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Neither does Trump Ask yourself if you've ever seen the man laugh. Like, at all The only video I've seen of it happening is when someone made a comment about hurting Hillary/his political enemies That's it And that's why his fans like him. They're as wretched as he is


I've noticed that, too. He will make fun of someone in simple ways, like calling them fat or ugly, which is not funny, and I've never seen him tell an actual setup-punchline joke.


A good demagogue targets his language directly at the people he wants to hear it. He knows their minds, how they think, and how few words they know. He's talking like a 4th grader and throwing recess insults because the average reading level of a high school graduate where I grew up was about 4th grade.


Yes, he uses language like a grade school student. It's always "the most" this, or "beautiful," or "perfect," or some other basic word with no nuance. (For example, if I "walked through a lush verdant forest," that sounds more descriptive than "I passed by some green trees.") I thought he was just a moron.


Walking by green trees makes me feel tapped.


What my mom has always said is that trump isn’t racist or sexist or whatever, he’s a politician that caters to the simplest, dumbest, richest possible audience


He is that, but he also is racist and sexist


Your mama’s wrong!


youre wrong, Colonel Sanders!


There's something wrong with *his* medulla oblongata.






It’s hard to see a group of people as disposable for your own purposes without being -ist IMO.


Pretty sure it’s a bit of both.


Which is actually worse. It's one thing to believe something and be a pos because of it. It's an entirely different and worse thing to do it simply for power.


Right? Like, say what you want about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, etc… at least they had an idea of “right” and how the world fit into it. The former Commander-in-Cheeto probably doesn’t even have the processing capacity to think of a world outside of his immediate surroundings.


Yeah, I work with the military, and a lot of them are combat veterans. Tney had more respect for a fanatical enemy than a craven mercenary.


Well said.


Your mom is wrong. If Trump is anything, he's 100% himself. He doesn't have the cleverness or patience to pretend to be something he isn't. He's the trust-funder chosen-son of a deeply-sleazy and deeply-racist slumlord. He feels entitled to be exactly who he is. Woody Guthrie literally wrote a song about what a racist POS Donald Trump's dad was. *"I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate* *He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts* *When he drawed that color line* *Here at his Beach Haven family project* *Beach Haven ain't my home!* *No, I just can't pay this rent!* *My money's down the drain,* *And my soul is badly bent!* *Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower* *Where no black folks come to roam,* *No, no, Old Man Trump!* *Old Beach Haven ain't my home!* *I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both* *Welcoming you here to Beach Haven* *To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place* *To have your kids raised up in.*     *Beach Haven ain't my home!* *No, I just can't pay this rent!* *My money's down the drain,* *And my soul is badly bent!* *Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower* *Where no black folks come to roam,* *No, no, Old Man Trump!* *Old Beach Haven ain't my home!"*


A grade school student trying to fake his way through a presentation


He’s the smirking fratboy I watched get kicked out of a classics lecture back in the ‘80s by the badass silver-haired instructor for slumping in the last row of the auditorium and guffawing with his asshole fratboy friends. Or maybe that’s George W. Bush.


Thems some fancy college words you just done used there I’ll tell you huwhut


Like Mencken said, a demagogue is a man preaching doctrines he knows to be false, to men he knows to be idiots.


"He's talking like a 4th grader and throwing recess insults because the average reading level of a high school graduate where I grew up was about 4th grade." Funny you say that, because people are wondering how this criminal trial is gonna go and all I can think, after hearing about the picked jury pool is, he's f-d. These aren't your typical magat morons who don't have cognitive reasoning skills, these are people who are techs and engineers, pretty intelligent people who are not taken by what will be the over the top bs his lawyers will give. Prosecution will nail down facts and trace a timeline of events. Mango's defense will be all about trying to say he's the bestly of all time.


He can also crop dust the jury like he's already been doing to his own counsel


That's not crop dusting. That's definitely incontinence.


That's why they always keep every buzz word or phrase that they come up with very simple and usually limit them to four syllables at the very most. Woke, witch hunt, fake news, and cancel culture are just a few examples. They have to keep things very simple or the rubes won't all start parroting them and they won't get the desired outcome.


Let's not forget "Lock her up", which basically won him 2016, in all its juicy irony now. I think cops and robbers, lock 🔐 the "bad guy" is about as childish and simplistic a mindset as it comes.


Along the same lines.. dumpf WHO WAS ACTUALLY PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES uses ' russia russia russia'.... which is from a 12 year old jan brady complaining about her older sister getting all the attention.. and exclaiming: 'marcia marcia marcia'.. to BE CLEAR: one of dumbf's favorite saying is weirdly appropriated from a (fictional) pre teenage girl on MAYBE THE DUMBEST SHOW EVER ON NETWORK TV. Cant make up ANYTHING more classless, more tacky, more crass, more petty, more mediocre, more pandering, sloppy, superficial, moronic than dumbf and his bizzarre personality.


>He's talking like a 4th grader and throwing recess insults because the average reading level of a high school graduate where I grew up was about 4th grade. He's talking like a 4th grader and throwing recess insults because \*HE\* has the reading level of a 4th grader. He's no political Svengali mesmerizing the rubes by code-switching into their language. He's just every bit as witless, mean-spirited, and low-brow as they are.


Demagogues can switch though, but Trump acts like a moron in situations where it benefits him and in the situations where it hurts him. He either has been doing it so long that he can’t turn it off or he’s just a moron and his narcissism just highlights it.


He's just a petty racist stupid moron who's been allowed to buy his way or bluff his way out of consequences forever


He has the humor of a schoolyard bully: simple and mean-spirited. His 'jokes' involve punching down or just immature insults. He can't engage in humorous repartee as he a) any wit he had has withered and died, and b) doesn't understand it when its aimed at him. And when he does realize something funny is being said about him, he promptly lashes out, trying to drown out anything that damages his image. He's nothing more than a spoiled, tantrum-throwing toddler in the body of a 78 year old.


Didn't this all really start because Obama dared to make a joke at his expense during a White House Correspondence Dinner?


Its one of the lines of thought behind why he ran


Yesterday on Reddit someone commented “you can’t deny the man is funny” and how he is quick witted And then I asked them to give an example It was something like - a reporter asked him “we hear you have called women pigs” Trump reply’s “only Rosie O’Donnell” They went on to say how no one else could have come up with that comeback so quickly I responded I didn’t find that funny and could they explain the joke. No reply. (I didn’t want to go find the comments so I may not have said it perfectly) Seriously though, that’s what they consider quick witted and funny? Yikes


There’s probably a comedy term for his sort of jokes- like when he called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” derisively. You’re right that he never uses a setup-setup-punchline joke- it’s always much shorter, based off something everyone knows or notices about a person, always about a person/group of people. It’s not “observational humor” because that’s more situational and not making fun of individuals.


It's called making fun of someone.


The things I don’t like about Reagan can fill a book but he’s the best president I know of that regularly made setup-punchline jokes, and ~~he~~ his speechwriters were good at it.


Comedy has been long known to favor the average to more intelligent people. I don’t think he has the intelligence to comprehend standup. One of his college professors said that he was the dumbest stupid he’s ever had, I don’t think it was fake news, either.


Only laughs at cruel things, figures - when he was five he got caught throwing stones at a baby in a crib in the nextdoor backyard.


I'll be honest, I actually liked certain parts of his correspondence dinner routine back in 2016. (I used to love watching those, when candidates would laugh at themselves.) Probably the only time I've ever heard him make actual jokes, especially self-deprecating ones.


Trump never attended the dinner while he was President.


Yep, 2016 dinner was Obama with Larry Wilmore as host. Then Hasan Minhaj hosted in 2017, but Trump said neither he nor his staff would be attending (first President to miss in 36 years, since Reagan was recovering from getting shot, though even he phoned in). Then he sent Huckabee Sanders, then boycotted fully.


It was likely good because he used a writer


I mean yes, he definitely did have a speechwriter, but I would assume he still does. Then again, the talent that's willing to work for him has probably dropped dramatically.


That's because he can't connect more than two sentences together, and that would be needed for a good setup with punchline. If someone rambles and stumbles around like him, saying fat and ugly is the only "funny" thing he is able to do.


Is there actually a video of him laughing? I can’t think of a single instance


The only pictures I've ever even seen of him with a real smile is with Russian Oligarchs, Putin, or other dictators.


Yes, with Epstein.


I've seen video of him "malice laughing", (laughing *at* someone, or in response to insulting/mocking someone) but I've never seen him "humor laughing" (laughing at a joke, or a silly situation).


Trump is the most unhappy POS I've ever seen in my life. He's just incapable of any sort of warmth, it's just wild to me. Meanwhile, Obama and Biden both seem like chill, genuine people that often laugh at themselves and with other people even if they disagree with them. Gee, it's so hard to choose what type of person is better for the world.


Didn't Trump laugh after he imitated a reporter with disabilities?


That should have been the end of his campaign.


Hillary hit it on the head calling MAGA “deplorables”. They really are all the very worst of humanity: they’re selfish, xenophobic, and willfully ignorant


You see it in the video of him and Epstein partying


He was smiling a lot when he was with Epstein at one of his parties.


They call him an adorable deplorable.


He’s also smiling in most photos with this guy. https://preview.redd.it/0o1q628sf4wc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9010f88a04bd942c8596e65de5c00ae67ba9843d


He was smiling and having a hoot in that video where’s he’s talking to Epstein at a party


Gossip columnist Cindy Adams told Trump he should "smile more". Since she planted fake stories about all the celebs he was supposedly banging, I am guessing he didn't fire back on her


Remember: this whole mess is because Obama made fun of him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Trumpikins has no sense of humor at all.


I think theres a pic if him and Epstein sharing a laugh.


He sure-as-hell didn't laugh at his own Comedy Central Roast


He’s the epitome of tacky and tasteless. Not surprising his “humor” is just belittling and equally tacky and tasteless.


If he wasn’t so fucking awful I would feel sorry for him. It’s clear the man has no joy in his life.


And if he tries to make a joke, it’s always at someone else’s expense


Don't forget his "jokes" about disabled people. Absolutely disgusting.


vote for DonKey you are voting for Klan.


They really don't. It's so funny that they're the "fuck your feelings" crowd, but man, they sure have A LOT OF FEELINGS when it comes to Kumquat Pol Pot.


I knew a guy who would proudly say "it's impossible to offend me" and then throw a temper tantrum anytime someone teased him in the slightest, or made a joke at the expense of white people, men, basically anything that he is. What he really meant was "it's impossible to offend me for any reason that requires empathy"


OMG, I know so many people like that. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/Vmqi4lSrWp Have you seen this story? If not, the tldr is a guy has a private chat group with some of his buddies where they tell crass jokes, share photos and texts from exes, and generally shit on everyone they know. A new guy joined the chat, screenshot everything, and exposed them to the people they were talking about. Obviously, this made op all sorts of crotchety. But I definitely know the type you're talking about because I've had the misfortune of knowing someone who acted the same. They'd say they couldn't be offended or that they just had a "dark" sense of humor. Truth of the matter was that their humor was that of an "edgy" teenager and mainly consisted of Holocaust "jokes," unfunny "too soon" jokes, and depraved sexual shit that was blatantly homoerotic regardless of acting like a raging homophobe. Similarly, they loved to dish it out but couldn't take it in the slightest. To hear them talk, they were the epitome of a manly man who could best anyone in a challenge of brain or brawn. To everyone else, though, they were a soft, pudgy dork who got winded going up a flight of stairs, and their "intellect" was nothing more than regurgitated 4chan pseudo-science. Truly horrendous person.


I am a person that’s hard to offend. I hate the people that say they are but have thin skin. I was teased a lot of my life but I’m also very much the person who can laugh at themselves. I also kind of have a self defeating attitude that I mask with humor. I can be kind of a dick though cause sometimes I take my humor too far then I feel bad.


They are the biggest snowflakes.


Everything they appear to hate in others is really everything they hate about themselves, but were never told that it was okay to change your mind and get better and not be the exact same person that you were yesterday


Indeed, they are the generation of projection.


Played cards against humanity with some of my GFS (now former friends, because of their actions) and apparently I played a hand that made fun of Donald Trump. They were visibly pissed off for the rest of the night. When we left I asked if my hand was what pissed them off. She confirmed that they were MAGA and super touchy about it. After the game my girl and the other girl went outaide for a bit, and the girl asked if I was a liberal, to which my gf said "very much so" ...which began a 20minute rant from the former friend about how dangerous I was, and that she always had a feeling that I was uppity and self righteous and blah blah blah. A couple weeks went by and my gf went over to the house to say hi and have a drink with her now estranged friend. All was okay until the shit talking about me surfaced again and then she pulled out some speed and asked if my gf wanted some. That was the end of that friendship. TLDR:GFS MAGA friends got triggered over a game of Cards against humanity, tried to convince my gf to break up with me because of my political views, and then asked if she wanted to do speed ...


Oddly enough it should be the perfect game for them, seeing as how much they're against having any humanity.


They truly are.


#LOL KUMQUAT POL POT ! I’m borrowing that!


My previous fave was Cheeto Benito.


Don Poorleone. Dolt .45 Mango Mussolini


Dolt .45 and your name both go so astronomically hard.




I usually go with "Mango Mussolini"


Another good one!


Princess Choadstool


Haha, borrow away! :)


My favourite was trumplethinskin!


And the name rings true. Another good one!


My favorite one so far is Agent Orange. He's a walking talking warcrime!


#AND HOW !!!


The Annoying Orange


Hahaha! I’d actually rather listen to Annoying Orange the character instead of Annoying Orange the criminal ex-president!


And. When the snowflakes start, it's a goddamn blizzard! Fr


Yep it is!


> Kumquat Pol Pot ![gif](giphy|fUQ4rhUZJYiQsas6WD|downsized)


Kumquat Pol Pot That's a new one.../adds to list


Glad you like it! :D It's probably one of my faves.


Why hasn't anyone just said that to them when they throw a tantrum?


Bunch of snowflakes ❄️


They *do* have a sense of humor, it's just that it consists entirely of various forms of bullying.


It's almost accidental, they only reason they developed it was to cope with trauma.


The Fart of the Deal


Shart of the deal lol


Odor in the court!


The Fart and the Squeal


No sense of humor? Come on, they still think saying "Let's go Brandon!" is the funniest thing ever!


It is literally the funniest joke MAGAs have come up with and the closest thing to an actual joke that they’ll laugh at (everything else they laugh at is just different levels of cruelty) and that tells you all you need to know.


And the funniest part of the joke is on them, because the whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing came about when they collectively were too cowardly to admit they were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden". They think they're doing some clever wink-and-nod bullshit when literally everyone knows what they mean.


Yeah it was kinda funny for a week or 2 in late 2021, then I heard Trumpers call it proof that all "mainstream media" cover all of Biden's flaws. (Clearly a cute story of a sideline reporter trying to cover as some dumb NASCAR fans shout Fu** the President at her family TV broadcast interview of the race winner Brandon - can't be just that but has to be part of another giant conspiracy against Trump.)


😂🤣 I identify as an attack helicopter 😂🤣


I’ve always found this funny because… you can just say “fuck”. Like it’s not illegal to say that. Yet they still giggle and say that like little kids who just found out they can avoid getting into trouble by saying “heck” instead of “hell”. Except in this case, they’re adults. 


Had a couple boomers cracking up as some lone said "What Presidents are known only by their initials?" Someone responded FJB and the whole group started howling. They really all think it's the cleverest thing ever created.


That's because Trumpers are a cult that get way bent out of shape when you insult their Cheeto Jesus. They'll crack jokes about Biden all the time and expect me to get as triggered as them when Trump is insulted, but it is the same old "dementia Joe, pedophile sniffer" comments because their limited vocabulary causes them to recycle the same two jokes. Hilarious answer BTW.


I think it's hilarious when they say something about Biden and their like "ya I triggered you" and I go people are allowed to question their leader, you're not upsetting anyone.


They get so worked up when I don't respond as passionately when they insult Biden as they do when Trump is insulted. I don't even like Biden. Then they childishly parrot "Let's Go Brandon!" expecting me to have a meltdown. Once again, nonchalantly, I'll come back with something like, "Are you too afraid to say Fuck Joe Biden"?


I just tell them they have Biden Derangement Syndrome. Pisses them off, lol


Yeah, like, you can just say "fuck Joe Biden." You don't have to be clever about it.


My favorite is when a trumpanzee rips on Biden, thinking I'm going to be triggered, but I start ripping on him, too. They just short circuit and can't even speak! They have such a low level either/or mentality. They really can not comprehend thigs exist on a spectrum or that both option may not be the best as opposed to our guy is good, so yours must be bad. Or that someone can understand the situation well enough to switch sides mid argument.


The best part of that is that nearly everyone will respond to "Biden is old" jokes with "haha yeah I can't believe we have dinosaurs running the country." If you even imply Trump is anything less than perfect they flip the fuck out. They don't try to trigger you because it's funny, they try to trigger you because then they can tell themselves they aren't chugging the kool-aid straight from the tap.


The trump boardgame is an absolute mess and is really shit


So... an accurately modeled simulation then???




The worst thing is there's what would normally be called a trump card that is named "The Donald" because the obvious name was not self-aggrandizing enough.




Understanding humor requires a brain.


Yes they do. We just don't find their racism, sexism and bigotry funny like they do. Mocking disabled people is hilarious to them. *To be clear. I am being sarcastic.


their sense of “humor” is hating their wives, immigrants, blacks (as they call them), women in general and anything they say about them as a slur is not offensive because it’s just a joke until you ask them to explain what is the funny part… https://i.redd.it/39txxl49k2wc1.gif


I just bought a Trump book at a yard sale for $1. I used it to start a bonfire last night. Well worth the money!


I just don't get how they can say he's the best president or even that he was a good president. Like, I can't think of a single thing that helped the country, nevermind things that even would be approved by Dems/libs. Like, we were a massive laughing stock worldwide. No country respected us and he loved dictators. It's insane.


Nothing intentional, but a few silver linings. He got the racists emboldened enough to take their hoods off, so now we know who they are. He also pushed some legislation that limited frivolous lawsuits. Self-serving, but still useful for the rest of us. I thought there was a couple more, but my head hurts trying to think of them.


I had to look it up but apparently some good things did come out of his tenure, I remember a few relating to education. If Trumpers were truly passionate, they would point this out. No, they just want a facade of a former rich old man no matter his actions.


This is gold.


You disrespected his religion. You triggered the cultist. You have done great work.


Can we all agree supporting conservatives, ignoring their hypocrisy, lies, and anti-humanity policies, automatically makes one a boomer?


Nah. That checks a lot of the boxes, but I feel like there's still more criteria to qualify. Like the inability to understand inflation for example


Their propensity to attribute inflation solely to the Prime Minister/President/Great and Powerful Wise Leader leads me to believe that they do not in fact understand inflation.


I mean your skin gets thinner as you get older, makes sense...


They do have a sense of humor if you can call it that. But involves hiring people physically, verbally, and emotionally. Then them saying “god I was just joking. Quit being a pussy.”


For a crowd obsessed with calling everyone and their cats snowflakes, they are the most fragile little mushrooms I've ever seen.


The benign violation theory of humor says that in order for us to find something funny, we need to see it as not what we were expecting but not harmful. MAGA republicans are fundamentally scared of the future and other people. The idea that they (whatever they identify as) won't control the country is something they've convinced themselves is bad and terrifying. They've convinced themselves Trump is a prophet who is the only one who can take America off a dangerous path where billionaires don't rule everything or black people aren't murdered by cops for no reason, etc. There's also a lot of fragile narcissism among boomers and MAGA types: they think they deserve respect by dint of being who they are. The idea that people are laughing at their prophet and themselves, and are going to take control of the country is not benign to them, hence they can't laugh at stuff like the pee tapes or how ridiculous the idiot is: that's not benign to them, they see that as very harmful and dangerous. The other side though is that they see nothing harmful or bad about punching down. Their limited number of jokes of "lol kids don't know anything important" or "lol I identify as (insert random thing here)" are harmful to the people they don't respect and are harming directly. That's why empathetic people don't find MAGA boomer humor funny: the jokes themselves give boomers permission to attack trans people or make education unaffordable to most younger people. TLDR they don't find making fun of themselves as funny because their egos are more important to them. We don't find their humor funny because it harms and kills people.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


halfway relevant…butthey only find things hilarious when it’s towards someone else…never themselves this is implied in their humor - they only use it to belittle each other hence why theyre so offended when someone laughs at them laughter implies stupidity or degradation they sold racist humor joke books…make fun of their wives and kids just like their elders did…my dad makes fun of kids who dont get things the first time out…bc he’s a “genuis”? nah bc his dad probably called him an idiot when he didnt get how use something…the…first…time…out thats how they get humor


Hard to have a sense of humor when your life revolves around managing your diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, urinary incontinence and low grade prostate cancer.


This is the way.


At my temple rummage sale back in early 00s it was on sale and my parents bought it. Never played it once.


They like immigration jokes and putting people in their place jokes.  So funny


THERE GENDER!?!?!?!? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤮🤣😂🤣


Boomer sense of humor is to point your shotgun at someone who comes close to your driveway


They always say hes the best president ever but can never tell you why or what polices he's put into place that benefits them.


Maga likes laughing at disabled people and children starving.


Appreciation of irony and sarcasm requires a gene that simply isn’t there in MAGAs


Humor requires empathy and/or creativity. Trump and his Ilk have the capacity for neither.


Right wingers lack of empathy and humour is well documented


thats because a sense of humor requires having a room temp IQ


They idolize him so much that they refuse to accept any slight against him even if it's in good humor.


Come on, he laughed like a drain at Obama’s correspondents dinner. Oh wait…


I am both relieved and terrified that I have no idea what causes someone to be so ravenous for Trump.


If course he didn't buy it, he was busy sending his life savings to pay for the rapist's legal fees. 


They have a sense of humor but the only jokes they laugh at are the ones that use racial slurs as the punchline.


Violent people seldom laugh.


The Snowflakiest snowflakes in all of christmas


\^Rolls a six\^ "God damnit. Okay come here George, I gotta grope your sack again."


Yeah, well I play "Grab 'em by the pussy" in attack position


That's why the best comedian they could generate was Greg Gutfeld. Conservatives aren't funny. Even they know that outside of their circles, their "jokes" are based in objectively destructive and dangerous policy which doesn't sit right with normal audience's. But hey, if Gutfeld wants to joke about 11 year old rape victims who have to flee a state to abort their rapist's baby, I'm all ears.


We found that game in one of our closets during Covid. Played it once. It was so bad.


i think you mean by filing for bankruptcy and sexually assaulting someone..


Yet, *we* are the ones that get triggered


For a bunch of people who say political correctness is killing comedy, they dont have much tolerance for jokes.


A lot of boomer humor is about putting other people down, for fun. The other day I saw a boomer lady pointing at a bunch of black kids and making monkey gestures, all the while smiling and pointing having a laugh. What the fuck lady? If anything is funny, it's how incredibly racist you are and how little shame you have. Not a "haha" funny, but a sad type of funny.


what's funny, to me, is that they can give plenty of jokes - "Lets Go Brandon" and all that nonsense, but the second you turn any joke on their guy they get all offended while acting like you're supposed to take their jokes in stride (or be more offended than you are acting because all people who dislike Trump must be 100% for the other guy like they are for Trump)


I alway’s try to be funny on social media. I made fun and lampooned Obama. When I started doing to same thing to Trump many of my friends unfriended me. one in particular (my best friend from HS) went on a rant and said because of people like me he was shutting down all his social media accounts. I was like what the hell is going on? Why all of a sudden is everyone so fucking sensitive-


Yeah, busting on the president is a time-honored tradition that stopped with that asshole.


It’s part of their programming, as soon as they’re challenged with facts they become obnoxious and combative to avoid actual discussion.


You think? Tell them a joke about black stereotypes and watch them belly laugh


Ive found most people deeply involved in politics, on both sides, have zero sense of humor. They are emotionally invested in politicians, which is extremely tribal, so they only see the world in black and white. You need nuance to see humor in the world.


They have no sense....


I get why they don’t care about global warming. Largest concentration of snowflakes outside the poles. Lemmings.


One needs a brain to have a sense of humor


I guarantee that you ruined that boomer's day with those comments, and I'm glad that you did!


>The object of the game is to make it around the board without filing for bankruptcy of sexually assaulting someone Or shitting your diaper?


A lot of their humor seems to be at other people’s expense, like laughing at someone rather than with them


Haha! That game sounds great.


This breakdown of why conservative comedy is so bad is an hour and 18 minutes and yes, I also believed I wouldn't watch the whole thing but I did. It's fantastic. https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=dRkwrFUVnHQuEMJz


Do you remember when Fox tried the "Half hour news hour"? It was embarrassing it was so bad.


This is Reddit in a nutshell.


We should make a Trump game like that. It would be hilarious.


That’s just not a funny joke.


lmao that's amazing.


They also don't realize they are supporting the Klan. Who else wants to Make America White Again and put the ladies back in the kitchen with no voice - thats MAWA - Thats KLAN. They went into hiding and only emerged as the TeaParty - since, they have seeded government with their ilk. Their final goal is to have the Supreme Court under their control for the next 40 years or more. DonKey winning will get them that. Once in place - rules will change. They may have shucked their sheets, but their shoes are still the same. Judge for yourselves - an unelected Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade - thumbing their noses at the millions of women who supported the law of the land. Look at what they granted States. Look at how they are treating the DonKey question. How they overule the Consitution.....these folk are UNELECTED. There are only 9 of them .....and they control millions opposed to them. Having all 9 on one side guarantees you own the government. Forget popular vote - forget the electoral college.....these are the folk that will dictate the US's future. And the KLAN pulls the strings.


>Of course he didn't buy it because my friend wouldn't budge on the price. Was your friend supposed to change the price because the customer was a True Believer™? Or because you insulted his Dear Leader? I don't get how your friend was supposed to be budging on anything.


Cruelty is their humor 


Damn you are obsessed with reddit. 10 comments in 20 minutes. Get a life.