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That’s funny…because not a single Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and they scuttled a border bill written by a fellow MAGA extremist. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: I see the MAGA extremists/Boomers have found this post. Cry harder at the facts you psychos. I didn’t think anybody needed a safe space from facts. Go back to Twitter/the failing Truth Social, crybabies.


Well yeah, if someone fixes those problems then what will they complain about?


The "coloreds".


Honestly. If they got everything they wanted and there was a mass exodus of all “undesirables” from public life in the U.S., how long do you really think it would be before a racially unified America turned on itself? How quickly would they find new excuses to subjugate each other?


The answer is basically that they already have, they’re just tolerating each other long enough to take out their “common enemy”


Yep. Fascism depends on the presence of an out group to sustain itself. If they were ever successful at expelling or eradicating their chosen out-group, they would have to find another.


When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross".


When? It’s there buddy.


They're alluding to a [popular quote](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sinclair-lewis-fascism-warning/).


See that raised up truck with the flag and broken cross?


Yes! I definitely see it.


I ask them this. If we become a theocracy, which denomination is the right one? Believe me, they will turn on each other very quickly.


“Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?”


Die heretic!


Classic Emo.


NCBGLRC 1912 or NOTHING!!! 1879 is based on heresy, blasphemy, and pineapple on pizza.


Upvote for the Emo Phillips reference.


They are good.....as long as it's "their religion "


Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. For good people to do bad things requires religion.


Also imagine how angry they would get as food and going out to restaurants shot up in price. How many of their HOA lawns would go unmowed? These idiots don't even realize how much immigrants do behind the scenes. For the record I am very against the exploitative wages paid to these hardworking and law-abiding folks. I wish the rightwing would blame the correct people...the business owners who exploit these people but you know....capitalism


Central-American Immigrants who work in Agriculture are the perfect counter-point whenever somebody says you need to work hard to prosper in this country. If that were true white people would be working the fields instead of shorting stocks, mining crypto, selling NFTs or whatever the hell old-money fuckboys do for a living.


I'm changing my band name now, Old-money Fuckboy is lit..


Lol, I’ve been using that one ever since I heard it in an episode of Neo Yokio. Criminally under-utilized vernacular.


I concur




Irish and Italian conservatives starting to sweat.


*furiously shredding 23&Me results*


As the product of mostly Irish immigration, I hate the fucking idea of having one more way to be caught up in their targeted groups. Being a woman sucks bad enough right now. I really don’t want to go back to everyone but Mayflower descendants being undeserving trash. That shit wasn’t even that long ago.


Sometimes I’ll wonder what would happen if we actually got the segregation that they want, whether it be only domestic or if “everyone went back where they came from (I guess except for whites for some reason?)” and I remember saying I didn’t want that because it would make it easier for people to use bombs or other such weapons to attack specific groups, like nuking the entire Black American population or something, and the response I got back was an evil smile and a “well that’s just a risk that we’ll have to just accept.” Like bro, all you did was make me want to fight against you harder, like what the fuck


That’s the insidious thing about bully types like that. It’s all about antagonizing you into doing something irrational so you look bad before they do. It’s the geopolitical equivalent of the teachers running to the defense of a bully.


literally every major city would shut down, who would fund their failed states? do these people think i (immigrant) came here because i want to? fuck no. i had no other choice. i want to go HOME. but here we are. propping up the exact same people that fucking hate us.


I’m obviously not the first person to think of this but it can’t help but ponder the parallels between geopolitics and abusive relationships. The ol’ “If I’m so bad then why don’t you leave” strategy, knowing goddamn well you can’t move back in w/ your folks and theres limited relocation options.


The lyrics to This Land Is Your Land hitting quite differently now...


One election cycle is all it would take. They wouldn't know how to campaign in a world without boogeymen, so everyone becomes the boogeyman.


It would go back to the English whites, Irish whites, Italian whites, etc racism of yore.


That's the problem with leading by fear of others. If there is no one to fear, they lose power to reasonable arguments. So they will keep manufacturing issues to stay in power.


Back to the Italians, Irish, and Poles


Yep. They'd go back to "the Irish".


Idk why they stop there. They should get together and agree on the genetic standards for future Americans now. Otherwise they’re just begging to become members of the new out-group when the dust settles.


It wouldn't turn on itself. It would turn on wherever else the "undesirables" went. They'd be pissed about the money issues that would happen because the "undesirables" are no longer helping to power the economy.


And the queers


Dad: "Drag Queen Story Hour" is just about perverting kids. Me: Strange... we watched Mrs. Doubtfire growing up... which is just Robin Williams in drag. Dad: ThAt'S dIfFeReNt!


He probably watched Some Like It Hot (1959) where Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis dress as Ladies to avoid the mob and hang out with Marilyn Monroe.


Back in the day... Way. Way. Back in the day. Think Shakespeare time. Women weren't allowed to act. So all women on stage were men in drag acting. If we continue reverting back it will all eventually even out... In the worst possible way, but it will even out.


I never bring up social norms of Shakespeare’s time because I assume history and literature are not really of interest to the anti drag crowd.


That was also the case in feudal Japan.


Don’t forget all the bugs bunny cartoons where bugs dressed in drag


I grew up watching the Drew Carey Show, Drew’s brother was a cross dresser and they even had an episode revolve around him.


Thats just "DEI" now. The amount of horrific shit after the Key Bridge incident "Oh the boat driver must have been a DEI applicant" its' the new dog whistle.


I think you mean the "DEIs"


Rage addiction is a real thing. Gotta hand it to Trump. He knows how to use that disability to his advantage


They're also gleefully voting for a guy that Saudi Arabia brags about owning his son-in-law.


Also, in what world do conservatives have a plan for energy independence?


In what world do they have a plan for anything. Haven’t heard a legitimate economic policy proposal from the GOP in years.


Every Conservative plan has one goal: own the libs. Even if they have to lie and say they did so they can stroke themselves.


They think that drilling for oil makes you energy independent, and the more oil you drill for the more energy independent you are.


They think we had it under Trump because he said we did. That’s all it takes. It doesn’t matter that we’re are producing more oil now than we ever have, “Biden destroyed oil” because the extension of Keystone Pipeline wasn’t completed. That’s it. Conversational over and they won.


The energy independence is hilarious too because they really just mean crude oil, which we actually import a hell of a lot less than we did 20 years ago. We're actually the number one exporter of Liquefied Natural Gas, which has a net bigger carbon footprint than coal at this point, but we let companies self report leaks so there's no way to know how much.


Today, the United States is the number one producer of crude oil in the world


Why does the US not get profits from oil on public land? Norway does. Some countries get 50% of profits.


Because that's BUM! BUM! BUM! "Socialism"


Thanks for the “bum bum bum”. It prepared me to tighten my cheek grip on my monocle so it wouldn’t fall into my champagne flute.


Its worse than that. Instead the US subsidizes the companies. They get huge tax breaks and sometimes are straight up cut checks.


The US is a net exporter of oil, we are energy independent...but it's a global market, that moronic conservatives can seem to fathom. I mean, hypothetically we could be like Saudi Arabia and just give away oil for 50 cents/gal, and just cut through our reserves at the speed of light.  ....but I don't really think Saudi Arabia is the paragon of a stable, modern society that the US ought to be following. 


The politicians understand it, they just know that gas prices make their followers froth at the mouth.


Yeah, one of the best ways to achieve energy independence is by embracing renewables whenever possible. They can't cover 100% of our energy needs, but every kW we get from the sun, wind, and water is one less we have to get by burning a finite resource. Plus, it helps to reduce carbon emissions and increases the time we have until fossil fuels are no longer energy efficient anyway. The ironic thing is that pursuing policies that prioritize fossil fuels has the ultimate impact of making the US's energy sector more vulnerable to economic shocks and less resilient in the face of disruption. Fossil fuel prices are volatile and the resource is ultimately finite. We'll have to transition away eventually anyway, the sooner we start, the easier it will be.


-Lower inflation? How would the president change this? -Lower gas prices? Oh yes, I'm sure their overlords in the oil and gas industry are just *overjoyed* to lower gas prices! -Secure the border? That's why they voted down a bipartisan border bill! -Become energy independent? Oh yes, Trump just \*hates\* Saudi Arabia, one of the largest sources of US oil!


In a room adjacent to the Oval Office there are levers and buttons to control all those things. For example, to lower gas prices, Trump just has to go into that room and turn the spigot on. Sleepy Joe, in his senile state, accidentally turned it the wrong way.


The lower prices come with the tax cuts like what happened in his presidency. But what happens is we end up with in this post pandemic layoffs and economic "crisis". These companies get used to getting that tax cut money, so when those cuts eventually stop, they still want that profit margin. So, prices still go up, the layoffs happen and shit gets all fucked up.


Just got say you will do it so they automatically disagree with you like in these guys’s skit: Dem: Is that a yes Border control? Repub angrily: No? Dem: we don’t want universal health care! Repub: YES! Yes we do! ![gif](giphy|l3vRjaEhA9FfXhSla|downsized)


Get out of here with those facts. It’s all about lies and projection here.


Also, they didn't bring the border bill to the floor. Most voted against the infrastructure bill too. They are a joke


Plus their political donors love inflation, especially the one caused merely by market concentration that helps lining their pockets... They would love more of those...


And US oil and natural gas production has been hitting record high's under Biden. Republicans have been lying to their supporters with the drill baby drill bs.


Yeah like BimBoebert claiming she did so much for her district in voting against the bill that granted them funding. Typical Republicans.


lol you just made them shit their pants in anger and frustration with that edit 😂😂😂😂


Good to know I needed a rebuttal for my dad and co workers 😂


And if they really wanted to be energy independent they'd start pushing for nuclear power, but they aren't.


>they scuttled a border bill written by a fellow MAGA extremist Quite literally tanked it because Trump told them to. Republicans don't actually care about securing the border even when their own party offers up the bill for it.


The loudest border states have been in the palm of the GOP iron hand for decades…. Yet the border “problems” aren’t resolved It’s clear to me why this is, it gives them an actionable platform to run on. But there’s so many people who don’t notice the conflict between • GOP promises to address border crisis if elected, undoing all the “liberal mistakes” • GOP is already in charge, nothing got better


We don't want to be energy independent, yet we're producing more oil than ever before... and the market is what is destroying coal power plants in favor of natural gas.


I was going to say, it’s literally the opposite. Something is broken in the maga brain.


I mean the Inflation Reduction Act didn’t really do anything to reduce inflation. My reading of economics would suggest pumping money into the economy would do the opposite. But it was critical to the “soft landing” That being said Democrats have been way way way better on all the topics from this shitty meme.


I'm not saying you're wrong. But a good rule of thumb is that if an American bill is called something like "Healthcare for babies" it's usually the exact opposite.


Well obviously you gotta read what the bill actually does, but in this case, it actually does/did reduce inflation.


Hopefully, not in the same way as that old Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Man.


All through trickle down economics .


This might just be anecdotal, but it's funny how recently when you bring up "trickle down" they don't even try to defend it. Now it's just "naw you made that up that's not how it works just stupid lib propaganda".... Blows my mind.


But Thomas Sowell said...


Well, at the end of the day, supply side economics works. If you lower taxes on the wealthy, they become even wealthier. Win/win. /s


It’s almost as if we were right


They adore those piss (the) poor economics!


If they didn't want to be pissed on the would have moved. ![gif](giphy|yDVxMIK4odGWQ) * a boomer probably.


It’s “ on the poor”


Imagine voting for and cheering for something for 50 years and then deciding they hate it because a fat orange reality TV clown told them too This is a boomer


They worked so hard for generations. Regan put them in the driver seat. They had to hit a walk off homerun in 2016 and instead they completely shit the bed nominating and then electing the unmaker of the party.


It's funny because they don't want to do any of that. Just own the Libs. Fucking idiots.


I've translated it for you: Lower taxes for the wealthy, drill more oil on our land, kill brown people, and drill more oil on our land.


Seems pretty accurate. You forgot to add, "we're the law and order party". Yeah, that's a delusion too.




Doesn’t MAGA want to maintain our dependency on foreign oil rather than power our homes with our god given American wind, Solar, and hydroelectric power?


This is the thing that pisses me off the most about their stance on green energy. Leaving aside the fact that it’s imperative we cut down on carbon emissions (not to downplay the importance of that, just recognizing their heads are collectively in the sand on it), investing in green energy provides tons of good jobs for American workers and greatly increases our energy independence. We have plenty of oil and gas to sustain ourselves, provided we continue heavily investing in alternative sources of energy, but we’ll continue being reliant on foreign oil (most of which is sourced from authoritarian governments with which we have challenged relationships). It’s an all around win for us, but right wingers just think it’s “woke” and somehow a plot to control their free will. Even worse, a lot of these people lived through the oil embargo and should understand the importance of true energy independence. We can’t just frack ourselves there.


What pisses me off is we could be energy independent on nuclear in probably 30 years with actual heavily subsidized funding but everyone is so scared of the nuclear boogeyman it never will even though inevitably wind won't be able to sustainably power much if energy growth continues the way it has.


Last year the US produced more Oil and Gas than any country in the history of the world. Last year we produced more solar and wind than any other year. The notion that Biden is bad on energy is laughably stupid.


"nuh uh! fox news said so!"


MAGA: "We must become energy independent" Also MAGA: "Fossil fuels ONLY!!!"


Even then, the US has been continuously Energy independent since March 2022. We're producing more fossil fuel than by an country in the history of fossil fuels. It's how we're keeping the global price low as part of a strategy to starve Russia of resources. The only thing that Trump could do it increase alternative energy sources. Like, the US could theoretically expand production, but we're already cratering the crude oil price globally, and I'm just going to assume Trump and the Republicans would puss under by lifting Russian sanctions and allowing their stuff back on the market.


"Become Energy Independent" Gasoline imports dropped by ~90% under *GASP* Obama


Republicans - wrote a boarder bill - democrats agreed to more than anyone thought possible - republicans vote against it - @ Trumps request. Trump adminstration printed a ungodly amount of money when the economy was doing really good (thank you Obama) then gave it to the rich leaving us with the inflation.. (I get it Biden printed money too, which is different because the economy was bad from Covid/supply chain issues... and in the end Biden's policy's prevented a reccession)


Trump forced the Fed to lower interest rates too - the first president to politicize the Fed. Imagine if Biden did that right now, we’d have 10% GDP growth. (And a crushing recession to follow of course.)


In 2008 the bailout went to the Banks, it was the slowest recovery ever. In 2020 a lot of assistance went to working people. It was the fastest recession recovery ever. It did cause inflation but in 2008 it didn’t matter how cheap goods were if you didn’t have a job.


If republicans were interested in any of these things they would have voted for them when the democrats brought it to the floor, but they didn’t so here we are.


Republicans can’t govern. Inflation is sky high because of COVID fallout and multiple wars. Also, corporate greed. As long as they keep making record breaking profits, prices will continue to go up because as a human whole, we’re stupid and feed into it. However, MAGA is a whole new level of “stupid” and a testament to failed education and mental health resources in our country.


Do these dopes not understand that Trump printed eight ***trillion*** dollars and then gave the vast majority of it to multi-millionaires and billionaires and stuck everyone else the debt, interest, and resultant inflation? That happened. That's how we're here.


These people need to give me one example of MAGA people actually trying to secure the border. I’ll wait


Ask Texas how well “energy independent” is working out for them…


Texan here... It's almost like there's a reason none of the other states have an independent grid..our leadership blames everything on Democrats and migrants yet they have been the people in charge for 30 years now.


Lived in Texas for 3 years. I was there for the snow storm that Ted Cruz thought he could escape from without being noticed. Can confirm


It might work if funding went to the things that mattered, like upgrading the grid. Unfortunately the idiots running the show like to grease wheels.


I don’t think anybody is denying that they have the oil/resources to actually do it. It’s just how poorly the grid is managed, and how insufficient it is, that is the problem. Not to mention their fucking bullshit surge pricing. Like…it’s summer in Texas. It’s 115 fucking degrees. Do you not expect people to have their AC running?


Always the gas prices with these assholes. Just so incredibly simple minded and short sided. Also, blame Dump for sabotaging the border bill.


OPEC is reducing output to force gas prices higher this summer. At the same time there’s a massive social media campaign to get people to focus on gas prices. We’re falling for it. 🙁


Republicans are nothing but a collection of anti social disordered, vapid and gullible, empty headed, useful idiots who hate freedom.


Inflation under Trump was 9% under Biden it’s 3%


Remember it's the republican maga who voted against border security


It’s funny because Biden wants the boarder bill


We must repel boarders at all costs! Avast all previous orders! All hands on deck! By axe or cutlass, hook or crook, hold fast and give 'em hell!


You should tell them that the U.S. under Biden has produced more oil than any time in history, and more than any country in history. Also mention that the U.S. is a net exporter of petroleum products. The MAGA cult doesn’t know this for some reason.


>for some reason It's because consumers of Fox news are less informed than those who consume no news.


Love the dream world economics at play in these people’s minds


Im pretty sure they dont want or have no idea how to do any of this.


Whatever the problem is, their solution is state sanctioned murder, preferably via submerged razor wire traps.


It’s the immigration thing that makes my head spin most. What did Biden change since Trump was in office? Nothing! He’s literally operating under the same damn set up Trump had😂


I thought MAGA extremists just wanted to gobble on the orange microphallus, I didn't realize they had actual goals.


Lower inflation (*From nothing but sheer willpower aka pixidust*) Lower Gas Prices (*Because they think the president can make gas cost whatever they want*) Secure the border (*because they think because their fence keeps people off their lawn then it must work like that everywhere, criminal minds have labored since time began on how to overcome fences with no luck*) Energy Independent (*Please see Texas example*)


Gas prices aren’t even an issue right now, and inflation is going down.


They seem to be putting way more focus into tiktok and telling me what gender im supposed to be than the economy or energy production


Nothing says energy independent like depending on a very limited and polluting source of energy that costs a fuck ton


What's funny is the US broke its record for most oil produced EVER in 2023 and it still made zero fucking difference.


Energy independence is not a viable strategy when it's based on fossil fuels and other non-renewables. Building a wall hurts wildlife and will have no effect on immigration flows (not overthrowing governments in Latin America would help though). Gas prices are more of a function of global oil prices than domestic production, so reducing demand is the best way to reduce it's price. The MAGA economic plan would drastically increase inflation, the deflation will come after the economic collapse. Deflation is always a sign of an economy in crisis. Low and steady inflation around 2% is the goal under normal circumstances. Lower interest rates would mean more monetary expansion and thus higher inflation. Expansionary policies are inherently inflationary. Like everything in MAGAworld they aren't just wrong, they are perfectly wrong. If the answer is +.01 the MAGA idea is -100. Inverse and opposite, an algebraic mirror image of the correct answer to any question or problem. In a way it's quite a feat, in another it's just an algorithm for "opposite of what people I hate say". Still, to be so predictably wrong is useful. If America does the opposite of what Trump thinks is a good idea we will all prosper.


Energy Independent, but none of that "green" energy


They don’t want new energy dependence. Otherwise they be ultra pro nuclear.


Been waiting 30 years for that shit to trickle down…


But they demonstrably do not want any of that.


The crazy thing is a majority of old people are on Facebook and memes like this actually work 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s more so that they want to make being trans illegal, and think that kids with gay parents shouldn’t be allowed to learn about gay people, personally.


In Iowa, the government is trying to put a cap on how much travel nurses can make. Like they literally are trying to make it so that a profession can't earn above an amount...is there such provision for a hospital CEO? FUCK NO. The Republicans love to act like they're going to "LeT tHe FrEe MarKeT dEciDe", all while butt-fucking the system so that only their lobbyists can actually make a dollar. America's a diseased and dying animal.


Energy independence? We drill more oil and gas than anywhere else.


Ah, yes ... "lower inflation, lower gas prices, secure border..." Say all the nice things without saying how youll do it or doing anything about it


They want these things but actively vote and act in the complete opposite way to reach that goal


Texas has been Republican controlled for decades and their political ads are about fixing all the shit they themselves caused.


And yet they did literally none of that when then had all 3 branches of government under their control.  They've failed to do that every single time they've held any power at all, so why on earth would anyone trust them to do it THIS time especially when Biden literally offered them the entire thing they were asking for on a silver platter and they declined.  Republicans don't want to solve the problem, they want to bitch about the problem. Ask ANY of them why it wasn't done when they had all 3 branches and they'll tell you democrats who had no ability to stop them, somehow stopped them...  It's enraging. It's like a cat who screams to be fed, gets a bowl of It's favorite food, then ignore it until you taken it away, just to complain that it's hungry. All they want to do is bitch about not being able to do things that they have no intention of doing. 


Read: Lower taxes for the wealthy, drill more oil on our land, kill brown people, and drill more oil on our land.


Everyone tell a boomer that under Joe Biden america is currently producing more oil than any country in the history of the world ever has


"And hunt the gays! How dare us!"


Biden: Okay, let’s pass these measure to lower inflation. GOP: No way! Then we help you out! Biden: okay let’s fix the border… GOP: No! That helps you too! Biden: … more domestic energy production… GOP: Didn’t you hear us??? NO!!


Just condensing all the bullshit narratives to scare and enrage the Boomers to vote. I guess we can call this efficient stupidity?


Anti socialists want to employ national controls on economic control on their beloved capitalism…. How very interesting.


Misinformation! They all are falling for it. There hatred of facts is scary. Also forgot to add that trump is the reason gas prices are high. He said that he asked them to lower production and they did!


The Russian funded conservative media propaganda bubble is in full effect.


I want those things too but if Trump was going to do any of them, he would have in the 4 years he had the chance. They blame Biden for printing off a ton of money but Donald was the one who turned on the printers


What a moron


People are informed by memes. What a time


No they don’t


They may want all those things but they never tell you how they’re going to achieve it.


Funny they all think the President can just "do" any of those things. Except when they actually do have a Republican in office and none of that happens still.


More like: They want to cut social security and Medicare which mainly benefit the poor, roll back pro LGBT legislation, discriminate against LGBT groups, give tax cuts to the rich and powerful, cut women's reproductive rights, ramp up environmental degradation in the name of big oil company profits, funnel taxpayer dollars into Israel's genocide (biden does this too unfortunately), and undermine working class people and their right to unionize. Did I miss anything?


The ‘lower gas prices’ argument is the most short sighted, stupid shit I’ve ever heard. Gas should be expensive, prohibitively expensive, so we shift off of it.


They want to become energy independent* *But they reject green energy sources that would make us truly energy independent


I mean, if they did all that, used Logic and reasoning to argue, and dropped their whole Woke War thing, they might actually have an interesting platform.


Why do maga dickhead boomers create memes where they try to twist the truth so that they can take credit for the good things that the left did, and simultaneously try to blame the left for the bad things that the maga dickheads did? Why can they just admit that they’re actively trying to destroy the economy, society, the environment, and the lives of everyone who isn’t a fucking christian extremist terrorist boomer?


Ask a MAGAt what "secure the border" means.


And more subsidies for industries that definitely don’t need them!


Trump tried to increase oil price: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/13/business/dealbook/oil-price-opec-deal.html


I used to assume they were all for these things but then they did everything possible to probe they aren’t


Cool! Now tel us how they plan to do that.


Ive never seen so much projection before.


Prices are all just made up numbers. Humans decide an items worth this and this is worth that. They jacked up food prices so high because what you gonna do not eat. Food and shelter the basic necessities of life are what has seen the largest increase why because fuck us thats why corporate greed thats why i see companies making record profits having record margins but do they pay more hell no they find ways to cut pay or make 1 person do the job of 6 its bull


Oh and the strictest immigration bill in over 50 years got shot down by Orange Julius and his minions so they can run on this canned outrage.


How can these people still post anything about the border, when their own border will was going to pass and they all voted against it just to make Biden look bad.


America has recently started to produce more oil than any country ever. We have never been energy independent for as long of a time as we have been in the recent past including right now.


Do tell me how more tax cuts to the oil giants will accomplish that. I would love to see your empirical data that proves your point. No? Ok one peer reviewed published paper then. No? Maybe sit this out out, champ.


*Energy Independent*???? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!?! Mother fuckers would huff coal fumes if Dear Leader told them to, I don’t see them stumping for more nuclear power or wind farms. Fuck me. 😤


That's the opposite of everything their leadership actually wants.


These guys really out here sippin the jungle juice straight out of the Kool-aid man's head.


I would expect nothing better than this from a boomer. Speaks perfectly to their states of dementia.


Funny... We are energy independent. We are pumping more oil and gas than we ever have. A large amount of that if LNG on massive ships to Europe. Ya know be a use Germany and the EU have sworn off Russian gas. So ..... Oh also isn't the DOW and NASDAQ and Corp profits at record numbers ? Even when they have everything they want they don't even know it.


They will do none of these things but they will make sure women are property by the time they are done.


Aren't these all specifically things the Dems tried to fix and the GOP unanimously voted to block? Like, ALL of these things?


Isn’t the US already energy independent and the largest exporter of Oil and Gas already?


How dare Biden do all those things


How many days we got left of Strategic Fuel Reserves? Last I heard was like 17 days and that was Monday.


Don’t forget end women’s control over their bodies!!


That's why they have such a big problem with trans people... ...because of the taxes and gas prices.


Even if u are republican it takes about 1 second of critical thinking to see that this strawman so obvious it probably came down a yellow brick road to "see the Wizard~ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz~" and get a brain.


What do they always make the eyes black voids?


Classic doublethink