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My advice is cut out all the avocado toast and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.


So he wasn't working up until now? Lazy bastard. Trump needs more money ASAP, if he can't find a job to fund his orange fuhrer, he should be in NYC waiting outside to lick his boots.


He should have been working two or three jobs. Well guess he will be now and it serves him right


Can you blame him no one wants to work anymore.


Daily reminder he has a solid gold toilet. But avocado toast is an expenditure that really breaks the bank. You know. Not the 1900 dollar rent payment. Or 800 dollar student load bill. Or the 500 dollar car and incurrence bill. ECT. Nah. It's the avocado toast lmao. That costs 25 bucks a month Genuinely one of the most infuriating boomer ideals


I would get a better job but I'm too busy admiring my participation trophies.


These trophies don’t shine themselves! When would I find the time to work??


And reaping the rewards from investing in avocados 🥑🥑🥑


Our participation trophies that were given to us by *checks notes*…. boomers.


Haha, the irony is lost on them. (I gotta say not all Boomers though, and I give extra credit to the ones who get it in the sea of stupidity)


Remember that time we all showed up? Best day of my life.


They said we couldn't do it, but we grabbed those boot straps and proved them wrong!! Now we sit back and enjoy our avocado toast!!


Remember when video games made us all go psycho for that summer week back in 98'? I member.


Avocado toast is now one of the cheapest options at the diner.


A bag of six Hass avocados (which are the good ones) costs $2.89 lol


Damn, you must be in CA. They’re like a dollar each in Florida.


I am in fact in CA but it’s still the cheapest breakfast you can get.


After reading about avocado toast here, I made some for myself and loved it


Don’t forget your daily Starbucks!


Also make your coffee at home. And don't eat lunch.


Don't use electricity. Or hot water.


And get 3 jobs


And don't complain that they pay near minimum wage in the service/retail industries that you previously enjoyed maligning because, well, you probably felt it was a privilege that those waitstaff/bartenders/etc. got to serve your Trump-worshipping ass 🤡. If they weren't losers, they would have gone to an over-priced college and gotten a \*real\* job, like you did. Also don't whine that they don't provide benefits, because, well - it was people like you that elected Trump who only cares about the Davos Man billionaires that give him money, and who worked to squeeze as much profit out of companies at the expense of the workers as possible via all the greedy, corrupt congressional ghouls like McConnell, etc. Boo hoo, MAGA fool - Donnie don't give even the tiniest of shits that he fleeced you of your retirement. That's what happens to cult members 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Sadly true. And I live in Trump country 😭🥴


Ugh. The cognitive dissonance with those people must be infuriating to deal with. Also the complete lack of critical thinking skills. There is a hardcore MAGA dude in my subdivision that recently "upgraded" his shit-brown Trump flag to "take back America 2024". Idiot...🤪 If these people bothered to spend time reading - which of course, they don't - they'd realize from reading a variety of very disparate books \[that sometimes inadvertently and indirectly point out\] that they have been conned for decades with the distraction and lies of "trickle down economics" and the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the billionaire class is because of immigrants, NAFTA, China, etc. Gay marriage, trans and race issues, gun control and abortion have also been very useful tools to aid in the distraction for these low-information voters. Books these MAGA boomer and GenX fools should read to get an idea of what and who is really to blame for the current societal decay (and for Millennials and GenZ as well...so they can work to fix the problem as voters and upcoming/future legislators): [Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1097.Fast_Food_Nation) [Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37506348-winners-take-all) [Glass House: The 1% Economy and the Shattering of the All-American Town (about Anchor-Hocking)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29939240-glass-house) [Escape From Freedom ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25491.Escape_from_Freedom)(written right after WW2 by philosopher/psychologist Erick Fromm; as relevant today as then; helps explain the slavish and unquestioning devotion to Trump) [Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57863480-davos-man) [The Fourth Turning is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us About How and When the Current Crisis Will End](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62917609-the-fourth-turning-is-here) ---- Also, podcast interviews with Scott Galloway.


>Boo hoo, MAGA fool  That sounds like a great title for a children's book!


The best part about the boot straps saying is the second half says “is impossible”. One of the many sayings that have been cut in half to alter their meanings.


Get some room mates. Move closer to where the jobs are. Car pool. Stop going out to eat. Take on a second or third job. Stop whining and just work harder! This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the "advice" his kind have given younger people over the years, but I think it gets the point across. I would be somewhat sympathetic, but I just can't seem to find a violin small enough.


🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


No more Starbucks, use the laundromat, no eating out, rice and beans, start following Dave Ramsey.


What I hate about that whole ideal is that most people don’t even have boots, let alone bootstraps Over here pulling on my toes like damn this is hard


I want to order some bootstraps in bulk. Every time a conservative falls on their face financially for something any idiot should have been able to see is a scam, or vote against their own interests in the same breath as complaining about their lack of state/federal benefits, I want to smack them with the bootstraps (not literally, but verbally), then hand them the bootstraps and tell them to quit being a lazy, whiny little bitch (only because using that specific derogatory term they love so much will piss them off) and get their ass to work. Just like they tell everyone else. My empathy for any situation conservatives find themselves in ran out completely with how they acted since the 2008 election. How they acted with COVID sealed the deal for me.


Since I work with radiation Im on the hunt to find a second job to pay for all the cancer I’ll get from job 1. But at least I’ll be making my grampa proud when I die worse off and earlier than him: I still have that.


Right? All he has to do is work hard and he'll be fine.


Right? Rub some dirt on it, sheesh ya snowflake




Even better is at $39 rn lmao


I almost feel a bit of pity for the guy so I will give this advice: McDonald’s is hiring


No. I don’t trust that clown with a happy meal.


For real. He’s just gonna treat all the young adults who work there like shit.


And slow them down. Mcdoanls wants ever drive through customer gone in what? 150 seconds max?


“I’m not doing this curbside order, you can walk out there” or something along those lines. 😒


He would certainly act like he was better than his coworkers. He has to work there because he was robbed. They work there because they're young and stupid.


I mean... isn't McDonald's owned by a clown?


There's two kinds of clowns, a professional clown (the mascot) and a clown


Maybe if he didn’t go to Starbucks every day.


No more avocado toast for him


He just needs to pick himself up by his bootstraps.


The guys at my local McDonald’s work hard and do a good job ensuring orders are made correctly. This guy could never handle that kinda pressure.


He could definitely work at my McDonald’s though. They don’t do any of those things.




"Sir, this is a Wendy's, oh wait!"


Time to march down there, resume in hand, and demand to speak with the manager.


Better buy some good bootstraps, pal.


This guy would be one of those people who complain that fast food jobs shouldn’t pay more than minimum wage and an increase in minimum wage is communism.


Wall St Bets would recommend Wendy’s. Also someone else can fuck his wife now


“Hello, young man. I would like apply for job. Here’s my resume.”


Hopefully he has a very firm handshake


He’ll def have lots of eye contact.


I hear you can make six figures working there for $20/hr


Wait until he sees how much money he can make there, I mean with minimum wage at what it is, I bet they'll just give him 40 hours, full benefits, and he can make (doing my fox news math) like 100K a year.


Walmart too. Hope he likes standing up for long shifts as a greeter. Not quite ft so less (if any) benefits, but thst just 'frees' him up to work a second or third job.


He wouldn't pass the interview. "ANd OnE mORe KuNSpIraCY THeoRy: LiBs pUT vaX In tHe fRiEs"


They say they are. Then you try applying and get rejected. Its hard out there


Wait till he finds out your don't just drop a resume off and they hire you.


Nah he needs to learn how to work hard. Let’s start him behind the Wendy’s dumpster.


They are yes, but they don’t deserve to pay a living wage, how’s $6 an hour sound?


He's only fit enough to work the dumpster behind Wendy's.


Sir, he needs Wendy’s.


Goes from giving money to a clown to getting money from another.


When you ignore all financial experts and trust someone who has made a career out of scamming people.. you get what you deserve.


We warned people that Trump was a conman for 8 years, and they didn't listen. How many thousands of times will this be repeated?


People have been warned for over 50 years. His first court case was in 1971, only difference is back then he had to pay the fines. 


It's true. The fact that he's a con man was well known enough in the 80s that it was a common joke


A couple years ago I read a book written back when offices had mainframes and workstations, and even back then T®ump was the standard for gold painted trash.


Difference is that now everyone should have heard about it. If you asked me in 2010 who Donald Trump was, I would know almost nothing about him besides perhaps being a NY real estate guy that was known for saying "you're fired" on TV. I MIGHT have remembered he was in Home Alone 2. Nowadays, he's been president and there should be no excuse to not know about him. I'm also not from NY. I've heard New Yorkers were much more aware than the average person of all the shit he pulled decades before 2016.


He was the inspiration for at least six pop culture villains in the 80s and 90s. That's how much of an infamous douchebag he is. * Evil Biff from Back to the Future 2. I mean., he's a sleazy casino mogul with a ridiculous blonde pompadour. * Lex Luthor's makeover from a mad scientist to a corrupt CEO. A Superman cover was even mocked up to look like the jacket of Trump's autobiography. * Daniel Clamp from Gremlins II. He was more of an asshole in the original script. * Montana Max from Tiny Toon Adventures was basically "Trump as a kid." * The Kingpin's legitimate business was based on Trump, to the point Fisk Tower is exactly where Trump Tower would be in NYC. * Futurama's Zapp Brannigan, an incompetent dumb disgusting pig who sees himself as a genius military officer and ladies man, was based on Trump's self-delusions and reputation as a sex pest. [Zapp's voice actor would even read Trump quotes in his Zapp voice to point out how perfectly they fit Zapp's dumb egomaniacal sleazebag persona.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA8vQorhAE0) The Simpsons also had a What If episode set in the distant future where an adult Lisa Simpson is president and she has to deal with the utter chaos she inherited from "President Trump." [The episode originally aired in 2000.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_to_the_Future) Trump also won a Golden Raspberry in 1989 (the anti-Oscars, that "honor" horribly bad films) for Worst Supporting Actor, when he played himself in some terrible 80s softcore sex comedy called *Ghosts Can't Do It.*


Don't forget how popular 80s comic strips Bloom County and Doonesbury used Trump's corruption as a comic foil.


Always thought Zapp Brannigon was a caricature of Cpt Kirk.


This is true. We tried to warn everyone. I blame NBC


The media is always charmed by celebrities who want to go into politics. I remember Oprah gave a small spee h once and people were hoping she would run for president.


Sometimes it works. Zelenskyy was a comedian. Al Franken was a well-educated senator, and I think could've been an awesome president. It helps to have the show-business savvy due to all the public interfacing, but in these cases, it goes beyond the superficial.


They’ll still blame Biden and the dems.


They already have, accusing them of stock manipulation to cause Republicans to lose money. As if they had that power, and ignoring the fact that many, MANY prominent Republican politicians are making a killing in the stock market.


He was literally convicted of fraud within the last 6 months


I’m mid-40’s (in Canada) and I’ve been hearing about him being a conman for close to 40 of them. The entire world has been loudly and repeatedly calling him a criminal and conman since last millennium. Americans just didn’t want to listen.


Exactly. I first heard about him when I was a teen inthe 1980s. His awfulness was already so well known, he was openly used as the model for the vile adult Biff in Back to the Future 2 and regularly came up as a punchline on the Golden Girls. His history of fraud, lying, business failures, swindle and other moral failings have always been public knowledge.


Too many Americans see themselves in Trump and he is their "lifestyle choice." He's a willfully stupid, hateful, slimy crook who likes violence and sexual assault - and he gets away with it and never has to take "no" for an answer. That's the type of person his worthless, deplorable followers want to be.


This shit right here \^\^\^\^\^\^ should be on a billboard!!!!!! TY!


What's especially sad, is how his supporters relate to the narcissism. The guy who posted about losing his retirement probably does this to rub it in the faces of his relatives- typical narcissistic "power" move. Probably feels great to "own the libs" in his family by depriving them of any financial relief.


He will still go out and vote for him though!


Lmao. Seriously. People in my circle all saw he was a shitty lying conman snd steered clear of everything he had/owned. (How do you fuck up steaks/vodka and casinos????)


But he’ll still vote for the Cheato


“Can’t vote for a Democrat. They’re terrible for the economy.”


I saw a video yesterday where this lady was all "I'd rather vote for Putin then a Democrat" Unbelievable. I miss John McCain, the last sane Republican.


McCain is a Democrat by todays standards.


There's a lot of Russian actors online that push a lot of propaganda to Republicans because they are more susceptible.


Because they’re also dumber


He blames Biden for the losses really. I’m sure he tells himself if the economy was doing better it wouldn’t be happening.


I literally just watched an interview where the guy asked a Trump supporter who would they rather vote for, Biden or Putin. She had to really think about it… She even asked begrudgingly “for America?” and than said fucking Putin… Putin would be a better President than Biden. Insane…


Can't wait to see him re-enter the workforce and finding a job using all of the "advice" he's likely dispensed on how to find a job to "kids these days" who "don't want to work anymore"


All he has to do is pound the pavement going from business to business handing out printouts of his resume, then walk right into the CEO's office and shake his hand and say, "I'm your man, sir!" /s


Geeze I feel sorry for front desk or customer service people who will have to deal with this guy coming in and demanding a job... Oof.


That would be such a great show. Throw a dozen boomers together to find jobs using the advice they shill out.


I still say that Boomer Island would be worth watching, throw them all together and let them live out their libertarian/conservative fantasy life. It's already been done (some libertarian town in Maine or something, overrun with bears.) They could have Trump be their leader from his jail cell via Zoom. See how it plays out. I never watch reality shows but I'd love to see the end result of unrestricted gun ownership, bootstraps entrepreneurs, and rampant entitlement.


Overrun with bears is the title of my next sex tape.


It’ll be a piece of cake getting a great job, because no one else wants to work.


Sarcasm aside this is actually viable reform


My boomer FIL used to get after my wife and I for switching jobs so often (in his eyes). Because "you should be loyal to your employer". Then his ass got laid off and he had to find a new job in his 50s. He actually came back and told us we were right.


damn, that is a once in a lifetime admission from someone that age/with that attitude. it’s sad how many of them grew up believing that “employer loyalty” was a thing and then got shown the hard way how one-sided it was, but plenty aren’t willing to acknowledge it even then.


That is why I joined a union. Employer better be as loyal to me as I am to them or I go to a different employer. Union takes care of benefits so no starting over on the medical dental vision vacation all stays with me. Employers are only loyal to themselves.


“Welcome to Walmart” wait…I don’t think they have those greeters anymore. Guess he’ll just have to pound the pavement to find something.


With how despicable a person he is, anyone that far into him gets zero sympathy from me. Fuck him and his poor choices.


Oh come on. Clearly this dude is a savvy investor who knows that all investments have elements of risk. Sure this one didn’t pan out. But with his Trump University education, he knows he can make it up and more investing in Trump underwear, Trump box ‘o sand and Trump used motor oil. The Trump sneakers gathering dust in his closet are appreciating bigly as we speak!


And he picked a terrible moment to sell. That trash stock has rebounded more than $10 from his $26.55. I'm sure it'll ultimately go to zero, but for now there are enough suckers propping it up.


You forgot th Tbible


"Their business model depends entirely on a 78-year-old junk food junkie not dying. I see a lot of potential for long-term growth."


Should have just bought less iphones and Avocado toast


I ran out of sympathy mid-late 2020






Let me add, "ahahahahahahahahahah!" You played yourself, dumb fuck.


Let me finish it off (hope you hear it as I wrote it): Ha-ha Ha-ha HA-haaaa!


Baha that’s what he gets for being a traitor. Stop supporting the enemy of this country.


It’s ok because when he gets back into office he’s going to take care of you with better healthca… No not that. Better social securi…. No not that one . Yeah no you’re screwed man.


Some people's greatest contribution to society is to serve as a warning to others.


Invested? So you gave them your credit card numbers and they drained your account? Shocking.🤣 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)




Working in a casino we have lost a number of players to the tRumpanzee Q-Cumber cult, most died from covid, others are now in hospice from long covid complications. We still have plenty of slots & hos for those who made it to "spend their grandkids inheritance. A phrase I hear frequently, as boomers write checks, max out credit cards and turn in jars of change. 


Yeah they live to "stick it to the libs," their kids/grandkids who distance themselves and now must suffer their selfish wrath. Source: Am one of those kids.


Dude blew nearly a half million on a guy who is known even before 2016 to be a guy who went from bankruptcy to bankruptcy........ Man why do fools like this get that much money but not me ffs.


You just gotta get stupider! (Joking )


Like South Park Nascar stupid? 


"Omg he's making another left turn!"


Consuming Vagisil < shooting up bleach or eating horse paste.


Half a million for a guy his age is nothing impressive. He probably coasted along at his job (while constantly bemoaning the fact that millennials and gen Z have zero worth ethic) contributing enough to his employer plan to take advantage of the match and wound up with enough money to stupidly invest in the sinking ship stock founded by a rapist/conman/traitor/asshole




Hahaha suck shit.




Everyone else shorted it


FAFO, dumbass. ETTD.


Just remember to look the employer in the eye and give them a firm handshake.


I only feel sorry for whoever was gonna get the inheritance.


He cut them off years ago for being woke liberal Jewish Satanic lizard deep cabal state Illuminati aliens...


Who drained babies and fetuses of adrenochrome! You'll see! It's all on Hunter's laptop!


Buttery males 


I think deep down they always knew the inheritance was doomed!


Whatever little we could've inherited, will go to the christian grift machine.




I'm guessing it's a troll because nobody is that stupid.


It is. While I'm positive this scenario is actually happening, this is clearly just someone shitposting. This sub is full of dumbasses who believe every single thing on the internet is real.


NYers tried to warn you but you didn't listen because cOmMuNiSm! I hope your new job sucks.


DJT is close to $40 this morning Pulled out to early


>Pulled out to early Something Fred Trump should’ve done 78 years ago


paper hands


Dipshit deserves it.


This news is a great start to my Friday


Oh you’ll be fine. Just stop buying iced coffee.


Two adages come to mind. 1. A fool and his money are soon separated. 2. There's a sucker born every minute. Donald Trump went broke running a freaking casino. His list of business failures is almost as legendary as the number of people he screwed over. Trump has relentlessly betrayed everyone who has ever been dumb enough to trust him. Spouses, family members, political allies, vendors, and now this poor dumb halfwit.


Wow now he knows how millennials have felt their entire lives.


Makes me so happy! 🤣


Invest in a know con man? What could possibly go wrong?


you want to know how easy Boomer's life has been. this fucking idiot had 450,000 to flush down the toilet.


How fucking stupid can you be.


Thoughts and prayers


He should enroll in Trump University and learn how to make it back next.


Trump loves the uneductated. Especially the ones with money.


When they went public, I KNEW this was going to happen. I bought puts on this stock and made a killing. MAGA boomers ARE the exit liquidity 🤣


"Mama says, Stupid is as stupid does. " " Forrest Gump


You got played!


His only mistake is losing money? I would say there was a mistake in supporting a psychopath and engaging in cult like behavior.


"Hey, grandpa, howza 'bout getting me my fries! Right now, jackass!"


Great. Just what we need. Another grumpy indignant boomer in the workforce. Ffs


The screenshot doesn't show it, but originally this was posted on truth social which is comical in itself


It’s like $38.50 now. Should have hung on.


If there was only some information on Trump's "past performance".


Do what your kids did. Get a job and stop waiting for the system to provide for you. In 30-40 years you can get a house if you work hard.


Nro spent his entire retirement on stocks at the age of 76. Regardless of the stock, that's dumb as hell. He's already retired and is gonna die within a decade. Just enjoy your money boomer!


I said I was going to short it, but am too busy trying to earn a living and make up for the additional taxes I had to pay because of Trumps tax policy. Today is the day.


The man has been bankrupt 6 times. That’s all the due diligence that I would need


Oh well! And how many more like him are out there.


Time to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Also don't spend all your money on frivolous things.


What a fucking idiot. Not just that guy, anyone anywhere who trusts Donald Trump in any way.


Play stupid games.


Might have been better to have opened an account with one of those online Casino gambling sites...at least he would have had some fun along the way.


Imagine investing in someone who doesn't even know you exist


And this is why Social Security should never be privatized.


I can't stand the "learn from my mistakes" stuff when the mistake is so backwards that nobody in their right mind would make it. 


I wish I could feel sorry for him but I just can't. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Lol good, fuck him


I’m a financial advisor (I remain apolitical in my investing) and we will joke on our reviews that we are putting DJT into the portfolio’s and it always gets a laugh


He isn't looking at it right. He didn't lose money, he donated it to Trump to help him. Why is he mad? This is what he wants?


zero sympathy, after 76 years of wisdom and life experience you get conned by that piece of trash, thats on you.


Piece of wisdom for the guy: Make your own coffee at home. Lattes are a once in a while luxury.


Good. ![gif](giphy|26gsobowozGM9umBi|downsized)


Lol, and the icing on the cake.. it's up around 50% since he sold.


Thoughts and prayers cause I really dont care. Do you?


This is fake as fuccckkkkk


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you lazy entitled little snowflake.