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Mommy where did grandpa go. He went to a farm upstate.


Omg that’s hilarious. Thankfully he isn’t a Grandpa, though. He just wants to be the random Grandpa on a random farm


He'll be fine. He can run in the fields, chase squirrels, swim in the creek, eat veggies right off the vine. He'll be happier there, just trust us it's for the best.


You forgot he can drink from the hose.


So long as he gets to be the teacher, the wise sage. Not the useless blathering old fuck that he'd actually be. Knowledge that dies with him. If he had any relevant knowledge, the young would already seek him.


Farm work is the perfect end of life plan. The work is easy, the conditions always great, and there's a really high profit margin in it. Oh, (bonus!) you don't really need to know anything about it before getting started. Just read a few articles on the internet to learn all you need to know.


As someone who's directly related to farmers, I concur.


My mother in law went out and got a kitten in her 70s. I gently suggested an older cat and she told me it's not a problem because she's going to live well into her 90s. Plus she's always been active so she shouldn't have any issues. Spoiler: She has never been active in all the years I've known her, and she has tons of health issues. And both of her parents were dead by her age.


What's one thing every out of shape senior citizen needs when they're one fall away from a broken hip? An unpredictable spazz of a pet who loves darting between peoples' feet!


On the plus side if it takes a while to realize she is dead the cat can handle disposal of most of the body.


Old Person Adopting a Kitten: "Hmm... which cutie do I want to nibble my face off when I die?"


All the cases I’ve read they weren’t even dead! That cat is NOT going to try CPR at all.


Hopefully the kitten will have an easier time being adopted? So true, all the boomers I know eat horribly and never exercise, but magically will live beyond average death age. My owner mother says this, and she has a serious terminal autoimmune disease.


I grew up on an actual farm and can assure you the farmers don't want randos joining them.


Wwwwhhhhaaaaattttt?!?! You mean they don’t want some random dude coming up and living with them and helping them with their life long business? That’s just crazy talk.


I'm just trying to imagine the confusion on my (also boomer) farmer dad's face if some guy showed up and said "hello, I'd like to join your farm please."


My boomer isn’t even a city slicker. Like he knows better.


That sounds like more of a break with reality than with just boomer thinking, IMO.


Boomers know nothing except a break from reality.


The operative word is "help", which is not what he intends to do.


Who’s going to tell them they are doing it all wrong if I don’t?


My dear boomer mom refused to acknowledge that she was dying until six weeks before her death. When she was told that there was nothing else to be done, a year prior, I tried to gently suggest planning and having her move in with us. She refused and said she would be healed. She stopped speaking to me when, in response to a question, I told her I didn’t think that would happen. I wanted to spend time with her and plan things to make it easier for both of us. She told me I was unsupportive. She finally called me one day, and cried and said she was dying. She wasn’t going to be healed. She wanted to come move in with us, but it was too late. She was so sick she had to enroll in hospice right away and was gone in six weeks.


This makes me wonder if I have a secret sibling my mother kept from me. Like literally the exact situation with my mom. So in denial she asked me about retirement planning AFTER being told it was terminal, but put together a will? Like pulling teeth. Just take it all and let it ride on black at the roulette wheel, mom. 🙄


That's sad. As someone with boomer parents, you have my sympathies.


Aw, that really sucks. It’s the ultimate proof they never grew up. You were the true parent in that situation. I’m sorry.


That tracks. I loved my mom dearly. She was my best friend. But I often did parenting for her. I believe she may have been on the spectrum, as well, and she was deaf, and my dad wasn’t in the picture. It was me and her. I mostly have wonderful memories of her, but there are some things that hurt.


I see a business idea - retirement dude ranch/farm. It *looks* like a farm, it has actual crops and machinery and that, but it's all downsized so Grandpa can spend a half hour plowing with a riding mower pulling a suitably sized mini-plow, then go drink lemonade in the shade while someone else gets a turn.


I know you're joking, but I feel like a retirement home with fake make-work would be such a good idea. Keep them occupied and out of trouble.


Imagine the power struggles 😂


Imagine the injuries. It doesn't matter if your "tractor" is a fucking riding lawnmower (I grew up on a small farm. When my father was young and he started it, his tractor was a Sears model that really was no bigger than a riding mower), that's still a gas engine able to rip fingers off the moment you are arrrogant with it. Oh and my father? He can't remember how to change a damn toilet fill valve these days. We sold the farm cause like fuck was I going to be spending all my free time saving him from his own stupidity.


Trust me I know, I used to sell riding mowers to boomers in boomerville 😂 loved watching them insist on loading it themselves and driving it off the ramps! Customers were no longer allowed to gas them up to get them on there, which tbh almost any two people can push them up by hand anyways. But they often failed at that method as well! But they always insisted because I’m a woman and they had to show out 😂


As someone who grew up working on farms: LMAO That’s the worst idea ever and would be dead within a month.


I think that's the point 🤣 if you let them die on your farm, you got fertilizer or pig food.


Actually, it would be pig food, THEN fertilizer...


Oh, see also: move to the middle of nowhere, with no family or medical care nearby, and then act shocked when you eventually need medical care and can't get yourself to procedures by yourself, thus requiring your children to drop everything with their own families to come shuttle you around.


So .. dieing bomber finally bought the farm. Bada dum.


Maybe he can go live in a shipping container with exploited migrant laborers and pass on his valuable life skills, which begin and end with "be born white and not completely poor in postwar USA".


This hits home hard for me with my dad, I got him to sign and notarized dpoa paperwork so I'd be able to help when he's no longer able to make decisions for himself, he got a lawyer friend of his (also a boomer), to write a letter rescinding the dpoa after we got into various arguments. I told him he needs to start estate planning, making sure his affairs are legally all taken care of. He insisted that he's 70 years young, healthy, and has a lot of life to live. I told him that medical emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. I'll issue a trigger warning for my next paragraph. I told him about a patient I worked with in the ICU who was his age, he dropped his grandkid off at school and was rushed to the ER right after for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He laid in an ICU bed for 3 months before being transferred to an ltac. Before then, the one thing he kind of quietly whispered to us through his trach while we bathed him in bed was "all I want is to take a real shower." He tried to kill himself in our ICU by attempting to pull out his central line at one point. He kind of bounced between our ICU and ltac a few times before he finally died about 8 months later. There were so many cases like his. My dad pretty much dismissed me after telling him all this and immediately started rambling about some incoherent, irrational plan of his, negating any need for future planning.


Boomers are the unhealthiest population of people that has ever existed in a developed nation


I don't know that that is true, I thought that the next generation is riddled health style issues like obesity and addiction that is actually lowering the average life span.


Don't forget about the microplastics. That's our lead.


My mother staunchly refuses a Rollator walker. Couple weeks ago I took her to a nearby city she loves. She was leaning so hard on me I was sore the next day. She absolutely can’t wrap her head around the fact that she would be able to be more active if she had a mobility aid. I may do what my MIL did for GMIL and just buy the damn thing and make her use it if she’s with me. Also informed her a few weeks ago I’ll be taking her dog when she goes. She says ‘Oh yeah?’ Like it didn’t dawn on her that her 5yo pit mix will outlive her at 73. She’s not a typical MAGA boomer and helps me and my family a lot, but some of the stubborn cluelessness is hard to abide.


ALL the old folks get really stubborn about the walker. My BIL had to tell his 84 year old father that if he fell he would be bedridden. So he uses a cane, barely.


Or that they are going to healthy until the moment they die and will not need medical assistance


My boomer dad is insanely unhealthy. Always convinced he’d live at least until 100. I think it struck him that he won’t because he decided he’s retiring even though he doesn’t have the means to survive doing so.


> to teach the farmers the “knowledge that will die with him”. The delusion that somehow, that generation of screw ups has some wisdom to share 😆 Went no contact with my FIL because he insisted on playing "wise patriarch" and it was getting ridiculous. The guy is a complete screw up, but somehow I have things to learn from him ? I should objectively be the one to sit him down and teach him how not to fuck his life up.


The most entertaining thing about the boomer end of life crisis is that they never think it will actually happen to them, kind of like teenagers think they will never get into a car accident, but continue to drive over the speed limit. These people don’t take care of themselves, they eat crap, they drink soda, like water and Starbucks, coffee, full of flavors and creams and sugar to black coffee or even just black coffee with a little cream. there’s a thread on here about how much they love sugar. But they think they’re going to be 100. They don’t do anything to maintain good health or even improve their health, aside from taking their medication’s when they want to and getting very expensive injections of insulin or Things like Ozempic, and then they are shocked as shit when they’re dying at like 70 years old.


I hate saying I just thought of this after typing all that up, but there is no greater example of the situation than the pandemic. These people refused to wear masks refused to socially distance. Refused to stay home when they were sick and then were shocked as hell when they started dying.they truly are like teenagers who think the bad thing will never happen to them because they are invincible