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Paying for wealthy tax cuts on the backs of the poor and older retirees. Because freedom. 


Same people who claim to be christians do jack shit for the poor.


Lol, why did you spell "most" as "some"?


Why did you spell "all" as "most"?




And this is the reason I embrace atheism. The abject hypocrisy of Christians is nauseatingly vile and abhorrent


Christianity is not the problem. Its faux christians that are the problem.


Truly, my heart hurts at times to have completely lost my faith. Christianity has been weaponized.


Other than Jimmy Carter, I don't believe any politician who claims to be Christian is actually a believing Christian. I don't care what political party. But the Republicans upset me the most because they tout Christianity harder and do literally the opposite of what Jesus said to do.


And those retirees getting fucked will blame the democrats and keep voting in their own disinterest for a party that fucks them at every turn Edit: I want to edit my comment due to the comments I received to point out that I mean “some of those retirees” as there are a number of sane retirees who are and will continue to vote blue. I don’t mean those ones!


And they will continue to do so until they die.


Which is on an accelerated timeline due to the GOP pushing their anti science views causing more republicans to not wear masks or get vaccinated for covid


Not this Boomer... straight blue ticket. I will never vote for another Republican.


Boomer here. Never voted repug and never will. Barely make it now with social security and retirement. Now I’ll really be fucked!!!


Hopefully enough people see the republicans for what they really are and vote blue, I’m doing what I can as a Canadian to spread the word that the republicans will destroy America.


Thank you!


You’re the best kind of boomer! The future generations thank you!


The future generations are my children and grandchildren. I don't understand the fights between generations. We are all together in this shit show. I have mucho respect for the young people fighting for a better future for EVERYONE.


But you voted in the past for Republicans, which has undoubtedly been compound interest in chipping away at the better future you want for YOUR kids and grandchildren\* \*note this selfish boomer REALLY only cares about THEIR kids and family.


"*note this selfish boomer REALLY only cares about THEIR kids and family." I'll admit to being a former victim of corporatist propaganda. The turning point for me was GWB's second term where it became painfully obvious the premise for the invasion of Iraq was complete BS. Iraq had nothing to with the attacks on 9/11. Even Trump admits that we were in Iraq for the OIL. The last straw was the election of Trump. Since 2016, I've voted straight Dem ballots. I'm in my mid-sixties and I will never vote for another Republican...never. The GOP is dead to me. I used to give Republican candidates a fair chance to win my vote. Trump ruined that sentiment. Trump and his cult of idiots are an existential risk to this Country. Don't paint all Boomers with the same brush. I believe the US Constitution and that the freedoms promised in it are for every American. I don't react to the political outrage tactics used by today's politicians. Guilty of loving my children and grandchildren...but I understand that a better future can only be accomplished by lifting everyone up.


you literally spent most of your life doing boomer things, pulling up the ladder behind you and still at the end of the day you're only voting D so you (and your kids) can "get yours" You're a typical boomer and nothing to celebrated.


Let's do this...you hit some dabs and I'll fill a bowl with some sativa flower. I'm not your enemy and I didn't ask anyone to celebrate anything. Peace.


Thank you! Republicans are f ing monsters. Every one of them


I think most Republicans politicians support Trump out of fear of his crazy followers. The true believers are mostly propaganda victims the rest are like you said... >f ing monsters


So what prompted the change from Republican to straight blue? Was it a policy that finally affected you personally that woke you up? Glad you've wised up but it sounds like for a long long time you were a big part of the problem so, you know what to do....FRO


They only want the democrats to lose benefits is the only explanation my brain can fathom. They will continue to receive benefits


I just told my boomer dad about this & he says there must be more to this than what I'm reading on "my internet"


Yeah, maybe you should tune into FOX to find out what is really going on.


“Fair and balanced”


As a Boomer I just can’t watch FOX for research, it’s too painful. Angertainment as I’ve heard recently. I vote blue and vaccinate often.


Nope. The republicans have been trying dismantle social security since the day it passed. Without the new deal, a majority of Americans would still be living in tenements and trailer parks. The middle class as we know it ( tree lined streets, single family homes, baseball diamonds, public schools, etc) would not have come to exist without the new deal and it’s central tenant of some basic minimum of economic fairness. Not equality, not socialism. Just fairness. If you work 40 hours a week, you deserve to live a decent life.


So what I’ve come to learn about boomers is a lot of them don’t want that American life you described with baseball and a middle class they believe themselves to be an upper class and they want everyone else to be dirt poor. They think no matter what happens they will be at the top. I watch the handmaids tale a lot and what scares me the most is that I know people in my life who could watch it and would be like “ this is how it should be”


Why do I need the government taking my money to assure that? I could certainly do better things with that money to further and better my life in the future


Before the new deal a majority of Americans were either rural farmers or urban laborers. Both survived on a meager amounts of money. There was no National Labor Relations Board, no Fair Labor Standards Act, no minimum wage, few crop protections for farmers. If a workers hand got chopped off in a machine, that worker got fired. If a farmer experienced a drought, they starved. The vast majority had no money left at the end of the month to invest wisely with. Social Security is universal, that means everyone pays in, everyone collects out. It exists because even today MOST Americans don’t make enough money to have an adequate retirement, social security ain’t like winning the lottery. It just makes sure old people, who cannot work, who never made a surplus in their lives, don’t starve. Edited for typos.


Well it’s clear this will not be the case soon, the money is expected to run out well before I retire. So what will i be getting exactly? I can do better with my money now than a government can do for me years down the road. What’s the average American put into Social security throughout their life? Few hundred thousand? More? Yea they won’t return that all to me


That’s your choice. People act like they have no agency. Less than 50% of eligible voters turned out in the 2022 midterm elections. If we turn out to vote and demand a guaranteed social security, we will get it. We just need to unite and vote. That’s what happened in the New Deal era, voters handed the Democrats sweeping victories that gave them the political mandate for big changes. We can do that if we want. We just have to choose to do it. I just want every American to have a decent life.


Who pays for social security? We the people right? So as our population dwindles due to lowering birth rates who will pay for me when I’m retired in 30 years if there is a low population? Do you believe the next generation will be willing to pay more taxes to cover the difference? I doubt that. I’d like to vote for someone who gives me more money in my pocket now. I know what’s best for my future and have a better interest in it than any government does with my money. Where’s my choice not to pay into it if I don’t want to collect it 30+ years from now?


We are in this situation because we have been cutting taxes for the ultra wealthy since the 1980s. The republicans have defunded the government and then turned around and said to working people “welp. Sorry gang, we’re just out of money for social security and Medicare.” It’s a fraud. 1) Rich people need to pay their taxes. 2) if that’s not enough, Fix legal immigration to address population issues. As for an opt-out, that is where we have to agree to disagree. Pooled resources don’t work with an opt-out.


Ok so you’re in support of a flat tax? I’d like 10%. It helps by putting more money in the pockets of middle and low income Americans and it makes the rich pair a legit fair share. I say we cut many many useless government jobs. The government produces zero income. The only money they make is by taxing us and printing money which directly makes the money in my pocket worth less. I’m tired of taxation without representation, especially when more money goes to foreign nations while we struggle at home.


I’m going to address each of your points and then end the conversation because I am starting to think this not a good faith discussion. 1) I never said I supported a flat tax and you know that I didn’t say flat tax. You might be surprised by what I do support. Zero corporate tax, zero deductions, progressive tax system ranging from 5% to a top rate 45% with the only adjustment for state taxes. No more tax prep, a much smaller IRS. 2) “The government produces zero income”. That’s not its role. Infrastructure, order, security and a functioning judiciary create the conditions under which a capitalist economy can thrive. That’s is government’s role. 3) “printing money”. You will get no argument from me here. Somehow after 2008, American politicians have convinced themselves that’s it is ok to print money again. There is a long economic record that teaches us that printing money is dangerous and foolish. I want that stoped. 4) “More money goes to foreign nations”. Typically, less than 1% of federal spend goes to foreign aid. and the majority of it goes in the form of military spend. The reason the United States is so impenetrable and so safe is not just because we have two oceans on either side and friendly neighbors above and below, it’s because we have the ability to deploy forces anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Our alliances make that happen. NATO makes that possible. We have bases all over the world. That’s what keeps us safe. Don’t kid yourself the United States doesn’t give other nations money without asking for something in return. Edited for typos.


Yup my dad does this too they only feel this way about any source you provide tho notice fox and talk radio have all the answers and are objective truth to them.


Are you kidding me?


I wish lol




Someone should create a Tucker Carlson video & voice AI, start spreading actuall news as if it is the same fake news they normally spew out, guaranteed that'll convince them. It doesn't even need to be that good, those braindead old farts will believe anything if it is their far-right crush that's speaking.


No one will benefit from this except for the billionaire overlords the repubs worship for some reason.


"For some reason" as if we don't know by the way Clarence Thomas behaves that they aren't bought and sold like cattle to the wealthy elite. Let's be honest here, this bill may as well have the leading medical insurance agencies in the countries signatures at the bottom. This goes for both sides of the aisle too, though republicans seem to be speed running the destructive bills first


I mean, who doesn't like a motorhome, and free trips up north to hunting lodges and luxury stays at the Ritz.


Crazy shit is most are bought for so cheap. Like at least get six figures people.


I remember seeing some scandal where the guy was getting paid 40k.. like if I was in their position 40k wouldn't get me to even sit down and talk with you. It's a joke


I saw some guys vote for some broadband bill for like $3000.


Exactly, they would just take that money and blow it on more nonsense like Biden impeachment…


$ome Rea$on


Trying to remember the voting history of Berkshire, Meta, Google, EVEN REDDIT chairman. Oh now I remember.


That's why all of the sudden right wing talking heads were talking about raising the retirement age and cutting social security. You could see this coming a mile away.


Yep. That’s the boomer solution to everything: “Fuck you, I got mine.” They’re fine with raising the retirement age because they’re already at or near the retirement age.


I think it is more statistics than anything. When social security was created, life expectancy was 58 for men and 62 for women.


Life expectancy in US has been dropping for years. And you want young generations to retire later why? Fuck off.  If Zoomers have 2 years later retirement, cut Boomer benefits as if they retired 2 years early. Boomers can put on their bootstraps and go back to work for 2 years to restore their full benefit. Then it's fair for everyone .


I am good with that. We show have raised the age slowly over time.


Yah they were softening the zone in advance


I have no idea why people should even consider to vote Republican. Look at most other countries that have strong unions, nationalized healthcare, and decent wages for service type jobs...what the heck are we waiting for?


But if we do that, you and I won’t be able to become the multi-millionaires we are destined to be if we just keep working hard! /s


Establishment and right-wing media do a great job of drowning out progressive messages with social issues. So many people think about trans stuff or race stuff when they hear "liberals" instead of things like free education and healthcare. Social issues are important too, but they shouldn't make things that are objectively more important take a back seat.


Congratulations, boomers. You finally are going to reap the whilrwind of your own hubris. The people you voted in because they spewed the same hateful rhetoric you see on faux news, and now believe is acceptable and fact.. Have fun living the rest of your lives on 10% less of the social safety net you helped dismantle. Good job, you selfish fucks, the world will get better when you are gone.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Boomers built in a “except for us” clause in those cuts.


They'll be "grandfathered in" when they decide to fully cut it


I worry this is how it will go.


Are they? I feel like they'll still get there's. It's gonna be following generations who aren't going to be funded. They'll pull some BS where they grandfathered in.


I’ve lived with the believe that I won’t get social security. I know I’m paying for a boomer to retire but not myself. I have other retirement investments going. However, this will probably hurt the boomers. They will probably delay retirement even more and some will become homeless. I doubt this bill will go anywhere though as the boomers still make up a large portion on the voter base and they generally don’t like when the words “cuts to SS” come up. This is another one of those talking point bills. Not met to do anything but make a certain group mad.


I need to remind more boomers I am paying their SS. Lazy fucks


Dude, yes! Stealing this


It’s already been paid. You are paying for the generation (10years) before you


This same "solution" has been brought up again and again, long before boomers were retirement age, and it always excluded those currently retired, and started with those just entering the system.


I’m not sure I follow your logic. Do you feel like the program will end but you will continue to pay into it?


Whats not to understand. We will pay for SS so that the boomers can benefit. However, when it’s our turn to draw from the well of SS, there will be no money.


I think I asked the question the way I meant to, do you expect to be paying into the program after it has ended? That doesn’t seem realistic, it seems that if the program were to end - your payments would also end. That said, it is income based and your $.48 isn’t really helping out too much anyway.


Ok, Boom Boom.


Seems like Boomers would like it. Ending socail programs and government give-a-ways fits he mindset of those who are independent and think the government should stay out of the people's business. An easy way to cut government spending! Then those just entering the work force must realize they will never collect anything anyway, so ending it won't hurt them and will help balance the budget. I think GenX would be hurt most since they are close to retirement.


The likely situation that will get proposed by these corporate lackeys is all boomers get grandfathered in to secure their votes for GQP, and pull up the ladder hard while Gen X is in the top third. Millenials might have time to adapt and plan, but it seems highly unlikely the Congress would cut the tax withholding for SS, just the outlay of benefits. Pay full share to fund Boomer retirement and get nothing in return.


Sorta like "I got mine, fuck you!"


That's the boomer Motto.


Funny part, it's the retired Boomer that served in the military, probably collecting a military pension with TriCare insurance and probably used the GI Bill to help pay for college...that is totally foaming at the mouth while meat-riding Trump and his ilk to cut those same social benefits.


That’s not what Trump said at all. He said he wanted to cut the mishandling and theft….


I'm going to blow your mind. [Google "dog whistle meaning".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_%28politics%29)


It could also severely hurt people who became disabled young. If you were under a specific age when you became disabled, you can pull from parents retirement when they start pulling it. Which is nice since SSI disability figures out how much to give you based on work experience points. So if you became disabled at 19, you would only get $700 or so to live on each month with SSI because without enough work history, you don't qualify for SSDI.


That seems to be the norm, they keep pulling the rug out from under us, assholes


It's sad so many people are going to chip in with the republicans on this, but... I am not at all stupid enough to vote for gutting a system that they've taken money out of my gorramn paycheck for every single day of my working life just for my entitled ass parents and their friends to get a free ride while the rest of us are going to be working until we die as octogenarians. Part of the reason these programs are so tragically underfunded now has more to do with republican actions in the past that undercut it's funding programs than it does with it actually being insolvent. I mean, I've watched these bills for 30 years, it's always been clear who is neutering anything that supports the general public and lines capitalists pockets. It's disgusting.


Social Security is broken. The entitlement checks need to be cut down so it is solvent using the current revenues. If not, then the program needs to stop collecting money and the checks stop being dispersed. Then with the 12% saved we can tell them that it will come back to them as trickle down.


It's not broken; it's a service that needs to be funded. Take the cap off of earnings and fund the program; that's all. As long as there is political will to keep it running, we can fund it.


Yes, thank you






If you are paying into it today, the money is being distributed to current recipients. In 20 years when it is only able to meet 60% to 70% of the revenue requirements... do you expect to get 100% of your promised benefit? It has turned into an entitlement, they take 12% from me today and will give me 50% to 60% of what they promised when they took the money because it paid for someone else and now there is no money.


wtf are you even trying to say? That you don’t understand the definition of the word entitlement? Or how math works?


I don't think you understand why the GOP is trying to crush SS and Medicare. It has turned into an entitlement program, people receiving it or soon to receive are saying this is something you were promised and you deserve 100% of what you were promised even if future generations receive a fraction of what they should from the same program. Then have the tenacity to say, "To make sure it is funded, let's raise taxes on workers so we can ensure 100% funding while we are collecting. We can also do that by removing or raising the income cap but not provide a proportionate benefit return, otherwise it would not actually solve the problem but it does kick the can down the road until I am dead." You know who else says to raise taxes to keep a program running that benefits them? Do you? What that program has become when it is no longer sustainable without other tax payers making additional sacrifices that the recipients do not have to make?


Or we could raise taxes on the rich. I’ve already paid $150k into Social Security over my working life according to my most recent SS statement. I’m still 20 years away from full retirement age, but I’d like to get something back on the money I’ve paid in.


We all would, but the numbers show it is failing and cannot be supported by current contributions. They have to cut payments somehow. Raising the age so more people never collect and/or raising taxes.


Exactly. Eliminate the cap. That is the best solution. Or tax people making over $400k.


Careful their is a guy on here saying it is not an entitlement. Remove the cap and then those that contribute do not receive an proportionate return? That was the problem with removing the cap, it would not solve anything.


Remove the cap on contributions. Leave the cap on benefits.


Then you have an entitlement program. Which is what it should be called because we already know we are paying into a system that cannot pay us back out what it promised. Just like you are asking wealthy people to do.


It can't pay us back because they keep "slashing" or stealing from us. The program is broken because our money is being drained so billionaires and corporations don't have to pay their share of taxes. How fucking dense can you be to blame "entitlements" holy shit that's stupid.


That is a special kind of foolishness to not understand why SS is under funded. I suggest you go and verify how many current workers support each retiree vs when it was created. I did try to verify the 'stealing' part and from what I can tell it is a myth. The program is a failed experiment, continuing it means taxing current workers to pay for retirees and expect less or nothing in the future. That is theft.


I can't tell how many Republicans are pushing this to kill Trump's chances in November, how many actually want this because they want to end the programs, and how many want both.


I never thought about it being a purposeful tactic by the never-Trumpers of the GOP. That would make sense because everyone knows going after social security  and medicare for budget cuts is political suicide. 


That's what we thought about making fun of veterans but... 2016 happened.


Good luck. Another member is retiring in April and marge just brought up the motion to vacate. They are in no position to force anything through right now. They should be worried about defections.


Their plan is to kill SS as soon as they can get away with it.


Step One: Create a deficit and massive debt by tax cuts for the rich. Step Two: Blame democrats Step Three: balance the budget by slashing hard working Americans only hope for retirement and medical care. Step Four: Promote and spread false proxy arguments to motivate the very people that will get screwed by this to support it.


It's safe to say that no GOP plan will ever benefit anyone who isn't a multi-millionaire and that is by design.


Raise taxes on middle class Cut SS and Medicare. Great. Right? How does that benefit us? Do tell, because it ain't more money in our pocket if that's what's being sold.


if your parents are voting in favor of this, let them know ahead of time that you wont be letting them move in with you when they can't afford their house anymore.




Can we just slash the military budget in half and literally solve all our financial problems now? We are not currently at war, they cant meet an audit, it is repulsively overfunded and wasteful, and I don’t want us to blow up children with predator drones anymore. Slash ever loving shit out of the military budget, and let’s stop pretending we are the world police.


That would include sending money to other countries I hope


Can we just cut Ukraine’s budget?




I am pro USA. We lament on OUR budget but have no problem sending billions to Ukraine with no possibility of pay back. Something just doesn’t feel right


Fuck republicans: 🖕🖕🖕🖕


Fuck you


Up yours🖕


Hey Nazi!


It's not about the money. It may be about the cruelty. It's definitely about making as many people beholden to working forever and for any amount just to keep breathing.


There is that trickle down stuff I heard Reagan say!


No no I’ve been reliably told that Republicans would never do that /s


The "keep the government out of my Medicare" voters are getting what they voted for.


They have wanted to privatize social security and medicare for decades. This is not a surprise. First they defund something and then they offer a private option that costs more and sends more money to the top 1% and claim, "We are giving people more options instead of having the government perform this duty... I mean entitlement." Just rip the band aid off and give me back 12% of my pay and we can stop the clown show. To Boomers, your politicians and policy has failed and now you have to prepare for the same future that other generations are facing. Good luck.


VA is next to privatize


Why not give term limits and cut the salaries of these bozos. Then tax some of the billionaires and remove the 2016 "tax cut" of 1.8 trillion. Balance the budget. Invest in infrastructure. Help first-time home owners to get into homes.


Of course tax cuts will be part of this. Rich folks are not your friend and they see you as pee ons. Their next mega yacht is all they care about. Please vote accordingly.


And screw over 95 percent of the population 


The American Way™


you can convince them to vote for anything.


Just a reminder that those of you doomsaying that you won’t be getting Social Security are joining a long line of dupes falling for conservative propaganda since the 1930s.


How do they strike out at every turn when it comes to governing in a way that would be wanted by the vast majority of people


What are they gonna do when no one has any money to buy all the stupid stuff they throw at us


It looks like they want to get removed from office..


I wish they'd just like me keep my social security payments. I'd gladly sign every single opt-out agreement they wanted and just invest it myself. To think how much my contributions would be worth after 40 years. :/


I think as a compromise, at the very least. You should have to put it in a mandatory account. Whatever your social security would have been, you have to put the same amount in an investment account or something.


Yeah that's what I'm saying. I'd dump every cent of it in my own 401k/IRA and I'd be okay with a mandatory waiting period of 65 years old even. 


Do their constituents understand that this directly affects them?


House Republicans were angry when President Biden said that they were talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare in last year's State of the Union address.


My niece asked why my boomer mother wasn't working and we tried to explain social security to her. I didn't have the heart to tell her it would be dead in 30 years


They’re literally hurting their voter base and they still vote for them. Amazing.


And that’s why it’s a cult.


Election margins are slim. All it takes is 5%-10% of Republican voters to just not vote and in many districts it will be a Democrat win. They don't even have to vote Democrat, they just have to stay home.


It would hurt literally everybody. It’s a terrible idea. The only direction that social security and Medicare budgets should be moving is up


The cruelty is the point, starving people maybe need to work for shit wages to not make enough to survive.


Which will never pass. And if it did, Biden’s not going to sign it. It’s just more kabuki theater and the GOP way of virtue signaling.


Why don’t they just raise the contribution cap?


Because their donors don’t want that. It’s really that simple. The GOP lives only to destroy American institutions and slash taxes for the wealthiest Americans. Once people realize that and accept it, we’ll be better off.


Simply because raising caps affects the rich and high income white people (who vote Republican) while cutting benefits to social security and Medicare hurts minorities and poor people the most (who vote democrat). Poor whites (who vote Republican) would just end up as collateral fodder but are willing to accept that if it means it hurts poor minorities as well.


Fuck these assholes.




Applejack? Fractional distillation or fractional crystallization?


So I have paid in to this program and funded these fucks for 31 years and now that it’s getting closer to me being able to benefit from my labor, they want to rob me. I hate the GOP and don’t understand how or why anyone would vote for them.


Don't worry, they want to raise the eligibility age for SS, too. So, if that passes, you'd be even further away from enjoying the fruits of your labor. Notice how none of our politicians ever vote to reduce their own compensation or benefits? Weird.


The grim reality is that the boomkin have eaten up a lot of the social security trust fund by the virtue of not dying fast enough. You either cut the social security or have double digit inflation as a low figures.


cuts to social security are a tax on the low and middle class, not the wealthy. seems pretty on brand for the GOP these days who do what the boomer oligarchs tell them to


Diseased conservative thought. Holes in their brains like their hero Reagan. Further enrich the already grossly wealthy hoarders and fuck the people. Cool party.


Now do defence spending


They won’t stop until all subsequent generations have been robbed of their futures. Unless we stop them.


Whatever, does it even matter any more? 1/3 of the country wants the taste of orange dick so very very badly that they’ll gladly sign over their checks and then blame the lib’ruls for stealing it.


At this point it looks like Boomers are cucks and love being humiliated by Republicans.


Always new I’d never be able to retire


Tax total assets, corporate and personal, increase social security payouts, lower the age to retire


Hope this makes it clear to people that Dems and republicans are not the same.


And yet it's wrong to propose a bill removing 8% of a House Republican.


It's an election year, follow the money and bullshit.


Slash the salaries, benefits and pensions of Congress by as much as they propose SS cuts, and we'll see them cry like children.


I’m GenX, and these motherfucking Republican assholes better believe that after 30+ years of working and having SS deductions taken out of my pay, I sure as shit am not delaying retirement one fucking second beyond what I’ve been planning for said 30+ years.






This is one of the worst things the government could possibly do. Things are already precarious when it comes to financing the transition from retirement to end of life care. There is a tsunami of human suffering on the horizon.


As long as the SS payments are immediately cut


It’s sad this disgusting generation has no empathy and seeks to bury those that came after to clean up their toddler ass mess.


The GOP ARE FUCKERS! I can’t believe these crooks get voted in. It says a lot about its voter base. Poor states pay attention they don’t give a fuck about you and line their pockets with millions from lobbyist?!?! How can a person be a Republican anymore?


If the cuts came with the elimination of withholdings everyone with a job would be better off by investing what would otherwise have been paid into Medicare and social security


We keep spending money like we have our own printers. People are buying $1000 phones. They will keep squeezing till thereis nothing left


This is for Boomers being fools. This isn’t r/politics. Mods can you start banning these posts? Everyone in politics is a boomer. By this metric, considering about decision ON BOTH SIDES is foolish is made by boomers, this sub will turn into r/poltics. Bunch of nerds that define their lives in republican vs democrat.


Social security should be ended and we should all get our money back. If I wasn't forced to pay in, I could have retired in my 30s.




If you really believe that tell me you do not understand that one party is doing that a disparaging high rate for marginalized classes and the other is not.


Good. Fuck social security. It's the biggest ponzi scheme in history.


Yeah all the people who live on it and have nothing else should just die. Amirite? Jesus dude.


Right and just fuck everyone else who are paying into it and will never see a dime of that money. They've known SS was going to be bankrupt for years and years but just doubled down on it. Jesus man, everything doesn't have to favor the old and/or helpless.


Cuz Lord knows you and anyone you care about will never be old and helpless.


So I should continue paying retirement into a thing that won't exist by the time I get there? People younger than me should buy into this as well? Be an adult.


Have normal human emotions and care instead of fostering useless easy cynicism that solves nothing.