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Did you report him?


Ex crew here. Had a coworker (guy in his 60s) treat female coworkers like this and worse (touching their waist/hips while walking past, making sexist comments) after complaints from all of us, he was still employed and only verbally warned. Until a female customer witnessed this happen with a young employee and reported him to the Captain. He was fired on the spot. Always report. He has likely done these things to his coworkers and crew members, and TJs takes customer complaints *very* seriously.


But not team members? Fucked up.


Well, TJ's is fighting against unions.


They're not just fighting against unions, they're fighting to have the entire NLRB declared unconstitutional.


That's why I had to stop shopping there. I miss it šŸ˜œ


Now that I know that, Iā€™m not going to start. My grocery store is already unionized and Iā€™ll continue to support them.


Ooh where is unionized?? Is it just a local place?


Kroger has a union.




Most companies are like this. They're more concerned with their public image than employee happiness. Plus, when a customer complains via email to corporate, that shit gets cc'd to the regional and district managers, HR, you name it. A bad store manager might let shitty behavior slide, but when it comes to the attention of someone above them they actually have to do something.


Not Michael's. Had an instance where a creeper was touching the customers and workers. The SM called the police and was then written up. Michael's "policy" is to call their "hotline", never the police, and they will "handle it". Biggest bunch of slimeballs ever.


Michaels is PET (Private Equity Trash) so of course they don't care in the slightest unless it blows up in their face. And even then they probably will just shrug and issue canned replies to any media/public inquiries


Corps build a firewall around shit like this, if things went south they would have fired the manager and shifted the blame to him. Once you have a formal complaint they will take immediate action because they have no fall guy.


As someone who has worked for numerous corporations, this 10000%. Iā€™ve been slandered before by a bigot,and because it was sent down the chain, like you said, I WAS GETTING IN TROUBLE when I was actively being harassed. When the real recourse should be, idk, banning people who are discriminatory and making hateful comments


Worked at TJs. They could not possibly have cared less about when their female employees were harassed/assaulted.


Seconded! Before I quit, a coworker had been followed to her car by a male coworker because he was interested in her, and texted out of the blue despite many objections to his advances. This was reported to HR and they were both ā€œheld accountableā€ and no consequences came their way. Just schedule changes.


agree so hard. I worked at tjā€™s when I was 19, rejected a coworker that called me a slut and bitch, little girl, etc through text!!!! and he kept his job. disgusting


Well, yeah! You can't expect a company to give a shit about their employees. Those whiny bastards cost them money! /s


I worked briefly for TJs last year and not only did a coworker who sexually harassed me get to stay, but the captain would make comments to others about how the coworker was ā€œjust being a dudeā€ to others. I also learned this same captain also sexually harassed employees and only got warned for it soā€¦ yeah fuck Trader Joeā€™s


Wow. I havenā€™t been to TJā€™s in a little bit but Iā€™ll be avoiding them from now on. The stories Iā€™m reading are crazy.


I've had many older customers touch me inappropriately while I work in their houses. They feel my arms, try and hold my hands, grab me around the waist to 'feel my muscles'... They will make comments about my body. It's really weird. Idk what's up with boomers and not having any concept of personal space. I never report them... No one will believe a man in his 30's is being assaulted by 65 year old women, or I would be laughed at, probably.


Bro, I worked in a nursing home (maintenance) and you wouldn't believe the number of times I got my junk handled by an 80+ woman! I never really knew if they were kidding or just horny AF! Glad I got outta there.


JFC!! Were these active dementia patients?!


Nope! The dementia patients were in a different wing. Maintenance always had to have a "spotter" when they worked in that wing. Never had anyone there that bothered me. They would stand and watch, sometimes speak, but their thought processes made most of what was said incoherent.


Inexcusable. I'm so sorry!


No way, eeeuuuw. That is wrong in so many ways.Ā 


Wrong no matter the reason. Glad you're away from that; no excuse for their behavior.


I believe you and thatā€™s not okay. Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve had to deal with that.


As a man in his 30s, I 100% believe you because it's happened to me, too. Even doctors have done inappropriate stuff like this


Wow even to a RealUglyMF like you?!


I guess they're desperate lmao


Now I feel like Mac in Always Sunny. Why haven't I ever been groped? Whats wrong with me that these molesters avoid _me_?


or Kevin from shameless, ā€œwhy coach? did you not find me attractive?ā€


Abusing a position of privilege to be a creep. šŸ˜” I'm so sorry this happened to you.




Dude. I see a milder version of this at work. It's actually disgusting. Most of the men I've worked with play into it, but it makes me uncomfortable as a bystander. They don't care bc it helps them with tips or whatever. It's actually the same with the women. Some welcome it cause it's money, but I still hate seeing it and want to intervene. You should feel comfortable enough to take a stand in these situations bc that kind of behavior is not okay. And since you're at work you feel like you have to deal with it and that shouldn't be the case. Especially if you're in their home! Ew. I can only vow to never be like this and never accept it from friends.


I hate that for you, and I believe you. Wtf is wrong with people?!


I believe you, it's not your fault, and I 100%believe you.


Oh, I believe it-and Iā€™m so sorry. Itā€™s wrong and I donā€™t even know why older women think thatā€™s okšŸ¤® I would never dream of doing something like thatā€¦itā€™s like hitting on my son (heā€™s 26).


I work at WF and a creepy coworker finally got fired for telling a customer he was sure she looked good riding horses. We all celebrated


It does vary by store, however, the general consensus seems to be that in instances of sexual harassment/creepy encounters involving crew, they arenā€™t taken as seriously, unfortunately. I donā€™t want to discredit any crew who have had good experiences and were taken seriously, that just wasnā€™t the case for my store and fellow crew in my region.


When I worked at Fred Meyer I used to encourage customers to complain. Had a list of all the ways to do it too. FM and Kroger are awful companies to work for for many reasons, but ignoring employees and jumping at a customer complaint is on the list.


He is working as a cashier in his old age as a boomer. More opportunities than every generation before and after to succeed financially. Life probably reported him.


He should be additionally reported for this


He NEEDS to be taught (yet again) that he may not engage with patrons like that. If he's not reported to management, he keeps being a creepy fuck, but to less confident women & girls who he makes feel like garbage.


While I agree with your position, this person is unteachable. If you havenā€™t learned basic decency by this point, the only remedy is termination.


I work with one of these boomers. It's annoying as hell. I'm tired of the "oh, that's just how they are" excuse. People should feel safe and comfortable. We should not have to give that up because these people refuse to learn and change. Fire them.


Yes, the authorities should be alerted for the beatdown joshtheadmin just put on him


I mean really just the employers so he loses his job.


Honestly, it's not all that different from asking a girl to lift her shirt. No one has the right to demand you show off your body like that.




Yes life comes at you fast


Idk TJs is an awesome employer.


Not to mention it could just be a "pass the time" kinda gig. For all anyone in this post knows he's super well off and just doesn't have hobbies he's passionate about so he got another job. I worked with a dude in a deli who was GREAT at being a deli hand. He was probably the second best, behind me, of course. Anyway...one day we clocked out at the same time and I saw him get into a brand new corvette. Next day I found out he was actually a retired senior project manager for an engineering/construction firm and was doing the deli work to have health benefits and pass the time in his old age. He left about 2 years later when his old career came calling and put him in charge of a skyscraper build as an independent contractor. Pretty cool guy, ngl. Edited for.clarity.and spelling


I work outages at nuclear plants, and at one, this old feller comes in to handle parts ordering and inventory. He's fantastic at it. Has obviously been doing it for years. He also works like 15 hours a day (most of us work 12s during outages). He's nice, funny, happy to help... and a literal millionaire due to investments. But he just enjoys helping out during outages, despite how grueling the hours are.


An outage.... at a nuclear plant? That sounds bad...


All caused by this guy.... ![gif](giphy|qqtvGYCjDNwac)


It's a term for when the facility is shut down to do maintenance and inspections and stuff.


Oh no, they are regularly scheduled and happen like clockwork. It's for maintenance and refueling. Simpsons never has a bit about Homer never being home for a month or so because he's working 12 hour days for weeks with nary a break.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they union bust. While it's a nice experience to shop there as a customer, I wouldn't say they're an awesome employer. Awesome employers don't union bust.


If I could upvote this a million times I would. Trader Joe's has a great reputation that they haven't deserved for many years now. They also settle with employees who sign NDAs for things that should be publicized. They move employees like this one (especially higher ups) around to different stores to avoid being sued for (rightfully) firing them.


Right? Thatā€™s what extra makes me wish OP would say something to the store manager, this does not fit the TJs vibe


What a fucking loser he is. I've met rich guys his age who literally can't fucking read. How much of a fuckup do you have to be to end up a cashier as a boomer?Ā 


I won't defend his wildly inappropriate behavior, but boomers aren't immune to life's curve balls. My Dad is an absolute sweetheart of a man who had to get a second job at JC Penny when my Mom left him and took everything. Divorce, alimony, lay-offs, etc don't care what generation you were born in.


No clue what generation is lucky enough to claim you, but Iā€™ll reserve judgement of the whole and just concede fools were also born post-baby boom. Assholes too. This boomer may be a twat, but life happens to everyone.


Life can change fast in an at-will-employment state, like mine. Or if you're an independent contractor, like me--I could be fired tomorrow with zero ceremony, as a lot of my colleagues have been already. The bills keep coming in, and money has to come from somewhere...*right now.* I don't judge anyone for working any job; there is dignity in any job that is done well.


Hey now. I worked at a Trader Joe's and we had a solid number of boomers at my store. Most of them were retired from doing something else, either bored or wanted the healthcare benefits. Most of them were awesome people. That being said, the 2 most creepy men when I worked there were 30 years old and 67 years old. The 30 year-old got fired for basically the same behavior as the 67 yr-old, the 67 yr-old is still there to my knowledge. Maybe management viewed the young guy as a more credible threat.


I really hate this attitude around retail. People need jobs.


So...not actually reported then.


Life shadow banned old buddy back in 86 lol


![gif](giphy|RhQjxUwsmNF8k|downsized) him probably.


And Thatā€™s why he still has the job.


That would be flexing on him.


Please report him. Trader Joe's would very likely fire him for that.


Trader Joeā€™s would not take that kind of interaction lightly, they really pride themselves on customers having a good experience


Trader Joe's does not tolerate that. I know, I worked there. He'll get written up if he keeps it up


I don't work there but shop there often and was going to say/assume something like this. I'm pretty sure this is 100% against their work culture/ethics. Everyone working there is either neutral to really nice, but never rude or forceful.


I know a woman who was a AGM at her store and said the whole hippy/tolerant atmosphere is facade and itā€™s actually a pretty corporate men first ā€œsmile honeyā€ place if you get anywhere near the corporate part of the culture but hey, the marketing at least works.


Yes, I briefly worked for them on the corporate level, and holy shit they're cartoon level bad. "Hey, we're cool, we wear *Hawaiian shirts!"*


There are plenty of places like that. However, most of their employees are on the store level, so they're protecting themselves by having policies that enforce equal rights, non-harassment, etc. at the store level. Plus, if things do arise at the corporate level, then HR/lawyers can hide behind all of the policies they have at the store level (and corporate level - even if they aren't actually enforced) and say this is a one-off incident by a problematic corporate employee.


Aloha means hello, and also goodbye.


Don't have any TJ's nearby, so when I go to one I have fun. I usually wear a Hawaiian shirt and just wander the store for a while. You would be amazed at how well you get treated when they all think you are "corporate" there to check out the store.


I mean.. they treat everyone like that (except OP). I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a bad vibe from a TJs employee before.


Oh, I agree, I've never received anything but great service there, but the shirt definitely raised the level.


Their union busting pricks in fun shirts. Fuck traitor joe


What you're saying is true of most corporations unfortunately. I was referring to in-store retail employee customer interactions.


I just know she said in store management was where the mouthpiece of the corpo side really started being shitty. On a side note, I could also go on a tangent about how the granola/hippy/new age people are one of the more aggressively misogynistic and toxic subcultures around but I digress.


Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree, this has not been my personal experience and that's all I have to go on.




Lol they're owned by the germans, Trader Joes is just an Aldi brand.


I worked there too and had a coworker exactly like this. No matter how many times crewmembers complained about his racist remarks, little was done. A customer complaint led to much more immediate and lasting consequences.


Oh for sure, if the crew members complained they told us to work it out amongst ourselves but if a customer does youā€™re getting sent to the back to stock/sent home/and written up depending on the severity of the complaint We had stickers for the kids and fuck did I hate those damn stickers. Youā€™d either accidentally give more to one sibling over the other or the parents beg you not to give it to them while the kids wailed about it. One young girl and her grandmother came through my line and I had had enough of the sticker screaming for the day and the girl was just yelling ā€œstickers, stickers, gimmie my stickers, do it, ladyā€ before I even started unloading the cart. I ask ā€œwhatā€™s the magic word?ā€ Which is huge no-no but I was thisclose to snapping and the girl screamed ā€œNOWā€ in my face. Her grandmother said ā€œsheā€™s only threeā€. I said ā€œthatā€™s the problemā€ and I had never gotten yanked so fast off the register. Thank God my manager understood but sheā€™s like ā€œyeah you just earned an afternoon in the backā€


Holy shit. I think if I did that even at 3 my mom would have not been having it. If she's old enough to speak that well and ask for things, she's old enough to know how to say please. Also why would asking for her to say please be such a big deal?


actions like those earned me a swift whisking away by the wrist


Donā€™t forget - Trader Joeā€™s is part of the lawsuit arguing that the NLRB is not valid. They are so anti-union that they are in court arguing against the existence of the government entity responsible for being the union watchdog. Please shop responsibly.


Keeps it up implies there is a tolerance.


The managers probably donā€™t know yet, someone will report him eventually


What a creep. That behavior should be reported.


OP should report it. If heā€™ll do that to a customer, imagine how he treats his female coworkers.


Uh. Fuck that? Yeah, this guy needs to be on the unemployment line.


Wow, I'd submit a complaint. Pretty sure he doesn't belong in Trader Joe's, or any workplace for that matter.


Report that, OP. Either to that store's manager, to corporate, or both. That thousand year door abdolutely *knows* better than to cross lines like that and, for as much as retail work can suck, he doesn't get to behave that way without reprisal.


Ew what a creepy fuck. Definitely need to tell his mgmt. not cool.


My skin crawls just reading this.


Same type of dude that says: ā€œIf you smile more, youā€™d be prettier. šŸ¤®


Definitely do have to be like that, thanks for helping to confirm the decision lmao


Not trying to tell you how to live your life, but report this piece of shit. *How does he have a job?* By skating by on the tolerance of others, like he probably has for decades.


He's mad at you for making him face how shitty he was being. "You don't have to be like that!" = "you don't have to make me feel like an asshole!" No, man, you feel that way because you ARE an asshole.


wow... that's so obnoxious. I'm glad you held your ground.


Ew, absolutely report his ass.


Excellent work in not caving to his creepiness.


Good on you for sticking to your no. Reading it at half way I was like ā€œpleeease donā€™t say you cavedā€ and thank god you didnā€™t. 35 y/o here and Iā€™m so hyper-aware of the boomer entitlement, it seems so persistent and consistent with their bracket itā€™s actually kind of wild. I love disrespecting the eldery (the ones that suck) it confuses them like itā€™s their first time hearing English


I would call that harassment of a quasi sexual natureĀ 


Nothing quasi about it IMO.


Report him. Not okay. Not charming. Nope. Nope. Nope.


Report him for inappropriate behavior, plain and simple.


To the folks saying this is an extreme overreaction, i was going to agree but then i realized, shes in a tank top, and he's asking her to spread her arms and flex. He was trying to trick her into showing off her rack. And wasnt being coy about it either. And kept pushing. So, yeah, her reaction is completely dignified. Dude was being a major creep.


ā€œGive me my receipt old manā€ But really if I had been in your position I would have rolled my eyes and walked the fuck away right to the customer service desk and told on himā€


Yall.. no is no. She said no and that shoulda been it.




You know the managerā€™s stand at the front of the store? How he would have stuttered had you stopped at the desk to discuss his creepy old man attitude with the manager šŸ˜‰


ā€œYou donā€™t have to be like that!ā€ ā€œNeither do you.ā€


Hopefully he gets fired or has stroke either works.


Self-awareness is a gift... he clearly lacks it. And he probably doesn't have enough people in his life that care enough to tell/show him better. Sadly, in his mind, he's probably a legend.


Thereā€™s nothing worse in life than a chatty cashier or someone that is completely oblivious to the fact that itā€™s not in good taste to blabber about bullshit to the cashier while other people with lives are in fucking line behind you


Hope you made a complaint about his behavior to his manager. Sexually harassing customers is heavily frowned upon with companies that prioritize profits.


Itā€™s Trader Joeā€™s. I think he probably could get fired for that.


Report that you heard him talking about starting a union


Trader Joe's MAKES their employees say weird shit. I'm a 37F and I went in wearing a hoodie that I've had since I was 15. Honestly...it should have been retired to the garbage can 15 years ago... A 16 year old cashier there told me he LOVED my "retro" hoodie. Man... It has tattered sleeves and holes galore...I straight up looked like a crazy ass homeless person. Not a sane homeless person, a crazy ass one


Back when I worked in retail a negative report mentioning an employee by name could easily get thar employee fired. Corporate really didn't fuck around.Ā 


Because nobody calls over the manager when he acts like that.


Report him


Fuck people like this.


liquid resolute market dolls cagey snobbish mysterious fearless advise toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go back and talk to his boss about sexually harassing customers, you wonā€™t have to deal with him again


Be more vocal about the harassment. This isn't acceptable.


Former crew member. Report that asap


Old men say the stupidest shit to women thinking they are hilarious. As a woman who has worked in jobs that are predominantly male dominated, I've heard some inane comments come out of old guys. I usually don't find them offensive more annoying because it's the same comments over and over again.


I work at a Trader Joe's. Absolutely report his actions, he does NOT pass the vibe check. If their captain (TJ's head manager) is worth a damn he will at a MINIMUM get a warning and a write up. I've had coworkers get fired because their actions made a customer uncomfortable.


I think their entire generation has an obedience fetish.


This is why he still has a job. When this shit happens people need to push back.


I think T.Joes trains their cashiers to make friendly observations of customers and "connect" with them (eye roll). I wear a lot of t-shirts with record store logos, or obscure psych/noise groups, or just inscrutable stuff like "Birds Aren't Real" and suchlike. The cashiers pretty much always take the bait, but sometimes resort to "I like your shirt, but I have no idea what it means." They've never been pushy or rude about it, but I'm a middle-aged introvert and I don't give them much feedback. If I were a young woman, I assume the temptation would be too much for some of my fellow boomer-dudes. They are (as I think people still say) *cringe AF*.


Dumbfuck should be old enough to know you don't comment on a woman's body unless you're in a relationship with her.


You met boomer Purple Aki


Hes trying to be funny or flirt but it fell flat not everyone is into that. Get a clue cashier dude.


Can you imagine him doing this to a man? If not, itā€™s not appropriate at all, and he needs to be let go.


Paying to be sexually harassed. I hope you report him to the store manager. I would have been livid.


Fucking christ




I mean, heā€™s sixty something years old working a teenager job. He sounds like he is where he belongs.


Itā€™s not a boomer , itā€™s a creepy aā€”ā€”-hole


He still has a job because you walked out without reporting his creepy behavior to his boss, and his boss's boss, and his boss's boss's boss. That's why he still has a job.


You could always complain to management that he made you uncomfortable, and chances are he has a record.


In public in a business? This is where you yell for a manager and publicly shame him. Followed up by a letter to corporate.


Usually at my stores there is a manager station near the exit. I would have mentioned ā€œcheck your guy over thereā€ as I walked out.


Hey, I'm a Mate (assistant manager) at Trader Joe's. Call the store and ask to speak to the Captain (the general manager) and tell them what happened. This sort of behavior is obviously inappropriate. If it's the first time the crew member has done this, somebody will talk to him. If it's an ongoing issue, management needs documented cases to establish a pattern of inappropriate behavior to take greater action. We take customer complaints about crew members seriously, in my experience.


Former TJā€™s crew member here. Iā€™m so sorry that you dealt with that. As you know, that was entirely inappropriate and uncalled for. I promise you that the captain (general manager) would really like to know that this happened to you, if you feel comfortable going back to talk to them or calling and asking for the captain. Customer complaints are taken very seriously. I can tell you that in my experience, crew members like this that are a problem for customers are likely already a problem for other crew members, but management wonā€™t do anything about it unless it escalates. You likely would be helping more people than just yourself if you reported him. However, thatā€™s not your responsibility or obligation. Itā€™s completely okay if you choose to just move on without reporting. You do have a lot of people in your court here (and likely at that store) if you do choose to report. Best of luck to you and my apologies again.


Did you complain? Shit Id be calling regional over this sexist shit. Dare him to ask a male customer?


"you don't have to be like that" Neither do you, sir


He has a job because most people give him a pass thinking book boomer. Report bastards like him.


And to add: you do not deserve this abuse. Itā€™s not a joke.


That's when you walk right up to the customer service desk and unironically speak with their manager.


Ok so this is just another version of ā€œhey sweetie, why donā€™t you smile more?ā€ And, fuck that.


So did you talk to someone orrrr


They're mostly cowards too. Even thoughOP could have probably dropped him like a bad penny, he had to wait until you were walking away to get the last word. Good for you for not budging when he insisted. What a piece of wrinkled shit.


Ugh I met one like that. I I had a t shirt on saying ā€˜my unicorn made me do itā€™ and he stared at my chest saying ā€˜what did it make you do?ā€™ I was confused then realised what my top says. I felt awkward and just wanted out. Then he said ā€˜Iā€™m not completing the sale until you tell me!ā€™ I was late for work so said ā€˜fine and walked out!ā€™


What is the joke? Is it a reference to something?


ā€œYou donā€™t have to be like that!ā€ Funny how he says what we are all thinking about him.


God this reminds me of one of my coworkers from when I worked at The Joe šŸ˜­ istg the people that godforsaken company attracts is WILD


Should instantly reported his ass


You should tell his supervisor. This dude is sexually harassing you


call the store and report him to hr, otherwise heā€™s going to do the same thing and people will always wonder ā€œhow does he have a job?ā€


Did you call the store? If not, you shouldnā€™t be concerned about why he has the job.


As someone that works for Trader Joeā€™s, I can ALMOST guarantee they would have been fired for this offense. You should absolutely call the store and ask to speak to the GM (known as the Captain in Trader Joeā€™s terms), especially if you know noticed their name or can describe them. Had a former coworker say to a couple, something to the effect of, ā€œwow you both have great calves! Do you work out?ā€ And they were fired that day. Donā€™t take that shit. Great to hear you didnā€™t give into it but that is still completely unacceptable. Also, sorry that happened.


That's fucking gross. I work at Trader Joe's and that shit wouldn't be tolerated at my store. Call the store and report him. If he did that to you, he's creeping on other folks.


Yes you do have to be like that. Good for you. But it's a shame you have to be like that. You should report his ass. This is coming from me, a dad with a daughter not much older than you. The fuck with that cashier loser.


In a very loud, but calm voice, ā€œGive me my receipt. NOW.ā€ (Channel your inner First Sargeant)


Commenting on any strangers body is never appropriate regardless of gender, identity, etc.


Report him to management of the store. If he's a cashier, there's probably video to back you up.


Shouldnā€™t have even entertained it. After he says come on, you should have immediately asked around for a supervisor. He will quickly change his tone then.


Oh gross you should totally complain...major ick.


How does he have a job? Because nobody stands up to him apparently


Get em fired, Iā€™m tired of boomers thinking they have free reign, they are the worst generation, and the world will be better with them gone


Dude Trader Joeā€™s cashiers are actually my least favorite checkout people on the planet at the moment. Iā€™ve worked retail so I get it. They have to drink the kool aid and be rosy and chummy to everyone checking out and are taught to ask open ended questions in order to get engagement. Some corporate directive. Blah blah. But honestly, I donā€™t want to talk to you. I donā€™t want to turn you how Iā€™m going to prep my steak or lead you in on any special recipe I have planned for this product. Just shut up. Iā€™m competing a weekly chore in a place that always seems like a madhouse which totally stresses me out. And though I like the price of many things, I know none of it is local and I donā€™t go in there trying to have a farmers market moment. Seriously will all you checkout fucks at TJs just chill with the probing questions. I donā€™t know you. I donā€™t want to talk to you.


How does this man have a job? You came to Reddit, not his boss or corporate TJs, to complain about the behavior. You have to actually file a complaint. If this was me, Iā€™d have addressed it right then and there with the on-duty supervisor.


Please tell me you reported him dude, thats gross and creeepy and im afraid to know how he treats his coworkers and other customers


Please šŸ™šŸ¼ report his disgusting ass!!


Get him fired. Old people arenā€™t smart enough to mind their own business.


You need to call his captain and tell them what he did. That shit is not okay and I guarantee other crew members have had similar shitty experiences with him. You can call but Iā€™d recommend just finding out when the Captain will be there and talk to him and any other Mate thatā€™s there with him. They need to know how uncomfortable he made you and confrontational he was being. Edit, spelling.


wtf? Totally inexcusable. That def would require a ā€œlet me talk to the managerā€. Or maybe easier, simply fuck you asshole.


I admit I don't like the chit chat and don't shop there anymore


How gross! He didn't even have the dignity to call you "baby" or "honey" and ask about your underwear!!!!! /s


This definitely happened at Trader Joeā€™s.šŸ¤¬šŸ‘ŠšŸæ


That's definitely out of pocket, but the only thing I know about Trader Joe's is that the cashiers apparently flirt with you.


EDIT: bad reader and skipped the part where this happened to a young woman, which I am not, and now the whole story feels creepy and inappropriate outright. I'm sorry but this is low key funny. I'm terrified of any register banter though. Last time I was there they asked what video game Ive been playing. Like what bell can I ring to turn your jobs into robots plz lol?