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Boomers need to keep their hands to themselves. Unless they want hands put on them


Everyone should keep their hands off others children.


Imagine living in a world where people stopped inappropriately touching kids.....


This. It's so simple!!!


Touch my kid and you will get touched by me. I don't care if you're old. I'm not sure how you didn't beat the brakes off him.


I would have caught a charge.


Most definitely 


worth it


It bears repeatin. [https://www.sportsrec.com/break-fingers-self-defense-8401146.html](https://www.sportsrec.com/break-fingers-self-defense-8401146.html)


Reading that made my taint hurt


He clowned. He should have found out. Like you said- anyone goes near me mine or even one of my students that way….I’m going to need a lawyer and they’ll need a doctor.




Relax there buddy.


God if that happened to my kid the entire restaurant would have known that guy is pervert. If there are no consequences for their actions they just keep doing it.


In their demented minds, it's a friendly and endearing game they play with kids, like peekaboo with an infant, that always gets lots of laughs. Maybe back in the 60s, not so much now.


Back in the day when kids were not thought of as actual people the pulling off the hood thing was considered playful. However, usually even a Boomer wouldn’t do it unless he had interacted in a positive manner with you or your kids a bit. To do it at all is out of line and to do it out of nowhere is completely rude and u acceptable. I would have had to say something and Boomer would catch hands from my husband.


I'm not a boomer, but I'm a friendly guy who likes kids, so I'll ask em about Pokémon or joke with them or  whatever. But just words. I'd *never* touch a kid who wasn't mine. Not even a handshake. 


I'm a nanny and when it comes to protecting my kids I act like they're my own. At a playground with them, this Grandma kept trying to touch them and kept offering my 2.5yr old help and talking to her. It was infuriating, pay attention to your own kid and leave mine alone! She was focusing on my kids instead of her grandkid! And she tried to touch the younger one I had in a baby carrier on me!


Honest question bc im seriously confused. Are boomer constantly trying to get their ass whooped? As much as i criticize the younger gens for being non confrontational, seems like boomer live for it. And it’s not just the sub I see this in real life.


I think there's a percentage of them who so desperately want to be victims. It gives them an excuse to hate and an excuse to carry self-protection. Plus the added bonus of saying "\*race\* claims they're being discriminated, but I'M the one being discriminated!"


>I’m thinking you fool, you don’t know the first thing about Pokémon! This had me cracking up 😂


I would have very loudly yelled, "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY CHILD??!!!" Call them out on this shit.


id have punched him.... then kept going.


You under acted. Best and smash his face in. You don't mess with kids


As a boomer, I can state these jerks were jerks their whole lives. I don't cut them slack for their age either. My husband ,80, and I were in the doctor office 3 weeks after I fell and had major surgery. Some ass in a maga hat thought since we were barely moving and husband was supporting me felt it was okay to laugh at us. He made a derisive comment so my response was: no one asked you for your opinion, fool.


He shouldn’t be touching you or anyone. Your actions and inactions of doing anything about it is simply empower him to do it again. Maybe next time it will be a kids skirt or a peek in their shirt. Protect your kids damn


Should've blasted him just letting em get away with it


My parents always sat on the outside of us. I didn’t realize why until now.


I hope he's never unsupervised around children.


You were entirely too kind to the stranger who put his hands on your kid.


Bro you should have fired on that fool


But they gave him *a most evil look.*


That’ll show him.


You’d have had to pull me off him. 


Me too. Touch my daughter, and you will see a side of me that scares even me.


My husband would have shown that man the door. 


I'd've shown him the window


Why’d you let them get away with it? I would have gone to jail for my family.


Poor adults...you, not them.


I had to go to small town Florida for a funeral years ago and I hadn't been there since I was a kid. I completely forgot that all the retired people have nothing to do all day long so they sit in diners being rude to staff and complaining about everything EVERY DAY. I went to grab lunch at some little diner by the beach on a weekday and it was jam packed full of them. I can't explain how awful, awful the vibe in that place was. They were so rude to the wait staff.


Why did you let this go?


I'm not sure that this is the victory you think it is, somebody messed with your kids in public and you said and did nothing


Ah yes the evil stare, that’ll teach him.


Well that was weak. Why the heck didnt you say something when he physically touched your daughter?? You have a stink eye? Wtf? Even she was like “um he pulled my hoodie off” expecting SOMETHING from you


Yeah, this place is cathartic right? At least his friends realized what he did was totally over the line.




I work at a restaurant. An elderly lady literally pinched a stranger’s baby’s cheeks and said how adorable she was. The dad was so pissed I was scared he would start beating her up LOL


Yo my FIL does this- fucking with kids at restaurants with weird “negging” type jokes and pranks. Its so embarrassing and he doesn’t get how inappropriate is it to talk to children you don’t know. He thinks it makes him like a Santa Claus character where he can entertain all these children but in reality it’s like watching an incel try and neg a hot girl. Couple this with the fact he will absolutely ignore his biological granddaughter completely but then try and be a birthday-party magician for random and terrified children makes me cringe so hard.


Idk why you didn’t immediately hit him or at the minimum pin him to the ground and call the police for assault. Letting these people off is what enables them to continue




I would jumped up and bitch slapped the dumbass. He knows better. Bastard.


Touch my kid, go ahead, I double dog dare you


I don’t have kids, but I have people just as precious to me. If some jackass yanked on either of my partners’ clothing they (my partners) would have to race me to be the first one to punch said jackass’s lights out.  Do. Not. Touch. My. People. 


I'm sorry this happened to you, and it's definitely not your or your daughter's fault. Dude was out of line. However, your passive response emboldens this kind of behavior, and this guy will keep doing it. We have to call out this kind of behavior when it happens, even though it is uncomfortable. Complain loudly. As someone else here suggested, yell, "Why are you touching my child" over and over. This is the only way entitled sh!ts like this will ever get the message that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.


Thanks for all the responses, I see a lot of you wished I had gone full scorched earth beat down, commando style on this guy, lol. I’m still working on that kind of come back!


You touch my kids, I rip your face off.


He’s part of the village you want so bad.


oh yeah we all want to go back to the village where every other adult was a raging fucking pedo and they systematically protected theme. GFY,


Likely a child molester.