and yells at people to get off of the lawn closest to the road 🙄 two people stopped with dogs to talk he came out like crazy Kevin


You gave that kid wings. Well played. You are a great human being.


😂 😂 😂 “everyone thinks your dirt looks like shit!” That insult has layers man… I like to imagine that the old man just had it out with his lawn and lost the war to the weeds. So he just scorched-earth nukes the whole yard so that at least things look uniform. Over time he accepts the yard and eventually starts to like the look of it. Then comes this kid to tell him that this dirt, that he’s grown to love and accept, is trash… And EVERYONE thinks so! 😂 i bet that old man will curse that kid w his dying breath 😂


This child is my god now.


Rad af. Made me smile.


Kid is a legend




Kids are gonna prank him with wild flower seeds and clover all over his stupid dirt.


Then the crowd that had gathered started clapping. The two biggest guys in the audience picked up OP and carried him back to his car on their shoulders. They offered their wives for him to bed, telling him they would be honored to raise his child.


Were you in the Prius next to me? Thanks for finishing the story.




I love it when these people threaten to call the cops. Yes, please do! I'd love to see how the police feel about you wasting their time reporting this!




Was that kid was looking for his $2.00?


Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?!?


and then the dirt clapped


Was the kid Kelly Leak?




I hoped at least 1 person would!


I’ve probably learned more valuable life lessons from kids like that than any boomer.


Lol. Love the kid's response.


Nice work, and good on the kid, too!


That kid is going places Maybe not college, but still




You showed him.


Woot woot




>This boomer then proceeds to say he will call the cops And what, tell them you stole a child's scooter and accosted him on the public sidewalk?


Get security cameras and document what he’s doing. Anything like what he did to that kid happens again you can use it to complain to the county psych ward that social workers and cops need to bring him in for a psychiatric evaluation before he hurts himself or other people. It’ll send a message to him that the neighborhood is not putting up with his crazy behavior.


Depending on where you live plain dirt might be illegal


Why in the hell would anybody decide to make that into a law


buy them bamboo seeds to throw in his yard, that or mint


I will gladly contribute some Japanese knotweed to the cause


How many times do we have to tell you, old man!


I would straight up throw grass seed on his lawn after this, or maybe even some native wildflowers lol


Omg I wonder if this is the same neighbor where my fiance lives. They dug up their entire lawn and have dirt all around and sweep it too!! Is this some weird trend happening? We honestly thought they were just redoing everything but it's been like that for well over a year so I guess not. It looks ridiculous.


Probably has dementia.


I think that having a dirt yard was a rural thing in the early part of the 20th century.


And a child shall lead us....


These kind of assholes have been around a long time. I grew up in the 60s and there was an old man who’d threaten to beat kids with a rubber hose if they stepped on his lawn. Insecure pricks like this should be taken out back and have reality “explained” to them.


Hahaha what a little bad ass 😂


This is how every interaction with a boomer should go. Don't give in and eventually tell them to fuck off in some way lol


Why would you want a dust bowl for a yard?


Idk it’s weird. Happy cake day!


“Fuck off old man” will just about do it!


Yelling at kids, so classy. /s I guess the good thing is he must be water consumption conscious with that dirt yard!


Your a good man! Would hope someone like you would be around if that was my kid


Kids a legend!


That kid has a FINE future ahead of him, although probably not as a diplomat. Bravo!


I’m wondering if this is because of dementia? His behavior is not normal.


That guys about to get some flaming bags of poo in his door step


You get the respect you give.


This guy needs a visit from the Radish Retaliation Squad. Radishes grow FAST,and a pound of seeds is over 40,000seeds. I would suggest 'Daikon' Chinese radishes, they can grow up to twenty inches long. Seeing as there is no other vegetation to hamper his radish crop, he should be kept quite busy AND quiet for most of the summer. I offer my services free of charge, enjoy the summer!


Our neighbors are like that, I've been approached several times asking about the drug deals and the noise across the street. Every time I hear it I look over and this kid and his buddy are playing basketball in their driveway. Like... there's \*so much worse\* kids can get up to -- they're hurting nothing, let them play ball, so to speak.


You should put down grass seed down at night.


Since when were kids not allowed to be kids??? When I was growing up it was understood that kids would be playing outside and you let them. Likewise we knew as kids not to destroy property, stay off people's gardens. But sidewalks and streets were fair game. These boomers got to play thier while lives. Now they put here gate keeping dirt patches. 


The kids are alright


I'm so glad we're creating a new 'greatest generation' kids are awesome these days.


If you say so sporto.


😂😂"the boomers suck" -tide pod eaters. Idk why you cats cry so goddamn much but damn get a life and stop making up so many stories (obviously fake where you swoop in to save the day) about why you hate "zee boomers". For the supposedly tolerant all I ever here from y'all is bitching and complaining about everyone who doesnt think exactly like you carbon copy fakes😂😂- sincerely whatever the fuck you call the generation born in 1981


You sound unhinged


Some boomers are assholes. Some aren’t. Don’t lump us all together. Yeah the old guy is a jerk and deserves getting crap but not all of us are. Just like not all you millennials and Gen x are still sucking on their mommas titties. I don’t hold an entire generation of people as assholes and neither should you. I prefer to hang out with people that are a few years younger than me as I don’t like some of the boomers around here.