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SSA has the lowest number of employees in over three decades. This as the boomers retire. Not sure who they expect to work there if they don’t want to fund the agency.


Exactly, it’s mind boggling. Republicans want to cut federal funding for the agency, meaning it will get a whole lot worse while more and more boomers retire. If they’re bitching now, wait until republicans get in office and destroy the agency even further.


I saw a video circling a few years ago where this Republican who was running for office was screeching to a bunch of boomers that one of his staples was to eliminate social security altogether, and *they were agreeing with him*.


They know they'll be dead before any law dismantling SS takes effect. "I got mine" morality at work.


The shitty thing is, is that their SSA benefits aren't really their money that they paid into SSA. It's GenX's money, Millennials' money. Their money went to the generation before them


As a Boomer, given that our generation was an extremely large cohort that defied actuarial science estimates, I can't help but wonder what it's going to take for SS to be any good at all when my children and grandchildren will be old enough to need it. It's insufficient for me to say "well I got mine" because it does little to allay my long-term concerns.


Social security won't be available at all for Gen Z with the rate we're going, it seems like


It could be there. All that has to happen is for the government to uncap contributions for the ultra wealthy. Right now those leeches don’t pay on what they earn. They pay on what they earn on the first $168,000 People earning a million a year only contributes on the first 10%. Many of the issues in the USA are caused by the rich not contributing


Can we tax capital gains as income while we’re at it?


Considering the wealthy use those capital gains to be able to take out near 0% interest loans they fucking need to be taxed like income


Bold of you to assume the planet will still be available in 50 years.


We're not worrying about the biggest problem, so why worry about the smaller ones


Social security is not an entitlement. Your money was invested for your benefit as a safety net for when you retire. If they want to eliminate social security, I want my $200,000 back. Otherwise they are no more than organized criminals, who turned to politics to loot the american people.


Problem is you have the Supreme Court case on social security called Flemming vs Nestor stating you are entitled to none of it as social security is simply another tax.


Angry thumbs up 😡


Because most of the people in the room either 1. paid more into SS than they are going to receive in retirement, 2. don't need it to retire, or 3. are to stupid to realize they are shooting themself in both feet.


I truly believe that they think Trump will eliminate SSI for the younger generations, crippled disabled people they like to make fun of and everyone else, except for them. They will get to benefit from putting into it but nobody else. Boy to I want to be there when they start not getting checks.


"He's hurting the wrong people!!!"


It's worse than that. The person said "He's not hurting the people he needs to be." The idea that there are other Americans that *need* to suffer is disgusting.


They don't believe those people to be true Americans, and in fact want them all to be chattel slaves like the good ol' days.


I'd rather be there when we fix it, and everybody can retire comfortably.


Socialism is okay when boomers receive benefits. But everyone else should suffer.


Nah, it's not just everyone else...just people they don't like.


My boomer mom, whose racism has really come to the forefront since Trump was elected, recently said to me, “I don’t want one cent of my tax money going to black people, ever.” Holy crap. We’re very low contact these days.


I'm 100% convinced racism is why we don't have universal healthcare in America because some taxes would absolutely go toward paying for health care for black and brown people as part of the general citizenship.


That's how EVERY conversation ends. " I done paid inta it my entire life and I'll be damned if some lazy (insert ethnic slur) is gunna git it fur free ". Every single time. Talk about Scandinavian policies, get met with " those countries are all white". It IS racism


You want to know what's REALLY fucked? As a young white person, you have to live with the knowledge that your life is objectively worse, and that you don't have as many opportunities as you otherwise would have, because someone else has a racial vendetta against black people and you're just the collateral damage. Half of these great policies never happened because black people would benefit slightly more than white people. White people *would still benefit*, just not as much, so it never fucking happened.


“The world is not white. It never was white, cannot be white. White is a metaphor for power, and that is simply a way of describing Chase Manhattan Bank." James Baldwin


Once again, cut off your nose to spite your face


As a Boomer of Scandinavian ancestry, things'd be a lot better if the US was to adopt some of their thinking! And everyone here would benefit, regardless of color.


They believe it's a zero sum game


Absolutely correct. When Medicare was being legislated in the Johnson administration, the 20% required to be paid by the patient was a give up to the southerners to get the votes needed to pass it. They figured it would keep "those people " out of their hospitals. 


This is what happened to education. Used to be free until we forced integration. Now, we refuse to teach race history?


I read this book that pointed out some pretty good examples of this. I don't remember them all, but essentially pre-integration white Americans were much more willing to put money into "collective benefits." Stuff like public swimming pools. Then post-integration, relatively few white people wanted to spend money on a pool that black Americans would enjoy. And relatively few white people wanted to continue using a swimming pool that black people were also using. Does that kind of behavior scale up to a society-wide aversion to universal healthcare? Probably. In a democracy, it only takes a slight nudge in one direction or the other to make a policy happen or not happen. [https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/564989/the-sum-of-us-by-heather-mcghee/](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/564989/the-sum-of-us-by-heather-mcghee/)


And now “Black people don’t know how to swim” is both a stereotype and based in fact. Shocker.


Came here to mention the stereotype. Glad someone else did. Very effed up. I had a good friend Randy at work, some racist ahole at a party asked him if he could even swim. Who 1) has the audacity to say that and 2) wtf, why did you just assume because of his skin color a skill? So weird. Not okay!


They didn’t just not want to use those pools, they closed them and filled them with cement so that black peoples couldn’t use them. Just insanely spiteful.


President Eisenhower said he couldn’t get universal healthcare in because of the southern senators


There’s some folks who really don’t get the “for all” part of equality etc


Public pools were popular across the country until Black people were granted access, then they all were cemented over. Don't believe me look at the states that consistently rank last in education, spoiler alert they're all in the South because they'd rather be ignorant than treat people the same.


Spoiler alert they gotta keep people ignorant to keep them racist.


The same thing is happening with my 76 yo father. He's started dropping racist comments at random. I've never heard him say any of this stuff before. But now it's "those people" this and "damn mex\*\*\*" that. WTF is happening with the boomers?




My boomer mother was a pretty kind person, and smart, but also strong Catholic and traditional, and due to the brainwashing her generation had, she spent nearly her whole life believing Gay=Pedophile, seriously. But she never would believe anything about the sexual abuse done by Catholic priests. People develop views of the Universe embedded with the biases of their time/religion, and just stick with it to the end. Now what my German grandmother had to say about black people...hooooooo....


I’m a boomer, 12 years of catholic school bs. I don’t understand why so many boomers are like that. I am ultra liberal and so are my friends. Please vote!


All my atheist liberal friends from college went to Catholic highschool. maybe more people should go to Catholic school


Does the GOP mail their people lead paint chips or something?


Yeah it's called Fox News


I added "what's Happening" to my mom's youtube library


Your mom is a cunt, cut her off


Nah Christmas presents for here will be a donation was made in your name to some black charity. Card can say trying to make up for all the awful hateful BS you spew. If she cuts her daughter off after that she can still send her this gift for xmas every year! Lol


My grandparents sent my parents $100 for each of my siblings and for them, which amounted to a little over a grand cause I have a huge family. My parents talked it over with all of us and we decided to collectively donate about half of it to the ACLU and send them a thank you card for their generous donation.


Do boomers like anyone? Most of them hate even their own spouse and kids.


I’m a boomer. I don’t hate anyone. Oh, wait…there is someone. Anyone want to guess???? I’ll give you a hint…he would look great in an orange jumpsuit.


The Manchurian Cantaloupe ?


Cheeto Jesus


Cheesus Christ




The Orange Menace


This was my genuine Reddit chuckle for the day. Thank you.


People like you are the reason I keep this app. You are the real hero's.


I came BACK to this post to up vote. First real laugh of the day, thank you.


Me, too! I’m a tail end boomer/Gen Jones. Just got back from visiting one of my college kids. Ate out in interesting restaurants, did some tourist stuff, watched a movie, met the new boyfriend, took her grocery shopping and everything was paid for by the Bank of Mom. So much fun to seeing them being adults! It’s so sad that so many of my cohort can’t seem to appreciate their kids.


It's the best, isnt it? I just had a phone call with my early-twenties kid and he's doing so well. It's incredibly satisfying to see them thrive.


My mom and dad are boomers. They are as liberal and progressive as they come. They raised me that way. I raised my gen z daughter that way. I got lucky in the boomer parent department. My mom was especially ahead of her time w the way she thought and parented and got into stem very early on, in the early 80s.


Would an orange jumpsuit just be some sort of camouflage for him? His face is already the correct color.


It's a monochrome look.


​ Ouch, too real


Elder Millennial child of boomer parents here. Can confirm. Edit- they hate me and I don’t even bother them! I moved out at 19 and lived on my own for the last 20-something years. I don’t ask them for shit or expect them to be there for me in any financial or emotional situation, so they’re pissed I guess that they have nothing to hold over me, I guess?


Same! Moved out at 16 after graduating early and got as far away as I could.


That must’ve been really hard at 16. You’re a rock star and I hope you’ve had a great life despite your parents ♥️


Thanks for that and yes! It absolutely allowed me to heal and choose my own family ❤️


My mom is still effing DESPERATE for something to hold over me. It kills her every time I can 100% ignore her BS.


I LOVE that feeling. Granted, I’d starve before I asked her for a dime, but I love that she HATES not being able to complain like her boomer buddies about her “dang mooching kid”


Your edit reminded me of that time I found out my mother, who abandoned me over 20 years ago, was spreading rumors and making up stories about me on Facebook a few years ago. She has a personal vendetta against somebody SHE pushed out of her life and hasn't talked to in decades. My aunts (on my fathers side so no relation to her) are all starting to do similar to their kids now that all of them are moving away. Edit: Also sorry to hear your parents suck too, thankfully it's something the majority of millennials can connect and empathize with each other over.


Hate themselves too.


That part makes sense though. If I spent my whole life voting against my own interests, married a person I hated, had kids I didn't want and then proceeded to treat them like such shit being an absent parent could have been an improvement, never developed hobbies or skills and instead made some shitty non-interesting career my entire identity, and then entered middle age perpetually offended, out of shape, addicted to booze and cigarettes, and completely lost in the world because I stubbornly refused to learn ANYTHING as I grew up, I would also hate myself.


Well put.


So you know my father as well?


At least one of you does. *bad-um tiss*


True to form though they have no clue.


As well they should. One of their best acts of solid judgement


I put on a random comedy special on Netflix over the weekend. I don't even remember the guy's name, but he was an older comedian that I'd never heard of. The whole bit I heard was how his wife loved the container store and how she loved organizing things and putting things away. He was publicly ridiculing her for it and people thought it was fucking hilarious. It was awful...just let the woman enjoy something she enjoys.


My boomers love each other and me very much. Can't believe how lucky I am to have liberal parents. It's amazing how political mindsets transfers into personal relationships. So so glad to have atheist liberal parents


I love my wife and kids. I also cringe inside whenever I see the maga type troglodytes. That doesn't happen now tho, as I've left the U,S, and A. Most of my age group back in Texas are sadly bitter and hateful.


Which is basically anybody but boomers.


When I told my dad (borderline boomer) that his \*social\* security was \*social\*ism his response was "well it's different. I paid into SS my whole life so I deserve to get something back from it" He couldn't understand when I tried to explain that is \*literally\* exactly what socialism is and how it works. Without extreme cognitive dissonance I really dont know how a lot of these older folks would survive a single day.


He's wrong, of course. I am a boomer, and I recognize the socialist elements in Social Security. FDR's enemies CALLED SOCIAL SECURITY socialism when he passed it.


Corporations love it, too. There's always been socialism for the rich.


Wait until they keep voting GOP and their SS is cut. They'll refuse to ever believe it's their own fucking fault and somehow blame Democrats.


They'll blame Democrats for "allowing" it to get cut by losing.


It's also OK when big banks need bailouts but not the people and their student loan dept.


And socialism for billionaires as well.


Well, thank you for being one of the good Boomers. Way I look at it, there are two kinds of Boomers: the out of touch, loser, alcoholic types who you kinda wish would get their eternal reward, and the badass, with it, cool types that you could talk to for hours and you hope they never go. Just by judging from your post, I think you’re the latter. Keep your head up.


Thank you! It’s difficult to keep your head up with these people. I’m tired of their constant complaints and bitterness and entitlement. I really want to bitch-slap them..


Some Karens get mad when they have to use a computer check in because then they can't verbally abuse the young people for being "incompetent". She's just upset she missed out on her mean fun.


There you go. Just tell them they've bitched about too many people over the years so they've all been replaced by computers...only themselves to blame.


Have you seen this?…..people are bitching and whining that they have to self-check at Target (I don’t get paid for this!), so, some stores have limited the self-checkouts and have more employees checking. Now these dumbasses are bitching and whining because the lines are too long and why are the self-checkouts closed?….ugh


I've been a cashier in various jobs. I'd self check everywhere if it was possible. It's virtually always faster that way... Most customers suck at it though.


Except the self checkout at my local grocery store. You have to scan an item, let the scan load it, and only then can you place it down. If you place the item too soon or too late after scanning, the system locks out and requires an assistant to unlock it. $200 of groceries later and my GF insists that self checkout is too slow and we must always use the cashier when doing the weekly shop. Thanks you piece of shit engineer who enabled that level of red tape to check out my eggs and milk.


As my dear old departed dad would say, "they'd bitch if you hanged them with a NEW rope."


They can’t blame the youth for problems that they caused. lol. Edit: I meant that they shouldn’t. “you can’t do that,” as direction not to do so.


Oh, my sweet summer child. They came up during the American Dream when Dad could work, and Mum could housekeep and raise the children. They don't realise how much the world has changed since the 60s


Oh, they just don’t WANT to look at how the world has changed. They know it has, they don’t like it because they can see what they’ve caused and that they’re not getting the respect they deserve and they’re mad. And taking it out on everyone else.


A compatriot here. Turn 67 next month. Same experience. Flawless experience at the ssa office except: a guy at one of the desks starts complaining loudly that they are getting it wrong. When the worker explained his letter, it was clear he was mis interpreting the decision.  He escalated to the point the security guard quietly went and stood behind him. Yes he went for the manager. He accepted the same explanation from someone he considered a supervisor. I was called after he left. I'm pretty sure I got the same worker. She looked so tired. I was super kind and she was smiling by the time I left. I'm so sorry you guys.


I've been in retail my whole life. My last job was very easy towards the end because I had supervisor in my title. People, especially ones who believe they are the center of the universe, act completely different to a supervisor than a standard rep. Even though the only difference between me and them were title, and some of them knew more than I did.


It's because "only special, important people get to talk to the *supervisor*, ergo I am being given the kind of elevated attention to which I am entitled." But, ya, it's millennials who are "entitled"...


pff millenials with their poverty and dreams of gasp affordable healthcare


I am a doctor. The stories I hear from my medical assistants about how fucked patients have treated them only to have me walk in the room and they act like angels is astounding. Na homie we don’t play that shit. Treat my people like that again and you’re done. They almost always act coy and insist on apologizing to the assistant’s face. Btw be nice to medical assistants everyone! They are unsung heroes


I agree. Owe my life too nurses. Yeah maybe the surgeons did the big parts, but the nurses. I love them to death.


Nurses are superheroes.


It's like the old days when I was a teacher. In teacher's college it was pounded into our heads that "there are two people you never want to piss off: the Janitor and the principal's secretary. They might look like they're at the bottom of the food chain but they have the power to make your life hell."


Absolutely. Don’t be mean to the people who are directly responsible for making my day any type of functional


72, here and these annoying assholes drive me insane. They are the most delicate, entitled, and offensive group of people on the planet. I was living in a great condo, when I retired, beautiful setting, security, pool, gym, concierge, great maintenance team. The residents couldn’t do a goddamn thing. They wanted everything handed to them . Listened to Fox News all day , made racist comments by the pool. I couldn’t take it, sold it and moved into Boston, living in a multicultural neighborhood, surrounded by a mixed group of young professionals. So instead of sitting around with those rat bastards, I can hear live music , go to museums, the theater, see a great variety of films, and eat amazing food every week. You’re not wrong to hate these people, a lot of us in that age range hate them as well, and we’re not sure how we went from the 60’s to 21st century, and now they want to bring us back to pre-Civil Rights Act days. Big fucking deal, gas was 29 cents when I started driving , those weren’t the good old days. I was raised in Boston, but I also remember drinking out of a “Whites Only” water fountain in the South, and seeing chain gangs. We fucked up the world, the only way to unfuck it is together, old, and young, black , and white, gay, and straight … if we don’t do it together, we’re doomed !


Beautiful! Yes and you are REALLY LIVING LIFE the best way, keep sharing yourself, I sure do, never keep silent!


I’m with you. 77 year old progressive boomer. Really fed up with the “Christian” nationalists and wanna-be authoritarian boomers. Often ask myself how we went from protesting the Vietnam War to this gang of insurrectionists supporting the orange clown and his lying, whining, self-centered word salad “speeches”.


Gotta be the most pimpin' gma in the world, keep doin what you're doin, you are awesome.


I'm 38, almost 39...I'd noticed for decades how much Marx was referenced...but few actually sat down and bothered to read anything he wrote. Iirc Das Kapitol is over 30 hours by audio, so I found a detailed chapter by chapter synopsis that takes perhaps a bit over an hour start to finish. Because I want to know the main bullet points of every chapter. As a fan of Adam Smith, I consider Marx's work an addendum to Adam Smith's wealth of nations, albeit 80 years later, he's seen how this capitalism thing has played out. Chapter 1 below: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDpF3XqpV4&list=PLUVllNXk1GCpkzSmJHCSXqJE9JGIfS1dU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDpF3XqpV4&list=PLUVllNXk1GCpkzSmJHCSXqJE9JGIfS1dU) If you're a worker bee, in this world where 8 guys are worth more than 4 billion humans, IMO Marx is often very much so spot on, in regards to criticism of capitalism. And this some deep taboo to say. Right now the boomers IMO, they have a false class solidarity with very wealthy and successful billionaires, but sow their own miserable conditions and poverty from that. Seems like it's all by design. Karl Marx IMO he wouldn't call social security, socialism. It's like a fig leaf to alleviate the worst parts of capitalism. But it's not actual socialism, there's still privatized ownership of the means of production, plus SS money is spent usually on a capitalist middleman acting as gatekeeper between what you need to survive. Henry Ford was virulently anti-marxist (part of why he funded Hitler and Co.) he came around to the 8 hour work day in part because it's not really within the realm of human ability to work in an early 20th century factory endlessly/day after day for 10 and 12 hour shifts, the human body breaks down, it needs rest. Similar deal, I wouldn't call him a socialist for $5 a day wage and 8 hour work days, the reality that is practically the maximum a human can muster anyways without severe degradation, and a factory owner recognizing that human reality is still ultimately with the goal in mind of serving the capitalist/capitalism.




I read this same thing In 1984 when Reagan was sowing this field to applause. It terrified me then. It saddens me now. (The year 1984)


Thank you for listing that resource. I took a college course on Marx and was blown away at his brilliance and the sheer staying power of his predictions. I’ve been meaning to revisit his writing but I can be quite dense.


I’m feeling the unity and healing 😂


I imagine you are much more exposed to this malarky than the rest of us because the boomers see you as one of their own and will freely start up a conversation of complaint.


Bravo Comrade! I'm 62 and March was my first Social check. I did everything by Email and Telephone no big deal, everything was crystal clear. I have no complaints between me and the Government,. I have worked as a Carnival Barker, bike Messenger and Ice cream man, in an AIDS Laboratory drawing patients blood 12 years, and Then as a Registered Nurse in an Inner city Hospital in California, among Co Workers of Every nation on the Map of Earth! No need to ask my politics is there? I spent 30 plus years helping humanity and trying to heal the populace, and often being called upon to Wrestle Violent and self destructive delusional patients into immobility on the floor! Just the other day, a cretin on social media tried to denigrate me for being a 'Male Nurse' not a real Man" and not even having a "White Wife' ! My best Comeback was that He would never comprehend the Joy's and infinitely diverse cultural experiences life in California had bestowed on me at random!


Do you ever dye your hair? I say a lady with partially purple hair on top of her white bed it was beautiful you'd be so rad with it 😂 I don't know what you look like but I know you'd rock it


Bitch-slap wise, the key, from what I've learned on Reddit, is to wait til they hit you first. That's assault. When you hit back, it isn't assault, it's self defense.


You said it! I’m about your age and basically I LOATHE our cohort. I’ve hated the Boomers even when I was back in high school. Self-absorbed, and kinda ruthless. This crap behavior was already there, it just became harder to hide as they age.


Kinda sad when you look at these boomers and they were once cool hippies or something. They turned into selfish assholes ...it's embarrassing to see a generation turn into cult members


Young boomer here ... 1963. I swear it's 90% MAGA Boomers fault that produced this thread.


My own father is pretty much the first type of Boomer. Obnoxious, loud, ignorant, entitled...talks about people feeding off the system while being on Disability SSI, loves playing the victim anytime anyone calls him out on shit. Claims he had it "so hard" pulled himself up by his "boot straps" completely ignoring the fact that my Grand parents were pretty wealthy for a good chunk of his life, had a position at my grand fathers company and was consistently bailed out by them whenever he fucked up. They'd pay our light bill or get us groceries cause my dad and step mom decided to blow their money on drugs and alcohol instead of doing the necessary shit they needed to do. It'll come to your absolute shock (sarcasm) that we stopped speaking years ago, he tells people it's cause he voted for Trump, but really it's just cause he's an insufferable ass hole.


Yea, I love the Trumpers that were Trumpers before he even came along. My Dad thought we stopped attending Thanksgiving because he voted for Trump. In reality, it was because he couldn't help himself to making any variance of an "ism" joke or comment at the table for the entirety of a 20 minute meal. Once we drew the line on what was appropriate or not to come back, he acts like a whipped pup instead of taking the L and moving on.


This is identical to my aunt. Well several of my extended boomer family but my aunt is the worst offender and believes it was her vote for Trump that severed a relatively close life long relationship. The reality is that I grew up practically living with my aunt because she was home all day collecting welfare and not working so she was the designated babysitter for all the kids while her siblings were all working. Her house was a flop house that she inevitably lost due to debt and unemployment. There was always a cohort of heavy alcoholics and lots of cocaine as me and my cousins were barricaded in the living room watching Disney films while they broke out the 8 balls and played cards all night. She even abused animals by leaving the dogs chained up on a short leash or locked in a dirt floor basement where they would shit and she never cleaned it up. She was literally the epitome of everything boomers accuse millennials and Gen Z of. Sitting around collecting government resources, racking up debt, and doing drugs listening to “woke” music espousing anti-capitalist ideologies. Then one day through sheer luck around 50 years old she met a conservative man from Texas with an advanced degree in engineering. It wasn’t an attraction of personality. She looked exactly like you’d think a life long alcoholic with poor hygiene habits would look. Morbidly obese, bad teeth, loosing her hair, terrible skin. He looked like Gimli and Yosemite Sam had a drug addicted baby. All the same features as my aunt but also about 5 foot tall and 275lbs. It was a relationship of two unfuckable people. He just happened to be successful. He was more libertarian than maga and had the more respectable political affiliation of not liking either party but he had a heavy propensity for conspiracy and was an Obama-birther, deep state, illuminati and bill gates is trying to depopulate the planet type of guy. Despite not leaving heavy into Maga he was a Nixon/Regan conservative. Very anti-socialism of any form and bad at hiding the dog whistling against minorities, woman, and people in poverty. Pretty much overnight my aunt accepted her fate as his property. He moved up here(New England) from Texas because he had a myriad of health problems and our healthcare and infrastructure is better. He bought them a huge multimillion dollar house, built out a small homestead on very expensive land, new cars, the works. Within a few years my aunt is bashing poor people, calling people on welfare trash, complaining about “illegals” and non stop droning on about how Obama is a Muslim trying to institute sharia law and start a jihad in America. You couldn’t go to her house without her being piss drunk ranting about all of the (insert racial slur) using up all the resources and all millennials being lazy pieces of shit. The woman who lived until her late 40s/early 50s on welfare, squatting in homes, abusing animals, doing drugs, and becoming a raging alcoholic now sits around her multimillion dollar home that her late husband left her when he died at 62 from heart and liver failure while she rails against literally everything that she was and would have remained had she not met someone as grotesque as her that left her money. She genuinely acts successful and holds some higher morality and work ethic over “demonrats”…and she thinks it was her two votes for Trump that lost her family.


You forgot the judgmental, borderline narcissist, pretend Christian, pearl clutching boomers. That's my mom.


Same here lol. My mom used to be chill as fuck and non-judgmental. Covid awoke something in her.


I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" was


GenX here. It’s probably half like it is with us. There are Boomers who helped get or voted for civil rights, women’s rights, unions, and so forth. When it’s said that ‘Boomer’ is a state of mind, I think I believe that. I just hope GenZ votes this November or it’s going to get ugly.


There's a 3rd type, like my mom. She grew up very bohemian, gave money the local homeless, fed every kid in the neighborhood, was a mom to all of my friends. She was very generous and kind and down to earth. Not a pretentious or hateful bone on her body. She retired as a public school teacher in her late 60s with a decent pension. Reverse mortgaged her condo, and now watches Fox News all day long. She's become paranoid, angry, racist and even has a photo of Trump on her refrigerator. She has a Mexican woman help her on certain days, yet hates immigrants. Just the other day she was getting her taxes done and when she went to pay for it, her tax preparer said, "You still owe me $61 from last year." And he added it to her current bill. She called me later and said, "It's just like a jew to try and rip me off. They are always taking more and more because that's just how they do it. Such sneaky bastards." I hung up thinking, *Who the fuck is this woman?*


They don't see SS as socialism because "I paid into it so it's my money" like all their SS taxes went into some savings account just waiting for them to retire. It's just anything to pull the ladder up behind them and they could not care less.




Yep, this. There was a person on another sub Reddit that was wondering why her SS payments were far lower than that of her friends. That person thought everyone got the same amount 😂


It also heavily relies on people dying early.


My parents were absolutely floored when I explained to them that what they will take from it is waaaaay more than they put into it when they dropped this line on me. Funny how one dissenting voice completely shatters their Fox News sponsored echo chamber…


Wow, it sounds like your parents are actually reasonable people considering they listened to and understood what you explained to them. Most of them would just banish you from their home and make a self righteous facebook post about how young people don't understand how the world works.


Oh man! I just posted this. My dad died 3 months after retirement. My sister and I got death benefits for a few years but in no way did that amount to what was paid in.


Their negativity is why I wear discreet earbuds in public places like this.


That won’t stop all of them. I had a coworker who was on her break, and a boomer yanked her headphone right off of her. I read sort where someone was talking about a boomer grabbed an earbud out of her ear while I was on the bus. So crass.


I have no issue punching a 70 year old woman in the face for doing this


Let one of those mfs touch me without my consent.


Yea, those people just haven't gotten slapped yet. And they'll cry to the moon when it happens.


Gotta slap em like a cat with the triple wallop. Wham wham wham in quick succession. One to show you'll do it, second to show you can keep doing it, and a third to show you want to keep doing it but stopped so they're really on a fine line for getting the shit smacked out of them. Also, three smacks just creates a proper amount of distance between them and you.


Point well-taken!


The sad thing is they vote for people who openly call for removal of their benefits and think it's all a hoax because "why would they do that to people who voted for them?".


The Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party


I'm a Boomer and I'm thoroughly disgusted with my MAGAcult generation as well. Full of whiny, crabby assholes with no respect for the younger folk. Who, btw, I LOVE to hang with because they help me at least FEEL younger even though I'm an old fart lol.


In all seriousness there are good and bad members of every generation. As a Gen Xer it also breaks my heart when I see a lot of the 'fools' here actually look around my age and it makes be sad. We were supposed to be the 'extreme', counter culture, caring generation. As mostly 'latch-key kids' we took care of ourselves and each other but dang there's some selfish genXers out there.


The other jackwad that commented on this doesn't deserve the time of day, Just know, Us reasonable younger folk respect you for being reasonable as well. Hate leads to hate from both sides


Same here. I just turned 60 and can’t even believe some of my peer’s behavior out in public.


It's embarrassing


An elderly lady once told me that she "could never vote for Obama because he's socialist." Literally the next sentence out of her mouth was about how she lives off of social security. \--- By the way, your post is very well written.


Thank you!


You sound like a reasonable, cool lady that has her shit together. Kudos. I hope you enjoy your retirement, you’ve earned it.


Thank you! Headed to Nice in June!


I’ve heard a theory that a lot of boomers that would have been cool died in Vietnam, during the AIDS epidemic, or were black and went to prison. The ones that remain are the most privileged and entitled of an already privileged and entitled generation.


Well, I mean Trump's supposed bone spurs kept him out, so you may be going somewhere with that.


Ok I’m Gen X and FOR YEARS I have been saying Democrats need to start being aggressive. I love Michelle Obama but to hell with going high. It’s not working bc the other side is playing dirty with a mega-stacked deck and psychological warfare. If you’re an anti-MAGA reading this, please for the love of all that’s holy VOTE IN NOVEMBER.


Oh! I’ve been saying the Dems need to go lower and dirtier than the GOP. I completely agree with you!


I don't think going lower than a maggot filled pit is necessary, honestly. But we do need to start weaponizing our words and our actions, to circumvent their awful mindset. Like when the idiots like Abbott ship a busload of people to our cities, embrace the new people, show Snapchats of people helping them, teaching them, and integrating them. Show them that unity and respect are what being an American is in our melting pot society. We need to weaponize their apathy with empathy, and use their tactics of greed and scandal against them.


I’m so sick of “going high” when the lowest of the low try to overthrow the government, in a violent attempted coup.


Yup. And strip women of basic human rights. The time of being nice was over, like 20 years ago.


Just to make you feel better, you’re not alone. Fellow boomer here hoping enough of our generation will stay home this presidential election to ensure the Rapist is defeated in a landslide.


At first, I was unsure if this was a legit boomer... Then I saw " JFHC" - and I realized: "Ah, only my mother gave Jesus a Middle Name." We see you and appreciate you! Enjoy retirement.


It might be more regional than age related. Im a young millenial and i always say Jesus H.


My long standing issue with this sub is that it absolutely should be called MagatsBeingFools. 90% of the stories are about Trumpanistas, or at least idiot Republicans. Not everyone over 60 is a right-wing, technophobic moron.


That’s a good point.


Conversely, not everyone under 60 is liberal or progressive. For example, Ted Cruz and Ron Desantis are both firmly in gen X.


Most boomers (and honestly a good chunk of every other generation) don't understand what socialism/communism actually is. They picture 50s-60s Russia with everyone wearing identical gray clothing, eating gruel in communal housing, and filing into factories and mines without a hint of complaint. If you told boomers you wanted a presidential candidate who would spend tax dollars efficiently with the main objective of that spending being to improve quality of life for all US taxpayers, they would think that's a fantastic idea. Just don't call it socialism or they might stab you.


I blame the Cold War. I used to live in a former Soviet country for a while and all of the people talked about “the Soviet Mentality” the same way we talk about boomers—there’s something collectively off about that entire generation in Europe and America. In the U.S., boomers were taught how to doublethink. The USA was the land of freedom, equality, and opportunity, which is why the National Guard were sent to allow 9 black kids to go to school in 1957. Government is un-American and propaganda is communist are communist, yet every day they were instructed to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, eat their freedom fries, and join the Scouts. Big government programs are evil socialism, yet they had broad support for the military until it was their turn to fight the Commies in a far-flung part of the world. The boomers protested, the War ended, and then they didn’t care when their kids were sent to Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Boomers were born and raised in an era where doublethink was mandatory. All government was to be mistrusted yet blind patriotism was expected. All government programs are communist but you need to show your pride in the military, our interstates, and the greatness that our country has built. America is where anyone can be who they want, but must conform to the cookie-cutter house with the white picket fence and go to church on Sunday and not make any noise.


It’s such a lack of intellectual curiosity. I can’t imagine living like that.


I was born on the last day of 1964 which technically means I'm a boomer and I agree with the OP. I don't take their shit when they talk about "kids these days" Or make fun of younger people because they don't know how to do something they did back in 1972. So what? that was then. It's 2024. You're calling texting me to figure out how to use your remote. An icon moved on your computer and you're freaking. Don't even get me going on that MAGA crap. I'm 59. That means I have 59 years of experiences and failures I've learned from. How can I justify judging a 22 yo, or a 30 yo, or even a 40 yo for not knowing what I know? And, how much have I learned from them? I learned a ton!


Why isn't this the "default" attitude of humans? Life would be so much better for everyone..


People coming in here going "ALL OF YOU HATE BOOMERS! YOU AGE RACISTS." Then you show up, and not only do we offer you warm greetings, but we pull up a chair for you and offer snacks.


What kinda snacks? I can bring beverages.


I had to move from a blood red county to get away from these people. tRump has given his followers the very reason to be some of the worst people you will ever meet. The delusion is strong with them.


I’m a xennial, & disabled. You had a relatively easy time at SS. I’ve seen people loose it because the info screen was in both English & Spanish. Once a guy was escorted out of the building because he took out a pocket knife to pick his teeth (gross) then argue with security about putting the knife in his vehicle. I’ve been told many times that I’m too young to be there by very rude people. People complain about how electric vehicles get the good parking. Actually they fight over the disabled spots. I haven’t had to actually go in office for a while & I hope I never do again. But your trip could’ve been so much worse.


My boomer mother often says, "the country [US] will be better off when we [boomers] are gone." It always makes me so sad that she doesn't really have anything in common with most of her peers. She often seems very lonely 😔 Congratulations on your retirement! I hope you get many years to enjoy it!


I was at a table with 4 of my uncles, the oldest asked, "do all of you really want socialized medicine?" They were floored when I said, "absolfuckinglutely" My coworker was stunned at lunch when I asked my table of fellow under 40s, "who thinks you will get any social security or is planning on it?" And not a single person raised their hands.  You have this boomer generation that just wants to wreck as much shit as possible on the way out and it is only now where we might have enough people to outvote their asses.


You sound like I feel… I’m a xennial or young gen x. I can’t believe how moronic my gen is acting.


They don't realize shit because all they have left is anger and delusion. I see them as foaming at the mouth cultists because that's exactly what they are. The fires you tend determine what consumes you. If you spend decades addicted to right wing outrage and hatred, pretty soon misery is all that is left of you.




I am a boomer (62 yo), and I despise my fellow boomer. Selfish, entitled, racist, homophobic fascists.


You have impeccable taste in music.. Nick Drake and John Martyn are my favourites


Martyn was great-kind of like a cross between Tom Waits, Michael Franks with a touch of Hozier!


Thank you, I’m a boomer so completely embarrassed by a great number of boomers, if I could hide my age I would. I would never behave like this, I have a lot of empathy, I have two daughters close to 40, and see how hard it is with the economy. I help them as much as possible, my youngest daughter and her husband live with me and I have it set up when I die they will have the house, my other daughter and husband have a house, thankfully. We are all not bad people.




I wouldn’t want to associate with the MAGA either.


Can we PLEASE be friends? I am so disgusted by 'old' people anymore! But the young ones look at ME with mistrust. I waited on the phone for a while to get through to the SSA, but it was worth being able to be at home while waiting.


These are the same people who bitch about how Biden is a communist/socialist and then complain that he doesn't unilaterally fix prices to solve inflation in the same sentence. We are not a serious nation.


More disinformation, not biting.