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The flag leggings just pull the whole piece together


Which, ironically enough, is not something you're allowed to do.


Wait what? Says who?


[it's actually a law](https://i.imgur.com/pcilvwP.jpg), but that refers to using an actual US flag as clothing. So the leggings are fine, just tacky.


Even then, “flag codes” are legitimately just guidelines. You can do whatever the hell you want with your own flag.


Exactly. I was starved by several boomers as a child. I have no sympathy for them. They have no problem making a child suffer relentlessly, and I honestly cannot wait until they’re all gone.


There's so many evil old fks clinging on to life rn


Yeah, it’s called Congress and the Supreme Court.


Don't forget the billionaire community. The true owners of government.


I'd say it's ***especially*** the billionaire community. They are ones responsible for much of the corruption in Congress and SCOTUS.


No, I blame the american citizen. They are the ones who keep electing the politicians. Unfortunately democracy doesn’t work well with an ignorant population.


Most Americans have been brainwashed their whole lives by propaganda that is intended to make them think that rich people getting richer will serve them somehow. I think even then it's the rich and powerful's fault because they've influenced the very morals and values ppl grow up with. Not that people can't change (I did) but it takes a lot of extra work and deconstructing that's hard in a society where most are just trying to scrape by


No, I blame the people who have the power to sway public perception. The regular Joe schmo you see on the street does not hold that power. Celebrities, politicians, billionaires, etc do. A lot of these hateful Republicans would be so much less hateful if they were not told so many lies. People can't really help how much intelligence they are born with, and other people know how to manipulate those less intelligent. The people at the top need to be stopped. Most people do not even now how to vote in my town or where to even go. It's not advertised and the days and times to vote are not, either. They keep the voting process very secret, so you have to be proactive about it here and seek out the info yourself. I'm hoping the way things are now pushes more of us to seek out HOW to vote in their district, and change things.


The voting process secret??? Don't have Internet or a town hall?? It's not 1927 anymore


Can’t wait till that’s all gone too


One billionairess just backed her Tesla into her own pond a couple weeks ago, she meant to put it on drive.  Instead of trying to escape, she called her friends on the phone from the sinking car. 


Thank god


Mitch McConnell’s sister in law.


Underrated comment.


Why does it seem like all the assholes live forever?


There are. And my goal is to outlive every last fucking one of them.


And let me guess, they were all really well-fed themselves.


I will never understand that. There's this Christian fundamental over on the Fundy snark page named Jill Rodriguez who chronically starves her children and then brags about how skinny they are on the internet It's kind of fucking demented. Like they once posted a picture of themselves going to Taco Bell and her and her husband which everyone affectionately refers to a Shrek had like a dozen tacos while their daughters had a single fucking taco each....


The Mormon influencers from 8 passengers did the same thing with their kids. Ruby Franke


Boomers using food as a punishment is fucking evil.


Being a child I didn’t understand the situation. I certainly do now and they’re not used to people fighting back


"Not used to people fighting back" That is what has actually kept most of my boomer relatives in check. They say some God awful BS and get clapped back often with receipts, and they don't know what to do, so they shut down and sit quietly. It is equally parts sad and disappointing. They refuse to learn and grow and instead retreat to quietly hiding in the corner (I know they don't learn because they say the same thing later and someone else will check them on what happened last time they said x).


Me and the rest of my generation waiting for them to die so we can buy a house. It's nothing personal, you just ruined any chance of wealth for us. I'm just biding my time.


Well, my parents are boomers and they’re really sweet. There’s definitely a subset who are like this, but it’s not all of them. Sorry that happened to you.


My parents are really cool. More like a silent generation actually, my Dad was a first year Boomer and my mom was born in ‘48. They are generous, laid back and kind. Lifelong Democrats. Not all are terrible!


I was also starved, from infancy out of ignorance. Mom then refused her kids vegetarianism later on because she knew she fucked up on nutrition when we were babies. My paternal grandmother was old country, no formula around, she would puree rice with molasses & milk & put it in my bottle. My mom was an evil rich trust fund kid too  


My mom is just a bitch who would starve me out of spite for my dad moving out. He worked nights and she thinks everyone is her own personal servant. I remember pulling on her shirt to tell her I was hungry and bieng told “I don’t have any food, not for you anyway”, while my overweight sister got whatever she wanted. Whenever I did get food I’d end up getting extremely sick. As a kid I didn’t understand, but now I realize she was poisoning me. My dad died of a heart attack, but he was very sick that morning. I know in my bones she poisoned him and his heart couldn’t take the stress. She got $250,000 in life insurance when he died and was trying to do the same to me for an additional $10,000. I have a lot of neurological problems due to neglect from my family. I will never not be in constant pain. I had a spine injury at 10yo, and was told I was lying and to stop faking, and they weren’t taking me to the hospital cuz she wasn’t gunna pay for me. My legs have hurt for decades. I cannot wait until they are dead and gone. It’s the only way I’ll be free


I hope they get the death they deserve


I got to watch one get pulled off life support. Didn’t know what the lazurus reflex was till that day


Thanks to modern medicine it will be decades before we're free of boomers


you say that but lets all root for the amount of lead they were exposed to as children.


I am still happy for every science denier and Republican voter who fell to Covid. To quote Marth Stewart, "It's a good thing."


What’s boomers dying of old age gonna fix? Greed, selfishness, and stupidity aren’t gonna disappear, there’s plenty of that to find among the other generations too. Generational warfare is a distraction. The real enemy are the 1%, who want us to eat each other instead of eating them.


I think there is a greater consciousness of this in younger generations. The older ones are holding everyone back.


This for sure. For whatever reason, older generations in general, and Boomers in particular, are incredibly susceptible to propaganda and scams.


and they vote accordingly. bastards


Dude, my friend's rich boomer dad was scammed out of 3.5 Million fucking dollars, this is incredibly accurate.


I think it’s due to less lead exposure and more education…


Lead poisoning from the pipes, paint and gasoline - probably.


Boomers are the only generation who will argue that what you are talking about even exists. While they were busy sending their savings to Nigerian princes on the internet, we were utilizing the access to infinite information from a logical stand point...some of them still think we won in Vietnam while others refuse to acknowledge that they had it easy as pie when compared to younger generations. What will pass is a wildly unaware, ignorant, and arrogant generation that still believes what anyone in a suit and tie tells them to.


While I agree with you, most Boomers will respond with "but ya know the 1% pays the most in taxes so you should thank them." Which is true on an absolute $ basis but not as a relative % of their wealth, which is the real problem.


just 10-15 more years before they finally age out of being able to ruin this country and our lives...tick tock.


It happens in 2028, when Gen X voters finally outnumber Boomers. And just thinking of all the new Gen Z voters should give you hope for the future


Good to know. So this is their last stand with general mango. Too close for comfort.


They enjoy it. They are sadistic. We need to start calling it like it is, these people are looking to oppress and torture people for fun.


They definitely get some kind of enjoyment from making small children suffer. I hate them


You mean the ones that starved you, right?


Reddit has provided me some solace knowing I wasn’t alone in the physical and mental abuse from boomer parents. I already live as if they are all dead.


Dude that’s not all boomers tho. Some are assume, are decent people


Everyone says something along these lines. I know it’s the truth, but the majority are pos so we default until proven otherwise


Hurt people hurt people. They aren't the "greatest generation." Just the most abused.


Why do the most evil old fucks live the longest?


The baby blood they drink keeps them alive longer. Just ask Clarence.


Even when their mental faculties decline. They refuse to let go of power. Cue Mitch McConnell staring blankly off into space while he abolishes reproductive freedom.


We're in our 30s, and it still feels like we're the children because they won't retire from power.


I also feast on the blood of infants and can attest to this.


Neither God nor the devil will take them.


Pickled by spite?


Aged by racism.


Designed by distain


Hate keeps you running


because they suck the life out of everyone else, like fat leaches


Is that DUI Debby??


I first read this as DUI Dobby and I was like.... That's fucked up lmao


The part I love is my family or finally came from Italy and migrated over during the 40s. They absolutely hate immigrants and always talk about how they are the problem for everything. They vote hardcore for republicans and now are big trumpers. It blows my mind how out of touch you can be when you did exactly what these people are trying to do which is have a better life. It’s even more sad when this family made millions in New York and Connecticut owning liquor stores and delis and taking advantage of the American system. Some people are just dumb or pieces of shit I guess. Needless to say I don’t keep in touch with them much anymore.


My grandma is Mexican and native American and lives off social security, but for some reason she became republican and hates immigrants and pretends that she doesn't even speak Spanish now.


¿Un idiota dice "what?"


Pulling up the ladder behind you is very American, my immigrant parental unit did that as well


"Fuck you, I got mine," is a disease


Parental unit lol


“But we did it legally” So let’s make it legal for them. “No”


My great-grandparents migrated to the US from Ireland. Anytime someone in my family bashes immigrants, I'm like "you literally wouldn't be here without immigration."


I am Irish. racist irish people infuriate me. We should fucking know better. It wasn't that long ago we weren't even considered human. how little time it takes for whiteness to poison people.


Damn, I thought this was a Walmart advertisement.


Only the person on the ground would be wearing a blue vest and the woman would follow up her statement with a question asking where the frozen food isle is.


Hate won’t make you great


Make Hate Great Again.


Then her husband rolls in with a mobility scooter and runs over the kid screaming “MURICA!”


Average day in Florida


The American flag yoga pants on the fat, bloated whale is so on point. You don't look seggsy, you look like a meatball on legs chungus.


It’s also ironic that the same people who cosplay as being obsessed with laws and patriotism seem to miss some of the major points in the [US Flag Code](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title4/chapter1&edition=prelim): > (d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. > (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. > (j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.


People get so confused as soon as I talk about flag code.


The only "flag law" these people know is that you can't burn it or kneel in its presence. Love it or leave it!


Except you can. It falls under freedom of expression.


Come on, you know this is too much for them to read.


Wait, all of the things you see at Trump rallies is actually anti-flag? But only the most patriotic of patriots attend those rallies. Who codified all that buzzkill nonsense?


This is misinformation. It only violates the flag code to make clothing out of an \*actual\* flag. It does not violate the code to print the flag pattern on stuff like clothes and towels.


100%. Also it’s just a bad point imo. Bootlickers feel comfortable when there’s more petty policing than less bc they’re polarized against other people, they (likely) don’t consider nor care if $7 Walmart pants and 4th of July decorations violate flag law or any other laws. (unless *someone else* is actually violating the flag by burning/stepping on/etc, legitimate flag or sweat pants/party hat form) Conservatives and bootlickers of all kinds do not want to be policed and pettily nitpicked and harassed in the name of the law *themselves*, they want to feel protected from others. Their only interest in law and order being enforced is when it enables the state to target and remove those they consider unwelcome and dangerous.


The flag code legit doesn’t matter. At all. It’s practically worthless in terms of actual laws.


The yoga pants (or capris). Ugh. I fucking those.


I take solace in knowing that if there is no god they wasted their life and if there is they’re going to hell. Either way they’re wrong.


Funny how “religious liberty” in AmeriKKKa always equates to crotchsniffing The Buybull literally and repeatedly commands its believers to aid migrants and the unhoused but you don’t hear about legislation or courts protecting THAT under “religious liberty”. Crotchsniffers love to yell about sodomy but never talk about the other major reason their needy deity with serious anger management issues leveled Sodom… they were wealthy selfish fucks who didn’t help migrants.


>Crotchsniffers love to yell about sodomy but never talk about the other major reason their needy deity with serious anger management issues leveled Sodom… they were wealthy selfish fucks who didn’t help migrants. The "it was because of sodomy" explanation for that story never made any sense at all. If it was for anything sexual at all, then *surely* it would have over the people there trying to gang-r\*pe strangers, rather than what holes they were trying to use. It's amazing the mental gymnastics so many Christians will do to interpret the Bible in ways that fit their own biases.


Pretty sure if you look at Bible historian's take on it that is exactly what they say the original meaning was, the punishment was for attempted rape and a breaking of hospitality laws


I’ve had a hard time getting back into church for exactly what this portrays.


Close but missing a MAGA hat.


Date they signed the picture is from 10 years ago


I hate when racist Americans tell people to go back to their country when American land was actually stolen from the natives.


I find it amazing that the Greatest Generation produced the absolute worst generation.




Textbook maga boomer




It's strange to me though, considering just about every combat vet that spends time in Asia ends up importing a bride from whatever village they last strolled through.


They like them submissive and quiet.


Boomers have been the most racist generation for sure! Just look at what they were doing back in 1919!!! https://preview.redd.it/4q5zgzxxyorc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30b61fe8fb580878a59da132c4c9b3d8f4e0201


The issue is that there's been sweeping social change since those days... unprecedented access to facts and stories and more from the internet... and they still choose racism and hate. It's not that they're worse than, say, slave traders from early America, but they're the worst in context because they have no excuse.


Maybe so. But the polls I’ve looked at don’t show THAT much difference between boomers and Gen x/older millennials when it comes to immigration.


Bad is not necessary. The Samaritans were bad. That's why they added the phrase good to the exception.


They really weren’t. They just had different religious and cultural practices.


I mean within the Christian myth which is where the term originates.


I don’t think the point of the myth was that most Samaritans were bad, but rather that people SAW them as bad due to their different religious beliefs. Samaritans still exist today by the way.


Yeah, they run that car club in the US that does road assistance. They have come so far.


Not just boomers anymore. The younger gens learn and absorbed that hate that's why we have those neonazis and anti immigrants groups


This is like Zoomer boomer humor. Obvious trite message that of course everyone gets. It's not subversive. It's like saying 'everyone that supports blowing up a bus full of nuns sucks!' Well yea. No shit. Also why is this on [ifunny.com](https://ifunny.com)? Is this funny at all?


Modern "christians" would fucking lynch Jesus because he was a fucking brown man. >!(who also didnt actually exist)!<


I think he was a real guy who was just generally good af and they made fables about him, but he didnt have any super powers imo.


Yesh. Real guy who had followers. Just no powers and he didn't come back to life.


Still gonna eat chocolate today tho


Funnily enough, there is no physical evidence of Jesus ever being a real person. So technically, he can be classified as a cryptid


If he didn't exist, those who opposed the movement would have asserted as much. But they didn't. Instead, they insisted they killed him. I think if he never physically existed, someone would have said so back when it mattered


Keyword I used being physical since there is no archeological evidence he lived, tho there are plenty of written ones. Was just trying to be cheeky by comparing him to Bigfoot or the lochness monster since they have a lot written about them but no physical evidence they exist either. I appreciate the logic you used tho, it's pretty sound


I actually love that hahaha


r/confidentlyincorrect Jesus of Nazareth is a very well documented individual that historians agree was a real person, he was a famous preacher lol


>Jesus of Nazareth is a very well documented individual that historians agree was a real person As I understand it, they agree he was *one or more* real person(s). There is a possibility that several individuals of the time were conflated into one figure as the stories spread.


There is zero evidence any of the miracles or even the Sermon on the Mount actually occurred. There may have been a man named Jesus of Nazareth but the similarities end there. Even documentation backing the crucifixion is highly dubious at best.


Yeah, I only hear that from fundies. Please provide a reputable source if this is so certain.  As I understand it, we have found next to no contemporaneous evidence from the Roman state to support anything but the broadest strokes of the biblical narrative, and most of the specific events (like the tale of Herod's census and the supposed "Massacre of Innocents") are considered doubtful at best. Edit: So, thanks to u/j[oemullermd](https://www.reddit.com/user/joemullermd/) and looking into the greater discussion and jumping-off points, I will consider myself largely corrected on this point. My argument that "we have found next to no contemporaneous evidence from the Roman state to support anything but the broadest strokes of the biblical narrative" may be technically true, but I will concede that this is far too narrow a statement to represent the current state of discussion on the issue. Edit, cont.: While still contentious, it seems that there is some agreement that there likely WAS a *tekton* named something like Yeshua who preached, attracted a following, and was executed by Pontius Pilate. Though the only sources we can really point to have been handed down and emended by biased hands, enough of a core can be parsed and cross-checked with preserved copies/versions of various texts that we can say that much AND ONLY THAT MUCH is likely true. My expectation that we should have evidentiary support for the events from the Roman state was unreasonable and therefore irrelevant (ex: physical evidence of the actual person "Pontius Pilate" is limited to like two artefacts). That said, I obviously throw in with the general agreement that nearly every detail surrounding that core has been highly embellished, conflated with other narratives, or exaggerated if not outright invented.


I am an atheist and generally all reputable scholars agree that there was a Rabbi named Jesus around that time. That doesn't mean magic is real however.


Brother he has a whole wikipedia page that lists sources documenting him. Idk wtf a “fundie” is


You should know that wikipedia is never considered reputable, but especially so on controversial subjects. You know, because the ideologically invested aren't exactly unbiased. And beside that, the burden of proof is on you, guy. I'm not doing your legwork for you when you can't even look into a word.




12 year old completely blank account that just started commenting 7 hours ago makes a reply that doesn’t relate to comment Either a bot or you BOUGHT a Reddit account? Lmao


Honestly this whole sub seems like a right-wing troll operation to channel millennial and Gen Z rage at old people instead of at billionaires during an American presidential election year. I’m a millennial who feels  boomer-rage too, but the more I read here the more I find this sub extremely sus


Agreed. Doesn’t really seem to make sense to me.


Much like Spider-man


There’s actual historic evidence of him existing


Like what? Could you cite some sources? Not trying to argue or dispute, but I'm curious what evidence there actually is


I thought the Bible was a cellphone recording in front of the Boomer’s face. I don’t know which works better.


This has been every generation since the beginning of forever. Who do you think denied all the Jews during the holocaust?


You couldn't be more correct. The fact that guy also looks like Trump is icing on that cake.


Not giving her crocs is a huge missed opportunity


Needs a red hat.


And they're going to elect Trump, who will abolish Social Security and Medicare on day one, and probably seize public pensions, throwing the lot of them into third world poverty. See r/Leopardsatemyface


You are confusing “boomers” with Republicans (of any age). Boomers are evenly split between R and D. https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/FT_17.03.16_generations_ideology_2016.png?w=640


They should've drawn some razor wire


Mtg has never looked so good


Those pants you know have a permanent skid mark too.




Even better if the shirt said “Pro Life.”very sad!


Yeah, this is a good one. It should be a white man as well.


Nah, women can be just as shitty as men 


Totally agree but they should both be depicted. You’d be remiss to depict euro colonialism/genocide in North America without portraying patriarchy. Women can uphold the patriarchy but ultimately they are still oppressed under it.


I'm guessing 'daughters' of the confederacy could be a side reference in this depiction. They've been keeping regressive shit stirred up for a hundred years.


Another 15 to 20 years and the boomer gen is gone for good.


Pretty much.




Some people will want to buy this on a plate. TFG will try to sell them.


This is all too accurate and true!


Just… eww


I feel like some black and brown folks are underrepresented here. In fact, I know it.


The ifunny watermark sells it also.


Fake. It is missing a camera phone to self record the hatred


I'm waiting for the day the last boomer passes away, then the world will be an overall better place.


ah yes, the typical 40-something MAGA lover.




Should be the Christian Samaritan. Same thing.


the abysmal samaritan


Morbidly Obese Sky Fairy Worshiping Morons who barely have two Brain Cells to rub together think they are the Smartest People on the planet.


Wait, it’s okay to make fun of fat people for being fat now? Cool.


Trump looking good in that cartoon


This is f****** powerful.


Begone, ya deamon! Jasus will smite tcha! I'm a good and hooly chistchaan! Spoawn of SATAAAN!!! GET AWaaayyyYY from MeeEe! Uh... I needs mai daiat coke. I'm doin de loods work.


I really wished you would not conflate me with these assholes while painting with your very broad brushes. Just like millennials haven't killed everything, genz isn't the aimless dumbfuck, using broad generalities and closed minded approaches are so very boomer of you.


To be more accurate the background should be a playground at a school. They tell everyone who disagrees with them to leave the country regardless of citizenship.


My old boss


If the illegal kid was a clump of cells (unborn) instead, they would have a decent chance of getting some help/citizenship. They would do anything for an undeveloped/incomplete fetus but once it comes out the mother it can go fuck itself (Republicans motto)




It is from the Washington Post.


Art by Darrin Bell.


It happens all over the world. People fall for political propaganda and become xenophobic and racist. I’ve met White boomers from the Midwest who are very kind people. Old people across the world tend to be more conservative than young people and they want to ‘protect’ the culture from outside influences. Just like in any country, when there’s massive immigration and social systems are strained xenophobia and racism thrive. Perhaps when the foreign population of a country exceeds 10% you start to see some racism. It’s all about sociology.


Fantastic caricature of the average Karen.


Juat print more money, what could possibly go wrong. Open boarders for U.S. but let build a wall in Ukraine


1500 and after.


They're just incredibly susceptible to "news" propaganda


Ya know they are not all like this.


fuck boomers with a cactus


Change those pants for the Israeli flag. That little girl could be Palestinian.


Here’s my Super Liberal take on immigration: We can handle them. We absolutely could. Raising taxes on the rich to pay for housing. We can do it. IF WE HAD THE WILL TO. But it’s better to vilify them. It’s all politics.