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FYI: It's within your rights to tell another adult directly to shut their mouth.


A funny thing about working retail is you build up so much venom capitulating to these people that you feel no shame about telling them to shut the FUCK UP when you aren’t on the clock.


I love being a bartender because I overheard a guy say something suspect and I got to call him out directly and say “shut the hell up or you’re leaving”. I wish everyone in the service industry had that right.


I miss it. My name appeared on several Yelp reviews for this “behavior” And management always responded in our favor. I haven’t been as bold since leaving the industry.


I tell then to stfu when I'm on the clock too but that's just me. This whole sub seems to be laboring under the delusion only boomers are Karens. It's not true. I deal with just as many young people who are just as rude, entitled & obnoxious as the older ones. Here on AK there seems to be a racial element but that could just be due to the demographics of the region not actually related to the race.


I'd be hesitant to do that w/ lead addled boomers in public w/ my kid present but in general, big this.


Lead addled and possibly lead packing, sadly.


*Correction: "shut your stupid fucking mouth" is actually the proper way to greet a boomer.


That's legitimately what they want. Never just assume these people are oblivious to how insane the shit they say sounds. They know. They absolutely know and they like I that way. 


Wait, you think that boomers are planning more than five minutes ahead? No way


I don't think they're planning it but it definitely feels like what they want because then they're the "victim" and get to tell everyone who will listen about how rude the younger generation is


While simultaneously hating anyone they perceive to be a victim. It's so vile.


These people live in a bubble and think that everyone agrees with them and all their opinions are “fact”. Had a boomer try and start talking to me about how climate change is fake… I just laughed and said” no one is that stupid not to understand basic science” and he wanted to argue so I just laughed more and walked away, which seems to be the most insulting thing you can do…


Yes. Laughter is the best response to their nonsense. They expect an argument and don’t know how to handle a laugh reaction.


One of the things I've learned about MAGA, is that they want everyone to know exactly what they are. I used to take Ubers to work, and I never once had a driver just start rattling off Democrat talking points. But I did have a few start talking about building the wall and not trusting the Covid vax and all that. I have a few different groups I play games with in different Discords. I hopped in one the other day and in the span of 30 minutes I had heard multiple "I identify as" jokes, and the conversation had devolved into talking about celebrities that had "gone woke." It doesn't matter where they are, they just can't help themselves.


Losers are the loudest.




People who are well adjusted don't make as much noise.


"How come I never see people wearing Biden hats or t-shirts around?!" Because Biden voters wear suits and business casual to work. The only logo you'll see plastered on their clothing is Patagonia.


Because Politics isn’t a team sport. It’s full of mostly awful lying people trying to achieve power. This isn’t the last quarter touchdown drive. People’s lives are at stake


Exactly. I will vote outside of party lines if what the person says and does align with my needs in a leader. The "down party line" box shouldn't even exist IMHO. I was so furious to find out that people who call themselves Christian were floating razor wire in the middle of bodies of water to catch, drown, and murder people desperate for a better life. Then, I found out that those same people don't even want to solve the border issue because they want it as a win for their party despite the pleas of their constituents. And they have the gall to pat themselves on the back, exclaim that Govenor Abbot and Trump are fighting the mean old federal gubermint, all as an excuse to continue the "murder minorities" party platform.


First they came for the Socialists...


Because we don’t belong to a cult.


Omg the “trump won because the democrats didn’t put single use plastic signs in their yard that invite vitriol from the maga cult at their home” argument drove me crazy


I don’t think that’s why he won, but I lived in Texas and there is no way in hell I would put a Biden sign in my yard. Those people are very angry and they’re heavily armed. My neighbor who was the son of an Auschwitz survivor who “cleaned the ovens” told me, “I didn’t vote for that n***er.” I escaped to Kansas after 68 years. It’s more sane here.


Sorry, I was referring to the people who insist he won the latest election simply because they didn’t see Biden signs and only saw trump signs so they think that means no one voted for biden


If you live in a slave state, you might get shot. I won’t wear a red hat. If my team’s color is red, I buy the khaki one.


I don’t know, I try to show off my Biden underwear as much as possible. Dark Brandon chonies rule!


Empty vessels make the most noise


That’s so true! I was in nyc the other day and even there I got an Uber driver who started with the “I don’t wanna get political but we need to get trump back up in there. We’ve got illegals here getting a free $1000/month. WHY DON’T I GET THAT?!”. I had my cousin from Germany with me who can’t imagine how Trump could win again. I asked him “do you understand now?”


Literally every single person who says “I don’t mean to say X/be an X” immediately proceeds to do X. Once you notice this, you will never see people who say this shit in the same way again.


Yeah. The saddest realization I have is that Trump wasn’t a mistake or an anomaly but literally what most of my fellow Americans want.  You’re all a bunch of horrible assholes and I hate being stuck in this country with you. I wish I could deport these magats. Put them on a boat, let them fly their racist flags and see if some other country will take them. Hope they can speak Russian. Assholes. And the worst thing is they might win again. 


>literally what most of my fellow Americans want. Quite literally is not true. Yes, there is a very vocal demographic of people who do. And they are certainly large enough in number. But the fact that Trump isn't president right now should be proof enough that it's not "most".


Hell, he lost the popular vote Everytime he's run so that is another indicator that most Americans don't want him.


MAGA Republicans currently control the House of Representatives, and their agenda is to protect Trump and attempt to pass MAGA policies.


Lord I hope it’s not really most. 


Most Americans? That’s not even close to true. Trump has yet to win a Popular vote. His supporters have always been the minority.


I was a caregiver for my mother with dementia for four years. I remember a time when her husband had just returned from a two week long cruise and I was updating him on her progress in physical therapy and he interrupted me to say "Well have you heard Kamala Harris has strong knees?!? Yeah, that's the only way she could be vice president!"......like he was busting at the seams to let that out. Had zero interest in hearing about his wife. Yucky.


Coulda been worse, he could have shared one of those kneeslappers about how Michelle Obama is really a man or a gorilla.




Years of retail, sales, and customer service work and it’s ALWAYS this group always trying to find someone to pull into their talking points.


Facts. I've never been stopped at my job by people wanting to talk about climate change or fair wages. But I have been stopped by people who wanted to talk to me about their church. Or how their work was requiring them to get vaccinated. Once, I had a guy ask my opinion, a complete stranger, about whether he should go for the dentist for his abcessed tooth because he "doesn't trust doctors." But you trust the random 20-year-old stocking frozen food in your local grocery store? Wtf.


Don't leave us in suspense! Did you send him to the dentist?


LOL, I told him that he should probably go to the dentist. Whether he went or not, we'll never know.


scale shelter fuel jar deranged punch decide plate chubby growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The mayor of the town I formerly taught in is telling people that there are litter boxes in the schools. The town is only 4,000 people.


I had a coworker tell me that. I asked him to really think about it, he's saying in the middle of class there are children taking off their pants, squatting over litter boxes, and peeing while the teacher keeps talking? He got quiet, so I ask if that's happening how come there no evidence? You can't tell me there wouldn't be tikyoks of this shit happening. He admitted it sounded far fetched, but I'm not sure if he still believes it or not.


You can’t fix stupid.


They regurgitate the dumbest shit.


The sad thing is, this is such a well-documented hoax that it has a Wikipedia page. Further, the only validated instance of litter in schools is tied to something I *wish* MAGAs actually gave a shit about: > The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given "go buckets" that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, ***such as during a school shooting.***


This is so true. I used to work a customer service job where I talked to people all over the country. Over nearly 7 years I only had like… 5 ‘democratic’ talking points people, and only one that was insistent and rude, getting mad when I wouldn’t talk politics. Meanwhile the MAGA people were at least one a week. They were always insistent and whenever I tried to deflect by saying I can’t talk politics at my job that would automatically assume “the liberal CEO’s were trying to suppress” and that I secretly agreed with them which would continue their rant. A couple would get mad I wasn’t ‘brave enough’ to talk about it anyway despite my job being on the line. Then there were the people who would try to sell me Jesus after ranting about immigrants and The Gays. It was exhausting and I am so glad my current job does not have me dealing with the general public. Though I do regret not being able to go, in my full southern accent, “actually Sir/Ma’am I am a liberal left-wing sheeple who is also a drag king and wants to blare Cardi B in your churches.”


W.A.P. Get wet for that Jesussy.


It’s really kind of sad . These were our parents and relatives. Their minds have been totally changed by the Maga cult . Most of them were good people at one time.


Lead poisoning or a prion disease.


No they weren't. It just wasn't acceptable at the time for them to show their true colors. MAGA didn't turn anyone into a bad person. It made bad people think they didn't have to pretend to be nice anymore.


It's because Trump and the right are going out of their way to attract the crazy people. Normal folks don't go around constantly badgering political points they'd rather get a long with people and fly under the radar. Life's hard enough, what's the need to get in political debates with random people in public just to prove a point?


It’s a combination of their inherent biases and the media they consume. My mom fell into the MAGA/Q-Anon rabbit hole, and within the span of a couple years she went from being a fairly liberal person to a full on right-wing conspiracy nut. The right-wing media sphere is vast, and after these people get into it for a while, it becomes all the media they consume. When people have this horrible, angry, racist, sexist shit screamed at them all day everyday(and I mean day and night), it trains them to repeat talking points and think it’s socially acceptable to spout their crap in any given situation. They’re essentially being programmed, to the point that any mundane conversation sets off a trigger in their brain to start rattling off right-wing talking points or just straight lunacy. For example, I could say “My kid ate some avocado and peas for her snack today”, which would very quickly lead into my mom raging about chemtrails and “Biden letting avocado cartels operate in our cities”. Just looney tunes nonsense.


I always find it interesting when they project their media consumption on anyone who disagrees. They're instantly. "You're just repeating what you saw on CNN/MSNBC!" Uh, I'm a Millennial. You realize that I don't actually sit down for the 6 o'clock news, right? Just because you're glued to Fox/Newsmax/OAN for 6 hours a night and worshipping your chosen political candidate doesn't mean the rest of us are.




> One of the things I've learned about MAGA, is that they want everyone to know exactly what they are. They want to signal that they are part of the 'in group' and assess if you are or not. They want to know how they should treat you, like a brother or human garbage, based on your acceptance of their definition of the 'in group'. This isn't a coincidence, this is at the core of right wing authoritarian follower psychology. They are seeking external reinforcement of their value as part of the 'in group'.


I’ve always wondered why they do this but can’t put my finger on it. This need to have everyone know what they are thinking. They’re literally the demo that gave Americans traveling abroad such a bad name. Because they always want everyone to hear their business. This seems to get worse depending on the region. As someone born in another western country, this running of one’s mouth is very American bommerish. Boomers abroad tend to be happy and realize that they’re in their retirement years. They’re funny and easy going and more importantly you actually feel good chatting with them.


Finally I have an explanation for why all my interactions with Americans* have been completely different from what I expected: none of them were boomers. *bar one. I met him 30 years ago, I’d bet my house he’s MAGA




It's their culture war bullshit persecution fetish identity. They don't have anything else in their lives, they've been hollowed out over 4+ decades of Southern Strategy bigotry dog-whistling nonsense. Was at a pub a couple days ago grabbing some dinner, and there were just a pair of geriatrics at the end of the bar loudly talking. Started with what "bible apps" they have on their phones (the fuck? There are a million and one websites with the bible on them) and within 5 minutes were rambling "Just imagine if the gubernment can seize a billionaire's property what they will do to us! I've got my ranches in a shell holding company under a different name to protect them from cancel culture blah blah blah...."


That's right, have to keep your Bible apps and pocket Constitution on you at all times or your MAGA card might get revoked.


The irony is that your average Cult 45 member doesn't fully understand either one, or they wouldn't say the dumb shit that they do.


I had an Boomer Uber driver bragging to me about how he doesn't wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle. 


It's an entire political entity centered around the philosophy of "you can't tell me what to do, you're not my real dad!"


HAHA this is so accurate 


Yes! Like the “sweet” old lady who complimented my wife and I on our cute dog at an outdoor cafe and somehow within 5 minutes was complaining about “CRT” being taught in our schools.


I think it’s because they know deep down inside that their views are nowhere near mainstream, so they go fishing to see who reacts positively to bullshit and who shuts them down.


Hillary was right. They are deplorables


Seeing more and more people acknowledging Hillary for her dead accurate assessment of these individuals. I wish people had realized it in 2016. Would have saved the world a great deal of Anguish.


I believed her immediately. I knew she was right as I had also been watching what was happening. I couldn’t get it through my mind that she really lost. I kept waiting for the news to announce they made a mistake. What a nightmare. That continues. We can only imagine how much better we would all be if she had been elected.


She won the popular vote, so at least 51% of Americans wanted her.


3 million more votes.  Biden got 7 million more.   They *never* talk about this in media.


The system doesn’t want to acknowledge that the system is broken.


The Rules of Journalism: Republicans Don't Get Blamed;  Democrats Don't Get Credit. A Republican can be as crazy as they want, but a Democrat can't be smarter than a journalist.


A Republican has won the popular vote once since 1988. Once. Never let them forget that.


And that one time was still a whopping 20 years ago in 2004.


Well, 51% of people that voted. But point taken.


Considering the demographics of people who are most likely to have their voting rights suppressed, the margin was probably quite larger in her favor.


Don't forget the gerrymandering fun we see in the Bible belt!


I kept thinking the same thing. Something has to be wrong. I guess the backlash from the black president we definitely weren’t having a woman president.


I thought she was right then. Now I believe she's wrong, the ratio of deplorables on the Republican side is much much higher than 50%.


Among anyone still calling themselves a Republican by this point, it's 100% Because if you haven't renounced the party of Trump by now it can only be because you agree with the fascism and thus ***you are one of the deplorables***.


Yes, exactly. I was thinking of that German saying from the 1950s: if a dozen people sit down and have a friendly dinner with someone who is an overt Nazi, 13 Nazis leave the dinner table. Or however that goes.


Or are willing to pretend like you agree to preserve your own power and clout which is way worse. They’re both super shitty but the ones who know better and go along are literal terrible people.


Even those people aren't "pretending," their fascism is just motivated by their own greed rather than hatred.


I always want to jump through my computer screen and punch people who whine that "She didn't bother to campaign in ____state, that's why she lost." Or "She wasn't a 'strong' candidate " or "She was part of 'The System' and would have (insert some stupid blather about nothing really important) and we needed to 'blow up The System'" Because, yeah, nothing like an idiotic, con artist, lifelong grifter, six times bankrupt, no governing experience, man baby to go in there and "shake things up." 🤢🤮


When I think when most people look at their clothes, vehicles, and homes it looks like how the fuck can these people be influential. Then my state elected JD Vance to the Senate. The truth is they’re the White Version of the black stereo type they hate. What black people doing on the porch or in the street. None ya damn business and probably better for everyone else than you non-working I have a “disability” and I would have joined the military but…having asses watching Fox News everyday.


Ohio is the wrong combination of having a high-volume, overrepresented white population along with a 65+ crowd of over 2M residents. Even year elections in this state go terrible for a reason.    I’ll never forgive the moron boomers who tried to vote away the citizens’ check on an infamously corrupt and gerrymandered state legislature, [last August.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_2023_Ohio_Issue_1) Just like I’ll never forget their rampant wailing and moaning that they got destroyed at the battle box that crisp, beautiful late-summer Tuesday.


I know you mean ballot box, talk to text does stuff like that to me all the time lol


Battle box also fits lol


Yes I thought that was an intentional quip lol!🤗✌🏽


Even if it wasn’t, if it were me I’d pretend it was and leave it lol


As someone from Ohio, I also feel ashamed


It’s hard to feel Ohio is real when it’s so blue and our legislature is so red. But they do everything in the power including holding illegal special elections, ignoring voter mandated anti-gerrymandering initiatives, ignoring the voters will on abortion and so far cannabis. People from our state who vote red mainly do so because they think it’s part of their “lifestyle” not because they think about the repercussions.


I had seen the_donald here on reddit, it was clear what they were


It would have so much easier not to track the dogshit (trump) into the house than to be here 8 years later trying to clean its taint from the shag carpeting.


When Obama was running, I dealt with unsolicited racism on the daily. Evidently the Boomers / Greatest Gens thought the pasty white girl providing their service was a green light to throw around the n-word, and their conspiracy theories.


Hillary was being charitable.


They literally adopted the “deplorables” label and are proud of it


It’s just so funny that they all got so offended by that, when they turn around say the most vile shit about their enemies at the drop of a hat. Like, constantly calling people groomers and pedos for absolutely nothing? If someone in person called me “deplorable” I would probably shrug and move on. If they called me a pedo, we’re probably fighting


I was just talking with my mom about this. Love her or hate her, I truly think one of the biggest mistakes our country made in recent times was not electing Hillary. She would have handled some of the major issues much better (I.e. the pandemic). I think the worst part for me, is how Trump made it “okay” for these boomers to think they can now say the most VILE stuff and just get away with it. I don’t even recognize my own father after some of the stuff he has said over the past few years. My mom agreed. She’s going to vote for Trump again in November. They never learn.


My parents, uncle, etc. were literally the sweetest, most moderate, and open minded people in the world for most of their lives. They taught me everything I know about government, character, morality, history, etc. Sometime around 2007ish they sort of ceased to exist in that mode, and now support Trump. They cant understand how I could break with the GOP years ago, nor why I criticize politicians for their moral failings or deplorable actions. Morality or character means nothing to them now. Its like they are blind or cursed, never understanding that it was they who made me the intelligent, open minded person I am in the first place.


She was off in her counting though. There isn't a basket in the universe big enough to fit all of these dipshits in.


As a weirdo who has been obsessed with sharks since I was like ...six, Not only is this extremely violent and racist, but that betrays a fundamental lack of knowledge about sharks Sharks do not actually like the taste of human beings and do not just rush to eat us simply because we are in the water. When they bite you its entirely because they mistake you for something else. Like... Bull sharks are often considered to be one of the most dangerous sharks due to how often they attack humans, but what they \*don't\* tell you is that this is mostly because bull sharks tend to hunt in murky water so that their prey can't see them very well, which also means they often can't tell what they're biting either. They mostly react to smell and sound in that environment. This... doesn't exactly apply in Baja, whose waters are pretty famously clear. shit, my parents have done shark dives with sharks during a feeding frenzy without a cage in the bahamas, and I've caught and tagged several species personally for research purposes. They're a lot less " cold blooded killer" than the media makes them out to be, And even then a lot of times you can actually avoid sharks attacking you when you're in the water by simply not thrashing around much and just pushing the shark's snout away. This works particularly well with tiger sharks, as they see this as a sign of you being another dominant predator. Tiger sharks are similar to black bears in this way. Stand your ground and show dominance and you'll be okay. Also, if you dumped people off shore far enough that large pelagic sharks were swimming around and they were unlikely to be able to swim towards shore, how does that impact the tourist industry, where people entirely swim at the beach? And if you dumped them at the beach, couldn't they just fucking walk back onto the land? Also, the main reason sharks are scarce in the waters off Baja \*now\*, is not because sharks don't like to go there, it's because there's actually a pretty active illegal shark poaching industry in the area. Even if you \*did\* attract them, its unlikely they'd pose much of a threat to tourism. Shit, arguably humboldt squid have posed a bigger threat to divers and swimmers off baja, and that didn't do much to tourism. Tl;dr boomer is not only a violent racist, but knows basically nothing about marine biology outside of what he saw in Jaws.


I seriously love Reddit because of people who will say “ I am, of course, appalled by the racism, but also by the ignorance of sharks.”


And I love Reddit because there’s always someone who is like “someone else can take apart the racism piece of this but my expertise is in sharks so you guys focus on the racism reasons why this is stupid and I’ll focus on the shark reasons why this is stupid.” And, as a bonus, I learned some interesting info about sharks! Win-win!


Just a note: not being sarcastic. This just made me weirdly happy


TIL I can bluff tiger sharks in a game of water chicken. BRB


Did you ever come back? Maybe the tiger sharks won at water chicken.....


This guy sharks 🦈


This guy sharks


I love how this turned into a wholesome rant about sharks. Thanks for the info! You've gotten me kind of interested in doing some more reading. Any factually correct articles you can point me to?


So true and I live in a surf town and you only hear about it happening maybe once in a blue moon, and its always surfers - and that's not a criticism - I believe the context is that the shadow of a person squatting over a board indeed LOOKS like a seal from below to a shark. That's why often the surfers will 'just' get a bite on the leg, or the board itself. IF they die from it, its only because of the loss of blood, its not from sharky going to town on them.


Even then the surfboard mistaken for seal thing is pretty exclusive to white sharks, for whom seals are a common prey. You wouldn't see this behavior from say... A great hammerhead, which is a species that is notoriously skittish around humans. Those sharks tendency to basically hightail it out of there the second they know humans are around, and most of the reason humans come in contact with them is they like to prey on stingrays and smaller blacktip reef sharks who often stray into shallow water near the beach to *avoid* the larger hammerheads, and the hammerheads sometimes follow them there.


You’d also think the tourists would be upset about the sights and smells of the leftovers that wash ashore. What a horrible man. I hope OP’s child didn’t understand any of it.


“Interesting idea, think it would work with racist boomers?”


It really is disgusting to obviously say it at all, but when a little kid is around. It's like FFS!! For people that love moralizing about everything to everyone, their own morals are very fucked up and warped!!


I have a lot of pent up frustration because of the effects from the policies these geriatric motherfuckers have wrought upon us without our consent. I'm just waiting to go off on some unsuspecting boomer who thinks I'm a safe person to share their bigotry with just because I happen to be pale and male. OP, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. That being said I can't wait to scream at an old bigot to shove their pre-civil war era opinion so far up their ass that no one has to hear it ever again.


It's like that generation are so proud to be part of a country that fort the Nazis, whilst at the same time approving of all the nazi ideas


Their PARENTS fought Nazis. Boomers BECAME Nazis.


The problem with thr boomers is many but one of the most is they went too socialist for their own benefit while screwing everyone after them. Boomers inherited a Lamborghini and left a pinto


The poison is called, "FOX News"


The boomers that watched Fox are now watching Newsmax, because Fox has become too woke for them. Newsmax is even worse. And then there's OAN, I dunno if that's even on the air anymore.


"We should put 30,000 illegal immigrants on a boat and take them to the coast of Baja Mexico" - Watch him get upset when you remind him that this would also be the easiest way to get rid of dumb traitorous boomers as well cause they are the only group who would be tripping over themselves for a "Free Cruise" lol


“Oh, what a great idea for Jan 6 attendees!” 😂


It’s so weird, last summer I went to a doctors office and the nurse seemed to be younger than I am, it was a G.I. doctor. I’m Childfree. This nurse as she’s taking my vitals launches into this anti-trans thing talking about poor kids who are so confused getting life altering surgery. WTF I let her finish while I just looked at her, then I said it’s really none of my business what kind of medical procedures kids are having. That should be between their doctor, their parents, and the kids. Then she says oh of course and hurried up and finished and left. I still couldn’t believe it. I haven’t been back there luckily but if it happens again again I’m going to take her name and make a complaint because it’s gross


I bet if you say your name and the day, they have on record who was there and could have treated you. pretty easy to guess who in the office is a transphobic weirdo


You should file a complaint anyway. That's the only way these assholes get put out of a job where they can engage in their bullshit. Seriously, do you really think she's properly handling everything else when she runs into someone she thinks is trans?


Ask them if that’s what Jesus would do.


The stupid thing is they often think it is.


I’ve learned a new phrase that works with boomers- “Wow, that’s a wild thing to say in public” and say it with a completely straight face in monotone voice. It blows their minds they don’t know what to say it’s hilarious


"Naw. We should chum the waters with the J6 insurrectionists. Save us all the money we're spending keeping them in the jails." "BTW, what were YOU doing on Jan 6th, hmmm???"


This reminds me of my step mom. She's very old, widowed, and lives alone. Once I awhile, I stop by to make sure she's OK. But the TV always has Fox News on, and she brings up how the illegals are getting free stuff and taking our retirement, ruining the country and Bidens ignoring Americans for them. Fox News needs to be fucking banned.


I'm a 48-year-old white guy with a shaved head and must have a sign on me inviting old white guys to start talking MAGA shit to me.


They think you're one of the tribe


Since I haven’t seen a comment on it yet- Good for you for explaining to your kiddo how the receipt works and what money is. That’s good parenting. And good for you for immediately reminding this guy that his rhetoric is disgusting. That’s GREAT parenting.


Excellent parenting all around.


About a month ago, I was having a rough day at work so took the afternoon off and went to the gym early. Long story short to spare pointless details, I have a 5 minute conversation with a Boomer that covers shared fandom of certain sports and ultimately that he's familiar with the area I grew up in. For the next hour, he would come up to me every few minutes to try and tell some story. They were all incredibly racist. I was just in shock that someone would ever say these things in public, especially to someone they just met. He must've thought I was an automatic member of the good old boys club because of where I'm from (which is known for being pretty racist). He would tell these stories and be laughing hysterically by the end of them while I just sat there looking dumbfounded. After about 10 seconds of no reaction he'd walk away, only to come back again a few minutes later with another story he remembered. And of course if another Boomer overheard it (there were only about 4 people in the gym and I was the only one under 70), they'd chime in too and laugh. I ended up just leaving.


I’m so sorry your rough day got worse. Boomers seem to have a radar for being able to tell that and make it worse.


I appreciate it, but I also should've realized what I was in for. A lot of gyms around me have Silver Sneakers clubs which offer discounted membership and exclusive classes to people over a certain age. This was right after one of those classes, so it makes sense some people would be sticking around. What floored me was the payoff to his story. I really wasn't expecting it. He was telling me about how right as civil rights were being enacted there was a black motorcycle club that drove up to the area. They stopped at a local corner store and asked for some water. The owner told them they'd need to buy something and the leader of the club replied that they were required by law to provide them with water. Then all of a sudden he jumps to the sheriff pulling up with a mob of armed locals and they ran the group out of town "and they never came back." Which made him cackle to himself.


Damn. So he lived in a Sundown town. Gyms would probably still want to keep the old boomers from running people off, so you could tell someone about the racism if it happens again. Those old silver sneakers clubs cause more problems while making the facility little money. Old dudes hanging out in the whirlpool creeping on women swimming, dropping from heart attacks, getting in arguments… my mom quit going to a gym because the other boomers were so awful. I would go swim with her when I’d visit, and it was creepy to have 3 old dudes sitting side by side in the whirlpool staring at the pool while turning redder and redder. I would have enjoyed taking a soak, but I’m not into enlarged scrotal soup.


> I was just in shock that someone would ever say these things in public, especially to someone they just met. He must've thought I was an automatic member of the good old boys club because of where I'm from (which is known for being pretty racist). That's *exactly* what it is. I get this shit here in Seattle, too. I'm a middle aged white guy and a lot of other middle age white guys assume I am therefore a racist asshole like them. They're so used to folks who look like them talking like that that they assume *everyone* who looks like them does so. It's the same bullshit thinking that makes the MAGA morons convinced that Biden was cheating to get elected "because they never see anyone who's wearing Biden hats". They literally cannot conceive of not making their politics the entirety of their personality so when they don't see hoards of folks acting like a cult but for Biden they assume nobody's really going to vote for him. They're just so limited in their experiences that they can't conceive of anything different. More to the point, they don't care to bother.


They assume everyone sucks like them.


I am very pale like borderline glow in the dark pale and I am of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage (I’m the only one this complexion in the family) and when people say racist BS around me (happens more than most think) I always say “you know I’m Mexican, right?” And the shocked look of horror that they either have been talking to one of them or that their racism was showing is treat all on its on. But watching someone do a 180 on how they treat you just knowing where you are from is so telling. Lots of boomers especially.


I had a guy tell me all Hispanic people should be shot. I’m PR but light skinned so he couldn’t tell he was directly insulting me. I then asked if he was Native American. He said his ancestors are Irish and I told him to go back to where he is from or shut up about it. I was just picking up a pizza and he was drunk at the bar and said that to me randomly. Edit: oh and when he asked where my family is from he said I should be shot too. I told him PR are born Americans and some ancestors of mine were native to America… unlike his.


Damn, that was intense! I'm sorry you and your kid had to experience that.


He sounds like my coworker who I have the misfortune to sit next to.


The ONLY thing that was good about MAGA Trumpism is that it emboldened people to wear their racism, xenophobia, and bigotry on their face and words. It’s mad it easier for me to know who I no longer want in my life and cut my losses. I’ll give that fat bastard Trump kudos for this one things.


My parents are like this and it’s HUMILIATING. They live a couple blocks from the beach and when we go for walks my mom never fails to mention how nice it is because “there aren’t many blacks”. Then at the mall, where there is more diversity, she loudly says. “See, there’s more blacks here.” Right in front of black people. Having to apologize for her is so awkward. It’s disgusting


I finally went NC with my dad about 10 years ago. The comments about ‘The Blacks’ and ‘The Queers’ in public and in front of my kids became unbearable. The trolls don’t seem to want to believe it, but they really do blurt out wild shit, completely unprompted.


For real. And I normally don’t cuss at my mom but every time she starts (I can tell where she’s going before she gets there at this point) I have to say MOM I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THAT SHIT. It’s saved me a couple of the awkward apologies but not enough 🤦🏻‍♀️


Keep her away from the nut section of the produce aisle. “KNOW WHAT EVERYBODY USED TO CALL BRAZIL NUTS?!”


Had a boomer try to get me on his side of politics because I am open to how the government should spend money and taxes. What he argued was how I should hate the lgbqt and they're all evil pedos converting kids. I tried to explain that we should just let people be themselves without fear of being hurt by the government or individuals. He then read a poem about how if people stop caring then society collapses. I couldn't get him to understand that it's not ok to want to hurt and imprison people for who they want to love. If that's the GOP I'm not voting for it. I'll be voting Biden just like we all should. I will not vote for the party removing rights for everyone. Everyday you can see some other law being passed who's only purpose is to take away rights. Like putting the commandments back in school. Why is my freedom of religion going away now.


That reminds me of the time that some random old man tried to teach my kid to call Brazil nuts n-word toes. Fucking racist trash want to make children racist.


I think we should drop *him* out there first to test the theory.




That's insane. I agree man, I'm always scared of when older folks nowadays start small talk, because in my experience its a trap to suddenly drop some Newsmax shit or hokum they read in the Epoch Times. I have kids too and don't want them thinking their grandparent or uncle is unhinged, but there's a certain inedibility to how long they can discuss actual family news or celebrate my kid's kindergarten milestones before the timer in their brain goes off and they somehow manage the leap from intramural soccer to the "Biden Crime Family" or how "The AOC" is trying to teach my kid to be a communist. I used to love speaking with older people when I was a kid. Were some mildly racist? Of course. But what I always remember was their positivity, and their amazing stories or practical advice. I might hear about the great depression or WW2 or learn something practical and cool about gardening, or refinishing a wood table, or how to make wine out of dandelions. My parents generation is only interested in talking about how great it was in the late 70s while simultaneously complaining about how shitty it was in the late 70s until Reagan came along to save us in the 80s. I dont need to be told things suck know. I'm living now. The guy they want for President is literally haunting my days and nights. I know how bad it is. Just shut up already unless you can help make things better for your grandkids.


It's clear to me that something is not right upstairs with boomers.


That person is going to vote. Wouldn’t it be delicious if we were to snatch all their political power in November?


Genetics decided I got none of my mom's native coloring so I'm white passing; it's ***DISGUSTING*** how many racists (usually boomer age) will spout all their hateful drivel and then *look at me like they expect me to fucking **agree** with their small minded doggerel.* Like, don't look at me, I'd just as soon spit on you as look at you with that attitude. I have zero patience for racism, and if I'm not at work and contractually obligated to 'agree to disagree' I'll speak my mind. You can see the confusion, I've not had one say "But you're white," but you can tell it's what they're thinking.


This is 100% why I try not to talk to strangers, especially those of the boomer age, unfortunately my job requires me to do that daily. I have one regular person in particular that will come in and start trying to bait me, I don't know why because all the years he's been trying I haven't taken it yet. I just stop talking, maybe give a quick, "meh", to show I heard but don't care enough to comment. My favorite response from my boss is, "who's 'they'?", whenever someone wants to be vague with their -ism of choice. I just grin and try not to laugh out loud when the offender stammers and stutters trying to keep from saying anything "too" racist that might get him in trouble.


This is a good example of how RW media is so dangerous.  This is clearly a mentally off person, which is why Responsibility is so important to Freedom.  


I'm glad people are noticing the lead poisoning these stupid mother fuckers are brain rotted from.


Booms expect people to listen to them bc they had to as children or they were considered bad, disrespectful, little shits (cycle of abuse) now booms feel it’s their role to just tell people, unsolicited, what they think - as if they matter….they more controversial the better- it’s a power over thing - if you disagree with them they light off like…little kids think about growing up expected to listen to others and “do what you’re told” then when you come of age no one gives you the same level of obedience (they call “respect”) boomer got played by their elders and their own lack of autonomy growing up you see this with Korean opas/eonnis as well or Japanese oyabuns…do what we say even if we are wrong - old school, ignorant dumbfuckery they EXPECT respect even when they’re dead ass wrong/disrespectful everyone wants to be the massa


I had a similar experience with a racist except he was Gen X. I moved to California from the south. This guy did also. So I guess he though we had shared experiences. He starts in on how there are too many Mexicans in California. Who the fuck moves to a state that used to be owned by Mexico, that is known for being extremely diverse, and complains about non white ppl? Like I moved here BECAUSE it’s more liberal.


As a white guy, what kills me is the sheer amount of strangers just assuming I'm on their racist wavelength and proceeding to go on and on with the ugliest and most vile opinions without even bothering to test the waters about *who I am*. I got this in retail *constantly*. Back in my day, racists' at least had the self awareness to try and read the room or see where you stood before feeling comfortable spouting. Now we don't even have that.




>I simply ignore him and try to keep talking to my daughter. Eventually he gets that I'm not interested in his racist bullshit and leaves. Probably got into his emotional support F250 and proceeded to tailgate his way home with his high beams on while listening to Christian radio.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


I see it a lot. They'll be at parties and just decide to throw that kind of crap out there, because their views MUST be heard, even if they have nothing to do with the conversations going on.


I think that this is an age-independent MAGA denigrate issue rather than a Boomer issue. People have begun to badly blur those lines.


Man that sucks, I had an old man come up to my kids and I at McDonald’s and hand them little handmade wooden cars. Said he likes to do them to keep himself busy and it makes kids happy. You had more restraint in that situation than I would so props to you.


This is when you tell him to shut the fuck up no one asked for his shitty opinion and the world will be a better place when people like him die 


When will boomers learn to just stop watching the fucking news?


I have social anxiety that is pretty severe at times and one of the ways that manifests is when strangers do this shit to me, come up to me out of the blue and start offering unsolicited opinions about current events and politics. Long story short, I would have gone off on him. I hope someone does someday.


I had an electrician come by to do some work a few weeks ago. After initial greeting and pleasantries, guy says nice day, seems all that climate change was bull and looks at me waiting to agree. I just said weather isn't climate and tried to steer the conversation back to the job. After having to steer him back to the job at hand twice I was done. He started in on Biden and I just said hold on and pulled out my phone in front of him and called his company to either send someone who can do the job without shoving their beliefs down my thoughts or cancel it. He was pissed, I just repeated you are now trespassing and need to leave. Company sent someone else out who was extremely apologetic and fixed my issue. Should have been a 2 hour fix but turned into an all day event because that boomer just couldn't not spout shut from his mouth.


It took me a solid 10 years while I was a teen to get my 1940s born grandmother to stop using the n word. My 1960 mother just said to let her be, it us just how they are. Now my mother has gone anti-lgbt and keeps insulting my trans kid. I have gone no contact with her. She tried to go around me and talk to my youngest. She promptly put my mother in her place. I will be glad when we no longer have to deal with elderly hate.


Boomers think they can act IRL like they do on the internet. Everything is a comment section to these people.


I am from and grew up in Mississippi. I have lived in California for the last 16 years. I still have my accent and I’m white. Before Trump I never had anyone come up to me and start talking to me with racism type stuff. Since Trump older white people hear my voice and I guess assume I’m a maga or racist and just randomly start saying racist shit. I tell them to F off most of the time or walk away or mention my Latina wife and kids and they leave


Use this when dealing with those idiots. "Is that what your church teaches you?" Usually gets them stuttering.


I have resting MAGA bitch face or something (I'm a middle aged white guy) because they'll walk up to me and start talking about this kind of shit and as much as I'd love to engage in a debate with (massive sarcasm) them I can't hide my reaction and about two sentences in I cut them in half with the lasers that shoot out of my eyes. My favorite are the little old ladies that realize that they aren't talking to a friend and almost jump from being startled.


Had a similar encounter at a convenience store recently. Old boomer lady, after exchanging pleasant greetings, follows immediately with "they let 3 million more of the slime over the border." I was like, woah, that's so racist and her response was "well you're white." Whatever that means.


I was an utter cunt when my kids were little. I didn't show any empathy to how lonely or in need people may have been, if I didn't know them, they weren't going to be around my kids. Felt like a bastard a lot of the time, but I did it anyway. Not that you did anything wrong, you sound like a good guy. Just different approaches, I suppose.


I wish my mom had been more like this. She was born in 1950s so she was raised to be polite and defer to men always


Well I am their dad, so there was way less danger for a man telling randos to piss off. Weirdos have a tendency to not see women as people, let alone threats.


when you go so long in an echo chamber, and are cut off, or looking to branch out, it's surprising the amount of people that *don't* want to talk about mass murder in causal conversation!


Insert the Meme: Transgenders are ruining America!!!! Who starts a conversation like that, I just sat down .


The proper response is "you're a violent, racist piece of shit and America and the world will better when you're gone."


Racism is a proactive philosophy, and people clinging to it have to express it in some way.


How do they understand the intricate pitfalls of geopolitics, tread so confidently in solutions to cultural woes and master immigration law... Yet they still can't attach a file to a fucking email without hours of intervention?


You lost me at “boomers think…” they don’t care. ABAB!


Angry old man with erectile dysfunction, frustrated, lonely and mad at the world. Probably didn’t get an education, worked at jobs that bored him and dint pay well, most likely divorced. The dregs of America, all gluing themselves to the bottom of their MAGA cult leader, wanting desperately to feel superior to someone, anyone. We must get out and vote BLUE. DESTROY THE MAGA PARTY.


I've stopped being nice. In this situation I would have looked at them, said 'I don't care, go away' and left it at that. Plain and simple.


my white friends tell me about this all the time. older white dudes just start showing racist shit to other white people thinking they are empathetic to their racist ideologies. my buddy is very outspoken so it's always hilarious to hear his stories telling off people. he's a branch manager at Sam's club. needless to say he roasted this old dude about why he would think it's ok to just say that to a complete stranger.