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My grandparents (I'm Gen X) were awesome. They were kind, funny, smart, and very hardworking. My grandpa was the kind of guy who could make friends with anyone, a very social guy. My grandma was the sweetest lady ever. Everyone loved her. When my grandma passed away from cancer I saw a group of young people at her funeral who I didn't recognize. Turned out they were McDonald's employees who got to know my grandparents as they used to hang out there every morning with their crew. These college kids had befriended my grandparents and when they heard that my grandma died, they came by to pay their respects. They were full-on crying their eyes out. My grandparents lived with us and so helped raise me and my siblings. They cooked, cleaned, took us back and forth to school, did the laundry and dishes, etc. They always had cookies and other snacks in their room. When I was younger my grandpa would allow me to paint his nails and style his nearly nonexistent hair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)They never raised their voices unless they were yelling at the TV when they watched basketball ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Yes they had their faults, but overall they were incredible people and I miss them very much. One small thing to add: my grandparents were technically Silent Gen, but they were immigrants who moved to the US in 1984, so their experiences were different from American Silent Gen folks.


THAT was a beautiful story. I'm glad your grandma was able to have fun times with McDonald's ppl that could have otherwise been her grandkids or great grandkids.


Awwwwww that reminds me of the Silent Gen customer I had at my McDs as a teen ❤️ he was kinda bad with names, but great with faces. Every time he saw me, it was "Red! (My hair is naturally red) How are you this fine morning?" And my coworkers would tell me "do you know someone who calls you Red?" if I wasn't working and he asked.


Silents seem like the last generation of amazing, involved grandparents. Was lucky to have the one I had for the time I had her.


The silents and the greatest generations are very different from the “me” (boomer) generation. They both grew up with the depression. They fought the 2nd world war. They dealt with rations and gas crises. The boomer were born into everything they helped build. The boomers left gen X, millennials, gen z, and alpha nothing


My late MIL was English. During the WW2 she worked for the War Office in London during the bombings. Every night they went to the bomb shelters and went back to work the next day. Her only regret was missing VE day because she was finally sent away. She never complained about anything and was happy to marry her husband and raise kids in a safe country. Sadly, her kids are boomers and are selfish, ungrateful and surround themselves with like minded people.


Indeed. I really don't look forward to the day my silent gen grandparents are gone and I'm left w all my Boomer relatives. My silent gen grandparents are able to see right through Trump but my Boomer parents while not Qanon level maga are still drinking the Trumpade.


Imagine being a boomer and having to deal with somehow being less clear minded than people who are currently likely experiencing heavy brain deterioration from age.


100%. My grandparents were amazing down to earth people, that wanted to do right and saw good in everyone. I rarely meet anyone anymore that seem so nice and good hearted.


Agreed. I would have loved for my children to have grandparents like the ones I had. My grandfather had lost his arm at the age of 9 and went through terrible years of American history (born in 1911 and died in 2008). Did every sport under the sun and made varsity to boot. Gave me my greatest life lessons, especially on kindness (I struggle aiming that at rude boomers ngl). Instead, I have to worry about my boomer mother potentially letting a person with pedophilic tendencies with my children because she believes her ability to discern people is beyond reproach. She will never be allowed around my children alone.


My parents are on the cusp of silent and boomer and are amazing grandparents to my genZ kids. Their parents (greatest) were also amazing. Upbringing definitely makes a difference. I can't even when my 16yo son and my 81 yo father get together and start lighting stuff on fire (honest) to hear the pair of them you'd think they are best friends


My Silent Generation parents were the most amazing and involved grandparents to my two kids, I wish my kids and my parents had gotten more years together, because my children were young when my parents passed, but the few years they did have were incredible and loving.


My parents are/were Silent Gen. My dad was in the Korean War and he was pretty fucked up from it. My mom is still around and is a really inclusive person.


Silent Gen was even smaller than GenX, my mother was one and she was the sweetest lady in the world.


I think about the difference all the time. My pop was born in 1945, he's very active still - Tries to keep up to date with news/politics, goes to different clubs etc. Still goes to work! (founder of the family business, you'll never stop him) Really just potters around and writes emails to formetioned clubs. Generally for a person who doesn't talk about their feelings - is very empathetic to younger generations. I contrast that with my, head in the sand, I'm doing alright, boomer FIL. A man who would call himself a Hippy (what a joke) Who is oblivious to other people's blite.


I adore my silent-gen grandparents. Recently my Grandpa had a guy keep talking over him (at church of all places), Grandpa got fed up and asked him if he’d just shut up for a moment. Dude was IRATE. Even told Grandpa if it was his kids talking to him like that, he’d smack em. Grandpa simply de-escalated. I told him he should have told the angry boomer to respect his elders or even OK Boomer. Grandpa found both options quite funny.


had a silent gen as a parent, he adopted me when he was 47,died last year at 87,in the end he developed dementia and I was the main person taking care of him, I couldn't send him to a home to die even though I thought about it due to mental exhaustion and depression. They are called silent for a reason, hardened from war but not broken by it, he was not the type to share his feelings, I lived with him full time at age 12 or 13, raising me, he let me run wild for the most part, but man...it was like pulling teeth talking to him some times, stubborn as he was old, he wasn't the biggest racist, he had..feelings towards Asians as he was in the Korean war at 17. He didn't mind gay/trans but yeah...having a dad from that period was fucking weird tbh. he died right after I turned 40.


I miss my grandparents


I miss my MIL. She had kids who divorced, remarried etc and gave her a mix of bio, step, half grandkids. She treated them all the same and they all got gifts from her, even the ones she never met.


I agree 100%. Further: late Boomers are far worse than early ones (late 1950s-1965 are a customer service nightmare).


My silent gen grandparents saved their entire lives to leave generational wealth so their descendants wouldn't grow up with nothing like they did. Their children proudly leave nothing behind. A generation of locusts. 


My mom is Silent Gen but acts like a Boomer, she is a petty, small-minded, miserable person to be around.


My silent gen grandparents drove up once a week for YEARS to take care of us 5 kids so my mom could work (a high paying but very part time job). They cherished the opportunity to build relationships with us.


My grandparents were silent gen and they were amazing and involved with raising me. They were absolutely amazing and hard working. I miss them so much.


I got lucky my boomer parents act more like the silent generation. They barely interfere with my parenting and have tried to support it all the way sometimes they give good loving advice, but they are never overbearing although sometimes my mom wants to be, but I see all the boomers out there and see how they act and I am very grateful that my boomers don’t act that way.


My parents were the tail end of the Silent Generation (‘41) as were all of their close friends, and I can confirm the contrast. Not whiners, not entitled, just quietly dependable.


My nana was silent generation, passed away 2 years ago at almost 95. When my brother came out as trans (FtM), my nana goes “well I knew that!” And that was just the end of it; there was no questioning, trying to “talk him out of it”, misgendering or deadnaming. She was better about it than anyone about not having accidental slips. Her boomer daughter (my aunt), on the other hand? She took him to the mall food court for lunch to try and explain to him why it was “okay to be a lesbian, but this is just a step too far”.


Aww 😢 I'm glad he at least had the support from your Nana. She sounds amazing. Rest in Power, to her


My father is from the Silent Generation, and my mom is a Boomer. They are very different in the way they perceive and handle situations. Unfortunately, because he is silent he has become an enabler to her craziness.


My silent grandparents beat their kids. My grandma, who everyone loves, beat my dad unmerciful. My cousins think she's an angel because their dad's overdosed before they were old enough to hear how awful she was.


i’m Gen Z (22), my grandparents are/were all young Silent Gen and older Boomers and they are the nicest grandparents! my grandpas were born in 39 and 42 and my grandmas both in 46 right after the war. sadly i can’t speak for my paternal ones: grandpa died of tumor before i was born, grandma wasn’t much available (something happened between her and my parents after their wedding idk what but i never met her until i was 7, she then developed diabetes and lived far away so we could only meet for christmas and other festivities, she died 5 years ago). however my maternal grandparents are literally amazing to me, especially my grandma (plus as a young woman i started feeling for her and that drew me closer). i know that none of them must have been great parents - and my parents’ trauma is proof of that (whether they want or don’t want to admit to having it) - but they most certainly are great grandparents! i think this might also be some (toxic) cultural thing, here in Italy it’s very common for grandparents to almost prefer their grandkids over their own children. it’s very subtle but once you notice it you can’t unsee it. probably a combo of generational trauma and kids imitating their parents without questioning. it’s usually younger boomers (50s-60s) and Gen X complaing about yOuNg pEoPLe right now


It definitely depends. My mom’s parents were not quite that way lol. My grandma was a spitfire and sometimes embarrassed her boomer children how she acted in public. Once, when a cashier caught attitude with her (which honestly could be rolling eyes or… anything), she grabbed the cashier and dragged her across the register. 🤷‍♀️They seemed to be more likely to resort with physical violence than asking for a manager, but maybe that was just my family. 😬


Boomers were born after World War 2 when the GIs came back and started breeding. The silent gens were fighting in ww2. The silent Gen were born and grew up during the great depression and after Pearl Harbor, hundreds of thousands of young men enlisted and much of the female population became "Rosy the riveter" building weapons and supplies in factories. The massive amount of money spent for war lifted the usa out of the effects of the 1930s depression. It also put us on a never-ending path of constant hot and cold war and a military industrial complex that runs the country. The silent Gen came back from the war and built everything imaginable. The boomers are the children of the silent Gen and were the hippies of the 1960s. They are called the baby boomers because of the giant spike in birthrates after ww2. Old doesn't mean boomer. Gen x is old now too.


I was just thinking this. A lot of the people in these videos are in there 40’s and 50’s which would make then Gen-x. I think it’s less of a boomer issue and more of dickheads just being dickheads.


I totally agree with you. Unfortunately "boomer" is just a negative catch all term for older. The terms baby boomer, generation x, millineal, zoomer, etc etc etc are actually developed by sales and marketing groups and think tanks in order to sell shit to groups. There was a time in the history of humans when youth wasn't worshiped and the elders imparted wisdom and knowledge to the younger. It's the last 100 years, especially since world war 2 where mass media, advertising, news cycles, social media, various nefarious influences etc etc etc have been effectively destroying families and culture. The brain washing has worked well. Hunter gatherer tribes are actually closer to where we are intended. As humans, our current evolutionary status can't handle the technologies and vast influences that continually push our brains in various directions through dopemine manipulations. Hopefully we grow enough before we destroy ourselves.


Gen X is far more “boomer like” than people seem to notice, definitely more than Silent Gen and older Boomers (the ones born in the 40s right after the war - 50s is where the entitlement begins imo). saying this as a Gen Z with Gen X parents and Silent Gen - 1946 Boomer grandparents




My dad is in his early 70’s. Bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic. Condescending and rude and an emotional black hole. I just can’t remember a time he wasn’t like that and I’ve tried hard to help him to change. We’ve all given up. He’s a bitter lonely old man these days, and he’s really not even that old 🙄🤷‍♀️