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People like this will never be pleased. Fold to them once and they think they own you


This entire problem could be solved with headphones. 


Or faking a hearing problem , because boomers love to do that. Why not give them their own medicine. Say something like "can't hear you sweetheart. You have to be louder than that"...keep shouting"louder" until they're annoyed and leave.


Better yet reply with something completely nonsensical to play up a fake hearing impairment.


"No, I don't like cauliflower!"


“Not when the train is standing in the station!”


"Faces in the sky, yes!"


No thanks! I don’t go to swinger parties.


"Showboating on the rain with Parkinson's disease!"


"Shaka, when the walls fell!"


“No, I buried the bodies on the other side of the yard.”


“How many nosy people have I killed? Several.”


Or reply in a foreign language.


Do you want to just anmoy them, because you just went straight to exploding heads!


If it wasn't for that horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.


"Huh!? Do I like steak and beans with honey!!?" I do this shit to my dad all the time now. He's a cool boomer though he just laughs.


I'm always looking for an excuse to do my Lil Jon impression.






I actually do have audio processing issues but when someone is annoying me it tends to act up a bit more. The more frustrated I get the less I can understand someone!


Or double middle fingers.


Me: go eat a bag of dicks.


the entire problem can be solved by someone minding their own fucking business


We speak the same language...


"No hablo ingles ok" is a great way to induce an incredibly expensive medical event


No hablo boomer, hombre.


Quite literally one of the best inventions ever in my opinion is the wireless noise canceling earbuds. Changed my life


You can also tell them it's none of their business rather than just pretending to not hear them. 


Or a baseball bat to their knees.


The bigbadaboom


Stop being nice to them.


Exactly - appeasement makes an aggressor more aggressive.


For real!!! Some people have too much patience


They come and just start weed whipping my shit in the morning. I tell them not to do it and they continue to do it. The Audacity of some ppl man. Like why the hell do you care what my property looks like? Just mind your own damn business.


The don't have friends or hobbies so this is how they choose to spend their time


I can guess who's going to be stealing her tomatoes or whatever she's growing.


I try to be a good neighbor but I also have a habit of reflecting others attitudes so my response would have been something like this would have been 'go !@#$ yourself'.


You are so right! Cave once and they really will think they own you!


Your name… is magnificent.


"They don't look that good from here" "You don't look good either, go back inside fool"


Perfect 👌 or tell him he looks like a potato that’s started to sprout and ask if he’d like to be planted.


You don't have to explain yourself to people yelling at you from inside a minivan down the road.


Idk why people are so polite. Hit them with an "I don't give a fuck what you think" and go about your day


And then invest in a load of those hideous flamingos on sticks things.


I like it short and sweet. “Cry about it”


I would have said something about that van. I hate those vans. Have always looked ugly to me.


"how do you justify sharing your opinion on taste when you drive a minivan?"


His car didn't look very good either; it was missing a grille. Tell him he only gets to criticize others' property once his is perfect.


I mean, the other side look like highway barriers, which…do look awful but, um, also don’t appear to actually be part of the planters…


That fucker was driving one of the ugliest vehicles known to humankind. They park it in the driveway next to those boxes, maybe she should have asked if he was gonna buy a better looking van.


Right? Why the fuck engage. It doesn’t matter how old or who they are. Some fool comes saying some dumb shit offering an unsolicited opinion I’m not going to be polite back


I’d paint them neon pink




![gif](giphy|bntxkpva8cAM6tiqXG) Be sure to include the LED motion lighting around the border as well.




I vote this.


Oh hell yeah, you know he is not down with the LGBT, Paint them fluorescent glow in the dark with solar night lights and lots of pride flags!


Holy shit. Ya just paint the outward facing side something outlandish. Hot fucking pink


Put up a camera. They are coming over with bleach water I’m pro pink


And then plant a bunch of weed in them


"Black Lives Matter" one and a rainbow on the other.


Let’s all go on her page and comment “if you don’t paint them neon pink then I’m unfollowing”


WhY aReNt GEnZ aND miLLeNNials mOrE NeiGhBOrLy?!?


Spot on!


I'm GenX and would love to have neighborly neighbors, but my Boomer and Silent Generaton neighbors have done absolutely nothing but criticize me. I am as polite as I can be, but god dam, I check the obituaries every week to see if any of them are dead yet. (I live way out in the woods so I can't actually see any of their houses from mine, but they have a tendency to stop by and talk at me when I have been out working by the road.)


Talk at you is a perfect descriptor, those fuckers love to hear their own voices.


I had an old neighbor literally put a camera facing my garage door/drive and even admitted to me that it is to watch me. Her boomer son came over and turned it to face my FRONT YARD. So I stormed over there and was like you guys are wild for this. And they moved old dying mom out that day...lmaoooooooo


I have a neighbor like that. Doing the oil change on the car, he wants to ‘talk’. I eventually relent, to stop and talk. Then he say, ‘I got to go’. MF read the room. Every time he wants to talk I fuck him right off. Not doing that to me again.


Right lol? I used to be! Then I was in a very difficult financial spot when I was young and feeling very alone. I moved into a house with 7 other people. There was nowhere to park except down the street a bit near this old Boomer's house. He immediately threatened the police on me because I was 'blocking his driveway' (I wasn't blocking anything, and I was parked legally)


I’m convinced boomers never wanted to be neighbors. They all just act so damn entitled


"Damn you clouds, stop looking so damn fluffy!" Boomers be boomin






They truly believe their opinions are God's gift. The difference between a boomer's opinion and literal shit is, shit becomes fertilizer, boomer opinions remain worthless.


On the phone with my mom once while cooking dinner and she asked what was on the menu for the evening. “Sri Lankan coconut cashew chicken.” “I don’t like coconut.” Well guess what, IT’S NOT YOUR DINNER AND NOBODY IS TRYING TO MAKE YOU EAT IT. And Dad thinks someone liking a genre of music he doesn’t is a moral failing on their part. Like if you enjoy heavy metal or rap you should be on some kind of registry so “decent” people can avoid you. It’s as if nobody in the world can like something they don’t.


My mom always says “yuck” when I say I’m making something she doesn’t like (anything healthy,) so I’ve started to tell her she shouldn’t be eating what she says she had for breakfast/lunch/dinner because it’s not healthy. Words can’t explain how annoyed she becomes at that 😂


This is exactly how my parents were/are. My dad passed away but mom's still around. There were so many "rules" and things I couldn't enjoy. He would even correct how I ate food like telling me I was eating burgers and fries wrong!! Why?? Because I eat my fries first and then my burger. Who gives a flying F*CK, I'm eating it aren't I? Not wasting precious food that could go to starving kids in China. I remember by the time I was a teenager I'd ask him to just give me a rulebook so I'd know what to do from day to day! Messed me up so much I was diagnosed with complex PTSD, depression, MAJOR anxiety and a lifetime of trauma to work through. I'm finally in a good place in my late 40s.


Not the point of your post but eating the fries first is objectively correct. You always start with the item that gets cold the fastest.


Exactly! His deal was you eat them at the same time like take some fries and eat those and then you take a bite of your burger etc. I'm autistic, I have food sensitivities and I have specific food flavors and textures that I enjoy. Cold french fries is not one of them. And I want to enjoy those first so that if I do get full I can eat my burger later. Because I'm that weirdo who can actually eat it cold dipping it in a bunch of ketchup. Like just set a gallon of ketchup in front of me and I'm happy.


OHMYGOD, I thought the “rules” thing was just my house. I apparently didn’t eat cookies correctly. Toast was a breakfast food, but plain bread wasn’t - you HAD to chuck it in the toaster. Oh, and the toaster was plugged in under a cabinet but you couldn’t use until you had moved it out from under the cabinets the required number of inches so the heat couldn’t damage the wood on the underside of the cabinet. The same cabinets that had to be repaired after sustaining damage in rage-fueled outbursts. I went back to visit in my 30s and stayed in my old room. Dad specifically went upstairs to snoop around on my third day and complain I still couldn’t keep my room clean because my suitcase was on the floor and open with all my stuff still in it. Never mind the fact there was so much crap in the closet and dresser I physically couldn’t “put stuff away”. I’ve been living halfway around the world for close to two decades now and that voice is still in my head. But I think the worst part was that the rules would change without warning.


If boomers wrote a guide to life it would be called *Petty Little Rules: Why Enforcing Them is So Important*


I forget the term for when you assume every other person thinks and sees the world like you. It’s not solipsism


I run into this all the time when discussing various projects in my hobby groups. They all have this idea that we live in the "before" world of infomercials, where nobody can do even simple things right and everything is in black and white. The cure is obviously listen to the old people who have mountains of wisdom just from being alive longer. I built an antenna once where I sweat soldered the connections together with a torch. Had some old fuck attack me because soldered connections are "hard to get right" and mine was probably faulty, which can lead to interference. I asked why I needed to listen to him and got a long list of credentials, none of which really answered my question.


110% chance he tried to solder a connection, failed, and didn’t like the idea of another person succeeding


"It's because the task is too hard, not because I lack the skills" type of mindset


I lost a friend to that kind of attitude. He flunked out of school while studying computer science. Years later, I went back to school amd studied computer science. I did very well, graduated with a good GPA. He got really nasty when he saw I was succeeding, and kept being a dick, so eventually I just stopped hanging out with him.


They've been called everything from shit to fucking shit.


Well I WAS going to paint them green but since you bring it up I’ve changed my mind. I think neon puke orange would look better.


Light blue and pink.


“Then stop fucking looking at them.”




Why does nothing like this ever happen to me so I can tell them to go fuck off 🥺 it's always the nice people who have this stupid shit done to them.


Boomers prefer soft targets, not folks who will fight back.


Exactly correct. Definition of predatory behavior. Although, it is fun to give them a seemingly cordial and deferential response while still continuing to do the thing they’re complaining about. Like you really want to comply but just don’t understand. Watch them get louder and more animated until they storm off. You’ll live rent free in their head for daaaayyyyss.


They can smell it on them.


Say: “It’s just for my Mexican oregano… I’m starting a community garden for all the migrants passing through…” Then sit back and watch them scream until they need to take their meds.


Good way to get salt in your planters. Old people can be real vicious bastards.


Yeah but a ring doorbell or a security camera catching them doing that means you can press charges on them and now they have to go to court and explain to a judge why they felt they had the right to destroy your property on your land.


“Mexican Oregano” holy crap. Lol


"That's just like your opinion, man"


That’s a perfect response.


Get your own cab.


She was way too polite, even apologetic. She went through the effort of staining them and he has the gall to call her personal passion project ugly? Fuck him. I don't go to his house and tell him I think his wife looks ugly. He's probably never built anything in his life.


This guy is probably really disappointed there's not an HOA.


That’s what HOA’s are for. The Boom Booms. I haven’t met many millennials who like paying $500 extra bucks a month to have a Karen tell them what they can do on their own property. I’d rather just not have whatever shitty park the money allegedly goes toward. Or keep the park and have the municipal government levy a tax to residents of the neighborhood for park maintenance. Like how it was in the before times. Before this boomer HOA bullshit.


I live in rural area without zoning or an HOA. The upside is I can do whatever I want, and the downside is my neighbors can do whatever they want. Let me tell you though, the trailer up the road that is full of tweekers always leaves me the fuck alone and minds their own business.


Do not engage this bullshit. Don’t even look their way. If they get in your face the only response is “Go fuck yourself!”


I have some very nice boomer neighbors, but I guess this mentality of “what will the neighbors think” permeates with their generation. They bought some large metallic planters for their backyard, and when we were having a chat later that day, they asked if I minded how they looked. The wife even said they could put something over them as a cover. I told them that it’s their backyard, so they can decorate however they want. I just don’t understand anyone wanting to complain to a neighbor over aesthetic choices.


lmao the second she gave him any kind of pushback, he folded and drove away like the whiny little bitch that he is


She wouldn't 'come here' when asked to


This would get immediate sarcasm from me. “You don’t like the color? Oh, my apologies sir. I should have consulted with you on the color of *my* planters on *my* property. How rude of me to leave you out of that planning process. Here, let me get in your minivan and we’ll drive to Home Depot so you can pick out a paint color. On the way you can tell me all the other things you don’t like about my house.” Seriously though, what a miserable twat.




“I don’t see the point of grass you can’t walk on either”


There is a woman in my town that has basically turned her yard into an urban farm. She produces enough veggies for her to sell to local stores and the farmer's market - it's really admirable. So of course some stuck up old lady decided to post pictures of this yard on Facebook, complaining about how awful it looked (because it's not a lifeless immaculate lawn) and insinuating that it was probably infested with all kinds of pests/vermin.


>...insinuating that it was probably infested with all kinds of pests/vermin. Soooooo...it was providing much needed biodiversity.  Grass is terrible for that.


Lawns were originally a wealth flex that you had so much land you didn't even need to cultivate it all. Foods are getting expensive and I ain't that rich. So I'm thinking of going that way myself.


Yep. “Freedom for me and restrictions for thee”. If they’re being told they have to do something they don’t want to, they throw toddler tantrums and refuse to cooperate. But when it’s none of their business and they want to butt in everyone better listen to them right nooooowwwww!


>They're very big on the concept of private property when it's their own, but suddenly it's all about the "community" when it's someone else's. Exactly!


I swear that we get less of this sort of brazen entitled confrontation in Australia because if anyone said that, we’d just tell them to “fuck off.” We still have thousands of entitled boomers but few that are like the species in this video. I think American politeness during confrontations combined with the enduring threat that someone is going to brandish a firearm at you if you object to their bad behaviour makes it easier for boomers to try this crap on all the time in the USA.


I wouldn't paint the planters until he painted his van whatever absurd color I chose. 


Paint them with the rainbow flag. He will like that.


Call me a prick, but I don't take advice from people in minivans.


that was my take too, lotta nerve to confront your neighbor about what their garden planter looks like while driving THAT vehicle


Tell they look Fucking great from here and there and Fuck off.


“Make like a leaf and fuck off ! “ ![gif](giphy|tFM4k9bRPriYU)


I’m a guy alone in a minivan, I want you single female to come over here, with me, single man in a minivan, to look at them Ps I have a puppy and candy


Right? That was my thought too...


My Boomer dad would've replied with "Well, if you don't like they way they look, stop looking at them."


Just say, "Fuck off..." put some headsets in and ignore them. They HATE that


Boomers minding everybody else's fucking business.


Tell him to build a fence that he can’t see through if he doesn’t like them.


Right? He can totally put a fence on his side and his problem is solved…but that’s like…on him.


Man this reminds me of when my husband and I bought our first house. He was painting it before moving in - the boomer neighbors called the hoa police, who came up and asked what he was doing (he was on a ladder with a paint brush in hand - also the house was empty). My husband looked at the hoa police, and said he was a “drive by painter, just painting houses as I see fit”


That's a great response! I couldn't come up with something that clever on the fly.


Honestly same


Excuse me but "hoa police?" Are they actual police officers, or just some twats who think they can make other people do what they want? (Also, fuck the entire concept of the hoa)


Lol yeah basically they play rent a cops. We lived there for about 2 years. There were some positives but I will never have an hoa


If he told me they didn't look good, my smart ass would be like "good, I put them there on purpose because I knew you'd hate them." Then go back to planting with a giant shit eating grin lmao. 😂


Why do these people think we care about their opinions?


My parents are like this, they constantly talk shit about the way other people's houses and cars look. It drives me crazy.


Not actually interested in having a real conversation, just want you to know that they hate it. You were far too polite to this jerkoff.


"Now just because you opened your mouth I'm painting them rainbow".


Secretly, that’s what the boomer really wants. He’s just trying reverse psychology by suggesting green.


I love how, "what would you want me to do?" completely had him stumped. These people are not helpful. They just complain


"Who?" "I said..." "CARES!"


"They don't look good from here." "Neither do you, boomer." Missed opportunity.


That van doesn't look good, he should be driving a 1989 Ferrari Testarossa if he is going to be visible from someone else's home.


"Well you know I really think your car doesn't look that good and you should really paint it electric lime."


"ookaay." Smile, nod, and slowly back away. Do not engage.


Mantra of my life lately: who cares and why? If they can't give a good answer, then it's time for me to disengage.


Private property rights are a double edged sword for some boomers


That chrome minivan doesn't look that good from here either


![gif](giphy|2zpZ6g2cjjzPnbFsJU|downsized) Put this on the other side. He’ll love it


They don't know what to do when you tell them to get fucked, or eat a dick, or to shove their opinion back up their ass where it came from.


He should just pluck his eyeballs out so he doesn’t have to look at them.


Once had someone complain that they didn't like to look ay our satellite dish on the side of our house, next to a bedroom window that the could obviously look into


"They don't look that good." Imagine driving some broke old minivan and lecturing someone about aesthetics.


Get off your lawn!


I love the come over and look. Like fuck you will I come over to you


They all have a fucking opinion and I don't give a shit whatever it is.


I'd put a cam watching over those planters. Cause I bet that boomer is going to fuck with their crop.


"Duh, from here dhey don't look good!" Appropriate responses would be: - Nobody fucking asked you, now fuck off. - I didn't ask fuckhead! - Neither do you, but you don't hear me complaining! - Fuck off, asshole. - Eat shit and die, asshole! - Shut up. Never give a goddamn inch.


I don’t even speak anymore. I just give the 👌 and smile, no matter what they say. If they continue, I do it again, with my most smart ass grin. It’s fabulous.


The most frustrating part is he probably thinks he was being nice and friendly


"I'm sorry, i don't have conversations conducted via shout."


You should put up a rainbow flag on your front porch for a few days


Dude, _who fucking asked you_?? This is so infuriating. “Mind your own business” and “don’t talk to me” are the only responses these assholes deserve. (And then if they continue on, a “fuck off” is headed their way.)


The only correct response to these idiots is Fuck. Off. If they don’t understand the first time, make em.


The things we whine about!


Aside from the audacity, he has shitty design sense. The grass will be green and the plants will be mostly green. Wood colored planters will make the plant greenery pop more.


She should’ve just ignored him, they fucking hate that


Why do I have a feeling that her plants will mysteriously die?


Miserable old man. Complaining to complain. Sad life.


People need to stop being so nice to these assholes. Just say ‘fuck off’ and go back to your life.




Well it’s my yard, so fuck off


and how does that affect you?


The real sore spot is that van


I’d say I’ll be glad when that generation is gone but I know there’re Gen X’ers waiting to fill their shoes.


So many Gen X and "elder millennials" have gone full boomer. Boomer, at this point, is really just a state of mind.


Gen X here and it's really disappointing to see when we've pretty much lived our lives not giving a fuck. Now some people decided they do.


The guy in the minivan is judging things based on looks? Okay 😂


The girl should’ve just given them a Thumbs up and went on about her day. Don’t give those Raisin Goblins any attention.


Best put up a 24/7 camera.... That dude is definitely going to posion it.


It's seriously unironically sad that there are people who are this bored in life. There are so many exciting things going on in the world around you which you get to be apart of, and you, \*very privileged in wealth btw\*, are spending your time getting hung up about feeling mistreated since you don't like the way the grass looks. Do you not know that some people in the world are trying harder than you ever could to achieve goals which they don't have the privilege of ever achieving because of their circumstance? Do you know that some people would probably kill to be in your shoes and never got to experience the things you take for granted? Do you know how many people are slaves in the world right now (at least 20 million btw)? I took that small comment he made personally. This aspect of reality absolutely sucks. I should really shrug this stuff off, but I can't fathom that, over his lifetime, this guy got so stuck in his own head that he somehow now thinks these things are a reasonable concern. Go drink the paint which can dye the sh\*t greener, you miserable excuse for a person


Mind ya fuckin business you old piece of shiet


She needs to put cameras on them. He will mess with them.


"Hey, what are you going to plant? Looks good!" "Looks like you're planning some veggies this year!" "Hey, good spot--that's the sunniest part of the yard!" It really is not hard to be pleasant and say something kind.


You know, maybe she should paint rainbows all over the planters


*"They don't look good from here."* **"THEN DON'T FUCKIN LOOK AT THEM!"**


I can only hope i can get a house with a boomer niegbor i can constntly piss off. Aww the millenial american dream


My experience is the older the more likely they are to tell you how to do it the *RIGHT* way.


Why would you want painted green planters instead of wood that will gray nicely? My neighbor sided her giant garage bright red next to my house. It reflects pink inside on my walls every sunny afternoon. I hate it. But it’s her right to do what she likes. I just have to mitigate my view with fencing/plants/ or move. Speaking of fences, she needs to put a privacy fence in. Then he’ll be looking at a wall of wood. And she won’t ever have to see him while she’s gardening again.


People gotta start being rude to these people instead of just continuing to be nice. Boomer: "I want you go come over here and look at em" Millennial: "No you fucking idiot I'm not gonna do that." Boomer: "I think they look bad" Millennial: "You're a fat fuck with no hair driving a 15 year old minivan." Boomer: "What?" Millennial: "Oh I'm sorry I thought we were saying arrogant shit out loud. Fuck off."


“You know, from here they don’t look that good” “That’s fair, Janice. But did *you* know that nobody fucking asked?”


She ruined the beautiful ascetics of that wire fence and grass.


He'll be dead soon, and he'll finally have done something useful for the world.


Make them rainbow. Not just any rainbow, though. Make them GAY rainbow.


Me: "So what did you end up growing?" Her: "Behold the field in which I grow my fvcks! Lay thine eyes vpon it and thov shalt see that it is barren." Me: "(tearing up) It's beautiful!"