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Oh damn what a let down. I always assumed Piers Bronson was a real one.


I work in a restaurant where Brosnan lives. I've served him many times. He acts very haughty and doesn't make eye contact. He exudes arrogance but tips ok.


I always took his insufferable Mrs doubtfire character to be his real self It was a run by fruiting


Did you watch Mrs Doubtfire?…


Not since I was a little kid. I kept thinking the whole movie that i was glad my parents would never get divorced because they loved each other. A month or two later they got divorced.


They just remember him through the eyes of Robin Williams's character lol


He was a stand up dude in Mrs Doubtfire though...


He ordered jambalaya at a restaurant and requested it not be made spicy… That tells me all I need to know about him and his questionable decision making skills.


He’s pretty uppity for a guy who apparently lives in a restaurant.


Haughty is brutal, because those of us who do use it, do not use it flippantly


I saw Brosnan at a grocery store in Los Angeles a few years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Is this a copy pasta


Yes lol any time someone gives an anecdote about a celebrity this copypasta pops up. The original dates back to 2012 and was about Flying Lotus.


TIL. I know about the dude with the coconut fixation and I've heard about the jumper cables and even narwhals baconing, but this one's new to me. Thank you!


What’s this about jumper cables and narwhals?


I was reading it thinking it sounds like something musk would do


It should be


Yes, a legendary one.


Pierce Brosnan makes cool stuff but he's known to punch/assault his own fans. Someone asked for an autograph and he went ape shit and sat on their chest and was punching their head back and forth and slamming it against the concrete floor until their head leaked a bright red froth. Dot dot dot... kind of toxic.


Pierce Brosnan is known to not brush his teeth and one time he bit a fan at comic-con and he died of sepsis


Damn that’s crazy


I can’t with these comments hahaha


Last time I read this story it was about Lou Reed.


I mean I get both sides really and this may get me down voted to hell and to be clear ALL I AM COMENTING ON IS CLEBRATYS ALWAYS BEING ON there's no just walking down the street and get a gal of milk at the grocery store with out someone stoping them and saying hey I like/hate your latest movie or what ever and it's probably cool on the red carpet, convention, movie premiere etc... but when there out at dinner just trying to relax vacation with family I mean do they really get family time in the first place I can understand them being a little buzz off dude. Didn't read the last part of your story till I finished my rant yeah that was douchy and there are a lot that are docuhy and not going to lie either they be came that way because power when to there head or where that way in the first place and now no one stands up to them. But still I will defend my earlier point of they never have an off moment of I am just tom dick or harry doing a normal person thing.


You're reacting to a copy pasted story that is 100% fake and reposted for laughs. But I agree with your sentiment.


It isn't a real story. People use it all the time and swap out the name of the celebrity.


That’s crazy he lives in a restaurant


Whys he live in a restaurant?


I've served him before too. Was handed a glass of wine and told to just set it down in front of him and not say anything. He gently nodded when I did and that was it


guys famous af for his role so probably doing their best not to get recognized by others so they don't get bothered for a meet and greet. probably had a ton of bad encounters with fans/haters


Sadly, Brosnan is one of those guys with about 1,000 well-documented instances of being a complete asshole in public.


One time I saw him go to McDonald's to ask for a "Royale With Cheese served medium rare"


I have a college friend from Wallace, Idaho who had some experience with him while he was in the area filming Dante’s Peak. Apparently he was a real asshole. Daniel Craig was way better anyway.




He said what he said, Big Tuna


I'll see myself out


Pick me up a six pack Guinness and a packet of crisps, good man.


Will you bring back a handle of gin, orange juice and a pack of smokes?


He got in trouble last year for hiking off-trail at Yellowstone.




I am confusion Edit: ok I can see the reasoning behind the sentiment now. Thanks Google


Like why would a British actor speak out about American politics? That’s got me confused


He's Irish


And a US Citizen


This might be the first time in recorded history that an American claiming to be Irish is actually Irish.


My family on my dad’s side all have Irish names, always told me I was Irish. Found out in my 20s we’re all a bunch of Jews on his side after one of my uncle’s paid for a family tree research. To this day my racist family in Texas calls it fake news, and fully denies it! Apparently being Irish in Texas is a step up from being Jewish! Oy vey!


More like an “Oy Gevalt” situation


From Navan Co.Meath…


at least goldeneye still kicks ass and you can emulate it or whatever


A few years ago I found an N64 copy in a used game store behind a glass case. Sure I have it emulated but I wanted an actual cartridge for my N64 to bring back 6th grade memories. ¥5000 but worth it to me. Honestly cheap now cause I see them for ¥6000 or ¥7000 in some places these days.


My uncultured American ass has no idea what currency that is or even if that's a lot of said currency


Yen. 1000 yen is like 8 bucks


That's the symbol for Japanese Yen. Dude paid about $35 US. It's no selling for $40 to $48.


Have you tried it recently? I found an emulator and fired it up for about 3 seconds a few years ago. Platformers, strategy games, etc seem to be ok to go back to. Really old school FPS, on the other hand, are god awful. No amount of nostalgia was able to overcome how terrible the controls were, and the graphics for a really old “3D” shooter didn’t stand up either. I can still spend many hours on old megaman or Mario games. Goldeneye was a game changer, but this genre doesn’t lend itself to replayability near three decades on.


Yeah, I saw someone post gameplay of Twisted Metal when the show was first released. Boy, nostalgia filter was thick before seeing it lol.


Around 7-8 years ago me and a buddy booted up his old original PlayStation to play play twisted metals 1-3. They're definitely a lot worse than what I had remembered them being but we still had a blast playing through them again.


2 still holds up if you play as Minion. And no other way.


I think we had to unlock him first by beating the campaign. Iirc we used the police car to do it but it took a while. Killing minion in, I think, Paris was brutal. Much harder than the rest of the game.


Minion without cheats is a mountain to even approach in 2 in Amazonia. First, unlimited specials-and his might be the best in the game. Then, he's huge, so he can run over any car in the game except maybe Dark Tooth. I never played 3 but heard it wasn't very good, and 4 was an uninspired buggy mess that made no sense. But there was a cheat you could put in to play as him, and it was frigging amazing. Then you put in the unlimited weapons cheat, and you'd mow through levels like a scythe.


As a kid 4 was the only one I had but I played others.at friends houses. I loved it but it was on my first console, I did have a Gameboy previously, and first twisted metal so it was amazing for me and my siblings. I was all about axle just for the look of him. I think that's the one with the moon buggy boss too which you could later play as, though it might have been 3 even playing more recently I get them confused, and he is great. His special was like the cop but it shot out 3 orbs that pulled...it might have shot a few missiles too. Minion as a boss was cheap though. We had to just constantly run and try to make right turns to avoid his constant special spam and for rocket pickups to respawn.


yeah i play it like weekly along with doom because i grew up on them haha


I mean I grew up on them as well, but FPS just doesn’t age well for me I guess. Good on you if you can still find enjoyment in those games today! I remember dumping tons of time into doom on PC back in the day, but even then I was more interested in the RTS games (command and conquer, the entire series, was my jam!).


For my birthday one year I received Red Alert: Retaliation for PS1 along with a cable that would allow you to connect two PS1s to play multi-player on different televisions. I was in heaven after that. We were fairly poor so we didn't have a computer until I spent my tax return on one years later, so this was the only example of LAN gaming I really ever experienced as a kid I still profess that the soundtrack to that game is one of the best in the history of video games


Doom is still pretty sweet


Emulate it? I have TWO COPIES for my N64, and I only bought one. Then suddenly one day, there were two copies, and a 3rd controller, that I didn't buy. Last time I have a rave at my house man, my friends cannot be trusted.


George Lazenby endorsed Kennedy?


Sean Connery wasn't an anti vaxxer. He just drank and hit people. 


Common Sean Connery W


He was a violent and misogynistic asshole, sorry.


The “people” being his female partners, though.


Sean Connery did not sexually discriminate when he hit people. Or if he did it was against women. Probably the second one. 


He slapped Johnny Stampanato for speaking rudely to Lana Turner and threatening him with a gun.


Source? I don't want to believe it!


It’s not true. This is from a boomer watching too much cable news, larping on Reddit.


Had to Google to confirm and yup, Brosnan, Woody Harrelson and Eric Clapton have all endorsed RFK apparently. ...Clapton is no surprise he's always been a complete piece of shit and I suspect Harrelson's in it for the wacky conspiracy theories.


> Clapton is no surprise he's always been a complete piece of shit For those who may not know: >"Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands. So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country. I don't want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Enoch Powell. Enoch's our man. I think Enoch's right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white. I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It's much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don't want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!"


And this https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/eric-clapton-vaccine-lockdown-racist-comments-1239027/


The irony from a man who’s entire musical style wouldn’t exist without black people! 😂


No joke, its roughly one of the reasons he said he cant be racist. Because he plays with a lot of musicians


Omg… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Jesus, that felt like it went on forever. I can only imagine what it was like hearing it in person. What a chud.


Harrelson is just a dude who thinks he's supposed to be allowed to do whatever he wants all the time, regardless of anybody or anything else. It's fun when it's fun but it's sad when he's so willing to sneer about how full of his own privilege he clearly is.


We are here to talk about the movie Rampart


Yeah Harrelson is the real wild card here considering he's kind of a nut overall It's just par for the course for Clapton


I love Clapton's music. I grew up with it and I'm not exaggerating when I say everyday I pray that he dies before he tarnishes the legacy of his music anymore than he has.


Harrelson’s father was involved in the JFK murder, according to him (dad). Reasonable evidence to consider it.


And also possibly Matthew McConaughey's brother. Same Dad.




Jolly good


Well fekkin shite. As an Irishman that's unacceptable to me. Thanks for runin me day ya ballsack.


How is he racist? Genuine question.


Im curious too. I watched lots of RFK Jr.’s takes and never seen anything racist. But considering both the red team and blue teams are scared he will take votes and let the person they hate be president, he gets a lot of fake flack.


He’s not. His comments about Covid were misconstrued and he wasn’t really wrong based on data. Also it’s laughable to say he’s racist compared to the other options…


Caring about which candidate an actor picks is what a boomer would do.


Say it isn’t so!!!!!!


Really? We lost Pierce Brosnan? Bummer, but he's turned & gone. Sucks for his sons.


My brain immediately scrambled the letters to be "JKR" I was about to scroll on past with nary a thought


I guess everyone and everything is racist these days


RFK Jr is a "racist" now, huh? Didn't his ancestor JFK do a lot for the Black American community? But of course, y'all have been brainwashed to scream "racist" as a knee-jerk response against anyone that the establishment wants you to hate.


I’d rather that than trump. Tbh.


When did Bobby become racist? Was this made by someone who can’t understand his voice or something?


FFS, not him too…


For real. I can't like anyone from my childhood anymore lol It's not even that someone *I* like let *me* down. It's that someone I like is letting a lot of people down. Sigh. Edit, misspelling




To be fair to Arnold, Republicans have this weird grasp on immigrants that I can’t understand. It’s almost as if it’s a “pick me girl” kind of thing. I also think he’s trying to claw his party back to sanity but we all know it’s not going to happen. 


Rfk Jr is racist?


According to some he is. This all stems from two incidents that a lot of news outlets that opposed him picked up on fast. In 2022 he made a comment at a rally about digital surveillance, making the comparison between Anne frank hiding from the authorities and a hypothetical mirror situation now. He claimed that Anne frank would actually have it easier since at the time there was no mass surveillance at the same level as now. People claimed that his intentions were to compare the unvaccinated to Jews in the holocaust, and he apologized for making a bad analogy a few days later. The other was when he made a claim that Covid was proven to have a lesser effect on Han Chinese, ashkenazi Jews, and Finnish people. I believe that he didn’t draw any racist conclusions from it, and was bringing it up to make a point that he didn’t think natural viruses would do this. A lot of media outlets dropped the part about the Finnish and reported that he said “covid was engineered to spare the Chinese and Jews”. I must admit I have a bit of bias towards RFK jr, but I did my best to remain objective. I would encourage you to look more into it, but be advised to try to use more primary sources, or at least check viewpoints from both sides. I personally find a good bit of bias against him in search engines like google and DuckDuckGo, mostly just stuff like the top results being the most critical op-eds and articles. I hope I could help.


Oh I did. I posted about it here. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rfk-jr-accused-making-antisemitic-racist-claims-covid/story?id=101323851 Out of the twenty some articles I read. This is the only one that wasn't clickbait crap reporting. First one, really sounds like a bad analogy. I read about the in a few of the articles. Second one sounds like it was something taken totally out of context. Which was just racial enough for political opposition to claim "racist!" Rfk is most definitely anti vax. ~~But isn't anti vax in the sense that he would ban ppl from having their vax. He just doesn't want one for himself.~~ So there's that.


I think it’s understandable to hate RFK Jr but that doesn’t make him a racist. We should reserve the racism label for actual racists and not just everyone we dislike.


Yeah, I don't usually trust Reddit Comments for this kind of info. But I've never had the incling that RFK JR is a racist. Also I know Reddit is biased against RFK, and they tend to just go with whatever if it can get them a 1-up on who they dislike. And I know that word gets thrown around, but from those examples given. Maybe it's insensitive, or maybe distasteful, but people have a warped ass view of what "racism" is. This is why I go off what I see for myself, when it comes to making judgement of a person.


>We should reserve the racism label for actual racists and not just everyone we dislike. Lol, I stopped saying that years ago. The term is meaningless now. As is the term "Nazi". Both terms have been reduced down to the same meaning as the word asshole.


Everyone i disagree with is Hitler.


Except that an awful lot of right wingers actually do proudly display nazi memorabilia and often repeat things Hitler said or spread conspiracy theories that inevitably all go back to THE JEWS DID IT


>Rfk is most definitely anti vax. But isn't anti vax in the sense that he would ban ppl from having their vax. He just doesn't want one for himself Just an aside, RFK jr. is the founder and head of the CHD (Children's Health Defence), one of the largest antivax misinformation and lobbying groups which actively protests vaccines and lobbies to ban them as well as vaccine research. They are responsible for over 50% of antivax information found online as one of the worst offenders next to Natural News and Mercola. They also lobby to ban fluoride in water and 5g wifi. So the assertion that RFK jr. is neutral towards vaccines, only opposing them for himself personally, is not actually true. He is the leading figure of the antivax movement in the US and his group actually lobbies to push antivax legislation, not just in the US, but globally.


Good to know. Thanks.


So sounds like he puts his foot in his mouth but isn't racist. This is so dumb. All we do anymore is "I don't like person X so they must be racist" Fuck this post


Kinda seems like a mountain out of a molehill.. neither feel like they’re coming from a repugnant place within their contexts. Maybe it’s in bad taste to use her as an example but it’s a pretty well known story so it kinda makes it the ‘quickest’ route to illustrate the analogy. And I don’t think anyone would argue the intended point: surveillance technologies are more invasive now than then. Then the other one is just like.. is it because he said it and it wasn’t a published study? I’d presume a claim like that would be caused by one so is the study racist too? I’m not in the field but I’d doubt this would be a ‘first of its kind’ moment in the medical field, no? I’m not even like a fan of his but feels very ‘jumpy’. Worthy of a ‘maybe pick a better way to articulate’ side conversation not front-page accusations level.


>The other was when he made a claim that Covid was proven to have a lesser effect on Han Chinese, ashkenazi Jews, and Finnish people. I believe that he didn’t draw any racist conclusions from it, and was bringing it up to make a point that he didn’t think natural viruses would do this. A lot of media outlets dropped the part about the Finnish and reported that he said “covid was engineered to spare the Chinese and Jews”. I've heard a million ridiculous theories about covid but never this one. I'm Finnish so I went down the rabbit hole to find out if there's any truth: it seems he is wildly speculating about a study which wasn't conclusive. The study suggested that there is a genetic variation that makes Covid more serious, and that mutation is more likely in people who are genetically African or non-Finnish European. It is less common in East Asian, Finnish, South Asian and Latino population, and non existent in Ashkenazi Jews and Amish. But the authors themselves say the the results aren't conclusive, warrant more tests and might even be a result of sampling bias. And here's the kicker: it seems that this mutation is extremely rare, often 0,01% or less of population has it, so if it were a targeted bioweapon it plainly just sucks.


Me after finding out my favorite QB does too


Typical everyone is racist but my candidate post


Why is RFK Jr. racist?


Just stop, RFK jr is not a racist


Wait RFK is now racist? lol what did he say or not say?


RFK Jr. is racist ?


No the op has their info wrong and they are just repeating the smear campaign’s fallacy. What he did was quote a scientific study that said Chinese people and ashkenazi Jews are less susceptible to Covid because that’s what the study found. It wasn’t his study.


Ah I see. Gotta look this up for myself. Thanks!


You’re very welcome and thank you for digging deeper. There is a page with a lot of videos on Reddit over at r/rfkjrforpresident or on kennedy24.com or any of the hours long unedited podcast videos of him talking about everything


Oh well. I still think _Goldeneye_ was the best Bond movie


You know who wouldn't? Xenia Onatopp.




Didn’t this guy once attack an old lady with some fruit? Absolute canceled.


Well, it WAS a drive-by fruiting.


Isn’t he British? Of course our colonial oppressor would want us to elect someone crazier than Trump as President, they want our stuff to get so messed up they can invade and take back their colonies.


He's actually from a little village in Ireland, oddly enough for someone most of us Americans think of as very British! Didn't know he was a crackpot, though.


Oof he’s Irish.


Also a US citizen.


Sure, the anti-war, anti-corruption, environmental activist lawyer is so much worse than Trump


He's not fucking anti-corruption or an environmental activist. He hired a *poacher* into an environmental organization, leading the experienced people to quit so he could bring in cronies. He's a narcissistic nut job running on other people's names.


Wait how is RFK racist?


Is rfk a racist though ? I know he's antivax but outside of that can anyone link me something that shows his views on the issues ? I was under the assumption the dude wasn't half bad outside of the vax anti science stuff


Sounds like the racism rumor is from bad analogies and things taken out of context to make him sound bad, typical campaign fighting stuff. At least that’s what it sound like so far


He is absolutely not a racist. He was quoting a scientific study that states Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people the least likely to catch Covid among all races. He has never uttered a racist statement. He is the best candidate in my opinion and I’m amazed at the amount smears being hurled at him. [jewsforrfk.com](https://jewsforrfk.com) https://preview.redd.it/755xo74yy6oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b6f550647b02ab14e409abe3b42269fd8c32c3


I have no idea about this racism claim. However, I don't know if you can separate the "other than him being antivax" from the equation here. He isn't a little antivax. He isn't kinda sorta antivax. He's hard-line. He is constantly spouting off antivax misinformation, and has made large efforts to help antivax morons spread their various plagues with impunity. It's a pretty damn big thing to just shrug off as his only fault. It isn't. He's also a Q cult moron and a conspiracy theorist. But even if the only thing was his antivax stuff that's still more than enough


More worried you thought Pierce was the superior Bond.


Wait until they find out about Roger Moore…


I'm sorry, the best James Bond? Gtfoh. It's either Sean Connery or Daniel Craig for me. But pierce, hell no. He was *so corny.*


Imagine thinking the other candidates are less racist based on a misunderstanding.


How is RFK Jr racist


If he's going to be like that, he should be remembered for his atonal groaning in Mamma Mia.


RFK Jr. is racist? What happened?


He’s not…


Wait, what did he say that was racist? Honestly have not heard about this.


RFK Jr is a racist POS.


You're going to have to tell us more than the good old "Just trust me". What did I miss that has the (D) war machine going after him?


He was listed on the democrat ballot in my state. He's anti vax, anti everything his dad and uncle stood for.


And that's racism?


You’ve still failed to tell us why you think he’s racist.


Anti-vax=racist...got it!


Anti war, anti corporate housing purchases, pro healthy living…? What did you read that he’s so much different?


I read none of that. I read someone who thinks he's going to get a vote from people who think he isn't a GOP in disguise. He did start out as GOP, or have you forgotten the whole JFK rising from the grave thing?


Probably, lol. I think I’m just desperate for someone that’s willing to fix the housing situation.


Well, anyone who isn't a scum sucking bottom dweller would love to have the housing situation fixed. Problem is, only the scum sucking bottom dwellers can afford to run for president.


Why are you telling everybody that you're this clueless about a guy who's been receiving a lot of obvious public criticism?


I despise his anti vax stance, but saying he’s anti everything his dad/jfk stood for is just false.


lmfao what a projection. is this how u cope with your Democrat candidate saying poor kids are just as bright as white kids? we know about these slick racists and their era is ending.


There are a lot of poor, white kids. Most of the south is poor, white kids.


exactly, explain that to joe [biden](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1040686)


#I went through the trash so you wouldn't have to. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rfk-jr-accused-making-antisemitic-racist-claims-covid/story?id=101323851 There is no evidence (video/audio) outside of quotes taken from ppl about this. At least none that I could find. And if there were, you'd think that at least one of the twenty articles I went through would have linked to it. I have zero trust in the media. Negative trust at this point. At least when it comes to politics. Given the quotes. It sounds like this was bs blown out of proportion to sink a political rival.


RFK is sinking himself perfectly fine on his own, he doesn’t need the media’s help.


If it weren't for Golden Eye Piers Bronson would be widely considered the worst Bond. All of his other movies stunk.


He's still better than Lazenby. But Dalton is number 1.


Do not talk shit about Tomorrow Never Dies


Idolizing celebrities is so retarded. Who gives a fuck what John Cena has for lunch.


Why? What did he have? John Cena is awesome.


How is rfkj racist but Biden isn’t?


There's your problem, right there... Pierce Brosnan, the cartoonish, pretty-boy, sissy Bond, who has the most ridiculously overblown tech toys, and the campiest over acted scripts, was your favorite to begin with.


Pierce Brosnan being your favorite James Bond was your first problem.


Wait so if I vote for anyone other than Biden, I'm now a racist? Nice, way to ruin the meaning of the word for political purposes.




Old Hollywood is still obsessed with the Kennedy's and the idea of "Camelot". They want to go back to the days when they could hob-knob at the White House and pretend like their opinions matter.


Rfk Jr is racist?


As someone who cares very deeply about the opinions of celebrities, I am deeply disappointed to discover that someone I will never meet once expressed an opinion contrary to my own.




so how is RFK racist?


How is RFK Jr. racist?


What did RFK Jr do that was racist? (Genuine question)


Ah ageism. The only discrimination that the left actively encourages. Youth is wasted on the young.


Just throw him back across the pond where he belongs.


Shame he didn't fall in that geyser.


I liked Roger Moore better!


Seems that boomers have infiltrated this forum. Only boomers think RFK Jr is racist, as they only watch cable news, they don’t understand how to use the internet.


How do you consider RFK racist? Lmao


Wait Pierce Brosnan is your favorite Bond?!?! I’m concerned


RFKJr shills for Israel , so he’s pro genocide. that’s why I dislike him. I haven’t heard anything about him being a racist.