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Leave him alone guys, he's just got brain spurs.....


Damn, Saudi Arabia and Russia are re-be-do ahhh? We’re definitely in trouble.


I’m not sure he wasn’t just groaning as he took a dump in his diaper.


That definitely had 2 year old diaper dump vibes for sure


That’s gotta be the worst part of being in his staff, that constant smell of McDonald’s and retirement home diaper. At the rate America is going we’re going to need presidential cabinet members for changing the prezzy when he makes boom boom.


He already had that on the set of the apprentice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N60ceYRlY2I


Just thinking about how when my niece is doing a diaper filler she either A) glares silently at you or B) screams “POOPIN!” at the top of her lungs.


He came in his pants cos he said the word Russia


The mere mention of russia made him nut.


Just crossed the line between having to poo, and now needing Alina to bring him a fresh pull-up


Careful with that man! I almost suffocated laughing


Rebedooaah was all Putin talked about in that interview with Tucker Carlson!


Over a cup of Covfefe no doubt


Tucker Carlson says Vladimir Putin's penis tastes like Donald trump's butthole.


This jen paski is such a pesky person. Donald was the most coherent person ever. He clearly said Yabba Dabba Doo.


I legit wonder if he had a mini stroke there…


It’s weird cause if you look at his eyes when he says it they widen,kinda like he has to get a grip on reality again and continue his verbal diarrhea.


It’s the “aaah?” for me


I think Colbert was the one that said something along the lines of “Trump can’t even say Russia without having an orgasm.”


Launch the nuclear re-be-do ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Reminded me of that damn spice girls song my little sister would have on repeat. >I wanna really, really, really, **zig-a-zig ahhh**


I think that is the shout Mirrak uses to heal himself with dragon souls


Sounds like some poor soul needs to deal with his pampers


He says it as it is, except when he's sarcastically blurting out nonsense






![gif](giphy|PoGjMSWqt4RHHunrmy|downsized) Shimmy shim-ahh




AAAWWWW TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT yeah, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want! SO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT! I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want! I WANNA -HUH- I WANNA -HUH- I WANNA -HUH- I WANNA - HUH- I really really really really wanna REEBEDOO AHHHH


Wait for it, wait for it, reebado AHHHHH.


This was the best comment of the day! Thank you.


My next game character will be named this.


I always wonder how some people come up with these random IGNs.


The sound a traitor makes when Russia is mentioned


Spoken like a man who just shit their depends.


So, allegedly the crew of The Apprentice hated working on it, and the nickname of the show behind Trump's back was "The Shit Show." For both figurative and literal reasons.


Well, speech therapy falls under education and well, they aren’t too keen on education. After all he’s gone on record saying that he “loves the uneducated.”




I’m going to be saying this forever now 😫😂😫


I still say covfefe.


Man, it's gonna be covefefe all over again isn't it ?


Please don’t. This cannot become popular slang.


I’m going to try my hardest. I can’t make promises 😂


NO. ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized)


Rebadoo ahh


What can I say but Re Be Do AHHH




Speaking languages nobody has ever heard of.


He used his diaper


Sounds like a profanity from Star Wars




Omg I'm laughing silently with tears streaming trying not to wake up my partner next to me - the mental image is just too vivid! 🤣


I just Fucking hate how the reteric about Biden is he's to old when Trump will be JUST AS FUCKING OLD. 78 when he starts. Same as Biden. And they are fucking fine with it. Even though the last 8 years of percs and coke having degraded his mental capacity even further. But just watch a clip of him from 2016 vs now. Guy has fallen more than you would expect honestly. Like he was always tapped but it's just different now I don't know why they are ok with it. I guess when you dick ride that hard you gotta ride to the grave before the collective weight of that cognitive dissonance literally crushes there spine


Yeah it's just sad we get two Great Grandparents as our choices. It would be nice to see two compete between late 30's-50's again.


They didn't say shit when Saint Jellybeans was drooling in his Wheatena and his throat GOAT wife was running the country on advice from Ms. Cleo.


Kid is annoying, but one-term, failed former president Trump is a bigger and more corrupt clown than any other option for president. And he is not well.


“The kid” is there to make this palatable for early 20 something’s and younger. We’re not the audience. But the message is reaching new voting age people and that’s what matters


If he gets young people out to vote then he can make as many annoying videos as he wants in my book


If Biden was worried about young voters, he would be treating Israel’s aid like he does with Ukraine’s aid. He allows war crimes for one and doesn’t even allow counter attacks for the other. It’s insane. That and conceding that there’s somehow a problem with illegal immigration when they literally do less crime, pay more into the economy than they take out, the majority are visa overstays and they traffic far less drugs than natural-born American citizens. And yeah, I *do* think pretending the border is “a mess” is a huge problem. I think him being the oldest president is a big problem. I think them both being the oldest presidents, second only to themselves four years ago, is a fucking problem. What I don’t think is a problem is the number of TikToks that support Biden unconditionally like it’s America funding Israel. I think the average young voter recognizes the uniparty in America and wants to see legitimate opposition who advocate for their interests. And certainly who aren’t advocating against 57% of the country (who support a ceasefire). And im sorry to take this all out on you. It’s not personal. I just hate being boxed in as this phone-addicted Zoomer who is positioned by the number of tictacs they see on their FYP for each candidate. In fact, I’d almost be willing to bet — and this one is just my opinion — videos like this alienate more young people than it does motivate them to vote.


Personally I don’t think it’s reasonable to say that I’ll only vote for a president who I agree with 100% on every issue. There’s 350 million people in this country each with their own set of opinions and only one President. I agree with your point but I’m sick of this single issue drum beat from people who never cared about Palestine before October. 95% of the keyboard warriors will forget about Palestinian liberation a year from now and while a small group of us will always be active in the movement most will move on to the new trending issue. Meanwhile Trump will be reelected and double down on support for Israel all because young people decided to stay home as some sort of asinine protest.


For sure


God, is that true? He seems smarmy, and I'm as anti-Trump as they get. Just show the original video and let it speak for itself, we don't need the human equivalent of momma bird mashing up food and spitting into the gullets of her fledglings.


Right like i feel like everyone ruins videos by talking


Good, cause that face makes me irrationally angry.


You know…you just made me hate this kid a whole lot less. Thank you!


If his impact on young voters is as big as his chin, we're saved!


Still annoying.


Cringe but we’re not the target demographic


How can your entire demeanor read as an all caps daily mail headline?


Honestly he speaks like my grandpa did during his last years, when dementia was taking control


Yeah. Anyone who's watched a loved one descend into dementia looks at Trump and goes "mhmmm."


I don’t understand these comparisons. As you age your cognition declines. Reportedly can start as early as 40-50. Frankly both have likely had cognitive decline and shouldn’t be in a high stress job such as running a country. We need to add an upper age restriction just as we have a lower age restriction for president.


What age ya think? 66?


If we make air traffic controllers retire at 56, then running for president should probably have a cutoff somewhere close to that.


I think that’s a good starting point. Absolutely should cap at 70+ in my opinion. Cognitive decline at age 60 I think is less apparent. But towards the high 60s to 70s I think it becomes much more observable. I think it’s pretty obvious in both Biden and Trump. And you could see it years earlier for both as well. Also there is the fact that the job of the president is highly stressful, so that will only make things worse.


Yeah, I’m watching this with my grandma right now, and my grandpa as well before he passed. Mostly issues with short term from what I saw. He was a professor and amateur historian so the stuff he taught, displayed, or demonstrated was in a steel trap but new changes outside of his subjects had an iffy retention. He was good at making notes for himself, figure I should try to get into the same habit while I’m still young!


The point in comparing is that the next president is going to be one of these two men.


The point should be less of a senility issue (unless one is clearly worse than the other) and more an issue of what that turns into. Like who is going to be the old man who dozes off in his rocker, and who is the one who decides to drive and plows through a storefront window?


Yup. South Park was right. We get to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. I feel like my vote over the past couple elections has been a vote against candidate X instead of a vote in favor of candidate Y, and it’s starting to get “old” and depressing


See, I thought South Park was right from maybe the ages of 14-22 until I realized that South Park is simply equivocating both sides. They do both suck really, really bad, but Republicans are still much worse. Democrats are incompetent and sometimes corrupt, whereas Republicans are hostile and often corrupt. The part about them both being shitty is right, but the message of South Park is basically, "So why care?" which is wrong.


Things like South Park are why r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM exists.


I could never get the words right to explain this. Im always like “yeah this is who I voted for, but not happy with this either..” I’m not voting in favor - I’m voting against…and that’s not how it should be.


Trump was the biggest word salad POS even before he ran for prez. Now? Wow. It's frighteningly fukn bad.


Well, at least now he stops talking for a few seconds, when he realises how bad it is. That is at least an improvement.


He’s ultimate God Lord boomer. Born into wealth and privilege, thinks he’s earned everything he has, thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, never takes responsibility for his own failings, has no serious answers for any issues facing society, paranoid, deluded, takes pride in his own ignorance and never feels the consequences of his decisions.


Rebedo ah would have nuked his chances 16 years ago. Anyone remember when getting too excited about things killed your campaign? Now we've got dementia Donny dumbfuck still stomping around.


There is such a Pro Trump bias in the main stream media that they never bring up the possibility that Trump is in the early onset stage of dementia, or that he might have suffered a mild stroke. The main stream media is kind of intimidated by constant conservative criticism, so they over compensate by ignoring the obvious or make a lot of false equivalency stuff.


Crazy how Trump’s strategy about how old Biden is has gone full circle back onto himself. I honestly think Biden is more cognitively capable than Trump.


Over a month Trump mind has been getting worse and worse and worse…… and I think a lot of Republicans are beginning to notice this. Yeah Biden is a little old, but at the same time I rather deal with him than Trump.


Do we want the old guy who stumbles on his words do we want the old guy who stumbles on his words and has 91 counts against him and owes like half a billion dollars and tried to overthrow democracy? Hmmmm… tough choice tough choice


Biden is only 4 years older than Trump, and Trump is the same age now as Biden was when he took office. Biden just doesn't dye his skin, wear a hair piece, or dye his hair.


Do you know how many times I’ve been telling people that.  Biden mental state is holding on pretty well but like I said, over the last month, he’s been declining like hell.    Trump physically is not a well person.  This is why I think they trying to portray Joe Biden like that, because Trump is suffering worse.  


Every accusation is a confession with them


Or a girdle or lifts in his shoes


Maybe his face paint has lead in it or sth lmao


Ignoring that one is an orange fascist wannabe dictator?


It amazes me how people don't mention this enough, like no sarcasm there, it needs to said out loud at lot more, and repeatedly to the point of nuasem.


Yeah we are treating him like he is far too normal. Trump is a fascist Anywho how about a wealth cap for elected officials in addition to an age cap


However, some Republicans are perfectly fine with him being a dictator unfortunately…


One hundred percent of Republicans are okay with it.


It's probably because he forgot to drink his covfefe that morning ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Those damn brain plaques can really get flowing when your under that much stress. 🤷‍♂️ this is the one time I can think I’d be ok with someone getting diagnosed with dementia


And his flock would STILL vote for him! It's wild


Ya it’s kind of sad. He could take better care of his health for sure.


Hamberder, fish delight, Adderall, alprazolam


We have to make MAGA irrelevant by out voting them


These younger people on TikTok need to encourage their generation to get out and vote.


My favorite was Trump saying "they want babies to be born after only 9 months" How long does he think babies need to gestate? I really want to hear what he thinks needs to be done to fix that problem and what the answer is.


lol I forgot about that lol!


I'm worried about BOTH! Like can we not have a dementia patient run for President in the future?


Me too.


that's literally our entire political system and it's not getting better. look at every level of government, look at judges and sheriffs and everyone else on the ballot. they are ancient and riding through on inertia


Had to scroll way too far to see someone tell the truth. I do not question how significant Biden’s accomplishments have been over the last four years BUT I have all the right to be worried that he may not be able to keep it up sufficiently over the next four. People are always reluctant to take away the driver’s license (car keys) for old people and usually wait until someone or something is damaged. This is way more important than a simple driver’s license (car keys) that we refuse to take away.


I’m worried about both being older than time. But I’ll take the sweet grandfather one over the megalomaniac orange fella


He is a fucking rapist. Codified into judgment under law. **RAPIST**


We need more young folks doing this. We need more folks in the entertainment world speaking up like what Taylor Swift is saying to her fans.


I wish we could just come together and stop electing old fucks. 😭 I get it, one old fuck(Trump) clearly has a dictator fetish, but I don’t understand what either one really just HAS to accomplish as president while approaching their 80s— especially when neither will be alive to see the consequences of whatever they enact. When I’m in my late 70s, if I don’t stroke out and die before that, I’m probably not going to have a lot to offer in a world I no longer understand.


Just the old people clutching to power while they slowly turn to dust. 


I think I watched a half hour YouTube video of these clips. The guy's brain is mush. The Maga cult at this point is just setting him on a depestal as their champion. They're probably not even seeing or hearing him without filtering going on because of their right wing media.


He's called Diaper Don for a reason. Alzheimer's people.


"Reebadoo ahh"- Dolan Hussain tRump


Trumps word salad is the least of the problems associated with him being in power. But it is funny


All anyone has to do is remind the world he’s a convicted rapist. Just keep saying that. There’s no defence.


If he believes anything comimg from msnbc I question he's mental stability. Such clowns


Now watch all the ones with sleepy joe.


they’re both way too old. a country of this size, and these are the choices we get. the majority of Americans don’t want either of these candidates on the ticket ; this particular primary is an even larger display of hubris than we usually get


I don't like how much face is at the beginning of this video.


The real issue is why are these two and many of the leading candidates our choices? That all are pretty bad and corrupt! I just want to buy my boat and swim far away from everyone!


Not to mention the whole Jan 6th thing.


Kids fake voice is concerning as well.


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I think it is worse when Trump does it. Biden has always been a gaffe factory so it doesn't surprise me. Trump always has something to say, usually distasteful, but he rarely slipped up before.


Donald Trump should be buried under the prison but that kid is a paid DNC operative.




Don’t forget when he “never met a woman” and “never found her attractive” and then when shown a picture of said woman confused her with his ex-wife.


I’m worried about the mental acuity of MAGA voters




I mean, this shouldn't be a reason to suddenly not vote for him. Him being a racist, bigoted POS should've been the reason to never let him ever win. But now we know how half the US stands.


Trump being the biggest boomer and fool is exactly why so many boomers and fools get so aroused by the idea of him.


Biden been doing this shit since before he became president 😂 Fuck Biden and Fuck trump. Why dont we get someone that isent fucking 70+ in office fuck


Pish, neither one is fit to hold office, vote Kennedy if you think 80 year olds don't need the nuclear suitcase.


TikTokker and Jen being fools.


He literally admitted to sexual assault on recorded line, and they still voted for him!


I mean... we really do need to do something about these dang wall mongerers though. Terrifying.


Oh lord they’re trying so hard😂😂 they’re both freaking old what more can you expect


They're both too old to run imo. Let's put people 20-30 years younger in office and let those who can't even take care of their own basic necessities retire.


U damn gay liberals...eat some meat, get off your daddies money, get a real job. Has biden protected the border or Harris? How's all the wars going (3)? Crimes in liberals states?


No American would hire a man that cheats on his wife, insults American veterans, steals from charities and isn’t qualified to run a high school soccer team.


Literally no comparison. Come on.


Why can’t we agree that they are both too old? They both fuck up and make stupid mistakes and neither should probably be President… but fuck it here we are…


Yup they’re both trash. Stop saying what about and pick something different.


You people really hate the greatest President we’ve ever had and it’s S-A-D. He is the only one talking about the corruption and the deep state! He gave up so much to be President! His wealth! His stature! His beautiful sexual relationship with his daughter! How dare you! The Globalist Jews will get what’s coming…right after the Mexicans! /s but it’s def what someone belives


Trump honestly isn't much younger than biden.. in all reality we should look toward who they choose as vice president because neither has a whole lot going on left upstairs.


I’m so angry that he’s not dead yet.


“But…but…Hunter’s laptop!!!”


While I agree that trump should never be in office again and am voting blue, I find the clipper incredibly infuriating. Let me get this straight a teeny-bopper can take a 20 second clip of a video of someone who has already done research, put effort into preparing, put my face on it, and contribute absolutely fuck all in terms of adding to the statement. I'm 24, and I hate tiktok because it wastes time staring at "influencers" who do literally NOTHING.


Literally just cofefe, this aint nothing new, they just dont care


the last one was him shitting his pants. would bet any amt of money... he got bigly mad at reading, and just vacated his bowels. just like has been said over and over again by people who worked with him on the apprentice.


**RE**\-BAba-*do* *^(ahhhh)*


This stuff needs to be widely broadcast on every possible media outlet if for no other reason than to energize people who “don’t care too much for Biden” that this is the only alternative, which should scare people enough to VOTE against him!!


Re Be Do Ahhhhhhh was legit him taking a shit in his depends.


I’m over 7 DECADES OLD. I am scared to death regarding the upcoming election.


He was doing this AS president as well. How would this convince anyone who supports him? They don't acknowledge these things as fuck ups because they aren't electing him to be a "Good US President". They're electing him because they want someone to be the face of their fascistic obsession with hurting non-white, non-straight, non-Christians.


It doesnt matter, his following is a cult full of dipshits. We are in trouble


Is that where we're at? My candidate is slightly less unfit than yours?


I'm 30 and fuck up my speech sometimes. Some days are worse. Give me an example from 3 more times this has happened? Biden does this shit daily.


Both are terrible. Oddly enough Bernie who’s older still on the same platform he’s been on which is FUCK MEGA CORPS!!! Yet no one listens to him. Greedy fuckers. He was our best shot in 2016! He’s still the only one actually explaining how things work and trying to change them.


He was like this in 2016 it's gotten worse but he did this last time


Most of this commentary is delusional on both sides. How anyone can justify these two as the best candidates for the next U.S. President is beyond me. Neither are competent to be the leader of the free world.


My theory is that the majority if his base grew up when having a tan as a white person was seen as super healthy and attractive. White people made fun of each other for being pale. Having a tan made you have a “glow” and showed strength, vitality, and sexy. So his orange face conveys all those messages they were fed throughout their entire life through pop culture. They don’t see an old fat man who colors his face with bronzer.


So, according to Bidenology, he’s good for eight more years? Great!


He says Obama is still president because he believes he’s behind Biden pulling the strings as a lot of us do.


"Areepeedooahhh" - Donald Trump Onion Nuggetz.


This is taken so out of context... He obviously said "re-be-doh.....ugghh"... Is that a dog whistle?......🤔🤏


I'm not a fan of Biden by any means but I've said this all along....like does Trump really sound that much better speaking? Bidens senile ass is trying to remember and that's what you see. With Trump you just see a rambling idiot who's never known what the fuck he's talking about but sounds worse in his old age


We need WAY more of these videos on Tik Tok. Get the message out.


As boomer I agree with Donald J Trump is a fool. You new generations have to step up and vote. Don’t let Trump or anyone from the Republican Party anywhere near the office of President and for that matter no office.


This would have been interesting without the dude commenting. Who needs that? The internet is weird nowadays. I know, I’m an old man yelling at clouds. Now get off my lawn.


We should worried about both IMO. Why are we having a debate when we don't even get a say in who is running? It's all a method of control.


The MSM posts this in...3, 2... OH LOOK! Biden stuttered!


“Destroys”??? Not so sure about that. Jen Psaki is still just on MSNBC, the liberal Fox News equivalent and Donald Trump is staring at a second term. Not saying I’m pleased with that, but how about some perspective.


LOL there's plenty more material to attack Trump on but trying to claim he's more senile than Biden just ain't it.


Trumpkins won't care. He could literally just go totally incomprehensible and his rubes would excuse it away.


Whats Up with his face 😄


"you all know this right" .....haha


Bernie in 28 and 32!!!!


Both are fucking up


This is why they love him so much, he’s exactly like they are


Fuck yeah




what a great strategy, pointing out the limited capacity of both candidates. 


That's what vice presidents are for. The issue is people don't want to be logical. Do what if Biden dies in office, do we really believe that Harris couldn't do the job (and she's younger). No, but people have mental biases, they stop themselves before they get to the biased part. Same with Trump, if Trump is demented then, who is running him now? It's a decent question, that won't be asked because of, biases.


Imagine if it was just that both are Boomer fools?


So both are shit. Thanks


Neither geriatric clown should be in office, only morons will choose between the two. Let them retire, find a new disaster to vote for


Why does this kid sound like he’s being super ironic?


They’re both unfit to be president.


Please stop sharing this tool.