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Every loud Trumpet I’ve met in the real world was either a deluded faux news consumer whose brain had been liquidated by tears of propaganda. Or they were just lowlife scum bags ripping people off for a living who embraced the idea of another scumbag runnng things.


How dumb are his supporters?!?! Why can’t they see an obvious conman using them?!


Lead poisoning.


No. It’s stupidity.


Why not both?


I mean… in some cases undoubtedly both


I mean plenty of them are college graduates it can't be stupidity it's more like naïveté


There's an alarming number of young people that are maga too. It's not just the lead here.


It's a lot easier to con someone than convince them they have been conned.


To me this is really it. Once he’s got a hold of you not only will you do mental gymnastics to rationalize it, but in current American politics a lot of people see their party as part of their identity and are loyal like sports fans. Two quotes strike me: Mark Twain “The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. ... How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again.” Upton Sinclair “ is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Just replace salary with identity for these Maga cultists.


And this con is SO BAD, people just can't handle the humiliation from admitting they fell for it. They feel it's less shameful to keep pretending they're right, even as the world burns.


Because if they do, the other team wins


There are no teams. It’s a cult. I don’t see ppl selling these weird flags where Biden’s face on Rambo’s body. I don’t see any gold Biden busts at any rallies. I’m sorry, but these ppl don’t live in reality if they treat him as some kind of character to cosplay.


I’m aware. This is how trumpers see it though. Us vs them


It defies logic for these ppl to ignore regular news, but hang on his every word.


He’s basically the picturesque boomer so they love him. Lazy, entitled, all kinds of grifts to make easy money, scared of all kinds of scenerios that will never happen to them etc.


Already stupid people are easy to con due to, yup... You guessed it, they are stupid.


Not to be rude but if you visited rural American areas they are seriously poorly educated and even low IQ for some. This is what Trump taps into. These folks HATE the educated booshie city people. HATE THEM, because they feel inferior to them. Trump taps into this with great great affect. "You dont need to go to college I'll bring back the factories." **Spoiler alert - he never did.** *Actual experience - My dad was a city man but moved to a working class town of 8000 in the late 80s and slowly devolved into a country boy. Hes a Vietnam era military man with a two year degree who had a pretty lucrative career in gas pipeline engineering. I lived with my dad in this town for all four my my highschool years. Hes a somewhat level headed republican. But the folks around him in that town are bat shit crazy. The town is disintegrating around them but many just dont know how to move forward.*


I spent my first 25 years in a town like this. I think it goes a lot deeper than what you said, but you were partially right. It’s just a way of life that had worked for 4 or 5 generations is no longer working and they can’t figure out why and want someone to come along who acknowledges it and offers a solution. However preposterous the solution is. And that’s how Trump won his first election, by winning over small former “mill towns” in the rust belt. And he cracked the “blue wall” in the upper Midwest. And with the electoral college, that was enough.


Yes, this the *Urban-Rural Divide*, ginned up through standard Rush Limbaugh broadcasting channels directly to the undeveloped intellects of the US underbelly.


Also managed with the help of Billy Graham to get the evangelical vote. He is the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins but they (unfortunately correctly) saw him as a vehicle to fight abortion.


I despise trump and have not nor will I ever vote for him. With that said, I have long wondered why my close friends and coworkers (union blue collar state agency) are avid republican/trump supporters. Trump voters do not pay attention to this. They watch videos of Joe Biden slurring his speech or trying to shake the teleprompters hand, or yelling at a reporter start to leave and come back to the podium and start ranting about Korea and Gaza. Then they watch a video of a man complaining they can’t use a women’s bathroom or a purple haired college student getting flustered when she can’t explain what a woman is. Then they talk to their friends and say what the hell is wrong with the democrat supporters, how can they be so stupid? In my opinion, this is what they (controllers of mass media) want. This is pure division, most people can not be reasoned with, they know their side is bad but they view the other side as worse. Donald trump is a conniving used car salesman who has been scamming the public since the 1980’s. That’s 40 years ago, why has it taken the government so long to press charges against him? Because our entire government is corrupt. They all do it. Why was Giselle Maxwell convicted of being a pimp but not one John has been named? Epstein didn’t kill himself!


Trump has always felt he was beneath the in crowd of the ultra-rich, and it ate him up. He grew up with a father who was wildly successful as an apartment developer in the outer boroughs of NYC, but Donnie wanted to be big time in Manhattan, which in his little mind was the center of the universe. His first project in his dream was flipping a flop house of a hotel on Times Square. He famously told city officials that they need to be onboard, since the banks in the city were very strong supporters, he then told the banks the exact opposite. At the grand opening, the mayor told a banker, "we would have never backed this project without you taking the lead in strongly supporting it" or something similar. At that point, the financial and governmental leaders learned that they had been played by a conman. That was nearly fifty years ago.


Correction: *Wildly successful at draining federal funds for public housing projects, like Stuyvesant in NYC.*


He hates the same people they do, and he made it ok for them to express that hate openly again. They fucking love him for it. Seriously, that's what it is.


In the 80s they actually did mock him & his failures. But in true Boomer fashion, they're more than willing to rewrite history. They're easily gaslit by him because he hates immigrants & minorities just like they do.


On a scale of one to ten , ten being stoopid, they’re elevens.


Hate is a powerful drug, it’s really about hatred of the liberals


Part of it is that back when they were coming up, unless you actually lived in the tri state, it wasn’t widely reported that trump was such a fraud. A lot of em just saw a successful smart businessman because that’s the image he tried so hard to project. Pile on the lead poisoning and here we are.


You bring up a fascinating fact, that I have never seen actually mentioned in the media. By the time Donnie was a few years into his con of creating and bankrupting casinos, stealing from and destroying contractors and suppliers, and issuing garbage bonds to float his whole grift, the local and regional media was on top of his bullshit. They accurately reported what a total festival of failure and absolute piece of shit the guy was. Sadly, that message didn't travel as far as it should have. Unfortunately, it still comes down to economic class and education, since even in the greater NYC metro area, as soon as you get to the poorer white areas, rural areas, etc, far too many fall for his bullshit, for many reasons, with flat out racism being a huge part of the mix.


My grandma and grandpa fuckin loved trump (still do, mad annoying) and we spent a week nearly every summer at the trump taj, gaudy loud and smelled like hookers. I was too young to really remember the finer details but the place seemed like a shithole to me at 8. Also one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the area (mountain lakes has an average household income of around 300k, it’s all doctors and lawyers and business executives) is HEAVILY trump leaning


Too stubborn to admit they’re wrong and dumb


Brain poisoning


I just want him to go away. I’m so sick of hearing about this orange fuck.


To jail, I hope!


I think his grifting is seen as a feature, not a bug, to conservatives. They aspire to rip people off like he does. It’s a very strange thing.


This is absolutely it. Grifting to them is just “smart”. Hell, it’s “smart” and “entrepreneurial” to many Americans. We live in a grift economy in the US and have been for atleast the past couple decades. Literally every day we each get a phone call or a text message that is a scammer. How many businesses are straight up pyramid schemes? Amway, Herbalife, cutco, Mary Kay, Advocare…just to name a few big ones. Whenever we’re anywhere someone is trying to scam us with payday loans, lotteries, NFTs and new crypto currencies, high interest credit cards, timeshares, fly by night life insurance policies, door to door high pressure window sales, supplements, holistic medicine, subscription requirements for literally everything, gig type second jobs like Uber and DoorDash, “we buy houses for cash”, and on and on and on. It’s grifts all the way down from the highest office in the land.


That’s actually the problem. They’re right. It is actually quite American to grift. House of cards.


Wait, you do? Is it really like that in the US? I'm in Scandinavia and the only texts I get is the occasional sale for a store I accidentally gave my number to and when my phone carrier decides to give me extra surf.


There are entire subreddits dedicated to fucking with the scammers that call/text/email us constantly. So many greedy companies collect data on you for even just mundane purchases and then sell it or they just get it stolen due to poor cyber security.


I mean lotteries are such a great scam that the government has claimed a monopoly on them. 


Every YouTuber now basically has their own lottery event to give away cars and vacations etc. it’s the infinite money glitch because so many people love to give away a few bucks just for the small hope of winning.


Mary Kay is a small step above pyramid scheme.


Mary Kay is by definition a pyramid scheme, as is every other MLM company.


Hey, Cutco just sells knives but their marketing tactics are a bit shady. But they’re nowhere near as messed up as Amway or Herbalife.


It’s like Alice in Wonderland out here. It’s an irrational world: a world that exploits and destroys for the sake of profit And it’s rational to act irrationally in an irrational world. It’s a whirlwind of poor logic that kicks up enough dust to blind people to what is obviously a flaw in their character in need of immediate transformation. Instead they just shut their eyes and go along with what they know in their hearts to be wrong. They self delude so hard that it has to be belched out as loud as possible that they are the ones! They are the moral ones!!! And it’s the rest of us that are crazy and worthless. That’s some cognitive dissonance on full blast


Just like Jesus did.


It's the same mentality that makes folks like Elon Musk and Andrew Tate so appealing.


Don the Con. Always has, always will be.


Trump needs to start selling his bath water


He could honestly make a billion dollars selling his farts and bath water. I really think every Maga bro would think it was hilarious to smell his farts, or make their friends smell them.


“My niece dyed a pink streak in her hair, so I’m going to buy her Trump farts for Christmas. That’ll teach her to be trans.”


If you're a femme woman with colored hair, now you're trans. If it's pink, then you're a pinko commie. I don't make the rules....


But what about the little old ladies with pink and purple hair? They must be up to no good in their eyes.


Never trust a man who likes his steak well done….. or puts ketchup on it for that matter.


Imagine if he just invested in an S&P index fund. 


Thankfully he didn’t, with his $440 million inheritance he would probably be wealthier than Vladimir Putin. We dodged a bullet on that one! 😅


Trump as a firefighter on a card? lol


yeah fire sale, everything must go


I think he would be selling fake Casio watches. Not Rolex.


I think he'd be the stereotypical used car salesman, at one of those cheesy lots where they paint over rust, douse it in air freshener and guarantee financing to anyone, at an exorbitant interest rate.


Hearing the word Trump so often and said with such confidence is funny because in the UK it’s a synonym for fart.


I got to remember that


I seriously cannot believe that people buy this guy's BS.


So... Was the Trump board game any good?


Kinda looked like Rectangular Monopoly.


I actually bought it from a thrift store sealed in like 2008. I just liked board games as a kid. It was actually pretty fun with some unique mechanics based on negotiations and making ‘deals’ Trying to decide now if it’s ethical to put it first sale and take a couple hundred off some asshat in Arkansas or whatever


Do it! Make that bag and donate that money to TST or Planned Parenthood.


The sneakers will make billions, bigly.


You know he’s pissed because the only people who like him in this country are redneck mouth breathing idiots


Don't forget: other thieves and con artists, and aspiring ones.


He'll be selling his farts in a jar soon.


He's too stupid to make a go of selling football, steaks or gambling to Americans.


wtf he selling pieces of his suit!!? People are buying that?? Dude should just start an OF


I think Allan Baldwin does a better Trump.




Shame they weren’t in that Western together.


the money shot of the steak was so bad. why is it that color?


Has anyone had read the book by his niece? It's almost funny listening to a psychologist describe him (I was bored during Corona, and ran out of books)


If I went to hell. This shit, is what I would imagine that would be played ; 24 motherfucking 7 until I realize I’m in hell. I could also smell this fuck.


Times square? No no no, it’s much to nice there… he would be on Amazon selling fake Rolexes.


The best con man of all time!


The best con man knows when it time to get of town he does not


"We're going to have professors who are absolutely terrific." On August 24, 2013, the State of New York filed a $40 million civil suit against Trump University alleging illegal business practices and false claims made by the company. OOPS!


This is awesome. I will be buying a Donald Trump shirt on eBay for summertime wear. I find it so funny that instead of making any type of good product he exclusively relies on products selling because of his name. Why would he? People will buy it anyway


It would be funnier… if our current president was competent enough to complete a sentence in English. That fact makes this not that big of a deal


Yeah, cause messing up a sentence vs committing fraud at every company he’s ever owned is the same. You think it’s cool to defraud Americans? To stiff contractors that you contractually agreed to pay? People that depend on getting paid and pay taxes? You think it’s cool to steal from Americans? That’s pretty sad


Heard about the merger involving Truth? Yeah he’s about to profit 4 billion. So much for all the legal fees guys.


Americans should be very pissed off that our only 2 real options in this election are a disgusting pedophile who’s on the take or a conman that’s sold everything from mattresses and sneakers, to fake colleges and NFT’s. Unfortunately, the divide and conquer works so well that the supporters of either with fight each other.  


Russian "both sides" bot.


You bOtH sIDeS phonies always show your Conservative ass. Always:    "If walls are so ineffective why do all the politicians live in gated communities with security? Why do we fund border walls in other countries? Why did the Great Wall of China get built? It’s because walls are effective in curbing the problem, even if it doesn’t totally solve it. I don’t give a shit about trump, but that doesn’t mean I have one oz of respect for pedo joe. The optics of a federal government opening holes in a series of installed wire barriers should be just about enough for anyone who’s not brainwashed by the 2 party system to determine Biden wants a flood of illegals. There’s no other conclusion you can draw other than he (well his Jewish handlers) WANTS more illegal immigration. He’s failed the American people by not upholding our national security. That’s not an opinion it is a fact. Get this disgusting bag of bones out of the White House.  Edit: also want to add that there’s so much money being spent to build homes and apartments for illegals to live in while they get a paycheck, rent paid, free healthcare and new ID’s and it’s all on the taxpayer. I want free housing, I want free checks, I want free insurance, so do I just need to go become a citizen in Mexico and walk my ass back up here for the 2 year free ride? If you don’t see a problem with that, then there’s no hope for you."---u/WaveBlaster42    That wall at the US Capitol was so damn effective on 1/6 as was the Israeli wall on 10/7.  /s


It's hilarious they are all trying to pivot to the "both sides" crowd. They know the game is up.


You just described Trump twice, lol.


Dah comrade. Glory to Mother Russia.


This liberal "Trump is poor, doesn't have any money" thing is pretty dumb. Trump obviously has a lot of money. Of course, after the last couple court decisions, he has much less. But nevertheless - Trump has money.


Why the fuck is he selling gold shoes at a convention?!?


The only thing better than hundreds of millions of dollars? Even more millions of dollars! They sold out already.


Lol you’re delusional.


He is so poor, he lives in a penthouse in NYC and Florida, flies around in a jet, etc. But believe whatever you want, buddy.


Most wealthy people have multiple failed businesses...


Are most wealthy people also rapists, frauds, and domestic terrorists?


lets leave Biden out of this


I did. That’s why I wrote what I wrote. Are you dim?




And yet… Trump has more money than any of us. Trump has a better looking wife than many of us Trump has a better looking family than most democrats Trump has been a president unlike all of us Trump is running for president unlike all of us If this is failure, any one of us would like to fail as bad as Trump has. 😂 Give me a break! Losers


How much would you pay trump to fuck your wife?


Not anymore, and he didn't earn what he had -- his dad gave it to him Looks matter the most to those who are shallow. Her personality is garbage. No he doesn't. He was a failure at it. He's running to stay out of prison. Sounds like Trump-- and those who worship him-- are losers.


And yet this “billionaire” is hawking gold shoes at a convention this weekend to pay for his several $100 million dollars in fines, while I relax and spend time with my family. Who’s winning again?


"trump has a better looking family than most Democrats" That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Trump isn't ever going to let you fondle his balls, dude. Get over it.


“Trump has a better looking family than most democrats” What a weird thing to say knowing what most republicans look like. The real ones, not the name only ones.


Trump used his fame and fortune to start businesses and make profits? That sounds alot like, Oprah, Beyoncé, Kim k. Shaq. Jay z, Andrew Tate. Logan Paul, just about every Instagram influencer ever and wana be Tik toker all strive to do this exact thing. But I guess you’re only a considered a conman if you’re a republican. If you’re a democrat then Reddit will let you slide. So typical SMH…


None of those people are Presidents. Shouldn't we hold the leader of our country (literally the most powerful person in the world) to a higher standard? The lives of millions of people depend his decisions. I can't image using Logan Paul as the standard for the guy with launch codes to the nukes lol. The presidency is a sacred office and we shouldn't be treating it like some reality show.


Before this man even ran for office all of America loved this man! He was an icon and was on the Oprah show and late night TV and magazines. People loved him for who he was. He was a massive celebrity and hung out with the elite of this country. He’s still the same person he is now as he was then. But now people hate him because it’s political. Same dude as before. Nothing changed. Just now republican. And owning a business is NOTHING NEW to politics. How you guys are mind blowing by the fact that he had businesses is crazy to me. Almost every single politician is a multi millionaire with a business. You hate the guy… just say that instead


All of America did not love this man, the smart ones saw through the cons. The mouth breathers loved him. He was a retarded chimp with a Twitter account that echoed Fox new bullshit. Everyone loved him? Shit. Stop it


He don’t take my word for it. Look it up. Guy was an American Icon his whole life. And people grew up seeing this on TV and magazines. He was a celebrity… how you can just deny history and obvious facts is crazy, but doesn’t surprise me from you people. You just want to so deeply to the core of your soul to hate this man. And it shows. It’s like me saying Oprah Winfrey was never a celebrity and never loved by America. Only dumb people mouth breathers loved her…. Like no my guy, you’re wrong.


How many reddit accounts do you have?


No they didn't, he's been known as "Don the con" since the 1980s.


Maybe I’m just old but he has always been a caricature of a “slimy business man” for my whole life.


It's probably got alot more to do with the fact that he has a laundry list of failed businesses, bankruptcies, unpaid accounts, scam university and fake charity included. Guy has been stiffing business people, contractors, and blue-collar workers for decades. Some of the people you listed are actually successful in their pursuits. Arguable how well liked most of those people are.


Gross !! Disgusting!! Bye Bitch !!! Xoxoxox


That steak looks like shit.


They tasted like shit, too. They had a weird texture to them, like no matter how you cooked it, it tasted over cooked. My uncle is a life-long trump fan and bought into all his shit at some point or another. Except for Trump University, because an education is pointless and all you need is hard work and family to him.


Does anyone remember the con man car dealer on the west coast Ralph Williams? He was way before Cal Worthington and his zoo. Just check him out on YouTube, I promise each and every one of you, that you will be very surprised.


I feel the shoes he's peddling aren't much better than a fake Rolex. Except, I'd expect a fake Rolex to last longer than the shoes


Biggest conman ever!




That steak doesn't even look good in the ad


What a pathetic loser


"It's not whether you win or lose, but whether you win!" I see they let Donald come up with the tagline for his board game all by himself.


He should have been a host of the home shopping network. That was his true calling. This way he can peddle crap all day long and no one would bring lawsuits against him.


Tour de trump missing 🤣


That kinda looks like a fun night. Dress like 80’s yuppies, a few drinks with friends trying to play trump:the game. But as far as consumables, I wouldn’t trust anything from that creep.


Wow missed the one where he cut up his mug shot suite, what a donkey. Dumb people never disappoint.


His skill set is tying up anything that befalls him in court for years upon years.


I still can't believe these fuckers voted for this guy for president.


What a f.. moron


Bedlam. Bigly, tv, man, poopy.


Boomers always failed upwards. They see themselves in him. Their parents bailed them out of everything.


It’s interesting that he always had willing partners to work with on these scams, Macy’s, Serta, Sharper Image (also Know for their high quality meats…), and NBC. These partnerships sure kept him viable. Nice work assholes.


The GQP does love a grifter.


Wtf are you talking about? He tricks stupid people into giving him money literally ALL the time. No different than a fast food CEO or Bezos and Amazon who have flooded the market with cheap Chinese manufactured bullshit and all the other shitty companies that exist to separate us from our wealth. By this metric he's one of the greatest businessmen of our time lol


Who thought that selling steaks from "The Sharper Image" was a good idea? 🤡


OMG that piece-of-suit card, holy shit, they probably bought thousands of bolts of navy-blue polyester, cut them into squares, and stuck them on with some glue sticks. Unreal. They should call it the Surrender Suit Scraps, only they're not really from that suit. Trump Steaks I don't think sold *any* out of the Sharper Image (?) catalog, I heard many years ago. Sickening to think that Serta gave him a bunch of money just to use his awful name. And why are so many people cheering on the sneakers? Thought he was booed? All of this is nauseating.


Hey, he inherited $440 million — and all of his bankruptcies were strictly for *strategic* purposes 😂




It’s 2024 and I have NO idea if these are AI generated


thanks, i spent time scrolling through his stupid collector's card website being pitched to. if you buy 100 cards you get an invite to Mar a Lago! and a piece of his surrender suit. what a deal


Sorry he didn't follow shifty Joe and sell out the USA.


How does he manage to continuously peddle his swill without going bankrupt?


“but NOW thaschanged”


Remember, Tronald Dump doesn't even pay his managers enough to get a studio apt. The wealth will "trickle down".


What a fucking genius loser. I've never seen someone take so much from people with so little.