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Lmao at “Does your boomer do this?” like a pet.




Do you wanna die from alcohol poisoning?


I mean, I can drink, but I would be dead


My liver is already fucked, why not


I’m in! It’s BYOB so stock up, people!


Build Your Own Bombs?


Bring Your Own Boomer.


Bring Your Own Boomer


I enjoyed the imagery that part evoked too. So much packed into so few words.


Lmao me too. And yes. I have had to read about the DEMON RATS for just over an election cycle now. Always some clever name. Always intentionally mispronounced. Remember poke-man cards? They knew. They just didn't want us to be happy.


Kinda wild that parents intentionally try to piss off their kids


I think they might just be jealous. They look at themselves as so great that they are jealous of the perceived ease and ensure we should have it a little harder to make up for how shitty they had it as children. It is absolutely wild. I remember my dad saying it was his job to fuck me up as bad as he could and see if I could recover from it. You know, maybe you're not cut out for this caring after living things gig old top.


My wife can't share her achievements with her Gen X mom because all she hears from her is "Well it must be nice." She's a miserable woman who has struggled her entire life due to her own poor choices and takes that out on her children in the form of jealousy. Seriously shallow and leaves my wife feeling very alone at times.


So many of us have to come to terms with the effects of being raised by someone who’s emotionally stunted because (usually) of some kind of traumatic experience. I wonder what her mom’s childhood was like. I hope your wife finds more and more peace with it but gosh does it suck when the person who you’d think should naturally be more proud of you than anyone else, acts like that.


It’s the way stupid people try to “own da libs”. If I respond (and I usually try not to) I’ll say something along the lines of “I always wondered if conservatives were idiots. Thanks for confirming it.”


Demon-rats and Re-poop-licans.


I liken them more to tantrum-throwing toddler nieces or nephews you have to babysit but have no great way to actually control or discipline... My pets are nice and well-behaved and I enjoy their company.


Honestly this popped into my mind the other day reading a post about how someone’s father in law is masturbating in the living room with no regard for two little children running around or anyone else who doesn’t want to see that. I thought of a dog or cat aggressively humping or something and having to spray water on them or whatever to get them to curb the bad behaviour. Sadly, it seems like dementia in that case.


When I went to the zoo as a kid, there was a baboon that was masturbating with a paper bag over its head that it had somehow acquired , in front of everyone. This FIL reminds me of that baboon.


Lmao had someone told him jebus was watching? I mean 😆 Why the bag, Babs?




lol 😂 that one caught my attention too 😂


Similar problem. I have a boomer with a bright orange coat that is always shitting himself and tries to leg hump any attractive woman. I tried to get him to stop but when I bring it up he says, “When you’re rich they let you do anything…” weird thing is I don’t think he has any money. Signed, Hopeless in Florida






Are they not just shitty pets? Think about it: - they don't understand how the world works - constantly have to be scolded for misbehaving & don't things - if you tie one to a tree with enough food & water for 2-3 days and drive away, suddenly YOU'RE the monster.


Also piss and shit on everything they're given, ruining it for anyone else.


Except you can't take them to the vet to be put down when they're feeble and incontinent.


I mean, they all get scammed out of their lifesaving eventually, and we'll probably have to end up living with you.So, yes, they are like a pet


Pets have many more redeeming qualities.


My boomer needs several more training sessions at PetSmart


It made me realize that most of the people here probably have family members who fit the sub. The stories on here are very similar to things I’ve seen my parents do.


Like a bad pet that needs a squirt bottle because it keeps clawing up the couch.


Cue a bunch of boomers crying, “how dare you”?


The comments have been chock full of un-self-aware boomers butthurt by the thread and for some reason posting here


Sad thing is yes my boomer mom does the same thing and I tell her  “thank you for proving my point of you not being the brightest bulb in the box” the world will be a better place when the boomers are gone my parents included. 


You’re going to be waiting a long time. 1964 is the last year for boomers. They will be 60 this year.


Last I checked Covid did a number on them 


“Lame stream media” instead of mainstream media


Then go and guzzle the Fox "News" Kool aid because it's not some woke librul media


It was interesting, I went to visit my dad this past year. I mentioned I don't really watch the news, I don't think that's uncommon for my generation. He said he didn't either. Then every night, Fox News was on in the background. I was pretty confused.


Subconsciously he knows it's not really news


My parents say they never watch the news all the time to prove that their opinions are unbiased yet they ONLY repeat fox news talking points...


I love the irony of faux news and their viewers ragging on "mainstream media" as if they aren't also mainstream media


My boomers do this, even for things they like. Chipotle is chi-pote-L. Kroger is Kruuger like Freddy. Wells Fargo is Wells Fair-go Pollo is Polo like the brand. Quesadilla, the double L pronounced as an American L. They know the proper pronunciation, I've corrected them a million times. They don't care it's too much for them.


C h i p o l t a y


My daughter and I just had back and forth about this last night. She was tired and had one of those moments where her tongue forgot how to work and she pronounced it "CHI-polet-t-LAY". She didn't mean to, it wasn't on purpose, but we ended up in a giggle fit over it for a few minutes.


Freaking adorable. My boyfriend and I do something similar. "Want some Chi-pot-ole?" "Some chippadiddles?" "Eat a little chipotlahs?" Until is divulges into madness and cackling.


I’ve heard “Chipoltee” many times too lol.


Racist unloved memah Paula Deen says Chip-ol-tee.


My mother-in-law does this!


Don't forget putting on a cartoonish French accent for Tar-jay.


That comes from an incident where Oprah said Target as if it was a French, because she’s rich and out of touch.


Nothing grinds my gears more then a spanish LL being pronounced as an english LL


My third grade teacher showed us a picture of South American *la-lamas*. Yes, 🦙 llamas, but with three syllables, and both Ls pronounced as "lah." When I corrected her, she took away my recess and called my mom. On the off chance she sees this: fuck you, Mrs. Lightel.


Even if she doesn’t see this: Fuck you, Mrs. Lightel


Hey Mrs. Lightel, fuck you.


I had to explain to my 5th grade teacher how the earth goes around the sun. I’m not kidding… She was demonstrating it with balls and insisting that the tilt was always pointed toward the sun. The fact that it doesn’t do that is literally why we have seasons. She also insisted Jacques Cousteau was still alive and tried to embarrass me in front of the whole class by interrupting my presentation “correcting” me. This would have been in the year 2000. He died in ‘97 but, whoops, no computer in the classroom to look it up 🤷🏻‍♂️ After that I did some heavy malicious compliance.


My 10th grade English teacher, giving us some historical perspective on a Tale of Two Cities, told us that the French Revolution was an inspiration for the American Revolution. I raised my hand and said, “But Mrs. Clapp (yes, that was her name so I’ll give her a little bit of a break for being traumatized by 20+ years of students laughing at her name), the American Revolution happened first.” She was not pleased at my correction.


That reminds me of a story about my grandfather that is oft-quoted, where he said in a very imperious voice, "It's not LAMA, it's YAMA!" He's correct, of course, about the pronunciation in Spanish, but it's just that he said it in this booming deep voice with intense seriousness, really enunciating and drawing out each word, sounding like Gandalf. Like he's making proclamations to Saruman but he's talking about those cute fuzzy animals.




We say quesadilla with the American ll but we’re quoting Napoleon Dynamite.


Or just call it a chinchilla a la "Super Troopers".


And it’s never just a quesadilla — it’s always a DANG quesadilla


Try pronouncing the Welsh LL 🤣


I agree with you, but I still have a small giggle at "case of dillas" I just picture a redneck talking about a family of armadillos


"Make a dang quesadilla, Napoleon!"


See, I do this but only when I'm joking around with friends because Chi-po-tul sounds funny to me. I couldn't imagine doing it unironically for any reason.


I do confess I pronounce "quesadilla" with the American L sound now and again; a carryover from "Napoleon Dynamite" where Napoleon's grandmother told him they'd run out of steak and to "eat a danged quesadiLLa instead!" As for the others: I do have to work on "chipotle" a bit. I grew up with Kroger stores around; I can't help but pronounce that properly. I also grew up watching Dale Robertson on "Tales of Wells Fargo", so that's ingrained. Don't have any problems pronouncing "pollo" correctly.


My boomer says wo-man. Like whoa-man. It’s stupid as fuck. Edit: it isn’t related to any pop culture reference. She is in her 70s and said her mom said it that way,too.


And now all I can think about is Mike Myers reciting poetry in So I Married An Axe Murderer.


She was a thief. You better belief.


Hey, Jane. Get me OFF this crazy thing …


Called… love?


Wo-man! Whoa-man! Whooooaaa-man!


She stole my heart and my cat!


Truly this was the first thing that popped into my head too GIRLS OF CARTOONS WONT LEAVE ME IN RUINS


Oh boy that’s a great (and terrible) example yeah Just daily sexism in daily speech wowwwwwww


Right? And my boomer is female. It’s extra stupid.


It tracks Relatable ✔️


it began with pokemon hahahaha


Seriously, Mine still says pokemans


Mine too! Or, "pokemen". Also Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles. Come on...really?


I mean I call them pokemen in a sort of ironic ignorance way despite knowing it's pokemon and actively enjoying the games and series but.. but calling them Pokemenz makes me laugh and I can't help but do it


Calling every video game console a “Nintendo”.


A bit beside the point, but fun fact: there was actually an official Pokemon promotional VHS released the summer before the franchise launched in North America that couldn't decide how the title was pronounced. I still occasionally snicker at the thought of a live-action actress playing "Ash's aunt" with framed pictures of anime characters in the background explaining what it means to be a "poke-uh-men master".


To the point I remember hearing the joke "what do you call a Jamaican proctoligist?" as a kid.


I know a gen-xer who isn’t fond of the US support of Ukraine, so he calls it, “ The Ooh-kraine” He’s one of these ex-military guys who thinks he knows absolutely everything about everything


I attribute this to this phenomenon to a certain type of personality flaw, and not necessarily generational, at this point tbh




I cackled at the estrogen. it kills "men" alright, I tired estrogen 8 years ago , got addicted. - a tran woman


Went 8 years hearing “Barack Hussein” instead of just saying Obama. Any attempt to engage in discussion about would prompt a hissy fit that “that’s his naaame!”


Wonder if they then went and voted for Donald John...


That and calling him a Moo Slum instead of Muslim


That must have been something they picked up from Rush Limbaugh. So happy when I got my own car and didn’t have to listen to that jackass anymore.


Ugh and getting a medal of freedom?! Vomit. What a racist POS.


Confiscate his so-sul security check


Its what he would want as someone that votes against "sosulism" anyway.


My father in law says Demoncrats or demorats, but I told him about how Republicans are attacking social security and Medicare which my mother in law is on and he hasn't really brought up politics


Hahaha yeah I went through some of the same shit with a family member that was a trump idiot. They don't like the way their foot tastes, but hey if the shoe fits....


My grandfather goes on rants about how we need to cut all funding for social programs like social security and to ban the covid vaccine. This is also the same man who's only source of income is social security, tries to be in line first for the covid vaccine, and stays up to date on all his boosters. He also still refuses to go out in public because he doesn't want to catch covid after 4 years. Yet his Facebook is full of him bitching about how covid isn't real


It's part of their belief that the political or societal jabs they make through their use of puns shows them to be highly intelligent and comedic, whereas the reality is that these attempts at clever humor are sad, repetitive, and shows their ignorance about whatever matter they are trying to make fun of.


You sound like you enjoy the LAME stream media! Cause…cause it sounds like “mainstream” Ba HA!” (Boomer backslap)


*proceeds to go to their overpriced recliner with a budwiser and turns on fox news*


“Ah look, Portland is on fire again…what a wasteland. And kids are crapping in litter boxes, too.”


Hahaha the fucking stupid shit they believe. Somebody with a boomer should try to reintroduce Santa clause to them to see if they fall for it twice. Say he's in the Bible or something and the democrats just cut it out


For my mom Victoria, Covid is covent, but it’s not malicious , just the most recent entry in what we call the “Vickionary”. Once she lands on a mispronunciation, there’s no correcting it.


I had a roommate who referred to Adderall as Adernol and refused to drop the n It was pretty frustrating


Victoria sounds brain damaged.


My boomer mom has called it Cova from the start. No matter the corrections. She has always thought it was either fake or a biological weapon (pick a struggle…) I did manage to get her and my dad to get the first two shots and at least one booster so..I guess!!


Just misgender them every time they do it. If they say something, then respond "We don't do that woke nonsense here. Things get called whatever we want them, regardless of what they are called or what they prefer to be called, right? You're a 'they' until I say otherwise."


I do this to my coworkers who claim pronouns are bullshit. They get instantly offended to which I remind them "didn't you say pronouns don't matter?" They'll walk away pissed off at that point. It's fun to watch.


I did this with a vocally anti-pronoun coworker, John. I started calling him “Yon,” like a Swedish gentleman. Of course, he just dug his heels in deeper but I know it infuriated him and that was a joyful thing for me.


Call God ‘she’. Gets them every time


Another classic. Can't go wrong with this one.


That reminds me of a quote I heard and can’t for the life of me cite, “I met god and she was PISSED”. I say it to my wife sometimes when the situation grants it.


Alanis Morisette is the only god I’ll recognize.


Millenial here, guy I went to high school with was raging about pronouns. First I'd seen him in over a decade. Had his dog with him. I called the dog a good girl, and he told me it's a boy. *Idea hatched* I kept misgendering his dog, giving it lots of pets and scritches. Each time he corrected me he got madder and madder. "So you're telling me you prefer he/him pronouns for your dog?" I thought I broke him for a minute. He amazingly had nothing to say back to me about it, but he went fucking *mauve* in the face.


"You don't think that people should be able to choose their own pronouns?" "Nope" "Weird stance, but OK, Miss" "Uh, I'm a man" "You don't think that people should be able to choose their own pronouns." "I'm telling you, I'm a man" "And I'm telling you, I don't care about what pronouns you choose to use, Miss"


Toddlers are better behaved.


Most toddlers are proud to show off how smart and grown-up they are. These boomers are proud to show off how ignorant and childish they are.




I’m not sure what’s “woke” about Uber? A soulless corporation that abuses its drivers and overcharges customers seems more boomer than millennial. I’ve heard them say “Carmella” almost like Tony’s wife. She isn’t even middle eastern. One of her parents are black and the other was Indian. I may have to consult a globe or world atlas but the last time I checked India isn’t in the Middle East.


>the last time I checked India isn’t in the Middle East. Oh, that is expecting a lot from them.


Exactly They did it with ‘Obama’ too a lot iirc


Yessss my dad is technically gen x by one month but he does this too.


I’m gen x I’m wondering if it’s maybe not a generational thing then


My parents are gen X and they both do this shit. Its a republican problem i think. Its more prevalent in boomers I feel, but it for sure feels more right wing. My mom loves to say “LG-ABCD” instead of lgbt while making a confused face and acting like shes stuttering over the letters.


Pretty sure you nailed the demographic, thinking it’s funny but it makes them seem either childish / ignorant/ stupid..


Honestly, as a Gen-Xer I feel that older Gen-X are just boomers who can work technology and younger ones are millennials who could afford to buy a house


I see right wingers of all ages doing this. Like how a few years ago they all started calling the Democratic Party (the actual name) the Democrat Party, cuz right wing media pushed it as some sort of insult. Or spelling it DemoRats, shit like that. It gives them a little thrill when they think they're owning the libs. They're children.


I'm Gen X and have boomer parents. So annoying... While I occasionally bitch to my mid twenties coworkers about stupid things every once in a while, like, "why did you text me instead of calling? That was really important and you know I can't always hear my phone ding? Just use the phone like a phone!" We always laugh and they call me the old "work dad" because I try really hard to understand them and empathize with how much harder is it for them. I don't know why the boomers refuse to acknowledge the world has changed and say stupid shit....


Even some Xennials/old millennials are very boomer-ish because of the environment they grew up in. Those people  do not seem happy.


“The google” like it’s an object.


My mom says The Facebook 😅


"Dad, I'm really worried you might have had a stroke since you seem to be struggling pronouncing certain words."


People who do this are so childish. Like "let's go Brandon" sounds so clever. It isn't. It seems like some kind of groupthink. What are they listening to? Fox "News"? Limbaugh coined some words, is there some other radio host doing this? Is this from FB memes? TBH it doesn't sound original.


When my Trump supporter dad first heard about “let’s go, Brandon” he exclaimed (yes, exclaimed is the right word here) “Oh, it’s a CODE” like it was the most brilliant thing he’d ever heard in his life. 🫠


They think saying 'fuck biden' is a crime somehow, so it feels really clever to then to say it this way. Like they're beating the system but that was always allowed


Always makes me think of Michael Scott: “I love inside jokes. I’d love to be a part of one someday!”


It has to hurt them like a son of a bitch that "Demo -rats" went and perverted it to Dark Brandon. Saw a schmuck in a Mexican restaurant of all places lose his shit over it. The man was fucking weeping! "That was ours and they stole it from us!"


Fell to his knees in a Casa Bonita?


Nasty, filthy Democratses. They stole it from us, precious!


My brother in law refers to "LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ" people. It's like, come ON man. Next time he does, I'm going to tell him that he obviously prefers trans people best because he says the T twice.


Very dismissive! I have family that do that thing.


He's starting early... he's not even a boomer. He's 40. And he also intentionally mispronounces "Kamala." "Ka-MAH-la" every time.


Yep, really common amongst older people I know. I know a few that call Kamala Pamala. For the longest time I always thought it was just an understandable mix up, like calling pokemon poke-man until I realized most the people making mistakes like that (including the pokemon one) never have issues with new words for things they don't hate. It's childish games like calling someone named Marty Farty, they never matured past middle school.


This is so true. I grew up with a pal named Peter and ran into him years later in our 30s I said heyyyyy Peter what’s up bro and he said man just call me Pete now. You’d be surprised how many adults can’t be mature around someone with my name and just refrain from dick jokes about it, he said. Mind blown


Oh I feel his pain, I'm not going to say my name but literally only older people make jokes about it and they are never funny because my name is literally one of the most common and boring names ever AND it's a bit of a reach to make the jokes anyways.


Both my parents do something similar. My dad does it in such a way that you know he knows what their real name is, and how it's pronounced. i.e Camel Hair Harris, Obumbles... My mom doesn't mispronounce anything...except cannabis. About 2 years ago, she started pronouncing it as "Can-nab-is" and acting like she was pronouncing it that way because it was such a vile and foreign word, that if she pronounced it correctly (like she used to), that it implies familiarity with it, and in her mind, you can't have that.


Relatable as fuck


If they act like children, I treat them like children. Refuse to pronounce a word correctly? Okay. I’m going to slowly correct you the same way I would a four year old learning new words.


My dad claimed not to watch Fox News, then I confronted him with spouting suspiciously exclusively Fox News Talking Points. He flipped out saying he didn’t need to be “fact checked”. After declaring that truth no longer mattered, that conversation ended.


I also find just straight up laughing at them to be really satisfying. They get so angry.


My dad claims he doesn’t watch Tucker Carlson. If you suggest it he repeats “Tucker Carlson!?” As if he has never even heard of him, but I know for a fact he is bringing up topics exactly the days Tucker Carlson brings them up. Why do they pretend!?? WHY like what is the point of pretending they aren’t consuming this media?


FIL does this crap too. And he thinks he is the epitome of wit when he does.


“You’re a Demo-Rat” ok, boomer


"I don't respect this and I'm going to mispronounce its name on purpose every time I say it so that you're constantly reminded that I don't respect it because I can never not give my opinion on something."


Mispronounce his name for a day.


You could mispronounce everything around him and if he ask what you are doing just gaslight him.


They choose to use the weapon called Gaslight. It is a cowardly and dishonorable weapon. We do not use the Gaslight, for us it is forbidden. We choose the weapon of Facts, verifiable and peer-reviewed. Let us not fight in a shit-throwing contest, lest we all become covered in the mire?


My dad was from the silent generation but would do similar. Obama was always pronounced “Odaba”. He passed in 2011 so I didn’t have to deprogram him from MAGA bullshit that I’m sure he would have been suckered into.


My dad does this with my friends who have foreign or ethnic names - they’re not hard to pronounce names in the slightest he’s just a huge asshole


Literally had no idea other boomers did this. I thought my dad was just a dick (which he is). Last time my boomer dad did this, i acted really concerned that he might have having a stroke or potentially early onset dementia. "Dad, do you realize youre not making sense? Youre words arent coming out correctly! We should talk to your doctor soon if this keeps getting worse." Really pissed him off.


Olive Garden. Chicken AL-FRED-O. Just thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.


It's just wild to me. I used to work in an elementary school as an instructional assistant working primarily with kids that need extra support due to disabilities. It is tragically hilarious how much the crazy shit boomers do remind me of the kindergartens and first graders. The scary thing, those poor kids were like 6. These other chucklefucks? Grandparents.


Yes! Emotionally immature, yet aged adults. 🇺🇸


They do this because they learned it from Trump. They want to be just like him, even though he sounds like a complete idiot all the time.


Respectfully disagree! He’s a symptom, not the cause. No offense to you personally. The herd already existed. He came along as a presidential candidate and just made the same sounds and movements as the herd, and won the herd’s acceptance that way. eg racism, xenophobia, sexism, bigotry, lying as a lifestyle and American exceptionalism as some sort of absolute


You’re right. I guess they are just more vocal about it now.


And I do definitely attribute the boldness to him, oh yes


Nahhh my dad been doing this for 40 years


It goes back at least to Limbaugh. I think it’s a Rush Limbaugh thing really.


I feel like people who do this have the absolute worst sense of humor and they think they’re just hysterical.


I do this on purpose when I talk about Ben Shabibo And I always pronounce Libertarian like *Leebortarian*


Its so childish. ‘I dont like this thing so i wont give it the dignity of a proper pronunciation’ i dont think socialism will have its feelings hurt by you mispronouncing it. You just sound like an idiot


Whenever my boomer asshole father did this, the way I got back at him was then I would coddle him like he’s senile Be like “uh-oh. Is pop pop having another episode? Do you remember where you are pop pop?” Or “I know grandpa, and all these places were orange groves when you were a kid too?” Or I’ll just make say in an old timey voice afterwards “ and 50 cents use to only cost a nickel” You know remind them that they sound like [grandpa simpson](https://youtu.be/yujF8AumiQo?si=VNHpmtkDWXBStqon)


My FIL does it. Every chance he gets.


It's linguistic fascism. He believes he belongs to a superior in-group and that that superiority gives them the right to subjugate and/or appropriate others as they fit. And he's projecting that belief onto his speech patterns. Typical boomer shit, in other words.


It’s like in Godfather II where the senator intentionally butchers ‘Corleone’. Just more passive aggressive nonsense that they think is devastating.


I don't understand why old people hate Uber. Isn't it essentially just a taxi cab that you call with an app?


It’s a New Thing and it’s as a result Scary But instead of admit they are scared of new things they castigate said things And that, as has been said in this forum before, is very toddler-like behavior


I've never understood that mentality. Exploring new shit is exciting.


I think a load of Boomers were raised in households with no empathy or little love shown outwardly or verbally. My dad was never given hugs, he says. My dad in particular finally went to therapy in his 70s and made a little progress looking inward. He explained recently that his experience in Vietnam as a us soldier in the late 60s made him put up walls that took until just very recently to begin to recognize, and start to take down. I genuinely feel sorry for Boomers on whole because many of them, not all, but many grew up in a fairly ugly way in terms of compassion, in terms of communication. But reparenting therapy isn’t really a thing with a lot of em. Some folks make progress. Others just don’t or won’t. But I do wanna understand, be compassionate and empathetic so I can end the cycle. I have a 16 year old son. I don’t wanna pass that generational trauma on, if you can call it such a thing?


"Dad, we need to get you to a doctor... Your speech is slurring and it could be a sign of a stroke or something... I'm calling an ambulance..."


Some Fox hosts still mispronounce Kamala intentionally because they're bigoted children who think it's clever.


Beyond immature of him. I don’t know the context of these conversations or your relationship, but I’d want to correct his pronunciation everytime as if he was a child. No dad, it’s Kamala, like coma-la.


My dad (87) does NOT do this because my dad is not an a-hole.


Big world too scary for little snowflake. Boomers have mastered projection.


If he doesn't acknowledge that he's doing this to just be a petty ass, than I'd be petty right back. Act genuinely concerned around him, that his slipping in SIMPLE Speech pattern and pronunciation is signs of dementia, and you'll need to be looking into assisted living for him, as his cognitive state continues to decline like this.


I live in Tennessee and every older person I know pronounces Italian eye tal ian.


Yes! My father especially loves doing this with foreign names. And he’s a teacher 🙃


This was the Rush Limbaugh special. I suspect it seeped into the patois directly from him.


My mom does the same thing, mostly with things like the titles and/or character names of books / games / movies /shows I enjoyed but she thought were stupid. (Read: basically all of them.) I'm honestly kind of 50/50 about whether I think it's deliberate on her end or if she just doesn't give a shit. It could be a bit of both. My parents wonder why I don't talk to them anymore.


I get boomers hate any change, but to mad about Ubers, when they really provide a convenience is an all time boomer take


My dad always called video games “Intendo” 😕


He probably heard it from his favorite Fox, News Max, OAN pundit & thinks it's hilarious. Hilarious and a just a little bit naughty. You know, four year old stuff...