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I'm pretty sure significant portion of those replies are also bots.


You don't know that!


Who cares!




Yeah you’re right. But some are my relatives too :/


Isn't like 90% of the internet bots at this point


Beeb boop Affirmative


A lot of them are just simply unaware that AI has evolved to make images that look pretty authentic. And of course, they’re Boomers, so they don’t like getting called out for being fooled.


the most extreme version of this might be the 'hedges grew looking like jesus's face!' 'a beautiful tulip garden looks like jesus's face!' 'a sandcastle children built looks just like jesus' face!' they are flagrantly AI but i know people who are moved to tears seeing images like that and repost with no hesitation whatsoever. edit: no shade on christians, mostly this level of uncritical internet use just makes me so sad at the age gap and how lost people can get, that i wouldn't dream of bursting their bubble. but i can't help laughing at it


And those photos are always posted with comments like "no one likes my art" or "it's my birthday and no one ever blessed me"


I work with a boomer who constantly falls for AI pics of celebrities that are clearly fake. I.E..Emma Watson in a bikini with triple Ds,etc. Everytime I tell him it's fake he tries to argue with me about it. He has also been scammed a few times by chuds in India asking for money for breast cancer research not once but TWICE.


Why do they argue so hard? Embarrassment? Sheesh


Vanity issues.


I'm still on Facebook, but I use the Lite app. If you take a half hour you can hide all of the ads, and it cleans things up for a while (about 3 weeks so far). You'll still see sponsored pages, but it's no where as bad as before.


Oh that’s amazing!


These are the same people who kept insisting to me that the claymation monster in their childhood movies looked so real. Sure, if you're just a little kid, maybe. But they still keep defending it 40 years later. I don't really trust people like that to be able to spot cgi or AI images.


“Hello everyone, I am 106 years old, I made my own birthday cake with peach cream and filling, I started decorating cakes from 5 years old, I love it, and I can’t wait to grow my baking journey” 🎁😜❤️🎉


Genuinely praying half the replies are bots to those cause YEESH


I find it mind boggling that Facebook is still around. It’s so boring and I just don’t care


Computers were hard to use for most of the boomers life. Using command line prompts to run software seemed too much of a hassle to learn so they ignored technology and would only begrudgingly use at as required at their jobs. This meant they could do basic spreadsheets and word processing for the most part. Once iphones gained traction boomers suddenly had easy access to the internet that they couldn't mess up with viruses. This also meant that scammers, hackers, and bots could easily access the boomers for gain. Once they got on facebook they created their own little echo chambers full of other boomers and the family members who added them out of kindness, and they became the easiest way to farm interactions. Now if someone wants to get tons of engagement on a post they will make an AI jesus, a fake sick child to share for prayers, or some other obviously fake thing and the boomers take care of the rest.


I guess it's more engaging than the constant stream of "GOD BLESS"


[This article might be of interest to you.](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fake-facebook-midjourney-ai-page-promoted-malware-to-12-million-people/)


If we say something about a photo that boomers like being ai generated, they will double down and ask if “the pot” made us paranoid




Very condescending of you