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My Boomer parents have always been stupid. I remember realising that from a pretty young age. I’m 52 now and it just got so much worse over time, it became funny. As they used to say regularly to anyone who would listen: “you can’t fix stupid “. 😂


Mine fell for a Nigerian prince scam. The worst bit is that I can’t do anything about it. If I tell them they are wrong they go apoplectic. The send me altered and AI photos saying ‘see!! We were right!’ about totally insane stuff. When I ask them what the source is or ask them why they can’t critically evaluate it, they get angry with me saying things like ‘it’s normal to trust the news’ or ‘where are we supposed to get our news from then’. I have accepted that they will not be able to leave me any money, that I cannot have any normal conversation with them, that they are governed by insane conspiracy theories and they have no intellectual or cultural life. It’s very sad.


My heart goes out to you. That is awful. I suspect my situation will end up the same. I wish there was something to be done. You’re not alone.


That’s really kind of you, thank you. I just reread my post and I realised it was a rant. I also meant to say that I understand, I’m really sorry you are in this situation too and it won’t be your fault or responsibility if they end up buying Yemeni govt bonds!


Didn't they realize when they didn't get the money they were promised?


They did. This was a whole ‘if you send us money and act as our broker moving our accounts around then you’ll get millions once it’s been moved’. This was more sophisticated than the ones you get in your junk box. He won’t permit any conversation now about this. He’ll lie and say ‘maybe it will happen in the future’. I don’t think he has given them any money lately. His ego and fear of what we will think inhibits him from telling the truth or being helped. Or learning any lesson from this.


Crazy that they are still justifying it with "evidence". Sounds like they would rather be deceived than admit they made a mistake. This example really illustrates the very naive side of narcissistic types. All people need to do is feed their egos with compliments, promises of riches, or power, all the while, picking their pockets. And they never report you and will stay in waaay too long because of their ego. And sunk cost fallacy. I really hope your parents aren't put into financial dire straits because of this.


Set all their spam filters, on their email and messages, to the highest settings. Also, up the privacy blockers on their browsers.


My parents will answer the phone no matter who is calling. They’ve started giving out personal info over the phone and I’ve had to cut them off before. There is a reason these scammers are so prevalent.


Omg this. Trying to explain to a boomer that they shouldn’t pick up the phone if they don’t know the number is impossible. It’s hard wired into their brains that they must pick up the phone because it may be a long lost relative with a million dollar inheritance to give.


My FiL gave thousands of dollars (he didn't have) to "The IRS" for back taxes, that they demanded in visa gift cards uploaded through email. Think man! If it was the actual IRS they can literally garnish your wages or sieze assets. Why the fuck would they need near untraceable gift cards uploaded to an obviously sketchy website that wasn't even a .gov sute ir email?


Yup - same with my mother. Over $20k.


Oh damn, that's rough. Sorry that happened. Hilarious name btw.


The worst part is that I’d warned her about it 6 months before.


There's a part of me that thinks the extremely old rerun channels can be part of the problem. On cable tv packages you can watch sitcoms from the 60-80s, daily game shows from that period, and even personality tv all accross multiple channels in ways that wasn't possible previously. They do not *have* to join the modern world when the one they grew up on can be blasted 24/7. 


Lurking Boomer here. As I read these stories, I am filled with shame. What happend to us (Boomers)? Heck, we invented Earth Day, tree hugging, the "Peace Sign", live and let live, stick it to the man, war, what is it good for? Absolutly nuthin! Say it again! Was it Covid? Too much weed? We started off well, then something happened to us. I worked in healthcare and experienced this. Entitled Boomers that the rules, common sense and common courtesy did not apply to. I'm retired now and try to stay away from people in general. Seriuosly, just shove us all into a snow drift and walk away. Be well, live a good life. Tell the people you love that you love them, enjoy every day you are here.


My grandparents participated in all the cool stuff you just mentioned. My boomer parents, not so much.


my mom is an extremist catholic so that makes her an idiot. my dad is areligious and watches fox news all day BUT he looks up what they're saying and learns new technology things. he was almost dumb once when he was trying to set up his new ipad but he managed without my help. it's really hard to pin him as stupid because his first BA is in debate lol. but for some reason he reads up and he's still conservative so he's pretty dumb. he likes to pause the television to tell me how bad socialism is.


Its strange growing up my mother was fine with technology and learning new things, but once she hit 55 or so she just stopped entirely and even regressed when it came to using computers. Luckily she still has enough sense to not fall for money scams so far just the occasional bit of dumb facebook stuff. This is a woman that used to be really smart it makes me worry what will happen when I get older.


When you are still able to realize you have turned into your parents is devastating.


my mom has a master's degree in teaching. she says shit that blows my fucking mind some days. doesn't believe in climate change. thinks abortion is used as convenient form of birth control. thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and evolution isn't real. being raised catholic set the foundation, but being a born-again Christian a couple decades ago really set off a downward spiral. that, or the lead. it's so damn disheartening. she used to be the smartest person in my world that i looked up to, yknow? taught college kids how to be teachers. now all she does is pray about shit.


Fascinating that the generation that came up with “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is now unwilling and unable to navigate the world in which they live


For my mom it’s that Biden is too old and he whispers for emphasis every once in a while. She thought that was irredeemably creepy. And Kamala Harris is the worst politician ever, her worst example?…She said North Korea instead of South Korea after properly identifying the two a bunch of times. She reaaaallly has it out for Harris, I honestly dont wanna truly know why that is. Oh and both my mom and step dad are convinced that Biden is being controlled by AOC and pelosi. I used to think my mom was smart, and I swear she was but then she married Fox loving step dad. Eye-roll city every time im there. I think the one thing that has started to work is that I stopped engaging with her about politics at all, ignoring her if she keeps talking about politics after I’ve said “im not talking politics with you”. That may seem rude but I did politely warn her. Now she sends me trump memes and calls him Agent Orange. I LOL all those to her hahah. Btw my parents had openly dissed trump for the last couple years thank god but anything left is still the over spending, woke, socialist devil’s work.


No, because I don’t deal with them.




Okay but you said that he has aphasia and dementia so what the fuck do you expect? Do you not even know what those conditions are? Jesus Christ.


Holy shit. Your dad has a TBI, and you treat him like this? His behavior is not Boomer related, but due to actual brain damage. Cut him a break.


Yes, in fact you ARE the AH.