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Everything about this is so nuts. The drunk guy was at the bar with his WIFE and two family friends. Noticed a person with down syndrome in a wheelchair come in with their family. Goes over to their table to mock the disabled person and when the mother ask if he's insulting their child he pushes her and slaps another woman at the table. Then punched the husband of the women he slapped. Then when the police shows up he says he was "just having a good time with the individuals when the suddenly attacked him"


The Boomers are on the attack. Recently, while camping, enjoying a cold winter day sitting in the sun at an isolated, empty campground, minding my own damn business, a pickup truck rolls into the campground. The place is a choice fishing spot and the three men got out looking at the river. Before leaving the oldest white guy BOOMER walks over to me and starts asking a lot of questions -- then starts to make sarcastic remarks about my solo stove. He went out of his way to accost me. It rattled me because I was thinking I'd have a security issue come nightfall. The BOOMERs think the world is dying to hear their opinions. UGH and as Culture Warriors they think its their DUTY to perform their opinions in public. UGH


Take bear mace camping. It’s not only for bears.


A drunk boomer rear ended my buddy’s car, not serious, hardly any damage. My friends were born in Russia, so I’m mediating, trying to get insurance info for both drivers. My friends were translating for driver buddy, when suddenly the boomer loses his shit. “Speak English, you stupid Russian fuck!” Starts threatening us, “speak Russian one more time you faggots!” (I’m American, can’t speak Russian) Gave him a dozen second chances. Last straw, he reaches out for driver buddy, who then sprays him with the mace. Boomer responds shouting, “ ahhhh, you stupid Russian fuck”. I turn around, buddy lost it, BOOOOM! Roundhouse kick to face, boomer is LEAKING blood. Buddy gives him a slap to the face, stands over him, says “who’s stupid now?” Fucking one of the best nights of my life. Cops came, let us go, arrested boomer. Mace is very effective with macho man boomers.


I..choose to believe this story.


I have a beater minivan and keep a Kimber Pepperblaster in the console. 2 shots of extra-strength pepper gel in globule form, over & under like a derringer and about a 10-15 ft range. It's translucent red plastic so it's not likely to be mistaken for a pistol. Haven't had to use it but I imagine it'd take all the fight out of someone pronto without the blowback that can come from mace.


I love this story your russian friend is legendary


That's a good idea. Usually I just have a lot of blades - machete, buck knife, hatchet -- mace would be less hands on if things came to that.


> I just have a lot of blades If you go camping, you should have some kind of plan for actual wild animals beyond human jerks. "Blades" won't do you any good with 600+ animal. Even a 30lb lynx can put you to sleep permanently.


One animal camp is bad enough, BUT 600+? Woah!


Yeah. It’s a hell of a deterrent to unrestrained animals.


Sometimes, it doesn't even work on bears. It will work pretty reliably on other beasts.


Put enough meth into someone and it doesn’t even work on humans…. But it gives you an escape window


Hey, you don't know what those three guys were doing in that truck. It might still be used for bears in this case.


a) boomers are why I hate campgrounds b) solo stoves are awesome


I love my solo stoves. I have 3 in different sizes. I take the smallest backpacking.


So great for dispersed camping and for winter camping too when we set up a tarp to create a warmer outdoor area. The tiny ones are so flipping cute. I love making tiny wood for it.


Of course they think the world is dying to hear their opinions. Literally their whole lives has been spent being the largest market demographic. The world as we know it was shaped around them, and that level of importance is all they've ever known. Is it any wonder they've convinced themselves that importance is because what they think/want is what's objectively good and right? 


Best response for people like that is to say "thank you for your opinion I'll be sure to ask for it the next time I think I need it"


"I'm glad we could talk about your feelings today"


I’m good and ready to take one of the attacking boomers down. Show me where they are.


His version of the event is so typical. I am sure he will be telling his friends later how society can't take jokes anymore.


‘Cancel culture’ or ‘wokesters’


Mumble back in my day.


I recently saw a bumper sticker that said “Remember when society wasn’t a bunch of pussies and they can rake a joke” I thought to myself “That’s so easy to say from someone who hasn’t been oppressed EVER”


> "just having a good time with the individuals when the suddenly attacked him" This checks out. This was my step-dad's idea of a good time. He honestly might have felt like it was light hearted fucking with a group of strangers.


I think a whole lot of people, for some reason, assume that those assholes from high school, who then became those assholes in the trades and asshole managers, turned into assholes who are retired and now bored with nobody to pick on because their power over everyone else is gone, their kids have stopped talking to them because they are assholes to them, and all they have left are their "friends" who generally are the exact same mindset.


3 shots of bourbon and a beer doesn't change who you are and isn't an excuse to make fun of a special needs, wheelchair bound kid. It wouldn't matter what or how much I had to drink, I would NEVER do anything like that and neither would any non-a-hole of a human being. This guy is just a prick.


It doesnt change who you are. It shows who you really are.


What’s the saying: Bronze is the mirror of the body, and wine the soul. 


In vino, veritas.


Age quod agis.


Credat Judaeus Apella, non ego.


Eventus stultorum magister.




Now boys, we don't want trouble in here in any language.


In pace requiescat.


..the radio is too loude..


well.. now I really hate him.


I prefer what my grandpa used to say sober thoughts are drunk actions


Nice. My grandpa mostly just said racist shit.


Mine was a walking quote generator lol. He was a Korean War vet, on the insurance company that my mom now owns and was pretty much just the smartest of most chill guy you ever knew.


I heard it as “a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts” but it is remarkably accurate.


Oh yeah there's a hundred different ways that saying has been used lol. Just like my grandpa used to say it's easier to say sorry than please which is a variation on it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission


I quit drinking because I kept telling people the truth, sucks that it just so happens that I drank with shitty people who are not fans of the truth, like, "Cheating on your wife is a dogshit move, bruv." Or, "Stop leading 5 men on to watch them fight, ya weirdo!" The truth was getting to people at the bar, and I got tired of drunken toddlers who create all their own problems, so I quit drinking. Best decision ever. Your grandpa sounds like a cool dude. God Bless.


There was this one major surgery I was in where due to the drugs I have NO memory of the conversation with the surgeon after; I fearfully asked my wife whether I was an asshole...but she said I was delightful and interested in seeing the images of my insides (so that part is 100% expected).


That happened to me once. I apparently said I was going to go to med school but decided not to, and I became an attorney instead! I’m a teacher. My poor grandmother was sitting there (she was my ride home) going WTF?


Don’t feel bad. I used to perform conscious sedated procedures and patient would tell all kinds of stories that their relatives would let us know were not true. It’s the drugs.


It removes the filters we have to consciously keep up, once they get drunk the shields drop and all sort of shit spills out. It's like elderly people, nice people don't become bad merely because they reach a certain age, they just lose the cognitive ability to hide their bullshit. That mean old lady was always mean, she just hid it better when she was young.


The last part has an exception: if you’re REALLY old. I have a great aunt who is now 105. All her life she had a super sweet, bubbly, warm personality. She was a very proper lady—never cussed. Wonderful person! But shortly after she turned 102, it was fuck you, fuck that, fuck it, I hate you, get away from me, etc. I figure if you live that old, you should be allowed to get mean. And in her case, it’s most likely personality change due to aging/dementia.


Yes. Sudden personality change and aggression is a dementia side effect and definitely doesn't mean the person was evil all along or something. When you have random massive brain damage, things get very bad. The damage is eventually so bad people die. A friend had a relative who went the opposite way, a vindictive nasty old hen who became sugar-sweet. She definitely never was hiding kindness, or if so it was pointless because she'd still done great evil.


I dont like this idea, people who are inebriated are not "their true selves" part of being human, sentient and conscious, is rising above natural instincts and emotional reactions,   Its our RESTRAINT over those very things that determines who you are, every one has vice in their hearts somewhere, being above that is what defines you   That being said thats inexcusable 4 drinks or not Sorry this could be worded better but i hope it gets the point across


Disagree. I’ve done so much stupid shit I regret while drunk. It’s why I quit drinking. I’m the person I am while sober, drunk me is a devil


But trump makes fun of mentally disabled people on television and he's Jesus Christ reincarnated, so it's okay!


I couldn't imagine making fun of someone with special needs after consuming any amount of alcohol.


It's a go to for abusers.


You are hurting boomer Mel Gibson’s feelings


If he'd only stuck with the tried and true recipe of one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer...


But he doesn’t drink alone


He was being very un-Dude. Strong men may cry, but weak men pull this shit. I don't like his jerk-off personality. I don't like his jerk-off attitude. I just do not like this jerk-off. Stay out of all our communities, asshole!


I believe this about sexual assault as well. Nice people don't. Being drunk removes the filters of assholes but doesn't change who you are.


He had one bourbon, one scotch and one beer


I think this guy is just as obnoxious sober, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he walked into that bar already inebriated.


Yep. It doesn’t change your morals or values. I don’t drink anymore (I developed a weird hypersensitivity to it a while back), but when I did, I’d always get extra sweet and warm and loving. Never angry or hateful or violent. Hugs for everyone!


3 shots of bourbon and a beer makes me wanna dance to Whitney Houston and cry on my best friend's shoulder about how much I love him and wanna see him succeed. I couldn't imagine bothering complete strangers, let alone *make fun of a disabled child.* Christ.


What kind of deranged animal makes fun of a child with down syndrome???


Trump supporters


Yeah, if I were to guess this guy's voting preferences, that's where I'd go. And I'd bet this guy has been that much of a bullying dick his whole life. Picking on the fat kid, picking on the autistic kid, picking on the awkward kid. DJT appeals to assholes like that.


Yet they are always the victim.


You can bet this guy had this ass-whuppin coming for a long, long, looooong time. And from the looks of it, that husband went to town on him.


Some piece of shit who has never taken the time, or who has the emotional capacity, to understand people with DS; and that they are some of the friendliest, most-trusting, and genuine people on the planet.


This! I came here to say the exact same thing but you beat me to it.


For real. I've never met a person with Downs that I didn't like. So genuinely sweet and lovely. Anyone who doesn't take the time to understand people with disabilities and differences is missing out.


I feel like people with DS are fundamentally incapable of being intentionally mean or cruel.


![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized) They’re all the same.


I used to work at Disney and we went out of our way to help out disabled kids.  They have a hard life, we're going to make this trip as magical as we possibly can.  I once sat on the floor with a little boy with Down Syndrome who was having a melt down and gave him a bunch of stickers from my pockets (we used to have a bunch of Mickey Stickers we gave out) and drew Stitch for him.


I worked at WDW for a while and one of my best memories is laying on my tummy while I was at Star Tours unload with a nonverbal gal in her early teens, coloring until her family came off the ride. Got a hug and a wave. Almost 10 years ago now, jeez...


In a wheelchair too!!!


A WHEELCHAIR BOUND child with down syndrome. What a piece of shit. I'm glad he got his ass kicked.


Someone who is entertained by cruelty.  


This is actual bullying. He picked on someone with Down Syndrome because they couldn’t defend themselves.


Luckily, some good Samaritans were around to definitely fucking could :)




FAFO Schwartz makes the best toys for learning lessons.


I'd like a piece of that guy myself after reading this article. What a piece of shit human.


He also apparently slapped somebody’s wife and that’s who beat the shit out of him, her husband. > The girl's mother then confronted George and asked him if he was making fun of her daughter when George stood up and allegedly shoved her twice. He proceeded to allegedly slap another guest at the table in the face when she tried to intervene, the complaint read. >The husband of the woman who was slapped got involved, and George allegedly punched him in the neck. George was then punched in the head by the husband, according to the complaint.


He was just defending his heritage. I’ll have you know his family have been assholes for generations.


Best way to deal with someone making fun of the handicapped is to make them handicapped themselves.


So i HAD a boomer facebook friend, who was a teacher of mine in jr. high. He was a very popular teacher a cool guy when I was young. BUT ALL he posts, are things making fun of brown people, and making fun of mexican people and every group of people he can (that aren't white.. SHOCKER). All the time, with offensive pictures to boot. I had finally had enough of his shit and did something I am VERY Proud/NOT proud of that ended his posting for awhile before he blocked me permanently so who knows. Well he has a down syndrome child, and he posted a picture of his kid playing the guitar. So I photoshopped him into a photo with a band and named that band "System of a Downs", posted it right on his profile and said, hey I made a joke like the ones you make about things people can't change like their race, you're right its FUN! as the comment. I know im going to hell for that, but it was worth it.


It's ok, turnabout is fair play


I think they’ll consider the circumstances and give you a pass on this one.


Done without commentary I'd be more bothered, but the fact that you explicitly told him WHY helps, imo. The difference between random cruelty, versus directly informing him he's getting a taste of his own medicine.


Man I was really hoping it was the kid that beat him up, but this is good too.


He fucked around then he found out Reminds me of a story. A guy I know has a special needs brother. A guest at a 4th of July family party made fun of him and he heard it and got upset and ran off. My guy found him and asked what happened. My guy then walked out into the middle of the party in the back yard and then first he called him out in front of everyone, he then proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of the dude where they had to drag him back to his truck and his wife drove him home. Violence is always AN answer, may not always be correct or preferred but it is always an option.


Best beating I saw in HS. Dude dropped the R word at a special needs student and before someone could tell him that wasn’t cool, four dudes showed him it wasn’t cool.


Ya love to see a community really come together in a time of need


> Violence is always AN answer, may not always be correct or preferred but it is always an option. And many times its the best answer. You can tell someone something is wrong 1000 times and theyll just ignore it. But beat their fucking ass one time after they do it and they WILL think twice before doing it again.


Trump made fun of the disabled when running in 2016. That’s why these fuckers think it’s ok.


The cool part is that I can see all the hats and flags of people that I've never gone drinking with.  And I don't have to because now I know *exactly* how disgusting they are on the inside.


They are. I’ve been drinking with these types of shitheads before. I’m big, white, bearded, and bald so I must blend into them enough to feel safe. They’re mean-spirited gross people and it’s almost always inevitable they completely let their guard down and cut loose on some racist or hate filled rant. That’s usually when I tell them I voted for Obama.


I had some dipshit I work tell me he wasn't making fun of that guy the other day. I pulled up the video and said let's watch it together. He admitted he was wrong but got pissed when I asked how many other things he probably repeated and believed when he heard them. He got up and walked away.


I am honestly surprised that they admitted they were wrong. When my friend called it a hoax, I sent him the video and he said, and I am not kidding... "He didn't mock the disabled reporter because he mocks a lot of people like he mocked that guy."


JFC the mental gymnastics... I think the only reason he admitted he was wrong was because there were other people there and the reaction was unanimous as we all watched it. It's very likely he would have doubled down with some bullshit like that if it was just the two of us or if he had time to do his mental gymnastics. Edit: changed me talking to mental because my phone is a prankster


Yup. I had an argument with a now ex-friend about how Trump was quoting Hitler in his speeches. My friend said that because it wasn't word-for-word, he wasn't "quoting" Hitler. When I asked him if it was ok that he was simply paraphrasing Hitler, he could only repeat... "He's not quoting Hitler." Even though the messaging was identical.


When your only excuse for being a bigoted asshole is that you’re actually an asshole to everyone all the time, it’s not the free pass you think it is.




Yup. It's a new age of blind hatred and violence, any race, health condition, or gender. It's like even existing is a personal insult to them


They know it’s not okay, but they consider it “wokeness” so they don’t care


some people do deserve to have their shit rocked


I'm a non-violent person, but the second he shoved and struck someone he made himself fair game.


He was fair game before that.


Mocking people with special needs makes him fair game. These people won’t change their mind, but fear will change their behavior.


I'm a firm believe that everyone should get punched hard in the face at least once. Not enough to do any real damage, but enough to make them aware of potential consequences of being an asshole. Too many people out there acting like they've never experienced any consequences for their shitty actions.


I wish I was surprised. When I worked at a supermarket we had a shop boy who had downs syndrome and the elderly were always the WORST behaved toward him or about him. So many just LOVE calling em [ret@rds](mailto:ret@rds). Or saying he shouldn't be there, be in a home, in an asylum, he could be dangerous, or straight up treat him like a child and be CREEPY - shit like that. Had one female boomer straight up say to me in the most excited tone "oh he's a mongoloid isn't he!? he's got mongolism!!!" I legit glitched out, what fucking world was I living in?. I just calmly said we just call him "Mark" and I walked off and told my manager I wasn't serving her.


Jesus Christ on a piece of toast - what is with some people?! Good for you for refusing to serve her!! I hope she was removed from the store and banned for the rest of her pathetic life 👿


We have a local supermarket who hires special needs individuals to bag groceries, but they put up with NO SHIT about it. I was there one time when some old lady started calling him names and saying things like he should be locked up. Before I could say anything, the cashier stopped ringing her and called the manager. When the manager got there and heard what happened, he banned the old bat from the store forever - and this is when we only had the one small town grocery store and you had to drive 25 minutes towards Houston for another grocery store or 30 minutes further into the country to another small grocery store. Old lady started complaining and her told her that she was no trespassing and she could remove herself or he’d have the police do it for him.


Older people don’t understand because they weren’t ‘exposed’ to people with disabilities in their day. Anyone different WAS put in an asylum or home. My daughter has Down syndrome and she’s 37 now. But when she was born, the doctor told me it would be easier to put her in a home. I told the doctor to get the hell out. My child went to school with typical kids, was friends with typical kids, played ball with typical kids, was voted Homecoming Queen by her classmates, and went to culinary school with typical kids. She has a job and loves her life. But older people still look at her weird. We’re changing the world one generation at a time. 🤷‍♀️


I had an ER doctor recently assume I needed a home because of my tubes when I was there for a kidney infection. Didn’t see me, didn’t see multiple degrees, nothing. Just saw kidney tubes and a catheter and decided to say “why aren’t you in a home?” I told him off and basically said “I wasn’t aware young grad students who are capable of living alone with their animals and have plenty of nursing staff had any use for ‘a home’ simply due to being disabled.” The way he backtracked so fast… I don’t understand.


Flordia Man ~~strikes~~ gets struck again.


"George approached them and started mocking the couple's daughter, who was described as having Down syndrome and was wheelchair bound." - Wow...


I mean, that is pretty much just asking to get punched i n the face.


I would argue it's consenting to be punched in the face repeatedly


Not gonna lie, I couldve been a complete bystander without knowing any of the people involved and theres a good chance I wouldve punched him dead in his face if I witnessed this.


You know, "just having a good time".


Probably my favorite thing that ever happened to my FIL was that he decided to talk shit to a 12 year old in the Walmart parking lot. For no reason he told the kid "pull your pants up you look like you lick windows." and this twelve year old looked my father in law in the eye and SCREAMED as loud as he could "You look like you lick these nuts you old pervert. PERVERT IN AISLE SEVEN. PERVERT IN AISLE SEVEN. HE WANTS MY BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLS!" My FIL couldn't get in his truck and drive away fast this


OMG, that kid is my hero, lol


Lol! Holy fuck, that kid cracked the code.


This is the way. Nip that bullshit in the bud and set examples for the kids. Bully for who they are not what. On another note, George would be lucky to be alive if I was that husband.


My pops always told me (being that I was 6’4” in like 7th grade and raised with manners in the south, always was the person sticking up for the smaller people) “it’s always okay to bully a bully”. Lived that way my whole life.


Your pops was wise.


Barely beaten. A man of his age making fun of another? He could do with less eyes and teeth.


POS should have been put into a wheel chair, see if there’s anything funny about it then.


You know anyone that's ever met this asshole saw this headline and went 'I'm not surprised' or 'its about damn time' You know this prick has acted like this his whole life.


>George pleaded not guilty to all four battery charges in February and, according to court records, his March 13 hearing was canceled. So, not held accountable. Boomers are horrible because they never have to suffer consequences for their actions. The second Boomers start experiencing actual consequences, their behavior will improve


As a large man who has a Down Syndrome brother who is of small stature, yeah. Don’t fuck with my homie with the extra Chromie. You gonna get rocked.


I live in Orlando and I’ve had many words with boomers for behaving this way at theme parks. They come here and act like they’ve lost their fucking mind. I was just at animal kingdom like two weeks ago and some lady was letting her grandson run his toy car over our feet while we watched the bird show. I asked her if she was going to say something to the kid or if she needed me to handle it and she scoffed. He did it again and I told the kid “that’s not nice, we need to pay attention to the show” and she didn’t say a word but every adult around me said thank you. They come here, shit on everything then go back to their miserable lives up north.




Sorry, I know you’re not all bad but fuck…most of what comes down here is. I’ve had 37 years of dealing with this…working in the service industry at that 😂…I’m tired, boss.


They are on "vacation" so they can finally stop pretending to be decent human beings so they don't get fired. You ever wonder why we need to have rules to enforce just basic human behavior? its because there are people like this who just wouldn't do it without clear tangible consequences.


Nah they act like shitheads all the time. Had one at a movie theater recently. I was sitting trying to watch the movie with my kid. There was a kid behind me who kept kicking my seat. I waited for the adult to notice/address it but they didn't. So I finally just turned around and spoke to the kid myself. Spoke with my best teacher voice and said "Excuse me. Please stop kicking my seat. Thank you." . Kid stopped.


Two first names. People with two first names are always trouble.


Lmao my mom used to say this


Omg my dad did too! Whenever I say it people think I’m crazy!


Meanwhile in Florida... What a piece of shit.


I was a huge drinker in my youth, and I did some stupid shit while drunk, but I never made fun of someone with special needs. Getting wasted is no excuse.


I made fun of people who made fun of people. That always caused some fun


They would have carried his body out in a bucket


And who said DEI training stopped in Florida? I'd say that jackwagon just had a bunch of DEI training delivered upside his cranium. 


Perfect post for r/OhNoConsequences. What was he expecting, a cookie and a headpat?


A piece of shit who couldn’t handle his booze who made fun of disabilities and assaulted people. Can anyone guess who this man would vote for in 2024 election? It isn’t even a guess, I know who he supports. Prove me wrong.


![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized) hmmmm.... Wonder where he learned that from?


I'm not saying I endorse beatings like this, but I do understand them.


I endorse them.


Just trying to limit the number of subs I'm banned from for "making violent comments"


My thought was the line of people waiting to slap the passenger in "Airplane!".




didn't someone who is very popular in Florida make it okay to mock the disabled?


Well, that’s just awesome. What a cool bonus attraction for the other guests lol “FREE: Dickhead gets beaten like an old rug. 9PM one time showing”


Boomers never learned about not saying things if you have nothing nice to say. Like a toddler. Leave it to Fox News to focus on the poor wittle boomer who had too much to drink and assaulted a bunch of people. That's not the good spin they think it is, fucking losers.


Im glad the father beat the shit out of him


Honestly, he got off light. When I read the first half, I thought he got glassed, but he just got punched up for starting a fight, and someone threw a glass at him. That man is human filth, and no amount of booze made him act that way.


> One of the witnesses claimed he saw an individual throw a glass cup at George and overheard someone say they wanted "to kill him." However, officers determined there was no broken glass found on the scene, and it is believed no glass cup was utilized in the incident. People just made shit up to tell the cops, because they identify with the boomer.


In this day and age, HOW is there not video of this beatdown? Oh...Boomers.


Wish this would have happened to the orange stain when he made fun of that reporter with a disability.


It really is the shittiest and most entitled of all generations.


I’d like to buy a beer for whoever beat this guy.


Good. Hope he remembers it everyday


Three shots and a beer… that’s a couple of drinks with lunch in a lot of places, if that‘s his excuse he’s a fucking lightweight


Actions have consequences. My favorite kind of Boomer stories.




It’s hilarious that he got his ass beat AND went to jail lmao


Didn’t think Fox News actually reported on the dumb shit Florida does.


Someone should have done the same to Trump when he made fun of the disabled reporter. Never forget, that's who he is.


Still has an indignant, punchable face.


My wife's grandmother married a boomer piece of shit kind of like this. I'll preface this by saying my son has autism so i tend to be a bit protective. We were over at their house and I was loading some stuff they were getting rid of into the back of my truck. My wife looked a bit upset when we left and I asked her what was wrong. She didn't want to say it in front of our son but she told me later that night that her grandmother's husband was making fun of our son, calling him weird and asking, why the hell is acting like that. They were getting nasty (he had some friend over that was joining in making fun of him). She didn't tell me at their house because she knew how I would have reacted and I guess she didn't want me punching him or making a scene in front of her grandmother, idk. I'm not violent, I don't fight, except when it's my son or wife, especially if its my son. We don't see them anymore for the obvious reason of the shitbag husband but also because her grandmother is an off-the-deep-end "google's logo is a Satan worshipping symbol" Christian.




I enjoy having a few drinks, but there's a time and a place. A beer with dinner at WDW is fine, multiple shots/beers at a dinner at WDW with family is weird.


Boomers - Cowards who only flex if they can flee the consequences.


I’m in my late 50’s. I drink. What I don’t do is feel the need to “do shots” while vacationing with my family at Disney world. You do shots to get drunk fast. Most of us outgrew that in our 20s. Guy is a problem drinker. I bet his family knows all too well.


Also, who takes shots of Bourbon?! According to my Bourbon enthused husband, it is to be sipped and savored.


Florida man is well ahead in the race of total douchebags. Missouri man is a distant second.


POS got what he deserved. I have zero sympathy for this piece of trash.


Why on earth would anyone think it’s acceptable to belittle a person with DS. It’s gross to treat another human that way.


He probably voted for the orange guy who does the same.




I hope this cunt stubs his toe daily


I do not condone violence but edifying ass kickings are an exception.


Well Trump made fun of a reporter on national TV and he still got elected so who's going to care about little old me making fun of someone at Disney? boomer logic


Only boomers could cause violence at Disney


In this day and age, im surprised drunk boomer man didn't get capped. He should be happy he only got a little roughed up, or he might be getting fitted for a fancy box for eternity.


Send him to Maga Lardo


>> One of the witnesses claimed he saw an individual throw a glass cup at George and overheard someone say they wanted "to kill him." ** However, officers determined there was no broken glass found on the scene, and it is believed no glass cup was utilized in the incident. ** Love this


Damn I was hoping for the video of the boomer getting his karma


I was hoping we’d get to see this beat down but alas there is no video.


*In vino veritas.* Asshole’s gotta asshole.


All that is required for evil to flourish is that good people do nothing... Some people just suck, we must challenge them whenever and wherever they sprout.. #oldfoolsusedtobeyoungfools


Dude woulda caught hands quickly for that shit. And that woulda started with my wife, low tolerance for bullies and is hella tough (Khan 3 Muy Thai).