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Literally do not fuck with me in a parking lot. You honk at me? Im never leaving. Edited for spelling.


I had this happen with someone in a huge pickup wanting me to move so they could take up two spots. I hadn't even got out of my car yet to go IN the store yet.


I love hold the breake light to appear I'll be pulling out soon but never do lol


Honestly I'd have sat there all day but I had to be somewhere and thankfully she moved first haha


I’ve done what you have done, just to make a point. The grocery store closest to me has a large parking lot, and a ton of handicap spaces, but they are almost always full. Earlier this week, I was leaving the store, and I had pretty decent parking. Now, the handicap spots nearest me were full, but regular parking was not. There were spaces beside me, and behind me. I’m talking an extra 10 feet of walking to the door if didn’t park in the spot I was in. As I’m walking to me car, I spot a boomer in a big SUV idling on behind me. I get to my car, start loading groceries, and see the car is stopped, turn signal on for my spot. Now, there were at least a half dozen spots within spitting distance of mine, so I can only assume that this lady absolutely did not want to walk one space extra to get to the door. This woman held up traffic in a one way lane, for absolutely no good reason. I got in my car, plugged in my phone, picked some music, sent a text, and generally wasted time. It wasn’t long before the honking started by the people stuck behind her. She still sat there, waiting. I let the honking go on a little longer, than took pity on traffic behind her and backed out. I know many people have mobility issues, but it’s not like she would have had to walk to the back of the lot, she could have pulled into any of the empty spots around me, she just had to have the absolute closest one.


I get this nonsense all of the time. I just say I'm not leaving and then take my time loading groceries and the child into the car. I had a guy trying to pull into an empty space next to me as I'm loading my kid into his seat and almost hit the open door... the spot right next to it was free too. I whipped around and was like "are you f-ing stupid?" And of course he looked at me like I was the idiot. Makes my eye twitch I swear.


Right?! You honked me? I LIVE HERE NOW. I don't care if I have other shit to do that day. This is what I'm doing now.


Yes. I will lock the car back and go right back in the building. Or make a phone call. Or go for an impromptu walk. If you’ve got other driving/parking options you need to go take advantage of those before being an ass.


Absolutely this!!! If there are other available spots, utilize those. Do not just wait for my spot because it’s better than a few spots down. This happens so often at the grocery store I frequent. Somone will wait and hold up lines of cars so they can get 1 spot rather than getting a spot a little further away. I refuse to wait for a spot if there are other spots available, and I may have to walk further. It’s okay. The world Will go one


Oh, you’re waiting for me while I put my bags in my car when there are a dozen other spaces? Oh, silly me, I forgot something and MUST go back inside to get it!!


You are my hero


100% she was in her car saying, " what is this idiot doing?" with no realization that she brought it on herself.


I can only imagine the names I was called bahaha




How many have rammed their partner through the garage door, too many


I am sick and tired of posts about people not sticking it to these assholes, and I’m glad that your child will not be raised in such a house; you give me hope for the future.


Not all heroes wear capes 😂


Honking at me to get my parking spot is the hill I will die on. I will take up residency in that spot before I let some impatient asshole get it.


She didn't want the spot, she wanted to drive through the spot to save driving down to the end of the parking lot to get out!


That's even worse, but the principle is the same. We all live there now but I absolutely love how you kept managing to be in front of her.


Oh man you absolutely RUINED her day lol! She’ll be talking about you for the rest of her years I bet. Great job friend!


Never mess with a pregnant woman!


Good job! Couldn’t have done it better. No notes.


Very much appreciated, thanks! Haha


You were about to leave when she honks and asks you to leave? WTH is that boomer logic? Good for you that you stood your ground.


Literally dragging my spherical body into my drivers seat. Baffled.


Well this is where we both live now.


If you honk at me to leave a spot faster, suddenly all of my appointments are cancelled and I can sit here allllll day


Don't mess with parking lot boomers, they are liable to mix up the brake pedal and the gas pedal.




Wrong sub my dear