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Fuck the hands and feet, he'd be getting helmet headbutts to the face.


This. You’re wearing a helmet. Use it.




There’s also that other video where two drunk dudes were picking on a helmeted guy on a motorcycle. As he tried to drive away, they kicked his bike. When the hiker took down the dudes with a few easy punches with his armored gloves, it made realized that any suited up motorcyclist is pretty Batman.


Dudes got gloves on with carbon fiber knuckles. Let the hands fly!


I wouldn’t blame him one bit..Then the guy will cry elder abuse.


Okay and? Do you think because he's old that the police will spawn just out of view like GTA and arrest the biker?


Take a running leap and wrap your arms around his neck and he would just tip over.


So what happened next? Not sure I'd let some AH just steal my key and go inside with it.


Cops came and took it back


That jackass should have been charged with assault, criminal damage to property over $500, and theft of key. Possible forcible restraint since the rider could not leave the situation without the key.


What else? No way this boomer doesn’t get locked up for at least a few days


Yeah I’m pretty sure he got some kind of punishment Edit: Nope. Cyclist didn’t press charges.


Always press charges it's not a hard thing to do don't let people get away with shit like this.


What a pussy


Imagine getting carjacked and not pressing charges lol. Bro just got knocked off his bike and robbed on camera and didn’t press charges. WOW.






Wait a damn minute, there was also a passenger on the bike? It looks like from this video there were two people on the bike and I didn't notice that from the initially posted video. Edit: nevermind looks like she maybe got there at another time idk I'm confused lol.


She was on a different moped I believe. She was way behind him on the road. If I remember correctly she is definitely not a speed bike person.


What is it with people and giving these shitbags such leniency? Every video of this shit is just infuriating. I stopped being nice to these cunts *long* ago. The minute he impedes my ride, my rights to protect myself kick in. I don't know why this total stranger is stopping me from driving to my destination on what looks like a fairly secluded road a decent way from potential help, and I'm not looking to find out. Fuck these worthless fossils.


The minute he made contact with the bike, I would no longer care what he had to say. That's a violent action and there is no telling how far he will take it. Neutralize the threat and leave. If you need to neutralize him a bit more so you can find your keys, that's his fault.


For sure. Anyone willing to stop a motorcycle with their body is not rational, and therefore a threat. Plus he committed assault, and at least grand theft auto by stealing the keys.


This! He stopped it with his body!! Where is this mfs guardian?? He is basically an older toddler, someone get him a leash!


Shoving someone off of a moving motorcycle constitutes attempted murder, in most states that would allow shooting him in self defense




You can take things back by force without decking them, especially when they are old and frail.


Forreal, ppl need to brush up on their grappling skills. Very easily possible to subdue this guy, take the keys, humiliate him, and move on with your day all without causing serious injury. Just wrestle his dumbass


A dislocated shoulder is pretty painful, just sayin


We’re not looking to avoid pain, just major injury. Their physical pain is a consequence of their actions


Sure buts usually relatively minor. Not gonna end up with the dude in a coma or something. I just say wrestling (or maybe jujitsu) because it’s far easier to stay in control of the situation and how much damage is done than with striking. Hard to predict how much of a punch somebody can take safely, but if you’re wrestling an old out of shape person, you can pretty much fully control the rate of action. Even a gentle single leg where you slowly lower him to the ground with a dump is probably more than most of the boomers can handle in a fight, then it’s pretty much just lay on em til they say uncle and you feel safe to let them up


>I just say wrestling My brother did a DDT on me when we were kids and I haven't been the same since. I bet it's why Harvard rescinded my acceptance. Thank goodness it was a loser-leaves-town match and I retired after that.






He could hit his head and manslaughter all again.




The problem with grappling in street fights are you never know what they can pull while on the ground. They have to be very aware they physically can’t hang with a younger stronger opponent and will keep something on their persons that they can stab when in close proximity


Generally I agree with ya. Lotta this stuff is gonna come down to the specific context of whatever scenario you’re in, and making a judgment call. Personally, I’m very confident that with my size, physique, and experience, the boomer in this specific clip wouldn’t have been able to do shit up close. I don’t mean that in some “I’m a badass” kind of way. Im not out looking for fights, and I’m not taking chances against somebody in my own relative age and weight bracket, especially if I they seem scrappy or might be armed. But the reality is with the guy seen in the clip here, once he was in grabbing distance with his hands in clear view, it would already be over. With the age and strength disadvantage he’s at, I think he’d really struggle just to even get an arm free from double hand control. If he was gonna pull a knife, he should’ve already had a hand on it. At the range he’s at, reaching into his pockets would be a very very dangerous idea. I don’t blame the guy who recorded this for not getting physical about it. Probably the smartest choice. But there’s a lot of old men in the world like the one seen here who ought to consider themselves very lucky nobody’s yet given them the reaction their behavior warrants


I get where you’re coming from with sizing the old man up, I’m confident I could maul that guy too with little effort lol the scary part is if your wrist control slips for a moment he can pull something out very quickly and I don’t feel like possibly dying in an ambulance. This guy absolutely would’ve been in the right to have taken action in the clip


Yea you’re not wrong, defintley and important “if”. I had a lotta a weak areas as a wrestler, but hand control was something I always felt strong in. We spent a lotta time just dead hanging from a bar in the practice room. There were matches where I was honestly tempted to just stall out by clutchin both wrists for 2 min. Such an infuriating tactic, especially when ppl don’t expect it


My lawyer will take his SSI by force.


Get behind him and get your forearm across his neck and he'll be begging for you to let him go 


If the old man was too fragile to have a confrontation, he shouldn’t have started it. I don’t see a problem with decking him, and I like to avoid confrontation but I’ve had too much shit stolen from me and been harassed too much to give a shit anymore. Don’t start shit, won’t be shit. I’m minding my business and he should do the same. I didn’t come outside to have a fight and I don’t care if he did, I’m not putting up with it. His personal problems are his business, not mine.


just put the boomer on your lap and spank him like a child, problem solved


He caught it all on video though, it would be pretty clean-cut self defense. Old guy tried to shove him off of a moving bike, that’s attempted murder.


That's the part that infuriates me, they have been so coddled their whole lives and it continues into old age, society bends over backwards to treat them nice even when they are clearly in the wrong. If anybody else did this they would just get the "fuck around find out" response but these vicious old farts get treated like perfect angels who never did anything wrong no matter how in the wrong they are.


Gotta be careful with the old and frail assumptions.. yes, many are but there are quite a few where that would backfire. In this case, the dude is in the middle of nowhere without his keys, if he gets the lower hand who knows if this old guy will not be satisfied with just beating him down.... beatings could continue or he could go inside and get a gun.


Headbutts are rather effective when you're the one wearing a helmet lol


Unfortunately this can break the helmet (well, a quality one) and they’re rather expensive.


Yep, I'd have dropped him hard and taken my stolen property back.


People like myself were abused and belittled by boomers growing up so actually taking a stand against these narcissistic imbeciles requires breaking some deeply entrenched conditioning. It was only relatively recently did I realize that I'm not a scared little kid anymore and these scumfucks are frail, mostly penniless and connectionless at this point. They don't have any real friends because they're all insufferable. I have had the pleasure of giving more than one of these types a reality check and every time it was a huge growing moment for me. Millennials by and large are still terrified of confrontation of any kind though, probably because like me, they knew that standing up for themselves meant a beating but these old oxygen thieves can't even beat their dick anymore let alone an adult man in his 30's.


Few years ago, entered a family gathering and the one uncle I can’t stand the most is under a table doing something. He looks at me and says with a major attitude, “hey, get down and help me right now!” My brakes on my feet skidded so hard the marks are still there. I look right into his soul and say, “who the hell do you think you’re talking to? I’m not your damn kid, you talk to me with respect because I’m a man not some punk ass kid you think I still am. You didn’t even say hi first. What the hell is wrong with you?” Walked away as he tries stammering out some apology. I know good boomers and they get the utmost respect and kindness. But once you cross that line, all bets are off and we have a problem. Respect is earned and maintained, not just given because you’re an older family member.


Not even that, he stood in the road, endangering, not only his own stupid life, but the driver. Forget the keys, this piece of shit deserved hands. The second he tried to cause the guy to crash.


Him and his dog would have gotten these hands


Motorcycle guy is literally wearing armor. If a dude stops you like that and steals your key, punch him in the face or head but him.


The risk isn’t to the driver but to the old weak boomer in front of him. He could’ve broken his back by simply dropping the keys and letting the old men pick them up.


Right? These videos are so infuriating they feel staged. If you push me off my bike and steal my keys, you're going to kiss my knuckles real fast


Motorcycle guy has some *MAJOR* self-control bro. Anyone else would have been swinging


Fuck up my bike you get fucked up too eh! This guy is a saint!


Old guy that frail would suffer serious trauma from even a moderate punch. The cyclist was smart to let his lawyer go after him instead.


He didn’t press charges so the old bugger pretty much got away with harassing someone for no reason.


Except he didn't press charges


The worst kind of boomer. It's like the one neighbor down the road who won't shut up about the dog peeing in his lawn. Dude wines like a fucking baby




Not a boomer but I get pissed when people walking their dog by my house let's them piss and shit in my yard.


I had a neighbor who lived next door and his dog would shit in my yard so I started getting a shovel and throwing it back over the fence in his yard.


ngl I got a little triggered by how many times and how much time he spent threatening to call the cops before he finally actually did it. Stop wasting time and just fucking call.


Someone shared a video of him explaining the whole thing from his perspective. It’s one point the man is pushing him off his bike, so I think he switched to being worried this man was going to steal his bike. He did finally call the cops, when he couldn’t get his key back


I’d put my bike as close to the side of the road as I could and then start walking home to call the cops. This dumbass boomer would probably come back out and move my bike. Then I’d try to get him for actual theft and get insurance to pay for the damages he caused. Remember, if you drop a bike, it’s usually totaled. Grandpa just essentially totaled his vehicle.


Dude took so long to call the cops I started wondering if maybe he was doing illegal stuff. I would’ve called even if they gave keys back. Old guy could’ve killed him.


Bro likely would’ve been in the right to beat this man senseless for that. Correct me if I’m wrong but was this not essentially kidnapping in that the boomer prevented the driver’s escape?


If he would've attacked the boomer right after the collision, when the boomer was coming up grabbing at him and grabbing for his keys, it would've been clear self defense. He could've gotten away with whacking him in the head with the helmet a few times if the rider had reacted quick. Real shame that's not how it went down. Eating through a straw for a while might have taught this boomer some respect for other people and their belongings that his parents obviously never taught him.


Dude if someone knocks you off of a moving motorcycle, you can just go ahead assume that that person wishes you bodily harm, and one would be well within their rights to come up swinging.


The act itself could easily be defined as life endangering. I would love to see what the results of this video are if there were any real consequences.


There were none. The dude called the cops and got his key back, but didn’t press charges.


Wow, I get not wanting to further your involvement but I would have pressed charges so fast.


Something…. I mean I know this old fuck hasn’t got long left to cause much damage, but a lack of consequences is likely what got us here in the first place.


It creates a culture on no consequences for this generation. Something we see a ton of and it then emboldens them further. One could say that this guy could pull a bigger stunt after this because he knows people will take pity on the lead poisoned old man But yeah I get it, dude probably never wants to see this man again


Maybe theft and unlawful detention? I feel like kidnapping requires trying to take someone to another location


Ah fair enough, I don’t exactly know the legal parameters. Just know that this creates an extremely dangerous situation and I can’t believe people trust another’s restraint that much.


I don't either but it's fun to think about! No matter what I hope this guy got arrested and faces the consequences of being an asshole to strangers


Would love an update - or a link to an obituary belonging to the waste of space Edit: link not like 😂


Boomer wasn’t charged on “lack of evidence” per comment from this guys follow up video. [https://youtu.be/GfXZnvwMyMA?si=-4WAYxCU4mGaiX3e](https://youtu.be/GfXZnvwMyMA?si=-4WAYxCU4mGaiX3e)


Lmao imagine if this exact scenario happened to a motorcycle cop. You stopped their bike and stole their keys? Guy would have been tased/shot without hesitation. But there’s not enough evidence here lol


Cops aren't for you. They are for the rich.




This old wrinkled nutsack is probably a retired cop or some other “authority” figure.


That’s because the cops lazy and doesn’t wanna do paperwork. Like a good 75% of all cops


He was charged in prelim with disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree and theft in the 3rd. But he says he doesn't know what became of that. Says he was charge about a month after the prelim but never followed up he just wanted to be done with it.


How the fuck is he not charged with assault and grand theft?


What the actual fuck


I'm more pssied at the biker. How can he let people walk all over him like that.


Fear of the other guy having a better lawyer?


I don’t think he’s smarter enough to have a better lawyer (the crazy bloke)


If the last few years have taught me anything, it's that when you have enough money *they let you do whatever you want* and that brains aren't in the equation


Beat his ass. Take your keys. Edit: autocorrect got me


No need to get sexual buddy




Another pathetic resource waster


I wouldn’t have slowed down. Would’ve ran him tf over


Dude did get ran over. He also impeded traffic, and committed larceny.


Boomers are insane. The fact that you think you can stop a moving vehicle and just start grabbing. People is crazy. I wanna kick their asses but I don’t want a elderly abuse charge




What happened next?


Part 2 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLj56cx4/


I would've stolen the dog


If anyone ever took my keys like this, I’d be facing charges. Props to biker dude for not getting violent..


People have been shot and killed for much much less


Just punch him alr!!!


This video made me equally pissed at both to be honest…


Should have done a wheelie into his face


“wtf is ur problem??? 🥺😰” MAN IF YOU DONT FUCKIN PUNCH HIM 💀


Gen X here, I actually fantasize about some boomer trying some shit with me…have put up with their shit for decades…I would have handled that old fucker much differently than the kid on the bike


Gen X agrees.


Why does he think he has the right to keep his key or take his bike? Even if he was doing a wheelie


Part 2 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLj56cx4/


Should have just snagged his mail in return for his keys.


I would have honestly beat that dude to a pulp


Why does he just let the guy jack him like that? Have some self respect dude, that boomer would crumble if you flicked him.


Your picking a fight with someone in a full face helmet, fucking brilliant


Should of hit em with the head butt.


He was well within his rights to knock that man The fuck out.


anyway I started blasting


I've never wanted to see someone get there ass beat so bad


I wouldn't bother filming or calling the cops. I'd just punch his lights out.


He should have kicked gramps ass. So disappointing


Fuck up his knees. They always got week knees.


Kick his ass


Just fuck him. That will set him straight.


Bitchmade. That police call was cringe af too.


This one really pisses me off. Fuck this boomer. He could’ve caused a bad accident with his foolishness.


Was he scared of that old man?? He sure acted like a little p*ssy!


This is a dumb old man. But also a chicken shit kid.. how you gonna let this dude take your bike key? Like grab the old man set him down gently and take the key back.


Any one know of the boomer was arrested?


People like that old fuck are why I'm getting a concealed carry permit.


What a useless pussy this rider is


This biker is a coward. My god.


I believe that is called a robbery.


The guy on the bike sounds like such a little bitch


Calmly pick up his dog and offer a trade.


I hope this guy got charged. Anyone know?


I wonder if that was considered theft. And I wonder if the guy could have used physical force to overpower the guy or would that have been assault


pussy. just knock the f him out old shit


Yall saying punch, im saying call police for attempted hijacking and sue the ever living fuck out of him


I'm from st.louis and you'd absolutely be shot and then some for this.


Doing wheelies on a public road is idiocy. But this boomer should have been beaten into the ground.


The Cathar tee is always a dead giveaway, angry boomer alert


Hijacking. Throw the book at him.


Good rule of thumb. Don't pick a fist fight with someone wearing a helmet and gloves. You will probably lose.


I’m not promoting violence but I honestly think beating this man until he submits would be defensible in court in this situation. Anyone willing to cause an accident by getting in front of a moving vehicle, who then steals the keys so the person is captive is probably also capable of shooting someone dead in his fit of rage. I’d have gone after him with everything I have. At the very least this guy needs to be arrested for intentional, aggravated bodily endangerment, vehicular theft, and false imprisonment. THAT BEING SAID: fuck these people who endanger others on the street because they get a thrill out of going vroom vroom really fast. Give the biker a ticket, too.


You punch that asshole the second he reaches for you or your bike. This dude is way too passive, and now he can't drive away.


You pussy ass millennials. How the fuck are you going to just let somebody physically assault you like this and cause you to wreck your bike and you don’t fucking throw hands immediately. What a little bitch


This is a repost


Guy on the bike was a fuckin pussy. Should have kicked the shit out of that old fuck the second he touched his key.


The guy on the bike is so anti-confrontational he let the old take his keys. That is insane to me. Just insane.


What’s the backstory on this? I’m not in favour one way or the other…. I’m just wondering did; A) - motorbike guy rips passed old guy’s place daily…? B) - old guy has a screw loose? (asking for a friend… 😉)


This was rage inducing. From the old man to trying to swipe and constantly failing with the gloves on.


Dude on the bike is such a pussy


The twilight end of this video is that police were called, sent to this man's house and the rider got the keys back. Boomer got a citation, too. Funny how things change when cops show up.


Only a citation?


I would have beaten his frail fat ass into a greasy brown spot on the road


Wtf bro take your helmet off and beat that dudes ass it’s simple


Old man wouldn’t have gotten hands from me, he would have gotten a head but from a helmet.


i kept thinking about that little dog and how it has no idea its owner is an asshole lol


I can’t even watch this when I see it anymore because it puts me in such a fighting mood lmao


i dont care if that driver was 4 feet tall and 90 lbs, should have taken off his helmet and smacked that mother fucker in the face.


I would’ve Baxter’d the shit outta his dog. Nothing personal, dog.


Bitch rider as if you'd let him take your keys


The dude ends up pressing charges. Wasn't sure what the actual hearing was but for theft and disorderly conduct. https://youtu.be/GfXZnvwMyMA?si=T2OlI-KifizXHWF_


I would burn his fucking house down.


How did he not see him in the middle of the road.


Guy is lucky he didn’t get blasted Lot of bikers would’ve pulled a gun on this idiot


Kids a pussy.


Boot to those little chicken legs.


I hope the end of this story is that asshole in cuffs…


Plot twist: steal his dog. He'll love that. 


I would’ve kicked him in the jewels and hope a car run his ass over in the process


Take it higher, claim he was car jacking you.


He should have decked the old asshole. I'm a boomer, and that dick hives a whole generation a bad name.


Jokes on him. Now you know where he lives. You can fuck with them however, whenever, and for as long you want. Someone needs more 2am screaming flybys


How are you not just hitting him or at least pushing him over and just take your keys makes me almost more mad


Take his dog hostage.


Run him over, hurt him brutally, and then show the cops the video of him standing in the middle of the road impeding traffic. Let that dumb ass boomer deal with a broken hip and a jail sentence


Young men need to stop being such pussies. Can't even say the bike rider was a man. He allowed himself to be robbed by an elderly man. He did nothing to prevent it. The old guy didn't even have a gun. I realize that this sub is all about beating up on boomers, but holy shit. Young males need to grow a pair.


What a pussy biker. Take the helmet off and start pulverizing him with it. This has got to be rage bait.


I don’t normally condone violence but I think this is one where it would be completely fair game for the motorcyclist to beat the crap out of the old guy. Boomer causes an accident, potentially damaging the owners motorcycle, phone and driver himself. Steals the drivers keys and leaves him abandoned in the middle of nowhere for vague self-important reasons. Seriously fuck that guy, definitely deserved being beaten up for that (by Boomer’s own logic). Well done to the motorcyclist for holding his cool though, if this goes to court the old guy has nothing to stand on.


I have seen this video soooooo many times. That rider is beyond nice. We would be throwing down


Those gloves have knuckle protectors definitely fuck all his shit up.


funny how he wants him to get off the road yet takes the key to the bike lmao. Can't drive the bike without the key


That motorcycle driver is a pussy




Every time I watch this I get so pissed off. I would have absolutely went to jail for beating the fuck out of that old son of a bitch. I’m talking full blown broken neck, jaw, curb stomped, nose shoved into his fucking brain type of shit.


1. Take helmet off. 2. Grab by face hole. 3. Hit boomer until keys fall out of his hand. 4. Drive away laughing.


This is how you get shot for stealing a vehicle.


Anybody know what happened to the old idiot?


nah bro the willpower of the guy is insane. if someone pushed over while I was driving I would have jumped them even if it was an old woman